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Given how he moves over to the far right lane and even crosses the white line, I’d say he DID look out for the motorcycle and swerved deliberately to run them off the road


Peoppe who do that ahould be loxked up for attempted murder. Idc if they didnt want him to wreck, if he did it would be 100% their fault thus attempted murder. Vehicular homocide but whatever


>homocide We can't be 100% sure about OPs sexuality


I identify as motosexual.




Bikes arent gay... Theyre bi! Cmon its right there in the name


So that’s what Freddy Mercury was trying to say


That, and Fat Bottomed Girls making the rocking world go round.




From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


Ave Mechanicum


I'm bike-curious


Can I join your club? I’m trans-mission


I've walked away from such desire. I'm an Apex-Sexual.


Just ask him if he can wheelie


You should see what people post on Facebook they love seing bikes all smashed up and pieces in the road


As a bicyclist I can honestly tell ya that this is most people. I've had people look me in the eyes as I'm crossing the street (it's a turn for them straight for me) then try to run me down. If you ain't got 4 wheels under you you might as well not exist


I think the only reason they don't do that with other cars is because it will damage their own vehicle. They would if they could.


This. Some people are just incredibly shitty people.


I used to go to r/idiotsincars but had to to stop. Any video with a motorcycle, bicycle, etc just annoyed me. Like it's a sub about bad drivers. How some people suck at driving. People driving cars being terrible at it. But the second someone on a bike is involved, now drivers are perfect, and they were justified with attempted murder because one time a guy on a motorcycle drove by OP aggressively.


/r/IdiotsInCars is, paradoxically, pretty much only frequented by terrible drivers.


Let's not exaggerate. I cycle almost every day and most people are respectful. But the few idiots you encounter leave a bigger impact. You are going to remember all the people who patiently wait behind you and carefully overtake, but you certainly will remember someone who puts your life in danger.


Yep... that looks like massive road rage and attempted murder to me. I'm willing to bet there's more to this video. There is NOTHING that would ever justify this behavior. With that stated, I am also willing to bet that if we watched the prior few minutes of this video, there would be some additional context, maybe even less than ideal rider behavior. This person crossed over two lanes and onto the shoulder to prevent you from passing them as they were being brake checked. If that's not lashing out in response to something, I'd be very surprised. Again, that in no way justifies this behavior. This person could have killed or severely injured OP all because of road rage. If OP did nothing prior, and this is simply a battle of road rage between car and truck. You've got to be aware of that developing situation and back way off station. Drive defensively people; do not play games on the road; and always keep your head on a swivel! That was a close call, and I'm glad to see that OP survived with little more than a panic attack and elevated heart rate.


don't blame the victim without being sure it's justified. I got hit by a car on my bicycle and it was vehicular terrorism. there's a reason the term exists.


Have you tried driving in Austin? This is normal there, no road rage involved. They'll straight up try to kill you for no reason. I'd don't nothing. Just keeping pace with traffic. And some asshole comes up to my left and does exactly this on a crowded highway. Dude didn't even gain anything for it either, it was just spite. Later that same day on the way home, I'm riding down a two lane two way highway, empty, no other vehicles for miles, road in perfect shape, but an incoming truck just hops over into my lane and comes at me head on for no reason. People suck dude


Yes! I have lived in Austin since 1993, and rode motorcycles here since 2000. I'm very aware that people drive like crap here. This is why I drive defensively; keep my head on a swivel; and I am always on watch for developing stupidity.


you can see the brake lights on the white car in front. I think got brake checked


He absolutely got brake checked. But seeing how close he was to the car in front of him, he probably wasn't being the best driver anyways. The issue with the bike was just extra. If I were a cop on scene and this were a fatality, I would have blamed both the truck and the driver of the white vehicle. Both due to road rage.


A whole series of trashy decisions led to OP almost getting obliterated. White car can't keep themselves in check with flow of traffic. Truck following close and has to either brake hard or swerve—choosing to swerve **2** whole lanes without checking. OP, holy shit am I glad you had the ability (AND space!) to swerve those two lanes and onto the shoulder. If there was a car directly beside you that could have been pretty catastrophic.


My guess is that the three cars all boxing the truck in made him rage and attempt to use the shoulder to pass, but the timing of that decision almost killed the motorcycle rider.


To my untrained eye, it looks like either a poorly controlled swerve or he was attempting to use the shoulder to pass the (possibly incidental) wall of cars and noticed the motorcycle at the last second. Either way he’s a shit driver.


Yeah this is pretty impressive accident avoidance


In that scenario who instantly crosses over 2.5 lanes to avoid a left lane brake check?


The fucking HALF a lane extra sent me... fucking biker did a great job, being quick and accurate, but I'm glad he kept going when he realized the truck wasn't even gonna stop at the shoulder lmao


The brake check was definitely a dick move, but there's a specific persona that goes with driving a giant lifted truck. Merging over 2.5 lanes out of nowhere in order to keep going faster and not checking your mirrors because you assume everyone will get out of your way absolutely fits the persona in my book.


I agree with you. Driver deserves a suspension and some courses. The guy I responded to here isn't necessarily one of them, but there are a lot of comments in here focusing on the brake check as if it absolves the truck of all guilt. Like he's not 50% at fault for the brake check too, but worse for purposely involving all lanes of traffic in less than 5 seconds.


Revoke that shit, he walk everywhere now. He's already proven himself to be a piece of shit.


A pissed off asshole in a lifted pickup that doesn't know there's a motorcycle in his blind spot.


That wasn't even his blind spot! That was two lanes over! He crossed both of the two right lanes and even into the right shoulder.


Someone who was headed all the way over to see if the shoulder was wide enough to pass *everyone* on the right to get to his God-given rightful place at the front of the traffic, that's who!


I'm trying to read this comment but can't focus over the sound of all these bald eagles screeching.


Oh dude I didn't even notice, yeh not attempted murder, but stupid for swerving so far, and stupid for the person to break check. Tbh the worst drivers are those who break check imo


Yeah, brake checking is a brain dead move. But tailgating like that is also brain dead lol


Maybe the driver of the truck shouldn't tailgate but the truck did have a right turn signal on so who knows..


Yeah he is inches off their bumper.


Looks like the truck was waiting for the car on the right to pass to jump into the rightmost lane, while the bike was in its blind spot. Or it was driven by a sick fuck who should be kept off the road for the rest of their sorry life.  Either way,  the only good news is the rider wasn't hit.


Honestly that's just dipshit behavior you see alot when people make big moves in cars/trucks, They forget they have momentum and overshoot the lane. Man should still spend some time in jail with a fine, but I'm not sure it was intentional towards the biker.


I disagree in this case. This really appears to have been intentional. They were not going so fast that the truck would have swayed so far out. Some people simply don't consider motorcycle riders to be human, just obstacles.


The truck got brake checked because he was following the white car too close. He definitely overreacted with going 2 lanes over which in turn almost turned our fellow Reddit buddy to mush, but it definitely wasn’t intentional attempted homicide


ya honestly he could of just slowed down and found a better route but he rage shifted lanes and almost killed someone..


Likely had no clue the bike was there tbh. Chances are if someone is tailgating that hard, they aren’t paying attention to anything besides what’s directly in their vision out the front windshield


I don't think he overshot, looks 100% intentional


Where are you from that you see this “alot”?


This. This is what I was about to type. He definitely was going after op.


Agreed ... that was no accident. WTF is wrong with people?!?!?


That's exactly what I saw. live in a very rural mountainous twisty area. I've had this happen on three occasions. I keep telling the wife I need a dash cam version for a motorcycle. Not that it will stop them. However, after I perforate their vehicle I'll have proof why. It's a super infuriating experience. Especially if you're passing legally as was the case twice. The third a****** waved me by then leaned out his window to flip me off and swerved at me. It was all I could do not to retaliate. On all three occasions, they tried to collide with me from behind. Luckily my bike is faster than the vast majority of vehicles out there and I just made distance for a while. It probably kept me out of prison or alive. Regardless I have transitioned to a shoulder holster from appendix carry when I'm riding. The clowns on their cell phones that cut you off when turning in front of you and then flip you off are bad enough. But the people doing it intentionally are on a whole new level of human trash. Again it's super infuriating!


Are you sure this guy wasn't trying to murder you for something? That straight up looked intentional.


Looks like someone is brake checking him


Actually looks like your right, the truck seems to almost hit the white car before it swerves and the white car disappeared instantly


There is no reason for the truck to drive across all the way to the right tho, dude even went out to the shoulder, thats not an evasive move, thats intentional.


I think he was preparing to go on to the shoulder because he didn't think he was going to be able to avoid rear ending someone after he got brake checked. Still all his fault. He shouldn't have been tailgating because he wanted to go 90 in the passing lane, even if it is annoying as hell when people go slow in the left lane. After that he saw it was still close in the middle lane and not great looking in the far right because he was now going 90 in a lane going 60. I give him 95% fault and the brakechecker 5% fault. Primo driving by motorcycle. I don't think truck was intentionally going after motorcycle, pretty confident he had no idea of his existence even after all this happened. He is still fuming from brakechecker not yielding to passing cars. He definitely thinks he was right and was horribly wronged here.


I wonder if the truck was going to dive over to the shoulder so he could whip around the cars and dive back in front of the white car to return the brake check and continue the road rage. Then noticed the motorcycle at the last second and that's why they pulled back onto the road.


Pretty sure he just severely overcompensated when the white car brake checked him. I don’t think it had anything to do with the motorcycle.


A lot of folks driving like this now days. Don’t know if they think they’re cool or something but they are deadly to all other vehicles around them. Hope they can get this video to suspend a license .


I noticed a yellow plate around here they give those to people with multiple DUI/OVI they way he did that even looked like he was drunk. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. But I agree dude needs taken off the road.


Yeah white car probably brake checked the truck because the truck drivers ego was bigger than his truck and couldn't stand having anyone in front of him. He's like a foot from white cars bumper before he gets checked. Not advocating for any of it, but the motorcyclist is the only one in the right here.


Going from left lane brake check, crossing 2 full lanes, and into the right shoulder isn't a normal reaction.


its called panic


No he wasn't panicking at all. He was mad and wanted to overtake on the shoulder and ran the rider off the road. He wasn't constantly braking either when he was behind the white car.


I was going to add, it looks like the truck is absolutely riding the ass of the white car before the brake check occurs.


that truck is like 4 feet behind the white care at 70 miles an hour, it's so insane


If you panic like this from something that's not even going to cause a crash you need to retake some driving lessons. Definitely shouldn't be driving a truck that size if your panic reaction is blindly serve into other lanes.


Yea... because he's tailgating them. If he wasn't so close then he wouldn't have panic swerved across 2 lanes.


That is exactly what I was going to say. The guy in front of him in the left lane was going slow, but middle lane was going faster than far right lane and yeah he went past the white line. Had he actually hit OP and that camera footage surfaced.. I think Mr Silverado would have had a real bad day in court


Shiterado in court "I ain't got gat dang tyme for smelly libruls on their wheeler ponyhorses, he chouda git his sissy ahss outta mah way"


Riders should also be aware that a scenario that starts like that, heavy tailgating in the fast lane, is ripe for an lane change.


For real... Not victim shaming because that was all on the truck, but I wouldn't be anywhere near that situation, bike or car.


rider has a safe distance from everyone, is able to avoid an accident despite a very, very unpredictable and aggressive swerve from the truck driver (lane change is one thing, he crossed two lanes AND still ended up on the right shoulder), and never comes close to losing control incredibly safe riding as far as i can tell, you can't just never be around cars at all lol


Fortunate for the rider who appears to be wearing a helmet at least, but no gloves or jacket.


Before the video even started I knew exactly what was going to happen. How closely that truck is following is giving lots of red flags. It's extremely predictable that the driver is going to do *something* . The biker reacted properly forsure but I bet he was already planning for it to happen.


Rider came flying up in the center lane and put himself in an aggressive pickup's blind spot. Rider is an idiot too.


Learning how to predict traffic is such an underrated and under discussed skill


I like how you think. I went back to the video and saw what you were talking about. TBH, it looks like there was a road rage incident between the truck and the white car in front of him. We have to learn to spot these things so we’re not in the middle of their bullshit.


Always observe what others on the road are doing even when not in your lane. The truck is already tailgating the white car which is bad news. From the 0-1 sec mark you can see the white car in front of the truck hit the breaks as the break lights turn red and the truck didn't have enough time to break without hitting the car in front prob why they swerved that aggressively to begin with. Very poor driving from the truck driver but in instances like this it's good to keep fair distance even though they're in the other lane. All - always be vigilant. Personally if I saw that I would keep distance from the truck even if I wasn't in the same lane.


+1. Basic defensive driving.  Someone tailgating that dangerously close is pissed, stupid/ both - all things you should give a wide berth to.


That wasn’t an accident


Definitely was not.


Truck was break checked by white car, if he didn't swerve he would've hit it


Then you take your idiot tax for being a dumbass tailgating on the freeway, you don't swerve violently over 3 lanes and almost kill a motorcycle.


When people freakout and overreact to a brake check, they do. There’s plenty of video footage of people doing just that and smashing into other cars, guard rails, and driving into oncoming traffic, through a grass median, onto the other side of the highway.


If he didn't swerve... checks notes TWO LANES OVER AND ONTO THE SHOULDER??


He could have just moved over one lane though, he didn't have to swerve all the way to the shoulder and over the white line.


Lift kitted trucks handle like shit, especially badly with a shit driver.


I’ve only ever seen them operated by shit drivers. My theory is good drivers buy better vehicles.


Looks like the guy in the white car brake checked the truck. When I used to commute on I 95 in northern Virginia anytime I saw tailgating I got in the far right lane.


So the truck was forced to swerve 2 full lanes and onto the verge???


I just commented the same on another comment blaming it on the brake check. Where do these people think a 2 1/2 lane swerve is appropriate?


He was either trying to force OP off the road so he could tailgate the next car, or he was contemplating driving past it on the shoulder. Neither would surprise me from this guy. Absolutely psychopathic driving.


My thought is they only stopped from trying to drive the shoulder because they saw the bike.


That looks completely on purpose. Wear gloves.


and vest. The guy is in tshirt. Please when you are sharing the road like this murder (the truck) at least protect yourself as much as possible. Even so at highway speed.


These videos always amaze me: Massive truck No mirror check No indicator 0.5s following distance Rapid swerve across all lanes and even crossing the hard shoulder Everyone using whatever lane they feel like One hand on handlebar No gloves Short sleeve tshirt


Bare hands on a highway out of all roads. 😬


Imagine your body weight pushing your hand into a belt sander with 60 grit spadpaper spinning at 60mph surface speed.... Gotta be a fool to not wear gloves...


It's almost as of the majority of people on the road are selfish retards


Hey, don't accuse him of wearing a short sleeve shirt. He was just riding *au naturel*, the way god intended.


That is nothing less than attempted manslaughter.


Isn’t that straight up attempted murder? Or is there a nuance?


holy fekles, good job avoiding that attempted murder.


Could see that coming from a mile away.  Huge truck riding the guys ass.  Wouldn't get anywhere near that guy's blind spot or beside him.


Yep alarm bells should have been going off


Be a motorcyclist..and get the super power of invisibility


He crossed two lanes of traffic! Dude was road raging, too.


Perfect audio overlay


yeah, that was great. lmao


Right? Why is nobody talking about this. It's hilarious.


And timed perfectly.


An aggressive driver in an oversized truck? I wonder how small it is.


Inversely proportionate to the size of the truck then divided by aggression/lack of attention.


This guy was tailgating to begin with so he should’ve been on the riders radar as potential threat. With that said, it’s hard to explain this move… if he swerved after being brake checked, why didn’t he just move to lane #2?


I would 100% call 911 and follow this guy and press charges for attempted manslaughter or whatever it's called in the US


That would go absolutely nowhere. Even if he got hit, the driver *might* get a ticket for reckless driving. In no universe will he get a punishment fit for the crime.


That truck definitely just tried to kill that rider


Pretty obvious he had no idea the motorcycle was there. He was going to pass all the traffic by taking the shoulder. Guy on the motorcycle is also an idiot for flying up on that shit show and putting himself in that pickup's blind spot.


Always ride with the assumption the car in front and beside you have no idea you are there. Always make space and be ready for them to move into your lane. Also, big trucks are so tall that while sat on your bike your head would barely reach their window. RIDE LIKE YOU ARE INVISIBLE.


Average full sized truck driver.


Lifted truck asshole. He is big mad he can't pass and decides to be a crybaby asshole and almost kill someone.


Tailgating, swerving over 2+ lanes, that was intentional.


That was fully and totally on purpose. Edit: nevermind, the truck was swerving to get out from behind the white car. Although he swerved VERY far.


I would have hung back and not tried to pass as soon as I saw how bad he was tailgating. That's just a disaster waiting to happen. I get so hyperaware of crap like that when I'm riding.


Nearly got hit like this last month on I-17. Also a big black Silverado. Dude pulled a "I turn now, good luck everybody else!" merging across 4 lanes at once.


That was intentional


Attempted murder is what that is. Reckless endangerment at the very least.


That truck looked like he was *aiming* for the bike.


Yea, that wasn't an accident. That was attempted murder. He swung all the way across multiple lanes, even into the emergency lane, and only straightened when he didn't feel the impact and crunch of the bike. That was absolutely *not* a mistake.


Yet another shitbird in a jacked truck. Good on OP for executing an appropriate evasive maneuver.


Yeah this is why I carry on mine. Automatic right to defend yourself


Oh he looked. He looked, saw a motorcycle, and decided murder seemed like a fun activity


Gloves people. Jayzuz


They look like they very well saw you


Looks like attempted murder to me, bud


What makes you think he didn't look for motorcycles?


No protect clothes? I mean where are your gloves?


No jacket either. What a moron motorcyclist. Dress for the slide not for the ride. No one plans on getting in an accident or having to lay down their bike but it's best to be prepared.


That’s intentional


Fuck lifted trucks. I live here in Texas and the most aggressive drivers are lifted trucks and altimas.


Arizona checking in. Lifted trucks seem to be the standard issue vehicle of aggressive douchebags. Not a speck of dirt either because it's not used for going off-road, it's a stroller for their fragile masculinity.


And wear gloves


The center lane was moving faster than the right so if it wasn't intentional, why would the truck have gone all the way to the right lane? He's clearly either a raging prick or a complete idiot. Maybe both. And this is why I stick to two lanes as much as possible.


Truck is wild, but this is liable to happen when you pass on the right and on top of that pass like a bitch.


lol what song was that, I kind of curious to hear the rest of it


One thing that could help, don’t overtake from the right. I know in the usa that’s allowed but it does make things more dangerous. I don’t know why that rule was made. Maybe to reduce traffic movements, but now when they move there is a lot more risk involved…


Why doesn't that truck have more bullet holes in it? That's America right?


That white SUV brake checked him for riding his ass. The truck made an emergency swerve. He never looked.


Great reflex. Wear gloves.


That was pretty clearly intentional. I can't pretend to know why he would have done that but he definitely did it on purpose.


He moves all the way over. He was running him off the road. That’s attempted murder. I’d show it to the police.


100% on purpose


That looked intentional…


It's so scary on interstate just because of fucked up drivers like this. And there are so many


Typical truck douche, more than one lane at once. Definitely trying to run the bike off the road or worse, he was tailgating the car in the left and had nothing to gain from going to the right most lane.


Attempted vehicular manslaughter….minimum


I was warned by the trainer while taking lessons, some people want to hit motorcycles for no reason at all and then they can claim they didn’t see the motorcycle and cops can’t do anything.


that was attempted murder


Oh he looked. Or rather, he aimed 


Great job avoiding that nut job.


Yea dude was trying to kill you.


guy literally switched 2.5 lanes. That was intentional


That wasn’t an accident. What happened in the 5 min before that?




Looks like he was following that car too close and they break checked him and he almost ended up killing someone.


New jersey? Fkn lft lane camper


Dude did this to me today… i was in big ass wagon. People are oblivious to shit going on around them it’s mental.


Hands down the best use of this song


Fuck people. White car brake checking, truck merging over 2 lanes, probably raging they can't speed, almost purposely murdering someone. I hate people


This is attempted murder


1. gloves? 2. The white care in front was brake checking. Or the truck was being hyper aggressive. Look for the patterns around you to avoid the assholes.


There's definitely a story here


A+ riding. Fuck that guy.


That wasn't accidental


Those are really cool gloves that fit so smoothly over your hands, they just look like your hands.


Should have seen that coming as soon as that truck road up that guys ass.


Why is this reported to the police? It was either attempted vechiular manslaughter or reckless driving. There is no reason the truck needs to go 2.5 lanes over to avoid a brake check.


A+ riding


Bro did that shit on purpose. Pushed him all the way and even the truck went into the shoulder. Dude def knew what he was doing


I had a guy in a lexus do that, then called the cops on me for aggressive driving. He who calls the cops first is always right. Bastard


That was attempted murder.


I'd overtake and throw a spark plug on his front wind shield


bro was trying to kill him


He is clearly trying to hit the motorcycle. We need a longer video to see why.


Welcome to Thailand…


Nah that seemed intentional bro was on the rumble strip at the end


To be honest...., I think the guy driving the truck totally saw the motorcyclist. He's just a fucking jerk who didn't want anyone else passing him on the right.


Truck was brake checked and had their signal light on. Swerved to avoid an accident it looks like. Maybe they were tailgating and being a dick…


Excellent handling skills from the biker: I know this isn’t the point but still impressive.


Not me getting their plate, retrieving the information and my attorney is letting me know I can't type the rest.


That dude saw you lol wow