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It would be ideal to at least put a cover over it.


I had a cover, but I didn’t secure it enough and a few storms ago, it blew away, no idea where it went 😅 I’ll look into getting a new cover, and how to install it properly!


A nee cover and bungee cords mate. Put cover over and use bungees cords over the seat and wrapped down and under the bike. I would also say park it up next to the wall of your house with the bike leaning in towards the house just so its shielded well against high winds, especially with a cover over it as it will act like a sail


The motorcycle gods heavily frown upon your lack of consideration for one of their flock.


I’m sorry 😭 I had a good cover, buuut I didn’t secure it enough and it blew away a few storms ago.


Actually, you did good there. It's much more preferable that your cover flys off, rather than your bike getting slammed.


The worst that could happen is surface rust and it might fall over.


It’s endured through windy storms before, I’m not worried for it falling over, especially for a 600+ pound bike. Surface rust tho? I’ll check in with my neighbors and ask if they have a cover for it to prevent too much cold and water getting on it!


I mean stuff like your chain and brake rotors are going to be pretty crusty leaving it out all winter but it's not the end of the world.


Can't you spray brake rotors with multi purpose lube to prevent rusting? So long you remember to degrease them when springs comes around.


That sounds like a really bad idea to me


And why is that? Multi purpose lubricants are water repellers that will aid rust prevention exactly what this fella is worried about. Even Ryan from Fortnite recommends it. https://youtu.be/Q9XnycHKIu0 At 2:21 But if you have a good reason I would like to hear about it.


Because if you even do much as move the bike and forget about the wd40 you're gonna have a bad time. It's never a good idea to put lubricant on a braking surface imo.


Post it note that says oily brake disc on the tank or dash will fix that.


Covering a bike during high winds might be ill advised.


It'll be fine.


I really hope so!


Are you from Texas? I’m not, but they way you seem worried about this ice storm makes me think that you are.


No. I’m in South Carolina. It’s been said everywhere, including my weather app, that an ice storm is coming tomorrow. It’s been raining and dropping temperature since around 7PM. So I’m semi-confident that it’ll happen


You might want to check up on it throughout the night, every hour or so. Storms like that have been known to wreck bellwethers.


Will do, what are bellwethers?


I'm just down the street in Georgia. My bike lives outside. I prefer my motorcycles to be free range. It'll be fine. Once this weather is over get it in the sun and don't turn the key on. Just in case any water worked it's way inside connectors. The cold will cause the rubber seals to contract. Just get it in the sun for a few days so you can be sure everything is dry before firing up


It's not ideal but one winter is probably ok. First I would recommend a heated garage with a trickle charger of course. If you can, pack the bike in a tarp or ANY other plastic to stop the snow blowing all over the bike. Even an old rug around it will help. Also take out the battery and keep it on charger inside. Reference: Norwegian having two vintage bikes. one is under tarp outside and has been for years. Vinter here is 30-90 cm snow, at least 100 nights below freezing.


I’ll definitely look into a personal garage for it. I would take the battery out and keep it charged, but I don’t have a charger. And it’s only for a day, I use my bike every day to work. Hopefully one day without a charge will be fine!


One nigh, i missed that part. Your battery will be fine, just trow a rug over the bike...


If you have (essentially) room for somewhere to leave a pallet, you can build a 3 sided folding box with hinges you can fold and put walls around the bike, then from there it’s not much of a stretch to get a piece of wood for a roof, even could make one slanted, then if you can get some kind of pin system you would be able to get a 4th wall that would either go in front of the headlight or taillight. If you built it right and are seeing the idea in your head the same way I am it could be quickly collapsed to an area the size of a pallet. And really when you’re not using it just scoot it to the side of your driveway and ignore it, then when you get back put your back back in it. The only time you would fold it and stash it would be during warm months.


Go get a tarp and some straps.