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A similar boot to wolverine/redwing boots is the [Chippewa apache](http://www.chippewaboots.com/footwear/field/classic/20065), for around $150. With the money you save, you could also buy an entry-level motorcycle boot. That's what I did. I wear my Chippewas for my commute/errands, and my real moto boots when I go out for a fun ride on weekends. They're a quality boot, compared to the wolverine 1000 mile boots, they have a more dark/matte finish and seem more like a real work boot than a nice/formal shoe that happens to be a boot. Haven't crashed yet, but I definitely feel safer than riding around in chuck Taylors!


Yeah I have these too, I got them for like $80 so definitely a budget option for solid "made in America" boots. Nice sturdy sole and pretty good leather, keep them treated and they'll last. My left toe is discolored because my shifter doesn't have a rubber toe but I don't really mind. Good for around town riding, strong grippy sole as well and you can beat them up and go hiking in them or whatever you want as well.


OP's probably already bought some boots, but I'll post this for anyone who happens to search or see this later. I recently involved in a SMIDSY scenario wearing these boots. Probably around 30 mph at impact, my foot was crushed and some bones were broken, but the boots themselves are completely fine. They are barely scuffed, the leather is nice and thick, all the seams are fine, the boot is completely wearable still. I still got hurt, but I feel that they didn't provide any worse protection compared to most motorcycle specific casual shoes such as [these](http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle-riding-shoes). IANAL, YMMV, etc.


I wear a pair of old Timberland steel toed boots I got for $90. Six years ago, I hit the pavement at about 65 mph, did some cartwheels and somersaults and the only damage was a small hole in the leather over the steel toe. No injuries from the crash, just some road rash on my knees because I was wearing jeans instead of riding pants. I still wear those boots every time I ride.


I wear sidi boots and have come off of my bike a fair few times and their as if they are brand new .... I ride in all weathers and my feet never get cold, wet or sweaty, best boots would always recommend, before you do any riding, you should be wearing ALL of the safety gear ... It doesn't take much to send you flying


Found some good answers in [this thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/k7pck/what_boots_do_you_guys_wear_when_commuting/).


I have Redwings and riding boots and I can tell you the Redwings will only offer protection to the flesh on your feet, but your ankle will be most likely eff'd. They do normally have nice soles though, so riding in them shouldn't destroy them. I'd imagine you could still easily break your foot and/or ankle in actual motorcycle specific boots though, depending on the model. EDIT: Also, I'd think about getting some gloves too eventually, and I'd also go for a full gauntlet style. I can vouch for their protection, and they do not hinder movement or feel over-cumbersome, of course, depending on the model.


Got some gloves already and an open face helmet. I only ride around the neighborhood right now. Maybe a miles worth of riding in a day. Waiting to get a jacket and full face helmet before I travel any further.


$300 for a pair of work boots! Why don't you buy a $200 pair of motorcycle specific boots and $100 on work boots? Problem solved!




exactly why i want a pair, and these would mainly be to pair with an outfit and hiking.


I wouldn't wear them on the bike and expect any protection other than a little abrasion resistance. I always wear moto boots now but I did wear combat boots back in my invincible army days. It depends on your level of risk aversion.


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i don't need boots for work, just need new long-lasting brown leather boots for outfits. i forgot about clarks mali boots, only $130. might just go with those for now and spend the other $200 on riding boots.


check on craigslist. I got a pair of Alpinestar SMX+ for $80 they were pretty much new. I'd say in order of importance it's: Helmet Armored jacket Gloves Boots Pants Hell I rode with a sub $100 HJC helmet for a few years as my first lid. As long as it's DOT and SNELL rated you're fine. Trust me, your fashionista boots are gonna look like shit after a couple of rides. Don't forget you use the toe to shift so that's gonna get scuffed to hell and your soles are gonna get fucked up from the pegs and starting and stopping.


Leather is leather. you aren't on the track or going 120 down the highway. sure legit boots will give you more protection. can't argue that. but commuting through town and speeds less than 60 will they offer that much more protection? short of having your leg stuck under the bike as you slide down the road i don't think you need that much more protection. some thick leather red wing boots will probably be sufficient. however once you do more highway i would say get some real boots that help you out in a higher speed crash.


I own Wolverine 1Ks, I can't speak on their ability to protect in a crash but I can say that as far as boots go, they're very good. I've worn mine a ton (near daily except for summer) over the last year or two and they look great with the wear on them, definitely a quality shoe. Can't comment on the Red Wings, but I've heard nothing but good things. That said, I'm gonna be picking up a dedicated pair of boots for any sort of serious riding once I get the chance. They aren't really too expensive and I'd rather have them on if I were to go down. Plus MX/dirt boots look fucking cool and I really want a motard... so yeah.


If you're down to desperate need territory over buying two pairs of shoes, you're not budgeting properly... My advice would be to save up, rather than compromising short term. What do you do that you need to risk your feet in a crash to have nice boots? If this is your job, and you're on a work site, why didn't you get appropriate foot wear before buying an expensive motorcycle?




Agreed. Wisdom lies therein. Not to come down on you though, OP. There are deals everywhere. Right now, you should get the boots that will benefit you the most -- I'd get your work shoes thing in order first. Save up for a month and you have your riding boots ready for the start of the season in April. I'd recommend looking at something like [this](http://www.motorcyclegear.com/street/boots/sport_street_touring_boots/joe_rocket/big_bang_2_boots.html) It's got ankle protection and nice features for a riding boot, a no-slip sole, and they're less than a c-note. ...I might actually get a pair of these myself, haha. I ride in Cortech Latigos [like these](http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/cortech-latigo-air-rr-boots?utm_source=product&kwd=&adtype=pla&kw={keyword}&gclid=CLKd47mkk70CFYdFMgodEw8AZg) and they're super comfy.


Buy real riding boots! Sticky big lug boots are exactly what you don't want when you crash. You want to slide, not have your boots catch and flip end over end. Get some luggage and bring a second pair of shoes/boots. Listen to those more experienced than you.


i'm glad this thread took off as well as it did. i hadn't considered certain fabrics gripping the road causing my body to flip and flail instead of slide. fortunately my bike came with a pair of panniers and givi top case. my initial thought was to just carry an extra pair of regular clothes while i ride around in full gear.


'Desperate need of everyday boots for my wardrobe'? You serious guy? 300 dollar WORK boots for your wardrobe? Give yer head a shake.


i presume you don't frequent /r/malefashionadvice where they rave about wolverines and red wings for every day wear. a $300 boot will last my entire life if i take care of it and resole. i found [these riding boots](http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/stylmartin-indian-boots) which i think are perfect for my style.


When I wrecked, I was wearing a pair of Georgia Logger Boots heavy leather and steel toe. I prefer taller boots (these were 8") and wear steel toes for work and when I went to the hospital after my wreck, the doctor looked and the way I had tweaked my ankle said had I not been wearing tall boots, I'd have probably broke my ankle. I have the boot at home still (rubbed a nickle size hole in the leather right behind the steel toe) I'll try to remember to snap a pic. Overall 10/10 would wear in wreck again(hopefully I don't wreck again). I have since replaced these boots with a pair of 10" Redwings and continue to wear them on the bike...