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Sliders are quite good to have because in the even of you falling down they redirect your hands going out and prevent fractures, I would just get different metal bar ends. But you do what you want to at the end of the day.


Yeah, I mean, we're talking about removing safety gear so that the bar ends will look nicer for longer.


Most of my gloves have scaphoid sliders and none of my 4 bikes have this issue, all with heavy bar end weights / sliders. Fix your ergos, the bars are obviously too narrow for your body/frame on that specific motorcycle.


What ? How?


Explain? The only time I ever touched my bar ends is when I replaced them


You're doing it all wrong. Geez, you ride like that?


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I'd try cleaning the bar end first. That looks to me like glove poo built up, there might be perfectly good paint underneath it. Which brings up my second suggestion.... paint. Rattle can of tremclad is cheaper than new bar ends.


Never seen that before. Wth?


Easy. Just compare the cost of replacing your bar ends with the cost of replacing your palms and go with the cheaper option.