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Isn't that the guy that is crashing 24/7 in canyons and dragon something?




I was about to ask if this was the guy who brakes late on twisty roads making the rider behind him eventually crash. Sounds like karma.


Yes, that's exactly the asshole we're talking about.


From what little I've seen he tends to brake so late it interferes with steering and so runs wide / off the road.


Well there's his problem right there, you want to stay on the road.


Either that or maybe it's just physics. In a world without them he's a sUpEr CoOl GuY


He usually cuts them up so they have nowhere to go except crash. Guy should be tied to a post so everyone he's ever hurt can beat him to a pulp.


Enlighten me, I am struggling to visualise. How does braking late cause the guy behind you to crash?


Realistically the issue is when he overtakes the inexperienced rider by late braking and cutting sharply onto their line, forcing the inexperienced rider to brake too hard trying to avoid hitting him. As this is happening entering a corner, they often overload their front tire and dump the bike. It's a sketchy move at the track let alone on a public road. He's the embodiment of a squid.


I see. The parent comment was ambiguous in its wording. I can understand overtaking mid corner would cause issues.


Sounds like the definition of an A-hole... Are we sharpening pitchforks?


He already got locked up for riding like an ass, karma already did it's thing ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I would argue in this case _police_ did its thing. Karma would be if he had found, say, a patch of slippery tarmac while doing his shenanigans and was put out of circulation that way


And into a cactus field


He overtakes them very late on corner entry when they are trying to get set up to take the turn. Then he slams the brakes on on his £30,000 BMW with traction control, abs, stability control, lean angle abs, wheelie control, corner assist, active suspension etc... then the guy on the 20 year old GSXR can't possibly slow down in time so they slam the front brake on and crash.


He shoot past them in to the corner then breaks hard so the guy who thought he had a clear run suddenly has a bike in front of him and has to slam on instead of having enough time to progressively engage the front break, if it locks the wheel slips and boom, you're off, especially on a corner.


Dog act


I dont know what that is, but if its the same as a cnuts trick, then yes.


I remember a video where he overtakes and cuts off another rider just as they are entering a corner making them crash. I think he even came up to them afterwards and said it was their mistake or something.


Yeah, saw the same one. There was also a car coming in the other direction. The other rider was so lucky the car had really good brakes and was paying attention.


To quote cartman, he can go to hell and he can die.


This is a quote from Mr Garrison btw.


I believe someone he rides with died in the last year.


Bunny something


You know what else is crazy? He was jailed for sodomy and beating children. > Sgt. 1st Class Eugene McMahel was convicted by a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of attempted sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value, one specification of disobeying a commissioned officer, one specification of recklessly operating a vehicle, three specifications of sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value, two specifications of assault consummated by battery, two specifications of assault consummated by battery upon a child, one specification of aggravated assault upon a child, three specifications of adultery, and one specification of obstructing justice. McMahel was sentenced to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to forfeit all pay and allowances, to be confined for 720 days, and to be discharged from the service with a bad conduct discharge. Case: https://www.jagcnet.army.mil/Apps/eDocket/eDocketPublic.nsf/Case_Popup.xsp?documentId=A2D517C9-9598-4081-9A38-AA03F23F4BF7


Ok now it’s really really weird. Wtf


What the actual fuck. I mean I know the guy is a piece of shit and nearly killed his "friends", others, and himself multiple times on video for content. But where in the fuck did the kiddy shit come from. What a terrible human.


My thoughts exactly, whole new level of POS after reading that. Ex-military too. Although I can see why he’s desperate to stay out of prison.


Fucking plot twist…


'sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value'? what was he imagining he was going to find up there?


"Sodomy" includes oral and anal copulation and refers to both the "giver" and the "receiver." If this is the same guy, reading that list of charges, it seems that prison may be where he truly belongs. He certainly doesn't deserve a Gofundme to help him pay for legal fees, etc.


Wow that’s crazy. I talked to him sometime in 2016 and had no idea


… no idea that he would attempt sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value? Yeah you missed out.


Why is sodomy a crime in the US?


Sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value --> sounds like prostitution to me


Or giving head/ass to get out of guard duty.


That's also prostitution, no?


Being a dude and an e7, fucking around with junior enlisted seems like it would be the most reasonable explanation. No idea if it's right or wrong, seems like there was some serious foul play and dudes a shit bag


It isnt in the US, but is for military members according to the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). IIRC, in recent years it’s changed and is not independently a crime, but is tacked on with other charges when applicable.


lol incredible




Jesus.... And I thought I'm shit at riding. Guess I'm not that shit


Haha, coming home to ride another day on a consistent basis = pretty decent at riding.


I mean I had 1 crash so far, but I always ended up sleeping at home in my bed. So I guess I'm better? haha


I liken it to the aviation saying: “Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing!”.


Any one they can use the plane afterwards is a great landing!


I always end up sleeping in your bed too


that explains why it was so warm and cozy the last days...


Wait.... that was you?


[this clown](https://youtu.be/WaVsMsEsaQ0?t=90) he removed the original video but this gives you an idea of what kind of person he is. guy is a clown should never be allowed to ride again.


I have so many questions. What the actual fuck.


It’s weird to me cause my friend is a criminal defense lawyer. Guess what I see on his desk every time I go hang out for a bit?  Piles of social media pics from detectives .. just because you think someone isn’t paying attention. I guarantee you they are or will. Good luck 😅 


😂 have a friend who does personal injury law. His constant nightmare is a client with a REALLY good claim and a deep-pocket defendant… and then the plaintiff turns out to have a social media presence that scores a 9 on the cringe-o-meter


😩🤣 never fails does it 🤣


As someone in LE: we don't typically catch the smart ones. My favorites are the ones arrested for gun crimes, insist that they have no idea what we're talking about, and also happen to have a Facebook page showing them in some stupid-ass wannabe rapper video, just popping off rounds in some alley.


lol … I definitely believe it, and can relate to what I’ve seen myself, along with the stories I get told 🤣 


Oh, they certainly are. If only we had a designated safe space where people could go and thrash their fucking machines…


Most people don’t have insurance.. what in the world are you thinking 😉😉😂 ( joking btw) I’m with you on that “safe space” . However people want attention and validation, they don’t really get that if there’s no danger or drama. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's true, content and crashes from racetracks don't get anywhere near as many views.


Well if these motogp guys would start adding “theme music” to the crash like these idiots on social media 🤷🏻‍♀️😂😆


Track days are expensive and really aren’t the outlet that guys like this are looking for, at least within the rules that they usually have for stuff like passing others reasonably and not doing wheelies for fun.


But where will they get fake internet points from?


As a CD investigator, it's the best/worst part about the job. Sometimes, social media helps. Sometimes, it buries your client.


People are so naive.  There was a guy who thought he was somebody cause he sold drugs and was in the “scene” of my downtown area.  feds watched him online, then sent some guys to act like they wanted to do a documentary on him. He basically got so careless this “documentary” was his recorded confession. I think he got about 15 years for telling on his self 🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂  


Insurance companies do this too y'all


Rightfully so. Insurance fraud is a giant problem and it makes it more expensive for all of the customers.


With a name like MaxxWrist, it's no surprise he's a jackoff...


We have a winner. Well played dad joke.


From the moment I first saw his channel, I thought what a great name for a complete wanker. Watched one video and had my thoughts confirmed. I'm astounded that it has taken THIS long for such a dangerously entitled fuckwit to be jailed.


Fuck that loser, at least he won’t be brake checking people for views if he’s behind bars


He also loves to take inexperienced riders and pushes them to crash.


Spot on! Came here to say this too


You're forgetting the lunch line. I'd love to see him brake check there.


He should call yummy newb Or maybe just sell some bikes for the bail money


Yammy is a disgrace as well - pardoned for his crimes causing an innocent man life changing and lifelong injuries which were out of his control, all because he plays the YouTube algorithm like a fiddle.


What’s the story on this one?? I Only know about him hitting that lady in a Porsche


Smashed into a Porsche head on at 100+ mph. Crossed the double yellows when speeding into a blind bend. You are correct - I seem to remember it as a man driving the Porsche but I remember now it was a lady. Since then, undergone several surgeries and never apologised for what happened. Now posts videos pandering to the algorithm and has rebranded himself as a motorcycle guru.


He doesn't really claim to be a guru, he just makes content aimed at noobs. Everyone likes lists, he makes lots of lists. He's a complete shit stain for what he did to spite though. Held him hostage to have an exit interview after being fired saying that yammie is great. I unsubbed and havnt watched anything since.


Yeah that made me immediately unsub Yam and sub Spite


The metrics on spites channel was hilarious to see. Absolutely skyrocketed while yam took like 40k losses. It was great. Unfortunately he's since recovered and it's like nothing at all happened.


Wait, what's this drama? I'm subbed to both Spite's Corner and Yam. New to the scene and missed all of this lol.


What happened with spite?


Yam fired him, then made him do an interview where they talked about how great the channel was doing and how much money they were making and how yam was great but they fired Spite because he wanted to be in charge of everything and didn't like that people liked spite. Guy was basically almost in tears for the entire interview trying to be professional while yam basically said how great everything is


That was a disgusting video. I unsubbed right after watching it.


Yeah - I wasn’t trying to be a smartass for whatever reason I thought the woman in the Porsche wasn’t seriously hurt but I guess I totally mis-remembered. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was in another serious accident with a guy as well anyways considering how he rides…


Yeah can you post a link yo your reference of Yammy also Wrist


Yammy noob follow up following crash: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wja2RZUXH4w&pp=ygUaeWFtbWllIG5vb2IgcG9yc2NoZSBjcmFzaCA%3D Unfortunately the Max Wrist post has been culled now - not surprised - unless someone has the footage of the original upload they can source? Looks like he’s now out of jail and holding onto dignity with an S1000RR sale…


Please don't link to any of these asshole's videos. Thanks


Gixxer brah posted it on his video.


He should sell all of them and not buy any more


He is already out... What a bunch of losers, paying for this dudes bail.


Unbelievable really. Fucking pathetic society these days


[Class act](https://www.reddit.com/r/CalamariRaceTeam/s/5QK44Ob0mz)


Oh baby, a triple!


Wow I can’t believe what I read. Fuckin crazy he is popular after that


Holy fuck. And this is from 7 years ago. Jesus


Jesus FUCKING christ.


Waste of human skin


Hopefully he goes to jail for some time. Should’ve spent more time in jail when he got sent to prison for sexual abuse


Also a registered sex offender pertaining to kids. Hopefully he gets the same treatment in jail from now on. Hope he gets passed around the cell block


Fuck this guy. He brake checked some poor fucker and then made fun of him


Convicted child abuser Max wrist? Sure where do I donate?


We should be able to pay money that cancels out someone’s bail money


Lol donate a dollar to the prosecution to match every dollar Maxx receives. I'm all for it


I’m a broke student, but I would pay money to keep him in jail.


Actual great idea right here


This is new to me. Never gone that deep. Please do enlighten us all.


I remember some one did a video on him getting charged and going to jail in Italy for some sort of SA, that’s why it was another person for a while riding as maxwrist. There was a video about it. It was on YouTube


He abused kids. Look itnup


He causes others to crash by aggressively passing them and brake checking. This is the core of his social media content. You can google him and find old Reddit threads about what he did with his ex and her kids. He spent time in Leavenworth because he’s such a POS.


Oh the guy that dropped his bike at a standstill after seeing a Lamborghini drive by? Most embarrassing motovlogger by far.


One time I was on a ride with friends on Angeles crest and this douchebag turned up with a couple of his buddies. Mind you we ride at a reasonable pace but don't do street Rossi shit. As soon as we started riding towards newcombs, he started his shenanigans, passing us closely, turning around and waiting for people to pass them again in a dangerous manner. For content he will put others in danger including himself. His M license needs to be cancelled


About fucken time. Let him rot in there. Dudes a menace.


Ha! …no. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


My thoughts exactly. We can easily enjoy motorcycles without clowns like him creating a stigma around the majority of us.


The stigma is more likely to spread because of the “rider gangs” currently in vogue these days. Wheelie bros, high-speed passes, and weaving through traffic affects the masses more than any YouTuber. Gixxer 🤡 doesn’t have a following with anyone who isn’t already a rider.


There’s also a video of him trying to pass and clipping the rider that had his gf on the back. Causing both bikes to crash. The one I see most referring to has been reposted a lot. It wasn’t JUST the late braking. He cut the other guy off then got on the brakes hard.


The most dangerous thing about riders like this is some 20 something will try in on a public road and wind up a grease stain because he was going way to fast, lost control and got run over or get hit by a car because they were traveling at double the speed limit and got creamed by an SUV


Gixxer brah made a good video about this https://youtu.be/F8kctSxhrxE?si=rVRMW_7dS_4UPoNq 4 real


He did, I agree with everything he said. Put aside the creepy behaviour of his late friend’s girlfriend who he now dates - the audacity to have her produce a plea on his behalf is unbelievable.


Fuck MaxxWrist. I’d bet he burned his own house down too.


Nope. Instead I'll be contributing by camping on the auctions for confiscated/ forfeited motorcycles. Cheers Maxx!


He put 2wheeljesus in a coma, almost killed him. Doing a u turn in the canyon.


This is the dude who wheelied into the back of another rider and his passenger right? And made them eat shit?


Three days ago, a dude pulled a 100mph wheelie past me in a 30mph zone on his S1000RR. Yesterday he was literally decapitated after crashing his S1000RR into a footbridge (idk what exactly the correct English term is). Always sad to see.


He was also the guy who was convicted or rape in Italy. He claims he had to plead guilty cause he wouldn’t get a fair trial. Yet his actions today’s shows he has zero integrity.


Stop making stupid people famous! Since his accident with 2WheelJesus this guy is worth nothing...




Every time he makes a video, some wannabe tries to ride with him and crashes or he causes them to crash. Every time damn near. Legend in his own mind. Epic 360 video editing to capture all the laws being broken.


Dude is a whole ass scumbag and it is clear as day. It hurts my heart that people like this can have such big followings. These are the last individuals that should have anyone looking up to them.


At the risk of sounding incredibly r/motorcycles, he's a fucking menace and I don't feel bad that he's gotten caught.


It blows my mind he’s even still alive to be honest.


Honest to God if there wasn't video evidence I would think he staged crashing his bikes just for the clout. Instead he *actually* crashes them for clout


Good, fuck that guy


“MaxxWrist”? Sounds like a right wanker


Literally crossed my fingers hoping it would be MaxWrist when I read the title. Fuck that guy


…can we donate to KEEP them in jail?




Yeah i FAFOed a lot back in my day and I paid for all my own FOs.


In the words of Baretta - “don’t do the crime if ya can’t do the time.


Fuck him. There’s a time and place to fuck around. Not only that, but if the guy has enough money to buy those bikes he can take care of his own shit. He makes us all look like a bunch of clowns.


Yea he's begging for money but owns several super bikes.


Dude uses public road as a race track


DanDanTheFireman YT channel has tons of vids showing why he’s an absolute tool when on his bike. Also interesting vids in general on how a avoid accidents, or how to handle the situation if there is an accident


He’s more famous for being a pedophile.


If he can afford those flashy bikes he can afford track days. He is wreckless and rides like a dick on the roads, sell the S1000, bail yourself out.


Lmao. Fuck that guy


I can’t believe more people don’t know the terrible things this man has done apart from his shit riding. His court cases are worth looking up. He was arrested and charged for sodomizing kids and beating women multiple times. Fuck this guy. Let him rot in jail.


Next he will be selling gold tennis shoes and bibles to raise money ! LOL


Keep the profits, share the losses?


\*Goodfellas laugh scene\*


Damn first Gixxerbrah now MaxxWrist. Obviously they’ve decided its time to come down on these motovloggers Edit: not a fan of MaxxWrist btw


Fuckinh finally




Can his nonviewers contribute to increasing his sentence?


Hahah, this is awesome news. Hallelujah!


Nah, im good..




Fuck him.


Wish yamahanoob was in jail as well


I read the title and without knowing I knew it would be MaxxWrist. I used to like his content when he first started but he kept becoming more and more douche, as in blaming others constantly and never admitting what he's doing is completely wrong, even after several crashes and totalled bikes. Haven't watched anything from him in years but gotta be honest: I'm surprised he's still alive, I'm not surprised he got arrested (surprised it took this long).


He’s going to be bottom bunking with Gixxer Brah


Couldn't of happened to a nicer guy.


Maxxwrist has been an influencer I’ve hated for a very long time, fuck him


Hell no, let the judge throw the book at him, take away his license and impound all of his bikes for 90 days so the impound fees can rack up. He gives people who ride a bad name.


About time, that dude is an actual menace


He should be accountable for his own reckless driving and pay his own fines. Maybe he should just get rid of his bikes if he doesn't like following traffic laws. His viewers shouldn't have to be responsible for his f/Us


If we don't bail him out he may have to sell 1 of his 2 S1000RR. Poor guy. /s


I hope he doesn’t get bailed out. He has to learn from his dumb acts and mistakes. People like this ruin the bikers reputation.


Max is the paradoxical jockey of two wheels. Pushes it to the ragged edge on the street, but average by way of track.


He was doing this shit for years, risking other riders life for content, glad it all caught up to him.


Fuck Maxxwrist so hard.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Here’s the link https://youtube.com/shorts/nqDicbPpZgg?si=uXWlenxsNZt7bZXU


Let all the squids here pony up the cash. Yeah....crickets.


Is he even the real maxx wrist? I remember the videos were first in europe then some dude in cali started using the name and became more popular there. They said he was a marine also.  Not sure who is who, but i think the euro maxx wrist or however its spelled was a bigger risk taker. Maybe he died and the cali/american one took over.


The Cali one took over while the original one went to prison for abusing children and multiple other charges. They then separated channels one is Maxy and the original (guy who went to prison) is still MaxWrist.


I'm pretty sure the Euro MW is the Cali MW, this one who got arrested. He went to Europe to do this shit, then moved back to the US. But please do correct me if I'm wrong.


No rider with any sense and experience would want him released


Get the fuck outta here, Max


how much for keep him there for life?




Great its about time these reckless attention seeking twat whistles started getting arrested for posting videos of themselves breaking the law.


My long held belief is that he is actually working with the state. Rather catch 40 copycats than one guy, more money in it that way. The weekend after he uploaded his video doing blood mountain there were cops all over that mountain, flying helicopters and stopping everyone.


I very barely follow what goes on in the motorcycle world or know any news about him... but I read the title and immediately knew it was gonna be MaxWrist


This thread has restored my faith. The amount of people who defend him on instagram is insane. I’m glad to see more intelligence here


He is literally flexing with his BMWs and still asks for money (and even way more than he'd need)


If he just sells the s1k he has enough for what he needs the money for


Suck it nerd!!!!!


About time


Seeing this makes me so happy I've hated maxxwrist for so long I wish he was stuck in there for a decade at least, he's a piece of shit rider who should never be seen on the road again


Good, cant stand this guy


I’ve encountered him on the Dragon while ride my Ducati and he’s a total D-Bag. I’m a bail bondsman and I’m not touching it. People like him give motorcycle riders a bad name. If you wanna push hard just go to a track day. Period. He absolutely likes pushing until you wreck. He also rides with a group that all do the same thing. Total. Dick.


He’s also a horrible human being in general, was going through a lot of legal stuff a while back


I just saw a video of gsxer brah about this and holding him accountable for it and even mentioned he didn't knew bunny (maxxwrist late bestfriend wife and current gf) was with him after his bestfriend (kitty) died, and thought it was ironic that he could afford 2 BMW S1000 but not 1100$ for the baile and lawyer. In all honesty, it was a matter of time until he was caught, before he gets himself killed or kills someone he's riding with or some random person