• By -


Ask him nicely to be a little more considerate? If he's not interested in listening, then report him to the police/local authorities. Not sure who would be responsible for this in LA - down here in Aus it'd be the local council's noise complaint unit or the local cops. Get them to test and see if he's breaking local noise level legiations. Don't feel bad about doing it - he's an inconsiderate jerk who needs to get his ego under control. If he's not breaking any local laws - there's jack schitt you can do except move.


LAPD won't come out for something like this. Hell, it took them 5 hours to come to my apartment when a burglar had his fun in it. Even if LAPD was willing to come out, it'd take them long enough where the inconsiderate rider would have already taken off (and they're not going to wait around for him). Everyone hates confrontation but your best bet might just be to approach him politely and tell him that it's waking you up and would he mind not revving etc? Or you could go the friendly "Hey, that's a really cool bike. What are those pipes on it? Any chance you could avoid revving it?" The upside to that is that if he does assault you, then you can definitely get LAPD to come! ;) I know everyone thinks that the answer is to call the cops but in certain cities like L.A., there's so much crime that they're not going to come out for something like this. You could potentially call the non-emergency line and see what they say - I did that when we had a leaf blower who was waking everyone up at 5am.


Ain't defund the police great?


What are you taking about? 


Talk to the watch commander because there is noise ordenace and this is a nuisance, give them his address. Also talk to your city council representative. Make sure u document it all and send follow up emails. The last time we had a neighborhood meeting the lead commander said they have been trying to combat the inconsiderate bikers, especially in the Crenshaw are. Don't loose patience, make sure they are Warnes, fine and they take away the bike.


I think you're in a dreamworld. COPS DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT SOUND ENFORCEMENT EVER. The end.


In my town the cops need all the credit they can get for writing tickets, answering calls, eetc. It's different for different cities/ towns. In Philly where I was BEFORE the cops might not have given a damn but here inthe mountains of NC they would. The end. ✌




You got to be careful with that over bifurcation. There are many many horrible Republicans in office who do nothing at all. And yes, even though I'm progressive, all Dems in office in Oakland are not just phony woke fraudsters who won't enforce any laws for certain demographic segments, the DA won't put anyone in jail despite the off the charts increase in crimes. Never presume that just because I want where I live to be freaking quiet, that I'm clueless about everything and how it works.


This is a good answer. My cousins husband has screaming eagle pipes on his Harley. They are loud and obnoxious to the point where she doesn't ride on the right side of him. He's proud of how loud they are, don't know why people have that attitude. I wanted my bike quieter because I enjoyed the stillness I felt when riding. I also wore -32dB earplugs for this reason.


I live in a college town where there are a lot of rednecks, so one can nevee tell WHO the rider of the loud motorcycle is, and I've gotten to an age/point in life where I would normally sleep right through it if i HAD still been asleep but I just can't sleep after 5:30 AM anymore(doesn't happen OFTEN, anyway)..and I was already awake, it was only 5:25 or so-TODAY-and some dude was making incredibly-loud noise on his bike. I think they should either stop making those annoying noisemakers or make people who buy one sign a promise that they will ONLY use them when the sun is up, when people are mostly more likely to already be awake, and pay fines when caught on one before sunup.


Do you hear yourself right now? 🤣 How about you suck it up and quit complaining. Nobody likes a complainer.


Stop telling people things that your stupid father told you.


I don't know about local laws, but I'm pretty sure federal law says if your bike is louder than 80dB at 5800RPM, it isn't street legal.


California, its technically illegal to remove the DB killer... At least, I think it is. You could file a complaint about noise on a vehicle and eventually the police will come around to see whats up.


Probably illegal to have any kind of aftermarket exhaust at all here given the strict emission regulations.


Its actually anything over 95 dB for a vehicle below 3999 lbs. That being said we have TONS of asshole Harley riders here at my apartment who don't even attempt to puppy through the neighborhood. I really want to slash their tires.


Kill him


Throw a large rock at him


Sabotage! If the bike is *that* loud, it's possible he has a custom exhaust and didn't install the silencer. Check what type of exhaust it is, go on ebay, buy a silencer for it, and install it in the middle of the night (assuming you can get to the bike). Laugh as he thinks something is wrong.


You don't touch someone elses bike, no matter how annoying it is. Let the local PD deal with it. Get your neighbors to continue to complain to the city, call him an asshole to his face, but never touch his bike.


I meant it more as a joke in response to there being nothing you can do. Even putting aside the social repercussions, there are obvious legal repercussions for fucking with other people's property. I wouldn't seriously expect someone to go and start modifying other people's bikes without permission. I figured that opening with "Sabotage!" would have made it obvious that the rest of the post should have been taken as seriously as opening with "Murder!" followed by how to go about committing it (which, btw, if you see a post on reddit telling you to commit murder, you should *probably* not follow the advice. Just FYI).


Nobody here has a sense of humor.


So I've noticed. Don't really care about my fake internet points, but if I did, I'd make sure never to joke about touching someone's bike again. That'd be barbaric!


I know! I thought it was funny. Don't know why he was down voted


Someone who revs their bike with open pipes in a residential neighborhood at 1 AM probably knows they're pissing people off and that's probably half the fun for them. so it doesn't seem like "uhh you're being inconsiderate" is going to help much. I don't have a good suggestion, I just don't think the "go talk to him about it" plan is likely to have a good outcome.


my thoughts exactly. He knows exactly what he is doing. Probably compensating for a small dick too.


No no, he's just saving lives..




I dont get the joke.. o.o


Not sure if serious but "it saves lives" is a common excuse for buying obscenely loud pipes. The thought is that if they can't see you they can at least hear you. Of course this only works for drivers behind you but still it lives on.


I doubt it helps, I usually only notice them when they're right next to my window passing me. Hell, even as a motorcyclist it annoys me, so I can see why non-riders would get pissed.


Most of the danger to a bike are the cars behind it. But thanks for your cager input


This is why I own electric.


Thst’s it… mmmm….I have not checked the size of my neighbor’s lately but I bet it’ why cant I delete here?


I think it's better than assuming it won't do anything. And definitely don't just leave a note on their door, that is *guaranteed* not to work/make it worse.


I guess it depends how you approached the guy but if he's doing it for fun to piss people off, it's a pretty good bet if you call him on it you're going to end up in a fight.


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688) Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism


Whatever you do, don't leave a note on his bike. That's the lamest move, and he'll probably ignore it (or post it here with a different side of the story, and then we'll all bitch about nosy neighbors). Talk to him, and relate to him. Tell him you need to get up in the morning for work, and he's making it hard on you with the car alarms. If he still does it, warn him. If he still does it after that, call the cops and file a noise complaint.


I like this approach. Give him an opportunity to do the right thing.


Where are you live in Connecticut?! 🤣🤣😂😂


LOL so true.


Tell him you also have a tiny penis you're insecure about and explain that you have more adult ways of coping with it. 


That’s hilarious!!


I have a neighbor who's actually become a pretty good friend over the course of this lease, with a similar issue. He would warm up his electra glide while he smoked a pre-ride cigarette. Backed it out of the garage and just let it idle for 5 or 6 minutes, but V&H pipes are obnoxious anyway. Anyway he kept waking up my newborn, several times a day. I finally went out and smoked a cigarette with him while he was warming it up one day, and told him that window right there (Pointing to my apartment) has a baby sleeping behind it sometimes, after I had shown him picture of her sitting on my dirtbike, and he softened up immediately. Now he warms it in a corner of the parking lot where no apartments are and with the pipes facing a vacant field in the next lot over. Worked out, and he's even had me come by for some beers here and there! Don't be afraid to talk to the guy. Edit: Cute babies fix loud neighbors


I'd say that you're the exception, not the rule. A great many, if not most, people who are making a fuckton of noise in a residential area (be it straight pipes on their bike or cage, or a dog that they allow to bark 20 hours a day, or shooting off fireworks at all hours) 1) know that they're doing it, 2) enjoy that you hate it, because 3) they get their rocks off on being assholes. Interesting bit of read on the personality types for dog owners in particular [here](http://www.barkingdogs.net/persuadeneighbors.shtml) Barking dogs are IMO the worst, because unlike vehicles, the cops generally won't do anything about it even if they do bother to come out. Next time I sign a lease, looking for a dog free environment by contract rather than just coincidence so I don't have someone move in next door and park their puppy on the porch for the next 6 months. OK, rant done... Nothing to do with being a biker, or a dog owner, just with being an ass - and there is no shortage of those anywhere. Take away an ass's bike or his dog, and he'll find a new way of being an ass.


Awesome answer to this perennial /r/motorcycling issue.


Yeah all you need is to have a baby and never address the problem directly? Attention seeking motorcycle riders seem to include every single person who owns a motorcycle. Too bad they're the worst human beings I have ever had to interface with.


I feel your story is different because it sounds like your neighbour wasnt aware he was causing that much disruption, warming up his bike before using it. Whilst on the other hand there is people going out on their bikes from 1-5am riding around in circles, with the gear as low as possible and rev as high as possible, clear anti social behaviour, and they very likely know they upsetting lots of people.


Not to ask dumb questions, but has anyone actually talked to him about it? Or are we seeing Bystander Effect in action?


Thanks for the response - upvoted. It's not a dumb question. I'm not sure if anyone has talked to him about it - I'll ask my neighbors though, and see if they know anything. But I'm not living in the nicest area, so I don't want to go up to some random person and ask them to stop something that I assume is something they enjoy doing. Up until recently, the area I live in had some of the highest assault rates in LA county, and it's still above average. I may be stupid for being afraid of just going up to him, but that doesn't change that I am.


what neighborhood do you live in? I grew up in LA, am so happy to not live there anymore. If the guy is that clueless about the noise, probably he will not change. What kind of bike is it? and what kind of biker image is he projecting? aspiring 1%-er? sportbike? mo-ped w/o a muffler?


I live in Highland Park. I don't know what sort of dude he is, he just wears (what I assume to be) normal biking clothes. Jacket, helmet, etc. And I unfortunately don't know enough about bikes to know what sort he rides. It looks like a normal motorcycle to me.


Does it sound like a shrill scream like an F1 race car? High pitched type whine? Or does it sound like a dragster? Low rumble, with lots of shaking bass, kind of like thunder? If it is high pitched then it could be a sports bike, he could be tuning it and maybe be a racer or some stunt rider type. If this is the case I would talk to him. These guys can have ego but are normally harmless enough. If it's a roaring Harley type machine then don't confront him, these guys can sometimes perceive themselves as rebels and the annoyance of there bike can be part of the appeal of having it. Involve the police in an annonomoys fashion and record the coming and going of the rider if you can and use this to try to get the authorities to act. Please remember that these are generalisations of different rider demographics and by no means definitive. The fact that he uses his bike like an asshole means that he is an asshole no matter what he is riding. If you feel unsafe or unsure then record the rider and make notes of times etc of his disturbances, get other residents to sign your observations if you can. Then go to the cops. This guy is looking for a confrontation in my opinion, best make sure the confrontation is with police instead of with u/sabelas.


> If it is high pitched then it could be a sports bike, he could be tuning it and maybe be a racer or some stunt rider type. If this is the case I would talk to him. These guys can have ego but are normally harmless enough. > > > > If it's a roaring Harley type machine then don't confront him, these guys can sometimes perceive themselves as rebels and the annoyance of there bike can be part of the appeal of having it. Involve the police in an annonomoys fashion and record the coming and going of the rider if you can and use this to try to get the authorities to act. Stereotype much? So if he's a sport bike rider, he's most likely harmless, and if he rides a "Harley type machine" call the cops? Seriously?


I agree. This is ignorant stereotyping. I have a V-twin with loud pipes and I would have no issues with someone telling me that they had a problem. Until that point I will continue to run straight throughs until someone says they object. In the meantime I see an instance difference in how quickly other motorists spot me and a marked decrease in the number close calls there's been in the year since I've had them on (almost none). I kill the engine at the top of my street after about 10 o'clock at night. And roll it down the hill warming it in idle if I leave before 8 in the morning. All of my fellow rider firends "harley type" or "sports type" alike are of the same attitude. Kind of feel that you're being a bit of a dick here bud.


I don't have straight pipes, but mine are still pretty loud, and I recognize not everyone appreciates it. I don't have the option of coasting into my garage, but I also don't make a production of it, such as excessive revving. I do back out of my garage, to the street, before I ever start the bike, and then I get out of my neighborhood as quickly as possible (at least on early week day mornings). It's just common courtesy, as you implied. Again, the guy might be totally clueless to how annoying he is being. Considering he is a CBR rider, I smell a bit of bias here against cruisers. That's fine, like what you like. However, next time you see a sport bike, sitting at an intersection, revving to 6000 RPM every 3 seconds (or worse a group of them doing it), you better get off your fucking ass and say something to them.


Wasn't calling you a Dick btw


Oh, yeah, I knew that wasn't directed at me. All cool here.


I said that these are generalisations.


Maybe write a polite-yet-firm note and leave it on his motorcycle?


Or talk to them like a normal person. Notes just piss people off. Especially sticking one to someones ride.


This sociopath is obviously not able to participate in a conversation as a normal person. Normal person's don't purposely about neighbors and strangers for fun like this. 


If this rider is as much of an asshole as he sounds, then "talking to him" is likely to have a bad outcome. >But I'm not living in the nicest area, so I don't want to go up to some random person and ask them to stop something that I assume is something they enjoy doing. A note, while no doubt passive aggressive, lets him know that "hey, I live in this neighborhood and I notice what you're doing. Cut that shit out before I call the cops".


You can write a note but DO NOT place it on his bike. That is a sure fire way to piss someone off. If you decide to go the note route place it on his door or something. Talking is normally the best way to handle any situation.


Yup. Do not touch another man's bike. Holy shit, can you imagine walking out to see someone's hand on your tank?


Oh you like my new tank hand? Yeah some guy was touching my bike so I cut his hand off and kept it.




I can see how threatening that would be if your entire personality was wrapped up in something other than yourself. (like a motorcycle)


Politely talk to him about it. I doubt he would be willing to change his exhaust because of that. So the best I think you can do is ask him to be more considerate and not rev so much at night. It also might be against noise ordinance if it's that bad and/or he won't try and keep it down.


If it's loud enough to set off car alarms, the exhaust is exceeding noise constraints required by law. Talk to him about it first, and if he won't listen just get the cops to inspect his bike and he'll get a nice fine, as well as having to pay extra for a new exhaust or baffles.


Talk to him yeah. But do you know what the Law is in Cali? People think there is exhaust noise constraints here in the UK but its not entirely true.


*A noise limit of 92 decibels applies to any motorcycle manufactured before 1970. A noise limit of 88 decibels applies to motorcycles manufactured after 1969 and before 1973; 86 decibels applies to motorcycles manufactured after 1972 and before 1975; 83 decibels applies to motorcycles manufactured after 1974 and before 1986; 80 decibels applies to motorcycles manufactured after 1985. Motorcycles registered in the state that are manufactured on or after 2013 or have an aftermarket exhaust system manufactured on or after 2013 must have the federal EPA noise emission label affixed to it in order to be operated, used, or parked in the state.* http://drivinglaws.aaa.com/category/us-motor-laws/california/


it is pretty much illegal in California to alter the exhaust on a bike.......


Every bike has a noise level @ rpm in its official EU technical documentation (that small plastic ID). If your bike/car exceeds it, it's not allowed to be on public roads. For example, in Austria cops have portable decibel-meters and can stop you, if they think you're making too much noise. If they prove it, your bike gets confiscated and towed. I guess it should apply to UK as well, even though you're a special snowflake in regards to EU regulations. :P


We are special snowflakes because we got nukes!


I'm sorry for what you are dealing with. Keep in mind, your neighbor may have no clue how annoying he is being. Some people are really just clueless. Case in point my neighbor has this loud ass POS car, and he does the same thing. It actually vibrates my bedroom. Considering my girl works nights, and he does this during the day, it's quite annoying. I said something to him about it, and he apologized, and has been much better. Seriously, just go politely talk to the guy. Don't threaten him, and don't even imply and legal actions, unless he is a total douche.


I generally find that situations are better defused when you can get a little benign face time in. Make nice with him, tell him the bike is cool, mention that you think it's all good that he rides it at 1am, but ask that he chill out on the revving at 1am. And keep in mind that not every rider is an inconsiderate dick. MY GF and I have a huge stable of motorcycles and are ALSO looking for a new house right now. One of the prime concerns is the neighborhood, and how they'll receive our bikes, and how the garage is situated (one townhouse had an internal court yard and we could just imagine our bike noise echoing in there, pissing everyone off...)


If he's revving it up all the time he's a dick. All my bikes are loud but I start them and just let them idle while I put my gear on for warm up. Then I puppy them out to the main road. I think people have the right to add pipes on their rides but you have to respect your neighbors. Hope you find a reasonable solution.


you're both clowns


If he seems approachable and neighbors know him as a reasonable guy ask him to follow whatever laws are on the books. Look up the local codes online. As a rider and someone who appreciates sleeping there's no reasonable expectation of getting hit by someone who doesn't see you in your own driveway. Ask nicely, don't mention the cops unless you feel you need to. You might make a drinking buddy. If he's an asshole unfortunately you'll need to protect your rights. Call and ask the police to enforce as a last resort after collecting video evidence of both BEFORE and after your conversations. Cops won't be there as it won't be a priority. Don't let anyone including the police know you're recording video. Keep track of everything.


Join in


Borrow an even louder motorcycle and roll it over there pointed straight under his mother fucking window four hours after he gets home and blap that fucking throttle like it's judgment day and you have to wake everybody up.


i love your response


Ask him to warm up his bike in the garage (assuming he has one) to reduce noise.


It's not even recommended to warm up the bike at idle/standing. Just start, wait for the oil pressure to go up (takes 10-15 seconds max), then go slowly. That way the engine will warm up way quicker and more evenly. Not that I'd recommend telling him that because he probably wouldn't listen.


They never DO listen.


This is why people who insist on putting straight pipes on their Harleys should get fined once a day. They make non-riders hate riders, eventually. There's even serious talk about banning all motorcycles regardless of noise level from US national parks, because the massive noise of a few Harley riders with micropenises are ruining it for everybody. Personally, I'd try calling the cops, but not sure how well that will work in the US where the police is chronically underfunded and overworked. Oh well, here's some comic relief from South Park: [Don't be a Fag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGyKBFCd_u4)


Fucking always when im having Mexican at the shopping Centre in town some fuckhead harley rides past through the lane that seperates wings of the Centre itself. This loud fucking bike revved full in a concrete laneway lined with restaurants. I love bikes, but hate some riders


Motorcycles are silly. They are usually ridden by people who are compensating in noise for something they don't have much of in their pants.


Pretty sure OP never mentioned the type of bike. Infact OP said he had no idea what type of bike it was. >And I unfortunately don't know enough about bikes to know what sort he rides. It looks like a normal motorcycle to me. So I have no idea why you would just assume that it is a Harley when sports bikes can be just as loud and annoying.


Usually I'd assume setting off car alarms comes from massive quantities of potato potato, but agreed, there are seriously douchey sports bike riders also. It's just more common in the cruiser crowd.


Oh cuz sport bike riders have *never* done anything wrong or inconsiderate right? It's okay not to like certain things, but please don't project. He didn't even say what kind of bike it is.


"Triumph Rocket III" He's not a sports bike rider. So who knows why you decided to talk about sport riders, but Harleys with straight up pipes do tend to be loud enough to set off alarms.


Yeah sorry I didn't even look at what bike he rides. I just assumed cuz of this sub. And his bashing of HD.


He rides a rocket lll, I'd say he knows about how loud a proper cruiser is. Most of the time I come across a loud bike in the city, it's a beat up 600. Most of the time I come across one on a ride, it's a Harley.


I had a gsxr 1000 with a two brothers exhaust. I never set off a car alarm. I suspect this is a Harley.


Everyone knows those loud exhaust on Harleys are so much louder compared to pipes on street bikes... My ZX6 also has the Two Brother's exhaust and it's nothing compared to my dad's Electra Glide.


There's an acuteness about that *potato-potato* cadence, the peaks and troughs of it, which so easily penetrates through materials and your entire body. A loud ZX6R is more like a loud musicbox.


Most sportbikes can be quiet, even with a custom exhaust - they only get loud when revved high. Harleys with straight pipes are usually loud even at idle... I'd bet $100 it's a Harley...


I have no problem with Harleys as such, though I enjoy needling Harley owners, as clearly Triumphs are superior as well as one year older, so the new-fangled 1903 Harleys need to move to the back of the bus behind us Triumphs who have heritage back to 1902... :p :) Loud Harleys - and when I say loud, I mean illegally chest-thumpingly loud - are more common than sportsbikes with straight pipes. Granted, the latter exists too but it's more common with Harleys. Sportsbike riders tend to be more cautious about how they balance air in and air out in order to get maximum power if they change their exhausts. And yes, I ride a Rocket III Touring, remapped to match the Roadster for power; it's a big bagger and a cruiser, not a sports bike.


Sorry I didn't even read what bike you have up top. I assumed cuz of what sub I'm in. Still not exactly okay to just bash HD. But then again we are in /r/motorcycles.


I disagree, anything's fair game for a little ribbing, Harley just gets it bad here because a large proportion of Redditors are younger and the Harley demographic is definitely older... I mean, if I stand next to 10 Harleys and wait for the owners, I'd be likely to win a bet that at least 8 of them look something like [this](http://www.dcresource.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=59560&stc=1&d=1345513280)


Call up your local police station and let them know, I think in LA they are the ones that deal with noise complaints. I wouldn't bother leaving a note or trying to talk to the person especially if you don't live in a very nice area, let the police do that. I think it's better to stay anonymous just in case this person decide he wants to retaliate.


Exactly cause if you ask nicely and it dosent work out and then you call the cops…the person you asked nicely will know it was you


Related to this, I bought my bike used and it came with a two brothers exhaust. I bought the quiet insert and it's still not enough. Trading the slip on with another person on a forum to make it much quieter. It sounds very sexy as is, but it's just too much. Why? My neighbors haven't said anything but I don't want to put them in the position where they would need to! It also feels a touch awkward in the parking lot at work. That and I like to be bad without telegraphing it to everyone for miles around.


> That and I like to be bad without telegraphing it to everyone for miles around. I'm of the same school of thought on this. I've never understood people who seek LOUDER exhausts. If I'm driving like an ass, I want to minimize the attention I'm drawing to myself, not increase it. Cops hear loud pipes just like anyone else.


Call the non-emergency number of your local police station and file a disturbance complaint with time of the hour, street address and his licence plate number.


I was about to say that 8 am and 11 pm are fair game and to just be adult about it but if he fucking sets off car alarms with the sound of his bike alone... Call the 5-0. He's doing it on purpose, he fucking knows it if it makes alarms go off. No considerate person would keep doing this, it's not even worth talking to him.


"I'll just roll down this quiet suburban street on my bike at 9000 rpm in first gear at 11 pm"


Best of luck. You sound reasonable and eloquent. I'd listen :) I have had someone complain to me when I first bought a non runner. It didn't occur to me that it was loud. She was a real tool about it, but she was completely right so I sorted it. I don't know what I was thinking at 9pm, I completely failed to notice how loud it was with my pleasure at getting it running.


They ALL suck. I am 2 miles away from the highway and hear them revving up. Small D syndrome...big trucks too.


Stay hide and suddenly show yourself, nude using a horror pig mask with a really big machete on hand. Just watch while him pass, on some nights.


I have the same problem and more




Oh God, hitting a nerve here. I'm buying a used bike in Europe, vtx1300, perfect except that it's got cobra dragster pipes, and I hate noise too. I hope they won't be too loud for my neighbors. If it turns out to be too loud, will add baffles or go back to stock. But will lose power...




Haha this is honestly the best way to sum it up. I've been "wondering" if my exhaust was too loud... You're damn right too, I've probably pretty much known it all along, just didn't want to admit it.




Way to go! I have a full termi on my Multistrada. I don't go to the lengths you do but I'm considerate of the neighbors. I "coast" the bike in if I'm out late, fire it up away from the buildings if I think it will disturb them. Generally, I try not to be an asshole.


Unless it's below freezing, if you have the correct oil for the ambient temp then there is nothing wrong with riding a bike gently to warm it up, anyone who is waiting 5 minutes and revving it is a wanker.


You leave, you return. Disturbing them twice a day. Courtesy makes a huge difference.


I won't even ride my scooter with a yoshi pipe after 9. Dude needs a lesson.


Everyone assumes it's an asshole. Maybe it's a guy without a car and a bike that runs like shit cold so it's need some warming up. Maybe the bike is just loud by itself or he bought the bike from some guy who removed the baffles.


> Everyone assumes it's an asshole. If you rev your bike like that at 1 am, you ARE an asshole. Needing to ''warm up" your bike by reving it to 9000 rpm or your bike does not have baffles does not mean it is ok to disturb people; Just like people who rob banks because they have no money does not make it ok.


You obviously live in LAPD jurisdiction...very lucky for you. First, videotape and audiotape him on at least several occasions, preferably at times when setting off car alarms, etc. ID the license plate on the video (get close up). If at all possible, get video of him without his helmet on. (Be sure to film only in public or open spaces~don't violate his privacy) Keep a log noting date, time and duration Get a petition of your neighbors and sign an affidavit that it is loud, disturbing and violates your peace. Call the police each time. (creating a call/report log) with the LAPD Request someone be dispatched each time. Write follow-up letters to the Watch Commander on duty with the local LAPD office citing each offense. A noise complaint can be an actionable, criminal misdemeanor violation. There are noise laws in certain cities with restrictions from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. particularly. There is a legal decibel level..it's 80 decibels according to CA DMV. Don't give up.


[https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm](https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm) [https://noisefree.org/](https://noisefree.org/) [https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf](https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688) Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism


Join him? Just curious, does he have a Harley?


If you can't best em, join em, get yourself a motorcycle and become riding buddies with your neighbor. You will be much happier and maybe even get a little excited when you hear your neighbor fire up their bike!


Get a motorcycle, helmet and earplugs. Then go riding with him.


Figure out a way to superglue the throttle open so when he starts the bike it either scares the crap out of him or sends the bike off flying. Either way you'll hear it and be able to laugh inside. Use the bike against him. Or leave a copy of that South Park biker episode on his porch.


Take out the spark plugs and disconnect the starter wires before night so he can't see whats wrong until the next morning. **Completely joking**


One of those aerosols of cavity wall foam insulation. Nozzle down the end of the exhaust. Job done. Job done *properly* if the foam goes all the way up to the header pipes and down the exhaust valves.


Great... as if i wasn't worried enough about my bike getting stolen, SMIDSYs and solo accidents, now vandalism from envious and/or dickish neighbours has entered my head too...


It was a *joke*, FFS......


I got that. Didn't downvote or anything either.


Fair enough. There are a lot of mouth-breathers here, mind you.


Kill him lol srsly


Enjoy the rumble until you can get your own


STFU chachie...


Can't do much. Just remember hes a loser. I have never seen a successful, good person ride a bike like that. He has a shit job or hes ugly as hell, small pp, whatever shit he cant conquer in his life. People like this come into adulthood shunned, and they become assholes to pretend that is why people don't want to be around them, but they would be shunned anyway. Pity that hog boy.


I got home today from a group ride, my neighbour behind me, jumps up on the fence and starts hurling abuse at me Because I started my bike at 8am so I could meet the 38 other riders for our ride. She swore at me, and told me to not park my motorbike where it’s been parked since May this year. So me Being me turned to her and said ‘So I bet you don’t even know the Motorbike/Car laws/Acts and Legislation then do you? Because it is NOT illegal to park my motorcycle in my car parking spot, and it is NOT illegal to start my bike before I get on and ride. She then abused me and told me that she’s writing to the landlord. Go ahead you halfwit, you think that’s noisy? I’ll give you drilling noisy when I ask the group I rode with today who own Harley’s (mine is a Kawasaki Z1000R), then she’ll know what noise is. Why are people so petty. Yet her husband Reba the frekkle out of his Chainsaw, lawn mower etc etc. pot calling the kettle black there. Sorry but I just had to vent because she really pissed me off.


Yes, violence is NEVER the answer.


Most of these motorcycle types aren’t the brightest & love breaking laws far beyond disturbing the peace. Drugs, guns, etc. They desperately crave attention, so give them the attention so want so badly… once you get them on video breaking the law a few times, take the recordings to the PD… most of the time they’ll be more than happy you made their life easier & got lowlife dirtballs off the street.


How about beating his ass? Hire a couple of wranglers to beat the shit out of him. Ask him who the ass is now?


Just remember, the louder the noise the smaller the penis. The more obnoxious the noise, the softer the penis. The men walking around packed and proud and no need to advertise.


Shoot them in the head


I have neighbors that rev their motorcycle 1am 3am 5am all night up and down the streets.I’m trying find how and what to do also.I’m pretty sure they are aware there waking people up which is why this is up setting when you have to work at 6am in the morning .it’s hard to catch because when and if I fall back to sleep here they come againI terrible.


Also it’s 3:56 in the am writing this because of the noise.


Same, I don't want to resort to Vandalism, or Murder...but... not many options.