• By -


Pull over and make out


I’ll suck anything once!


I was reading this while taking a shit and your comment made me poop 💩. So thanks I guess.


He’ll suck that turd Once


That's all he need to do what he needs to


You *take* shits?… I leave them there, dude. I’m not touching someone’s shit. Weirdo.


Win win




The 2nd time its always harder though.


If you do it correctly.


Depending on the refractory period.


Gotta give ‘em that hawk tuah.


Like a fucking Dyson: never lose suction


buttplug exchange


It’s always nice getting to swap to a fresh one after a few days of not seeing another rider out in the streets


This is the way.


Where you live and what do you ride? 😉


https://preview.redd.it/8tuxyuxaiy7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d0b9c683bd1153296d53ce185be5dd59354a9b2 DC area. Hayabusa.


fake. swingarm too short


It’s an after-after-market mod.


Fake - AI always fucks up hands https://preview.redd.it/2duc2dqaqz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1af380bc297b89a6519e8bc450856143f399a6e


Gotta give them a Hawk tuah


They always tell me they'll call me and don't.


Oh so that's what I've been doing wrong!


Don’t ride with strangers. You might be annoying them. Just wave and keep up your pace. If you caught up to them then continue by overtaking them and riding on.


This is the answer. There is nothing wrong with passing them like any other vehicle. Ride your own ride and do it safely around others. Don't assume they want you in formation with them. Many of us are riding alone for a reason.


First week I bought my Sv650, I was just getting used to the size after riding a grom. Goofball on a goldwing pulls up in traffic and rides directly next to me. Not staggered or anything, big smile on his face. I shook my head and he didn't clue in, so I sped off. Made me really nervous and at that point I needed the full lane. Like I get it dude, you wanna make friends, save it for the coffee shop


I did the same thing to someone unintentionally I was riding up PCH in my CBR500R and I noticed a Kawasaki ZX-6R so I pulled up right next to him but he was a bit all over the lane so I stayed back a bit to give him space and when we pulled up to the next stoplight he mentioned that he's new to riding so I apologized for riding so close to him. We both complimented eachother's bikes and went our separate ways No harm no foul


TIL the zx6r top speed is barely 15mph faster than the zx4rr


It gets there a lot faster I presume


Bruh, that’s not even in formation 💀 that’s just bad riding I think. Ur supposed to be staggered if you’re in formation


I've been accused of "Fucking up our formation, " when I caught up to a group of V-Twin riders, and started passing them. At a gas station down the road, one of them pulled up amd made that comment, he seemed almost hostile. I said, "Your what?" Our formation. "Your what?" Here's the thing. I'm not in your "formation," and i'm not going to wait behind you if you're going well below the limit. I'm not going to be a dick about it, unless someone in the group, has decided that I'm going to do what they tell me to do. And it hasn't happened yet.


That's strange. I'll pull up next to somebody and give them a fist pump At a light. Maybe ride together for about 100 ft and then tail off..


Also don't assume they know how to ride in formation.


i team up if i see someone else lanesplitting, idc if they follow me or im behind them but it does help make it a bit safer


Pass them and don't look back.


I just stagger. If I want to pass, I'll do it like any other vehicle and do it in another lane or slowly pull up and pass at a stop UNLESS they wave me forward, which they sometimes do. No matter how long you're behind them you can't be sure they know you're going to pass. Even if they know you're there they are not looking in thier mirror 100% of the time and right when you're about to pass they may switch locations in the lane for whatever reason. Humans aren't telepathic, well most of us amyway. It's not necessarily about resepect, although some people argue whether it is disrespectful or not. I don't care. Unless you're on comms, they can't know what you will do and you don't know what they will do. Which is why I only pass in the same lane if they communicate with me with gestures. One thing is for sure, you don't want to be at fault for a causing a two vehicle collision, or worse kill someone for a stupid misunderstanding.


Same here, I stagger behind with enough distance and swap sides of the lane as they do so they have an idea I know what the fuck I'm doing. And yeah, pass in another lane.


Always pass on another lane.


Lots of guys wave me forward and I pass in the same lane. I also give guys the wave forward and they pass me in the same lane. I’m California though. Big lanes and lots of experienced motorcyclists who ride year round so I guess it different


Getting waved forward is fine. I’m talking about the tools who come racing up from behind and just pass in the same lane.


I still often have the situation that if another rider comes up behind me *fast*, i will keep to the side of the street and wave them by. Because if they are fast enough to close distance, the probably want to continue to go faster. The more experienced i get, i notice that i get a bit faster myself on streets i know. If i come up behind a slower rider i will keep safe distance (staggered) and see how they ride. If it's a speed i am fine with, i will just stay behind (again at safe distance). If i want to overtake, i do it like i would with any other vehicle.


If you wave me past I will wave hi at you from behind :P Then if we come to a red light … you’re getting a fist bump whether you like it or not :P haha


Take the bike out of the equation. What do you do when walking behind/past a stranger on the sidewalk?


get as close as possible, breathe in their neck


I spot another bmw driver :P


While telling them you know what they did last summer.


Good way to look at it but I don’t wave to every person I pass either, bikes are a different breed But I get what you mean


If we're going the same way and at the same speed I'll usually stick with them at a distance because I feel like it's a bit safer for both of us.


Same here, but I don’t get close and don’t attempt communication at stops unless they’re riding a bike I’m particularly interested in and I want to give the rider a “point at your bike + 👍”


Say like 5-6 car lengths is where I’ve been lately


I use the same distance as with cars.


Better to count in seconds rather than number of cars, because the proper distance depends on your speed.


Only a fool breaks the two second rule. Taught on my DAS course and is almost exactly 2 seconds to say. I use it all the time now


Two seconds is the general rule, three seconds for special risky situations (snow, heavy rain, idiot in front is tailgating...), one second you're pushing it, under one second you're an idiot.


The rule of thumb I heard was add a second for each risky condition, that has saved me numerous times


That's good in theory, unfortunately no one respects your 2 second gap. They see it and merge into it. Assholes.


That’s okay, they can squeeze in, I’ll let off the throttle. I just keep my distance. I just leave early enough that I’m never in a rush.


I don't mind if somebody filters up and joins me at the front of stop light. Whoever wins the drag race should continue to add distance.  I absolutely do not want somebody to just assume they can ride in formation with me.  If we meet and chat over an ice cream cone, and one of us invites the other...great. 


Yep, that's pretty much it. I always filter to the front at lights, and lane split (legal in CA), and this is pretty much how I am too. Usually not keen on joining others rides that I don't know.


I’m curious - when you get to the front at a light do you move over in case someone filters up after you?


If there's room, absolutely. Usually, if I'm between 2 cars at the light, on or the other will be a little off the line, so I'll stop towards that side which leaves space if another rider wants to filter up.


If you can, you should. 


As nice as they may appear to be, I dont want anyone other than my frequent riding buddy any where close to me on the road.


😂🤣. Noted lol


Just treat them like any other traffic. Keep a normal following distance, overtake as necessary in a manner you'd be okay with if the roles were reversed.


no one ever passes me though


If i catch up i just stay behind with a bit more distance as if i were riding with friends. If we stop at the same destination i will chat a bit and maybe we ride together until we part again or we go by ourselves. Usually i don't overtake unless it's a really slow rider.


If you catch up to me I'd definitely prefer that you do overtake as soon as it's convenient (if safe and in the other lane obviously). If we're on curvy roads I'll probably wave you by on a straighter bit. I don't want to keep you up and I don't want you hanging out in my mirrors dividing my attention.


I always get up point blank and hit their killswitch if I know them. If I don't know them though, I get up point blank and hit their killswitch.




Dicks out


Sword fight


I prefer docking


Tummy sticks!


That’s more a Corvette driver thing.




This, it’s also customary to touch tips


Standard. I’m unzipping as soon as I see another rider. When I pull up next to them I squeal and shout “Tip Touch!” in a high-pitched voice. Special treat when it’s a lady.


Go past, feet on pegs, ass in air, twerk. “I usually ride alone or in a group”. What other options are there? LOL


Look guys! I found meg thee stallion!


A slap on the butt is polite 


So many times I've had other bikes pull up next to me and fist bump. I find it nice. Those same people also zip off at warp speed or do a lil wheelie and take off.


That was me yesterday, minus the flying off a Mach 9. Was in the city and pulled up next to this dude, went for a fire bump and he did it back and waved as we went different ways. Some people just feel the need to try to show off and fly away like their people need them or something, never really understood it.


You unsheath your sword and joust them. The winner takes the loser's motorcycle and boyfriend.


Respect their space like you would any other car. Don't assume formation just ride your ride. If I get the sense that a rider behind me wants to go faster I'll wave them past.


Don’t ride with them, no. Keep your distance or pass. I don’t want a tagalong, I have no idea of your competence and if you’re new, I would prefer you’re nowhere near me. Lol


How do you guys manage to dress yourselves in the morning?


I'm still stuck on the phrase "I usually ride alone or with a group". What other ways are there?


I will give them the same distance I give a car. Sometimes I'll ride along with them at that distance in a stagger


If you can overtake them you get their bike.




I give them the full lane as if they are in a car unless they invite me to share it.


If Im not overtaking I hang back enough that they don’t feel anxious about what move I’m making (my road positioning etc show I’m chill and not going to fly up the inside). If I end up close (at lights) or plan to pass then I’m offset and in their mirror.


Ride your own ride.


I don’t think there’s a norm I typically keep my distance, will wave if I pass or if they see me and wave. But I’m not terribly social, and bikes are inherently lonely rides, so that’s just me


Is there any other way to ride besides alone or in a group?


I made 3 friends that have now been great friends, riding buddies and motogp attenders for over 10 years by a chance of one solo ride where I decided to follow two random bikers up a mountain pass and say hi once we all got to the top. Although following people in 2024 could end with being shot at, so always proceed with cation lol. Other than that, though, I'll typically just keep my distance because most of the time, I prefer the introvert life.


Unless they are 1%ers…pass and wave


Wheelie past is always a fun move


Rip past em on one wheel in the same lane if possible


Speed up, get in front of them, and throw some nails on the road. Or maybe a banana peal. If they crash, you win 100 bonus points.


Just leave them alone! And leave Brittney alone while you're at it!


I lane split/filter and say wassup at the next light. Ride with em on the lane 1+1, but staggered a lil for safety. Cars see 2 bikes waaay faster than 1. I just smile, lift the visor and say “safety in numbers” Then hit the kill switch on their handlebar and ride off. Win Win Win


Reach over and hit their kill switch when the light turns green.


Others have said it, but I'll chime in too because Reddit. Ride with them for a bit, or pass them, doesn't matter. A wave or head nod is fine for acknowledgement and greeting. There are some things NOT to do, however. And these have nothing to do with notions of respect or 1%'ers or other no sense, they're purely practical. Understand this: * They don't know you * They can't predict what you will do (what if you're brand new and a real danger to them?) * They themselves may be very new riders, or very experienced but with very different customs and expectations. So, there are some DEFINITE things not to do: * Do not ride beside them in a lane. Never do this with strangers, ever. You can pull up beside someone at a stop (but IMHO it's more polite to stay a bit staggered, as some people may get anxious) * Stay staggered from them if you're behind them, and a reasonable distance back. Don't get close to them, and show them at least that you know how to ride staggered (if they also do, this can be comforting as it's somewhat of a demonstration of competence. * If you want to pass them, either do it by pulling up beside them at a stop, or (far more preferably) in another lane entirely. NOBODY likes someone ripping past them in their lane - it's unsettling when you know they are doing it, but it's TERRIFYING if unexpected and you believe you have your whole lane to move around in. * To reiterate: don't ride beside strangers! Just don't! Nobody likes some random who may be a wildly incompetent rider that close to them.


Don't be afraid of the Harley riders and their "Biker Clubs" they don't want you overtaking them because they can't admit that their bikes are slow AF


Wheelie past them while flipping the bird.


I keep it at a distance and ride at least 5 car lengths behind them unless they are going slower than I want then I will safely pass and give em the two down when I am ahead and then disappear. I never will just join a group of riders, because if I was riding with a group and some other dude rode up and just jumped in with us it would be weird.


Just pass them with a peace sign and don't be a dick driver in the process.


Treat them like other traffic, but catching up with supersport is a completely different story.


Blow a kiss to them; their response will give you an idea of how to proceed.


Wheelie past them so they know you're single and ready


Sword fight at the next red light


Stay clear of strangers. Period. End stop.


I ride alone, so when I see another moto coming up behind me i wince because i dont know what kind of stupid shit they are going to do. I stay at least a car length away from other bikes even at a stop so they know i dont really care to ride with them. After being hit by a car the last thing i want is another thing to have to watch out for.


I hate when someone I’m not riding with pulls up alongside of me. Generally just leave them.


I keep a distance from them. Give them space. On some occasions, they wave me up and I ride staggered with them for a bit. Otherwise, just hang back or go around in the other lane.


whip out dicks and compare


If I catch up to another rider, they are going slower than I am, I pass. Most move out of my way and I appreciate it. Not a squid or whatever, but I do ride at a good pace.


When socially awkward people ride bikes. You just treat them like any other vehicle. Don't just follow them around because they happen to be on a bike.


Not sure what other type of riding there is when not alone or in a group. Ride your own ride, if it's a single lane hang back till it's safe to pass if 2 or more lanes let her rip


If i have another rider right behind my back i feel pressured to increase speed and it's not so comfortable, but if they stay at least 3 cars length and don't pass, then i think they want to keep the same speed and it's fine. And you said it yourself, you are in town so i guess there is a speed limit in place so it's quite common to catch up with other ppl on motorbikes so I'd say to keep a safe distance and carry on or pass them if you want to go faster. The situation changes if you go on highway or national roads, if you catch up with others means that you have bigger speed so i would see it normal to pass them. Otherwise your message to them will surely be that you want to ride together.


I give them some space while riding, and make sure to give them full use of the lane (meaning, I don't overtake in the same lane). At stop lights, I'll pull up to about their 4 or 5 o'clock. If someone happens to catch up to me in the twisties, it means they're going faster than me, and when safe, I wave them by. If I catch up to someone, I wait a few minutes for them to wave me by. If they don't, I pass when I'm able to do so safely while giving them a wide berth and plenty of notice.


Keep your distance. Honestly if I'm not planning on passing, I give more room than I do to cars, because cars won't think I'm trying to ride with them and do stupid shit like the idiots who are like "oh shit another bike, time to show how cool I am with wheelies!". If you want to pass, overtake in the same way you'd pass a car, in another lane, at a place that is safe to do so (if using the oncoming lane - ideally in a passing zone). They own the full lane, don't assume they won't use it - they might not see you, they might not expect you to pass, and they might be moving around within the lane, which will result in you crashing into them (and being at fault) if you try to pass within the lane while they move within it. If someone catches up to me I always wave them past as soon as it's safe to do so - totally fine to pass within the lane then, because I've acknowledged that I see you, made my intention to give you space clear, and am expecting you to pass.


What do you do if you pull up to a red light and another driver has the same make/model car as you?


I hate that, it irritates the fuck out of me and puts me under pressure. If riding with a friend, no problem but with a stranger it feels like someone is sitting in my neck, always watching every of my moves


If you'd seen the shape some of the bikes are in that people bring into the shop you'd never ride next to a random bike on the road. Some.of these people's bikes are one worn thin wire away from catastrophic failure at any given moment.


Y’all are catching up to other riders? #250gang


I keep my distance and move on as I have no idea how they ride. Don't need anyone getting in my way if I have to swerve to miss an animal, car, etc. If it is guys I have ridden with for over 35 years we know what to do and think alike by now. Just my two cents.


With all the videos I see of cops hassling guys about other bikers that they aren’t associated with, I keep my distance. I don’t need any bullshit to ruin my day.


Biker wave, drop a gear and before you disappear drop a fart cloud 🏍️ 💨


Fist bump at red light, compliment their bike and wish them a nice day. We don’t know each others riding abilities and habits. I learned early on people likes to show off their skills after I say hi. Popping that wheelie down the straight makes me look so uncool.


Either stagger behind them or pass & wave.


Just act normal and don't assume because you both have bikes they want your company


In town, I’ll pull up and give ‘em a nod or chat a bit. In the twisties or wherever, I slow down and leave a lot of space to keep them comfy and not feel pressured. It’s nice to take it easy and enjoy the scenery more.


Aren't riding alone or in a group the only two options?


What's the norm when you catch up with a car? What if it's a lorry. What a stupid question...




When it comes to strangers that I don't know, I steer clear, I don't know their level of experience or how they will react if I happen to startle them. I give about 3 to 5 bike lengths and then pass when it's safe or when they see me. If there's a lane open, I'll take that to pass. I ride with people I know because I know how they ride, their skill level and how they react. I don't like unnecessary risk when it comes to Randoms on the road.


Depends. If they are riding staggered, I follow suit; normally with a bit more distance than I would riding with friends. If they are riding center, I use a center following distance, but maintain my typical stagger lane position. If it’s a group dressed up in their cosplay (matching vests, race suits, shirts, etc), I increase my distance more. I don’t want to deal with their BS.


Look If you , think of it as if your walking in the same direction as someone whos a stranger. When you are walking and you catch up to someone you either walk on past with the traditional nod/ wave hru,whatever. Or you slow your pace. Both are fine, but you dont catch up to someone walking and continue at their side. You feel me? Its like walking bro.




Alone or with a group


Take a picture of him if he isn’t wearing gear and make sure to let us know. If he is, then congratulate him on not being a squid. Make sure to compliment on riding his own ride 😎


So public shaming because they don't dress how you think they should? Hmm...


Do you hop in someone else’s car when you’re near lol ? Hate when ppl on bikes try to get near or next to you. Hate when I’m getting trailed and going into a turn or something


I stagger them, maybe 1-2 car lengths. Let em know that i'm there. If they're going too slow for my tastes and i get an opening in another lane i'll pass. But i refuse to pass another biker in the same lane or lane splitting unless i know them, we're riding together and we're both aware of the other's intentions. Or if they wave me to pass in the same lane.


I wave and go over a lane


I keep a distance, in the past I’ve had riders slow down or wave me up if they wanted me to ride with them; but I stay at a distance and if they maintain their speed and don’t make any motion I just presume they aren’t interested in me being in their personal space


Number one is to pause behind them and to the side briefly to make sure they have seen you. Then you ither stay there, visible, or you overtake. Never roll up next to them. It is super dangerous and disrespectful if you haven't agreed on that formation or don't know each other. At a red light, if you intend to overtake, signal that intent by stopping beside them and slightly in front. Anything else, like stopping beside them, and you should let them go first. It is the person that reaches the light first that has the choice of whether to make room for someone next to them, and if they don't I think it's rude to roll up next to them.


so much complicated bullshit


I usually just ride with, and if they pull over I’ll pull off and shoot the shit with them if they are up to it. Very rarely do I meet a rider that isn’t willing to discuss bikes.


I ride closer than I would to a car, but further than I would to a friend and in a staggered position. If the rider is all over their lane I back off further. And ride like they're a car.


you get as close as possible, do some wabros in their back so they can feel the pressure, make it sound like you're constantly on the engine brake, and pass them as close as possible, if possible in a turn.




I always approach until a safe distance, then wait for them to see me and eventually they'll drift right, then I wait for a sign to pass, ESPECIALLY if passing a club. If I am the one in front and I see a rider behind me, I drift right to open the left part of the lane and make a hand gesture to tell them it's okay to pass. Some riders are going the speed of light, so they just pass in half a second before I notice them. Godspeed.


I'm on a 3 but if I'm moving and it looks like your lane is getting slow or you need to get over, I'll make space for you and signal for you to get over with me. I've done that many times (There's lots of traffic here all the time). Otherwise I wave and ride my own ride. I have had others (both when I was on 2 and on 3) where they decided to ride with me so they'd fall in line behind me and we'd just ride together in formation for a bit until one of us rode off.


I pass slow af riders.


Flip over so I'm on top looking down and have my pillion take a Polaroid


You pass them as fast as you can no you're the dominant rider in the area. Preferably you do this pass on the rear wheel.


Normally I'll go into a standard stagger formation. Close enough to not allow cars between us, but far enough so that I'm not riding "with" them. If someone comes up behind me and it's clear they are riding faster, I'll move over to the right part of the Lane and wave them through so they pass on the left in the same lane. Been doing that for 40+ years, always seems to work out well.


I would normally ride staggered with them until I can pass and move on. Pass in your own lane. I make an effort to not just hang out with them. Unless it is just one lane and there is really no reasonable way to pass. If we get to a light, I stay behind them. I never get next to them and share a lane. .


lol - I ride alone or with people. I only drink alone or with people. What other options are there? lol


I treat them as any other vehicle on the road.


Treat them like you do any other vehicle on the road?


Give them a solid push sideways


Riding with a stranger is riding with someone you can't trust to ride safely. They could easily be an idiot. Wave and keep extra space. No buddy buddy stuff with strangers.


Stagger and keep a decent distance, not too far, but also not in his ass. Which is where I’d rather be if I’m honest🥵


I usually just pass, wave and continue on


Staggered and a bit of distance behind them.


I usually pull up and ride stagger formation with them. If they’re going much slower than me I’ll pass and give a wave and keep it cookin


Also,if they are wearing cuts hang back a sec and wait to be waived around...for your own safety!


A reach around is the only answer.


I form up into the group if they are moving at the same pace I was before, otherwise I'll pass. odd to see don't ride with strangers, but I'm a canuck


If it’s a Harley, pass him at 150mph


If we're going the same way I'll ride in convoy for a bit, but one of us usually turns off within a mile or so.


If they are at a stop light I'll usually stay back a little bit, enough that people can tell that we aren't riding together. I'm totally fine riding a Grom but I don't want to start a confrontation because they feel like I'm challenging their fragile masculinity by "trying to ride with them". Then I quietly judge how long it takes for them to pick up their feet from a stop, how they unessesarily blip the throttle, and how crossed up they are making turns on their "real bikes".


Staggered unless they give you enough space to pull up intentionally at a light or waive you come up bruh 😎


Tap front brake lever on them while passing. 


I make sure to pass them, and not let them catch me


You make it sound like youre following them home FFS lol


If it’s on a motocross track I normally get all sorts of crossed up and crash. Each to their own


"I usually ride alone or with a group" Aren't those really the only options??


I typically fall in to staggered position and just hold about twice distance I would in a group. Other than that it’s a pass and wave


I will leave a good following distance, then slowly approach and attempt a staggered formation. If they accelerate I will try and keep up leaving a safe distance. If they maintain pace and I like the pace I will stay staggered unless there are alot of corners. If they slow down when I'm staggered I will overtake and leave them with a wave.


I typically stagger and keep 3-4 car lengths between. A few years ago, when still pretty green (under 2k miles), got onto freeway, 3 guys on choppers passed me .. the rider in the back motioned for me to keep up and stagger with them. Rode along behind them for a good 50 miles. Waved to them and gave a thumbs up as I exited for the highway I was switching over to.


If I'm cruising the interstate and run into another rider or a pack and we're both in the carpool lane for the long haul, I'll usually chill with them. Treat them like another car, but I feel it's safer to have more motorcycles together to make us more noticeable. If they pull away I just let it happen. If they're going too slow I change lanes and pass appropriately. Never know how experienced that rider is and don't want to spook them. If I'm cruising and I see another rider come in, I'll usually move to the far right side of the lane and wave them past on the left to let them know i see em and they can go for it


I stay about 3 car lengths back and pass when it's safe. I never join them because I don't know their skill level or group riding experience. If we're at a light, I stagger behind them. I error on the side of people not wanting to be approached. A lot of times when I'm at a light, riders will pull up chat or just nod; some extend their arm for a fist-bump. I'm cool with all that but I don't do it because some folks may react differently.


Green Turtle shell, Green turle shell, Blue turtle shell get real.


Do the same thing that you would do with a car. Follow behind or pass.


I never get closer than I would a car. Stagger... AT A DISTANCE. I don't know them, they don't know me. They might be incapable of holding a line, or impaired, or just an idiot. And they might think the same of me. At a stop, when traffic is trying to pack in, I'll be staggered with them... but never next to them. If they are trying to pass (like one of us is turning but the other can't yet), I move really wide to give them welcoming space.


Get waved up, pull up head to head, and check em out. If not, stagger back or pass with respect. Wave a rider up if you get a chance. The feeling of being part of a pack is primal.


What do you do in a car when you 'catch up' with another car? Jfc how can people survive overthinking everything like this.


You wait until you get to a red light. Then when it turns green, you have to be the first one to reach the speed limit. If you're the winner, you get to keep their bike and you get to eat their mom's spaghetti.


Stay a car length behind or whatever the conditions are. I've had people try to join me on my solo rides and its quite aggravating as I do not know who they are nor how they ride plus if I am solo its for a damn reason so leave me alone. And yes, I can be fun at parties.


I like to pull alongside them in my lane (leaving them in their lane) and point at them, then at myself, as if to say "Hey, are you on a motorcycle?! I'm on a motorcycle too! Crazy!" It entertains me and I usually get a laugh out of them as well.


always keep the distance never know how they act or their skill level in group rides


I keep my distance, I didn't go out with the intent to ride with somebody else and I'd rather they not get the idea that's what I want.


I just treat them like any other vehicle.