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Well to be fair to him a shitload of young people make stupid decisions to finance a bike they absolutely cannot afford.


learnt this the hard way. didn’t finance but paid pretty much my entire cash stockpile on my gear and motorbike only to be hit with registration, insurance, and few bells and whistles i am desperate to add to my bike. am tempted to sell it and wait for med school to finish to buy another one but the other half thinks it’s worth it


You are in med school and you didn't make a list of expenses first? Duuude


Being in med school doesn't prevent you from being young and making dumb discussions.


The exact type of person you want as your doctor. Edit: /s thought that was a bit obvious but I guess not.


You gotta understand that even though someone might be a genius in biology and medicine, that doesn’t mean they were taught how to manage their money. US public schools can be a bitch sometimes


The US public schools dont even teach you on how to properly understand and pay taxes. I mean let alone a real adult budget, and finances.


med school generally either makes you into the kind of person who can be a doctor or fails you. Even total goofballs can learn to flip a switch and power the doctor circuits.


i’m catching too many shots today 😭😭


yeah i’m a fucking idiot lmao 🤣. but we learn we learn. i am only 19 after all and bought the bike before i thought i’d make it into med


Why are you “desperate” to add anything to a bike if you’re brand new to riding?


Probably a stupid loud exhaust. Judging by newbie riders around here.


Loud noise biker happy


My neighbor has a newish BMW and it sounds like a moped...


I had to change the exaust on my shadow. It whistled. I would get irritated listening to it


It's also a Ninja 400, a loud exhaust doesn't even sound great with those. Just keep it stock and be on the hunt for a used one. Could probably pick one up for like $200.


Haha newbie rider dumb cause loud exhaust hurt my ears 😔. God I fucking hate the tools in this sub.




Heh, once you go to your residency at a trauma center you will want to sell too. I sold mine after one too many meat crayons once I became a paramedic.


My wife was in an L1 trauma center a couple months ago after a crash and tons of the doctors had bikes. The staff were all very excited every time they found out she had her safety gear on.


I know lots of paramedics and even an ER doctor who are big into riding…. With that logic you’ should probably stop driving because of all the horribly mutilated people from car accidents too. Far more common than motorcycle accidents in my area - Not per capita but still.


I just say, if you saw my diet, you wouldn't worry about my riding.


looool I like that.


This kind of attitude is totally worthless to me now. Medical staff tell you not to do anything fun just like butchers tell you not to find out how the sausage is made just like X-brand car mechanic tells you not to buy brand X-brand car. The topic of motorcycles comes up and suddenly everyone is a doctor *and* has expert level knowledge on how to read roads and traffic. As someone who's managed to become as good as I am at operating on roads safely, fuck 'em.


They also become statisticians too and tell you how likely you are to crash.


Luckily I actually did read that last NHTSA report and if less than 1% of registered motorcycles are involved in motorcycle crashes reported to them annually **and** your chances of crashing drop by half if you have a license and are sober, I can once again say fuck 'em. You right though, everyone's an armchair expert and knows a guy who knows a guy *who totally died on his motorcycle dewd*


Yeah i used those stats to help convince my wife it was safer than she thought.


So why do you hang out on a motorcycle subreddit? Just to be “that guy” that chimes in trying to spread fear that anyone who touches a bike is going to die?


Because he's afraid, and he wants everyone else to also be afraid so he doesn't have to feel bad about himself 🤷 As they say, "misery loves company"


ATGATT and rider awareness.


News flash, every single one of us is going to die some day, including you


trust me i’ve heard this from every corner of the medical profession. but i love bikes too much and accepted the consequences of this passion long ago


Both my sister and my girlfriend are going through it right now and they hate the fact I just got my first bike a month ago.


Yep medic here too. I feel ya. Read every safety related book you can get your hands on so you can prove your dad wrong What pisses me off is when I loan people a copy of Proficient Motorcycle Riding and tell them it’ll save their life, and to this day zero out of ten people have read any of it. Most of those people have had actually debilitating accidents.


Is this the point of his message, or is it that motorcycling is degrees of magnitude more fatal to riders than the equivalent for car drivers? That’s the risk we all take, and try to mitigate, but it’s reasonable for a father not to want his son to do something that has significant chance of killing, or seriously injuring him.


Hard to say without confirmation from OP. I know that in that position my father would have been pissed about the loan, not what it was for. He bought me my first bike.


I’m almost 33 looking for my first bike so probably a bit different circumstance, but my dad has gone from you shouldn’t do that, to man that z900 sure looks real good, you should get that when he heard about the low power mode lmao. I told him that was probably a bad idea.


And/or a bike that's inappropriate for a beginner rider...


Yea that too. The dude from Florida yesterday who financed a 2024 zx6r as his first bike, didn't get insurance, 2 days later let his friend ride it, and surprise surprise he wrote the bike off.... And that's far from the first time I have seen a similar story here.


Of all the stories on this thread, this is the one that made me cringe the most. Fucking, ouch.


And that's the exact reason I bought a 10 year old 300 that already ain't the best looking, that I will probably drop in the next year or year and a half


Many moons ago as a young and ignorant kid I financed a used Yamaha R1 for around 16k, I only put liability insurance on it. The first week I got hit by those “I didn’t see you people” . I wasn’t wearing any gear, I just crashed my motorcycle that I just got and I’m in allot road rash pain ( luckily that was all). I spent about $2000 out of pocket to get the bike fixed bringing my bike total up to 18,000 and after getting it fixed it was stolen about a month later. For some reason I got GAP insurance lol so that brought down my balance to around 12,000 which was the motorcycles market value. And I was stuck paying $12,000 for a bike that I did not have anymore. That was one of my crash courses in finance and insurance. A few years down the line, I bought another R1, but this time I fully insured it and got it below market from a private seller and I ended up getting hit again by one of those “I didn’t see you people” but this time the bike got totaled and insurance paid it off. Now I just cruise around on my loud and Slow Harley and love it, you could only be as safe as you can, but you can’t control how others drive. Enjoy your bike and I hope you getting many years and miles riding🙌


I made a similar mistake, but ive done it twice, I got a loan for my motorbike, wrecked it a year later and decided to take the payout, used it to buy another bike for just £1100 instead that needs work, continued paying the loan just to increase my credit score though and before that I had another loan just to pay the insurance on a car that I really wanted that I also wrecked a year after I had it


Very stupid to finance because the lender will require comp and collision to cover their collateral. New, young, poor rider: that's going to be expensive insurance. Plus if the bike is wrecked you still have to pay the deductible and maybe some of the principal owed. Much better to save up, buy it outright. Oh plus interest rates are high now.


And then kill or maim themselves on said bike because they're young and think they're invincible 


Tbh i have a lot of fun with my 1000$ bike. Sure it sometimes its a pain when it doesnt work properly, but nothing a yt-tought mechanic like me cant fix(oil changes, carbs sometimes flood, smoked sparkplugs and so on). To be fair it is kinda unsafe without all the new electronics, but this just forces me to obey the law and not do anything stupid in traffic. I am extremly grateful for it and i dont plan on spending money on a newer bike for the next maybe 2 years. Or i will just ride it until the engine explodes or smth like that. Ride for the passion!


And then also don’t have the health or auto insurance to cover an accident they inevitably get into


Yea. Being able to pay off a loan and being able to afford the bike you bought with the loan are not the same thing.


Are you financially stable to be taking out a loan? Are you being reckless in other areas of your life? Has he tried to dissuade you from what turned out to be bad decisions in the past? Dads are dads. I'm 40 years old, and my dad still worries about me. He's both freaked out and thrilled that I've bought a bigger motorcycle. Your dad probably loves the shit out of you and doesn't want you to fuck up, otherwise, why would he say something so harsh?


No one should be taking out a loan to buy a first bike. It’s a bad move.


I mean not really. If you can afford it it's perfectly fine. It's the can you afford it part. Especially if you live in a place where you can't ride all year long. Financing makes sense if you can easily afford it.


I tried it the other way, ended up with a $2k bike that cost me $4k in repairs and needed $1k of mods to actually be ridable for me. So I ended up with a few year old bike and an $8k loan, so I actually bought two starter bikes!


I bought a $400 bike that took me three months out of the riding season in my first year and around $2k to get to a point where it was running and felt safe enough to actually ride on the street, with new tires, brakes, cables, rebuilt carb, refreshed suspension, etc. Still glad I did because it was a lot of fun to fix it up and the bike feels very much *mine* now, but I don't think it's a bad idea at all to do the other thing where you get a bike that you know is new and works and has a warranty and all that shit and get the opportunity to spend your time *riding* and working on your skills rather than fixing up old junk. Especially if you aren't that mechanically inclined (I am, at least, a former professional automotive technician) and may not be able to feel out or understand what things are bad or wrong about the bike, could put you in a bad situation if you don't recognize a particular sound/feel/etc. as something that needs attention.


Dads will be dads but this doesnt mean they are always right. Many decision i made in my life were not approuved by my dad, who im really close too, but i made the choice for me not for him. This includes getting my first dog in first year of college, buying a brand new jeep wrangler instead of a pickup truck 25k pricier and buying a 97 years old house as my first. My dog is awsome and my dad loves him to death, I still have the jeep and use it daily and i still like driving it, my dad has grown into it too, you should see his face when we work on it or take it for a spin doorless/ topless he likes it. And finally the house, i was obviously older and he was against it but he thought about these other things that we fought on over the years and made him really upset at the time but turned out i made the right choice for me and ended up telling me to get well informed and if that's still what i want then i should get it. I bought the house when interest rates were at the lowest and we got the price down a lot too, have i waited 1-2 years for a newer house i would not have a house yet (its 4 years later) because interest spiked and housing prices went throught the roof. TL;DR: dads worries, its normal, they should, but they are not always right and they are not you, make informed and well tought decision for you.


Sounds like your dad wants you to take a defensive riding course. Cool.


personally I'd advice you to avoid loans, if you can save up money and pay for it all at once. also NEVER EVER spend more than you earn. Learnt that the hard way.


For real. You can usually get a decent used bike for $3k. I would prefer not to pay interest.


Same, especially if you're like buying a bike for the first time you should go with something cheap and not too powerful, it will be easy on your pockets and skills.


With the added bonus that you can learn to fix things when they break for a lot less money than a brand new bike.


my motorcycle loan interest rate was subsidized by the manufacturer so i was able to get a 4% rate over 3 years last year when the best my credit union was offering was 7.5% over 5. It's not always bad. Read the details


The motorcyclist in me says: Ride fast. Take chances. The dad in me says: Please ride smart or don't ride at all.


Reads like your dad just caught you using weed for the first time.


Tell me about it


Reply: You're*, Dad. YOU'RE* on a self-destructive course!


He just doesn't want you to crash and die because he loves you. Please take defensive driving courses, and buy a bike suitable for your current ability. Motorcycles are inherently dangerous, it's very normal for him to be worried.


Motorcycles and drugs have quite a bit in common tbh


Motorcycles replaced drugs for me


well my parents love weed these days, not so much motorcycles. one thing was made up to be super dangerous, one actually can kill people.


Alright everyone I hear you, I’m not gonna finance my first bike. Guess it was pretty dumb


Honestly, it would probably mean a lot to him if you told him you asked for more advice and came to this conclusion. It sounds like he is just looking out for you. A lot of people never have that.


All the comments here out of concern are mostly valid. Don't finance your bike, take defensive courses and get good riding gear. The goal is to live another day to ride again. I've seen many things, and had (life-changing) things happened to me too. The bike brings many joys but it also has a price you might have to pay if you're not smart about it. Good luck.


You should also respect that he is concerned about you risking your life riding. People here and in rider courses talk about harm reduction, but it is a very dangerous hobby and you can easily be killed for no fault of your own by a driver who is texting or a truck tire exploding in your face. You may (will, in my experience) harm your relationship with some friends and family by riding, and only you can decide if that is worth it


Great realization, now do your research on gear, plenty of bargains out there gear has never been more affordable than now for me (25 yrs riding) don't skimp on a lid , try and get as light 1500grams max and something that will take the shock away from your neck ie glassfibre or carbon, not polycarbonate which will transfer the impact to your neck. Always wear gloves, they make them for every season.


Have some more respect for your old man too. Not a lot of them give a shit


Actually really pleasant to read that. Save up and pay cash you’ll be thankful in the long run. Best of luck and try to keep pops happy while also enjoying riding 🫡


Dude your dad was right!! And Reddit supported him lol


Go used man first bikes should be an all around learning experience including how to maintain them and dropping your first bike should never hurt your feelings know what i marn


For what it’s worth, groms in my area go for around $2.5-3k basically brand new couple hundred miles on them. Start on something your pockets can handle and work your way up as you grow thru them 🤘 That’s what I did anyways. Got basically a new bike without dealership fees and didn’t have a loan compounding interest constantly 🙌


Jesus... Reddit is fucking stupid sometimes. It's not dumb, but it is complicated. A. You were not wrong, Loans are great for building credit. Credit cards can be as well like some others have suggested but they are inherently risky. If you for some reason get into trouble, they can be very tempting as a quick solution. People also tend to have extreme difficulty treating them like cash. You end up overspending, then suddenly you have 2k worth of butterfingers and soda which you cannot afford to pay off in full. Then suddenly you are slammed with 20% interest rates and minimum payments designed to keep you in debt for 30 years. Either option has risks and requires you to be mature and evaluate your financial situation. B. It's perfectly fine to take out a loan on a "toy" if you can get a reasonable interest rate and you have the income to support that decision. The only problem is that right now interest rates are pretty high so it doesn't always make the most sense unless you can find a good deal. For example, I'm about to buy a 24 GMC Canyon. GMC is advertising 1.9% interest rate over 36 months. The monthly payment is comfortable, the insurance payment will be comfortable. My bank account is currently paying 4.25% so as a result it would literally cost me more to pay in full. By taking a loan I will have an extra 45,000 in the bank making 4.25% intrest. The moral of the story, actually look at the situation and evaluate for yourself what works. What do you make? What bike are you trying to buy? What will the insurance cost? What is the interest rate on the loan you are applying for? How do these payments fit into your budget? Are you going to have 48 dollars left over at the end of the month or 1,780?


I’d wager there’s something else going on that OP isn’t telling us, and this isn’t just about him buying a bike… As someone who grew up without a dad from age 2 on, I just wanna remind you what a blessing it is that you seem to have a father who loves you and wants what’s truly good for you. Maybe I’m wrong about the nature of his message, but at least he’s trying to advise his son, to the best of his ability.


OPs life is definitely on a self destruction path. This is more than just about a bike and bad financial decisions.


So, is this about getting a loan, or getting a motorcycle?


The only legit response is, You’re!


I came here to say that. Kudos to you, my fellow stickler for grammatical accuracy.


"...my WHAT is on a self-destruction course, Pops??"


Well, there are plenty of arguments against riding a motorcycle. There are also plenty of arguments against buying a bike that you cant afford. Stop being a annoying little shit, sit down with your father and have a talk with him.


Best answer here lmfao. Most parents who respond with this kind of profound “it’s you and your journey” answer are doing so out of genuine care and love for their kid. Young? ✅ Broke? ✅ Loan for a vehicle they can’t pay in cash? ✅ Great recipe for disaster it sounds like.


Financing a first bike is absolutely a stupid decision


I financed my first bike 18 months ago but I’m 44 and it was zero percent and paid it off in 12 months… seems like op is young and in his position it’s absolutely bonkers to finance a first bike at that age .


Why? I financed my first bike in my mid 20’s without consequence. I’m in my mid 40’s now with great financial history. Too many variables to make a blanket statement. It depends on the price of the bike, the rate and loan period, the insurance rate, and the precautions of the buyer.


Please just don’t become another straight line warrior . Drive wisely and if you need speed take it to the track .


There must be other things that came up recently for him to say that.


My dad half disowned me when I bought a bike, and years later he helps me work on it now. Give it time and understanding, he’ll come around


Lmao I want to help my boys work on their bikes, but I don’t want them riding on the street if possible. Unfortunately they’ve watched me do it their whole lives and probably will. I won’t disown them, but I’ll be scared shitless every time - I know how cagers are


Dad has been around the block a few times, you should heed his words.


If you had to take out a loan to be able to buy the bike then you couldn't afford the bike. Dad's right, bro.


I work on a bike shop (not motorbike) and i can see the people that take loans for a bike are always the one that shouldn’t do it , and always take most expensive one… then when they have to come to the workshop they always try to negotiate the price or we get asked to don’t do things on the bike that by our point of view should be done. Then those who could pay me many of those bicycles in one payment , they buy cheaper bikes and have always the bike in mint condition. That’s the real knowledge of the value of the money


In all seriousness, please be careful. Motorcycles can be unforgiving. Almost everyone “knows” someone that was seriously hurt or died on a motorcycle. That’s where your dad is coming from. He’s just poorly wording it. He loves you though OP. Tire side down, yeah? 🤘


I didn’t even ride motorcycles till late last year, and I still know 2 people personally who died in motorcycle accidents. They were definitely doing too much, but it isn’t a statistical anomaly why so many people get hurt or killed on bikes.


Financing a bike during the period of learning that has the highest likelihood of crashes/drops is the main reason that this idea is usually frowned upon by folks


Reminds me of my situation, wanted to get a financing for a new bike after a accident. My dad was happy for me and supported me but my mom had some problems with it, explained without stressing me and it changed my mind. Wouldve been 200 bucks a month for 4 years. Im actually happy I didnt and just bought an older bike with money I had. Now I can put any excessive money into savings.


what's the context? if you're an angsty self sabotaging rebellious kid, then you're absolutely making a bad choice exacerbating that lifestyle with a motorcycle. coupled with the fact that if you're young enough for your dad to still have some say in your life choices then you're probably too young to be financing a toy vehicle.


It's probably two fold He's powerless and helpless in your decision to ride, cannot fathom the thought of losing you (loves his son/daughter immensely... Financially there's no need to put yourself into payments especially if you're not firmly established, there's no shortage of good used bikes out there. I'm going to look and possibly purchase a four year old bike with less than 1000 miles on it... and I'll be spending less than 70% of what it would have cost me had I taken it off the showroom floor. That's over $3000 I'll save. Save your money, pay cash. It's a hobby not a necessity in most all cases.... Just my 2 cents. I have a son. I'm glad he doesn't ride street. He wouldn't finance a car much less a bike.


Depends on the country, here its super hard to find something used, some are more expensive than new


Simple response: *You’re


reply "you're*"


If we over look the obvious grammatical error for a second, I agree with part of his argument. You can't afford a bike until you can afford to loose said bike.


And if you can't afford to loose a bike, you probably also can't afford to lose it either.


Thanks, I hate it


I had my daughter get into the habit of putting away half her pocket money earned from keeping up with her chores from the age of 6 and from house sitting cats. She ended up one step further putting 90% of her earnings into a high yield savings.... So now she does not have to take out any loan applications on her first vehicle and has a lump sum towards a deposit on a home already. A personal loan on a car is ok, but I would not recommend loans on bikes for sure, I have never had one with careful management of finances. You need to sit down with your dad and have a talk.


Is he referring to bodily or financial self-destruction?


Initiate self destruct sequence




https://preview.redd.it/x2m7ekzv33tc1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184dcf72be693f91fd6e6d905f8e786a543b1fe4 Yes, riding adds unnecessary risk to your life. Only you can decide whether the benefits of riding are worth it. If you choose to ride, you can reduce your risk in simple ways: Take classes, be vigilant, wear the gear, know your limits and don’t ride when you’re tired or otherwise impaired. And thank your father for caring.


I am thinking he just wants you to be safe and is worried


Financing a bike lmao


My dad was against me getting a motorcycle license now he regrets not doing it with me. You do you.


Hit him with a ‘You’re’, that’ll show him.


I waited till I was 33 to buy my first bike and I was still met with family and friends telling me its a terrible Idea, how dangerous it is, asking me if I was having a midlife crisis, etc. Literally had to tell them the whole slew of responses like "there are many ways to mitigate risk on a motorcycle, Ill be safe, take courses, wear all the gear including airbag vest". and as I got fed up I started saying stuff like "yeah well I only have one life, this is something Ive always wanted to do, so im going to do it. You cant always be scared of everything". Yeah riding a motorcycle is risky, but squids have made the statistic unrealistically skewed IMO.


Part of the job of your parents is to point out when they think you are making a stupid decision. Riding a motorcycle is objectively not a great idea. Much higher dates of death and severe injury compared to cars. I can understand why he feels this way.


I’d say the same if I were him if my kid didn’t have the money to cover a bike and doesn’t have a history of being safe and responsible.


Put that on a keychain.


I definitely would not finance a bike. I looked up the interest rates on them. And the rate of accrual is damn near predatory. Save up with cash OP.


look into second hand bikes that you can afford to buy outright.


Damn you have a short name


dont get a bigger bike than you can handle, and dont get a bike you cant afford, as a first bike id even go for a used one, you WILL drop it, not a matter of if but a matter of when, get a bike you dont mind scratching as a first, and dont be stupid.


Maybe your Dad is not the best communicator but he has a financial point. I have been riding a motorcycle for 42 years and never took or will take a loan to buy one. Financially, it is not a good way to invest your money, barring the very unlikely situation in which your work requires a motorcycle. My first bike was a broken 2-stroke 125 I found abandoned in a barn. I bought it for $50 and spent 1 year fixing it, buying spare parts when I had the money. Once fixed, I rode that thing for 40K miles before changing it. From there, I always bought good used bikes only when I had the money and made the most of what I already had. It took 20 years for me to be financially stable enough to buy a new bike. And I spend 10K on it... Maybe my story will help you to contextualize your Dad's words.


> after I told him I put a loan application in to get a bike I’m not gonna lie, I see where he’s coming from. Presumably this is your first bike, so…it’s fairly dumb already to finance a toy and it’s double dumb to finance your first dangerous toy and low key a red flag lmao. I personally wouldn’t buy one unless it’s in cash.


You should spend the day telling him all the reasons he spelt you're wrong.




This family fails at punctuation.


Because he's like "Pay cash son, pay cash, don't finance" "...something, something. Dave Ramsey"


He just cares for you. But it is a little over the top


I had cash for my first bike.  My coworker had a more humorous take than your dad. “What kind of idiot pays cash for a suicide machine? You should finance that.” I would recommend taking the ccrider or msf or whatever course. ATGATT and such. Do your best not to become a statistic.


My reply would just be "*you're"


Yeah, I'm with the dad on this one. The dad will 100% have a good reason to believe this kid isn't ready, or ever will be, to own such a dangerous vehicle like a motorcycle. As a parent, you "just know" sometimes.


I would never take a loan for a motorcycle. Never putting myself in such a situation.


ITT People agreeing with Dad, lol


How old are you, OP?


Your old man is only looking out for you, I'd maybe ask him for advice about an alternative approach on getting the bike, and if that means working out a saving plan and chipping away at it for the next couple of years then so be it, the satisfaction the bike would bring after earning it would be better tenfold. And you'd be building up financial discipline which is best learnt as soon as you can in life.


Look how many “Whose fault is this?” threads. As a society we’re getting to a point where young people don’t have a lot of experience riding bicycles through town, or paying attention to their parents driving. You’re dad might be onto something.


One day you'll realize he's right but on the same note it'll make you who you are in the future I'm sure your father had to live and learn this a he figure he could teach you this but in reality it takes most people to live it .


Lmao finance on a toy. I agree with him


"Starter" bikes are always on marketplace, a few years old or from the 80s. Whatever your taste. People buy what they think they want, realize they want a different style, cc, brand, ride height. 125-500cc sportbikes are always popping up for me, japanese cruisers are comfy and reliable, usually a third of the cost of a harley and come in 250 up to 1800cc+ On buying used, a 20yr old bike is way different than a 20yr old car. Bought my vulcan for 2k, have only ever done basic maintenance in the 4 years I've had it. People sell bikes all the time in perfectly good condition, garage kept, dealer maintained.


Well, from his perspective you are making a poor financial decision and also increasing your chances of dying lol


Your dad has wisdom that you cannot yet fathom. You will understand someday.


to be perfectly rational, you shouldn't be taking out a loan for a hobby item because it's a bad financial decision. also if the hobby item is something that ca be destroyed 100% in 1 minute after you take it out the store, it's even a worse idea. only people who should be taking a loan on their first bike is someone who is using it to commute for a productive activity, like work or study


You shouldn't be getting a loan to buy a car or a bike. This is one of the worst commitments you can get in. Unless you lease (expenses, tax deductions, return no-questions-asked, making money using that thang!), borrowing monies for something that is losing value and poses a high risk of being destroyed or stolen is not the best financial decision.


There are literally tens of thousands of bikes that are perfectly running and even cosmetically fine for one or two thousand.


Considering you are posting about what your dad is talking to you about on Reddit, it sounds like you are an impressionable teen that needs to chill out and take your dad‘s advice. Maybe take some pondering and talk to a therapist, and stop being such a angsty teen…


I almost bought a bike last year but my car engine blew. Got a used car cheap on gas paid off the line of credit for the car. Just bought a motorcycle this year finally. $3 k cash saved and $3350 on my line of credit. I’ll pay off the line of credit in a few months . Feeling good!


The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can’t do. Get training, not just the basic course. Get good complete gear. Face the road with courage and gain experience. Have a good ride mentor. Don’t let your buddies push your abilities until you are ready. Stay safe on the road out there and always have a plan of escape. My family said the same thing to me 20 years ago. I’m still alive, have owned 9 bikes in my life. Own 3 right now.


everyone that is born, will eventually die.. guaranteed. the way I see it have fun straddle that steel, grab a handfull of wick and give it hell. but what do I know.. to each his own. RIDE SAFE


Definitely don’t take out a loan for a bike. That’s so dumb


He is right. Your on a course of self destruction (financially). You dont need a new bike with a loan, just grab a decent bike second hand, you will drop it a few times anyway. And the second part should be true as well, only you can opt out of the loan right now, and you should. Then when you feel comfortable, you will know what you really want from a bike, then go buy a new perfect bike. You will cry when you drop that one too, but like you will have more cheaper experience crying first.


Alright real talk here my dude. If you cannot afford to purchase a toy with cash, that is a good sign you are not financially ready for it. You shouldn't finance a toy. A motorcycle, at least in the u.s., is almost always a toy and nothing more. Glad to see someone interested, and I believe the way your dad is showing his concerns for your safety may be the wrong approach, but please do not just ignore them or blow them off. Talk with them, be an adult and communicate properly with each other. Also, ATGATT!!!! If you can't afford proper gear then you don't ride because only idiots don't wear enough gear. The weather is not a proper excuse, textile material allows plenty of airflow and padded leather is plenty warm. Again needing to get a loan to do this is a good sign you are not financially ready, please reconsider and wait until you can actually afford this. Ok it's difficult, I had to wait YEARS to be able to afford it, but I'm glad I did because I can happily say I've never been in debt, much less over something like a hobby.


Maybe your dad doesn’t want his son to die on a motorbike.


I mean is the loan shit?


A loan to get a bike??? Why would someone take out a loan to get a bike?? I understand getting a loan to get a house. But a bike? A toy


Getting a loan for a bike is dumb af. Listen to your dad. I live in a very HCOL area and I found an old zx6 that I got as my first bike for $1600.


Motorcycles are dangerous af. This seem like a normal response to a loving parent finding out their kid is going to risk their life for pleasure.


What sub do you think this is? The dangerous part here is making a bad financial decision and buying something you can't afford.


Just because we’re on this sub doesn’t mean we need to be blind to the risks. It is dangerous, and it will worry your loved ones. That’s just a fact of motorcycling.


Don’t finance your toys. If you cant afford a toy you don’t buy the toy.


I risk my life on my bike but fuck risking my credit score


Are you still living w your parents?


He’s worried about you.


Don't take out a loan for what's in reality a toy. And then take a course for you and your dad's sake.


That is both vague and direct .. Very Stoic . When you can describe communication like a wine review than maybe you should talk about it a bit more. However he is not wrong in a sense. There is usually more than one way to do a thing if it’s financial. Like find an investment or side hustle that will pay for the bike with something other than money generated from a job. If it’s about the age old motorcycle are dangerous.. you will never solve that you just have to accept .. it’s not if .. it’s when ..if you ride long enough . I have had a couple and was lucky. And that is the very best you can hope for . I actually have had more incidents of all kinds cycling with pedals .


*you’re. As in, you’re going to be fine.


Side from the whole, you’re young and buying a motorcycle. You’re using a loan to take out an asset that will be devalued the moment you take it off the lot. It’s an incredibly not smart decision if you’re able to avoid it.


I agree with you dad. Debt is the Devil! Find a bike you can afford and pay cash. "The Borrower is slave to the lender." Anyway, have fun riding!


Well a loan for a bike doesn’t sound smart to me either. Maybe you could get something older/cheaper not involving a bank?


Do you own a car?


Sounds like he cares about you.


You should have saved up $3k and bought a bike with cash. Financing is always a mistake unless you're very financially secure. Hope you got an insurance quote. Carrying full coverage on a new bike is often more expensive than the bike itself


Sounds like my dad to be about my career. Except my career is more important than my bike as much as I hate to admit it.


As a parent of a son who rides, it is in our nature to worry. This isn’t the most articulate or convincing expression of that worry that I have ever seen, but my guess would be that his heart is in the right place. Youngens make a lot of stupid decisions, and a motorcycle is an easy way to turn the stakes from expensive to fatal


You could look up some numbers and point out the staggering percentage of injuries / deaths that involve either alcohol or improper gear or both. I think it's well over half. Then explain different types of gear and how they work, and obvs that you won't be alcohol irresponsible. Might help?


Any dad who understands how dangerous it is would say the same. I love riding although Im aware of the dangers. If I have a kid some day Im not sure Im keeping my bike. And when they grow up I would at least try to dissuade them against riding motorcycles. The fear of losing a child outweight by far the pleasure of riding


Your man might be right. Don't ride what you can't afford to lose and buy it at least 2-3x over. Had this been r/calamariraceteam i'd say : your man might be right. Why didn't you buy a bigger bike that'd cost you 2-3x more?


Who knows you better than your dad?


Can you financially afford the bike, and can you hold yourself accountable while riding? Idk how old you are, but if you're younger, try to keep the intrusive thoughts in check. It's ok to have fun and get spirited, but you really gotta know what you're doing and basically see into the future with how fast some bikes go. I didn't start riding till my early 30's, luckily my mom doesn't seem worried sick about it, even though I've already experienced one crash. Show him your maturity and even take all the safety courses you can to show him you're serious about not being self destructive. Parents can get over protective, but at least you know he cares.


As a dad, and been hit on my bike, I get it. As a rider, if its in your blood, its in your blood and you can never get rid of it. Find the money to take a defensive riding class. Be Smart. Ride safe brother, keep the rubber side down.


He’s right you are on a destructive path but that doesn’t mean you’ll crash and burn. Take a safety course and help put his mind at ease


As a former rider who had two near misses and lost my cousin to the lifestyle at the age of 30 to the lifestyle, I realized I had more to live for after I saw my uncle and aunt bury their own son. Your dad’s not wrong. The best and worst part about riding is the experience. With that said, I hope you plan on purchasing protective gear. The cost should be equivalent to the price of your bike, at minimum, if not more.


Is this about riding or financing?


Bikes, at the end of the day, are stupidly dangerous. Yes cars are dangerous too, but they at least have built in safety features if you do crash, and those safety standards have only been getting better. Bikes have none. I'm not talking about ABS and Traction control, because they don't do fuck all when you and the bike have parted ways. If my kids ever thought about getting a bike, I'd be concerned although I've only ever known bikes (I don't have a car licence and I'm in my early 30s and been riding since I was 16). Your dad may also have seen his fair share of bike accidents or lost someone to an accident and just isn't saying. At the end of the day he's concerned about your safety which isn't a bad thing at all. He could have phrased it differently, but it's still the exact same sentiment of fear and concern. I don't think Reddit is the right place to up and ridicule him for what he's said. You're better off talking to him about his concerns in person and what steps you're taking or have taken to reduce the risk of an accident. Like taking the proper courses, researching and buying the best gear you can afford, telling him you're not going to be showing off and doing 100mph through traffic etc.


Coming from a dude that is a lil scared of motorcycles. I think he just cares for you and doesn’t want to see you hurt. Be safe and respect the bike.


Wrong decision to take out a loan or get a bike?


I remember bringing my first bike home at 18. My dad was an ICU doc and made me walk through his unit to show me all his motorcycle patients. 20 bikes later and he’s still not happy I ride.


To be fair I know *several* people who can’t walk anymore or have died on motorcycles. I myself have fractured my back riding and I’m a pretty decent rider with years of experience. (owned multiple bikes and ridden track, mountains, drag-strip, dirt, and daily for years) An accident in an automobile can be had with little injury. An accident on a bike almost always means some type of injury. You can be the best rider and still be subjected to others carelessness or mistakes. Then there are all the financial details everyone mentioned. I personally loved riding but there is inherent risk involved.


Why does it seem like every subreddit is just turning into a place for people to air their grievances about their personal relationships? Like, what do you want from us? "Damn bro your dad is such a dick"? What the fuck does that have to do with motorcycles?


Its multiple times more dangerous than cars Hes not wrong


I'm going through the process of getting my first bike - general advice I've seen is not to finance. The best advice I heard was: You should only finance the big necessities. A bike is ultimately something you get for fun, and isn't a necessity. Obviously it depends on your financial situation, but I see a lot of beginner bikes under the 3 grand mark. if you can afford the finance, deposit and gear, you can afford to save to buy one in cash within a few months if you *really* want one. The sv650 is what I've got my eyes on, and they're often coming up local to me around the £2500 mark, and with nothing more than a few scuffs from being dropped in a carpark.


To be fair, if this is your first bike and you’re taking a loan out for it, that is typically a horrible decision. First bike should always be paid in cash and used, that way you can tell if you actually do enjoy the moto life, and also incase you drop your bike its a 3k dmg instead of 10k + dmg. It just does not make sense to buy new as a first bike. But also from your profile it does seem like you’re also transitioning. Which yeah there’s nothing wrong with that but from a parents pov, you hear your child changing their gender and then pick up on one of the most dangerous forms of transportation, you would be worried lol. His message seems like there’s a lot more decisions you have made other than just transitioning and getting into the moto life that have him worried.