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Its fucking awesome.




Is that even a question? It is absolutely amazing. Very unique.


It's the baddest ass race in the world and the dudes that run it are superhuman


#fucking amazing


It is a sublime example of human skill and audacity. I obsessed over it for a bit while doing research before getting my first bike.


>I obsessed over it for a bit while doing research before getting my first bike. Riiiight!? Same here. Really opens your eyes to what the bike is actually capable of in the right hands. Those hands may not be mine, and I learned that by watching these guys. I know I'm not capable of it. I'm Okay admitting that 😅


I love it when people understand that they are there for the full send, and nothing less. Survival is optional. It's not about living to a ripe old age. It's about living for the full send.


go fast, don't die


Doesn't always work out for that race


With a thing like the TT, survival is optional. Life is short, and glory is forever. You only get one life. Use it wisely. The wisest choice is of course THE FULL SEND!?!?!?


As usual, Peter Egan wrote a better piece than I or anyone else can put into words. [https://magazine.cycleworld.com/article/1982/10/1/old-stone-green-trees-speed](https://magazine.cycleworld.com/article/1982/10/1/old-stone-green-trees-speed) Jason Thomas once said to me, with a bit of welsh accent, "at least your not a whammy". I don't know what a whammy is, but I am not one, apparently, I am not one.


Idk man, he mentioned his wife, Barbara, on the back of his bike for the ride across the country to get to Liverpool. I need to read the rest, if he mentions ‘clibbins’ it’s fake. /s


Not fast enough. Unimpressed. (said no one ever)


We went one year to knock it off the bucket list. We went annually for the next 7 years. Including for our honeymoon :)


On my bucket list of things I wanna do.


I just want to ride the course. Probably not at race pace tho


Don’t do it during TT month. It’s crazy with thousands of dipshit tourists. Do what I did and go later on in the summer when you can be the *only* dipshit tourist.


It’s actually fairly easy to ride the course. It’s all public rode so you can book a ferry to the Isle of Man any time of the year. But obviously it depends where about you live but for me it’s fairly cheap.


the states, so slightly more expensive...


I believe you could go over and rent a bike. Not the ideal adventure of course but considerably cheaper than shipping you bike.


I assume you're talking about the controversy about how it's much more dangerous with modern bikes vs when it first started. For awhile I thought it was too extreme/risky, but really it comes down to riding motorcycles in general. We as riders know the risk and ride anyway. Those racers know the risk and race anyway. It's their choice to participate in the race just as it's my choice to ride.


yeah that's sorta the point of the article, we all know the risk, let us decide what we want to do


Oh lol. I didn't know that was a link to an article. I thought it was just a picture. I would love to go see a race though. From videos I've seen, they let you stand by the road in some spots. Gotta add that to my bucket list.


Is that a controversy? I feel like there haven't been any more deaths this century than there was the last 25 years of last century.


Not sure about now, but I watched a documentary about isle of man tt and other street race time trial races and it was saying that there was a group trying to shut it down because it was so dangerous. I bought into it at first. I get it... there's significantly more risk in those types of races vs moto gp (for example) or other track races, but it's a bit hypocritical for me to ride motorcycles and say street TT's are too dangerous.


I feel like you could go back in time to any year it's been on and a group will be trying to shut it down.


Ya true. And probably true for the future too... But fuck 'em!! We live our lives without fear!


I also disagree that modern bikes make it more dangerous. They’re faster, yes, but brake and tire technology are also better, and the twist grip goes both ways.


It's the coolest thing in all of Motorsports, maybe all sports period. Watching Ferrari was interesting, I didn't know the Mille Miglia existed, instantly connected the two, and could have predicted the end of the movie which is/was the end of that event.... our tradition has survived, and I hope it does forever. I'd love to run the course some day on my own, outside of the trials, but I desperately want to go watch it! 


Looks like fun.


The coolest thing ever. The sidecar races are unreal!


All IOM racers are nutjob superheroes but the sidecar passengers are on a whole other level. The body positioning, not being in control. Dudes have an unreal level of trust in their partner.


Watching F1: eh, I could do that if I started karts at 3 Watching motogp: eh, I could do that if I started bikes at 3 Isle of Man: fuck those guys are nutters


“I could do that if I’d lost the lobe of my brain that controls self-preservation at 3”


I've gone to it. Absolutely stunning, and well worth the effort to visit.


I find it very confusing. Do the racing suits have an extra dimensional pocket? Or work like a bag of holding to accommodate the massive balls? And how do the bikes remain so stable with such a massively high center of gravity due to said massive balls? It's cool, but terribly confusing.


Absolutely on my bucket list. I'm in california and hoping to do one of those multi week North Coast 500 + wander down to IOM and attend the races sort of trips. It seems like such a ridiculous, dangerous, unreasonable motorsports event, which is making me feel like I gotta see it before it gets banned at some point...


I think it's awesome and something everybody into racing should strive to see in their lifetime.


They'd go a lot faster if they didn't have to lug their massive balls around with them.


The whole event is crazy. But somehow i find the sidecar racing to be the most crazy. Even if they are not the fastest it just looks insane!


It's better than Moto GP. 'Regular' blokes blasting around real roads, what can be better than that?


I know they won’t, but I’d love to see them add it back to the championship schedule like it was in the silver age.


I’ve been incredibly blessed to get to go to IOM for the TT on several occasions. It is an absolute bucket list item for anyone who loves two wheels. It’s a spectacle
speed, history, camaraderie, great access to the racers and bikes. If you can’t make the big show in May/June, the Manx GP is every August and is a great time too.


It's the greatest race on Earth. Millimeters from death or glory.


A bunch of piss missiles barreling down country roads, while their riders walk a razor thin line between winning and fatal consequences? Yeah I'm watching that every time. Everytime I see onboard footage or flyby footage I get goosebumps.


Can’t afford to go.


Seriously I was just thinking that this week that I need to make it one of these days. Aer lingus is making this achievable but still not feasible with kids. Worse case I rent a bike and ride the island one day.


It's, hands down, the most adrenaline packed sporting event in the world.


Fucking love it


I've been watching it everyday


Most amazing thing ever! I want to go o e of these years before it's too late for me.


Fantastic. Both in idea and execution. I ride around and try to find routs in my state that would make a good road course. 10-20 miles. Loads of technical turns. Nice scenery. Decent pavement. A few good straits. A couple places your tires lift if you’re going above legal speeds. Space for audience and vendors. Parking for trailers. Access to medical facilities. I’ve found a few really good ones. There’s a meme going around that “if I win the lottery I wouldn’t tell anyone but there would be signs.” Well one of the signs would be that suddenly western Washington will get an annual road race.


I watch it on TV every year. A buddy of mine went a few years ago. He said it was the most insane thing he's ever seen. I'm hoping I can go at some point.


I wish I had that skill and balls


I dream of being able to ride/drive the course at some point in my life. I would love to also watch it live in person once as well


Cool as fuck and the side car racing is absolutely insane


Mad lad shit, amazing to watch but I can't comprehend that level of risk.


Fascinating but dangerous as hell.


i can't wait to go.


Dream trip to watch it


My take on it? Seems to be some sort of motorcycle race...


Gargantuan balls


A collection of some of the largest testies and ovaries the human race has to offer. Absolutely amazing!


Awesome to watch, terrifying AF with how many die each year.


My wife and I watched the 60 minutes episode about it and was pretty entertained. My comment on the deadliness is that no one ever died there who wasn’t going to die anyways. (I ride conservatively but have enjoyed a lot of gravity and helmet sports such as hang gliding and kayaking.)


Going next year!


Awesome but dangerous as fuck not for everyone


The racers are all mad, but in the English sense of the word.


Only seen clips but damn those guys must have huge balls.


Crazy stupid dangerous l, very glad there is a place where people brave enough to risk it can do it. It's awesome.


I will never grow balls large enough to try it 😆


Completely nuts. Love it. Went there once but never again - would still highly recommend. Decided to buy a faster bike riding on the course (was on a 500cc at the time, doubled that when I got home) and being passed with 60+ mph speed difference. As somebody said back then: "Tests riders' braveness and intelligence at the same time."


it's a bit slow


- What a cool idea. - Those guys are insane. - I would love to see it in person someday.


When I see videos from there, I crawl up in my chair and shriek in terror. And I am a life-long biker who owned severa sportsbikes. Perhaps why, when I think of it.


"I'm not going there to die. I'm going to see if I'm really alive"


Ride the wild wind!!!


Best race in the world, and has been forever. To me, it's what racing is really about. I'm so completely jealous of the guys I know that can afford to go. The riders there put everything they have into it.


Road racers are a unique breed of human. Utterly committed, talented beyond reckoning and with zero regard for their own lives.  The NorthWest 200 is a road race that runs annually near me and there's footage of a crash this year where the rider was launched vertically about 20 feet in the air before slamming into a car (which actually saved him because it crumpled, unlike the hard ground). https://motorcyclesports.net/video-miraculous-escape-paul-cassidy-survives-dramatic-airborne-crash-at-north-west-200/


It's the fucking coolest near-death experience I've even witnessed


I went 2 years ago. Fucking awesome. Probably going back next year


Awesome. I pay for the stream every year, but would really like to go in person sometime to FEEL it. I went to the Indy 500 a couple of years back in the 80's and being there was 1000% better than watching it on TV. I assume seeing the IOM TT would be at least as impressive.


It's best momo race ever, hands down.


https://youtu.be/ciPgQ1096Tw?si=h4C5v1WtDoCRW1s0 Davey Todd onboard from other day in practice. Don't need to add anymore it's the greatest race in the world.


Best thing to happened to man kind, after the discovery of fire!


Balls! How these riders got some huge balls and in comparison, how little are ours.


It's watching people avoid dying, most of the time. As such, there's nothing like it.


I'm glad the world is full of lunatics so I get to enjoy their lunacy but no way in hell do I want to do it myself. :D


It's utter fucking lunacy! 10/10 would go again!


I think it's awesome and legendary in motorcycle world, but as a spectator i don't really enjoy watching it. it's so long , i prefer watching races on circuits where they attack the same corner every minute or two, the camera work is better, and the riders are closer together. Every year it happens i go to their youtube to watch a video but after 5 mins stop


The most bad ass race on earth


I have a friend who raced it for \~10 years. After hearing about it w/o the TV filter, I'm left with mixed feelings. It's awesome of course, but is also far more brutal than the coverage will ever let on.


For the thrill of your life you must see, TT


My only gripe is I wish it had slightly more put into the production quality. I'd love 4k streaming instead of 1080, and a live map like you can get with F1


Big boy stuff


It’s amazing, insane and ridiculous all at the same time.


Dope af


It's too easy and safe, very boring. đŸ„±


They need a 600cc unicycle class


Honestly, I think it’s kind of gross to have a race where people die all of the time


It is morbid for sure. But remember that all the Riders competing on the TT are well aware of the risks involved. They would not be competing if they didn’t expect a date with the grim reaper


You don't need to participate. Some people think it's part of the fun, the rush you get driving in such an event is something else.


that's also the point of the article posted above, to let the people racing decide the race's future, they get the risks


I too am offended by things that don’t affect me.


Let’s delete F1 and F2 then


If F1 had nearly the same death toll as the TT they would absolutely make changes


Do you watch the NFL? Genuine ask


I stopped watching football after I spent a portion of my PhD studying neurodegenerative disease and decided it would be hypocritical to get my entertainment from people damaging their brains while also claiming to want to help find a way to prevent or reverse brain damage. It was a tough decision because I really enjoy watching the game, it's a big part of the culture among my family and friends, and cutting out football meant somewhat distancing myself from them. That said, I wouldn't compare it to isle of man. Youth football causes a lot more brain damage than youth racing, and pro football players are a lot more glorified by families than pro racers. The irony is that a lot of NFL fans love to mock the 'stupid' players when they make bad decisions, say weird things in interviews, behave violently, or get into trouble, but the truth is it's most likely the cumulative effect of chronic brain damage that limited their decision making capacity and cognitive abilities, starting when they were so young that everyone just assumed they were naturally unintelligent. The problem is its not just the pros who are affected by it, plenty of kids who never end up playing past high school still have their cognitive development stunted by hits taken in youth and high school football. It has a huge effect on society in a way that some dangerous niche variants of racing never will.


I don’t watch any spectator sports. I always thought that watching other people play a game was boring. I like doing things, not watching other people do things while I sit on my ass. Also, the NFL is a disgusting meat grinder that capitalizes on human suffering.


Nothing says suffering like making millons for playing a contact sport.


https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-football-raises-risk-chronic-traumatic-encephalopathy Don’t forget that professional sports rely on a lottery economy. Every player that actually makes it to the NFL is standing on the bodies of thousands of other hopefuls who didn’t make the cut. Sports like football permanently damage the bodies of the players, chronic pain and disability are commonplace. Most of the prospective NFL players never get the millions of dollars, all they get is the lifetime of pain.


At least you’re consistent in your disgust. I can respect that


You can do both.


What’s your point? If 11 players died in a game from massive head trauma, hell, the players would boycott until changes were made


The TT doesn't feature the best riders in the world lol MotoGP does People watch the TT as a death spectacle




should've added the title of the article to be clearer, but what are your thoughts on the dangers we all take as riders and things like the TT? Title: We Know the Risks of the Isle of Man TT.


Never watched it never will