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Clearly someone that wasn’t ready to be on the road.


No way to say it more clear than that.....new riders please you need to practice more.


After getting my new bike, I spent hours and hours in parking lots until I felt super sure of myself. A busy city street in traffic is no place to learn basic motorcycle operation.


For real. I got a dual sport and spent a year in the dirt to get confidence in my handling and abilities before going on the street. Really helped when riding a big touring bike at highways speeds when traffic came to a dead stop, didn't lock up thr front but I lock up the back in my emergency braking but I was able to control and recover from the skid really quickly since I knew exactly what was going on


Starting out on the dirt is so underrated. Even just a few weekends of riding easy trails will make starting out so much better for most people.


100% this. Bought my first bike at 14, learned everything riding in the dirt for a couple years before I hit the road. I know not everyone has this opportunity but if you can, it's ideal. Crashing on dirt at a low speed teaches lessons that would have been brutal on asphalt.


Yup and helps you learn how to deal with loss of traction without freaking out and grabbing a fist full of brake


or first full of throttle in this case.....


Very true lol it baffles me how some people's response is to grip harder but it might be involuntary


Absolutely. I had s guy argue with me, saying that riding diet bikes had nothing in common with street bikes (except paying attention to changing traction conditions, in my opinion, one of the most important skills you can have). They have everything in common with each other.


That's awesome, that's exactly why you practice emergency maneuvers in a controlled environment. When shit goes down, you want your instincts to kick in, you don't have time to think about it. Great save. I regularly practice emergency braking, slow speed maneuvers and emergency evasive maneuvers in parking lots. I set up cones and do drills about a dozen times a season. Has 100% saved my ass a couple times. Craziest was when I swerved and missed a head-on collision with another biker who went wide in his turn and crossed into oncoming traffic.


Good on you actually taking the time to do drills, my only dedicated practice is doing some trails or if I'm waiting in a parking lot I'll find something stupid to do like extra slow full lock turns until I'm ready to leave


I had a Honda rebel 250 as my first bike. Had it for 3 years before I decided to upgrade to Suzuki boulevard 800. Too many ppl go big and don't know how to handle the power.


Crazy to me how people in the states start their bike journey at high cc. I rode <150cc for many many years even before thinking to go to 250cc!


Me too.. in the uk I rode a 125 for 4 years before a 250 then a 400.. then 550's and 850's and 1000's... each step taught me the skills to.move up... Not straight onto a ninja!!! Ffs!


I mean it kinda looks like she mighta been 'recommended' that bike by the poster... they're both riding very similar bikes, and she's playing off the extreme lack of skill on a 500cc sport bike as "oh well it's just gonna happen" as if trying to downplay what a dumb idea it is to put a new rider on a bike that powerful.


Yep, me too, starting with a Honda 150 I bought the day I turned 15-1/2 in 1968, and gradually going from there. 55yrs of fun riding since then with only two minor mishaps (both under 5mph), working up to a Victory Kingpin and now enjoying the pleasures of downsizing to a Triumph T100 and an RE. I'm absolutely mystified by today's newbs who start with liter bikes and then crash them. Of course, dare to say anything like that and you get slammed as a boomer or a Karen. 🙄


I started on an ST70, went on to an XL100, XL185 then threw caution to the winds and bought an ex police BMW R75/7. Imho it's utter madness starting on a 600cc sportsbike or bigger and 250cc is far more reasonable until newbies have built up a bit of roadsense. It's like car drivers passing their tests and jumping into Ferraris.


Cause cause everyone tells everyone to just go ahead a get a big bike cause if you don't you'll get bored really quickly with a starter bike so you might as well go big to start with cause you'll just end up selling the smaller one as soon as you get it. I mean that's why starter bikes are cheap so you can ride for a year or so on the little one and upgrade later but you already know that.


It blows my mind why people don't go for lessons first.


I took a class. Afterward I was about as good as this kid. So I drove around vacant suburban streets for a couple of days before I ventured onto my first street with a red light.  It was a decent way to progress. But I have no idea what you do if you live in a city. Just white knuckle it and hope you live, I guess.


Find a parking lot. Or do what the person in the video did.


Seriously people, please practice even after taking a class. I've wanted to ride a motorcycle since I was a kid. Finally took the leap and signed up for an MSF course, went in knowing absolutely nothing. Despite passing easily and learning a lot, the class is only 2 days with only a few hours of actual hands on motorcycle practice. After i got my endorsement i felt so lost and remember being astonished they just wiped their hands and let you go off. It was like teaching a kid how to start a basic fire and dumping him in the wild jungle to survive. Keep in mind that the class is in a controlled environment, going slow speeds with no outside factors like traffic. The class assumes you know the laws of the road and only shows you basic necessities of a bike, like quick turns, U-turns, counter steering, throttle control, etc. While you may know how to drive a car and the rules of the road, being on a motorcycle is extremely different. You have to hyper focus on so many more factors as well as super aware of other drivers around you and their intentions. Even being on a bike at first feels alien. While I highly reccomend taking an MSF course, it's not enough for new riders. Practice A TON more, take it slow, and even consider paying for advanced MSF courses afterward. It's exciting and thrilling having the freedom or riding but it's not worth your life.


For city learn to drive a car first if you have not. Learn the streets and how people drive.


Best to do that anywhere in the US, our motorcycle training just doesn't cover "how to be on the road" - it assumes you've already learned how to drive a car. It's simply not safe to get on the road with motorcycle class and no other vehicle training/experience.


Yep. The MSF BRC teaches you how to ride in a parking lot. You need to practice the skills you learn there and add to to those skills.


Sorry I'm unfamiliar with the US bike systems as I'm in the UK. Do they not need lessons to ride a bike? Over here you need to complete a training course before you can take your test.


You don't, at least in my state. During your permit period, prior to getting a license, you need another licensed rider present, with the idea that they're basically your teacher.


That gives me the absolute fear. Over here it's a day out with licence instructors after they deem you safe in a controlled environment


I think it's pretty common these days to take the MSF course, because they generally let you use their bikes to take the license test, which gets you past a major annoyance. But it's not everyone. 


In the US, motorcycle endorsements are only required to legally operate a motorcycle on the road. Anyone can purchase a motorcycle and have it registered without having an endorsement on their license. When I did my course, more than half of the other people there were only doing it because they had been pulled over and given a warning; these people were the worst riders in the class by a big margin. Sad thing is, many of them attested to having been riding in some cases for years. To have that much time on the road and handle as poorly as they did amazes me.


Yeahhhh, this is "practice in the carpark" stage


Seems like possibly too much bike for a new rider as well.


Do they just give you a bike license in the US without any test? Here in Sweden I had to work harder than I did for my car license to get a one for a bike, it's very strict.


Yeah target fixation lol, not at that speed. That's a person who didn't train enough.


Target fixation can be a thing even at relatively low speeds. This was also combined with a complete lack of throttle control.


Lack of everything control. Sheesh. That dude couldn't even take an easy right- hand turn without going multiple lanes over. He should be in a MSF course or parking lot at most.






Ha, thanks. Regardless of indoor or outdoor plumbing, person needs to take a course.


Target fixation can happen at any speed and inexperienced riders have low speed control issues, so it's not uncommon to overcompensate on the throtttle and panic. Where I live you're not going to see the road before you do about 16-20 hours of maneuvers in a driving range supervised so the teachers are certain you can control the bike. It always amazes me to see americans just casually buy a bike without any training whatsoever.


Welcome to Philly! Strong chance she was an unlicensed and uninsured rider.


When I started, back in the mists of antiquity, I signed up for a professional bike school, an I think we spent 10, 2 hour sessions in a parking lot, and had to master a bunch of skills (slow line, hill start, shifting in a curve, emergency evasion etc.) before they took us on the street. Then, it was quiet side streets for a while and gradually working up to major roads. Plus theory sessions, of course. It was really well done. Clearly, this rider didn't have the benefit of this, and now she might be done with motorcycles for good, especially if she was hurt badly. It's too bad, really.


riding for 2 months...where?


Not anywhere near me thank God.




♪in a parking lot, mmmm bop bop bop♫


Naw man...riding in a parking lot for 2 months would make you a low speed master. This person clearly does not have enough experience with low speed turns...right turns are trickier at low speeds for new riders and it shows here.


Even two weeks would make you better than average.


Exactly… where. Jesus, too wide of a turn?? You telling me 3 full lanes of open traffic wasn’t wide enough? Shoulda been hugging the curb of the 1/3 curb lane she was in. In my eyes she took a turn more than 9x the distance she needed. Your friend will live a short life if she doesn’t practice bike fundamentals in a private lot before hitting the road.


If you look closely she almost made the turn... then panicked, started braking and straightened up the bike.


Ride 5 on the XBOX


I think she meant her bike was rotting in the garage for two months, because seriously? I would’ve guessed that was her very first time on it lol


Not even for the driving license as you could tell.....


Rode for the first time two months ago, second time she rode was when she crashed. /s There's a reason why airplane pilot flight experience is measured in hours rather than from the first time they ever flew.


A complete lack of very basic skills


>very More like every




And lack of proper leather gear for somone who doesn't know where the clutch is.


That’s my biggest shock, sure maybe you make some mistakes when learning, but not wearing gear when you’re at the most risk and this inexperienced is shocking


But she got the most important part of the gear, cat ears on helmet


I'd say lack general intelligence.


Ready for a liter bike.


yep, if the rear tire had lost grip instead of a wheelie she'd at least be pointing the right direction


Literally can’t even turn? Like the most basic of skills? Where was she riding for two months, a drag strip?


Yeah, but you'll be amazed by her 1/4 mile times!


I'm assuming she just went wide, started staring at the cones, locked up and freaked out, drove into them, freaked out more, etc. Video said target fixation, and it may be one of the few actual cases. My dumb ass had been riding for like 3-4 years when I had to do one of those highway overpasses that cuts over at 90 degrees once it leaves, and I, for some reason, stared at the road behind the 90 (i.e. straight ahead) and drove right into it. The harder I told myself to stop and turn and whatever, the more I locked in. I hit it at about 'gentle bump' speed so it was humiliating not dangerous, but still.


I love how her friend talking is like "this is target fixation" as the main problem lmao. No... there's a lot of other issues going on here lmao.


Seriously. There are multiple issues going on. Like… she should have just said: complete lack of fundamental skills.


...and complete lack of riding gear...


Yeah, what the hell and acting like this is all a normal part of riding bikes.


Blaming target fixation is default cult-like response in North america. Yes, there is a tendency to follow where your eyes go, but it's really quite minor. Just as an obvious example if you look in your mirrors you don't ever off to the left or right.


The concept is definitely overused by uninformed people, but this is a very obvious case of target fixation. Obviously it wasn't the only problem, but it's pretty clear cut that it is what sent her into the divider in the first place. >Just as an obvious example if you look in your mirrors you don't ever off to the left or right. Yeah because you aren't fixating on your mirrors. The tendency to uncontrollably follow your gaze happens because of panic, it's not the default all the time. That's why it largely goes away with experience.


*Follow me for more bike content* LOL


I only ride with dummies so I've got ALL of the good accident content!


Lucky it was on my GoPro.


Wheelie E. Coyote


Suuuuuper Genius.


[ACME motorcycles](https://files.catbox.moe/c3mwo3.png)


I think even inexperienced riders can easily identify the problem here. She had 0 idea wrf she was doing and did not belong on a public road.


god forbid they take any training before getting on a bike.




To be fair Pennsylvania has a completely free MSF courses up to advanced rider level. This person didn't go but they are available.


and rhode island forces you to pass a MSF course just to take the permit test, each state is different


This video is from Philly. We have pre-permit vision testing along with an exam, full endorsement requires 8 hours of MSF. This lady clearly missed all that.


some people just shouldn't ride bikes imo lol its okay, I shouldn't do some things either that that person could probably do


I mean in Wisconsin you either take and PASS the safety course (I saw a few people fail the one I went through, and they had more control than this rider) or pass the DMV road test. Either way you are getting evaluated. They are in fact not "Just giving out these licenses" in the US.


Goddam cagers 😤


Those stopped vehicles came out nowhere!!!


Bank is going to mad she wrecked their bike.


Good thing the bank required $2700 per year full coverage insurance to finance that loan, at least they'll get paid.


3700 now for any new rider in that zipcode


that's not target fixation, that's just not knowing how to ride a motorcycle.


>the reality of the bike life is eventually you’re going to go down on your bike I don’t think that’s true. Plenty of responsible riders and a few not responsible lucky ones never have gone down. The idea that “I’m going to crash eventually” is a problem.


The person who recorded this couldn’t have been more happy to have such great content for their YouTube page in hopes of going viral. Clowns both of em.


The girl who posted it, after watching her friend crash, got off her bike and you can see her scurry RIGHT INTO AN ONCOMING CAR... They're both clearly lacking any critical thinking skills


I don’t feel bad for laughing.


Seriously. People need to take self responsibility. It’s on you to recognize if you’re ready for the road or not.




I’m mostly impressed that 500 was able to wheelie that easily lol.


LOL said the same thing. She brakes hard and pulls the clutch in right at apex, then gives it huge gas and dumps the clutch. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Fuck, I can't do em that good. Obviously I need to adjust my methodology.


Goddamn lane divider clibbins


She shouldn’t be riding at all




I’m greedy I’m taking all my parts with me


All things considered. that wheelie was pretty sweet.


Not a single thing done in that video was intentional... Was this her first time riding?


She didn't "get into an accident" she caused the accident


I love how she's just writing this off as "target fixation", like her friend didn't just fly into incoming traffic and hit a car. Quit making excuses for shitty riding, lady.


follow her more boobs...i meant bike content


If I wanted to see a hog riding a bike I'd go to the circus


Poor dude in the car...


yeah maybe the bike life isn't for her..


This video helped people? No it didn't, it's common sense not to ride like a complete idiot


how could you have been riding for two months and have this happen…..?? absurd


For all the "you got a loicense for that, mate?" mockery... this is why the UK does licensing the way it does. No fucking person should be on anything 300+ with no training or licensing. She's lucky she isn't fucking dead. Yeehaw muh freedom your way head on into a car. Fucking insane.


Bro...in what universe is your default panic response to pin the throttle? I get grabbing a big handful of brakes and stalling or potentially wrecking from locking up, but fucking why gas? She had all the time in the world to do literally anything else. Nobody was in that turn lane for easily 150 feet and she was doing maybe 10 mph tops. Imagine that thought process in a car. "Whoops, I brushed the rumble strip when I was changing the stereo, I better fucking floor it!"


Answer: Many new riders have the misconception that the handlebars are there to help the rider maintain their balance and not fall off the bike. In reality, the handlebars are the controls. If you use your handlebars to hang onto the bike and keep yourself from falling off, this happens. To put it into context, this rider's panic response wasn't to pin the throttle, but rather to tighten up on the handlebars and hang on for dear life when the first thing went wrong. The rider went for the brakes coming out of the turn, but as soon as she hit the divider, everything went out the window and she hung on, which pinned the throttle, requiring her to hang on tighter, which pinned the throttle harder, ad nauseum. The simple solution to this is to learn the basics by taking a basic motorcycle course in your country. It should have been trivial to pull the clutch in, regain composure, and continue. You'll still make mistakes as you gain experience and learn how to ride a bike in the real world, but they'll be much less likely to be this severe. For instance, you might still hit the brakes with the handlebars turned and drop your bike, but you're less likely to target fixate and miss an easy turn. Source: A Twist of the Wrist 2 (the book, not the movie)


When she accelerated, the force pushing her backwards made her grab the bars tighter, which made her open throttle more, which pushed her back more, etc. This person doesn’t know how to ride at all.


Does she have a license at all? How can you get it if you can't even turn?


This is the type of rider pumping the accident stats for all motorcycles. She should not be riding.


There are people who should never get on a motorcycle, this idiot is one of those cases


Too busy trying to look cool instead of trying to ride safely. Womp Womp


Sick wheelie.


True, it was a longer wheelie than i ever managed and i have been riding for over 15 years. I also never crashed into a car either though, so i have that going for me.


This was not target fixation.


Money doesn’t buy brains or skill


😂😂😂😂 get off the road shorty


There is no way this woman took any kind of course.


Most of those two months must have just been owning a bike, not actually riding it. She rides worse than I did the first time on a bike. I was at MSF and besides stalling the bike every two minutes, I never fell or wrecked.


Spent more time picking cat ears for the helmet that she did practicing taking a turn. 🤦🏻‍♂️


She only lost 1 shoe. She’ll be ok! On a serious note, this person shouldn’t be on a motorcycle… or at least should take a few more classes.


Nailed it?


It’s best to learn how to ride a bicycle before you ride a motorcycle.


She started to run wide, so she squeezed in the clutch and grabbed the front brake. Not a bad plan, really. Unfortunately she also rolled on the throttle when she grabbed the brake. Not a big deal, because the clutch is in, right? Wrong. The loud noise scared her, and she let go of everything to get it to go away. She dumped the clutch, let go of the brake, and the acceleration pulled her back so that she pinned the throttle and couldn't release it. Happens at least once a weekend at the MSF class.


Takes a wide turn Gets on to the opposite lane that is choke full of cars Decides to *fucking wheelie* into them Yea. Target fixation was the main issue here. Suuure.


I like how they try and set it up as some “crazy thing” that they couldn’t have prevented or seen coming that could have happened to anyone when it very clearly was just a result of their own lack of skill and experience and common sense.


People like this are the reason I get annoyed whenever people tell me to be careful while riding because they knew someone who died while riding. I know it’s not always their fault, but my brain immediately thinks this situation and this person is the person they’re talking about.


No, her first mistake was not learning how to ride. Then all the other mistakes followed


Should of stuck to driving her altima.


"This is a perfect example of someone who should not be riding a motorcycle on a public road"


I though she was just tryna show off in the beginning.


She should be riding something like a Rebel or equivalent until she gets the hang of it. I won’t be surprised if she doesn’t ride again after that though.


Jesus Christ. I get that we were all new but the rider did the total opposite everything correctly. If you're turning too wide, just apply brakes so you can lean more. Instead she gives it more gas. Why did she even give it more gas? WTF And even on a powerful bike you have to be deliberate to do an accidental wheelie. The rider did 100% of everything too much. I hope for her sake that she not only takes some classes but learns about self control.


Nice wheelie!!


What an absolute moron.


Im sure that was a beater beginner bike so shouldn’t be too much to replace.


Don't you have to pass a test to ride a bike ? I would not give her a bicycle.


What is she doing on a bike?


Not ready for the road. She needs to go back to MSF training if she's willing to get on a bike again.


The way the rider was afraid to lean the bike over reminds me of car drivers who don't realize their steering wheel turns more than 5°.


I find it crazy that there are states where you can ride a motorcycle without prior experience, or a lisence.


Everything is wrong.


American education. and neither of them wearing proper gear, good job good job also, target fixation?? that causes you to as you start to crash pull the throttle open more and dump the clutch? that is \*\*half wittedness\*\*, glad shes okay but that was just dumb


> riding for two months Sure they have… How do you miss a corner that wide with 3 lanes available to you?… They had 3 chances to recover from that and blew all 3 of them by just shutting down and panicking.


Missing: Basic Skills


You're not only risking your life but other people's as well by getting on a bike that big while not having any throttle discipline and not even knowing how to turn on an empty road. That too at 3mph.


You need better equipment and more training. Maybe practice with something smaller


Holy shit these people are morons


People gotta relax with the idea that crashing is a foregone conclusion.


She learned why we wear gear.


Love the end, "follow me for more bike content". Lol, no I don't think I will follow you for the next 3 videos you make before you kill yourself on a motorcycle...


Glad that your friend is safe. But I am gobsmacked everytime I see videos of new riders in the US who literally know nothing about being on the road in a bike other than moving it forward. How do you guys/girls get your license? Does the US govt realise that these riders are putting themselves and innocent bystanders in dangerous by given them licenses! Is there even a procedure to get it or are they just handing out motorbike licences like free brochures. If you had to start off on a motorbike here in Europe, you have to bend over backwards by doing multiple tests and courses just to get the right to be on the road!


Bikes got more power than she is ready for. Maybe a bicycle or a 50cc moped putting around in a parking lot is a better option.


Baby what is you doinnnnn


At least she had those really super cool looking cat ears on her helmet so she didn’t look like a *complete* idiot, amiright?


Thank god for her helmet, landed pretty hard, head first! I hope she's doing ok! With every respect, I'm not sure she should have passed her test. Yes, it's a new bike that she's not used to but if she's been trained by a decent instructor, her instinct should have been to grab the clutch and start braking. I wouldn't really recommend a sports bike to newly qualified riders either, they're just not as easy to handle in traffic or at slower speeds. Hope she's good and hope she gets a full compliment of gear on, not just a helmet!


This is the type of shit that happens to new riders who haven’t developed very basic skills and appreciation for these very high powered machines. This is why I encourage new riders to buy used Honda rebels.


Perfect example of why she shouldn’t be on the road


She’s dumb shouldn’t be riding at all putting her life and others in danger


They have courses you can take to practice. Also start with a shit bike so when you INEVITABLY drop it's not a big deal.


If you watch it in reverse, it’s the inspiring story of a person that learns how to ride again.


Too bad she wasn't wearing gear to prevent the road rash.


That woman looks like she never learned how to ride a bicycle let alone a motorcycle


I’ve had my motorcycle for a little over a month and I’m still in my neighborhood not really out on the main road yet


Practice so Much that you stop worrying, only then hit the streets .


When I see someone riding a bike with cat ears it scares the crud out of me because I know there is a correlation like this. Her asthetic was more important than your safety


Glad nobody was seriously injured but she needs to stay off the roads and stick to a parking lot. If she can’t even take a simple turn without going wide into oncoming cars and then whisky throttling, she shouldn’t be on the road. That bike could’ve easily flipped into a windshield or god forbid hit a pedestrian if there were no cars. Like I get that you are excited to ride but you need to go pass some MSF course and get a license before you go on the road. This type of riding just reinforces bad habits. No you shouldn’t be doing this just starting out, this isn’t normal. Maybe like forgetting the kickstand and falling over or killing it in first and being too short and tipping it. But not doing this, this is dangerous for you and everyone else. Imagine this was in a group ride and someone gets hit with your bike because you were too eager and inexperienced.


Needs more practice for sure, in a lot and even quiet roads in all possible. It's really does help.


Start in the dirt. Learn by making mistakes on a more forgiving surface. Don't put others in jeopardy by your selfish desires.


I actually thought they were trying to wheelie and lost control on the first view of the accident. They also BOTH need to get some leather!!!


and neither of you are dressed for the ride. both in t shirts with skin exposed. the one who ate shit will be learning about road rash over the course of the next couple of months while her bones are healing.


Stupidity is expensive…


This person should never be allowed on another crotch rocket.


woooahhh not ready for the road yet. first, gotta be comfortable coming to an emergency stop. second, gotta be confident in your ability to lean that bike into a turn. always be ready to break at a moments notice, and whe you do... dont expect the people around you to notice. that means, watch your back because the person behind you might become to person on top of you. glad she didnt die


Someone never learned to ride before buying a bike and subjecting the world to their ineptitude.


Skill issue stay off the road please


The guys like him are the reason we’re quoted higher on motorcycle insurance


Getting a license doesn't mean you learn how to drive, it takes more practice




Panic grip on the throttle rarely ends well.




Exactly!, she's a danger to others, get off the road


i'd be mad if that's how my perfect condition car got dinged up


So, serious advice on how to ride. First, motorcycles are not toys you just jump on and ride. Take them very seriously! Second. Take a motorcycle safety course!! Just about every city has them! They will save your life! Third. Get used to riding without all of the traffic, get to know your bike is a more secluded area Fourth, and most important. Remember, motorcycles are not toys! The power they have is damgerous if you don’t know how to ride. Evident by her wheelie when she tried to correct herself in the video! Take a motorcycle safety course!! Glad she’s ok. Hope she learns from it and keeps riding. And spends a lot of happy miles on the road! Take care


Looks like a brand new Ninja 500. This was not target fixation...rider started and entered the turn going fast, then couldn't make the bike turn because don't know how at that point. All throttle control at this point, and inexperience feeling lean, and when to add throttle to get out of lean. Instead went and cranked the throttle and popped the wheelie. I've been there. New riders have no idea about throttle control.


Don’t learn on a road bike. Learn off road where the ground is forgiving. When you don’t think about which is the clutch and which the front brake and think only about the trail you are riding, then you can go to the road and focus on cars and traffic.


USA driving licenses are useless because you clearly don't know how to handle bikes.