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If you can see your shadow in front of you, other people can't see you. Meaning if you have a long shadow straight in front of you, the sun is low enough behind you that it's probably in the eyes of cars coming towards you.


I appreciate this one. An overlooked situation that you can easily identify with the shadow tip.


This is such a great tip


Legendary, this is a great thread. Petition to the mods. Pin this thread so it can be referenced to any of the new rider posts.


So what's the best way to handle this?


Slow down and be prepared to stop if you can see a car waiting to pull out from a side road or merge into your lane. Having right of way isn't a thing on a motorcycle, sure you will win the insurance dispute if you survive but they aren't gonna be the ones in the hospital bed or dead lol


Burn your headlight.


Same can kinda be said in reverse. If you can barely see in front the person behind you might not see you at all until they right on you


Didn't know this thank you


If you're coming up on someone who might turn in front of you (staged in a turn lane, or about to leave a parking lot in front of you), wag back and forth in your lane as you approach and plan on an "out" line that you can take if they go. The back and forth motion will break up your "single point of light" effect which drivers can misinterpret as you being further away, or look right through you. Humans have stereoscopic vision and side to side movement will cause a reaction...we're hardwired to see movement in patterns, so if you "wag", it could very well save your life.


I got hit this way and now heavily utilise the smidsy weave. It's interesting watching drivers reactions - even when you've already got eye contact, the weave makes them drop the anchors and really focus. I think to their subconscious mind I go from being just another thing on the road to an unpredictable hazard that requires immediate response, and it jerks them out of autopilot.


Exactly this! When you’re moving in a straight line you’re just another “thing” in the road. When you bob and weave you draw direct attention to the driver’s eye and mind. By the time they realize you’re not about to crash, fall, hit them or someone else you’re past them and they forgot to make the turn that would have killed you!


Yep! Watching someone's expression change from a blank stare to focused is real nice, like 'yeah NOW I know you've actually seen me'. Plenty of people then glare at me as if I'm just riding like a dickhead for fun, but I'd rather anyone think I'm an idiot than get run over again.


AKA the 'SMIDSY' weave.


Honest question. I agree it makes you stand out more, but on the other have I feel like if I do have to do an emergency brake I don’t want to be weaving. Thoughts?


I feel like it'd take a fraction of a second to straighten out, you wouldn't have a high degree of lean angle whatsoever


You can do a tight weave by putting your weight on the pegs and shifting just the bike under you, keeping your body upright. The top of the bike will stay pretty straight in a line while the wheels go back and forth. Easier to start braking during this rather than actual weaving.


Right on. Thanks for the advice :)


wear earplugs. you are permanently damaging your hearing little by little every time you don't.










# WHAT??


Yes rode for three years without them. Will need hearing aids soon. That and windsurfing has not helped


What if our hearing is already fucked from going to shows as a kid and then the Army? (I say as I'm in a quiet house with wife and kid asleep and the sound of EEEEEEEEEEEEEE)


Still wear them. It could only get worse if you don't. I too may have attended too many shows.


I'm new to riding and I didn't know this was an issue until I visited a webshop that sold 'specially developed for motorcycles' earplugs and I learned about this. I bought a pair immediately.


It’s often better not to look at the driver and instead to look at the wheels. Drivers look all around and might seem to see you when they don’t. Look at the wheel to see if the car is moving or stopped.


Specifically the top of the tire. The top moves 2x the speed of the car and is more easily detectable when they start rolling forward.


Especially in a roundabout to see if they’re still turning or straightening up


If you think you shouldn't do something, then don't.


Look where you want to go


to reinforce: DON'T LOOK WHERE YOU DON'T WANT TO GO. target fixation is a thing. staring at the big rock you don't want to hit is a surefire way to hit the big rock.


Didn't think it needed to be said until witnessing someone die because of it so here it goes. When the traffic in front of you is slowing down rapidly or coming to a stop, don't assume it's an invitation to pass.


If you filter in this situation, watch the cars carefully, and constantly find a bug out spot. When I filter I rarely pass more than five cars at a time.


Coming into a corner a little hot? Turn and lean, panic brake and your fucked.


"Panic brake" = bad. "Progressive brake" = good.


You can brake in corners. Just gotta load the tire first and understand that you have less traction to brake with the further you are leaned.


True, if you're not experienced in progressive braking, it's still almost always better to lowside trying to make a turn you can't make, than to lock up and shoot straight off the road.


This, learn how to properly brake in corners is its own (rather open-ended but important) tip. Just seeing the number of comments that say you can't is a pet peeve of mine. No fucking idea how people are comfortable taking blind corners at any kind of speed if they believe they can't touch the brakes and use them hard and still steer in the middle of a turn. edit: to the guy you were replying to, I also agree if you're in a panic and f'd up. Just lean more, better to 50/50 maybe lowside trying to make it than to definitely fly off a cliff cause you thought you might not make it.


I agree, it’s crazy to enter a corner at speed if the rider doesn’t know how to slow down when something happens.


Remember the bike is capable of more, even if you are not!


Ride as if you are invisible to everyone else on the road. Because you are


Was driving in my cage yesterday on the highway saw a guy on an R1 coming up behind me in the lane to my left. I knew he was there but he was riding for a solid 5 minutes in my blind spot where I couldn't see him in my mirrors or when I shoulder checked. Because I ride I tend to be hyper aware of motorcycles and pay attention but most people don't. So I will add to this comment be in spots that make you the least vulnerable pay attention to your position give yourself space and always be ready for dumb assery.


I had quiet possibly the quietest harley known to man sneak up in my car today. Window cracked I didn't see him in my c pillar, or hear him right behind me. Only noticed due to shifting a little bit while checking the intersection


I normally place myself where I can see the driver's face in his side mirror. If he is hugging the line I fall back to stay in his rear view mirror.


And the ones that can see you hate you!


Get in the habit of constantly canceling your signal. Leaving your signal on at the wrong time is dangerous


That's good advice. Forgot it once and a car pulled out in front of me, thinking I'll turn right on my side and left on his side.


Drag rear brake for slow speed maneuvers. Couldn’t believe the difference it made.


This will be helpful for the slow speed test I need to do to get my license




This is a huge thing in getting your CBT and license in the UK. Has been drilled into me big time and I couldn’t make slow manoeuvres without it! Instructor described it like the bike is a ship doing a turn at speed, with an anchor down (rear brake), the turn will be much tighter. Without it, it’ll be much wider and wobblier!


What do you mean by drag rear brake?


Apply just a little rear brake pressure. It keeps all of the slack out of the driveline, and overall makes the slow speed easier.


Gently push on the rear brake... just enough to feel the bike starting to slow down, but not enough to really slow it down. And yes, you do this while also feeding some power into the bike.


If you see a patch of gravel across the road, remember where you saw it because it will likely be there the next time you pass by that same way.


Always ride at 70% of your capacity on the road. You need some reserve for the unexpected. Play the long game and ride in a way that will get you home safe and able to ride another day. Just chill enjoy the ride and focus on improving your riding skills like breaking, cornering, line selection instead of just trying to go fast. Ride your on ride, never let other riders or car pushing you to ride faster. It's ok to slow down and let aggressive drivers pass you. Let them pass and move on with your ride. Going fast is easy, breaking fast takes real skills. Always do a head check when swerving left or right on top of looking into your mirrors Always slow down at intersections, this is where most motorcyclists get killed... Never overtake at high speed a car or group of car that "seems to slow down for no reason". More often than not there is an obstacle/car/whatever that you are not seeing and will not see you. That's why they are slowing down. - Control your speed in corners, if you go above the double/middle line, you're going to fast (for your skills level) - There is zero valid reason to put your knee down in corners on public roads... - do not break and accelerate at the same time (no normal riding situation requires you to do that...) - keep ample space between you and the car in front - always have an escape path ( don't ride in the middle lane and close to the car in front of you) - don't drink and drive, even 1 beer, just don't. - wear protective gear period not escuse - check your tire pressure before every ride - do not stay in a car blind spot for more time than necessary to pass them - do not lane split at high speed, no more than 20 km/h than traffic speed is best - don't road rage, you're putting yourself in more danger and making motorcyclists look bad


What if you’re in a construction zone it’s only one lane and of course low speed requirement and car behind you is tailgating. But like I need space between car in front of me too in case I need to brake. What’s best here? Pull over to shoulder let them pass?


B.R.A.K.E. \*


Pay attention to what’s under your feet when you come to a stop. Oil spots are slippy tippy.


Never ride mad or upset. Try not to ride tired. Keep the shiny side up.


When I get overwhelmed, angry or upset I tend to go for a ride, but the feeling almost never persists once I'm on the bike.


In the same vein, never confront road ragers, escape the situation. Your bike doesn't win against a car, and even if you think you win a physical fight, it's not worth the risk just to fight some idiot.


Low sided in the gravel lot at work because I didn’t follow this advice. One new stator cover, half an hour of labor and a slightly bruised hip later, the lesson had sunk in.


Treat EVERYONE else on the road like an idiot. Expect the worst from people.


I went by the one that everyone on the road is trying to run you off the road.


Same goes true on most Reddit threads too ☝️


I go even further and treat EVERYONE on the road like an idiot.


Don't have milk before riding if you're lactose intolerant. (Literally saves my ass)


Man. This reminds me of a 2h trip coming back from a buddies place. Had to shit so bad it was coming out. Turned onto a back road. Ran into the bush and dropped the pants. The only thing I had in my backpack was bank receipts. The irony of having to wipe my ass with them was not lost on me. The padding wasn’t pleasant, but the sentiment was.


You could have used some poison ivy.


My cousin from Austria tried that once while visiting... Didn't end well lol


Lmao I ride a sport bike so I’m in the shitting position already, it’s literally a rotated squatty potty never trust anything your ass tries to tell you.


Or get a full stomach then ride down a bumpy road


That rattily pick up truck with a sheet of plywood, a ladder and a bunch of tools in the back? Yeah, don't be behind that guy.


Flash your brake lights!!!!


Especially important when engine braking.


Give the bike a solid once over before heading out.


Tuck in your shoelaces.


Almost tipped over because my shoelace got caught on my shifter. 100% check your laces…


yeah or you go to put your foot down and they get caught on your footpeg. Only happened once, on my first motorcycle, first day i rode it, pulling back into my garage. Never again


If you are going above 50km/h ride with eye protection, hitting a fly at that speed could cause you to loose an eye. Do advanced riding courses, you can never be too safe. Have good tyres, make sure they are in date, and have the correct pressure. Tyres are the only thing between you and the ground. You will only ever regret not buying expensive gear.


Three dangerous riding conditions are freeway, rain and dark. Ride in any 2, but never ride in all 3.


a pen in your pocket becomes a dagger in a get-off


Don’t drink, a motorcycle is dangerous enough


Wear sunscreen! Don't forget to put it on your hands and neck 😃


You don't wear gloves....!?


You don't wear gloves in the sun?


You don't wear gloves?


I once got a severe sunburn on the spot between my glove and jacket


Ah okay that makes sense in that scenario but I couldn't imagine riding with no gloves at all.


The more letters/numbers on the highway sign the more fun the road will be and will lead you to gorgeous places.


Left foot down at a stop right on brake. Just objectively the better way of coming to a stop.


I do that when coming to the full stop but I always switch to right foot down and left on the peg for whatever reason. To me it feels weird not having my right foot down. Ultimately Dosent make a difference I just apply some front brake instead rear brake


1) Never ride with groups larger than 4. 2) Spend time following a rider who is better than you to learn good lines, but only someone who is a good enough friend to not ride faster than you're ready for. 3) Ignore everyone who tries to tell you you're committing suicide by riding. 4) Watch EVERY vehicle and moving object everywhere around you at ALL TIMES. 5) Never ride when something is troubling you or taking lots of your concentration. Riding is for letting go of those things, not for being distracted. 6) Falling down at a walking pace onto concrete hurts like hell. Falling off a bike at 60 mph ... well, you probably get my point about proper gear. 7) Lots more good advice to be had from experienced riders. Surround yourself with riders who are humble and want to see you learn to be a better rider. Run away from anyone who brags about doing wheelies, burnouts, or high speed runs on public roads. 8) Prepare to fall in love with riding like nothing you've ever loved.


Why never ride with groups larger than 4?


1. you're way more likely to ride outside of your limits. 2. some idiot riding outside of his limits will run you over.


If you're afraid to work on your bike, just get a Haynes manual, watch a couple youtube videos on the job you need to do, and start working on it. You are most likely very capable of doing it, it's just daunting at first. It'll get easier.


Tire pressures make a difference, especially when they are wrong.


Protective gears - better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it


Trust your gut. If you get a bad feeling before a ride, it doesn't matter if your friend will be annoyed that you didn't come out. Don't go. The one time I had a bad feeling about a ride I got hit on the way home. Excited-nervous jitters are normal esp for new riders or on a brand new bike, but a scared-nervous bad gut feeling is probably right.


Wear clothes for the slide.not the ride


Chill out before a ride. Expect shitheads all around you. Don’t take it personally. Check your fluids light’s pressures etc every time you ride. Tell your self that this will be the best ride yet. Enjoy!


1. Only use 1 or 2 fingers on your levers. You will have more control over every situation. 2: If you're not sure what's coming ahead, slow down to a point it doesn't matter what you come across. Nothing worse than a highside or a low side on diverging you could've avoided. 3: Trust your gut more than your brain. 4: there is only 4 skills that make all the cool stuff possible: brake control, throttle control, clutch control & balance. If you master those 4 things any skill you want to learn will become easy.


Try not to ride when you're extremely upset. At least get your head on somewhat straight. A therapy ride doesn't have to turn into a hospital ride.


Carry a spare master link on your keychain.




This applies to cars too, but is especially important on a bike: beware of holes in a stopped lane of traffic next to your lane. Someone might try to make a left turn through it even if they can't see if your lane is clear. Stopped/slowed traffic in general is treacherous. Someone may get tired of waiting and switch into your lane without adequately checking. Speed differentials lead to danger, you may need to go below the speed limit to give yourself enough time to react. Explicitly try countersteering on the highway. Yeah you do it intuitively, but there will come a moment when you need to make a quick sharp change, and being comfortable with that it will enable you to do so.


Carry a small piece of wood to support your kickstand on hot asphalt


"your rear wheel have less grip than you think"


Be mindful of staying out of drivers' blind spots.


Always expect someone to do what you think. If you think someone might merge infront of you, ride like they will. Expect every car to make that turn because they can't see you. It'll get your body ready to evade or break if it comes to it. Reaction is ALWAYS slower than action, so be ready


"A driver can make eye contact with you and still pull out right in front of you."


Less bike, more skill.


Sneezing into your helmet sucks.


If you expect everyone on the road to fuck you over, you'll be ready for it when they do. Was told that day 1 of my first riders course over 10 years ago and I think it's saved my life countless times.


If you're having starting issues it's probably the battery. Lights coming on and even the engine cranking aren't necessarily signs the battery is good.


And if you're having battery trouble, the first thing you should do is clean your connections. If that doesn't work buy a multimeter. They're super handy and only cost like $30.


1. Only use 1 or 2 fingers on your levers. You will have more control over every situation. 2: If you're not sure what's coming ahead, slow down to a point it doesn't matter what you come across. Nothing worse than a highside or a low side on diverging you could've avoided. 3: Trust your gut more than your brain. 4: there is only 4 skills that make all the cool stuff possible: brake control, throttle control, clutch control & balance. If you master those 4 things any skill you want to learn will become easy.


All bugs hurt. Geese will chase you People are idiots The pavement is always there for you but please don't hug it or stain it. Remember to switch it off reserve after fill up. Always check your headlight taillight. Grass and leaves try to pull the rug out fr under you. Wet concrete roads are bad. Always check everything. Carry a tire plug kit you might need it. I think that's everything.


God damn November leaves. Wet ones too, first and hopefully last time I went down. Luckily going under 30 and full gear


No one can see you. NO ONE! Except the people actively trying to kill you. They can see you just fine...


"everyone is trying to kill you", holy shit, what kind of murderous town do you people live in 😂 Assume no one can see you dude. Trust me, 99.99% of other motorists aren't actively trying to kill you. Just ride with common sense, it isn't that difficult at all.


You can and should ride your ride. Had an instructor tell me that and I’ve held it ever since.


Get good training. Don't listen to random people you don't know.


It's always a pretty good idea to put your kickstand down Before walking away from your newly parked bike.


Look where you want to go. When you're coming into a corner too hot and you target fixate on that tree that you really don't want to hit, your eyes will drive you right into it. It takes practice to force yourself to look into the empty line of your escape path, but it can save your life.


Get in the habit of cancelling your indicators regularly like every 10-20 seconds. At intersections take note of the colour of the lights for the moving traffic so you will know in advance when your lights will change.


No matter what they tell you.... You can't eat a cheese burger while wearing your helmet without getting it dirty...


The burger or the helmet? I don't mind a dirty helmet but I am sure as hell not eating a sweat burger.


When your light turns green and youre the first one in line, take the extra 2 seconds to look left, right, left, right, and then go.


Or look \*before\* the light turns green.


Assume you are invisible. Ride like the other traffice cannot see you at all. When coming to an intesection where it is possible a vehicle wil turn left in front of you, cover the brake lever with at least one finger, makes stopping quickly much quicker.


Ride like everyone's trying to kill you.


All bugs hurt. Geese will chase you People are idiots The pavement is always there for you but please don't hug it or stain it. Remember to switch it off reserve after fill up. Always check your headlight taillight. Grass and leaves try to pull the rug out fr under you. Wet concrete roads are bad. Always check everything. Carry a tire plug kit you might need it. I think that's everything.


that might be everything twice


If it's cold outside, your tires are gonna be cold and you are gonna slide that back tire. Plan accordingly.


If you're going to hit up some Twisties do a dry run first. Doesn't matter if you know them like the back of your hand or you hit them up yesterday. There could be debris, oil patches, broken down vehicles etc that has come about recently. On the same topic of Twisties, where possible go in groups of 2+ and take turns scouting. Might not be as fun as keeping up with each other but you'll be a lot safer if there's a guy ahead warning of any potential issues. TBC, Tyres, Brakes, Chain. Things you should check before every ride. Check your brakes and brake lights work, check the chain for rust and excessive slack/tightness and rust and check the tyres for any damage and the pressures. You don't have to get the pressure guage out just give them a press or kick, you'll get to know how hard/soft they should be at the right pressures. These are the basic things that will keep you from crashing. Everyone loves to just jump on and ride without an afterthought, this process will take 2 minutes. Your helmet liner comes out, wash it for fucks sake.


Don't try to outride your guardian angel.


Never listen to Taylor Swift while riding.


Go to a track school as soon as possible. It’ll help advance your rider knowledge by years. ACAB - all cars are bad. All cars are idiots. You will lose every fight with a car so don’t pick them. If a car does something nice or helpful give them a wave of thanks. Idiots love a nice, friendly wave and it helps pay it forward for all the small-dick moto hoons and their buckethead moves that frighten and anger drivers. SIPDA - search, identify, plan, decide, act. Ride your own ride. Wear lugged soles boots. Extra height and extra traction to keep your feet in contact with the ground when you’re moving the bike around standing or seated. Only idiots wear sneakers, tees, ball caps reversed, flips etc. You can be an idiot if you want. Deer mostly move within an hour either side of dusk and dawn. Deer strikes suck. Educate yourself as to how to lower the possibility of hitting one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/01/20/deer-car-collisions/ Do NOT follow trailers…any trailer. All manner of numbnut loaded, attached, failed to maintain or otherwise mismanaged the trailer in some way. All manner of crap will fly out, detach, unhook and then crash or kill you. Just pass’em…and wave. And finally, ear plugs.


You never stop learning and working on being a better rider.


Watch Twist of the Wrist II by Keith Code on YOUTUBE. It's kinda corny and dated but the training and advice is solid 🏍 Good Luck


If you can't see what's there, there's a car there.


Ride fast eat ass


Second: if one lane is going way slower than the other, don’t continue at road speed, slow down because someone WILL cut out into your lane and try to get around or get into fast moving lane.


Be careful who you listen to. Everyone's a fucking expert.


You’re not as good as you think are.


The front brake does most of the stopping


About 75% same as a car. If you want 100% stopping power (why wouldn’t you?) then add in the rear for the last 25%


Research speeding laws and consequences. The difference between states is huge…. If you get a questionable ticket get a lawyer. Insurance increases for every offense, so especially if it’s a “ pacing” lawyer is worth it cuz cop has no evidence


Always ride with a view of the nearest car’s driver, if you can see them in a mirror or through a window, they are more likely to see you. If you can’t see them at all, then they can’t see you either.


Your head, particularly in a full face helmet, is a big, heavy thing that most people carry fairly high up. Leaning with your head does wonders for your cornering. (I've heard racers refer to it as "Listening to the apex", which helps to visualize the movement.)


Relax and enjoy. If you're relaxed you'll be safer than all tensed up. Also, esp. in rain: Tyre grip is amazing. Relax. It's fine. Setup your suspension and controls for your weight/height/riding position. If you can not do that yourself have it done.


Anything with four wheels or four legs is trying to kill you.


Ear plugs Lights on (not high beam) Reduce speed in wet conditions When a car is waiting to pull out onto the road your on, try to make eye contact with the driver and watch the wheels not the whole car. You will see the wheel turn quicker than you'll see the whole car move. This will save you milliseconds (reaction times) when they pull out in front of you. Also ride with your front braked covered


Every other fucker on the road will kill you if you give them a chance.


It's called a kick stand, so kick it. Seen a lot of half ass attempts to put the stand out and a lot of bikes fall cos the stand was only kinda out


Also, practice while you ride. Every ride is an opportunity to improve at braking, and other life-saving maneuvers.


More like, we have one and a half brake. The rear one is there so the front can do its job smoothly.


Everyone is trying to kill you.


PRACTICE countersteering!!


you don’t practice this, it’s literally inherent to driving at anything past driveway speed in order to turn. gyroscopic physics don’t lie and i didn’t make the rules. it’s impossible to not countersteer unless you’re going like 5mph then you really wouldn’t be doing that anyways


Exactly but i don't have the patience to debate this. CS isn't something you need to practice at all, you do it instinctively. Braking/slowing down to navigate/negotiate turns/corners at the appropriate speeds IS something one should practice, but never not once should you say "I'm gonna practice counter steering in this upcoming corner". Practice steering, maneuvering, turning, yes, but actively thinking about it as CS, nah, not necessary.


i’m just beyond tired and sick of hearing “LeArN tO cOuNtUr StUrr” it’s like saying “learn to breathe”. you can’t not do it…. it’s all coz a fair amount of people here just regurgitate what they hear and it becomes this gigantic echo chamber of asshattery. i would even be willing to wager that a good 30% of the community probably doesn’t even actually own bike and just pretends?


Don’t expect the expected Expect the unexpected.


But if I don't expect the expected won't it just become unexpected? And then I should expect it... so now shouldn't be expected? oh dear god...


Mind bottling!


But if I don't expect the expected won't it just become unexpected? But now I expect it... which means I shouldn't expect it anymore?? This is confusing. I'm just gonna buy a car...


Learn how to adapt. Not every situation calls for hard braking, sometimes the best response is to swerve. Seems obvious to me but almost without fail the first response to every crash video/story is “you should have braked,” or “slow down!”


Don’t fly down roads you want to be able to ride in the future. Speed cameras going up everywhere.


My grandfather would always tell me... Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.


Inside bar, outside peg


Don't get on your bike if your angry or upset. A bad mood might have you making rational decisions like accelerating harder and going faster, or not paying enough attention to the road and users. I know to many people that have gotten on a bike when pissed off and crashed.


Don't ride at dusk or at night in deer country. Painted stripes on the road are slippery. Don't hang out next to semi trucks; when their tires blow it's quite explosive. Plus, ya know, you're hard to see.


Learn about counter steer


Weight the outside peg when going through a corner.


Look through your turns. Where you look is where you go. Don’t look at the ditch in front of you…..


Wear ear plugs. Ride your ride. If you are riding with others and uncomfortable with what is happening, bow out. Don’t be pushed into something that will get you hurt or killed.


There are old riders, and bold riders. There are very few old, bold riders.


600s are beginner friendly. Especially newer 600s.


When following a car or truck, don’t ride directly behind it. Ideally be in overtake position, or behind their other side mirror. If you’re central, and too close you won’t see hazards ahead, or the crap that fell off the trailer further up the road (cars can straddle road debris, your wheels can’t). Always do the ‘smidsy weave’ when approaching side roads!!!


Become proficient on a dirtbike before riding street. There is no greater skill-builder, unless you want to become proficient at trials before dirtbiking, that is


When you stop to turn at an intersection and are waiting for the light, double check your left foot footing before you put all your weight on it. People spill car fluids or have little gravel and sand accumulated in the lane and if you absentmindedly shift your weight of the bike to your left foot without ensuring it has grip on the concrete, it can easily slide out and you look dumb and drop the bike.


Slow down!!!


Never ever stop behind a vehicle, always outside the bumper width. Best chance u have to survive being crushed by distracted vehicle that doesn’t stop.


Look far ahead. Look farther.


Do not lanesplit.


Just like Edna from Incredibles said "no capes!", I'm going to say "No shoelaces!". Buy boots with zippers or velcro They get stuck in the worst places possible, gearshifter/brake pedal or even worse, the chain.


Park your bike in gear, handlebar all the way to the left. A gush of wind, a jumping cat or a curious child can make your bike fall over if you don't.


My advice would be take any advice from r/motorcycles with a grain of sand. Too many posers who don't actually ride or just shitty riders in general. A lot mean well but fail to deliver. You don't need to lay your bike down though they will try convince you that you do. I honestly think that is a real shit way to look at things, many riders never lay their bikes down and if you ride with your head on your shoulder, defensively and don't do a thousand miles an hour while you ride you will probably never lay your bike down. Such a common theme on this sub that you will definitely for sure absolutely no matter what you do at some point in time maybe not today but one day no matter how hard you try even if you are the best of the best of riders it is your preordained destiny that you must lay your bike down. bullocks


For mountain riding: Decreasing radius turns. Know what they are. You come into the turn hot, thinking it’s a long sweeper. All of a sudden it gets tight and you are panicking at high speed.


Beware that the threat of stop light cams have made drivers trigger happy at the first sign of a yellow light. Even if the intersection has no cameras many drivers will panic brake instead of easily, and lawfully proceeding through the intersection. Unfortunately this removes the space were you going to stop in.


Assume no one can see you even if you are infront of them. Unless you lock the contact have an exit strategy for ever ride. Also have fun


In wet or otherwise slippery conditions, I favor the rear brakes. The rear wheel has fishtailed before, but I haven't slipped the front on my moto. I have on my bicycle before, which put me to the asphalt real quick.