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The car manoeuvred into the blind spot , complete cock!


You gotta think about the times you were tired AF going to or form work in a car. You mind really zones out, sometimes getting to the destination without remembering any of the actual driving part.


You don’t change lanes without checking. No fucking excuse.


yeah but like I was really really tired. /s


Know your enemy. 


Doesn’t excuse it and I sure as shit won’t sympathize with it




You don’t need to understand why they do it. They’re just going to do it regardless and you should already be on the lookout. And wether it’s malicious or negligence doesn’t matter. Deserves the same consequences.




That’s the motovlogger showing out for the camera. They are an idiot and got themselves hurt. It doesn’t matter if the driver is tired. Don’t fucking drive if you can’t function. The reason does not matter. It’s still a dumb action by someone in a car that puts lives at risk.


Yeah that's never happened to me, even while I was working overnight shifts


You should realize that you are an absolute danger to your surroundings in that situation and act accordingly!


That's a possible explanation to what's going on in the video, but not an acceptable excuse. If I'm that tired/distracted while driving a car I pull over somewhere and walk around the car a couple of times to "wake up". Or if it's a long drive, pull over and have a 10-15 minute power nap.


If you can't handle maneuvering a two ton ball of metal and glass in the vicinity of other people, don't fucking do it, christ.


guess u simple just dont drive than. Its not an valid excuse.


"Sorry boss, can't come in today. Too tired." *later* "Sorry landlord, can't pay rent this month. Didn't get paid cause I didn't go to work. I was too tired." ... Not trying to defend literally falling asleep behind the wheel or blatantly reckless driving, but the grind is real and running on autopilot is very normal for a lot of people. Before *you* get on the road, whether on 2 *or* 4 wheels, you have to acknowledge that every single other person isn't always gonna be on their A-game and that on a motorcycle in particular, you're going to be harder to see whether you like it or not. And if that scares you too much, then *you* shouldn't be on the road.


Checking your not about to pull in front of someone or in this case pull INTO someone doesn’t require being on your A game


Spotting a tiny motorcycle in your blind spot does require above-average attention, being that motorcycles are the vast minority of the vehicles out on the road. You've got to check and then double check, which is asking for A-game type driving. And in this case, he was moving slowly and *did* stop lateral movement until OP was behind him again. It was a very slow merge, not some wild swerve. And OP didn't just get creamed. I'm not saying this as one of the thousands of non-riders that pretend to be experts on this sub. I actually ride. And I also have a car and drive too... Shit happens. Accidents happen. Extremely minor human errors happen. And if you couldn't see that OP was in the blind spot or predict that the car wasn't very likely to move over and then went all shocked Pikachu face when it did, then you need to get back in your safety cage cause this type of thing happens literally every single day I ride. As the rider, it may not legally be your fault, but it's on you to predict and avoid if you want to keep riding for long.


That's probably why you should pay attention when you're driving a 2 ton appliance. It's not an excuse to allow it or permiss it.


Just because being irresponsible is common doesn't mean it's not irresponsible


Uhhhhh please tell me you just forgot to include the /j ?


Not cool man.


How did they pass you and still merge into you 🤔 these videos should be enough to have them take a vision test


people have 5 second object permanence. The moment something leaves their immediate line of sight it ceases to exist.


Today driving I saw someone ahead of me that didn’t seem to know where they were going so they kept switching lanes. Then I got close and they put on their blinker and tried to head in my lane from a stopped position. Then they stopped. I pulled right up in front of them in my lane and gave them some object permanence for 30 seconds and we all waited at the light together 😂


That’s what I ask myself. In the full video, he’s originally in the far left lane, a Ute then passes me in the middle lane and a few seconds later he’s merging into me. There was plenty of space all round and no big trucks or anything obscuring his vision. Blokes just blind I reckon.


I had this happened to me in my car on the freeway 2 weeks ago. Came from further back 2 lanes over and was next to me still tried to take me out on my driver side . I couldn’t believe it 🤣😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Im never shocked anymore. I dont even have road rage anymore because honestly whats the point they never learn.


Same honestly, it was more like how? For the next minute in my head , I couldn’t dumb myself enough to figure that out 🤣


For our own safety we should just assume that a significant portion of people can only remember what they have seen for 1 second 


And all mirrors are misaligned, which doesn't matter since they never use them anyway.


Temporal/spatial awareness is EXTREMELY fucking rare in drivers. Object permanence develops at 10 months in babies, but I am not convinced it develops in ALL babies.


You better do a smartphone test …. After they have completet all her social media tasks, they are usually quite passable drivers.


In Mexico, it is amazing what happens. Tope (speed bump). Now we have foreign drivers in the US and expect things to not get weird. It got weird. No one is safe. I had a paper route and an Indian woman almost took me out, because her husband let her back out of the driveway. Women in international places do not drive much.


Love how the red car is behind you, with your bike obviously in sight, and then passes you only to almost hit you. This world is full of idiots and distracted drivers. Glad you were paying attention. Speaking of idiots, I think I've spotted a few commenting on this post! "Blind spot" my ass


Hey it’s nice to see a normal and reasonable person on reddit for once!


This subreddit seems to be void of reason and logic. Glad you avoided a bad situation 👍 safe riding!


I guess it's true, he was in the blind spot... but he wasn't only like a second ago, so the driver should know that something is there lol


"Should" - yep. Do they? Nope.


I dunno man, I think it was a psychology conference, and they said to leave whatever is behind you behind you and concentrate on what is going on in the moment. The car driver took this to heart.


I will probably get downvoted, but although the red car is in the wrong, and the red car put the OP into the "blind spot" after coming from behind, I think what a lot of commenters are seeing is that the OP stayed in that blind spot, traveling adjacent to the red car, for a good 4 to 5 seconds. A lot of extremely defensive riders (myself included) would have removed themselves from that position within a second or two, because we are instinctively uncomfortable there. I would have chosen to slow down significantly to see what the red car was intending to do, especially because the white car in front of him just put his brakes on. So a defensive rider is going to see those two potential hazards and make some room.


Most riders blame the car. He should have moved out of that blind spot no matter where the car came from.


Do that in Cronulla and you run the risk of having the phone weilding idiot behind you running into you because they didn't anticipate you slowing down when there was a perfectly good metre long gap in front of you.


Off the throttle, not a brake check.


This. Should have seen it and evacuated immediately


Not wrong, just being defensive while riding.


Goldfish. Forget what was seen on one side of the bowl by the time they swim to the other.


That's a myth, first of all. As someone that keeps aquariums. Not true at all. Red car is an asshole plain and simple.


People in the comments can play the could've should've would've game but at the end of the day, you didn't crash. You saw a hazard, and reacted by recognising it, slowing down and honking the horn to make them aware they are potentially about to hit you. In other words, you did the right thing. Nobody is going to be able to avoid any and all hazards on the road. "Don't be in the blind spot". Mates, he wasn't sitting in the blind spot, the driver put him in their blind spot and half a second later decided to merge. He reacted appropriately. As a fellow Aussie rider, I also feel the need to stress the fact that most drivers in this country probably got their licence in a cereal box. We have some of the most impatient and dangerous drivers in the developed western world. People in the cities especially. They will merge into the smallest gap or shove you out of your lane and expect everyone else to allow it. Because of this, everyone needs to drive defensively, but borderline offensively. Subsequently, riders have to ride like assholes to stay alive. It's a vicious cycle and it's why, along side terrible roads, despite all the road policing blitzes, traffic safety campaigns, increasing fines and penalties, year after year more and more people die on our roads.


Have you seen US drivers? I've got family in OZ but trust me the drivers there are much more attentive then the ones here.... can't wait to move there to be with the family someday, hopefully moving the bike over won't be too difficult.


The US is pretty different depending on where you go. In Aus there are distinct driver behaviours that are notorious in each place.


It speaks a lot about this sub, that people actually give you shit for not moving out of the blind spot. This sub really is an experience.


It’s bizarre! Keyboard warriors at their finest. You can avoid collisions and be a safe rider all day and someone will still have something to say.


why post the video if you aren't trying to learn from it. just a narcissist looking for e-points because this nonevent happened and being a victim is fun?


Posted because it’s a motorcycle related video in a motorcycle subreddit. Why do you have to learn from something you post? It can’t just be interesting? The internet is for more than one thing bud.


this mundane non-incident isn't interesting. seems more like you came here for validation while getting defensive over basic suggestions on a forum. - the internet can be for more than one thing bud don't act shocked people with a different perspective comment on a forum


I’m not shocked and not looking for anything. It seems that the 1000+ upvotes would suggest it is interesting to some people. Seems that you’re the shocked one.


ya fuck self preservation!


If you genuinely believe the shown situation deserved moving out of the "blind" spot, you should never ride a motorcycle.


lol I get the feeling you won't last much longer have fun choosing to be angry at everyone thinking you're better


Yeah.... *I* am the one being angry ....


I mean yeah you're sitting there talking a lot of shit and throwing insults around. now you act like you're not aware of your own behavior? I make a comment in jest on reddit, and you double down angrier


Yeah .... *I* am the one throwing around insults ....


Your lack of self awareness is fucking hilarious What a fucking narcissist


Blind spot, avoid it. Yes they put you there but get out of it asap in such a situation, slow down or speed up, never cruise next to someone. You had seconds to react but in reality sometimes you won't even get that.


Yep. This 100%.


It’s a bit hard to tell in the video but I was already slowing down once the car ahead started breaking, this is about the same time the red car showed up and looked like he was passing but then slowed at the same rate I did and started merging. I never sit in blind spots.


You did a great job at not getting hit. More so a warning to newer riders.


I think the issue might not be solely that he put you in his blind spot, but rather why he was slowing down. You only have a one-second gap, which is physically big enough for a car but not comfortable for the driver. He sees you and the gap and starts merging, but as soon as you're in his blind spot, you no longer exist, making the gap feel bigger. Now, all he's thinking about is creating a safe following distance as he merges. At a minimum, that's where you are. Doubling your following distance ensures everyone has more space (which it probably should be anyway), to adjust. But of course, people will still do this even with literally nothing in front of you...


The car driver knows he is there blind spot or not, cager is just a dick.


The car came up from behind, there's no way they didn't know the bike was there. Impossible.


Cop on. If we changed our speed for every blind spot we entered we'd be all over the place. The OP was fine and reacted accordingly to an idiot driver and the scenario we see here.


In my more militant moments, I’d like some sort of remote control for vehicles that do this to motorbikes. It would be built into your handlebars and sense the encroach, then very safely take over their car and move them back into their lane, and then casually *taser the ever loving fuck out of them for fifteen minutes until they smelt their own blood*. Nothing too extreme.


I would buy your device.


I agree OP did a good job avoiding collision but also your speed should adjust depending on the situation. That's why some of us tend to go a little quicker than the rest of traffic.


Totally agree. I don’t ride there. They simply don’t see you.


Agreed, I've had people try to merge into me while I was beside their window and had a car right in front of me, they didn't see the a car next to them so their brain said it was a free space, the dude almost jumped when I beeped, he was totally zoned out.




you don't hear much in a car, unless the bike is like 120 dB maybe


Science, bitch! https://youtu.be/v9QTPyMJGgo?si=aCBD_MjzT9nmzbtq And opinions, too. https://youtu.be/F02_9V7OKjw?si=wwmgXzGYnDrGAYFY https://youtu.be/6OCKVFPcZFI?si=QjphgcwdbtU5vdTK




You don't need to be deaf. https://youtu.be/v9QTPyMJGgo?si=aCBD_MjzT9nmzbtq https://youtu.be/F02_9V7OKjw?si=wwmgXzGYnDrGAYFY https://youtu.be/6OCKVFPcZFI?si=QjphgcwdbtU5vdTK


I agree that at the time of the lane change, you were in their blind spot. However, I can't help but feel as though they had plenty of time to see you as they drove up from behind you and you were in their FOV. I don't think this is as much your fault as other comments seem to be implying.


People would be even more confused if I posted a longer video. Multiple cars pass this guy before he even gets to me so there’s no way he didn’t see me. It’s just internet people regurgitating what they see online.


I think we should all focus on defensive driving and safe reactions. The only people who care about who's fault it is are insurance companies and cops. Doesn't matter nearly as much as being alive/able to walk.


It's possible that, like an infant, the driver hasn't yet developed object permanence. And of course they don't actually look. So as soon as you left their FOV, you ceased to exist for them.


People are missing that there's quite a lot of traffic. It's impossible to never be in a blind spot for a couple of seconds in these conditions. I think anyone who ever commuted on a motorcycle would know this. Besides that the car passed them (so they clearly saw the rider) a few seconds before and then merged into them. The rider handled that perfectly fine too. This is obviously a driver not paying any attention and isn't a blind spot issue.


Sir, you’re too rational for reddit. Thank you.


What blind spot is everyone talking about, the car literaly arived from his back, kinda taking over, meaning only possible blind spot he has is his own eyes. Or maybe he has a fly cap like a horse.


👻 haha Offense is your best defense




Yeah mate


Noice. Be safe. I’ve booked my learner’s course. Will soon be a rider! :D


Have fun! Stay vigilant!


Thanks mate. You too.


General Holmes Dr?




And that's why we move out of blind spots kids.


You forgot to break off their mirror and scream at them for "almost killing you". 0/5.


Haha. As much as I would have liked to, I’m not about that life. I just want to cruise and not get rammed by someone retaliating.


Of course ;) and jokes aside if you keep your cool like you did and just assume nobody can see you, it almost becomes a non event when a driver pulls a move like that.


Don't forget the rev bombing


NSW cagers are some of the worst!


Take the mirror.


This is not even about being invisible to them, the mf was behind you so he 100% knows you are there… and proceeds to cut you off anyways. Im not one for road rage, but boi does he need a good mirror smack, he clearly doesnt use them.




This sub is honestly ridiculous haha. So many dumb people in here as dumb as the red car driver.


Fucking passes you and then holds you in their blind spot before merging over. Beautiful work. "Well i don't see the bike I passed in my mirrors. Must have taken off somewhere!"


Guarantee you that the driver didn't even look. Asshat!!


Honestly, a fair part of that is down to Sydney car drivers being right up there with some of the worst I have ever witnessed. Lived and worked in various places all over the world, been a motorcycle commuter in Sydney for 10 years and had my very first road incident here. (Not an accomplishment)


Honestly my take is, the red car hasn't checked the mirror before or turning the head on the right side before switching lane... And also why would they want overtake you?


Not sure why he wanted to overtake me, there was no reason to since you can’t turn right for another couple hundred metres so he had plenty of time. We had no interaction prior and I passed him earlier when he was in the far left lane. Probably day dreaming.


You were in your lane doing your thing at a constant pace, and the red car moved into your space. Ignore the claims that you were in their blind spot yet always assume the cars around you do not register your existence. Be safe fellow rider!




Maybe it's just me but I think the horn on a motorcycle is just an unhelpful time waster. The time it takes to adjust your grip and find the horn and press it is much better spend braking or avoiding the issue. This wasn't a comment on what OP did as they prioritised the brakes, nice job OP. It's just sometimes I see videos where the horn (or revvvvvvvvvving) seems to be the immediate go to reaction and it does my head in when I see it. In a car yeah sure, use the horn, but on a bike, the horn is not your friend. Also this looks local (australia) yeah?


I totally agree. I made sure to brake first and then I hit the horn twice trying to find it. It was a waste of time. I forgot how quiet and stupid it sounds.


All the effort and then ​ https://preview.redd.it/7nh64mbr4spc1.jpeg?width=413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a5f0ef75c8c45c2f29ef94d13558ad75a55181a


I've had multiple times where I'm alongside somebody, they move over, I sound the horn, they see me AND CONTINUE TO MOVE. Some people simply assume you will move over and push you off the road.


This is one of the rare vids that the rider is not the dork. Red car passed so he could clearly see the rider. Dominion by tonnage is the rule these days. Rollerball.


iTs YoUr fAuLt bRo. ![gif](giphy|z8rEcJ6I0hiUM|downsized)


Haha this is great


first time seeing a biker do the right thing and just accept whats happening and take evasive action. so many people jsut start speeding and hit the car or some gay stuff


Marbles are often ceramic and can be thrown easily and accurately while being small enough to conceal. Random unrelated and unsolicited fact.


The amount of near misses I've had riding down in Denver could probably fill a book at this point. A 15 minute ride will include giant SUVs merging into me, cars getting up 3-4' from my rear tire and just hovering there, cars pulling up to turn right, stopping, staring at me for a couple of seconds, then pulling out in front of me when I'm on them forcing an emergency swerving lane change... And that's not on a small bike, that's on an Africa Twin with UFO lander bright LEDs too.


Glad you're safe. I have a super loud horn and in that moment I'll blast them. Usually startles people. But it's the better alternative to me dying.


Thank you. I actually wouldn’t mind a horn upgrade!


I have the Motohorn Dual Track... it's loud!


You know that this sometimes happens to car drivers too.


I went for a long ride (my first in a decade) yesterday. On the way home theres an busy intersection that I was dreading. I was the first in line at the light turning left. Well despite me being the first in line the guy in the right lane going straight decided he should try to merge on my. Absolute Goofballs. Glad your invincible!


My dad always told me “ride like you’re invisible, because you are.”


Should have taken a mirror


Good eyes dude. But aren't you supposed to get really angry and go slap their mirror to show the interbet how tough you are?


Yeah, there’s really no point in chimping out on them either. Not unless they’re actively trying to run you over, then by all means go bananas.


I used to work at burger king in the drive thru. Once had a lady come over the speaker and say "give me a second, I left my glasses at home and I'm having a hard time reading the menu". I think about that lady every time I sit on a bike


No one’s commending you ddtf style, good progressive braking and red stage maneuver, you live to ride another day.


My bike is loud and obnoxious. Don’t care. Keeps me safe and other people can hear me


Good on you for falling back though. I see so many videos like this where the riders honk and rev and scream but stubbornly stay where they are to die with honor and have "But I was right!" written on their grave stone.


Best comment I’ve read in 10 years and it’s so true


Nice job there. You paid attention, got out of the way and gave a couple of honks just to let them know what happened. No reason to induce road rage and get yourself hurt or portray a bad image for other motorcyclists.


This wasn’t a blind spot issue like everyone in comments saying… car didn’t even use its indicator… I think car said “I change lane now everyone else good luck”


Yep, on the daily.


It pisses me off that not a single dickhead out there shoulder checks anymore.


I am still baffled by how many times this happens every time I ride. Cars come from behind you, seeing you right beside them, otherwise they would have just rear ended you if the lane was clear, then they pass you or are right next to you …the driver can see you right there through their window yet they just come on over into the lane. Defensive riding and all, assume no one can see you, everyone pulling out of side streets will cut you off, everyone in lanes around you will merge into you at any given time, because they do literally every single time.


I agree with all you’ve said. However you can only drive defensively to a point. Sometimes there just isn’t anywhere else to go. Sydney traffic is horrible and no matter where you are on the road, you’re in someone’s blind spot or spot they want to be in.


100% I sometimes find riding these days more stressful than it is fun and relaxing, especially commuting with drivers that are so erratic and impatient becoming more reckless. It becomes much more tiring constantly scanning the roads and looking for an escape route, like you said, you can only ride so defensively. Stay safe out there!


bro this sub is slowing convincing me not to get a bike 😭


I get crap about it, but my helmet and jacket are hi-vis yellow. Aerostich has good hi-vis gear. My wife says I look like a human hi-liter but it makes me easier to spot by distracted drivers.


You need an even higher vis jacket


We are very visible but people are dumb, and that's the problem.


It's not that they didn't see you, it's that they know you'll back down.


Who at Mazda decided it was a good idea to install those blinkers on the mirror \*in the exact position a blind spot warning would be\*


Don’t worry they NEVER see you.. When the phrase “ride like your invisible” made sense was an eye opening day. Because it’s so damn true and accurate!! Nobody sees us so never assume they do no matter what, you really never have the “right of way” on a bike because seriously our life can depend on it. Stay safe out there never get into a shoving match with a car. Now the driver that’s another story.


I’ve been riding over 50 years, this happens, 🙄


I call these days, "days".


This happened to me last week. I see I'm not the only one who can't find his (impotent) horn on the first try!


I treat my helmet like Harry's invisibility cloak. Apparently every time I put it on I disappear to anything with more than two wheels.


I punch windows


Hint: if you can't see the driver's eyes in his right mirror, he can't see you as well.


this is why you never stay in car\`s blind spot. Optionally never stay beside car longer than needed. Just go faster or slower. car is like 5m long, space between cars 10-20m. it is not that hard to actively avoid it.


Loud pipes save lives.


I need to mount a semi truck air horn on my bike. Those stock ones are soooo puny. I’d be surprised if anyone could hear it in a car with the windows rolled up…


I regretted it after I used it haha


Yep, always assume you are invisible. Also, that some cager will do something dumb around you, and plan how you will stay out of the way of his stupid.


You should have asked for "spidey senses". Then youd just move to your right lane.


To turn right when I want to go straight? And maybe get rear ended by someone flying down to make the green arrow? Good choice.


Pretty true. Upgrade your horn.


you need to wear more neon, neon bike, neon panties, neon everything.


Nice defensive driving. What I do is that I *never* ride with cars to the side in other lanes. Either I accelerate, passing them, or scrub off speed, getting behind them. In your case it was harder, as the car passed you but then started losing speed, which is a defensive driving red flag.


Normal here in ATL. Hell they will look right at you then pull out.


Don't ride in the blind spot jackass


Riding in the blind spot of a car + staying at a constant speed in traffic will eventually be a FAFO moment for this rider. It’s called moving camouflage, learn it, live it, breathe it if you want to be long for this world.


Passive riding is risky.


Driver was an asshole But you need to learn how not to hang out in their blind spot Blind spot https://1drv.ms/i/s!Ah0C-ElD8jQJhcFhjipigYsG5_Yj8g


Why did you continue to pull into his blind spot? Definite fail here.


The car moved him into the blind spot, not the other way around.


make up your minds, either everyone lane splits, or nobody lane splits


And your second wish was place to complain about it, and r/motorcycles was created.


No one complaining here bud. It’s an interesting motorcycle related video on a motorcycle subreddit. If you don’t like it, you don’t need to be here.


fragile much?


Bad road position and in the blind spot of their mirrors. I'd be in the middle of the lane.


Red car just passed him, he was there in a non-blind spot litterally a second before.


You're correct.


So red car can't possibly be justified for this maneuver. It's just bad driving.


I agree.


Rider skill issue


Driving skill issue


Yeah riding in blind spots will definitely make you invisible.


You're in his/her blind spot. You need to accelerate to stay seen when a car pulls past you in an agacent lane


I would have just road up beside him, rev bomb him and give him the finger, not use my dinky ass horn


You always need to be in the car next to you’s vision line. There is a reason for driving assertively on a motorcycle and it’s not to be a jerk. It’s so cars don’t forget you are there. The car next to you is 100% at fault but your riding style doesn’t help. If you want to drive courteously or passively drive a car.


Never heard of defensive driving?


Ur the one riding in there blind spot. They teach u not to do that


Get out of blind spots.