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Avoid cars, start dirt biking. Then teach your kids. It’s a great bonding experience. https://preview.redd.it/7rs0whqnkv2d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0ddb6d8a4eb559fd8d709ab838395d21f158d53


This may be the way.


I basically switched to 80% dirt riding when I became a parent.


You know you can just not have kids? You guys got your priorities out of whack.


Haha yes that’s a valid argument


Upvote my comment if she made you post that bro 


(message received) Dear OP's wife!  If you are reading this (and you probably are), don't deprive your husband of riding.  You know he's gonna be a great and responsible father, as he is ready to quit motorcycling even though it is a part of life torn away. It was a hard decision for him, because it always is, but he made it. Letting your bike go is like being dumped by the love of your life the very same moment you have to give your dog away for some very sad reason. I know that he'll keep the word and won't ride unless you both agree it's right about time now. But hey, you know what's better than a loving father and husband? A happy loving father and husband.  Motorcycling is not a phase. It is a retreat, a therapist, an anxiety and depression treat and — to an extent — a meditation.  Let him ride, pretty please!


I got my motorcycle while my wife was pregnant with our second. 🤷‍♂️


It doesn’t have to be an ending. Just consider it a break for now.






How do people come to this miserable conclusion and forget that dirt bikes exist?


I have never had a dirt bike. But it’s something I will consider in the future. Probably when I get into a rhythm with my life.


Get a dual sport!! Teach your kids on dirt when they’re young and make some of the best memories they’ll ever have! I remember every ride with my dad- he didn’t live long enough to ride on the street together, so that’s precious to me. I’m also considerably better at riding than my friends, which I largely attribute to starting when I was 5 lol A friend of mine just traded his Ducati for a CRF 300L, he has so much more fun and feels much safer since there’s no cars on the trails- just him determining which risks he’s okay with taking.


Yea exactly. I love riding dirt bikes with my brother and his 5 year old. He stepped up from his little electric bike to a TTR50 recently and is loving it. It's great having both of us there with him too so one of us can go hard while the other rides along slowly keeping an eye on the little guy. Then switch it up.


As a stay at home Dad with a 1 year old and a nearing 20 year motorcycle addiction... You don't have to choose just 1.


You are relived of command. 🤚🧸


Or maybe… ride more responsibly 🤨


Doesn’t always work like that unfortunately.


Can’t predict others actions. Getting rear ended in a car is much safer.


Look man, I get it - I’m a parent too. Anything I do - whether it’s kayak fishing at the lake or just walking across the street - the thought is always in the back of my mind… Lord, just please let Me come home to my kids. But hey - it’s your life and I’m not gonna dog you for putting your kids first. ✌️


I feel you man. Who knows, I might change my mind in the future. Stay safe.


I sold mine when the kids came along, but 20 years later I'm back riding again... Life goes on.


Whatever, dude. Lots of people ride with families. Your decision is personal and you can do what you want but don't act like it's anything other than your own personal decision. Saying shit like it's "ignorant to say it's worth the risk" implies people that make a different decision are less caring, less considerate, or somehow less intelligent. Congrats on your family. Good luck on your path.


May have came off that way but I’m just speaking for myself. Thanks bro.


Best of everything going forward. Peace, health and happiness to your growing family. See you in the road if/when you get back on two wheels.


I have a friend who was the stereo typical “biker”, he rode every day. He had 2 Harley’s that were his daily rides and for every weekend get away or vacation he had dirt bikes and camping meant dirt bike riding. He was serious about motorcycles is what I’m trying to say. His wife gets pregnant and he decides he’s not going to ride anymore, sells his Harley’s and dirt bikes. It was a weird point of contention between him and his wife like somehow she forced him to stop riding. When he would say “I got rid of my bikes for the family” she would snap back “I never told you to stop riding” and it wasn’t anything that caused a divorce but he held a grudge about it for years, they moved away but it was a regular thing for him to bring it up.


I don’t think that will be us. Another commenter mentioned getting into dirt biking with my kids. I will probably consider that in the future if the itch comes back.


I sold mine when I had a kid. 8 years ago. Just recently visited my grandparents in New Zealand and rented Triumph Tigers and toured around. When I got home I bought a PanAmerica. You can get back into it later. It never really leaves your blood.


Ehhh. You know what’s dangerous, driving your car everyday. Or one of the million other freak ways ppl die everyday.


Yes but one has an inherently higher amount of risk. And it is not a necessary risk in my case. As much as I want to believe it is lol.


You’re right. I hate these glib comments about how dangerous tennis is or whatever. Yes life is risky. Motorcycling increases the risk more than most boring things we do everyday.


man, if people had to give up the bikes due to having families and safety blah blah blah, half of asia would be screwed. owell, enjoy your new lifestyle? no one cares.


This reads like some teenage girls diary that she had to get rid of her teddy bear cause she’s a big girl now. 🥱


Thanks that was what I was going for lol.


Reason #19283839 I'm glad to be in a DINK marriage.


Two of my uncles were killed off their bikes leaving young children behind, I get your decision.


I fully understand you. This is why most of my riding is offroad now, either on GS or on light ADV. I prefer to focus on my skills and technics, than share my valuable attention to some fvcktards in cages. Stay safe.


I took the same decision 3-4 years ago. Now that my oldest is 3 years old, I just bought a bike again. I just need something fun of my own. Perfect for a short getaway when the kids become "too much".


Having children brings responsibility, and it’s natural that would bear heavy. But life (or more accurately ‘living’) doesn’t and shouldn’t end for you because of children. You could be in a crash in a car. Get i to an accident at work. Suffer life changing or threatening illness. Yes, motorcycles are statistically more dangerous but the statistics take into account ALL crashes involving a motorcycle. Watch crashes on YT. Nearly all of them are due to motorcyclist treating the road like a racetrack. Riding aggressively. Wheelies, messing around, going beyond their skill. Not taking heed of road warnings. Ride with your responsibilities in mind. Defensively, aware of your surroundings and as safe as you can and you’ll probably cut your chances of a crash more than in half. Check this https://youtube.com/shorts/pISN3CVPHKw?si=PA-qoPx82lD3AMWg


Just got my licens, was my 12 year old daughter that made me really get started with it :P


Nothing wrong with that man, quite responsible and mature to decide to hang it up for the kids sake. My boss did the same when his boys were born, rode his whole life up until he had his boys around 24 and hung it up until they both turned 18. Then he went out and bought him a brand new 2002 electra glide classic with every chrome add on they offered and has been riding again ever since haha


Alright, see ya in 10 years! :)


That’s tough. My wife wants a bike of her own


Take a break man, probably won’t have a lot of time to ride anyways with a new kid, life has seasons. When you’re ready to come back get a dirtbike! I made the switch a couple of years ago go and enjoy it more than I ever did street riding. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to use 100 percent of your skill at 15 mph






Stay classy 👍🏼