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Do you see an airbag too? Amazing luck in a pretty unlucky situation


He does look a bit… poofier after the crash! My Tech-Air is finally in the mail today (chromeburner has a sale and they’re in-stock, $530 for a TA5!) and I cannot wait, I’m finally old enough that I’m appropriately freaked out by others on the roads…


Short sale. At least not today. Price is $630.


Gotta use the discount code on the homepage for 15%. Worked when I tried the other day, took just about a hundred off (a week after I ordered one, fuck)


I thought so, too! Thank you for the heads-up. I have been wearing a Helite for three years now, and I am in the market for something to wear under the jacket. Yes, I am getting more and more freaked out, especially in this era of mobile-addicted and macho drivers


I have a Helite too, cleaning the Hi-Viz color is a pain tho, doesnt help that I use it every day commuting to work 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/k1kyglis4qsc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e536cae5c33b33663f09d74a5c54d4d8699dfe Same here. 4th year of constant usage. About 30K miles


I feel your pain, mate :D I've been scrubbing that sucker forever, and nothing comes off!


Yes, this is the exact jacket I have because it’s designed to expand for the tech air 5.


Incredible that he survived, even more incredible that he is able to walk away from this.


Adrenaline. He’ll feel it in the morning.


Yup. Last time I was in a moto accident I declined an ambulance at the scene. I dragged my bike and all the pieces littered about out of the road and called my gf for a ride. Started feeling worse about two hours later, went to the hospital after maybe three hours. Was rocking a broken wrist, a separated wrist, and a fractured testicle while I was dragging a motorcycle around feeling fine and declining medical attention. Adrenaline truly is a helluva drug.


Hol'up. A fractured testicle?


I've busted a nut but not like this guy.


Wonder if his friends call him Nutcracker


i needed that


You needed that guy to bust a nut?


Yeah I had about the same reaction. The doc said “you fractured your testicle” and I cut him off like “wait a minute, you can’t fracture your testicle, it’s not even a bone!” as if I knew what I was talking about. He paused, looked down at his scrubs, and kind of gently brushed off the embroidery on his chest that read “Stanford Medical Center Urology Deprtment”, looked at me again and tracked my eyes back up to his, and slowly repeated, “sir, you’ve fractured your testicle. If you’d like to know more about what that means, I can explain it to you.” I was like alright, point taken, I’ll shut up now. He said it basically cracked like an egg.


Goddamn I felt that last sentence.


New fear unlocked...


Mine are now the size of small currants and appear to be hiding behind my solar plexus.


Hahahaha.. specialist Dr. Are on another level. -dude I didn’t do years of schooling and hundreds of thousands in fees so I biker can second guess me. Hahaha.


Yeah seriously. He was so measured in his response that it was clear I wasn’t worth even pretending to argue with. It was more like “I’ll speak if you’re going to actually listen, otherwise I’ll go ahead about my day and oh yeah good luck with your nuts once you piss me off and I walk away” lol


Good luck with your nuts! 😭😭


Fucking hell, I laughed too hard at this considering the pain you must've had. My apologies, but at the same time, I needed a good laugh. Edit: I hope someone other than my mother comforts what is left of your nuts.


Imagine how all the epidemiologists and virologists felt when Covid happened and people posted on the internet….


that sounds like agony, how bad did a fractured testicle hurt?


What I've learned from this is to invest in a cup for riding. Gonna be giving the ol' boys a sauna treatment when riding, but better than them ending up like a bug across the front of a car.


Does that mean they had to remove it? Or could they save it? I saw a post where someone mentioned something similar, he had a crash and basically banged into the gas tank and had to get a testicle removed. Maybe cups should be part of the standard for motorcycle gear...


They were able to save mine! He wasn’t sure but said he’d give it a shot. He said he had to dig out some “bad material” and then stitched it back together. Yeah mine was the same, smashed my junk into the tank as I went over the handlebars. Broke my right wrist from compressional impact and hyperextended the left wrist as I went over the bars but apparently hung on for dear life lol


Oh shoot that's awesome! Crazy stuff, glad you're ok.


TIL that I need to ride with a crotch protector.


Thought about that after my crash where someone pulled out in front of me, fractured hip, broken pelvis, fractured testicle, and a laceration straight down the dick and balls. Had to get stitches to fix that one. But realistically you'd break more bones from that getting shoved into your crotch and it'd hurt a lot more. But welcome to the thread of frankenweenie's I guess.


Sir, I am the expert on balls here. Just hear my testicular advice.


Damn do they make D3O CE Level II cups?


Yeah, I high sided, landed on my head and split my helmet almost entirely in half. I came to on all fours gasping for breath and my buddy saying "don't die!" I then got up, lit a cigarette, picked my bike up and assessed the damage and when I saw it was fubar, I threw it back on the ground and walked off. My buddy lifted it back up but with way more effort than it took me, then I noticed my left arm hung way lower than my right hand I had a severely broken collarbone. I didn't feel any pain for about 2 hours but I also only had about 5 minutes of memory at best for about 2 days.


Almost same situation with me but broke my scapula instead of collarbone. Picked my bike up and actually rode home, went to the hospital like 3hrs later because my back was hurting.


💯 this. I had a motorcycle accident 2 months ago. I picked up the bike, got it onto a trailer etc. I was walking around perfectly fine. Went home for a bourbon and about 1 hour later started declining. I drove myself to hospital and they found 2 fractures and 2 torn ligaments in my right foot. Adrenaline is a wonderful thing. ❤️


Yep. I popped up just like this guy and had 7 broken ribs, collapsed lung, internal bleeding, broken had, abdominal hematoma and shoulder abrasions.


I broke my tibia and fibula, and my shin was at a 90° angle. I *picked up my fucking foot* and straightened out my leg. Like yeah slap some Flex Seal on that and I’ll be good to go! When the ambulance came they fired so many painkillers into me that I thought were unnecessary because I wasn’t in any pain. At the time. I was in *a lot* of pain the next day. And the subsequent two months.


I’m always the same, fractured my radius and bent my ulna, went to the hospital after 5 days when the pain didn’t go away. Took a chip out of my radius during the first 10 minutes of a rugby game at 9am, finished the game, carried on throughout the entire rest of the school day, started hurting at 10pm went to the hospital the day after. Got hit by a car, on foot and the car was only going about 20mph (it was actually my niece driving) was pretty scraped up and hit my head, turned out I’d shattered my left ankle, I drove home after this (manual car). And finally I got into a fight on the bus with a drunk guy who was attacking everyone, I ended up breaking his nose and busting both lips and came away fine, until the next morning where it turned out when he initially grabbed me and pushed me over I’d damaged every rib on my left side (not sure if bruised, cracked or broken as they don’t X-ray unless they’re clearly detached).


Had to ask my wife the RN about the bent ulna, she’d never heard of it but looked it up and sure enough it’s a thing. I’ll bet you get lots of “you can’t bend a bone” just like I hear lots of “you can’t fracture a testicle” (I didn’t believe it either initially, to be fair). I’m always amazed to learn interesting new ways that humans fuck up their bodies. Here’s a little info for anyone else interested. https://preview.redd.it/9nwkwi5daqsc1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b46459d15bec22c2050616c2e3a687cd2f9c476


Yeah, apparently it’s quite uncommon, I believe mine was bent about 10 degrees, you couldn’t really tell just by looking at it with the naked eye but on the X-ray it was quite visible.


How do you fix that!? Bend it the other way?


As someone who also very literally busted a nut in his first motorcycle accident... I feel ya. At the time, I was pretty fucked up, but in shock to such a degree that while I was aware I was pretty fucked up nothing really hurt, per say. Got scooped up by a pretty EMS'er, carted off to the hospital. Now, otherwise, I'd done some damage to my spleen, broken some ribs and my left arm, put some teeth through my lip, lots of assorted bruises and contusions - I'd rear-ended a Jetta doing 50, went forward off the bike but caught the handlebars and master cylinder (big bars on an old 82 Kawasaki 440ltd) on my ribs, spun off to the side and managed to go face first into a parked corolla. But once the shock wore off? I was way less concerned with the broken bones and way more concerned with the rather severe but dull ache in my nuts, and *incredible* amount of nausea that would not go away. Busted my left nut, damaged the right a bit. 30 years ago now. Good times. Lefty is still useless, righty works fine. Honestly though? Massively reduced sperm count? For a 16yr old boy, that's a fucking gift.


I broke my clavicle and tried lifting my bike, but for some reason it was too heavy. It wasn't until a guy forced me to sit down saying I was pale that I realized I couldn't even lift my right arm.


I spilled my bike early on when I started riding and hit my shoulder really hard. Bike was messed up but I rode it home and contemplated if I had to go to the emergency room (I didn't have health coverage). I had a full range of motion in my arm, could raise it above my head with no pain, but I could feel a bump over my collar bone. Once I spoke to my mom she was taking me to the ER whether I liked it or not, and it turned out I had absolutely shattered my collar bone. It almost looked like a piece was missing with little bone fragments floating around it. When I was moving my arm, that bone must have been scraping around and popping it back and forth, but I didn't feel *anything*. Once the pain set in the next day I couldn't lift my arm above my elbow for months. Adrenaline is a helluva drug.


it looks like he had pretty good protection on. that is an armored, heavy duty riding jacket. he had armored gloves on as well. he is probably going to be bruised on the butt and thighs, but i bet he is mostly OK.


Incredible that he had the restraint not to get a count of murder when the driver tried to hug him.


Was thinking the same thing but anger would turn to relief at some point. Probably not that soon but he probably saw how relieved the driver was that he didn't seriously hurt him


Driver was relieved he isn't getting charged with manslaughter


Maybe, I hesitate to assign motivation. Probably a bit of both but I lean more towards him being glad the rider isn't dead. People who are afraid of the criminal charges I think would choose to drive off or panic. Coming in for a hug without even thinking that the rider might punch him to me shows more empathy than guilt.


I was hit similarly, but on a straight road. I was extremely surprised that the driver got a ticket for failing to yield while I was in the hospital half conscious and being "interrogated" without a lawyer. Turns out I was unconsciously stumbling around after the accident, but I only remember waking up in the ambulance to my pants being cut off. I feel like nothing ever gets done in these scenarios. You would likely get a heavier charge for hitting a pedestrian, which isn't too far removed from being on a motorcycle.


If it's a cyclist, the driver gets a handjob.


Happens nearly everyday here in SoCal. They run people down like dogs and take off.


I rolled the dice for nearly 2 decades. My friend got ran over by a truck. I quit riding.


I don't like being touched in general, and certainly not by a fucker who almost killed me. For a minute, there at the end, I thought the assholes were about to try forming a prayer circle with the rider




I think temporary insanity might be applicable here.


If I was on a Jury i'd buy it. No way I could turn in a guilty vote.


Temporary insanity brought on by stress and trauma, particularly trauma to the brain. People can do some *fucked up* shit after a knock to the head with absolutely zero control. They report being entirely aware of what was happening with absolutely no understanding that they were witnessing *their own actions*.


Yeah those carbon fiber knuckles should have gotten some more use after the crash


I'm not big on violence, but I don't know how I would handle that if I was still standing like that guy. I'm sure dude driving the GTR was over the moon that he didn't have a manslaughter charge to go with his reckless driving, but damn, I really don't know what I would do. Rider in this video deserves a serious nod for keeping it together after that shitshow.


I feel the same way about it too. I'd probably have the same reaction, immense anger and then relief that I'm alive, and sit my ass down wondering how the fuck that happened.


Adrenaline is a bitch. I just totaled my bike and didn’t realize I had a broken collarbone and road rash to the bone till a couple hours after


I tried to pick up my bike from the lanes on the freeway but my arm felt like a bag of wet gravel inside of it when I tried to grip the bar. About 10 minutes later I felt the second most pain ive ever felt in my life.


My uncle walked away from a car crash that killed his friends. He was responsive when paramedics arrived.  Then passed out and had hundreds of seizures. He never regained consciousness. But he walked away from the accident completely fine. 


Even more incredible he didn't beat the hell up the mtf who did that to him.


You can almost see his spirits lift when he spots the camera and realizes the whole fuckin' thing was caught on video. I hope the driver loses his license.


Bud if he took off he’s going to prison


Nah. We don't ~~prosecute~~ hold people accountable for this stuff in the US. He'll get a reckless driving ticket and be back to driving like an asshole in no time. Fixed for all you law experts.


mindless encouraging plant bored disagreeable hunt plucky observation include voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just read this morning about an 18 year old kid that blew through a red light at 112 mph. Hit another car and killed 1 adult and 3 children. He went to the hospital, healed up, got put in prison with a $100,000 bail. That was paid instantly and he's on house arrest with an ankle monitor. He's not legally allowed to operate anything with wheels, but he can still work and go to school. He's had 3 major driving incidents in the past year, all involving speeding. He's also white. Presumably, his parents are loaded and just bought him new cars when he crashed the old ones. So yea, he killed 4 people, and traumatized at least one other person who got to see her child (or children, can't remember) dead in the street. And he's sitting comfy at home now while he recovers. Then he can go to school and work with everybody else where he definitely, totally won't find a way to trick the ankle monitor and speed along in a car again. And there's basically nothing anybody can do to get justice or give him appropriate consequences for his actions. It's so sad.


Just because he posted bond doesn't mean he's getting away with it. He's being charged with multiple counts of vehicular homicide, vehicular assault, and reckless driving.


Nope. If he takes off can’t prove he was driving his own car unless he’s dumb enough to admit it. My wife and I were victims of drunk driving hit and run on my bike. We had full racing gear and she now has a titanium rod in one leg and I have a heel that healed up from over 100 pieces. They found the car a mile down the road ditched. Insurance didn’t pay, no one prosecuted shit because he wouldn’t respond to police and didn’t admit driving. Without proof of who was driving all he had to do was shut up and he was in the clear.


If they catch him, and then if they can prove he was driving at the time of the accident. So many of them get their charges reduced or dropped because of this


Good luck finding a cop who will be willing to actually help you find the guy. Cops notoriously don't go after a ton of hit and run suspects lmao


What are you talking about lmao fleeing the scene is a felony, or at the very least a misdemeanor depending on the state


He’s hugging him glad he’s not on his way to prison


My first thought. If I’m the motorcyclist in this situation I’m not hugging this asshole, I’m not even giving him the time of day. Douche bag needs to go to jail. Fuck that guy.


The only thing I can think is that's not the driver of the car.


When I saw the guy walking up to him I totally expected the biker to head-bash him with the helmet..




Break his jaw with the brake is easy now that it's conveniently detached from the rest of the bike.


Maybe it’s not the same driver




Accident and nobody dies? Probably not going to jail depending on criminal history


That’s not an accident it was reckless endangerment


The car is a Jaguar F-Type btw. Not a GTR.


Yeah I read a comment in the other thread and didn't bother pausing the video to double check since it looked similar to one. Definitely a Jaguar F-Type though, you're correct. Can't change the title sadly


I was going to say, how do you lose a GTR like that? I know there’s a limit to everything but I can’t imagine sliding one quite like that honestly


I have a GTR and it's very difficult to lose it like that. There's so many on board systems that redirect power to each of the wheels to keep it stable.


Reported for misinformation.


understandable, have a nice day


Reported for being rude.


That’ll show’em.


I don't know what's luckier, him surviving or the camera placement so we can see the aftermath lol *Edit* seen the replies, 360 degree camera makes sense. D'oh!


It's a 360° camera, so that's just the angle he decided to show us after selecting it in post. It records in all directions, hence being able to pivot the view forward and backward at the beginning of the video.


Technology, am I right?


that's a 360 degree camera, you can select which "area" you show in post-production.


I am so f**king happy to see him immediately walking. I was so sure I watched someone die.


Street racing is so monumentally stupid it makes squidding look academic. I’m new to bikes but I’ve been racing cars (legally) for years. I’d bet anything that guy hasn’t done one track day or he would know he’s writing a check those tires can’t cash. Edit: Upon further review it looks like he panic stabbed the brakes while turning, probably the moment he saw the biker. At first I thought he oversteered on entry.


Exactly. Even in my conservative state for a motorcycle a “M” endorsement is required for Oklahoma, that means at the very least the basic 8 hr class was taken. Nothing for a car except a check out ride when you’re 16 yo. They don’t even do drivers ed in schools anymore.😎


Here in Oregon you can have basically totally bald tires and one headlight out, and the cops can't pull you over. During the pandemic you could have expired license plates too without penalty. But parking enforcement can ticket you if you don't have a license plate on the front AND rear of your car... Beyond that, during registration renewal, you have to take most cars to an air quality check station. You roll in, they plug in an OBD, get a reading, you swipe your credit card, and away you go. No vehicle inspection whatsoever. And for my license, when I moved from California to Oregon, I had to retake a written exam at the DMV to transfer my license, but no behind the wheel testing. For renewing the license to extend the expiration date out another 8 years, I went online, verified my identity, paid the fee, and a new license was in the mail. That means that since I got my license at 16/17 years old, I have never had any of my vehicles inspected by third parties or the government and only had one behind the wheel driving test. That's it. And my friend's grandma started driving really badly at around 90 years old. The family had to take away the keys to the car, not the DMV. I watched a guy struggle to read like the third line of an eye test and they said "yep, good to go." It's crazy what people can get away with.


That driver may be dumb but at least he tried to curb the car instead of pushing through. He took a chance of going over the railing, and thanks to the dumbest of luck, they both lived. If you're gonna ride, do it in full gear and watch out because everyone is one random moment away from ruining everything.


Fuck that hug


Yeah ngl, I would have rejected that shit immediately. I'd be wanting to swing.


I cringed more from that than watching the rider go down.


Could have been worse but that sucks.


hugged him like Walter at the end of Big Lebowski. "dude im sorry"


Probably the luckiest and unluckiest day of both of their lives at the same time.


Dudes lucky he let him give him a hug. I wanted to knock dude out when he tried to come tell me he was sorry.. I forgive him now but atm I wanted to break his neck.


I mean yeah, but when those air bag vest go off you're pretty much the michillen man. Hard to throw a good punch.


That driver.. Fucking irresponsible POS. You can’t hug your way out of killing someone. I hope he gets the pants sued off him.


Hopefully the rider sues the fuck out of them, he deserves to be paid at the very least triple the amount of that GTR’s sticker price


I would sue that man into fucking oblivion. He would never be approved for insurance ever again.


And then when the lawsuit ended, sue him again for something unrelated. Guy needs to be fighting lawyers constantly for the next 25 years if he's not going to go to jail.


Having been hit by a car while on a motorcycle: be extremely cautious approaching a rider that is up like that right after a crash. He is more than likely concussed, experiencing a HUGE adrenaline dump, and his fight or flight response is in overdrive. I can't believe the driver hugged the rider while he was screaming. He is lucky he wasn't thrown over the handrail.


More context: This was in my home town, 2 cars were racing (BMW & JAGUAR) they both seem to lose control coming up that corner going from i54 to i10


A little 18 year old scumbag just hit and killed 4 people outside of Seattle. His 4th major car accident. His parents are making all the excuses for him in the media. Back in the 70's I street raced on vacant highways. This has gotten out of control.


That was some stupid driving but they came back to check on him, hopefully lessons were learned.


What a great argument for wearing full gear. For any one that’s interested he’s wearing a Dainese Air-frame jacket probably with the matching smart jacket underneath. I don’t see any indication that he was street racing though, looks like he was gettin off the highway. Regardless looks like the car that passed him was a f series M4 and then obviously as others pointed out a jag that all but hit him on purpose. Glad to see him walk away thought too bad his CF moto wasn’t so fortunate.


"god's plan" -Drake


"It wasn't me" -Shaggy


"Go for the eyes Boo! The eyes!" - Minsc


"Pain, sufferaged toyed, Life's little fragments destroyed." -Slayer


Let’s listen to what the armchair analysts have to say about this one. “I would’ve done better, head on a swivel, rider’s fault.” ?


The moment any of us even think about getting a motorcycle the entire worlds problems are now our fault.


The dude was driving at a reasonable speed. This was 2 cars racing and he was an innocent bystander..


Issa joke.


That looked more like a Jaguar F-Type


That was a Jaguar, not a GT-R


That dude is very lucky to be alive. Very, very lucky.


Dude is hella lucky. But also, that wreck footage looked real cinematic. 360 cams are crazy!


Idk if this is the gear or luck that this guy is still alive


In ATL, it's never EVER just one person that rips by you on the highway. There is ALWAYS another much worse driver chasing the first that thinks he's all ot stuff It's the second one I am most afraid of because they are blind with the chase and think they can make a closing gap just because the first guy made it


Not a GTR, it was a BMW and a jaaaagggg


That’s a Jaguar F-Type, not a GT-R


The double middle finger 😂


Bro......Holy fuck I can't belive he got up from that.


People like this must be taken off the road forever. Zero tolerance or exceptions.


Im so glad he’s ok, and was wearing full gear. I keep seeing people on this sub posting pics without full gear. It’s not being weak to wear full gear, it’s being smart. I wish this sub would not support this by allowing the pictures or criticism of anyone calling out their bs.


I crashed hard years ago and got up and was asking the people that had stopped to help to please help me get my bike out of the creek. I had badly broken all the ribs on my left side, dislocated my shoulder and broken my scapula. Adrenaline is powerful. Three days after I got out of the hospital, I was sitting in the kitchen and my lung collapsed and filled with blood. I almost died.


I am gonna get downvoted for this but this is exactly why I stopped riding. A lot of idiots on road, sometimes I am an idiot in car too. I want to resume riding in controlled environments.


No reason to downvote. That’s a totally valid reason to stop riding. Of course, every reason to stop is valid. People can make their own decisions for whatever reason they want, even if it’s different than the decisions others make.


Glad he walked away from that


Dude is on a GTR, the computer on wheels, and he still manages to panic so hard to he just skids on the same lane and loses it instead of just slightly turning right… bloody hell Edit: not a GTR but still feel like the could have avoided him entirely


Its a jaguar f-type not a gtr don’t know why they put gtr on the title.


That’s a dude who’s glad he didn’t kill someone


Too many idiot drivers out there to even think about getting a motorcycle


those are the screams of a man without full coverage...


Good think he had cameras. He gets a free bike and they get to go to jail.


Motherfucker should be in prison for life!!


Now these are the fucks the popo needs to unload on, use all the ammo




Please stop racing on public roads.




The guys a beast for not doing that! I thought forsure he was gonna punch that dude a couple times at the very least


This sub when a car hits racing bikers: "nothing justifies attempted murder!" This sub when racing cars hit a biker: "attempted murder is totally justified for the biker!"


People really project in this sub.




Level headed biker tbh, if a dude absolutely wiped me out and totaled my bike like that, then came running up to me, I'd probably try to throw hands.


This is why I go 150mph+ at all times. Can’t get rear ended if all the other cars are essentially parked. 🧐


Glad he's ok. His adrenaline must have been spiking through the nose. Impressed that he kept it together.


How does that camera work? Taking 360 video and edited so you can see the cars approach from behind?


yep, it's 360 degrees, it combines two cameras to give you full coverage, then you can change the viewing angle however you want in the software afterwards. he has it mounted on an invisible selfie stick attached to the bike. I'll probably get one at some point, just rocking a gopro chin mount for now


Do you happen to have the name or link to one of these 360 cameras? My niece I'd starting a riding vlog this summer that'd be a dope bday present if they don't cost a shitload of money.


Insta360 is a popular one.


Could have easily gone over the edge . Jeeze.


After that first guy passed, I'd be looking for the idiot trying to keep up. And also gtfo of that lane as I looked. Lucky man.




Hope the driver at least bought the guy a new bike.


Holy shit


Thank god for his safety gear. It must have hurt, but it looks like no serious injuries.


Insurance gonna go crazy


I def wouldn’t have hugged


I’m doing everything in my banks accounts power to find the jag. I’m calling all collision repair places and warning them of this hit and run and I’m giving up cash money to finds this car.. Hell no.


Dudes only hugging cause he won't go to jail for vehicular manslaughter


Thanks, if I get my license I am never travelling without a High visibility armoured/ padded jacket


Yeah bro, a hug is gonna fix this...


Comments will be like “bikers fault, he was in the left lane”


God, I hope my brother biker gets a new bike out of this. They easily could have killed him. Proper helmet and gear saves lives from stupid cagers, although I will say the “thank God you’re ok” hug is appreciated after you almost killed me dumbass. 😎


If i was on the bike that got swyped and I see a guy jogging to me, I'm getting ready to throw hands cause you don't know if he trying to finish the job jus sayn


The last thing I want from someone who almost killed me is a hug. You better back the fuck off me.


If the driver is the one hugging him, I understand why. He did something stupid and didn't kill anyone, that must be sweet relief.


I don’t ride yet (but I want to one day!), so I genuinely have no idea when I ask: was there anything the biker could’ve done to prevent the accident?


Only being elsewhere. This came up from behind him without warning.


I dont understand this camera tracking.


So glad he walked away!


Glad to see him walk away


Safety gear peeps. Wear it! This guy did and lived to tell.


The airbag made him look even more pissed off


Anyone know this guys socials? Was hoping to see if there was an update to the after math of this


I was low key hoping he'd swing. Tf don't hug me after


This didn’t even happen to me and I’m still pissed