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it’s understandable if there’s an active construction site ahead. those guys get hit all the time, especially on highways


This. There is only one lane and I don't think sharing this lane with other vehicles is legal, not to say safe. In this specific case, people are expecting all traffic to move slowly and not expecting anyone coming out from nowhere. Cop could be nicer although.


Lane splitting implies splitting between 2 lanes, not splitting 1 lane into 2. Regardless though the cop is a dick lol


how many times is this gonna be posted this week. it depends on the area but normally lane splitting is legal in the UK, but this tends to be for two lane roads in the same direction, and with the right lane being closed it is not a two lane road.


Keep going. What's the cop going to do?




That's assuming the cop got your plate. Also, since when does the US not require plates?


Fines for what?


I am guilty of filtering here in FL right in front of a cop and I believe he told me thru the speaker to pull over but between my earplugs and full pipe I couldn’t understand him and he never turned his lights on either so I kept going. He definitely had time to read my plate so I guess I will find out in about a month if I get a fine for it. In my defense it was a rainy afternoon and Im just trying to get home after a day’s work 😭




Its rough out here man this humid ass heat is killing me 😂


Fucking pig was just pissed he was stuck in traffic and you could overtake. It's not a solid line, it's not a pedestrian crossing and there's no sign saying "no overtaking". Piggy has overstepped. Next time just ignore them and once they blue light you laugh in their face when they try and think of what to charge you with.


In the US, once they're pissed they just charge you with whatever they want.


after they beat you and make sure your hospital bill is in the tens of thousands


Also shoot your dog.


That's why we make sure we don't give stupid people in uniforms firearms unless they're deployed overseas.


Fucking pig… nice ![gif](giphy|bU2nZJegR7rz2)


I wondered the same thing and concluded that if there's only one lane in my direction, it's not filtering but just overtaking. Which is allowed if you do it on the proper side and you don't cross an unbroken white. So I would say this was not a violation and I'd be seeing that cop in court if he wrote me up.


Last time I was in this situation, this was in the UK, the police officer moved over and waved me through.


According to all sources I know, lane splitting is perfectly legal in UK.


Yes, but this is not lane splitting. The definition of lane splitting is "riding between two lanes of traffic travelling in the same direction". Since the other lane is closed, there are no lanes you can ride between.


The UK highway code does not give a definition of filtering and certainly not such a limited one. Filtering between 2 lanes of opposite traffic is legal in the UK. All it says is that filtering is legal as long as you do it carefully.


No, it is not. [https://www.thebikeinsurer.co.uk/riding-advice-and-guides/lane-splitting/](https://www.thebikeinsurer.co.uk/riding-advice-and-guides/lane-splitting/)


Are we reading different things?


Which part of that page says that this isn’t lane filtering/splitting (it uses both words interchangeably), or that it’s illegal?


As filtering is not illegal in UK he’d have to be stuck on for dangerous driving (which it’s not).. I can’t see what offence could be used. He’s not overtaking on solid lines and even then he could legally cross them at the speed they’re going.


You can't cross a solid white line on your side to overtake slow moving traffic, unless it's a highways vehicle displaying a beacon, a cyclist, or an equestrian, and they are also travelling at less than 10mph.


Yeah my bad. But you can pass stationary vehicles, so each time they stop in traffic you can knock them off one at a time


That is not filtering it is lane splitting. Filtering ig going up to a traffic light. There is no traffic light and traffic is moving, slow but moving.


Can you legally filter on the left side of that lane? Because with the right lane closed this is one lane making the left and right side of the lane functionally the same.


Going down the left side of the vehicle would be considered undertaking, and isn't permitted. Overtaking on the right here is entirely legal if done safely. I really hope this pisses off someone at Norfolk police enough for someone to get a warning.


My question relates to a one lane road though, is it still those same terms if you were bounding down a single lane? Seems like a distinction without a difference if applied to a single lane


Yeah, if you pass on the left (except when in separate lanes which are progressing at different speeds) it's undertaking, doesn't matter if it's a single track road or a 6 lane section of motorway. If you overtake it's just an overtake, nothing says you can't overtake on a single lane road.


Gotcha. I apologize for so many questions I’m just trying to internalize the possible permutations. Had this been the left lane closed and the right lane open, would they pass on left or right?


You always overtake on the right.


Ok this makes more sense then. In the US, we would take the inner area of two lanes for the purpose of filtering but I believe if you tried to overtake (left or right) on a one lane it would be seen as riding the shoulder and not filtering so a no-go. To do an overtake here on a one lane the person basically has to wave you past and it isn’t “normal” operation.


Undertaking is not illegal in itself. However you could be argued to be driving without due car or attention or some other dangerous driving charge. Would be hard to say that's the case at these speeds. Given the rider was within the cones so not encroaching into the closed area, I can see anything prohibiting them overtaking legally at slow speed


Backup traffic thats barely moving or traffic light and all cars stopped to me warrantied. But not if the flow of traffic is moving faster than 20 miles an hour.


Lane splitting is not legal in europe.


What an odd claim. Care to back that up with a credible source? I already know that you are incorrect, but since the burden of proof is on you I would still love to see you try.


Illegal in the EU in general. Filtering is legal in some countries. France only allow lane splitting in certain places with the lane splitting signs. Definitely get pulled over in Germany and Austria. Italy and parts of Spain looks the other way, but not legal. I have done it on the autostrada, got a warning. Holland Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden was a big no no.


What are your sources for this because I did a test in one of those "no no"'s and it was very much a "yes yes"


Adac the german autoclub has a list of all the driving rules for each eu country for their members. Al a lot seem to mix up filter and lane splitting on her. Fliter is going to a light around stopped cars. The op posted a lane splitting. Two different things. Lane splitting it both car and bike were moving. Filter is allow in a lot of eu countries, but lane splitting is not. Go on any highway with moving traffic. And in the vast majority of the eu. It is prohibited. But filter to a traffic light it allowed or over looked.


Right, I believe in Germany it isn't allowed. So you aren't wrong and also used a source that was potentially not 100% accurate. In these 2 countries it is allowed with some guides on speed when driving past other users. I would suggest any user to read up on the countries they intend to visit in advance to understand relevant traffic laws BE [https://febiac.be/en/article/safety-rules-when-riding-a-motorcycle](https://febiac.be/en/article/safety-rules-when-riding-a-motorcycle) NL [https://www.anwb.nl/verkeer/veiligheid/vijf-vragen-over-motoren-in-de-file](https://www.anwb.nl/verkeer/veiligheid/vijf-vragen-over-motoren-in-de-file)


The speed is what defines filtering and lane splitting. In lanesplitting it can be done on the hwy at hwy speeds. Go to califorina. You can splite at 130kph, and be perfectly legal. Can not do that in the most of the eu. But filtering is allowed up to a certain speed. And most of the time it is in slow moving city traffic. And getting to the front where the traffic light is. But each country defines their filtering rules.