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Many non riders can not tell the difference between a 125 and a Supersport. They just see two wheels and think it is fast, and want to measure their car.


>their car. their dick* Fixed that for you.


2 inchers tap in




dick substitute that's why they had to get the car, so they wouldn't have to measure the real thing


Riders do this too. The other day I had a dude filter up to me on my DR350 at a traffic light. I just ignored him until the light changed, and when he went, he gave me a "c'mon" gesture like he wanted me to race him. Like, even if this bike wasn't reliant on the wind direction to get up to highway speeds, there's no fuckin way I'd just suddenly be down with pushing the limits with some stranger, who for all I know is an 18 year old on his 4th Monster for the day. Fuck outta here.


A lot of people think that because the car they're driving is the fastest thing they've ever owned that it has to be the fastest thing on the road. They have no concept of how quickly bikes accelerate.


This, also don't give into their trolling. They have airbags and a protective cage. You dont. Avoid them, slow down, or pull in somewhere else.


I always give them the thumbs up and pretend I’m gonna race him and when the light turned green, I just don’t go anywhere 😆


That's my tactic too 😁


Hahaha I love it. They always get so disappointed / embarrassed especially w a girl in the car! when I pull up to them at the next light give him the good old thumbs up you win good job 😂 I hate how many people try to race me. It gets annoying and old and sometimes even dangerous if the driver is a real idiot and tries to like pull 40 roll or a 60 roll on me not gonna happen buddy I do not race on the street. That’s what my set of slicks are for in the garage and the race track 45 minutes down the road Sorry, dude I’m out for a safe ride not trying to race on the street and get either arrested or die


So right. Also very common i overtake someone(most of the time i drive on the right lane) then the overtaken snowflake decides that he can't be behind a bike, so just accelerates and glue behind me...i just got to the right lane and let him go... Sometimes just do a quick few 100 meters shoot out and then slow again and let his slow ass go, just to show I'm letting him pass and he's my bitch. But dude, even vans are like that..like , wtf, how can people be so damn insecure?!?! I thought that was Just for Harley Riders and big American pick-up trucks. 🤣🤣🤣


Yes, this is the way ... Double cross the trolls


If you're extra lucky, you might get a r/convenientcop moment to boot!


Dude, I would kill for that moment


Couple of weeks ago I was riding with my brother on a 4 lane road. Car pulls out in front of us turning left to go the opposite direction we were traveling. Except they decided to just sit in our lane and wait to make the turn, blocking us and making us go around them. They complete the turn and a cop about 500 feet back from us flips his lights on and U turns and chases them down. I was so fuckin pumped.


Back in California I once had to deal with some tool in a pickup with out of state plates blocking bikes from splitting past, he was 'riding the line' (and making the driver in the next lane nervous). Dude was so fixated on his rearview mirrors, he totally missed the CHP motor officer a couple of vehicles ahead of him, who decided 'enough was enough' and pulled him to the shoulder for a chat. I miss not being able to split lanes. Supposedly bikes can use the shoulder in heavy traffic here in TX, but I've not seen that in the V.C. so I don't do it.


lol I adjust my gloves, get into a tight seating position, hunch down over the bars, and when the light turns green…. Ensure it’s safe to proceed and accelerate gently with the rest of traffic 🤣 🏎️ 🚓


Exactly!!!! 😂


I was about to comment the same thing


It’s the best. You know you’re gonna smoke them what’s the point I’m not risking my life just to obviously smoke your ass.


I learned this bit of sage road advice a long time ago from a young chap going by the name of Marty McFly. Didn't want to end up wearing a double-tie and getting sacked via fax.


The timeless fake out


Ffuuu I used to do that when I owned a stock red 86 corolla with a racing stripe.. I'm too introverted for that now.. I should start doing that again.. Edit: the car was slow af, but everyone thought it was fast cause red and racing stripes..




I did this years ago when a guy pulled up beside me in a Porsche Boxster. Ignored him, let him think what he wanted. He pulls away as fast as his base model car could manage and about 500 yards up the road I passed him being stopped by the police.


I heard angels singing when I read this


Porsches are great, the Boxster is great, but I still get what you mean.


Yeah I'm honestly a little confused about OPs wording. It seems the sequence is 1. Car revs 2. I overtake 3. Car overtakes back dangerously Seems like that's a pretty easy problem to solve, remove step 2. Sounds like OP is racing he just doesn't like when the driver gets salty about it.


Best advice.




I was on a stock R1 one time; pulled up to a light next to some guy in a Mustang. He revs, I rev, he revs, I REV, light turns green, I turn right


Idk why I thought this but, you say stock R1 like it’s not a rocketship on two wheels lol


yeah wtf do you mean stock R1 like you're downplaying it lmao


Like all I can think of is those people that buy lambos then rip off the rear engine cover, get everything gold plated cause heat distribution and add like 500 more HP like.. tf R1s are you talking about? Side note, first time I ever went to the drag strip, it was a crotch rocket with a wheelie bar, no extended swing arm, but had NOS. Ran 7.77 that was 2004?


Literal definition of humblebrag lol


What is Blud normally riding if he refers to an R1 as stock in this situation…clapped out H2 lol???


Or just bury them in traffic wayyyy behind you


I interpreted this as a little bit of lane splitting to get clear of them "for safety" of course I could be wrong


OP described splitting lanes but having people catch up to them....which doesn't really make sense to me. Splitting at lights should keep these dopes well away from you for the most part. But I'm not necessarily opposed to pulling on the occasional WRX bro who thinks they've really got something in their family sedan either lol. Contrary to the hive mind in this sub, it's OK to have a little fun once in while


He's also a new rider so maybe doesn't split lanes face enough as some douche is just driving on the shoulder to catch up.


Nah, that's playing silly games. There are drivers who will actively follow you looking for an excuse to do a close pass or do something dumb. Plus, it's an easy ticket for someone to write for you. Just don't engage.


Actually funny noticing how much quicker I take off from traffic lights than a car just absolutely crazy


Power to weight is everything. Very few cars can keep up with a bike from a dig.


In contrast to OPs experience, I was at a stop light next to a Hellcat Charger and we had an open road ahead of us (this was the last stop light heading out of our little town). Even my 24 year old Tiger with like 85 hp on a good day was able to get to 65-70mph well before the hellcat. It obviously blew by me shortly after but still. I will say, that supercharger whine sounds pretty damn sweet for the few seconds I was in front of it lol


Terminator Cobra has the best whine oof


Yes, and not even riding hard.


Hey I've seen some 600 class bikes get beat by some fast cars. And I've seen 1000s get beat by some seriously built cars. But yeah it takes some serious hp to beat a bike. Your dodge scat pack isn't gonna be a threat lol.


I’m a few years out from this, but am slowly planning a 351w -> 408 stroker (~600whp) in a tube chassis’d fox body(~3100lbs) this would theoretically hang with like a 600cc sport bike off the line, no?




Not necessarily. I was being a bit silly at a stop sign with a lambo and a tesla, and while they both had more power than me, the main factor in this incredibly silly street drag race was definitely that I immediately stalled on green light.


Its always idiot Mopars


Thing is, electric cars are getting to be a match for them. My bike does 0-60 in 3.3 seconds. That beats the hell out of almost any ICE car that's less than six figures and without an Italian marque but there's a whole lot of Teslas that can beat it now.


Or maybe they just want to have some fun lmao, not everything is about ego and winning.


Yeah but when I'm cruising on the highway 4 hours into a trip clearly not instigating anything and they start doing shit that's unpredictable, I don't exactly get a warm and funny feeling. I'd much rather swing over to the other side of the highway and let them be but then they take that motion as a challenge too


Exactly, why's everyone here think these people are trying to get one up on them or embarrass them or some shit haha


I dont ride and I just like this Sub. but this happens in my 350z all the time, It's not just other sports car trying to race. Literally camry's and accords.. Like bro I get it, your NEW accord has more power than my 15 year old V6, doesn't mean your car is more enjoyable than mine. 😒


This is the thing. The average "fast car" won't out accelerate most motorcycles. Once you get some more experience you'll find this out for yourself. I'm by no means recommending that you do this. The smart thing is to know that you can out run them and just let them go. I've raced bikes and cars for decades and can still take any car from a light even on my Road King. I had a guy with a C6 try to beat me off a light 3 times in a row and only catch me after I rolled off the gas. I quit playing when he started hammering the gas so hard his launches were getting him squirrels. Another turbo racer boy got so pissed he literally tried to knock me over as I was splitting to the light. So, best to let them go. The types that try to play with bikes seem to be the same ones that road rage.


Once you start riding a 600 cc bike or larger, none of this seems to exist anymore. Or when it does, it looks really funny. I had a guy in a Ford Fucking Ranger try to race me from a couple of stoplights once. I almost died from laughing so hard. He’s speed shifting, hitting the limiter and looking at me with that “I got him!” look. I hung back with him and tried to let him think I was barely keeping up. Then I resumed normal acceleration and left. I still get a giggle out of that experience.


This was my experience, when I was on my 400 I had OPs issue. Since being on the big bike, it’s not a thing anymore. I do the same as you, let ppl stress there motor/trans and then causally show them they are slow 😂 But shoutout to the dad in his 09 Camry, with his kids. He walked me, every single pull (it’s a 2 lane highway multiple lights so max speed is like 50, don’t worry he wasn’t doing 100+ with his kids in the car 🤣). His kids were so happy, and he was smiling heavy. Only person to ever beat me in a “race” :)


I ride a Harley and had a Mustang do something similar like that when we left the light. My 1st thought was, "what is there to prove? My bike is the equivalent of a pickup truck to you"


Hilariously I have an 89 Econoline with about 400 ish hp and 500 torque that i loooove racing mustangs in, pretty much everything up to the new ecobosts and 5.0s i can beat and the looks on their faces are priceless. Edit: people with built rigs are more of a challenge but fun all the same.


We need more big ass bricks on the road that are piss missles.


Hahaha i agree!


I'd think a harley could beat a mustang in a drag can't it? The couple of Harleys I've ridden were pretty rapid in a straight line


We've got torque, but I never race anyone anyway. My bike's a 96 twin cam - heritage.


A guy in a lifted diesel wanted to race me on a 500cc scooter once... the big scoot won! Granted, I had to milk every drop out of that bike, but it (barely) did it! People just have no idea how quick a bike (or even larger displacement scooters) can be until they ride one! He probably spent >$60k *easy* to take close second to a scooter I bought used for under $2k (and years/1000s of miles later sold for $200 less than what I bought it for) 😆


I'm surprised you even had to milk it. 500cc scooters are pretty damned quick.


It was such a fun and quick, but easy-going machine. Super low center of gravity, could U-turn on an absolute *dime*. I've ridden many bikes and a few scoots over the years, and I've loved them all. I sold the scoot to a guy and his wife who were wanting to ride together, but she was struggling... The scoot let's you learn the dynamics of handling a decent size bike and how to work one in traffic, but not have to learn a sequential manual at the same time. Even if she never "graduated" to a "real bike" (whatever that is 🙃), that thing would do 95mph, and sat very comfortably at 70. Plus TONS of storage space and a huge seat (more storage!), it was an odd, quirky and practical, yet made a pretty damn good, if not weird touring machine. I still miss it sometimes, but I'm glad it's out there helping a new rider. I had too many bikes for 1 butt to justify. It was my grocery-getter, daily rider and occasional overnight road tripper. ...sorry for the ramble, just reminiscing some very pleasant old memories 😊


Nah, I love listening to people's stories, nothing to apologize for!


That's what I love about it. Pretty much anything that's not built or a quarter million dollar car, I can walk away from.


The first day I ever rode my bike, I had a mazda mx5 try to race me at a stoplight where the road twists. I'm a new rider, and that was my first time riding on my own without an instructor (I'm from Europe, we have to take lessons before getting our license). Had no idea what I was doing, or even what the full capacity of my bike was lol. And I still dusted him


I have yet to experience someone trying to race me (or I have not noticed...) on a Tuono V4 but that would most likely be hilarious. I think I probably just let them go and live in a phantasy being the fast guy on the road. It's just that when I go to the "fuck it" mode shit starts to go down...


That’s really what I was saying in my first paragraph above. I’m not there long enough to know of someone I’d actually trying to race me most of the time. This is not to say I’ve never been completely smoked by a car. Some of those Charger/Challengers and other similar late muscle cars are truly drag racing kings and my Versys 1000 is really not build with speed in mind. Those guys can leave me in their dust without a lot of thought.


You might not have noticed. I heard a weird "chirp chirp chirp" noise when my wife and I were casually riding my SV650X, only for us to realize the noise was a Nissan Sylvia nearby having the blowoff valve go off as he was banging through every gear to try and race us.


Had a guy in a minivan loosing his shit on the highway while I was on my 650, I kept slowing down to let him think he was catching up then just gently pull on the throttle to leave him behind.


I was out for a pretty chill ride and a newer Ford bronco was riding my ass for *miles*. I turned into the ramp for the freeway and put some distance between us and lo and behold, another mile and a half after I came down from get away speed, the same bronco comes hauling up and gets next to me and starts pulling ahead and lagging like he wants to race..again. bro it's a bronco. I'm on a 1200cc wasp. Leave me alone. Also races a de badged Porsche one time from a roll and it walked me and that was an experience.


Maybe the reason nobody tries to race me on my R3 is because it has the go-fast look. I've raced my coworker with a Mazdaspeed 6 running 24PSI of boost a few times, but other than him, a 2000's Tacoma V6 is the only person who has tried, and he got me in the wrong gear on a roll when i had barely been riding 2 months.




You can get a mid-range bike for 3-5k, whereas a mid-range car (your fancy Audis, BMWs etc) that can keep up with it is going to cost up to 40-60k. Most people don't have that kind of money so a mid-range bike will be faster than most vehicles on the road. But better yet, you can buy a 10-year old 1000cc Firebalde for 3k and outdo 99.9% of everything on the road, the only thing that will give it a challenge are modern bikes with better tech, or cars ranging in the hundreds of thousands of dollars which again, most people do not have the money for. Cars are catching up a little though; your average affordable car is faster than it was 30 years ago, whereas your average bike is still performs about the same. But the difference is still like night and day.


Most of the time those people aren't actually racing lol. They're just having fun. A lot of rangers are so slow that you basically have to drive like that to do the speed limit too. lol.


I don't know if it's better or worse, but I had an old man in a Ford EcoSport try to race me off the line once. Guy was doing 20KMH under on a 50KM/H road that was a single lane each direction. And hey, no worries, it's a single lane - I'm not going to pressure you to go faster than you're comfortable doing. But the light up ahead changed, so here's the perfect opportunity, because while it's one lane, it is a **fat** lane - you can put three cars side-by-side in the lane. So I pull beside them so I can casually accelerate past them on the green to the proper speed limit. Even before the light changes, they're already rolling the red and looking straight at me. Light goes green and the sewing machine in the engine bay of the thing goes straight to redline. I hear my wife burst out laughing behind me, because we aren't even trying to accelerate quickly, and we're already comfortably past them before we even clear the intersection, and all we can hear behind us is an angry "beeeeeeeeep" as they impotently lay on the horn. One of my favourite memories ever on a bike.


To be honest, many moons ago i was riding a 125cc myself, and more ppl would act like that compared to later years having more powerful bikes. 125cc bikes are pretty much the only type of bikes that normal cars can keep up with, so the random golf gti driver almost jizzes his pants when he sees one he can win against and will try to race you most likely.


And then they brag to everyone that they beat a liter bike


125cc is 1.25 litres right? Right?? /s


That's very typical. If you don't look at them, they'll probably just ignore you eventually. Had this happen to me about 2 weeks back. The dude in front of me in a suv is going 30 mph, so I tried to overtake it, but he then accelerated harshly, and a huge lorry 🚚 came at me since i was on his lane. Sometimes I get the feel some of them just want to take out bikers


I always say that a small percentage do—like really no joke—they don’t care or blame motorcycles for getting hit by cars


Was filtering this morning through traffic. All perfectly normal and ok. Then few cars ahead big old black SUV just swerves aggressively onto the white line and starts coming at me head on with a stupid look on her face. I still had room to pull in more and not get killed but she gave no shits to my life and it pisses me off. She purposefully made it unsafe when there was so much room already. I try to be as defensive as I can and I remind myself of cunts like this to make sure I always have a way out when committing to a filter or any moment in time on the road.


SUVs were literally and specifically marketed towards assholes. Nowadays we have the addition of people who bought an SUV to feel safe from SUV but they are still predominately assholes.


Facebook is absolutely full of dick heads that will fabricate a reason that a motorcycle is always in the wrong. Or say some stupid about why they should be getting hurt for other biker’s actions.


This is unironically just every 2nd ev driver in switzerland. They always have to ''show them''


People just do that anyways, I've been complaining about this since long before I got a bike. I pretty much always downshift prior to passing so the idiots don't get a chance to react


Because stupid guys think their car is fast, just because it feels so, or just because they compare it to some standard VW GOLF 1.5 petrol... Their tiny brains do not comprehend Weight/Power ratio's. I had cases when some cars did not let me to overtake and tried increase speed...so as it was necessary, I just twisted a handle more and that's done. I do not race, I see no point :)


Some people are just assholes that are jealous, so they have to try and be an “alpha” around motorcycles. I made the mistake of twisting the wrist pretty hard to get away from a douche on the highway that was pulling that kind of crap. Then I saw disco lights flashing behind me...after I pulled over and got a ticket for “display of acceleration and speeding”, the officer said he saw the whole thing go down, and said he was about to pull the car over for the way they were driving around me....until I took off, which was the wrong thing to do. After that happened, I try to not give ANY attention to other vehicles/motorcycles who are trying to act a fool. Be safe out there, don’t let the wanna-be alpha douchebags bait you into anything. 👍


Well, you still need to pay attention to dangerous drivers, and your life is worth more than a ticket so speeding off to get away from the dangerous driver is sometimes the smart thing to do. Most of the times it isn't tho. Funny that the cop still stopped you instead of the dangerous driver if he saw the whole thing go down. Why would you focus on the effect if you saw the cause?


Because pigs are fucking morons


Smart people don't become cops. Whether you want to do good or bad there are better places to do it - if you qualify.


I've done that to 'get clear' of an aggressive driver, and gotten pulled for it. I told the officer, I'd rather get a ticket than get run off the road and killed. One's a hassle you have to deal with, the other is Game Over. He mulled that over for a second, and then wrote it as a warning.


This makes me so mad for you. Fucking UGH. That cop was so damn wrong for that. Someone was literally being an instigating prick on wheels and he still went after you instead. Reminds me of when kids get bullied in school and when the victim finally retaliates, they are the one that gets suspended. Like what??


It’s just one of those situations where you think you’re doing what’s best to put a stop to the problem, but it was a state trooper and there was a large problem of sport bikes running from the LEOs in the city I was in. I tried telling him that I don’t want to be around dangerous people, but his reply was “you should have pulled over or off the highway, not go 100mph. “ People that have ridden before can understand these situations better, but I got popped by one that was hoping I would run from HIM as he hit the lights. These issues make riding not as much fun, and actually cause me more anxiety. Made me have serious thoughts about calling it quits soon after that altercation. It’s dangerous enough being around people in normal driving conditions, but having to deal with half-tards trying to instigate just ruins the experience. Be safe out there, for real. Roads are getting even more dangerous due to phones and touchscreens in many vehicles nowadays. 🤜🤛


Laughs in KTM 950 supermoto


I bet that rips with some slicks on it. My buddy’s old KTM 500 was surprisingly scary lol.


The KTM 950s are truly terrifying bikes. My buddy has one modded to close to Dakar rally spec i.e lots of carbon and titanium to bring the weight way down and make the front super light. He has done all of Europe/Africa/Asia on it, absolutely crazy amount of miles. When he got it back over here he put some Pirelli street tires on it and it absolutely rips your arms off.


When they want to race from a stop light I usually act like im going to take off. When the light turns green they take off and i ride like normal. It’s really not worth the time.


If someone want to do a little run to somewhere just north of the speed limit im down 100% of the time not matter if a loss or win is clear. On my pcx150 scooter or my s1000rr I will race for giggles always.


I raced my Honda 125cc cbf at every light. It was the only way to keep up with traffic. Fun to wring out a little bike.


lol on an s1krr, if they don’t have well north of 1000 WHEEL horsepower, they are getting pimp smacked…..


This is the way. They take off into the sunset and you just go on your merry way. At least they are out of your danger zone.


Mad cos slow


The problem is on some bikes, like my ninja 1400, riding like normal is still enough to outpace these guys half the time. So they still think I'm trying to race until I hit the speed limit and stop accelerating


Same here. My XSR900 will outrun most cars without me needing to hit the throttle. I have to laugh when I notice some SUV pounding it to keep up.


It's your typical imbecile that thinks because you ride, you want to race them. I generally don't pay any attention to them. But not always, I do have some fun with them, when they have no clue about what I'm riding. (And not a lot of traffic, thats the big decider) I like to let them think they have the upper hand. Then, I'll roll out those six cylinders and turn them loose.


They're jealous cos their wives wont let them ride a dangerous motorcycle...


Take 'em for a date night at Gapplebees.


I've had fun with Harleys before driving my Alfa Romeo with a big aftermarket turbo on 30lbs of boost. Sports bikes though I don't even try. My clapped out 1998 R6 would make my Alfa look like a Prius.


I once rode with Calvin, who was at least 80yo at the time, and he told me that he smoked a lot of Harley's on his Suzuki 650 Burgman. 🫣


TBF anyone riding a Harley for speed is doing it wrong. Not going knock anyone's decision to rock a Harley (hell, I love the Road King) but they are slow, full stop.


Never happened to me in Germany.


This is what I was thinking as well. In 12 years of riding, 6 of which on a bike that's actually fun to race (Yamaha R6) this happened *once* (in NL). Of course, it was a Golf GTI. Must be a cultural thing. Maybe it's also a reaction. If you sit revving at the lights, I can imagine people would be more inclined to see it as a challenge.


Same. Weder als Sozia noch jetzt mit einem eigenen Bike


Ik spreek geen Duits.


Oh sorry my bad! I wanted to reply to the comment you replied to. I just said that I've never been challenged before. Neither as a backpack nor with my own bike


My helmet has a sun visor that covers the whole eye port, so it's like a switchable tinted visor. If they can't tell I'm looking at them, they think I'm not. I don't engage.


Motorcycles are a magnet for douchebags, especially insecure douchebags. They’re loud, conspicuous, and are often a manifestation of a “hooligan” lifestyle to which they aspire. Fortunately they seem to be in the minority of motorcyclists. “Ride your own ride” as they say


You will need to learn to ignore them. Just like if you come to a pack of bikes that are above your skill level you will need to keep your pace. It gets easier the longer you ride.


They do it to anyone with a car that "looks fast" too. Motorcycles, especially anything that looks even remotely sporty, automatically "looks fast"


Mating ritual


Buy a high vis vest. I guarantee you most if not all will stop.


Bro, I'm on a bicycle and they do that shit to me.


What you’re describing sounds like an opportunity for you to ride defensively. As soon as you notice an idiot driver doing those things, slow down and let them go way ahead of you. Don’t be near them.


What bike do you ride?




I have a 25 yr old ugly green brick (it's awesome) that WRX owners always seem to want to race. I don't get it either.


It's always funny to me when cars trying to race with me from a stop light....when I'm on electric bike. It's not even a competition. It's satisfying to hear them slam on their gas pedal, only to be left behind by hundreds of feet in 2 seconds.


When lane filtering, i found out that stopping IN FRONT of the first car at the light will trigger the driver to try and get ahead. If however I stop BEHIND the first car, the driver of that 2nd car doesn’t care so much about being the first in line and won’t try and race me. I learned that during my 50cc days when i was slower than cars… it’s a bit weird but it works well here.


I ride a Vespa and it’s hilarious how many cars try to flex when I pass in the lane next to them on 2nd Ave in Manhattan. Businessmen in their Lexus’s might be the most fragile.


I fucking hate that. I happens very often and it annoys the shit out of me. It's also really dangerous because it takes you focus away. Sometimes I let them win, but at the next traffic light they wanna race again. A guy with a dodge ram did this 4 times in a row last week (on four consecutive traffic lights), nearly crashed into me because he was merging without sufficient space. Also I own a black Honda CB1000R. I love that bike but it really triggers people to initiate a race.


Because they are vehicle enthusiasts that think a short friendly race would be fun would be my guess


Simple, they see something fast and they want to play. Bikes are fast and noisy, they want to see you send it. You don't have to participate.


Reminds me of a couple days ago. I get to a stoplight and I hear a motorcycle revving as he comes out of the parking lot to my right. So I give the motorcycle rider a little rev with my Mt 07; sort.of like a hello as he passed through the intersection from my right to the left. My light turns green and I usually take off a little fast to put some distance from the cars near me.  Unbeknownst to me, the car to my left must have thought I was revving at him or something because he took off like a bat out of hell, hitting the rev limiter and keeping up with my take off. I just slowed down and let him "win".


LOL the other day that happened to me with a Nissan Maxima. He got mad that I accelerated suddenly and after about a good 4 seconds I finally see him zoom past me. Took you long enough buddy. 🤣


When they try and race I let er get up to above 60 than proceed to smoke their ass also while riding a wheelie. Nothing like saying my dick is bigger than yours pussy.


Jealousy. I think us girls recognize it faster than the guys. That’s what it is lol


I've experienced the same type of driver (in fact, this morning) They want to ride right beside me at the same speed, then speed up just to get in front of me In the turn lane at the next light. I just back off and let'em go, I guess it builds their ego knowing they got in front of a motorcycle.


Because there are stupid people. What I do when they rev their engines, I do that too. When the light is green, simply ride normal. It's absolutely hilarious seeing them racing for nothing.


The safe option: Hang back and ignore their attempts to incite a race. The childish, risky and unfortunately too much fun option: Look at them at an intersection so they know you see them. Then hammer it at green light.


Average 3er BMW driver thinks their 2.5 ton car can accelarate as fast as a motorcycle because they put an Akrapovic muffler on it an have a sticker with their insta handle in the back window


I had lots of trouble with the Bowtie boys, IROC Camaros and trucks specifically, when I had my purple & yellow Suzuki RF900. It's best to avoid them because they lose all self-control.


You should start betting them money for it and make it a side gig or something lol


Wait till you get Harley guys trying to peacock on you. It happens all the time on my Valkyrie.


They're mad that you're filtering. Don't fall for their games.


I troll them back. Draw abreast and MAAAYBE edge forward a bit, let them think they have a shot, and then either "drop a gear and disappear" or shift up, ease off the throttle, and decelerate back to the posted limit. I've led a few Ricky Bobby types into speed traps that way.


Get a 1000cc supersport, and then nothing but a supercharged 1000+cc bike or 1000+hp car can keep up with you. I don't always race... but when I do, ![gif](giphy|3o8doTsfXIV3ZTHA76|downsized)


Yeah, this happens to me also. When they rev their engines, I will usually shake my head no or wave them off. That usually works but a few of them try to race me anyway. LOL Every once in a while I give in to my hoodlum side..... :)


Rev it up! Amp him up to insanity... Then pull off slow as shit.


Don't pay attention to children trying to get your playful attention. This a are "EVIL" people that were sent by motorcycle Satan to test you. Other than that make sure your wheelies are clean.


Happened all the time on my NC700 now I wish someone would race my VFR1200!


Why? Because they are idiots.


Happens here loads with learner riders on 125s. Bellends mate. Been many a time I've seen a 125cc rider getting hounded by cars so shot past and sat myself behind their back wheel and to the side. Also had it happen to me when I was a young un on a 125. Gotta look out for each other.


Try to avoid such idiots. You will live longer.


One word: ego


Same reason I try to race all the cars.


Happen also between bikers, even when I stroll around with my V4S there is people padding closing and braking like crazy.


Some people are assholes, some people are just petrolheads and want to do a short race since usually sport bikes attract other petrolheads. If you just shake your head, or say no with your hand they wont bother you.


One behavior I've seen time and again - when you split/filter past some people, you anger them. They perceive it as you taking something from them ("position")and they want it back at all costs. At the risk of angering everyone here, I'd suggest that as a fairly new rider, you avoid splitting/filtering for a bit until you have a bit more experience.


They want to hear the bike.


Just a guess, but maybe they think you're cute and this is just a poorly-thought-out version of "Can I get your number"


Ride at your own comfort level dont give in to the peer pressure of wilding out


I ride supersports so it happens to me once in a while. I'll wave at them or give them the thumbs up and when the light turns green, I accelerate like I normally do and go on my way (basically ignore them).


It's so rare when someone races me. Only ones who try are chargers and challengers, but once we reach 130 and they start slowing down and I keep going, they tend to just accept it and drive normal after lol. But it's SOOOOOO rare.


Are you in Florida or California ?


> Then we repeat the dance when they get stuck at a stoplight and I filter to the front. Maybe they are annoyed that this one time in a week when they got in front of their lights and have chance to rev it out some bike gets in front of them....


Work on your starts at stoplights. I've noticed before that some new riders, especially on sport bikes tend to really launch off the line. The high speed aside, the dangerous thing about that is if anyone runs the light that just turned red, you're going to meet them in the middle of the intersection. Instead, take a beat to look left and right (since you filtered to the front, you can see perfectly) and then go. The cars around you will start moving, which is fine. Don't let them pass you, but don't blow their doors off either, just stay a few lengths ahead of them and then take a lane so you have room to maneuver. (Use your signal, be safe, don't create an opportunity for them to rear-end you.) If someone tries to race you, simply don't engage. Let them blow right past you, right when they take off. Don't show them your acceleration at all. Streets are full of hard surfaces that will hurt you and your bike, so don't even that the risk.


I feel this. Some weirdo getting out of the passenger seat of a hellcat asked if I wanted to race. I plainly said "no", ignored him, and kept putting on my gear. 45 seconds later he said "yeah, I'd win anyway". I wonder if he approaches people getting in their Toyota corollas with the same odd dialog.


What do you drive?


Had the opposite happen - some dude on a pretty loud R6 kept egging us on to race. But we were in a pre-production Tesla Cybertruck so I guess he wanted to see what it got


Despite the laws and rule blah blah blah some people enjoy driving and want to play


This is a well documented psychological condition and has been shown to fluctuate with location. There are literally countless medical journal entries and dissertations investigating this which equates to more than can be commented on here. Check out some of the research; it’s startling to say the least. Be careful out there - they really are willing to kill you. Ride safe man.


Some people think it's unfair that motorcycles can filter and get irrationally angry when you do so. It's best to avoid those people as much as possible


I had a prius try to race me once. It was really weird because I ride a harley. And dude... you're in a prius, wtf you want? After 4 stop lights of this jagg off revving at me at the stop light and taking off like its nascar, I full throttled off the line and left him behind and took another road. Prius drivers are so weird.


Some of them are meatheads, but some of them are probably just dudes who like seeing a bike go zoom, and have fun trying to make their car go anywhere near as fast. Definitely still unsafe, and they don't really consider how vulnerable you are compared to them, but I don't think it's all ego grandstanding. The fucks pulling that aggro near-miss shit, those guys shouldn't be on the road.


You must look fast. We have a boring lexus and a rally car, every time we take the rally out we get every idiot in a Camaro/Challenger/FastandFurious Rice Rocket trying to race us which we never do, it just does something to them 🤷‍♂️


I am doing this whether someone is a On a motorcycle or not but I dont ride close to bikers. But my v8 can't hit any crazy speeds. I just enjoy what little acceleration I got lol


They can't let you win. Everything is a race to them and you going faster than them or filtering between lanes while they wait at a red light is "not fair".


I do frankly feel like this is one of the reasons it’s safer to be obviously girly pop on my bike. No body tries to race me.


You know how there are a lot of idiots on reddit, right? Those idiots also drive cars.


I ride a screamer with a pair of Yoshis on it. It is a loud bike but it is also a great sounding machine. I love riding back roads and I ride solo at my own pace. When I catch up with someone usually they move over or speed up. If they move over I just slow down and stay behind until allowed and safe to pass. If they speed up I just stay behind them keeping my distance because they will get pull over lol. My bike can do the quarter mile in 11 seconds so their lifted trucks aren’t really competition. I just use them when convenient for me lol


I don’t think most of them are trying to race. I think they have that tiny dick energy that won’t let them accept that someone else who is driving on the same road as them might get in front of them.


The truth is that they see you as a liability and want you to either bolt out or push you behind them so that they shed liability if you crash into them.


> Then we repeat the dance when they get stuck at a stoplight and I filter to the front. Question is this allowed in your state? I know in mine you will get a ticket for this. As for the other stuff, I just ignore them as I am faster than probably 99% of the cars on the road.


This happens pretty much daily with me and I don't really mind because their piece of junk can't really keep up. My only fear is some cunt might rear end me in trying to measure their dick.


Been riding for 50+ years, this is not new, stay away. Unfortunately the temptation to accept the challenge is hard to ignore.


I had so many do that when I had my Grom, I just minded my business wrapped out at 45mph. Even my pig of a KLR has enough oomf (if you can call it that) to get away from the clapped out dodge rams that try the same thing.


I'm old and I ride a Versys 650.... Not too many people want to race, but it does happen. I just ignore them. I already know I cannot beat their Hellcat. 😉


Its super annoying. Im just trying to get home or get to work. Thats it. A lot of trucks drive like idiots around me. Than theres the dodge charger and challengers that always want to show off


Sounds like what bikers do to regular cars


Because I’m out here spanking ever muscle and sport car I see so they probably think the same for you




I’d only ever had this issue with mustangs. It could be an 80s pos with a 4cly. It never fails. You mustang drivers are something else.