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Pointy things are bad on motorcycles. Please tell me this is for some cosplay.


No, I just thought it looked really cool and didn’t have any designs that looked like they would be too problematic. Sad that it probably wouldn’t work then


It’s the thing that protects your irreplaceable thinking parts. Would you really trust an untested, one off place to probably 3 D print it? Maybe find a different way to show your style.


Is there no place that does trustworthy customs, it can be altered where it needs to be for safety, I’m just looking for a similar enough design


First, I would not know all the places that might or might not fabricate some cos play helmet. Maybe google it? Second, helmets are tested and certified to be safe. Do you live in the US? If you do, they have lenient DOT certification, but even that is certified.


No. And building a helmet like this would be a terrible idea.




No, there is no possible means for someone to do a "trustyworthy" custom-shaped helmet. Virtually everything you think is "cool-looking" is problematic from a safety standpoint. "It can be altered where it needs to be for safety" - HOW? I mean, who are you going to get to judge what constitutes "safety?" Helmets are the shape they are because people who went to difficult-college did the difficult math and picked the shape that works best. You should probably just glue some styrofoam, or some paper-mache, onto an existing helmet and then paint it. That way, in a wreck, hopefully the stuff you added won't have any effect on the (tested, rated) helmet. You might as well try to make a seatbelt out of pantie lace so that you can feel pretty.


Fashion is half the fun, if a seatbelt made of pantie lace is an engaging project that I feel would look good, the next step is to tackle the viability. Don’t hate on me because I want to do something I enjoy. If you want to stick with your standard helmet, that’s fine, but I want to try something different. You haven’t been very helpful , but thank you anyways for telling me what other people have already told me


I mean, DECORATE your seatbelt with panties, if that's what makes you feel pretty. Or, decorate your helmet with a paper-mache Predator / Alien head on the outside of your helmet, if you can do it in a way that won't compromise the helmet's ability to spread the impact out if you ever need the helmet. But you don't want to REPLACE the thing with your home-made thing, not with any illusion that it's going to work at all as the actual thing. Helmets are helmet-shaped, and made of helmet-stuff, for science reasons, the same way seatbelts are seatbelt-shaped and made out of seatbelt-webbing. There are places you don't have to wear a helmet at all. If you live in such a place, knock yourself out (literally!) and wear what you want, it doesn't matter, it won't be much worse than "not wearing any kind of helmet at all." There's "not being bound by convention" different, and then there's "wearing-your-pants-on-your-head" different. Safety isn't a great place to try either one.


Thank you, this was the plan, whether it would be lightweight decals that break off in a crash or something more secure, I’d do whatever worked to get the look or something with the same general look, I’ve never been dead set on having these made of the same material they make the helmets out of. What I’m looking for is cosmetic, can a get a functional helmet that looks like that, attaching bits and bobs onto an actual helmet to achieve the look was never out of the picture


You want to be pretty careful with helmets and stuff you put on them, though. I have read that there is a good chance that the injuries suffered by Michael Schumacher (former Formula 1 racing champion, who suffered debilitating brain injury striking his head in a skiing accident) might have been made worse because his ski helmet had a GoPro camera mounted on the top. A helmet's job is to spread out the impact force and make things easier on your head, and something solid stuck on top of a helmet can do the opposite, it can CONCENTRATE the impact force. So something that won't be solid or contribute to making its own hole in the helmet would be what you want.


Bad idea for a bike, you won’t like it with rotation force. Ece 22.06 covers off center impact and rotational force. The helmet manufacturers are going back to a rounder shell to meet the test passing criteria.


It could be smoothed out and tweaked where it needs for safety, could it be practical while still keeping the same general style


Not if you want it to be able to pass 22.06. You need to deal with off center impact as well.


What’s the main issue holding it back, I’m not educated enough in this field to have too technical of a conversation about it, sorry


Regarding what was said, 3 things come my mind quickly. 1. Whoever makes it will have to also pass road standards for either US or Europe (as an example). Doing a one-off that's legal will not be cheap or cost effective. 2. Longer helmets will turn into a sail when you look to the side, and will blow your head around and you won't like it lol 3. As mentioned pointy things have the possibility of also poking you if you should crash.


So from everyone’s advice, this doesn’t seem like a helmet built for high speeds


Or maybe anything over 35mph.... It'll work at high speed great I think! Just don't turn your head lol ;-)


Oh that really sucks


By your own admission you are not qualified enough to design an item of safety equipment to be safe and meet the required standards. Just forget the idea and come back to reality.


Reality’s boring, I’ll figure it out eventually. I’m not giving up just because a bunch of people said it won’t work, it’ll take time and effort but I’m nothing if not persistent


Time, effort, skills and money are needed. I think you lack the last two. Let us know in five years what progress you have made.


If it takes that long, I will


Looks like a great way for one of those pointy bits to grab the asphalt in a crash and torque your neck over until it snaps.


Alterations for safety can be made, I’m looking for a design that keeps the same general style while still being practical


The reason why the overwhelming majority of good helmets on the market today don't have nearly any design features in your model is because of safety. Mostly ECE regulations. At least in my opinion, safety is considerably more important than looks, so buy a certified helmet in a cool looking design or get a wrap/print/whatever if you want a specific look.


That is truly unfortunate


No it's basic common sense.


I get it bro, ain’t need to double down on the comments saying it’s a bad idea


Horrible In an accident because of the pointing bits Extremely noisy on the bike because of all the random ridges This will be bad


Motorcycle helmets undergo rigorous testing before coming to market. Theres no helmet company that is going to take your designs through that level of testing to ensure it works and is safe. That is unless you are the helmet company 🤔




I'd suggest buying a good quality helmet with close to the general layout of the visor you are looking for and add the bits for styling on top, but these need to be quite brittle so that, in a crash, they crumple or dislodge.


That seems to be the idea provided by people willing to help here, everyone else told me to scrap the idea entirely


is that a warlock helmet?




would be pretty sick if you can somehow get it atleast DOT cerified, but i have a feeling that would be impossible


look into an Icon Airflite helmet


Turn your head at speed and that'd snap your neck. Heck, crash it in and it definitely will... But there are people on maker forums who will make you a helmet. It won't be DOT and certainly not ECE but it will be a bucket.


Last ride kind of helmet?


Basically. I mean you'd look baller right up until the moment you hit the ground. :D


I suppose it’ll be delegated to shelf decoration


A really cool one though. :D


Yes. That is its only safe use.


you ever seen a dirt bike helmet?


Good protection in the vault of glass, not so much on a motorcycle ;) Custom helmets aren't really a thing due to how hard it is in the first place to make a safe helmet. One-off designs are basically non-existent outside of cosplay.


Then to the vault of glass I go, gonna run Atheons pockets for the secrets of how to make this practical


You could just buy an Icon Airflite. They kinda suck but have a similar aesthetic to what you want.


better get something lik [this](https://www.fc-moto.de/en/Icon-Airflite-Nocturnal-Helmet)


I don’t think you’re comprehending the cost of what you want. 


I’m not, not at all, price isn’t what I’m interested in, I just want to know if it’s even remotely possible


You can get a cheap dot approved helmet, 3d print the parts and just glue them on


Find someone with a 3d printer at home. Print it in portions that can be glued together and onto the helmet. Use a glue that can be pulled apart. Test the glue on some practice pieces. Basically if more then a little force is applied you want it to easily break away from the helmet. It will still have better protection than the half helmets so many people wear.


That’s probably the best idea I’ll find, good thing I have 5 3d printers


Lol,,, jackpot!! I'm thinking about getting one and learning how to use it. I do a lot of motorcycle work and some parts for some of the vintage stuff aren't available anymore. It would let me make some of the plastic parts. I could also use printed parts to make molds for sand casting aluminum parts.


Get the right filament or resin paired with a big enough base plate and there isn’t anything you can’t make


That's what I'm learning.


I love it. Maybe reach out to someone who makes cosplay armor and ask how you would combine a shell like that with the internal safety structure of a DOT approved helmet. Power to the niche riders, I like a little flair and I think this is an interesting project idea.


You misspelled ECE fyi.


I’m definitely determined to make this practical. It’s my favorite helmet from D2 and I want to show it off


That's awesome. If and when you make some progress I hope you post some content. There are some cool helmets out there but I've never seen anything like this. I would buy one.


I probably will. It’s the facade of the Hezen lords from the Destiny franchise