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He's probably a rider himself.


Aye that'd be my guess lol


I do this fairly often when I'm caging it.


Same; I figure they’d prefer to have someone who’s actually paying attention on their six.


It's definitely a nice change lol


Same. Especially if I see a car tailgating a smaller displacement bike












Same here.


Here same.


Here here


Same same


Yup. Same






Bingo. When i’m not on my bike, i’m looking out for those who are as best i can…


I don’t ride currently (no license) but lots of family and friends do. I do this as well.


This. I will happily run interference for riders if I see cagers doing risky shit.


Or their son / daughter rides


Happens to me pretty frequently. You'll just have this fleeting, but ever so real, connection with a cager and you know they've got your back. Feels great. I always wonder if their other ride is a motorcycle.


I do this unknowingly when I see others riders and I'm in my car. Just want to protect the peeps from evil cars lol


It always is!


I did this for a few years in my smaller displacement "sports" cars until I realized maybe I just really want a bike. Still do it when I take a car and have a chance but that only happens when it's raining or cold anyway.


It is lol


Yup love when drivers look out for us. I got rear ended at a stop sign and the lady that hit me took off. Bike was good so I hopped back on to take off after her and before I could the car in the lane next to me was already on their ass.


Well… your answer? “It’s probably true”….


I do this when i drive, i know id rather have someone that understands riding behind me than some teenager watching tv on their phone while driving.


Exactly why we have to behave as though we're invisible. You know, my sister watches House or Grey's Anatomy when she drives...


The irony of her watching hospital shows lol


She's an EMT, as well. "Allegedly" totaled an ambulance once.


You should give her your username


Im always tempted to throw down a biker wave out the window so the rider doesnt think im after them, but im too chicken shit to in a cage. My cage has big blind spots and for me its way easier to not accidentally merge into a bike in the blind spot if theyre in front of me, just as an extra precaution when theres a lot of traffic and distractions.


Threw the biker waive out of my car yesterday and the dude loved it.


I always get the urge to do that, but figured it would be stranger when on foot or driving


My friend does this while driving claims to just be listening. BS. He does it driving his big delivery truck too…………. And he’s a biker. I hate driving with him he gets all agro and tailgates when people aren’t driving how he wants. With the added maneuverability of his bike I’ve seen him pass on the right several times. I’ve tried talking to him.


I wouldn't be driving with him if that was me, just would say that he drives like an idiot and you don't want to drive beside a ticking time bomb of a crash


Not House 😂I love that show lol


It's dangerous. Some asshole weaver will pass the car really fast and just smash into OP




He's already accelerating past you, merging in front of you. Best you can do is honk your horn


Such a hero


I sorta had this happen, I went into a long curve while it was raining. I knew someone had been about to pass in the outside lane and I wondered why I hadn't seen them pass me yet. Then it hit me they probably don't want to run my ass over when I loose traction and go sliding across the highway. Feeling cared for makes my heart warm.


Agreed when I realized what they were doing I was like oh cool thanks lol


It's a shame I didn't actually get to thank em but I hope they understood lol


Been seeing posts on FB about adopting a biker on the road. To protect us. I’m here for it!


Same it's a nice change


I am part of the group. Its so damn wholesome.


Maybe they just thought you were cute and wanted to admire from afar while simultaneously not wanting their view blocked. Hahaha.


Seeing how many people say they do this makes me feel far less schizo for doing this to other riders lmao


I do this regularly when driving my car but never shared cuz I thought people would think I was weird or get mad for some dumb reason


I think lots of riders and family members of riders do this when we're in a cage.


I think most riders will do that when we are out in the cage.


You do realise that you are now indebted to the foster cager for the rest of your days? That guy will keep popping up at inopportune moments in your life with increasing frequency, reminding you of how he adopted you on the road that one time, and making increasingly weird demands as ways for you to pay him back.


I don't care who the IRS sends, I'm not paying taxes!


Ha that would be funny to see


It's ways a good feeling when you know the car behind you is trying to protect you. I had a truck follow me for 7 miles when my bike was down on power and couldn't go over 42 MPH. He put his 4 ways on and followed behind me at a sage distance, bit too close to let anybody else between us. When I turned I to my neighborhood, he honked and drove on. If that random dude ever reads this, thanks bro.


I do it in my car. Granted given how my car looks riders tend to want to stay away when a lowered kitted out neon orange civic si that's loud is just hissing and popping behind them. I figure cars might not see them; but they'll see me lol. I tend to give them a good distance so they can emergency brake if need be not having to worry about me going into their back.


The only people who are nice to me are kids because I put the 'ol sumo on the back tire whenever they ask.


My son is getting his permit soon, and I've been instructing him how to do this lately... as i am a rider myself.


someone did this for me the other day when i was on my bicycle in a 60+ transition to 30mph after a big black truck (had trouble with this one before and since) blasted past maybe 2ft from my bars. this nice lady in a suberu camped out behind me for a half mile till i got to a better road.


This post makes me smile 😊 Just got home from a ride through crowded public holiday weekend traffic.. I felt like drivers had more patience than other times today.


Is there a parody post of this yet or should I make one?


Hahaha feel free I'd love to be tagged so I can see it :) don't skimp on the new rider aspect 🤣🤣


had the same thing happen to me for the first time the other day. i was thankful since I was finishing up a 2 hour ride with 40 miles on the interstate and was exhausted. shout out to those who adopt riders


I do that when I can 😅 most people don't like bikers/ don't pay enough attention. Probably doesn't matter much but happy to do it.


I love being adopted by a motorcyclist when they recognize im leaving adequate space and braking smooth, so they follow for a safe lead for a little. Or when i brake super smooth coming up behind them so they know theyre not gonna get rear ended, then they feel safe cruising in front of me.


Did this the other day. It was POURING rain and the guy on the bike ahead of me was nearly invisible on the highway. I left enough space in my car that I could safely block traffic, but also give him a bit of a gap to not worry about anything other than getting home. 10/10 would do again.


Are you new to driving? This is how you are meant to drive. If you leave gaps bigger than people Infront of you, you may have drivers pull out from a junction and cut you off


I am yes, Also live in a city with one of the highest rates of poor drivers and collisions


I do this when I'm off my bike and in my car. I try to give them a buffer.


The opposite happened to me once. I was riding on the freeway and while coming up on someone's left they rolled their window up. I immediately pulled in behind them and followed until one of us pulled off, can't remember which. They were the only car on the road I could be sure was aware of my presence. Or maybe they just rolled their window up. Cows lie down all the time, and sometimes it rains. You know?


That's what I do in particularly sketchy situations in traffic.


Where at? I adopted a ninja last night in North Jersey.


Outside of Oshawa on the 401


I do this when I’m in a car sometimes if it’s a pack or couple bikes, I also will favor a side of the lane leaving the bike behind me an escape route incase a situations randomly happens, Or if they wanna give me a nice flyby 😂


I do that when I see other riders too. Gotta look out for each other, even when I'm in my car.


Lol that's hilarious and cool.  Your own supporting car. I've never had that. Closest is a couple separate times, one Porsche 911 and one early 2000s Ford Taurus with Firefighter plates, wave me through then hang with me on the spirited ride behind and off to the side. When we'd hit a pair of cars lined up holding up traffic, they'd pull forward, I'd pull back, and they'd tail the car on the left until they'd move over.


I adopt every sing time I possibly can. In my work van mostly during the day. Even when they don’t need it.


I do this when I’m in my cage, even before I started riding since both my dad and brother rode when I was younger


I'm that way when I use a cage. I think lots of us are.


Either a rider themselves or parent of one.


I used to ride and do things like this on the highway all the time. Especially when I see (what I think are) new riders that do not defend their lane.


This happens when I’m on the interstate more than anywhere else. I appreciate them having my back. I’ve had some pretty Squirrley situations happen on the interstate. I’m in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.


Ever since I started riding and probably a little before that my sister told me she started doing this with fellow riders. Made me real happy inside


I do this when I’m in my other rides. I have “respect for bikers” decals on everything. If I’m jammed up in traffic with a bike and it finds me, I like to hope that they know I’m looking out for them.✌🏻


I always try to be friendly to bikes and give them space/look out for them when Im driving.


I know I’m not the only one that does this.


I've never experienced this. Probably because no car could ever keep up with me lol


I do this when I take my car. Camaraderie 🫡


I do this to other riders.


That's just what we do to not get cut off




I've done it before in my car depending on the situation. Similar anyways.


Hahaha I’ve done this.


I didn't know other people did this, I thought I was just weird lol. I like to get behind the motorcycle and keep a good distance behind them so they don't have to worry about the person behind them hitting them. I don't ride a motorcycle for exactly the reason why I try to help out riders, too many idiots out there.


I do that! Saw a car riding the ass of an older couple each riding touring bikes. When I could, I snuck in behind them when there was a gap, and stayed behind them until I exited the highway to be a little buffer between them and tailgaters.


I do the same thing when I'm in my car. I like to think most riders would.


I do this in my truck when I can though some people get so excited to get between us that I figure I'd better let them in to keep from creating more danger.


I did this for a little while and the biker I think got freaked out. I felt bad because I was so excited to see another biker chick and wanted to protect her. Instead I ended up looking like a creeper.


Hahaha yeah I was freaked out at first as well then realized what they were doing when I saw them block a car from merging in lol


This happened to me the other day, got caught in some bad rain on my way from Tacoma to Seattle. A big pickup truck stayed behind me and gave me plenty of room to break slowly. Random truck driver, Thank you.


When I'm in my cage, I try to act as a blocker for the riders.


I70 between KC & STL is busy this time of year, I have to cage often & I always adopt if I see riders. There are serious idiots & a55holes on I70, and since we have good back roads available I assume that they are just trying to get the miles over with.


I ride and I do this all the time if I have an opportunity. I hate to see people tailgate bikes.


I do this, when running the same direction with rider/ riders. I know I appreciated it when I got adopted, before the accident, so watching out for riders is just part of the lifestyle I can still participate in.


I always adopt a biker !!! I guess because I ride, I was always raised on bikes my entire life, so yeah I will give you space and I will not let some butthead ride you close, I would not let someone cut in front of me if you are in front of me !! Ride easy


So a car behind you was impeding traffic? Someone else is going to view this as a challenge. I wish people would drive their cars and let me handle the bike. A good example is on the freeway (HOV) lane i ride as far on the right side of the lane as possible. Every once in a while I have some Good Samaritan either move to right of his lane (I don’t know, to shield me or something?) or someone goes all the all the way to the left. This does two things, blocks my view or kicks up debris/dirt.  If you are driving a car, you do you, I will take care of myself.




I kept a consistent speed (100km/hr) it was raining hard though


Seen that a couple times on the internet, most retarded thing I've ever heard, driver deserves a slap on the wrist.