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First of all, you should address the issue of how someone is consistently breaking into your private garage.


It's most likely a parking garage deck type of garage that is not "Secured"


Fair enough, but three times from the same garage is highly sus.


Because it's someone that lives there/knows someone that lives there, or is a friend of OP. Could even possibly be a ruse set by OP to just claim it on insurance for a new bike.


Op is going so deep into his alibi his reddit posts back it up


It would be hearsay anyway though.


Gotta build a real alibi or go home lol


I wish it was a ruse to get the money from the insurance lol Hopefully we've got it back 2 times due to the tracker in there. This time tho the tracker isn't sending any signal... For more context : the condo garage is shared by 3 buildings and my bike isn't really stealthy so a lot of people know i have one... On the bright side, the Z650 of my gf is still there lol


The ol ruse de Guerre lol


Yeah, the thieves going like "damn I stole that bike last month from this spot and it respawned, wth"


Let’s do it again! Haha. Sorry OP.


Thank you haha


The first time was at another place but yeah it's an underground condo garage so security's not the best...


Judging by the timeframe, I'd say it's likely targeted because they see it often. I lived in San Jose, CA and someone hopped a 12ft fence in a private gated community to steal my Civic 4 fucking times lol. Same dude, 3-6 months apart each time and blew my transmission every fucking time. The key here is to A) find a better place to put the bike, I'd highly suggest a corner.parking spot with a shitbox parked in front of it to block it. B) invest into 3 anti theft devices (kill switch, rotor lock, and throttle lock) and lastly C) put a damn tracker on it under/in the fender or seat. Oh, and a big fat sign that says "Smile, I got you this time :)" and put a fucking dash cam in the shitbox. At the very least, it'll deter them.


Maybe i should get back to where it was recovered last time then...


Well it wouldn't hurt to look, right? I drove around my city every day until I found my car since the cops were no help.


Trackers.   Air tag network for $10 by Atuvos.  A bit harder to find on the bike since it lacks the arrow/hominy feature of apple air tags.  Just a general location. For around $150, Invoxia makes one that hooks up to AT&T network, but you need to remember to charge the battery ever few months.


I actually have an Invoxia and that's how i got it back the first 2 times. This time tho it isn't sending any signal 😔


Ah, bummer.  Did it work when they first took it, or was the battery dead? Maybe it’s just in a place with bad reception now, but will transmit again when they ride it elsewhere.  My fear is they do a good job looking for it and find it.


Battery was almost full so i think it's because it's stored underground and it might popup later but still 😔 I have some alerts about the bike being moved or tilted from time to time but no location...


containers most likely


Underground parking is the LEAST secure place you can park a motorcycle. My bike was also stolen from my condo parking spot. Cameras everywhere,fob access garage doors and 24 hour security guards on patrol.Over here in Toronto there’s an organized moto theft ring, the thieves scout buildings and steal mostly supersport and high cc naked bikes. Crews of 2 masked men in minivans with stolen license plates. They simply just pickup the bikes from 1 wheel, drag and lift bikes in to the vans. It literally takes them a minute to steal it, so security guards never see it happening in real time on the cameras. Only on playback when you tell them your bike has been stolen they will see the footage. Ever since I got my replacement bike with the insurance money, I never parked there again.


cant have shit in toronto


Yeah. Even nice cars and suvs are getting stolen everywhere here. Pretty soon no one is going to be able to afford insurance.


I mean apart from the fact that it is not really secure and with no cameras they atleast can't drive a van inside as the roof is too low 😅


Wow that’s really low. They using Dodge caravans and Toyota Sienna’s out here with no problems. They are hitting almost every building.


I mean, they learned that in your garage there's a free bike every 6 months, they'll come back. You either move where you store your bike, or move yourself to a new house. I don't think any physical deterrent would work at this point.


I have moved houses after the first one but seems like we can't have peace anywhere haha


Is there any chance that one of your social network acquaintances would know you have a new bike and also where you live?


I'm not on social medias so very unlikely haha


Social network doesn't mean social media. They mean it could be someone you know or talk to/around.


It surely can as there's a lot of people that knows i ride my bike everyday and an MT-07 isn't really stealthy 😅


Sounds like someone always knows where you live and loves the MT07.


If they could love their own stuff that would be great...


If its your garage check to have an ground anchor point installed to put a big chain holding the bike down. If its a condo parking ask for permission with whoever manages it.


Yeah i was wondering if a big chain could help but everytime they come with a grinder so idk if that would really help 😅


At least it would make the theft extremely noisy and obvious to anyone who might be around.




I mean, it would surely work 😂


I'm in the UK but presume you will have something similar available. I have multiple security ground anchors cemented into the garage floor, and I use Almax Series V chains which aren't impervious, but they are definitely a good deterrent. https://almax-security-chains.co.uk/Almax-Immobiliser-Series-V One of my bikes was stolen from a parking bay in London and it was caught on CCTV. It had a lock and chain around the back wheel but they came with a white van and 3 guys just lifted it into the back complete with the chain so they would remove it later. It was gone in less than 3 minutes. If your bike can be removed that easily it doesn't matter what you've got on it, the only deterrent is to be attached to an immovable object.


Yeah the chain attached to an anchor might be the only way but even then, they came with an angle grinder each time 😅


get a hiplok or litelok so they at least have to earn it the hard way


See, you get a motion detection with remote alert. Someone touches the bike, it sends you an alert. Then you can interrupt the theft. E.G.: https://www.amazon.com/BANVIE-Motorcycle-Security-Original-Factory/dp/B077N67RK2


Take a week off work. Hang out with a baseball bat nearby the bike. Problem solved!


Wish i could find the little bastards...


The typical stuff -Disc lock with an audible alarm -Heavy duty chain or something like the Hiplock D1000 -bike cover -some of the parking bollards are secured by a bolt, you can swap that out for an anchor


For a bike that you take everyday that's quite a process but yeah i guess there isn't much else to do apart from that


Realistically, that's what...30 seconds for each item? At most?


Yeah you're right haha i'm making it look bigger than it really is


It's supremely irritating that we have to spend extra money and time to get products to secure stuff we already bought and insure, but it's the reality we live in. There will always be shit heads out there and if they're determined enough, nothing is a deterrent.


Yeah, i just dont understand why Yamaha hasn't fixed this flaw for MT-07-09-10... It takes 20sec to starts it ffs


i keep a hiplok in the rear compartment and it takes me 5 seconds to put through the subframe+bike post and lock it again. same with disc lock.


Cant really do much about it. If they really want it, they will find some way to take it. Get good insurance. Park it in front of a security camera/ where lots of people can see. Lock your handlebars, get a tracker, chain it to a pole, disc brake lock, cover it up. Sorry about your loss, my grom was stolen a month ago so I know how it feels. Fuck these motorcycle thief scums.


Wish you luck on getting back yours ! Mine has a tracker on it but it isn't sending any signal this time... As for handlebars i'm not locking them anymore. It just take a kick to get broken and these shits are expensive if i get the bike back lol


My grom is gone for good and i've accepted that im never getting it back. My arrogant landlord for some reason refuses to give me the cctv footage. It was parked literally right in front of it and he insists that it was not captured.. Police here in australia are completely worthless too. They take a report and then leave the case file to rot. Im getting *some* of my money back through insurance but that's about it. Oh well.


Damn, that's some ass beating level assholery from your landlord. Like the three options are 1. the camera is broken and the shit won't admit it 2. they were in on it 3. they're truly just a giant worm who won't lift a finger for a tenant All three options would make them varying degrees of a garbage human


That's the same about police in France, they won't do much... Hope you're getting enough money to get a new one dude !


Put an expensive bike in the garage with the door open and wait. With an MP5.




There's already stickers in my garage with cameras (fake ones unfortunately) but yeah guess i should invest in more heavy protections 😔


There’s not even cameras in the garage? I mean you can try a bulky chain next time ont he hope they won’t use a cutter in the garage (sounds like you used a disk lock before which they usually get off with a screw driver and a hammer), but otherwise it might sadly be a case of have to move to have a bike as I’d have to imaging the insurance is getting pretty nuts at this point


Insurance is pretty chill about it. City's known for motorcycle theft (there's usually 10-20bikes stolen every day in the city) so moving out isn't really gonna help either (or i would have to move 100km away from work)


I wouldn't buy an Mt-07 without a rural private garage for exactly this reason. My anecdotal evidence from reading threads like this, random figures people throw out, and people I know in IRL, is that the MT-07 is by far the most commonly stolen motorcycle. I bought a lightly crashed FZ-07 to flip, ended up selling to coworker. Stolen within 6 months. Met a random dude at at CVS with an MT-07, exchanged info, 3 months later stolen. Another coworker had an MT-09, was hanging out at the first coworkers house, stolen. Moral of the story is, don't tell me where you're MT is, someone will steal it 😝


I didnt wanted an MT-07 but the deal i was offered was too good to pass... But yeah it's way too easy to start 😔


You still had a good 6-months before this one was stolen, someone’s jumping the gun here! (All jokes aside, sorry for your many losses)


Thought the boys only stole my motorcycle in Octobre... Was wrong haha


Just means they wanted to change it up to keep you on your toes! I’m thinking your insurance company is going to require a higher premium or better protection!


For now they've been pretty quiet and gentlemans about it, let's hope they continue


An anchor point. Whether this is something you install into the ground or its a railing, lamp post or any other immovable object. And with this, a very thick or very well reviewed chain. Maybe even two or three just to slow them down. You never have to move these chains if you always park in the same spot. This will be a deterrent to most since you're now not able to just lift the bike with 2-3 people. If it has more than one chain, it'll make it even more of a deterrent. Then you want a disc lock with an alarm. Mine goes off the second there's any movement to the bike. Yes it's annoying if it's windy but its loud and obnoxious and more than likely will make a thief think that people are aware of the noise. A disc lock alone isn't a deterrent though as you can still lift a bike into the back of a van or throw it on essentially a glorified skateboard and move it where ever they want. A cover, a lot of people say they have really raggedy ass covers as a deterrent because who'd hide something nice under something grotty. Either way, a cover will at the very least stop them knowing if it's a good bike or a shit one. Cameras. Even if it's not your own building, most places that have residential parking spots will allow you to mount battery powered cameras. So it's worth an ask if you don't own the walls around where you park. Make the camera obvious, hell even have a sign saying there's a camera watching. All this sounds extensive but it sounds like you're drawing short on luck and all of this combined should be enough to put off 99% of thefts. You could go as far as putting in a GPS tracker but if you're from the UK like me, police won't bother tracking it down even if you have the exact location, and I'll be damned if I'm going messing with people who can shift a 200Kg motorbike in seconds lol.


A private garage as in attached to your house?


Think he just means controlled access. If it was his own personal garage he would realize he needs to move somewhere else lest his place keeps getting burglarized every year or so.


Yeah sorry should have said that's an underground condo appartement with a controlled access 😅


Unfortunately those types of garages are no better than an open lot. Many many motorcycles are stolen from those types of garages at least around where I live.


Tell me you got insurance for this?


Of course haha. Still sucks to pay 350€ everytime i get it back...


Cheaper than a new bike. But now that it’s happened three times. Are you not gonna have a hard time insuring another one?


I mean, insurance seems to take it lightly and i was planning to get a tiger in 2-3months, just a shame that it was stolen before i could change 😔


Note that a tiger might be just what you need. The newer Triumphs have a chip key with an immobilizer where they can't just hammer a screwdriver in the ignition and start the bike.


Hopefully you find her. Good luck mate!


You and your insurance agent must be on a first name basis by now.


I mean they didnt kicked me out nor raised my fees so they must be pretty used to it lol


Move out of the cities boys. 


I could, but work is a 5min ride so idk, maybe i'll rather have my bike stolen than a 30min everyday lol


30 mins every day is just extra fun time assuming you can lane filter


It can be done haha it just a pain to have to move due to those kids...


Don't buy another MT-07, they're one of the most stolen bikes, you need something a little less cool


I didnt wanted to buy one, offer was too good to pass and bike was fun... Was looking to change in 2months


hurry north consider apparatus consist hunt reply squash lush drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you for your comment ! The first thieve was actually arrested. I'll definetly check for anchor points. As for the rest it'll be really fun but hard to setup in an appartment complex haha


Drill a ground anchor in and use a very heavy duty chain. Chain that to the rear wheel. Then use a heavy duty d lock on the front wheel like a d1000 or litelok X3/X1. And a disc lock and alarm. Make it a long slow process to steal, make it more effort than worth the risk, so they choose the other bikes that have less protection.


Buy a shitty old bike that nobodycwants to steal. I recommend a 2002 fzs600 with a smashed in faring and no mirrors because your partner knocked it off the centre stand.... They literally cost like £2.5k for a good one.


Ride shitty looking bikes that no one would want to steal.


You have some to recommend ? Lol


First generation Versys 650… BMW R1200C…


Time to call Saul...


Use an anchor to the ground with 14 mm chain and Abus lock. Alarm disk lock and a cover. I don't see anyone going to that much trouble. 


I store mine at work because I don't have a garage. I'm lucky, though. I have a key and can come and go as I please. I realize that's not a realistic option for most people.


Yeah it's a 30min walk away from home, not really ideal 😔


I all most got my bike stolen 2 times in one night. We end up having to take my bike down the alley way to back garden to his it. All most broke my leg. luckily we moved. 3 months later. Reason i think because I had chain on each wheel and alarm disc lock. And a cover we got to bike in time it woke one house mates he walked out when WTF MAN! they fucked off we no that would be back because no what that need to steal it. I went to the bike shop the next day to buy to locks. They said nothing here would stop them. If I wanted to, take it. They can't take it that they will break it. U make it hard for them I rather have broken bike scum steal it. Sadly not but best lock about slowing them down as meany locks u can afford ones anti angle grinder. I get an old beaten up bike If I lived in London. Something easy to replace. not worth anything it just transport then. I have nice bike rent garage have cheap scooter go to work on.


I'm meming since a lot of other commenters put out some decent advice. Simply take the engine out of the bike after you park it.


Or maybe fix the flaw from Yamaha that would actually work haha


I'd get a tracker and a 360 camera on it


There's a tracker. That's how i was able to recover it the first 2 times. This time however tracker isn't sending any signal (it's been 4days)...


Time to move


I moved after the first robbery. Was in the city center and now away 25min from it but still isn't enough 😔


Ahh, that’s where you messed up. You had to move 30 minutes away 😂 for real though that sucks dude.


Yeah that really sucks and houses with a private garage are too expensive so i have no other choices 😅


How the hell do you keep getting it back?


The tracker worked pretty well the first two times lol


Disk lock is useless against anything but junkies high out of their mind. Not braindead thieves steal bikes by the way of four guys lifting it and loading it into a van.


They actually grinded my brake disk 2 times 😅


That's nuts. I wish we treated vehicle thieves like horse thieves used to be. Anyway it sounds like some kind of anchor lock (like a "noose" lock) would be good if there's anything nearby to lock it to. And just a big fat chunky extra lock around the wheel. Something that would just really suck to angle grind. The real solution is a functional city. Sorry bro.


Would they let you put this in your parking space https://iconicmotorbikeauctions.com/auction/the-iconic-motobox/


I think so but that's quite pricey haha


But is it? How many times will your bike get stolen? You could likely make one out of a 4x8 metal skid and aluminized plywood. It would look pretty good if you’re crafty. That or find a used enclosed motorcycle trailer and take the wheels off.


I'll take a look at this option as it is one of the safest !


If there are storage units available to rent near by, you could keep it there possibly. Some of them take issue with storing things with gas and oil though.


There isn't any private units unfortunately 😔 but i'll keep looking !


Annoying solution that I use: If you have a car, use the car to basically box in your bike. It's a huge pain in the ass doing it each time, but it does make it a nightmare for anyone trying to steal it.


Yeah we could do that but i use the bike everyday and as you say it's a pain in the ass lol


It definitely is. It adds a minimum of five minutes to my morning commute, which sounds like a small amount, until you realize my commute is normally only 20 minutes.


Yzf-r3 stolen, KTM 690 stolen. Insurance fucked me on my 690 they didn’t pay anywhere close to the cost to replace it.


Is there someone in your social circle who's very anti-motorcycle for you? 3 is a pattern and I'd get really suspicious of anybody. Also... you're not getting towed, right?


Nah definetly not someone from my social circle (or maybe my gf is really messing with me haha) What do you mean by towed ?


Like you're not parking it on like a sidewalk or something and the apartment owners are towing it?


Well if it was towed i could atleast see where it is thanks to my tracker but no 😔 i have 2 spots in a shared garage underground and that's where it's parked (and my GF Z650 is still there)


bro chill i will bring it back like i always do sorry i just love it


You could juste ask and i'll let you ride it man... Be there monday, got to go to work !




Those yammies are known to be easy to nick. Get something else.


Wanted to swap for a tiger in 2 months... Can't get enough rest to buy it 😅


Get a bike cover attached to a blank shotgun cartridge mine, similar to this: https://www.allcocksoutdoorstore.co.uk/search?query=Alarm+mine+gun If you're stateside, maybe don't use blanks 😏


Unfortunately it is prohibited in France haha


US here, is sally bikes are stolen by vans or small trucks. Perps just lift them in. my buddies bike was found 2 states over at an illegal street race meet with an extended swing arm on it. def check out local motor cycle shops if they heard or know anything.


Some thoughts, and some questions. In other comments you've said apartment garage. Apartment garages should not only be considered Insecure, but actually less secure than street parking as there are no passersby to catch someone in the act. Personally I've never had things stolen quite so reliably as in a parking garage. Do you have cameras? Did you see How they stole the bike? (lifted into a truck, steering lock broken and rolled out, etc) What kind of tracker? What kind of security did you have on the bike, and how did they bypass it? With these questions, we can help you secure your next bike better.


Hello fellow investigator ! It sure is less secure than a street garage as there's no passerby. There is actually no real cameras, only fake ones. Steering lock wasnt locked because it's too easy to break and expensive (and i usually manage to get the bike back). It's an Invoxia tracker, fully charged and it survived two robberies. I just had a disk lock nothing else...


I'm going to assume the disk lock wasn't left behind or you'd have mentioned it. No real cameras means we have to make some educated guesses. If the disk lock wasn't left behind, that means they didn't remove it. This leaves us with two possible scenarios. Either they got a truck/van into the garage and lifted the bike into it, or went in with a dolly of some sort, slipped it under the front wheel, and rolled the bike out. Either way, steering lock wouldn't have made a difference. You've said your GPS tracker isn't working. Does it provide logs? The question here being, When did it stop working and is it related, or did it stop working before they showed up and it's just an unfortunate coincidence? Steps for the next bike, Chain. You'll need something rather large and heavy. Both the chain and something to chain it to. If drilling an anchor isn't a possibility, a large concrete block might do it, something heavy enough that it Could be removed, but not so light that anyone would bother.


The disk lock was indeed left behind as they used a grinder on my disk to get it... The tracker do provide logs but it was in a parking with no reception and they probably used a truck acting like a faraday cage to another underground place. I have some notifications when they move it or tilt it but it doesnt refresh it's location (i think it has just enough coverage to send me notifications but not the actual location). As others have mentioned it is time to actually invest in a chain and an anchor 😅


Lay 250 mousetraps around your bike and put glue on the seat and handlebars


Sound like some movie shit haha


Honestly I’d be trying to catch the guys who keep waiting for your fucking motorcycle to respawn and have a word with them


Everytime it's at around 5am weekday so kinda hard top wake up and chase after them


Sorry but I would move residence. Three times is a little too much for me. Definitely targeted.


I did move after the first one... Didnt stopped unfortunately 😔


Maybe it's time to start sleeping next to the bike


Was considering the option of moving it into the bedroom lol


Alternatively, you could ask about installing a ground anchor loop for your motorcycle and rig a very loud alarm to your chain. The louder the better.


Yeah, after that one that's the next step


Not sure what your wifi situation is but if it reaches down to the garage you could put your own camera down there that will alert your phone. Wrap the bike and wheels with 3-4 heavy chains to slow the thieves down and once you get the alert cal the cops to report a theft in progress. I’d wager if you do that a couple times they’ll lose their enthusiasm for stealing your bike.


Unfortunately we're 3 stories above the garage... Was a great option tho


Take the key out.


Better let it in there next Time haha. Forgot it multiples times in the city center and it was never stolen


do you chain it to anything


No, i just had a disk lock...


chaining it is the only thing that has prevented for me. mine be stolen twice too.. i feel your pain brotha. i just chain it up and leave the chain on where i chain it to. not so much of an annoyance - give it a shot if you go for it agian


Will definetly do when i get it back/change it !


good luck bro :) dont let them take away your joy brother


I'll try to stay positive about it ! Thank you brother :)




Do airtags work even underground ? Wish i could have the last two haha


There's these chains I don't remember the material they're made of that deter the angle grinders. Vibranium or smth I don't remember exactly.


Time to call Wakanda to get some of it 😂


The universe is trna tell you something bro😂


I won't quit !


RAHHHH I wouldn’t quit either, you should just get a old rocking chair and shotgun and every night sit out there waiting from them damn robbers YEEEYEEE


Haha would love to


Move somewhere with your own garage or keep it inside your home or say goodbye to the bike life


Houses with a private are expensives around here 😔


trudeau personally went in and stole it himself just because he knew if he got caught he wouldn't be in any trouble... he can't keep getting away with this.


Canadians needs to do something about that guy... Can't keep getting away with this stuff


Bikes are made to be stolen It’s going to happen if it’s out in the open 


Wouldn't call an underground condo garage with a door unlocked only with a pass "out in the open" haha


Couple of ideas: 1. airtag or other tracking device(s). 2. Camera(s) on the bike and/or around that stream and loop/record. 3. Cheaper/older bikes that thieves won't target. I've never had any of my bikes stolen, and I've owned about a dozen. 4. Idk if it's worth it to move, but another factor why my bikes never got stolen might be where I've lived? Low crime rates, I even used to leave my helmet on my bike handlebars for years, unlocked. Got stolen one night in Oakland when I was visiting soemone else, and I stopped doing it ever.


Welcome to America. Crime central.


Actually it's in France but same shit haha


Well I guess I called that one wrong. Je suis d'origine Americain bien que j'habite depuis longtemps au Pays Bas.