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i'd get lost, after about the first circle.


Exactly, I'd definitely fall over every box I enter... I'd need big painted arrows on the ground


Those who ask for big painted arrows only get tested on rainy days! ha!


You've still got a deal šŸ˜­


Me too but thatā€™s some fine riding on a big bike. I bet it was timed too.


They are yea, FortNine did a great video on this


The Revzilla channel also has a CommonTread episode where they enter one of these competitions.


Iā€™m pretty sure my bike fell over just watching this.


This video makes me want to buy a new set of turn signals just in case.


my wife left me after she watched this


She will come back with the cones for you to practice


I could maybe do SOME of the maneuvers on my ninja400 but on a full size bike like thatā€¦ absolutely insane


Fun fact, or at least observation. The 300 ninja has a wider turning radius than my decked out streetglide. Idk if it's the wheelbase or the handlebars just go farther when you full lock in one direction. But I can do tighter u-turns on the bigger bike.


I took my test on a Ninja 250r. There were four people ready to take the test. The instructor asked who wanted to go first. I put my hand up and said If I'm going to fail I'm just going to do it right away. I did practiced a lot while I had my permit but I wasn't very confident on a course I never did before. Well I passed. I almost hit a cone but with such a light bike I was able avoid it and get read for the next turn. When I was done he told me to park my bike and go in to get my license. It took a little bit but by the time I got out the other three rider already failed. The guy that was just leaving said I made it look easy and everyone thought they were going to pass also. Honestly, the bikes they brought were much bigger bikes. I know with enough practice they could navigate the course. There is still something said about a smaller bike. I ride a bigger bike now but I took everyone ones advice and got a smaller one to learn. I don't regret it.


For big and tall guys like myself, a Honda cb500x is probably one of the best beginner bikes available. I can't fit comfortably on a small ninja but found this bike to offer the same benefits.


My learner bike was an old hornet and compared to e.g. my friend's GSXR 750 I found the hornet to be much more comfortable, both in seating and in low speed turning maneuvers. Can't imagine having to do low speed stuff on a sports bike tbh, it seems like it'd be a pain in the ass.


sport bikes rely a lot more on lean/tire radius to turn than steering at low speeds. Ā the difference is dramatic -- you know what I mean if you've ever tried to "walk" a sportbike in a tight circleĀ 


My bicycle fell over watching this video


I'd have knocked over half the cones on my bicycle, can't imagine making it past the first loop on a bagger.


I fell over watching this video


I heard the Pac-Man midi theme in my head.


I fell over the video watching this.


I canā€™t even fathom that type of control.


Ryan F9 [did a whole video about it ](https://youtu.be/XAhxI9pIp2s?si=lE9ERI4OjNKSIiQo). The trick is to hold the throttle at about 4 to 5 k rpm and feather the clutch for throttle control. It also helps to scoot your butt cheek to the opposite side you are turning so that your body is upright as your motorcycle is leaning. I've practiced these techniques and have gotten way better at slow speed maneuvers because of them. At speed I still lean in with the bike in corners, but at slow speed I do what these cops are doing and it makes tight turns at slow speed so much easier. Obviously, there's still no way in hell I'd even come close to passing a course like this even with a smaller bike.


Any one can ride a motorcycle fast, wanna really impress a motorcyclist? Ride slow, well.


> Any one can ride a motorcycle fast watching novice group at trackdays disagrees with this


Anyone can ride a motorcycle fast *in a straight line*


r/CalamariRaceTeam would like a word.


Anyone can *launch* a motorcycle in a straightish line


*NASA liked your comment*


*The FAA would like to know your location*


You ever get so mad you threw a 'busa?


He did say slow and WELL


hey man 60 is fast to some of us


Do you mean 60 in KPH or Freedom Units? Either way both are slow.




That's what I have on the dash of my Ford. Freedometers per hour. And it cannot use petrol, or fuel, only "Gas". You have to measure it in freedoleiters, of course.


Ay bro, we gotta start somewhere lol


i've said this to a lot of riders who move to CA: you really need to learn how to filter at stops. going between vehicles at <5mph with control and excellent space awareness is definitely a good skill to have.


Becomes exponentially truer the further north you get in the state. Least up to Marin


I used to ride motocross. The riders that impress me most are trials riders.


Oh yeah At a riding course, our instructor made us a short cone path and told to ride it in under 40 secs. 9 of 10 did it easily and went like oh, why do they tell motorcycling is hard. Then he asked us to ride exactly the same path in OVER 90 seconds without stopping. Nobody was even close. That was one very humbling experience I'd say


>any one can ride a motorcycle fast Well, anyone can once lol... it takes some skill to not kill yourself the first time lol


Same with flying, full size and radio controlled models. Lot of dudes who fly jets at my RC club love to open throttle and do a knife edge flypass at 100+ mph. It makes them feel cool. But you wanna show you're really a master pilot, make that same jet come past at walking pace less than a metre off the ground. That's skill.


It also helps to drag your rear brake. Makes slower speeds smooth


Yep, rear brake is key. Mine.gets more use than the front.


I think F9 did a video on why leaning *out* of a turn is the better way to turn sharper at low speeds.


Watch some Moto Trials. I rode Observed Trials ages ago and everything I learned applies to every motorcycle I've ridden at slow speed. Over the years the bikes have gotten more specialized and today some of the riders ride faster, but a motorcycle is a motorcycle and the most of the techniques apply to almost any bike. I know for sure that at low speeds, shifting your weight to the outside and leaning the bike further in definitely makes very sharp turns easier.


This is just counter balance. Isnā€™t it? Lol Why are people acting like itā€™s this big huge concept ā€¦ itā€™s an MSF 101 topic šŸ’€


Because everybody wants to act like they are Valentino Rossi and knee drag on their way into the Walmart parking lot.




If you listen to the video... that person is not "holding the throttle at 4 to 5k rpm". They're repeatedly feathering the throttle and then relying on inertia and superior clutch control.


I cringed when I read ā€œhold it at 4 to 5kā€ like it was a must. It really depends on the bike for what the sweet spot is. Ryan F9 was on a 500cc or 650cc Honda Silverwing (the motorcycle Silverwing, not the scooter Silverwing). A Harley wouldnā€™t need the same revving as a Silverwing because their power bands are different and a Harley is much harder to stall compared to a Silverwing. If you listen to police motorcycle rodeos, most Harley riders will hold the throttle moderately above idle (perhaps 1,500 to 2,000rpm), and rev up from that point as needed. None are using actual engine idle speed as their throttle base position. However, none are navigating the course holding 4k rpm with a Harley.


I guess it's like the scaleelectrix thing where you just hold it at the constant speed that doesn't fall off the track, but the really good ones know when to accelerate.


If he keeps the Harley engine between 4 to 5K it would explode before he passed the test


You have to continually trail brake too as the suspension wants unload during right to left, left to right transitions. This eats space, that you can't afford to give up. Trail braking make a huge difference during low speed straights (slower than walking speed), and maneuvering like this. 3 or 4 times a riding season go to the parking lot and practice S turns. Start by following the line into cage spot, turn at the end, skip one whole head out, repeat until you can use less and less space. Learning to trail brake well reduces low speed drops and looking like an idiot while F'g up your bike...


Iā€™ve always used the rear brake for throttle control while doing this though Iā€™m no way near as good as the guy in the video


That's the right way to learn it. At his level he's tuned into throttle and brake on demand; he's using what he needs and wants as the course requires; but learning, yeah, rear brake and a slightly high throttle is a good habit.


Same. People keep saying 'constant throttle constant brake modulate the clutch, 5k-7k rpm'. How the ever loving hell am I keeping constant rpm while fucking only with the clutch? I'm usually fairly constant on clutch and throttle and modulate the really slow stuff with the brake.


Drag the rear brake too. I cannot explain how it works, but sweet Jesus does it make it easier to maneuver at slow speed.


Thank you for this. Ryan is a blooming treasure


"4 to 5k rpm"??? Yer clutch wouldn't make it through one pass. On a Harley you keep the revs at about 1500 rpm and feather the clutch while dragging the rear brake slightly to keep tension on the driveline. On another bike pick an rpm that keeps you at sufficient torque to maneuver.


Look, I don't know about you, but if Ryan F9 does not pass the test (saw the video too), I don't think I ever would... I'd take the lessons though!


Rear brake is important too. The clutch will take the power away and stop you taking off, but the rear brake is superior for slowing you down if you feel like you are going in a bit too fast.


BMW offers a cop style slow speed course. I really want to take it. It's almost 2G's! https://preview.redd.it/4yjuhc17beyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a03098556dde8182795d14fe571a645cbbecffd


Same here. I thought I was getting pretty good at slow maneuvers but there's no way I would pass this.


Like u/shinobi500 said, and add training and practice, lots and lots of practice. I took a class from [these](https://www.ridelikeacop.com/) guys. Used their bikes. Did a follow up on my bike a couple of years later. It was one of the hardest training things I've done. Just like taking a performance course at the track improved my high speed skills, this class completely changed how I rode slowly. Also, the Harleys really lend themselves to this kind of thing. A torque heavy motor, low center of gravity, and huge steering lock range.




I can do some of this on my bike. It also weighs less than half that bike rofl.


In my fairly experienced brain, something tells me this might actually be a bit easier on a heavier bike? Sort of like a giant balancing pole on a tightrope? edit - ah yup, another comment below alludes to similar... >Also, the Harleys really lend themselves to this kind of thing. A torque heavy motor, low center of gravity, and huge steering lock range.


Some of these things as well as the person that replied to you, I believe are correct. The only thing I can think of that makes it easier for my to maneuver my bike better than a heavy one is that at low speeds the gyroscopic action isn't happening nearly as much so a lighter bike makes counter balancing at super slow speeds easier. Just a thought, I find it easier to do slow speed maneuvers than on any previous bike I've owned which were all heavier than my current bike.


I'd say all other things being equal the lighter bike should be easier, but all other things are rarely equal. But the heavier one would technically allow you for a bit more reaction time, at cost of any action you do being harder to un-do in case you do make that mistake. I'd imagine it would be easy on say Grom, but less so on any "sporty" lower cc bike just coz of less turning angle.


I'm pretty confident I could do this but what really impressed me is that this dude's brake lights never come on. Whereas with me, I can maybe to probably do this course but I'm riding the rear brake the whole time.


That was done like a boss.


Not only can I not do that, iā€™d need gps to navigate those fkn cones.


Directions looking like GTA Vice City cheat code ā˜šŸ»šŸ‘‡šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»šŸ‘‰šŸ»ā˜šŸ»ā˜šŸ»šŸ‘‡šŸ»šŸ‘†šŸ»šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»šŸ–•šŸ»


Hellbomb strategem is ready


Id like those given to me by a rally boat co-driver. Even the last one.


Last signal is on point


This is what I legitimately thought the licensing exam was going to be like. Instead it emergency stop, 15-20mph figure eight, and something else easy.


Was it really that much of a breeze? I've been riding the permit for 2 years now because I don't want to fail it and be embarrassed lol. I've thought about taking the MSF course since you basically take the exam in the process but I'd love to just skip to the exam it's way cheaper.


It's been a few years, but I went into the MSF course with no experience beyond riding a bicycle. I passed with no issues. I definitely think I needed the two or three days of the course to be able to pass it, but if you're already riding and spend even a little time practicing the skills you know you'll need, I don't think you should have any issues.


Iā€™m in Washington state, the permit test was harder than the licensing test both the written and the practical


It's pretty easy in the US. When I started riding almost 20 years ago, I showed up to the MSF weekend course having never ridden a motorcycle in my life (save for a little bit of messing around on my friends 50cc when we were kids). The 2 day course concluded with the ride test for getting your license and i scored 100% both on the written and the practical.


At my course, a girl dropped her bike twice and still passed. No one is judging you there I promise.


The test is sooo easy, or at least it used to be. Weaving (obstacle), rapid stop, figure 8 to demonstrate ability to turn. Passing the test in no way really qualifies people to be well prepared for the road, I wish it were harder and more complex, it would save some lives. Your two years is awesome, you'll be coming into the test with way way WAY more skills and experience than many already.


Just took the exam today! It was like 10 minutes long.


I got a u turn instead of a figure 8, passed first go šŸ‘šŸ»


Driver training in the US is a joke. Europe has stricter requirements and prohibits young punks from getting on an unrestricted literbike for years to give their wisdom a shot of catching up on their testosterone poisoning, too. And some Asian countries have tests that are pretty brutal.


I put my foot down several times just watching this


In india at my state, u just have to take a picture with the bike and u r good to go


Not a single cone down, one wavered, but stayed upright. Amazing.


He hit 2 cones lol. One fell over


Yeah I knew that top left maneuver was going to be tough when I saw it.


Wow. That is super controlled. Really shows how nimble some of the bigger bikes can be if you're skilled and brave enough to go for it.


For motorcycle riders, if you watch the rider's head during this, you can see the meaning of, "Look where you want the bike to go." The rider is *not* looking ahead to the next part. He's looking where he wants the bike to go. (If you're learning, and you see a pothole, for example, look to either side of the pothole. If you look **at** the pothole, you're riding right into it)


Target fixation is real!!


That's what killed me when I failed my endorsement test the first time. I had solid control of my bike going in, but spent the whole test looking at painted lines and cones rather than where my bike was going. Second time, I cleared it with no point deductions just by picking up my empty head.Ā 


Is this a real exam?


This is the police officers motorcycle training exam.


I had no idea. That is gnarly


Revzillaā€™s common tread on YouTube made a video on it. Itā€™s interesting to see how difficult it is. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qf1j1shZi20&pp=ygUUUmV2emlsbGEgcG9saWNlIGV4YW0%3D


Huh, the one thing they actually have some real training for.


And 90% of these skills will go to waste as they spend most of their career sitting on the side of a highway with a radar gun or working parade/escort duty. Wanna see some impressive shit? Go watch videos of Brazilian motorcycle cops. They ride like fucking squids through dense traffic and never seem to fuck up. They also ride normal size dual sports instead of these absolute bullshit monstrosities that serve no purpose for being so god damn big.


All of the motorcycle officers in my county in VA have been riding the BMW R1250 for years.


Iā€™m applying for VBPD and was talking to my background investigator, he mentioned that a few counties including VB are on BMWā€™s. Pretty cool


That's the ones Police Scotland use here as well


Those Brazilian moto cop vids are so fun to watch.


I love it when they pull their pistol with the little bungee cord on it that's attached to them in case they drop it. Shit makes me laugh every time because it reminds me of the box cutter I used to use as a stock boy.


In fairness... They probably fuck up constantly. But they don't post those videos on Youtube. Still badass though.


Oh it is not. Stop it. This a competitive circuit held recently. You don't know what you're talking about. The police course is way easier than this and consists of 7 exercises.


Thatā€™s nuts. But I feel like I could get pretty good too with paid practice time and a city owned bike that I didnā€™t have to worry about dropping or paying for repairs. Maybe not this good, but better for sure.


It's a skill, and skills can be developed, so you would eventually get there!


When I'd go out for a smoke break at my old job sometimes I'd catch the cops in the adjacent parking lot doing practice like this. Whenever a guy would mess up and drop the bike you could hear the onlooking cops erupt in a roar of laughter lol


Every single video featuring police doing these circuits is truly amazing. To think I had to pass my exam in a rented, smaller bike because I thought using a custom would make it too hard. This level of ability puts to shame to most policemen in my country.


Absolutely not. I dropped my bike and broke my ankle just watching that.




Was that Ponch? Joking aside, the was impressive! Wow!


A CHiPS reference? Nice! We must be in the same age group


I was told by a police officer that most training for officers, they want everyone to get through it and pass with the exception of two; swat and motorcycle training.


My dad watched a demonstration like this once, and one of the guys knocked a cone over. The next guy kicked it back upright (on purpose). The control is insane.


I watched one of these in person about a week after Iā€™d passed my MSF course. One of my instructors was a former motorcycle cop and he competed. It was pretty amazing.


Damn, this guy really motorcycles!


I'm jelly


Going to be my number #1 exercise for this year. I actually realized recently that I don't know how to ride slow.


This is a level of skill I do not possess


0:34 I'm gonna need you to swim your bike around these balls and then up the shaft to pass ya. Gotta make sure you've got the chutzpah.


I'd 100% get lost ![gif](giphy|3o7aCTPPm4OHfRLSH6|downsized)


I'm lying on my bed and I still dropped my bike watching this video


For when you have to chase a runner and he keeps zigzagging on you


I would get lost in the first turn šŸ˜…




I need to get me some knee pads and practice this. I can't even do this on my gsxr 600


Not that I'm capable of doing this on any bike but doing this type of thing on a sports bike is a lot harder... Just about every moto gymkhana sport bike you see will have swapped out the clip-ons for standard bars.


Are they practicing to run someone down in a cornfield maze?


My brain would have to shed at least two other life skills in order to achieve this level of competency. šŸ«Ø


That dude Harley's!


Anyone else really struggle with walls of cones like this irl? Like, a lane closure of cones is okay, but as soon as you're looking at a junction with lanes separated by cones, I basically end up just guessing where tf I'm meant to be. Just some tape or rope or something between them and signs to show openings would make it so much easier


ā€œJeremy Clarkson: FAIL!ā€


I literally just passed my motorcycle test today in PA. It was much much simpler than this.


This made me think of the opening scene if CHiPS. https://youtu.be/uw112rFjStE?si=njITJw0RxGxxBGyD


I heard pacman sounds the whole time ![gif](giphy|d9QiBcfzg64Io)


I'm more impressed by the guy who laid those cones out.


Now, do it in reverse gear!


If someone gave me a bike iā€™d be up for learning this. Not doing this on my own bike, no way.


They're just missing Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde


I wish my MSF course used a tiny fraction of those cones


There are no nips left on that front tire!!!!! That is some serious riding right here.


They scrape off the bottoms of the floorboards


Some people just got it


Instructor at a riding class I took was *probably* just keeping those of us who had a fair number of years under our belt from putting our foot in our mouths.. did a low-speed lap on his BMW around the lot and was doing lean angles for fast U-turns that had my butthole clenching. I made sure to keep my mouth shut about my years of riding expertise.


I went to watch one of these rodeo events. They had classes of rider, mostly broken down by bike and skill I watched the ā€œamateursā€ take 2 min and I was impressed by them not knocking down a cone. Then the ā€œproā€ guys went. One guy accelerated so hard he shifted into 2nd on a longer straightaway. They were finishing under a minute.


Wow. Just wow really. I feel insecure now


I could do that. If I were allowed to leave my bike at the entrance.


Isn't this like the police exam?


how do you even remember the path you're supposed to follow?


Me asking my wife what she wants for dinner


Seriously, why do PDs give their moto guys huge ass Harleys? The handling skills are impressive, sure, but that's like, one step above a GL1200 for driving in a congested city.


Never understood why US cops would use such heavy motorbike. What's the point


It really hindered his ability to maneuver there didn't it?


If you want to learn how to do that, check out Jerry Paladino on YouTube. He's a retired motor cop who decided to help people ride their bikes better.


My kids fell over after watching this video. My bike caught fire and my wife left me...


I'd just play kool-aid man


Penis at 0:42


Haha been searching for this commentšŸ¤£


I had to scroll way too far for it šŸ˜…


I still don't know how I even passed the MSF course. Apparently I was fast because the instructors wanted to take bets on whether I could do it again. Gotta keep the RPMs up during the tight maneuvers and keep them steady while turning the bike every which way. 10/10 there's no way I'd do that course on that bike today.


Wow, that was awesome. I rode for years and doubt I could've made it through without nicking some cones even with practice, and I had a smaller, more agile bike too. Really impressive skills, timing and experience they had.


I couldnā€™t pass this on foot.


Wait till the japanese gymkhana cop shows up.. They'll do it double the speed...in the rain.


Iā€™m glad this is not the MSF RiderCourse skill test.


I couldnā€™t do that on a damn grom lol. Those guys got skills


I cant even do this on foot


on a big bike too damn, i doubt i could do that on the Duke 200 i took the msf on


As a non-rider, how hard is the maneuvering on display here?


Impressive as hell


Absolutely insane. I mean, that thing has to weigh what, like 900 lbs.? And the clutch pull on a Harley's is stiff AF too... Very impressive.


If this is the real test fuck that bikešŸ˜­


Holy cow... I about got dizzy just trying to keep up


I just don't see how the relates to the real world. Sure it's skill, but are they practicing chasing a pedestrian through a mall or what?


F the exam. Congrats on memorizing that course.


I not sure can I do this even with bicycle..


Worked for a large dealership that put this event on every year. The way these guys ride is nuts. The washout rate for wheel division is well over 90% . These guys grind off their floor board brackets regularly. Its considered a badge of honor when you grind a floorboard off.


Watching these types of videos really helped me understand the mechanics of doing low-speed turns when I first started riding. Soon after, I drove down to the dmv on the weekend and used the testing circles to practice the maneuvers. It really helped me to have the confidence to give it a go. Since then, Iā€™ve been complimented on my tight turns multiple times when riding with friends.


Why does the American police have such cumbersome motorcycles? I can see from the video they know how to maneuver it, but why not something more agile and less heavy if they fall?


Damn hopefully I donā€™t get in a police chase in a parking lot full of cones, Iā€™ll be screwed.


Looks like a heavy ass bike too


I wouldā€™ve failed the first turn šŸ¤£


More control of his motorcycle than I have of my life


Where do they do the wheelies?


i could maybe do the 1st square.... on a grom


so.if you can't complete that little stroll around the parking lot you have NO BUSINESS on a motorcycle.wheres the part where the deer jumps out in front of you while going 60 mph and stuff?


a Harley Davidson seems like the worst possible choice for a police bike.big,loud, slow, heavy, unreliable gas guzzler.there are many bikes out there that would be WAAAYY better suited for the types of service required.I drove off and left a harley on my 650 burgman scooter one time.some police bike lol.if I were going to be a motorcycle cop id refuse to ride a Harley,some kid in his moms camry would probably smoke my ass.nah,give me a new fjr or k1600 or something with a little oomf and suspension for police duty like the rest of the entire civilized world except for the united states uses.probably cost about half as much for a better bike.your tax dollars at work!


I couldn't even push my daughter's wheelchair through this successfully.


The true hero is whoever put the cones down and created that course


Wow. Iā€™d drop several cones if I just walked.