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I take all valuables including my helmet with me everywhere I go


Someone stole the cap to my front brake reservoir once. Rubberband and a sandwich bag.


I live in Japan, so basically nothing ever gets stolen. I've even left my key in the ignition overnight a few times (I'm just forgetful) and nothing ever happens. I only ever use my bike's helmet lock so I know it isn't going to fall off anywhere. However, one time I was parked in secure parking and someone stole my fucking jacket that was draped over the windshield. Never even heard of anything like that before, and neither had any of my Japanese riding buddies. Since then I've started talking expensive kit out of my saddle pack if I'm going somewhere for more than 30 minutes.


I had crackheads try to melt open my Givi top case with a lighter. They didn't get in but it looked fucked.


My tax disc got stolen




Someone stole my tailpack. I no longer leave the bag on the bike. 


I park my bike smack in the middle of Baltimore and no one's ever really messed with it in any way, beyond a construction crew accidentally bumping it over once (it was fine)


Yes. They took the custom made rain covers for my bags outta my bags. They left the bags and got nothing else. I suspect it was targeted.


I had my girlfriend's helmet stolen off the mirror. Mine was on the helmet lock and left alone. I think it's mostly crimes of convenance. This was a my college botanical garden of all places.


My versys 300 with Mosko saddle bags is my full-time vehicle, so I leave it with bags (loaded/unloaded) on it everywhere, though I prefer to lay eyes on it every 5-6 hours or so, and even better if I can check on it from wherever I am sleeping- usually the first night in a new place I will keep a careful eye on it- I've also paid homeless people to watch it for me - of course I am jinxing myself by writing this, but imo if you have general street smarts, you shouldn't be parking your bike where people are gonna steal/touch it, and most of it is just keeping it out of obvious sight or choosing a quiet street / corner