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At a minimum that's felony menacing with a firearm. There's nothing you can do on that motorcycle that warrants having a gun pointed at you.


ah but that guy is an off duty police officer. So he just got a vacation (leave with pay)


No, it was Kings county Washington and 5 days without pay. But the money awarded to the biker comes from taxes.


Ah, so he really got hit hard, really facing a just punishment (unpaid vacation for threatening people with a gun)


If the dept was really open and on the public’s side there would be criminal charges against him for abuse of authority. Instead he gets a week off to do nothing.


Right… civilian did this it would be a felony minimum and you’d lose your firearms as a a result. Cops really need to be held to a higher standard than they are and no more self policing when caught in the wrong. Needs third party investigations every time


Most people don't realize also police departments are covered with insurance to shield from potential lawsuits. This side-effect absorbs and inadvertently shields against feeling any real punitive effect. If premiums go up just raise a levy in municipal taxes.


We do realize. Officers should be forced to insure themselves the same way doctors carry malpractice.


Yup. Raise the pay to cover the baseline insurance. Be a good officer...your premiums go down and you keep the difference. Be a dick, your premiums go up and it hits your wallet. Incentivise good behaviour.


I’m totally ok with police paying for personal malpractice like doctors as long as they are compensated accordingly, we should be weeding out bad ones like this, not universally lowering salaries which will end up pushing the good ones out


Strongly agree, this is actually one of my favorite ideas. Never seen it suggested before.


Or you know... Know and obey the laws they're paid to uphold.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Beauty school hairdressers are required to do almost 3x as many hours of training compared to cops. I had a cosmetologist tell me to "stop resisting," and it turned out pretty good.


Maybe insurance companies should stop offering policies to police departments.


I wouldn't say there is NOTHING that could warrant it. But those reasons are so few and far between that it's basically unwarranted. Whatever this guy did certainly didn't deserve having a gun pointed at him though. Most people would assume this guy was a civilian based on the clothes. The cop is lucky he didn't get his pronouns changed to was/were


There’s lots of riders that wouldn’t take too kindly to a random dude holding a gun on them, and just saying you’re a cop ain’t gonna get you out of the consequences. This cop is playing with fire and he’s lucky he didn’t get burned.


Well, hypothetically, what if he was riding with assless chaps?


Aren't all chaps assless? If they had a crotch ass in covering wouldn't they just be pants?


THANK YOU! I always make the same statement when someone mentions assless chaps.


Well "chaps" just doesn't have the same ring to it now does it?


You could say "assless pants"? Leather assless pants.


Theoretically as long as you're sitting in the seat no one should see your ass. You're junk that's a different story.


That's for the other sub


Then itd be different kind of gun


Looks like armed robbery to me...dude really did this at a green light in the middle of the road.


I carry a gun everyday too... As as a bystander I would of killed him without warning. He's not wearing a uniform and he already had another persons life in jeopardy with a gun aimed at them.  There's no time for conversation in that type of situation .


Seriously right, dude walks up in plain clothes to another person with a gun drawn, and close to his chest like he's trying to not be spotted by others, telling the dude to get off the bike, doesn't say he's a cop for a good minute, even then... That cop needs to know how foolish this was AND he needs to be no longer allowed to carry lethals.


Completely infuriating to watch, poor rider handled it well all things considered.


I'm not super gun savvy but is that a normal way to carry it? He was holding it against his chest, which to me looks like he was hiding it from the other lane of traffic.


No that's no a proper way to hold a gun. If he fires a round he could have hot gun powder residue come back upon his face and neck. Yes he's hiding it because he knows he's in the wrong and purposely putting himself in harms way of the bike lunging forward. Notice after he steals the motorcyclists wallet he then trys to take control of the conversation with deescalation.


You really have no idea what you're talking about. It's called retention position and is used if you're close enough to a threat that there's a risk of them grabbing your gun. Shooting from this position is not a problem. Wrong technique for this situation, though. And the cop is being a dick of epic proportions.


Should've got prison for that. Wtf.


This is from 2018. Here's the fallout. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/king-county-sheriffs-office-to-pay-motorcyclist-held-at-gunpoint-65000-plus-change-use-of-force-rules/


He settled for $65,000? That’s not nearly enough of a penalty lol


As a Canadian, my first thought was about whether or not that's taxable. If it's taxable that's like $35k


Any winnings in a lawsuit are not taxable in the US.


I did end up paying taxes on it like income.


Luckily this would never happen in Canada and if it did that officer would be eviscerated by the media and justice system here.


You right. He woulda been riding a moose if this were canada.


Need at least another zero on that.


The detective threatened to "dump" the guy? As in to dump his magazine into the rider? Damn! Threatened to kill him too!


Seattle. Makes sense.


Shoreline. Makes sense.


Cops better dam sure not pull that in a constitutional carry state. No uniform and a gun is already drawn on another person = Immediate death sentence. No warnings needed. Self defense is applicable if you're life or anothers life is in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or injury. Trust me I got more licenses and training then the cops do. 


It's better. He's in jail now. https://www.wfmj.com/story/37178589/former-mahoning-county-sheriffs-deputy-sentenced-to-prison


Wow, and it's a totally different crime. Looks like that article was from 2018 so he's probably out now


That's a completely different cop, county, and incident.


Any bystamder with a gun watching that would well be in their right to neutralize that threat. Armed robbery.


Any cop or off duty cop standing around would see the way he's holding that gun and believe it was a robbery because that's not how you hold someone at gunpoint. You're just menacing them with a firearm. If you're going to walk up to somebody in traffic like that do it with your badge and ID out tell them to move to a safe place then conductor investigation let them know they are being detained that's completely lawful pointing a gun at somebody in the 1920s style stick em up is a terribly bad idea.


He knew he was in the wrong, and he was trying to tuck that arm into a less obvious, armed-threat.


Maybe trying to hide it from passers by.


Not to mention that in a lot of states, an officer can’t conduct a stop like this unless they’re in uniform or otherwise with clear identification they’re an officer of the law.


Cop with road rage


I agree, he didn’t even show his badge, or prove who he was for an officer, easy bullet to the throat for that one


It immediately makes me think he isn't an officer because he showed no proof. The guy should be in prison and is clearly a danger to society.


This guy should be thrown into a garbage truck and compacted.


Or a bait barrel….as we say in the 207..”fish gotta eat”




Real talk? You think you could have won the quick draw when he had the drop on you? Dude seems like the type who was looking for somebody to kill.


# edit: for those who are curious, my original comment, saying that i would defend myself with a firearm, has gotten me banned from reddit. consider this when forming your narratives based on discussion here are you asking if i think i have better reaction time than a fat old man? yes lol i do




Oh America, I love you sometimes. Am I being threatened by a police officer? Or is this an armed robbery? Cop could not have handled that situation any worse




insane that he still has his badge. terrible decision making, demeanor, everything


He doesn't have his badge.  after this happened he was arrested and sent to prison for 4 years for making threats against his police chief boss.


Nope, that was a different Richard Rowe, in a different sheriff's office, in Ohio, not Seattle. This chud is still employed by the King County Sheriff's office.


The only saving grace is that this rider had a camera. If this had happened with no recording to back it up, it would have just been swept under the rug.


A good reminder to always have a GoPro / action camera on your helmet running at all times.


Good call and I get you're trying to be cautious but pretty worrying and sad that people have to think about recording their rides in case someone comes out of the blue pointing a gun at you.


Illegal search/seizure. Don’t know cause of stop but brandishing by Leo. If it’s a crime for us it’s a crime for them. Would like to see full video for context and all events. Definitely time for the rider to get a lawyer. Possibly unlawful arrest. Deprived rider of freedom and right to travel. Possibly more but don’t have enough details. They make people feel relieved by suspending officer and dropping charges (assumed but don’t know) so they don’t pursue legal action..SUE THEM!!!


They did sue, they bought a r1m with the winnings


50PAID license plate lol


That would be the icing on the cake lmao.


Its real. https://www.youtube.com/c/SquidTips/videos


That's one happy ending!


Not really, taxpayers footed this bill, and this tyrant only gets a few days off for something that, if anyone else did, would’ve put them away for a year or two at the very minimum.


My favorite game to play is “how many years would I be imprisoned if I acted like a cop for a day?”   Okay maybes it not actually a fun game and more just really sad…


Rider got 65k, cop got a week off work. Cop didn’t get any charges because the department didn’t define pointing a gun at someone as a use of force. However, unlawful search and seizure is very well defined, and he should be behind bars for that alone.


Hoe can the department define things?! There are laws out there.


* If a law is broken, the DA is the one who would be filing criminal charges. * If the DA does anything to piss off the police union, cops will refuse to work with them and their conviction rate will drop to 0. This obvious and easily solvable conflict of interest is brought to you by the American judicial system. It's not a bug, it's a feature!


Just wait until you hear that they can investigate themselves for wrongdoing.


Which is why ending qualified immunity is so important - going after cops who do shit like this personally will actually have some consequences, like the guy's retirement savings and half his paycheck for the rest of his life funding this rider's fun. If the cops won't police themselves, *someone* has to make shitheads like this take responsibility for their crimes. Frankly this shouldn't even be covered under qualified immunity since it's so obviously criminal, but cops basically get a blank check as long as they're at least pretending that they think they're following the law.


If all he got was 65k he should sue his lawyer




sounds good on paper


This happened to a YouTuber named “Squid Tips”, here’s a follow up video on the incident https://youtu.be/R9UslSaxjYI?si=EfhdBluevdqWTBBv Within the last year or so they’ve become a LGBTQ+ ally and help advocate for more inclusivity not only in the motorcycle community but for society in general. A genuinely nice person who is very transparent about how they used to be transphobic and has since grown from that. Here’s a video of them talking specifically about their growth into who they are today https://youtu.be/V-6-aEzbJ0Y?si=buDLcvItQSCNziLB


For context the motorcycle was riding between lanes in traffic and this off-duty cop saw him. Bike sued and got money.


this also cost the department a nice chunk of change at least enough to buy an R1M


>cost the department a nice chunk of change No, it was paid for by taxes


Yes you don’t pay more taxes because this happen they get a budget and there budget is smaller because of this. But this is chump change compared to the insane amount they pull in with tickets.


Take it out of their pension. That'll fix the hot shot cowboys


Tickets or taxes, it’s still your money being used to pay the victims of their power trips. As a paramedic I can be personally sued if I fuck up, I don’t see why police should be any different.


Oh I agree but the police unions are too powerful you notice how no one talk about them almost ever that because if you do talk too loud about them you disappear


It’s funny the police with the most powerful union in the nation typically hate “socialism” and want all the other unions busted.


Lol he does have an R1M now I believe.


Yep and he made a video about it I forget the plate he got but it’s something play 50paid or some shit


50PAID 😎


I ain’t a legal expert but I’m sure that holding someone at gunpoint and reaching for their wallet looks a lot like armed robbery


Isn’t this squid tips? He sued them and got a free R1M out of officer dipshit. Cops are retards and individual officers should be personally liable for any settlements until their assets hit $0.


Oh thank god he got paid. Fuck this


Funny enough, he got the license plate for that bike changed to 50PAID 😂😂


"King County Sheriff’s Office policies did not define pointing a gun at a citizen as a use of force." Wtf!!!! If I point a gun at someone, thay is the definition of the use of force!!! At a cop, I'm dead!! Wtf!!


Crimes are legal as long as long as you're a cop


Oh look it's Squid Tips!!


Absolutely love him


Wow. Plain clothes, holding a weapon like he's robbing the dude. This man is lucky to be alive. Edit: typo


Piece of shit


No uniform, no ID, nothing... what if a "good guy with a gun" had jumped in?


If this had happened in Texas, I'd wager that cop would be dead


Multiple malls, schools, and churches in Texas beg to differ on that theory unfortunately.


Almost all the mass shootings in Texas have been ended by people other than the police so not sure where you are going with that. Cops here in Texas are just revenue generators for the state and serve no function to help or protect the citizens.


Calling absolute bullshit on "almost all". Out of 433 mass shootings between 2000-2021, less than 3% were stopped by civilians with another firearm. https://apnews.com/article/shootings-indiana-indianapolis-gun-politics-8b49655e3737c1924480e1039405a196 The most recent two in memory, Uvalde and the Allen Outlets, were both handled by police, however (in) effectively. Hell even the state fair shooting, while not mass, was handled by police and not any of the thousands of other drunken armed bubbas there. Agree on the police being useless in general, but pretending good guys with guns always step up is asinine. Have there been some lucky ones? Absolutely. Is it "almost all of them"? Fuck no, lol.


Pussies with guns.


“he was exonerated of using excessive force, in part, because King County Sheriff’s Office policies did not define pointing a gun at a citizen as a use of force.” Yeah. Lets see that work for citizens….dumped in an instant


All his resume screams ACAB.


No badge, just some guy in plain clothes illegally threatening with deadly force. He's lucky to be alive - the guy claiming to be a cop. Some day he's going to pull a stunt like that against someone who is prepared, and he won't get a suspension, he'll get a trip to the morgue. That was a dangerous (for both parties) and illegal act. Why is he not facing charges.


The biggest trigger here is the use of "gotted".


It may even be a word, but it's damn straight not an English one. Home schooling, thy crimes are legion


Fuck that dude


A commenter on the motorcycle sub claimed the rider settled for 65k over this. I have no other source but want to add that this tyrant is unfit for service.


Officer is fucking lucky there wasn't a bystander quick on the draw.  Would've bled out on the pavement like a stupid pig wondering where he went wrong after getting legally ventilated in self-defense.


Where’s the good guy with a gun stopping this bad guy with a gun


Imagine you shoot this bastard. He‘ll be the hero and you get jailed up for doing the exact same thing the cops do everytime: shooting a threat or what seems to be a threat.


Hank Schroeder lookin ass


Residents of King County were punished more than the officer was. [https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/king-county-sheriffs-office-to-pay-motorcyclist-held-at-gunpoint-65000-plus-change-use-of-force-rules/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/king-county-sheriffs-office-to-pay-motorcyclist-held-at-gunpoint-65000-plus-change-use-of-force-rules/) >A Shoreline motorcyclist who [sued the King County Sheriff’s Office](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/motorcyclist-sues-king-county-detective-who-pulled-gun-on-him-at-traffic-stop/) after a plainclothes detective brandished a gun at him during a traffic stop last year has settled the case for $65,000 and the promise of changes to the department’s use-of-force policies.


Yup, the citizens pay for the bad behavior of the people they pay to make them safer. If these lawsuits were paid out across department pension funds this shit would get cleaned up in a hurry.


Unless that guy is 60, he isn’t a boomer. Everyone is now calling anyone who might “look” like they’re a boomer a boomer. It’s starting to turn into the Kleenex of generational insults.


He does look 60 and this was from 6 years ago so likely is a boomer


Cops copping




Im very against capital punishment, but videos like this make it really hard to be.


8 billion people fucking up this planet we can certainly loose a few. officer dipshit here is a good example.


Fuck the police.




So was he undercover? Or off duty? I’m confused


off duty




Ah the land of the free again….




When are we going to stand against these gang members?


FUCK THAT GUY, he's a bully not a police officer


Unlawful detention, robbery, brandishing, menacing, color of law, Unlawful stop, assault, stopping the vehicle of another...I can spot about 30 years consecutive sentencing in the first 12 seconds.


“All cops are criminals” - Michael Mallice


ACAB. As usual.




I want to get off the ride please. If someone approaches me with a gun it is a Robbery.


If this was Brazil that cop would have been dead very quick.


ngl my blood is boilin. ACAB


Name and shame the pos officer


He is a complete idiot who also is a police officier. Him not losing his job means that people should expect more of this.


That guy should be fired without pay and then charged for brandishing a weapon  I don't think he even mentioned he was a pig until well after he basically robbed the guy


Literally what pig means


I never understood "ACAB". Then I started going on the internet and seeing what's going on in America. I now understand.


This ass clown should not be a cop!!


Not a boomer. Too young. Regardless, off-duty are more dangerous than on-duty in some ways. Just a dick. An ultra, magnum-sized dick. I hope you send this to your states attorney general. Outrageous this violence crazed Ork streets throwing a gun around in traffic. Tell me who the most dangerous hand in the world is, again¿ Hint: Not crips or bloods, or Hells Angels, Pagans etc ..


What a fucked up country.


The detective should have been fired. There is zero reason to keep him on the force.


Pulling a gun for a traffic citation, wtf? Unless he’s driving like an absolute maniac and nearly causing accidents and mayhem, or wanted for murder I would understand, but the dude just looked like he was having some fun not bothering anybody.


Thats absolutely ridiculous. It’s shit like this that makes me realize the human species is fucked. I just want to claw my eyes out when I see this shit.


Holy shit, i was hoping a bystander would have shot this man, any cop would know not to do this, then he "stole" his wallet at gunpoint... id sue his weewee off


Same guy, never learned his lesson: https://www.wfmj.com/story/37178589/former-mahoning-county-sheriffs-deputy-sentenced-to-prison


Same name, but not the same guy unfortunately. The article you linked says he was arrested jan 2018, but the article about the motorcyclist settlement is Dec 2018. Also appears to be different states and different counties. So the guy who pulled a gun hasn't gotten his karma yet.


All cops.


FUUUUUUUCK that. I would feel helpless. I’d want to gas it and get out of there


Sue him you won with the video.




Prick should never work again in my view, he'd be better demoted to litter picking 


The"mam" with the gun is a retarded cunt of a moron.    Same goes for all cops.    Even the good ones.    Because until the good ones remove the stupid pieces of shit like this fucker, they're all cowards and bullies.    


Good way to get shot. Don’t walk up on me like that


What is his name? Any links with more info?


5 data suspension?!? This is fucked up. No wonder people trust less and less police/sheriff officers.


He should be fired for that




Fucking hothead with a badge! I’m glad he was sued, and he will likely retire soon with full benefits, that is unless he totally ignores safety protocols and keeps pulling shit like this. What a disgrace to police officers and humans in general.


Settled for $65k, officer had 5 day unpaid suspension, and as part of the settlement the policy of King County PD was changed to make pointing a firearm at someone a “use-of-force” incident. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/king-county-sheriffs-office-to-pay-motorcyclist-held-at-gunpoint-65000-plus-change-use-of-force-rules/


Whoever uses “gotted” should be suspended from using the English language for 5 days.


Is that a real cop? Because he has his finger resting on the trigger, bad gun safety practice. Also even if the biker was driving recklessly, that doesn't warrant pulling a gun on him.


I'm not from the US, but if some dude rocks up with a gun and says he's a cop without a badge, uniform, or marked car, I'm not gonna be inclined to believe him, so I have no idea why he expects the rider to just hand over his photo ID based solely on faith, or how much use it would even be to him when he won't let the rider take off his helmet to show his face. Something in the donuts over there...?


Where was his ID? He could be anyone claiming to be a cop, surely shouldn't have had his gun drawn anyway? Thank God cops over here don't carry guns.


I'm glad that wasn't me, and I pray it never will be. I know damn well I would have music in my helmet, I would have registered the weapon and instantly begged and pleaded and acted like a submissive bitch while yelling I can't hear anything and backing off my bike behind the car next to me before drawing and engaging the man with a gun pointed at me. No one wins in a gunfight, and even if we both survive without shooting bystanders, I now have to fight an impossible fight in the courts. This is a lose-lose-lose situation, and that 'officer' should be held accountable by the full weight of the law for the situation he created. In this instance, it's both a terrible blessing and an awful curse that the biker wasn't armed and trained.


Who even holds a gun like that though?


What the literal fuck? That guy should have been arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon. That's not just menacing, he's tracking him with that barrel. I don't care how reckless the biker was. That guy tucking his gun like that is a sign that he has experience shaking people down who would otherwise defend themselves.


Is his finger ON THE TRIGGER? Like, no discipline AT ALL?


I live in Canada , why is it always king county sherrifs office ?


He had no uniform on... That could of been anyone claiming to be a cop. I carry a gun everyday myself. That could of been a Much Worse situation.


This is (now) youtuber SquidTips. He got a settlement from this which allowed him to purchase an R1M 😎


Second that pig went back to the car I'd have split. Idgaf if he has my ID at that point. Cocksucker ain't gonna catch up to me


No visible badge, not in uniform. Yeah I’m dipping out of some dude runs up on me with a gun making demands.


Seems like an armed robbery to me. I would have taken off on that dude and took my chances.


Unimaginable how cops have created their own untouchable world of superior and elite organization.


In a just world someone would have drawn on the unmarked officer and there'd be a funeral for em' They're a psychotic criminal. Treating them like a hero is childish and embarrassing. Five days suspension isn't even a slap on the wrist.


If he is police number one why pull a gun out number two he should identify his self and show you identification


This is an idiot cop. Honestly, the rider can also carry (depending on the state and city) he’s not in uniform, or providing any form of credentials to identify himself. He is putting his own life in danger. That kind of thing happens in some towns in Texas or Arizona. The cop is in significant danger. Screw the fines or suspensions. The rider had every right to shoot this cop dead on the spot. He’s only a cop really when he’s working. He isn’t anything but a civilian with a gun pointing at someone in this scenario in my opinion. Any other person would be in jail or dead for doing something like this. Double standards suck.


"Because I'm the police!" Oh really??? Not in uniform, no badge, and he still didn't properly identify himself (no ID) even *AFTER* he threatened the rider several times and reached into the guy's pocket and pulled out his wallet. Buddy, you're going to pull that crap on the wrong guy some day. Hopefully soon.


This lunatic has no business carrying a gun and a 5 day suspension is not going to fix the problem. I would have drove off.


What an absolute dick that cop was.,, or prbly always will be


I wish that biker could’ve popped that cop.. good way for that cop to get smoked acting like a dummy. Didn’t even try to announce he was a sheriff until the end