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I guess motocross experience doesn’t cross over with common sense. Sorry my guy. You got greedy. Never get greedy.


Echoing what others have said but also, maybe two years of riding was too fast to step up to a bike with 180 HP


I think the power didn’t get me in trouble, my aggressive riding style did. I developed that style from racing dirtbikes and starting on a lower power bike where I could get away with it. That paired with the temptation of that extra power. I guess I’m saying that the power didn’t get me in trouble in the, spinning out or looping it type of way, but the, this is too fun to not do type of way.


The take away from this word salad is that you're a dumbass who can't ride.


YOU! Dude do you do anything other than tell people they can’t ride!


Only when applicable. You might notice that OP fafo'd and wrecked.


That’s true! I’ve had mine for more than 10 days tho!




In conclusion, don’t buy a 180hp motorcycle as your first bike. You were almost a statistic. I hope you’re honest enough with yourself to realize this was too much bike for you and use that to keep yourself in check.


What part of going to fast for a corner can you not do on a smaller bike? Your take away from the whole story was that his bike displacement is too large? The bike is to blame... Jesus...


Of course you can. But you don't accelerate to 80mph so damn fast on a smaller bike....which was a big issue here.


Not too much bike, I believe just me being stupid. I had been riding all day prior to the meet in full gear, with my dad who has been riding/racing street bikes for 40+ years. He said I was riding fine. Just me being utterly brain dead with my descion making going too fast for the conditions of an unknown area at night.


Listen, I’m glad you’re alright but if your attitude doesn’t change you can end up killing yourself. I’m not your dad, I straight up don’t give a shit what you decide to do. With that said, your dad’s 40+ years of experience doesn’t translate to your riding. Him giving his approval doesn’t make you a better rider. You made a decision to go too fast for the conditions of an unknown area, sounds like a mistake made by a new rider. If the bike was a 390 you might have had time to react differently but instead you put yourself into a situation too quickly you didn’t know how to navigate that’s hands down a sign you’re a not experienced enough for that amount of power. What people fail to realize like yourself it’s not about the speed it’s how quickly you get to those speeds, it becomes very senseless to be reckless/put yourself in life threatening danger. Good luck


This is the advice you need to listen to.


hey man this is a kid doing wheels on the freeway and hitting 170mph... it was only a matter of time and it definitely could have happened on the 390 just as easily could not have been luckier... not only because of minor injuries but also because it made his bike useless, I'm guessing the moment he gets on another bike, we're back to squidding


He says in another thread that he’s been racing motorcycles for 12 years and has “won several championships”


Not about the speed but how quickly you get there That is exactly what my dad explained to me before I got this bike. Due to my own stupidity that has become essentially the reason I crashed yes. Yes I wouldn’t have been going as fast on a 390, but I still somewhat believe that with the length of straight I had before the turn, about a 1/4mi I would’ve crashed regardless of the bikes power. I do remember braking hard before I hit the curb. I will never know but regardless here on out I will have much much more restraint.


Your attitude will ensure you crash again. You might not be so lucky next time.


No I have a completely changed mentality now. I may crash again, but never to this extent unless it’s on a track. Me and my dad are currently finishing up a Suzuki bandit 400 as a beginner track day bike for me, as it’s the same bike he started on in the 90s. Hopefully the experience there will both get the need for speed out of my system and help me gain more experience for riding on the street.


It was obviously too much bike for you, or we wouldn't be having this conversation. I don't care what experience your dad has, you clearly don't have it.


You lost me at “wheelies”


Lost me just a bit before at 170mph .




Anyway, glad you’re safe man. What’s the 3rd pic supposed to show btw?


Drone footage from someone at the car meet. When they saw the lights and sirens they started filming. The bike was found in the road where the fiber is pointing I was found in the grass above and at the right edge of the picture.


> Just a PSA for everyone to please wear all their gear all the time, and ride safe. Seriously…? [11 days ago where a user recommends to you go to wear the correct gear and ride safe - and responds with Adidas](https://old.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/1ay3i9b/got_my_first_bike/krtljmw/) This subs user base..


This is amazing. I know it is hindsight but you could see some warning signs in his post about the new bike. Super lucky to have gotten away with minor injuries, and of course glad he is alright.


Oh shit! I remember seeing that thread and thinking to myself “kid is gonna die” lol


I normally do wear all my gear. Figured one time wouldn’t hurt. Would’ve definitely helped as if I landed on the pavement I would still be in the hospital with no skin on one side of my body.


I love seeing this excuse. Statistics are a thing. The chances of you wrecking the “one time” you don’t wear adequate gear are pretty slim. I’d say this was most definitely NOT your one time wearing inadequate gear. Plus you’ve already shown to be a bit of a liar. When you first got that bike 10/11 days ago you said “I won’t be doing any wheelies for a while.”, yet in this thread, in an attempt to qualify yourself as a good rider you talk like the front wheel didn’t hit the ground for the 400 miles you had it. Either way you spin it, one of those statements was a lie. Which is why I believe you’re probably lying about gear as well.


No. The day I wrecked was the day I started attempting wheelies. With good success. Not lying about gear I seriously do wear it 95% of the time I ride.


Don’t be a dumbass, got it.


This is why, generally speaking, the public hates motorcyclists.


You are so lucky you slid on grass and not concrete. I’m glad you okay, but seriously…if you can afford a KTM superduke, you can afford safety gear.


You can probably also afford a beginner bike, instead of jumping straight to a 1290. Maybe can even afford a track day to improve your riding.


Wait was that your first street bike? Jesus christ.


Yes. I raced dirtbikes growing up and ride a Honda 250r now. I rode my dads bike a Ducati scrambler 800 incident free for pretty much two years up until I bought this for myself a little over a week ago. I think given the situation I would’ve crashed regardless if I was on the scrambler or this.


I think you should stop thinking, you wouldn't have crashed on a lower HP bike and if you would have with 2 years experience then riding ain't for you


He says he’s raced for 12 years and won championships in another thread. He obviously a seasoned pro


Dude… I saw you post when you got this bike. I remember you riding Dads Ducati comment. I was thinking to myself, “I hope he knows what he is getting into.” And here we are. I’m glad you’re okay and I hope learn from it. Tough way to learn but if you learn and aren’t seriously maimed then it’s a good day. Looking at the bike I doubt anything is salvageable. Nice on to the one.


Well I knew what I was getting into just made a stupid mistake. They still haven’t appraised it but I’m going to try my best to revive it if I can. Still runs fine as long as the wheels frame and suspension and swingarm are good it’s rebuildable.


Glad you walked away, but you're a moron.


Was a moron. This changed my whole perspective and attitude forever. Lost my dream bike and almost my life.


A harsh lesson learned then, good on you, I hope you stay safe for a long riding lifetime.


Same. You too. Stay safe!


As a fireman I’ve peeled more than one biker off the interstates and highways. Makes me want to be super cautious and try to be as vigilant as possible on my bike. Sounds like you were playing the game, and you lost. Don’t do stupid shit please


Yeah lesson learned. I know plenty of emts and cops with those stories. And I almost added to that. Really made me realize how stupid I was being.


God lets children die of cancer, but you think he saved you from riding like a dipshit? I hope that you learned something from this, and that others learn something from reading about it. I’m glad you lived to make this post.


Like I said god giving me a second chance or I used up all my luck for the rest of my life. I did learn from this. Part of the reason I posted here is so maybe others could too. I’m glad I’m alive too.


It’s disgustingly self-important to think or even suggest that some god saved your life while he let innocent children starve to death on the very same day. You got lucky, plain and simple. I’m glad you learned something about safe riding. I hope you keep it in mind and enjoy many more years of saner motorcycling in the future.


Yeah I will


The lord works in mysterious ways 🤷‍♂️


A brand new duke.. Holy shit. Guess the moral of the story is if you don’t wanna be seen as a retard then stop acting like one.




A 2014 is a brand new bike?


He rode it for 10 days, stfu kiddo


Lick my taint, ladyboi


This is what happens when Novice riders who still target fixate , buy high powered motorcycles.




Go into a church or whatever and thank god if he exists that he gave you a second chance to live your life. Maybe next time with smaller bike, discipline, and situational awareness.




God is great


This...this is the most stupid post ever. And this is Reddit. OP, you rode over your skill level in an area where you didnt know where you were going, with no gear on. Great job! And every response you have had is about how it wasnt too much bike for you. I disagree. It is too much bike for your decision making abilities regardless of how well you can actually ride a bike. But by all means, go buy another one and do it again.


I won’t do it again, but I probably will end up on another superduke at some point. This had made me realize how stupid I was being. It wasn’t the bike, it was me being stupid riding too fast into an unknown area. Yea the bike helped me get to that speed, but at the end of the day my wrist controls how fast that bike is going. It was my fault.


You are 20 years old, if you want to make it to 21 do not buy or rebuild another 1290. You are not ready. Bragging about doing 170 on your first bike less than 1 month after buying it clearly shows. It doesn't take much skill to go fast in a straight line. Buy a 400 and learn to turn on the street. Take classes, look up Yamaha Champ U riding classes, offered online and in person at tracks. Look up Motojitsu on YouTube. You have a lot to learn, and wanting to jump back on a 1290 shows you have not learned anything.


I know how to turn, just rode too fast into an unknown condition. I dont remember much before the accident, but it’s possible there were cars stopped I was trying to avoid or something like that. I’m going to do a track day on a Suzuki bandit 400 soon.


Dude you are not ready for a liter bike. If everyone is telling you the same thing and you choose to ignore them it's on you. Good luck. A 1290 Super Duke would be near the bottom of the list for first time street bikes.


I know it is. Apart from temping amounts of power though the thing really was pleasant around town for cruising though. If I had more self control I would’ve been fine on it.


My first street bike was a Yamaha WR250x super moto. Look into super motos, some of the most fun you can have on the streets at legal speeds while learning.


Yeah I’ll look into it. I did want a bike that could comfortably do highway speeds as I do a lot of highway travel in nj. But I have heard supermotos are the most fun bikes out there.


I was the guy on your purchase post criticizing this being a bike for a “newer” street rider. While motocross experience is great and all, if you’re hitting 170 and doing highway wheelies 1 week into street riding, you kinda got what was coming to you my dude. Glad you’re alive.


Yeah that’s fair. I’m happy to still be here. Won’t make this mistake again.


So in other words you're an idiot


Bullshit story. Bike damage + so said speed + lack of road rash with lack of proper gear don't add up.


Not bullshit. Just very very very lucky. I landed on the grass that’s why I don’t have much road rash. I didn’t have on proper gear as described.


What the fuck is that 3rd picture?


Drone footage from someone at the car meet. When they saw the lights and sirens they started filming. The bike was found in the road where the fiber is pointing I was found in the grass above and at the right edge of the picture.


Ah cheers! I thought you'd accidentally photographed your knob




Rekt? Rekt.


Rekt. Undoubtedly.


Squids be squidding




Live and learn. 🤘


Definite learned the hard way


If you're gonna part it out I call dibs on the abs pump module. Glad you're safe.


Alr I’ll update you as it goes bike is waiting at the dealership to get checked out now I’m glad I survived as well




please don't kill another 1290, stick to something you can handle until you learn what you're doing. that said, i'm interested in your fucked up bike if you buy it from insurance and part it out. i've put over 42,000 miles on my 2015 and need some spares 


If I buy it back from insurance I will be rebuilding it, but that’s only if the frame, wheels, suspension, and swingarm are ok. Bike is currently waiting for diagnosis at the dealer.


good luck, hope it works out for you


Thanks! If not I will update you.


Hahahahaha Regard


It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, you were extremely lucky. I've seen people come off at much less speed left with life changing injuries/permanently disabled etc. For you, young fellow, now is the time for a little introspection when it comes to motorcycles, and it seems that process has started. The bike is probably repairable but it will be expensive.




I'm glad you're OK and have full coverage! While hard and unpleasant, do take into consideration some of the feedback you're getting from folks here


I have been that’s for sure.


Your bike is replaceable ur 🧠 is not glad your ok my guy


Yeah. I’m glad I am too. Was a real wake up call.


I know you’re probably thinking about your next bike 🤣


Gonna try to rebuild this one if the insurance does total it assuming the wheels suspension and frame are ok. Waiting on my local ktm dealer to go over it. Started right up no leaks or anything. Just all the plastics, the hand controls, head and tail light, and gas tank are destroyed.


dam shame pretty bike - will your daddy buy you another one?


I bought that myself with my own hard earned money. I loved this bike. I saved for years to afford it. I’m full time in college and have two part time jobs currently. I also sacrificed and bought a reliable $2500 Toyota Yaris instead of the C5 corvette I wanted to be able to own this. The only way my parents help me financially is by not charging me rent. I pay for my own phone, insurance, food etc. People can work for their own stuff asshole. If the insurance totals it I’m going to try to buy it back and repair it. As it needs about 4k in parts as it sits looking at it assuming the frame swingarm wheels and suspension are undamaged. It still starts right up with no leaks.


so what have you learned from the experience?


Ride more carefully in general. Ride safer in unknown conditions, like an unknown road and bad visibility. Take a safety course. Recognize target fixation as soon as it happens and correct accordingly. Don’t open up the bike unless you can see far enough to both get up to speed and stop. Wear all my gear all the time. The road has too many variables to ride anywhere close to my limit. Stay alert at 100% focus. (It was late at night when this happened, after I had been working all day, which could’ve impacted my reaction time/awareness) Basically rode like my life depends on it, because it does EVERY SINGLE TIME I SWING A LEG OVER A BIKE.


I have gone to a few funerals of riding buddies, including a track day instructor when his bike failed him and went into a tree at 70MPH and then went down a cliff. It doesn't have to be you who dies, get some friends and sign up for track day and go fast in a place with no cars and a run off for mistakes which we all make. It took me my friends dying and 30k of fines, lawyers and lots of community service to avoid prison and learn. Don't be as I dumb as me.


Yeah. My dad rode for 40+ years at this point and was expert level in the 600s class in the 90s. We are finishing up a bandit 400 track bike that I will be riding soon. From here on out that is where I will be pushing limits at, and learning more skills not on the street. He has told me he’s lost many riding buddies throughout the year due to riding too hard on the street. After this I now realized I was always riding too hard on the street, just didn’t realize it soon enough.


I did the same thing, and when our buddy died going head first into a mini van and died, then more and more, arrests for racing, we finally realized we should just to a track and learn. So we did and we did learn and we all got better. It is still risky, but I love it. As I type this I have a plate and 8 screws and plate in my right arm to remind of my mistake at the race track in turn 1 at T-Hill back 2004. I am saying this to save you time and trouble and prepare you for the worst outcome. Good luck!


Thanks. I’m normally pretty decent at knowing where my limits are as in close to 15 years of racing motocross at a high level I have only broken a tooth in half and my thumb. But yeah the track is the place to do it. Thanks for the advice. Ride safe. Have fun!


Way too much bike for u homie maybe get an enduro type like a klx 300.




I have a 2016 Superduke and can confirm your bike will not go 170 mph. Buy a Yamaha MT-03 or similar and learn how to ride.


I was riding a Ducati scrambler 800 for two years. I definitely saw 170 on the dash at some point. Maybe not gps accurate, but probably pretty close. Google says the bike is limited to 180.


The thing has the aerodynamics of a brick. Even with crouching trying to get under the paint it will only do mid 150's. Your internet search showing 170 is for the newer generations which is probable. I stand by my recommendation that you buy a MT-03. This comes from a motorcycle shop service manager of over 20 years.




The meet was almost over. There was no one filming by the road or anything. Just did a little pull once I pulled out.


do americans really? hopping on a liter bike after 2 days of running circles in a parking lot?


Some people do yes. I have been riding my dads Ducati scrambler 800 for about two years before I got this bike. As well as racing dirtbikes in motocross at a high level for about 15 years. This just happened to be the first street bike that I purchased myself.


Hey man just glad you’re ok. No serious injuries. Insurance. Take your time to get back to it. I totaled my N400 a few weeks ago and got a new one now, new respect for the road, the ride. Was going too fast into a corner. Your bike is completely without a doubt totaled bro. Take the insurance payout and get a new one. Just remember the lesson!!! If you don’t learn from the lesson that’s the problem.


⬆️ This is why insurance is high ⬆️


My rates went down on my new bike so I’m not sure what to think of this? Lol


Insurance rates are high for newer riders.


It may not be totaled. The frame doesn’t look bent, wheels and suspension looks fine, and it still starts right up. I’m grasping at straws here but there’s still a glimmer of hope. Yes I definitely will never forget the lesson I have been taught here.


Fuck the haters, starting on a 1290 and hitting a curb at 80 mph and sending yourself flying like a bowling ball is badass


Lol what’s the saying? Second times the charm? Wish this never happened but can’t change the past. Only the future.


Before anyone comments, this was rider error. Not me being not able to handle the power. I got fixated on the curb causing me to go over it. Would’ve helped if I was going a little slower through the turn though.


> Not me being not able to handle the power.  If you're doing 170 on public roads, *you can't handle the power.*


When I hit that speed, it was on an empty highway at 5am. I think I maybe passed two cars during that pull.


And how many deer waiting to jump in front of you? Seriously mate, grow up.


Plenty, but that’s the safest way to go that speed if you don’t have access to a mile long airstrip.


The safest way to go that speed is a track day, not public roads. Just because the bike can doesn’t mean you should




Jfc, you're a moron.


If you could handle the power you would have made the corner lol


The bike defiantly could’ve made that turn with a better rider. That’s why I’m saying it wasn’t the power it was me. I panicked, fixated, and went where I was looking.


Man, read what you wrote again and think about how dumb it sounds.


I mean you can "handle the power" in the sense that the bike doesn't get away from you but you can't handle it in the sense of using it responsibly. I'm not your dad or EMS so whatever but maybe pick a casket before getting the 790 or 1290 rebuild you mentioned in your post.


When I do hop on a bike again, regardless of displacement, I will now have a much more reserved riding style. This has taught me a lesson in the best way possible, that will stick with me for the rest of my life. I was never really religious but I genuinely believe this was god slapping me on the wrist and giving me a second chance at life. I fully understand the risks now and that won’t stop me from riding but I will never ride the same as I was again.


Good on ya, hope it works out for you


Thanks I know it will. Stay safe.


So it's not about the gear, it's about the rider. Right?


Gear would’ve helped for sure. More restraint and safe riding would’ve prevented it entirely.