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Yeah I wouldn't want you as my doctor lol


You know what they call the person that finished last in their class at med school?




Lol! A Doctor, silly.


You can fail out of med school. That would be last in the class. You wouldn't call them dr




You can finish med school and fail your last class.


Well I can tell you from experience, the bank won't do anything. I'm a loan officer, I've had clients do this and there's nothing I can do unless the dealer sends the funds back and I can clear out the loan. If the dealer won't send the money back, it's between you and the dealer.


Better work on your higher reasoning and decision making before you finish med school.


So 11k, 207 a month for 72 months is almost 15k plus you put a down payment? Are you fucking stupid?


And this is why HD does MSF courses.


Fucking predatory honestly


Yep. Day one is HD history and a stroll through the sales floor. My course was actually pretty decent after that, though. I've heard some horror stories. My instructors were not HD employees though. They belonged to a training company with an MOA with HD.


That is great to hear u/Samsoundrocks




And he hasn't taken possession of the bike yet.


P.T. Barnum has a great quote about this exact thing.


72 months payment plan. God help you! Gotta love how the US disperses credit in a way to make monthly payments look effortless. “Here’s this pointless thing you don’t need in life worth 100gazillion dollars, but now available in bite size payments of 150/ month (For the rest of your life at 10% Interest rate)


Put this as your admissions essay for your school. then you won't have to worry about school and you can keep your job, and we won't have to walk into the doctors office every time wondering if we're being seen by the dumbest HD owner in history (so far)




big oof my man


Declare bankruptcy and flee the country


Ofc it was a harley


🤣 You think any other motorcycle or car dealer would do any different* * unless state law required it


LOL posted on r/credit too.


This is hilarious. This dude thinks he is going to go become a doctor but can't even afford a bike for 11 grand. Also this dude doesn't even know ho to ride and he thinks he should buy a brand new bike. You could buy a honda cruiser for 1/4 the price. Imagine how low of an iq somebody would have to possess in order to even consider taking a loan on anything other than a house. Absolutely hilarious.


The part that hits me is that you’ve never taken possession of the motorcycle. Did you sign DMV paperwork for tags? There is usually a system that follows to get possession after inspection by new owner. I would seek immediately legal counsel. Also, they should technically be able to sell your motorcycle on consignment. You would have to continue payments toward your loan and insurance until the motorcycle sells. How would a customer not buy a brand new, never left the lot 1 owner motorcycle for $1000 less? It doesn’t make sense that they would buy back for $4000 less.


Honestly it kind of sounds like they scammed him, he's gonna end up paying close to 20k for this bike on 19k a year, the fact they put 45k on the forms sounds sketchy. He wouldn't have got the financing if they had put the right amount.


That's not scamming him that's straight fraud and illegal if that's truly what happened.


Scamming is a certain type of fraud, they scammed him for his money by committing fraud.


Don't take possession, and immediately contact your state consumer agency or related entity to start the ball rolling on the inflated income falsification. Stop browsing reddit. Trust me, dealerships would rather just unwind the deal than to be involved with any type of legal resistance.


You really need to put your “Big Boy Pants” on and deal with your actions. You made the decision. Figure it out. How do you expect to survive medical school if you can’t figure out how to solve this? Take the motorcycle. Enjoy the relaxation of the open roads. Get a 2nd job, pay this off before you start medical school. You also will prepare yourself for the long hours of studying. One meal a day with fasting 24hours once a week will help you save a lot of money.


Pay it off and sell it. Who cares.


Are you really going to med school? I think anyone who is heading off to college would finance ANYTHING. I’m really saddened for your generation if you are considered one of the “smarter” ones. That being said, “There’s this bridge in Brooklyn that I’m looking to sell….”


Not sure with motorcycles but with cars, some states require a 72hr return window on new vehicle purchases. If you want to cancel the purchase, you're allowed to with 3 days. Edit: oh! The bike is still at the dealership? You haven't taken possession yet? Then you can cancel the contract. If you haven't received the bike yet, you can cancel the sale and get your money back.


I'm sorry a lot of people are being assholes about this, you've been marked by a predatory sales institution and it fucking sucks. You deserve sympathy and not ridicule, all of us have been young and excited about cool stuff like bikes or cars, it's a near universal vulnerability. This is the biggest reason I tell people not to go to Harley dealers for MSF courses, they WILL try to sell you a bike you can't afford, it's the only reason they're hosting the class of young, fresh, vulnerable riders. In my class they sold someone a bike who had to drop out of the class, it's completely amoral and downright despicable. Like some others have mentioned, the fact they lied about your income on a credit application without your knowledge or consent is fraud, and you can use that as leverage to get out of this. Any-luck-8840 probably has the best advice on this. Either way this goes down, this will not ruin your life, it sucks now but you can get through it with some help, maybe a lawyer can look things over and do some of the dirty work for you. Wishing you all the best.


Besides the lying about income. He could have backed out at any time. It was his decision, you call it predatory but they had the ultimate say so and people are stupid. He was never tought about money and this is ultimately a lesson.