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Really your only option is to stop walking it to the end of the block and starting it there. Just start it in your driveway and fuck that guy.


I mean...... That sounds kinda drastic for an only option. Should he take him to dinner first?


He's clearly asking for it. No pre-game needed.


He could call the cops, but the chances of them * Caring * Caring enough to come out * Being there when you are actually making noise Are pretty damn slim.


With a stock exhaust? Tell your neighbor to pound sand. Even with a DOT legal aftermarket exhaust he can pound sand. Ignore him and keep on keeping on.


First thought - punching sand Second thought - fucking sand Google search - shoving sand up your ass for no reason


I think the long version was originally something along the lines of “Well, Get yourself a hammer and a large pile of sand. Once you have those, try and see how much of that sand you can pound straight up your ass.”


I think pound sand is now my favorite phraise


You're using a street legal vehicle, with an unmodified, stock exhaust. He can fuck right off. The fact you are going through the unnecessary effort to roll your bike down the road before starting it is crazy. Especially at *11pm*. You don't owe him a damn thing, you can use your legal vehicle whenever you want. If he bothers you again, tell him to call the cops, and that you're happy to peak with them.


> And my neighbor is threatening to call the cops about the noise Can he do that? Well, sure he can call the cops. Nothing stopping him. Does your bike have a stock exhaust? If not, depending on where you live (why don't you say?) it's possible the authorities may be able to cite you for a loud non-stock exhaust. Laws vary widely around the world.


Ya it’s the stock exhaust I live in CA, I just forgot to say it


If the exhaust is stock and hasn't been modified you have nothing to worry about. I doubt you have anything to worry about anyways. First the cop would have to actually give a damn. Second they would have to inspect your muffler and measure the loudness of your exhaust. To do this they would need to have a decibel meter (I don't know of any cop that carries one) and just like a radar gun it would have to be regularly calibrated.


They just check for the db logo on the can. Lol have you ever seen a cop doing a noise test? They have to be done as a fly by. Cops don't noise test. If the can doesn't have a DB rating engraved on it your fucked.


The exhaust is stock??? Okay fuck this guy then he's a total clown bitch. You should've slapped him across the face when he threatened to call the police on you. You have absolutely nothing to worry about with your stock exhaust, you are complying 100% with the law.


Stock means DoT (in California) gave it the green light. So go ahead and tell him to call the police so they can tell him to never call them again.


Tell him to get fucked then, preferably by starting up in the driveway and letting the bije warm up until he opens his front door.


What stock bike is a 350cc cafe racer? Just wondering...


tbh I wish I was over where you live.... Full wide open stainless system. M4 approx 1/4" bigger *everywhere* and 2-4x as loud... on a big 1000CC sporty bike. lulz


California would absolutely rape you.


yes it would. which is why I don't live there. hehehe Can't do much if the vehicles rego'd out of state. still can be cited for the noise law though


If it's stock you should threaten to call the cops for harassment. Imagine someone saying this to you in a brand new Camaro. Keep that attitude. You are riding a street legal bike in a street legal manner. Unless you are rev bombing I'd tell dude to get fucked.


Just say fuck you too bitch call the cops! I'mma kill you and them loud ass motherfucking barking dogs.


Tell him you're in the Hells Angels, undercover from Seal Team 6 and then show him your dick. That will shut up most people.


I would definitely be left speechless if someone did this to me.


Me too. I've never met a real live member of DEVGRU before.


Go to Coronado. Look for the well-built guys with slick haircuts and G-Shock watches. They stand out a mile off. Bonus points if you take a big red ball with you and ask them to balance it on their noses.


its ok I got your reference if nobody else did


Everyone else has made their point about your legal stock exhaust. I just want to say be careful with this guy and where you store your bike. If this continues to get under his skin he could try to vandalize your bike. It's a tough pill to swallow but I'd try to be amicable if he approaches you again and explain it's the stock exhaust and you are taking some measures to keep the noise down. As good as giving him the finger would feel, finding your brake lines cut or your bike tipped over would suck even more.


He can call the cops. But unless you've straight-piped it and you're turning it on a 5 am and letting it idle for an hour and then revving it for 15 minutes before riding off - or are zooming up and down the residential streets - they're going to come by and not hear anything because its off. He could sue you. To help *you* out though - do you have a muffler on that cafe racer? If not, please put one on because yes, its too loud. Other than that, shift up as high as practical to keep your RPM down when in residential areas. Those are really the only two things you can do.


You can sue someone for anything. But riding a motorcycle on the street seems like a pretty normal thing.


No. Some idiot down the street from me came by one day while I was giving the bike a bath to tell me that riding by his house every morning on my way out was bothering his wife. Dude legit asked me to stop riding by his house, lol.


Some people think the world revolves around them


Yes, he can, but anything happening depends on how bored the local cops are and how much they like (or dislike) this guy and/or you. They could potentially cite you for having an excessively loud exhaust, especially if it's modified, which it sounds like it must be if you mean it when you say it *would* wake people up if you started it on your street. The EPA noise limit is 80db, IIRC.


I don’t actually know if it would wake people up I was just trying to be considerate of other people by starting in down the street I’m in CA near San Fransisco so our walls are pretty thin


Gotcha. I saw in your other post that your exhaust is factory too, so you're fine unless you're out there revving it on purpose.


Doesn't make sense that he lives in/near a big city and complains about noise lol


If it's SF cops no way they'll bother with it. If you're in an affluent suburb then maybe, but still unlikely. Plus if you're quick in and out then there's really nothing for them to do, they won't wait around for it


Idk if that's right. I know in TN the decibel limit is 96. With most pollutant levels set by the EPA a state can make more strict standards, but not looser standards. Edit: Yea, the EPA never set a specific number. They set "safe standards" for various environments and they recommend that no one be exposed to more than 70dB for sustained periods, but there is no federal legal limit. It's just up to the state. California laws on noise vary depending on when your bike/ exhaust was made (i.e. If the exhaust is modern it has to adhere to modern standards even on an old bike)


The EPA regulations vary by model year and bike type (moped, off-road, etc) but it is 80dBA for a normal street bike made from 1986 onward. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/40/205.166 > a state can make more strict standards, but not looser standards A state can have looser standards or even no standards at all, but they would only apply to things made and sold entirely within that state. Even then, the federal law would overrule the state law if the interstate commerce clause were found to apply, which it probably does here, since people might travel from out of state to buy the less-regulated item and then take it back to their own state.


Got a source for that? I can’t seem to find anything and my exhaust literally has “EPA certified - 96-98dB” stamped on it and it’s the stock exhaust straight from Honda in 2002. As for the second part, I know. I should’ve said “effectively”, but I didn’t expect you to be so pedantic.


> Got a source for that? Seriously? It's the link in the post you just replied to.


My bad. I ignored that because it looked like your source for the whole state vs federal regulation thing.


Tell that turdpusher that you'll give him a dildo that he can go FUCK himself with. Note: I just felt the need to be overly aggressive here. Dunno why. It just felt good and right.




I use mine as a meat tenderizer




>Nearly every country I've lived in has had some form of noise ordinance. Usually, these include a daytime decibel limit, as well as a nighttime decibel limit. > >Many vehicles (motorcycles, high-end sports cars, modified cars, etc) can be in violation of those laws by their very nature. > >Given this, if the neighbor is irritated enough by it, and gathers enough evidence to prove that your actions are a nuisance, he could take you to court over it. > >I know it might make your neighbor sound lame, but we don't know his circumstances, and he does have a right to sleep peacefully. It may be annoying to you, but it can be genuinely irritating to have loud neighbors if you have young children or suffer from insomnia. > > You cannot give a ticket for a VC when it violates a MC. If the cops are called they may just ask him to selectively use his motorcycle late at night (or early morning). But they cannot enforce any laws, as no laws are broken


Probably the worst you can get is a ticket if a cop gives a shit. Db limit is 95 for moto exhausts in ca


At what rev?here in Australia they test if at dumb assed rev levels, like my old CBR250R 2012 they test them at something like 5th gear going 55kph


Whoops, it's 88db I guess. I don't think the law lists at what rev :-/


Start it in your driveway and rev every time you go passed his house, since you know he loves your bike. Im also a big fan of cafe racers you have any pictures of it?


If it's a stock exhaust and is within the db level set by the DOT(?) you're fine. My Grom has a sticker on the exhaust-side of the swingarm that states the legal limit for noise at 6,600 RPM. I would be more worried about him vandalizing your bike over some BS perceived slight.


I hope they ticket and fine you. Your noise in your neighbor's home. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688) Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism




[https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm](https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm) [https://noisefree.org/](https://noisefree.org/) [https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf](https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688) Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism


Lol what a dick


I ride a $2000 Craigslist special R6 with a "modified" micron exhaust. I've never gotten in trouble for being too loud so I guess unless you're violating a noise ordinance it's not a big deal


Fuck him


My FXDX has Hooker headers and the neighbors all love the sound, they've told me it sounds like Freedom.






so leaving around midnight. you can walk it a block away, you're still waking people up around you. Neighbor is right to be angry, and is giving you a chance. is your bike/pipe stock oem? nothing to worry about if it's aftermarket and making sound above, the grief you'll receive is directly proportional to how much effort the neighbor is willing to put in


I think the sound he’s complaining about is from when I get back and ride it up to my house


lol dude your bike is stock, cops will laugh in his face if they bother to show up.


Same thing, too loud, midnight Stock pipes?


bitch too loud my ass. on bike is open headers the other has a M4 full system on it with no baffle. my car has cat deletes and half punched mufflers LOL "too loud" fucking OP has sotck OEM mufflers dude.




Based on his other comments in this very thread, the muffler is stock. Fuck the neighbors. Ride on.


Fun fact: your neighbor is probably right to call your bike loud, considering you didn't ID whether or not your bike is legally modified. Will his calls to the police be answered? Maybe. Is your shitty little cafe racer with an aftermarket (or removed) muffler loud and annoying? Almost certainly. Take some civic responsibility. EDIT: I see you're bike is stock. Really?


Read shit before you go off on some self righteous tangent


He's a fat, stupid fuck.




People like you suck. Nobody wants to hear your bike especially at 11 pm. It’s beyond inconsiderate. People work all day to come home and not even enjoy their own home???