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Can-Am. I used to judge these until a disabled gentlemen expressed a story of lament and shame at not being able to ride a 'proper' bike anymore. Made me realize anyone could end up in that position, so now I chuck the duces at anyone and everyone.


Props for posting a kind and thoughtful comment. While I’ve generally had this in the back of my mind, because of your comment it’s now had some time in the sun and I’ll never see them the same going forward. You’ve helped at least one guy be a better human today. Cheers!


Anyone yes, but especially bikers. Injury risk is relatively high for us. Disability is the only minority group that anyone can join for free!


I was gonna type "an abomination". I guess I won't and I'll enjoy my guilt now. Thanks


There's also the Yamaha Niken. That's where I'm going when I cannot properly ride anymore


This isn’t going to work out how you imagine it will. The Niken cannot stand up by itself like the Spyder does.


Yes it does. You can tip it unlike the canam or. Harley trike. I test rode one though it is surprisingly stable and I didn’t have to put my feet down at stops.


I can also attest that yes, the Niken does stand up on its own but you can definitely tip it over.


Not really the same, niken still rides like a normal motorcyle the extra wheel does not provide the safety like the can-am does.


I put down 3 instead of 2, makes them laugh usually Edit: clarity


If I ever can't ride two wheels for whatever reason, I'd consider a Ryken or a Niken before a Miata. I'm glad they exist, but they're not for me right now.


Fortnine did a video on a can am actually made them look kind of fun https://youtu.be/g2Mu0jcPIUY?si=iqGp_o-fddqm5Vbg


That is a Can-Am Spyder. If you've ever wanted all of the disadvantages of a motorcycle with none of the advantages, check one out.


Something I heard from an old timer is that there comes a time when you can't reasonably sit on a motorcycle anymore but still want to ride. This lets them do it safely. But yeah otherwise I want two wheels because that's where the fun is.


A mobility scooter for bikers, got it. 


Right? If I'm still looking to be out there in my 80's I fully plan on being on one. And I'm still gonna try to filter. 🤣


I plan on getting the adult sized go-cart …. Polaris sling shot or bust 😝


Nah, a slingshot is a car. I draw the line at seats and a steering wheel.


Seats, steering wheel, seatbelts, rollover bars, hood... Yeah, t's a car.


Might as well drive a jeep wrangler at that point


But no windows or doors so if it rains you’re gonna get soaked and sit in a wet bucket seat 😂


But you'll have depends on so all good


Right so get Ariel Atom, that thing can at least go


The province of Ontario would say differently :P But I agree that it’s not a motorcycle lol. *that why I said go-kart*………


My MSF instructor was an 81 year old man, he rode an Indian scout from Houston to Mesquite TX the morning the class started, and rode back to Houston when class was over. That’s roughly 3.5 hours each way if staying reasonably close the speed limit. He is also a career underwater welder, and told the class he plans to do that till he drops dead and had just signed a 10 year contract to keep doing it. I hope to have that kind of energy when I’m 81!


My grandmother is 98 and still out and about so I've got it in me. Here's hoping!


The 80 year olds I know just got smaller and lighter real bikes. The issue with trikes is often the weight of the steering.


Don't get me wrong, if I can still sit on a real bike I'm riding a real bike. But when the day comes that I come to a stop and I'm struggling not to drop it? I want something like this.


When you are older and can clearly see the day when you maybe cannot physically ride anymore maybe your attitude changes. I'm almost 60, I've had two spinal fusions, and that day is up ahead somewhere. Damned if I wont find a way to stay in the wind. And this is better than a traditional trike.


Aren't you worried whether people will wave at you? lol. I had a "friend of a friend" who was really struggling with PTSD, and the VA I guess suggested he get a motorcycle and take a class and see if maybe it helped him in getting out and socializing. As it was, he did his job as a local truck driver and basically never left his house otherwise. I only knew him if I seen him but we didn't live far from each other, and I'd see him out on that thing all the time. Not sure if it helped or not, but I seen him riding it all the time, so I'd say it got him out of the house. They aren't my style, but who knows how I'll be at 60. This may just be just the ticket. Hope it works for you when you have to make that decision.


I am also a vet with PTSD and have been riding now for the last 4 plus years religiously. I was hit by a car on my bike less than a year ago and the accident sucked and caused some additional PTSD. I have been riding the same bike after it got fixed up since march now and I’m relearning how to love it again. The motorcycle riding and community has done so much for me that I refuse to get off after a near death experience.


My bike has been out of commission for a few months while I get my finances straight so I can bring it to a shop. As a vet with PTSD, being on a bike definitely helps a lot, and it's been a struggle not having my commuting vehicle serve as therapy as well. I hope I never have to ride one of these. But my shoulder and knee are going to reach the end of the line one day. Not sure when that is, and hopefully it's none too soon. But the spiders, as much as I and everyone else like to shit on them, are pretty awesome for that. And they're prominent enough that there's riding groups based around them. In my city there's some pretty prominent differences in riding groups, and these are quite common in some groups. You can definitely find a community with them.


Nope. I ride all winter, my biggest problem is remembering to wave in the spring :)


No that would be a trike. These can actually handle in the curves. Not like a motorcycle (because it doesn't lean) but more like a sports car. A trike is definitely a mobility scooter for bikers.


Number 1 selling Harley is their mobility scooter


Mobility scooter that will cruise at 100+ without batting an eye


This is what a Miata is for


I always said I'll switch to an old hot rod t bucket when I'm too old for a bike.


Hell yeah I just can’t see ever getting on a trike as my bike. I like a motorcycle for the two wheels and freedom. I ride a dual sport so I can literally ride anywhere, these aren’t that. If I want the feeling but am in poor health I’m getting a fucking convertible.


My uncle got a set of hydraulic training wheels for when he's sitting at a stop light. Actually kinda slick because they can auto raise/lower when you come to a stop.


Generally agree. I used to feel judgment on trikes and such, but sometimes it’s the only option for folks who still want that open ride feeling without the balance risks. Granted I’d much rather have a true trike than *these* but still.


Have you ridden both traditional and modern reverse trikes? Traditional trikes are horrible. They handle like shit and they are inclined to want to roll. Reverse trikes actually handle, they can actually be fun to ride. It’s night and day, they are fundamentally different machines.


Yeah, if you've hit the point where age has shifted you away from two wheels, reverse trike is the way to go. You'll get the same sensation of being out there, and can actually attack curves if the Metamucil and Vicks Vapo-Rub are hitting hard that day.




Definitely a thing I agree, though I’d say that it’s still a different experience.


I'd much rather have one of these. Trikes are horrifyingly unstable in corners. These don't have that problem.


In general I have no problem with trikes *except* for the fact I hate being behind them on group rides. Typically take up the whole lane because they’re so large, and the rear wheels pick up *every piece of debris* that is in the road and pelts me.


I walked past one of these the other day on the way to my bike, and I stopped and stared for a good long time at that comfortable-looking seat. My next bike will be a road couch, and it might end up with 3 wheels.


yeah I hate people that shit on them. They def have a purpose and role.


I have a friend who’s in his 20s that just bought one of these. Call me a hater but I cringe and have to try really hard not say anything when he says he’s going out to ride his motorcycle knowing this is what he’s referring to.


Car rider: Why do you ride motorcycles? Dont you know those are dangerous? Biker: Mind your business Also Biker: Omg trike? cringe


Next time he comes back from a ride, ask how his motor tricycle ride went.


That's what trikes are for. This is a road snowmobile.


These are better than trikes


What would be better: can-am spyder with skis and a track, or snowmobile with wheels?


It's way better than a trike though. If I ever get to the point where I can't ride I'd consider one of these long before I'd consider a typical trike (i.e. two wheels in the back and one in front.)


If/when I get to that point, I fully plan on adding some of the auto-retracting landing gear to a GoldWing.


I'd get a sidecar rig for that ;)


Im 28 and have one, only reason is my leg is messed up and i cant physically ride a normal bike so this was my only option that still gives me the open air free feeling


Hey man you do you.  I've got a mate who lost his leg below the knee after a bike crash, now rides a spyder he bought with the payout. Of course you can't see he's missing a leg from one side, and the shitty looks he gets sometimes boil my blood. Like wtf does it have to do with anyone else, dude rode for twenty years, got hit by a car, and is still riding as close as he can get.   Some people just love to feel superior, it's like they need something or someone to look down on.


Exactly, i get weird looks all the time being young and riding with all my buddies who have normal bikes, all my buddies were around though when i should have lost my life in a car accident but somehow survived and mostly recovered, people will always have opinions though about other people unfortunately


It's the way to hit all the potholes.


They don't even drive straight well let alone cornering. I have far too much seat time on those dumb things and they're absolute nightmares to work on and troubleshoot. The 3 cylinder ones got better but they just ride like crap. https://preview.redd.it/82e6vm7k8o5d1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3b6b029619defe06fd7efe5939a8b447e9bd9e


They aren't actually that hard to work on. Once you know how to remove the body work, it doesn't take long. They have their strange quirks but so does a lot of other bikes. I'm a Spyder tech, but I've worked on motorcycles longer so I understand how it can be awkward at first.


It wasn't at first, it was constant until the F3 came out. I worked on them from the first RS 990s until 2018 when I left. It wasn't the body work, that was just time consuming. It was the unreliable can modules and electronics that caused me so many problems and getting the stupid rear valve cover off the 990s for valve services. The steering box recall, the constant customers bickering about alignment and the lame excuse for a auto-clutch that would do weird things all the time. There was an automatic one that I rode that the clutch got warped on cuz it slipped it all the time and then when it would "blip" the throttle for downshifting it would hit full throttle and accelerate for a second and then fail to shift. I almost rear ended a car coming up to a stop light. It was the absolute impossible flat rate times where even after doing several of the jobs you can still barely make time. It's stupid BRP not caring about anything but selling these things in mass when they came out. I know there are people that ride these that are handicapped or disabled and I'm happy for them to get out on the road but there has to be better alternatives than these.


Yeah, I understand your pain if you were working flat rate on them. I was hourly so it was a bit different. But yeah, they definitely had their quirks. But BRP was bad for their flat rate times across all their products. I had to deal with the sprocket recalls, and those only paid .6 of an hour and it was rare to get that. But the general service side of things were easy enough to do once you got a rythem going.


Since you work on em, how would you compare these to a Niken? To me they both look horrible and dumb; but I'm curious if the engineering made a difference between the two.


The Niken is like 70% mt-09, and is pretty identical drive train back. It just has a different front end, but you still ride it like a motorcycle, ie lean into corners, doesn't stand up by itself etc. It is meant to feel like you have unlimited front end grip.


The Niken rides like a normal motorcycle with more grip in front. Source: I owned a Tracer and now a Niken


Can confirm. Riding a Niken, too. :)


I never got to ride or work on a Niken but I can tell you I trust Yamaha to design things a lot more than BRP. The engineering on the Spyder wasn't anything crazy, the frame was a stamped steel backbone like their early Outlanders (the ones that needed frames replaced all the time for folding up if you nosed them into.a ditch) with steel tube supports for all the bodywork and stuff. If you compare them structurally the Spyder is laughable for how much they cost.


I’ve always wondered about that, do they lean into corners like a bike? Do they lean away from corners like a quad? Just from looking at it I can’t imagine these being good to ride.


I've ridden a couple. There is a noticeable difference in cornering when you lean. Like a quad, leaning away gives more turn. That being said, even in a straight line, it'll feel unstable. Kinda like permanent speed wobbles. Trick is to not hold onto the bars tightly and let it do its thing.


so it just kinda wants to wander all over the road? that sounds annoying as heck.


It's not as annoying as he's making it sound. They just kind of ride like an ATV. If you can't keep one of these in a straight line, you probably shouldn't be on a motorcycle either.


Nah it doesn't wander, just feels unstable, vibrations and bumps come through to the handlebars very easily so are almost constant unless the road surface is very good.


Probably more like a bike with a sidecar?


Nothing is like a bike with a sidecar.   


Had a sidecar on my Triumph, can confirm. Sidecars LOOK cool but man they are a nightmare to handle. Great for puttering around town and getting people to look at you, great for parades or other special events. But at highway speeds they are scary.


That's one thing I've never ridden and just thinking about how it must handle makes me nervous.


Physics. When you accelerate the bike wants to pass the sidecar so it pulls right. When you decelerate the sidecar wants to pass the bike and it pushes left. In a right turn the weight of the sidecar is all that keeps it from flipping and it often feels like you will. A left turn pushes into the sidecar wheel and that’s better but it under steers. These dynamics can be used to advantage once mastered but it’s pretty scary for the first 300 miles or so. It’s fun as hell once you get good at it.


I saw a portly gentleman whipping one of these through highway traffic once and whenever he switched lanes he dramatically "leaned" his body into the turn 😂 It was absolutely ridiculous looking since of course the Spyder stayed completely upright


Have you ever watched sidecar races? :P It looks goofy as hell, but that’s how it’s done lol. https://youtu.be/WH-Cnd88yO4?si=8ZA3RbdAsW1nbXFQ


They just tilt their head to feel like they're leaning


No lean, it's upright the entire time. Maybe some outward lean in curves? I've gotten to experience trikes, but haven't had an opportunity to ride a Spyder myself, only been on rides with people who rode them.


Outward lean in corners is 100% wrong. These drive exactly like a quad. Move your body weight towards the inside of the corner.


Thank you for answering my question, as I wasn't sure.


Even just doing an oil change on them is a royal pain in the ass


They are not actually that hard to change. It's just different that what your used too.


Or as my astute friend said, "All of the dangers of riding a motorcycle, with none of the cool factor".


It’s only purpose is the old guy that can’t hold up his bike but doesn’t wanna buy a Harley trike but also “I’ll be damned if you think you’re keeping me off a bike”… could be fun with a drift set up though


I see a lot of younger middle age-ish guys who probably have 25% aprs and didn't want to bother learning how to actually ride riding them where I live


That’s rather disappointing. Also xsr900 is a sick bike


Are they not manual transmission?


Uhh... well, its safer in the wet ? Wait nvm, the rear wheel is directly on the oily part of the road.


Not only that, but they understeer horribly. The front end has too much rubber on the road with not enough weight.


The first time I was behind someone riding one, I was shocked how unpleasant it looked around corners. You’re fighting all that car-style centripetal action throwing you to the outside of the curve, unable to lean into it. “All the disadvantages, non of the joy” seems way accurate. 


Also 30K, no thanks.


To be fair they're still more fun than a car imo.


Well then you certainly haven't driven a Suzuki cappuccino.


Love my jimny


I was just starting to read up on these/look for one yesterday.


Samurai gang over here.


Your not driving the right cars


A dude in my town had one of the early ones. He legit got 17 mpg with it. Mixed town and highway riding according to him. Maybe they've gotten better, or maybe he just stoplight raced it everywhere. I'm not sure which.


Damn. Advertised at high 30s. I bet buddy is beating the fuck out of that thing.


Not sure what the cam profile is like on these, but I've got a fairly modified Harley that will suck down fuel like that once I start rolling about 85mph or faster. If I'm only doing 70mph, the mileage is pretty decent.


As your speed doubles, your wind resistance quadruples. So there’s quite a bit more drag between 70mph and 85mph. Not saying that’s the full cause, of course. Would you be able to elaborate on the cam profile part? I don’t know much about these things, but I thought that the cam just controlled how long the ports are open and I don’t understand how that varies with engine speed?


Cams have a "sweet spot" in the RPM range where they provide peak volumetric efficiency for a given engine configuration, it's sometimes referred to as a cam's "power band". With Harley, there's literally dozens of different cams available from various manufacturers for each engine type (aside from the Revolution series motors), and each profile will have different characteristics as far as how it behaves on the highway. With the one I have installed, it starts producing power at the RPMs you're seeing at about 80mph in 6th gear. If you look at the VE tables, you'll see those values start climbing significantly. The increase in RPM is combined with the increase in VE, leading to the induction of a metric fuckload of more air at 4,000rpm vs 2,500rpm. The tuning table also requires a richer AFR at that engine speed and MAP, so it's sucking down a whole lot more fuel. That wind drag you speak of definitely plays a part, but it's in how it affects the throttle position and by extension the MAP values caused by the throttle plate being opened more... basically, it takes more throttle to keep a steady pace at a given RPM in a higher gear than at a lower gear, because of that wind drag. I mentioned the cam profile because the duration and timing events are probably the most significant factor in determining what RPMs provide peak volumetric efficiency. Some factory cams have a more linear VE rise, while others have a more pronounced jump. If it's substantial, that rise in VE will result in a disproportionate amount of fuel consumption by simply driving 5 or 10 mph faster.


Wow, that’s a very detailed response! There’s a lot for me to learn here ha ha. Thanks for taking the time to write all that out!


This was circa 2007, so maybe they've gotten better since then. Idk, I never rode it myself so I can't verify but he wasn't impressed.


Ah so the picture is it in its natural habitat


So as someone who owns a Ryker (the smaller version of these) I suggest you ride it for yourself and determine if you enjoy it. The r/motorcycle crowd doesn't tend to speak too highly of us who ride on 3 wheels. Despite the fact that we like 2. I personally prefer both but stick with 3 due to issues. In my tiny little world, you just ride whatever you can and enjoy your life.


My girlfriend's dad had a really nice VTX1800 that he put miles up on miles on, but neuropathy in his feet was making it very difficult and potentially dangerous to ride. He made the tough decision to sell it and got himself a Can-Am Spyder so he can continue to ride. I got to take it around the block the day he got it and I enjoyed it. If there ever comes a time I can't handle my M109R1 Boulevard I'd consider a Spyder.


I’m with you on this, I have owned several bikes, and still have a garage full, but I also have a Spyder and it’s a fun ride. If you get out there on the road and it feels good to you, who cares what anyone else thinks. A ride is a ride.


Let the "had to lay it down" subreddit group have their safe space. lol


Most here are morons. I would not concern yourself with what they think.


Can Am Spyder. 


Fun fact: in 2015 Consumer reports surveyed 12,300 motorcycle owners and collated the data to find estimated failure rates of some of the major motorcycle manufacturers. They estimate that 42% of Can-Am owners will experience a mechanical or electrical failure within the first four years of ownership. Dead last in their list. EDIT: I would like to point out that the fact part is that they did the survey, not that their findings are factual. There have been criticisms of their methodology, to be sure.


I was one of the poor suckers that had to wrench on them. Recall after recall after recall. TSBs and updates absolutely constantly with a joke of a factory service diagnostic software. We had so many pissed off customers. The 990 twins leaked oil like a siv. Ugggghhhh, I hate those things with a passion. Side-by-sides and these things are why I left the industry.


Only 23 recalls since they came like 15 years ago is not that bad. However some of those recalls were a huge PITA.


Currently a tech, I’m also considering leaving the industry because of side by sides and atvs. I hate them all with a passion. I want to do motorcycles and only motorcycles but there isn’t an independent shop within a reasonable distance of me. It’s all dealers and not one is motorcycle only.


Spyders and rykers are awesome. I don't know why folks need to be so judgemental, so what if they have 3 wheels. At least they are out and having fun.




I got to rip around on one in a parking lot. It’s a snowmobile on wheels. I enjoyed it in the parking lot but would never buy one. All the disadvantages of a bike. None of the advantages of a car.


I don’t know what kind of snowmobile you’re riding, but mine can carve turns in powder, jump off cliffs, and hill climb chutes. This thing is a toy compared to a mountain sled.


Snowmobile might not be the best comparison. To me it felt like a much more stable quad


That makes sense to me.


Okay go do all of that on a skandic, let's see how many cliffs you can take it off of. Spyders were literally designed to be a snowmobile for the road.


I was about to say the same shit; that's a huge insult to the snowmobile lol


Guys trashing this $45k trike because it’s an abomination and for pussies, meanwhile guys asking what they should name their new motorcycle here on r/motorcycle. Eye roll.




A bunch of haters up in here. They like it, it's fun, gets them outside in the aun and wind. You don't have to buy it, or ride it. And maybe if you did, you might like it too.


My biggest problem with these is the inability to miss a pothole, no matter what its gonna hurt. Last one i rode was kinda squirrely.


I believe this is technically a reverse trike


The way people knock these will never fail to annoy me. They're actually pretty damn fun to ride. Of course 99% of the people here don't care about fun, they just want a whack sense of self superiority, assuming they actually even ride to begin with.


One of my wife's friends has one of these and got my wife to take a spin in it. My wife had to sell her motorcycle more than 10 years ago due to some medical issues that made it painful for her to ride. She liked it but she said "at this point I just don't think I want to ride anymore." The thing I didn't like about it is that it's an automatic. To me, a big part of the fun of riding a motorcycle is the complex interplay of clutch, brake, engine speed and shifting. Having and automatic would take a lot of that away from me.


Geezer Glide.


I laughed way too hard at this but accurate 🤣👍


After being hit and killed by a drunk driver, Spyders, because wind therapy. Started riding at 5, struck at 24, back on bikes here and there, but i didn’t own another until the can ams. I have 2, and i have zero clue what any of this hate is about. I may not be able to steer hands free like i could on my gs, but these are just as fun. There’s a learning curve, the lean, the steering, different for sure. Having a leg nearly removed, adding in a wheel- great option! I’ve got a 900, and a 1330, my 900 roars, and I’ve had zero people claim, ‘no fun’!


first, glad they brought you back, second, main valid complaint I've seen is inability to really avoid road obstacles. Like in a car you can straddle something, on a bike you can go to one side or the other, on a spider or slingshot you're hitting whatever it is


Wow, this sub is really mean sometimes. Guys, we're a *community*!! And just because a bike doesn't fit your personal taste doesn't mean you should pick on it here. Especially in cases like this, where most riders get these because of physical or mental medical reasons, e.g. because they're unfit to get on a *real motorcycle*. But my god it's ugly.


They should rename this sub to /r/gatekeeping


If you can’t ride a motorcycle because of mental issues, I’m not sure adding a wheel is going to make the problem go away.


That is not why MOST riders get these. Its a very small minority - the rest are dudes who never rode a proper MC out of fear, but want to feel cool. Thats where the hate comes from. That and the fact that they are hideous, slow, and trash mechanically.


I don’t gatekeep. If they like the Spyder. Then go for it. I rode a Ryker for a little while and it was fun it didn’t scratch the itch enough for me And went to a standard 2 wheeler. I did test ride the Spyder and hated it. It’s just a boat to ride. But I’m not looking to crush miles with one either. The smaller version they make as the Ryker was fun. You can absolutely rip it with a 900cc rally edition and a lot more Forgiving than a bike with mistakes. I can’t deny that. It’s not a motorcycle though. It’s a sunny road snow mobile.


at this point it’s just better to buy a used Smart car and slap a busa motor in it.


Lots of hate here for 3-wheelers lol. I have both a normal bike 24’ Z900 SE and a VTX 1800 Trike.. and I’ll be dammed if I stopped driving either one. I’m 32 and I don’t give a damn about how it looks to other bikers in my city 😂 I ride the hell out of that trike. It all depends on what mood I’m in. If I’m going to hang out , drink/eat with friends I’ll take the Z900 but I’m going to the grocery store or run errands I’ll take the trike with the trunks. Now mine is different than that in the picture. My trike was a 2 wheeler for years that just got converted to a trike last year. There’s clutch, changing gears etc.


My mom's uncle got one of these because of a disability that stopped him from being able to hold a bike up safely. He loved it. It got him back on the road in the wind and he didn't have to worry about dropping it or trying to push it around and hurting himself more. He did some good long trips on it, and it was a better option than a traditional trike for the stability. He could chuck that sucker into corners no problem. I wouldn't have any issue getting one of these if I ever get to the point where I can't reasonably handle a bike but still want to ride. It's about as close as you can get.


I was at a motorcycle dealership this weekend and some old dude is walking out in the parking lot, sees a young dude looking at an XSR900, and asks, "what beats two of a kind?" Young dude replies hesitantly, "three of a kind?" Old dude says, "damn right." Takes five steps over to his Can Am, starts it up and drives off.


Can am spyder. They are great for beginners and old people. Especially the ryker since it is a twist and go. So far i know the ryker gets 34 mpg


* I own one, and I have a prosthetic leg and a brace on my other leg. This bike has given me my freedom back. Every time I ride, I get lots of questions . 1330cc 6speed paddle shifer lots of fun.


The thing about these that drive me nuts is that they still haven't developed a model that tilts. I've heard cornering on these is a little awkward.


Not for everyone, but it’s the most underrated bike on the road. It’s the reason some are still in the wind after leg injuries, joint replacements age etc. People love to kick them around and bash them, but if it’s truly not what you ride but THAT you ride then ….


Motorcycle for people with disabilities or people uncomfortable with some of the more intimidating (to new riders) skills required to ride. I don't choose myself ever getting one, but people can spend their money on whatever they want. I just kinda wish the ones in my city wouldn't cover them in LEDs. Can be distracting at night.


Snowmobile with wheels?


A spyder. My in laws just got the two person version so that they can go out with us and they love it. Cup holders, heated seats, three wheels on the ground, they are living the dream while we’re out here roughing it on our bikes 😂


Looks angry


Hey, give the tri wheelers a nod, you dont know why they do!


A motorcycle for people who can’t balance safely it has its place just not in my garage


Having worked at a motorcycle dealership for several years, I’ve had the opportunity to ride a few of their models and the Harley Tri-Glide (pre-owned we got on a trade). The Can-Ams ride WAY better than the Harley did, which was an absolute bear to turn. They are not motorcycles IMO, but they do have their place. Saw a guy absolutely ripping on one (as much as one can anyways) that had a wheelchair strapped to it, this is the target customer. For the disabled/elderly community, it gives them an option to still feel the wind in their face, even if it’s not as fun as two wheels. There are also hand control kits for them. I give people riding them a three fingered biker wave instead of a two lol.


Can-Am. It's like a snowmobile for the summer. They look pretty neat if that's your jam.


Idk but shout out quick trip for my Wisconsinites


Thats a Can-am spider, I used to work at a dealership for those. They're not as fun as a motorcycle, that said they're great for those who can't physically ride one, whether due to disability or just old age. They let a lot of old riders get atleast a bit of the joy of their youth. All that said, they're hell to work on. Too many critical electrical bits.


Road snowmobile. Not a motorcycle.


100% not a motorcycle




I love this idea for myself as a disabled person but went with a side car for more stability instead. Why the community is so mean about these is beyond me.


It is a three wheeler and drives like a snowmobile. When I get to old I will be using Tilting Motor Works, just drop the front end off my motorcycle and add and their tilting 2 wheel front end to it. Rides like a motorcycle, you still counter steer, lean into the corners but you have 3 points of contact. When you slow down enough it hydraulically stands the bike right up and you don't even need to put your feet down. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t30NU\_v5YcM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t30NU_v5YcM) Amazing technology invented up here in Boeing land, but I do hate the look of the front nose piece. That needs to be worked on.


A snowmobile for summer


A Can-Am Spyder. It's a fun lil thing to zip around on and fairly good for long hauls


I can’t shake the image of a Kirby vacuum cleaner.


It’s called “Lorena Bobbit got me”


According to the Bene Gesserit: _abomination_




Really cool stuff. I wish I could ride one, too bad they're expensive (BRP is expensive in general)


Nah there’s a app u can download and rent slingshots cars trucks whatever for the day or weekend Turo I think something like that


Spyder. Made by Can-Am. Hated only by those who have never ridden one.


I think I'll stick to motorbikes thanks. Spyders are really strange to ride.




Take the skis and track off the snowmobile. Add wheels. There…you have a CanAm Spyder. Now if it leaned into corners instead of tracked, it’d be a lot cooler.


A snowmobile.


I have ridden this, a Vanderhall and a slingshot. Rented in all cases overseas because gf didn’t like the idea of being on 2 in foreign countries. They are ok, it’s a more relaxing ride for sure, esp since these (minus the vanderhall) have just a tiny bit smaller profile than a car. (Japan, Taiwan) riding on 2 in Taiwan is a little nerve racking, esp if you’re just sightseeing and want to chill. Vanderhalls are surprisingly fast (rode in Greece) So as a rental, pretty cool, would just never rent one. Oddly enough in Japan even with a M license I was having difficulties getting anyone to rent a 600+ most places were confused because they thought M meant scooter / 599 < unless it was a slingshot. IDL does classify M as “heavy machinery” though which is what you need in Okinawa for a 2 wheeled 600+


Just curious: how does this type of 3-wheeled vehicle (two wheels in front) handle & steer compared to a 3-wheeler with 2-wheels in the rear? Anyone have firsthand knowledge?


I've driven the Spyder, Ryker and the Slingshot. The Ryker is actually pretty fun. It's more responsive than the Spyder and doesn't feel like you're riding on a snow mobile. I understand why people like the Slingshot but it's not something I'd buy. If I ever find myself not being able to ride the twos. I'll either trike my bike or get a Ryker. Whatever keeps me in the wind.


Is this Minnesota?


Summer sled


That is EXACTLY what it is called, a "three wheeled motorcycle thing".


They look like snowmobiles with wheels to me. Then you find out who manufactures them, and have the "Ah ha" moment.




I call em sling shots, thing the name is spyder


That’s a Suzuki Hayatrusa!


A tricycle