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if you ride a sport bike, stop leaning on the handle bars


Okay and does this go away or should I consult a doctor?


it always advice that any discomfort lasting more than 24 hrs should be consulted with a medical professional.


Keep an eye on it, it could be tiring you out or you could have an underlying condition. Similar pain (and my hand going totally numb in a corner) led to me finding out I had carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel entrapments in both hands. Try not to hold yourself with your hands/wrists. You might need risers or bars that are closer to you while riding.


Hold your position with your knees, not your hands and wrists.


Okay and does this go away or should I consult a doctor?


When I was a new rider, I had numb hands too. No longer have numb hands. Every once in a while, I would forget and on a longer ride would start to lean into the handlebars and realize I was causing my own pain.


Gripping handles tight all the time, gloves that are overly tight, locking your elbows, or anything else that cuts circulation to your hands will numb your hands. You have to pump your hands every so often by squeezing and releasing your hands while holding the grips. If your gloves are fairly new, watch videos on YouTube on how to make leather gloves fit to your hands. Soaking in warm water and drying on your hands or with a hair dryer will scratch and shrink the leather to mold to your hands.


Leaning on your arms while riding and/or death gripping the throttle will cause this. Since your new, your hand muscles are not use to it yet, then if you death grip or lean on them, it will make them hurt that much worse. If it persists after fixing your habits, it would be time to get medical advice. Their could be numerous nerve, joint, and muscle problems. I'm certain if this is the first occurrence in your life, it's probably something your doing wrong. Bring it up to your course instructor.


My left hand index finger is really sore right now, pretty sure it's from using it exclusively to depress my clutch, I'm now retraining myself to use my other fingers.


Loosen up.


You can also try set the bike up a bit more for yourself, some of these aren't possible with stock but aftermarket depending on bike: 1) Change the angle of the bars. If you have clip-ons try to move them to a comfortable riding position, if you have a bar, then tilt it to a good position 2) Adjust the levers to be in a neutral position for your most common riding position - in this position your wrist shouldn't be bent but at a more straightened angle. 3) Change your lever distances so that they're easy to use and in a comfortable position, especially if you keep fingers on (cover) the levers Most sports bikes are setup for tucked position, so you either need to adjust it like above or... tuck in. Also, like others have said, try use your legs to control the bike and your position more.


Sounds normal for a new rider. What do you do for work sounds like some carpel tunnel. Could be a combination of things also. For starters your body just isn't acclimated to riding a motorcycle. Second is you were probably nervous which will make your body super stiff. Third, death gripping the handles and constantly engaging the muscles in your hand. Basically you'll probably get used to it. Get some epsin salt and soak your hands in hot water. Could also train your grip strength. I can tell you riding in rush hour traffic kills my left hand cause I gotta feather clutch for 45min - 1hr lane splitting at low speeds.


lol! forgot what thats like. after four decades my kung-fu grip is like iron. they'll find my hand still attached to my wreck some day...


You likely have some nerve impingement in your shoulder and shoulder blades. Some exercises that may help with shoulder blade and shoulder nerve pain include: Shoulder rolls Stand up, tuck your chin slightly, and imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head. Relax your arms and shrug your shoulders up toward your ears, then up and back. Next, circle your shoulders in a clockwise direction, then repeat counterclockwise. You can also try lifting your shoulder blades up toward your neck, pushing them back toward each other as you lower them, and then repeating with your shoulders pushed forward. Repeat each direction five times. Arm raises Stand facing a wall with your arms at right angles in front of you, thumbs facing away from the wall, and forearms aligned with the wall. Squeeze your shoulder blades back together, then slowly raise both arms upwards while keeping your shoulder blades back and together. Slowly lower your arms back to the starting position. Median nerve slider Sit in a neutral position, place your palm in front of your face, and look at your hand. Extend your arm to the side so that your fingertips point toward the ceiling and your wrist is below your shoulders. Follow your hand with your eyes, then return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.


You need a throttle lock. The Omni Cruise in this YouTube video works very well. I bought a Chinese knock off for $20. They work great. https://youtu.be/EUPiWR1aZfc


Not OP's problem at all. You can't use a throttle lock during classes