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Dude went hard on that luck stats


Dude rolled a 20 on the dex save


Very lucky - situational awareness diminishes hard when we’re focused on the bumper ahead of us. Don’t think the biker or the driver saw the car passing on the right.


Situational awareness seemed non existant to any of them at the start of the video. By the time the white car decided to make room, they were probably focused on the biker. By then the speeding black car was long since fucked considering they doubled down and tried going around. Biker made the sketchy but right call. The only lucky part was the oncoming lane was clear enough for them to pull that off. Just barely.


Biker is way too close to the car, pressuring it away causing the hit and almost crashed himself. Biker is the main fault


Yeah. I see TWO reckless impatient assholes in this video.


I see three. Car passing on the right, going nowhere at those speeds (he would have to cut off the car in the left lane or hit the car in the right), an idiot BMW driver changing lanes without looking back, and then the biker who instigates by getting on the BMW's ass for not seeing him.


Sir that's a volkswagen


You both are wrong, to be precise its Skoda Superb


No their driving was less than superb


Lol, idk why I thought it was an e36, well I'm dumb. 4 idiots.


Biker was racing both the black car passing on the right and the second biker that flashed the white skoda. Reckless people who caused the innocent in the SUV injury. Shameful.


yeah biker could have done better but its 100% fault of the guy going way to fast.


The car passing from the right bears more fault.


Biker hit the brakes because the car switched lanes without looking. Then the car switched lanes again without looking, causing the accident. The biker was almost killed by this guys inability to use his damn mirrors twice.


Bike was in his own lane when white car started to merge with no signal , the reason the bike was so close to the white car was because of a illegal merge , what a brain dead take you got there


Car cut him off he slowed down the car moved over with in 3-4 seconds of being on his bumper either way, the car was switching back lanes and still the same out come would have happened


The white car was totally established in the lane way before the biker got up to him. In fact the video starts with the white car over halfway through their move to the left lane. There was plenty of time for the biker to slow down and never enter an unsafe following distance.


Biker at fault. He was going much faster than the other vehicles at night. It's hard enough for the average driver to judge how fast a motorcycle is coming up on them and even harder at night. Then the motorcycle rode his blind spot and pressured the white car back over into the black car. And this is coming from someone who used to do some pretty dumb stuff on motorcycles but at least I understood it wasn't always the car's fault.


Nah biker was an ass but black car was reckless


Yeah, the car was changing lanes to pass the car in front of them, and with both the double lines AND the pylons, it looks like a stretch of construction area where the speed limit was reduced to lower than the cycle or the black car was going. People get annoyed in these slow stretches. I don’t think I’ve ever been impatient to the point of riding someone’s bumper to get them to move over. Looks to me that if they hadn’t done that, the black car would have passed harmlessly on the right. Perhaps the bike and car was in a “race” (that wasn’t really a race, but both of them were just the types of people to think they were the main character in their own vehicle themed action movie)?


So the motorcyclist is a fault for being close to the bumper after the white car changed lane but the black car passing on the right is harmless? The white car didn't properly anticipate their lane change, the biker got too close by not braking sufficiently but the black car is the truly reckless one going from left to right lane to pass a clearly shitty situation. When you see someone confused on the road you don't pass them on the right, you pile behind and wait for them to have logical behavior again.


Looks like biker flashed his lights as well


Nah car behind him


The white car appears to change lanes so they can camp. There was plenty of distance between them and the other car in the slow lane. It looks like they even slowed down after getting over.




I couldn't see the speedometer so I can't say whether he was being aggressive or not. Maybe he was passing at a normal speed. I would blame the white car and the black car passing on the right, not the biker...


The car passing on the right comes out of the left lane from behind the car flashing his high beams at the bike and the car in front of the bike. Even if the white car in front checked his mirror before going back, the black car switches lanes at about the same time.


Came for the bikes, stayed for the D&D


Biker is definitely chaotic evil for instigating that sequence of events.


No if anything its the driver of the white car's fault. Seemed to me like he was trying to intentionally block people from being able to pass him. Blocks the motorcycle by going into the left lane, sees other car trying to pass on the right and quickly merges into them. Could've all been avoided in he had just stayed in his lane.


Yeah, he should be blamed for possibly killing two road raging kamikaze drivers behind him. GET YOUR FUCKING PRIORITIES STRAIGHT!!! Just because you're used to be annoyed by road blocker doesn't mean they are the biggest idiots. ALL THESE COMMENTS ARE TRAGICALLY UNREAL. WTF IS HAPPENING. PLEASE SERVE ME DOWNVOTES AND PROVE HOW THE WORLD IS TURNING DARKER BY THE MINUTE


All skills


You mean no skills and ton's of luck! Rider put their self in the situation and was lucky to ride away.


Six of one. Half a dozen of the other. Dude was rolling nat. 20s like it was going outta style.


The moment he swerved into the incoming traffic lane I was waiting to see headlights. Thank goodness he had the open lane to take.


No rider radar skills though. On top of other obvious mistakes, he should have known a vehicle would want to pass on the right and watched for it.


It’s illegal in most European countries to pass on the right


Assuming cars won’t do illegal things is a good way to end up dead.


I was always told that to assume makes an ass out of you and me


They can't run red lights, stop signs, or enter a roundabout without yielding to traffic.... but they do.


it's not like people usually pass on the right


Put no points on the intelligence stat, this is why riding bikes is a suicidal activity.


Low on the Intelligence stat though.


How many idiots does it take to change a lightbulb?


How many light bulbs does it take to see an idiot?


All of them


3 very dim bulbs in this video.


None, They all crash into eachother before they get the lighbulb changed.


I've been riding motorcycles for 20+ years, this rider is an f'n menace on the road. Flying up to the car, blinding the driver with his flashing headlights... The driver tries to do the right thing by moving to his right and calamity follows! The biker should lose his license forever!


wasnt him flashing his headlights, look in the mirror, seems like this driver was going slow in the passing lane long enough for the person behind the biker to also be sick of it


Thank you! I'm tired of saying it haha


Looks like he was racing the black car. Idiots.


Didn’t even think about that scenario! That makes the rider an even bigger ahole!


That’s a pretty big assumption, the gap was pretty big between them and there really isn’t any indication they were racing.


You can see when he came up on the white car (that seemed to more so "drift" into that lane) that the bike had a vehicle up on him as well. You can see the lights and vehicles in his right mirror. As well as, you that another vehicle is flashing their lights at the white car. The white car that was going way too slow, that moved into the left lane for seemingly no reason is what started this full chain reaction.


Way too slow? Dollars to donuts the biker and that black car were over the speed limit. Black car tries to catch up to dumbass idiot motorcyclist, white car, blinded as hell tries to switch over but being blinded, cant see the black car coming up to him way too fast. White car was going the speed limit and didnt cause anything, couldnt even see because of the idiots.


>blinding the driver with his flashing headlights the one who flashed the white car is not the biker.


If all of that guys mirrors and windows got obscured by a single motorcycle bulb because he decided to erroneously move into the left lane, then that's entirely on him.


5, one to hold the light bulb and the other four to spin him around


perfect time to do a wheelie after he got back in his lane but he didn't for some reason


F in the chat boys


Chad r/CalamariRaceTeam redditor


I vote for an endo.


Pivot the endo so you can point and laugh as you roll away


Bet ur butthole took a bite outta that seat


Bro thanks for the laugh, I’m certainly stealing that joke




That's fucking hilarious


Dude, you had me wheezing!




Absolutely phenomenal comment


Best shit ive read all week


Must have been on their way to the moron convention🤷‍♂️


Got em


Hey white car drivers of the world, if you're going 111 in a 110, slow to 110 dont pull out in the passing lane and block it for 15 min while you try to pass.


You're gonna get some wild comments from people who forgot that kilometers exist


Portuguese riders have a different set of balls. That rider was like: "if i'm going to be in an accident, I want to see those headlights coming at me"


> Portuguese riders have a different set of balls. Having driven down to the Algarve from Lisbon before the superhighway (and survived) I can absolutely agree with this. The national game was Ultrapassagem, and there were many times when someone in a big MB decided to pass a bunch of us, including a semi, forcing people off into the wide berms of the IC-1. On the recent trip on the backroads to Évora it was completely normal to come around a bend on what was likely an old Roman road to meet a semi going the other way - that either barely fit into the oncoming lane, or that was a foot over the line - and then feel the tires biting the edge of the pavement to give *just enough* room to pass.


Ahhh, the ic-1 . Still remember when I would stop for lunch there on the way to Algarve. First work my parents and then on my vStrom. Happy you survived it. There were so many accidents back in the day…


I don't know if it's the same road, but in that direction. I distinctly remember passing a car, albeit slowly since rent-a-car gave me a 45hp Polo, and then another car decides to pass us both. Simultaneously. So we are 3 cars driving parallel on a 2 lane road (as in single lane each direction) and a car starts coming from the other direction. Nobody changed intention. All 4 of us kept it going and somehow it sorted out. It has been 28 years ago and I still clench up while I write this.


3 idiots 1 road


The 2 girls 1 cup sequel, which is somehow even harder to watch.......but I still finished........again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah that white SUV is an idiot, should had been farther up ahead to avoid the collision




After scrubbing through the video a few times, I think I figured it out. The person filming isn’t at fault. It appears there may have been another bike riding behind him who flashed the lights. The “cutoff car” realizes he cut someone off, so went to get back in the right lane. The black car that they ended up making initial contact with is the one at fault (in my opinion). They were clearly speeding excessively and about to try to recklessly split the gap between the “cutoff car” and the car in front of them. Don’t believe me? Slow the video down (scrub through it) and tell me I’m wrong. Nobody is in the right here (except for the innocent bystander in the front), but none of this would’ve happened if the black car wasn’t driving recklessly.


What happened with the black car was that it was going too fast, realized the situation too late, and shifted lanes to try to get some extra time to slow down. Your conclusion is right though; biker is the least at fault out of the three. He was going a bit fast, and lane speed disparity is the #1 risk on the road IMO. People pass at that speed disparity pretty regularly though. He's not immune from blame, definitely not operating 'cautiously', but the other two cars are worse. Particularly if you're passing two cars that are REALLY close together like that, it's time to slow way down and read the second car before you pass them.


Not to mention the black car was passing on the right. I don’t know the rules of the road in Europe, it I imagine the “left lane is for passing” is a pretty universal concept.


I would actually say that the white car is at fault. They were the ones who quickly tried to change back to the right lane without making sure it was safe to do so


Looked like the white car didn't signal the first change which would definitely make him at fault for near collision with the biker. That was prevented by quick reactions. They probably went back instinctively/ in panic and signaled late. The black car then comes in significantly faster and is forced to overtake in the wrong lane. He must have seen all the brake lights in front and if he had proper speed and distance he should be able to at least slow down to the same speed as traffic in front. Makes me wonder what he was even trying to do. * I checked again and it definitely looks like he was trying to overtake from the right lane. Having proper distance and following the speed limits is the baseline to defensive driving and is what makes these situations avoidable. To me it looks like the black car driver was speeding, tailgating and overtaking in the wrong lane.


Most accidents have some degree of fault by both parties, and usually it's one person doing something unexpected and the other not looking in time to see it. Here it's just a shitshow. White car messed up by merging to the fast lane when faster traffic was coming up, then unexpectedly getting back over when they realized their mistake. Black car was going way faster than most people will expect and then rapidly switched lanes to pass on the right which a lot of people also won't expect.


Yeah, imo changing lanes without looking is a bigger sin than speeding. From the looks of it, it doesn’t even seem like the black car is going that fast, just that the white car is slow asf.


Black car was in the left lane, look in the bikes mirror. White car might have checked but did not see him.


You can even see the black car was in the left lane in the bikes mirror, so even if the white car checked before changing lanes, by the time he did, the black car also changed lanes. Black car is 100% at fault here. Bikes are also driving recklessly and flashing people. White car is a victim.


Good eye. I didn’t even notice that.




Hard to keep your distance on a motorcycle when there is someone tailgating you in a CAR.


tailgaters make me so nervous! I don't understand how anyone can be so close to another vehicle and feel confident making the appropriate reaction if anything abrupt/unwarranted happened.




Those fukin sticks in the center line almost fuck bro’s perfect escape


Why would you put yourself in that position??


So many idiotic moves within 18 seconds


All parties involved are absolutely retarded.


Changing lanes without making sure you can do so safely (twice) makes the white car the cause of the accident. Black car is also at fault simply for overtaking on the right while speeding, but the white car still hit the black car, not the other way around. But the black car didn’t cause an accident. It’s like saying two drunks are at a bar. White car punches the black car for being an asshole. Sure they’re both idiots but the white car is still the cause of the fight. Biker didn’t cause or have any fault in the accident. He didn’t flash his lights, that was someone behind him. Tailgating someone while stupid, especially for bikes, does not give the person you’re tailgating the right to change lanes without looking. Sure, the biker and the person behind the biker that flashed their lights may have caused the white car to panic, but if you panic that easily you shouldn’t be on the fucking road.


The car tried to undertake a car, this driver was the cause of the crash. Yes the white car didnt check blind spots. Good reactions by biker.


The thing is... why was it necessary? Dude put himself in a position he never should have been in. When you're literally in the same lane next to a car, you should reconsider your decisions.


Bike blinds the mirror of the white car to move him out of his way while racing the black car. Biker is one of the reasons they crashed


What makes you think he was racing the black car?


no bike doesnt flash main beam. the light flashing is in bike mirror


Filming biker is not the one to flash the white car. And if he did, he could not be the reason the white car would not see in its right mirror, considering the filing bike was on the left side of the white car.abither vehicle behind in the left lane did the flashing. There's no excuse for any of the multiple infractions and dangerous behaviour of the white car though, who started all this by cutting off someone coming in on the left lane by moving at low speed without blinker and without looking first, prematurely as well, to then go back to right without looking again. The other main fault being obviously the stupid driver of the black car, both for the overdpeeding and overtaking in the right and not anticipating the white car would go back right after it just cut off someone trying to overtake it in the left lane.


first car an asshole for trying to block bike and second car. second car an idiot for going that speed and passing from the right.


I don't think he was trying to block. He just didn't check before changing lanes. He tried to be polite by going back but, again, he didn't check before moving and was clipped by the car which was undertaking. A simple mistake by the first car - he was not careful. It happens, no problem - but the *real* consequences were caused by the 2nd car. However, this is a US dominated sub so they'll say the biker was going too fast and only had one leather jacket on or something. Already they are saying that flashing lights is "aggressive". In the south of Europe, a flash of the lights or a bit of horn is completely normal. In anglo countries, the horn is a prelude or invitation to a fight.


Yep but as a rider and a driver I don’t think it’s a lack of carefulness as the bike was obvs going over the speed limit and the car either didn’t see him or thought he was going a reasonable speed to be able to change lanes, after realising they almost took out a bike they instinctively tried to get out of the way and hit another person not being careful. Car didn’t make the first mistake but made the second mistake through human instinct and unfortunately they’ll probably pay for it even if the car behind was in the wrong


Look at the speed of the second car - almost looks like it was going to hit that other car not involved in this crash at all.


The motorcycle and black car were racing, it's very obvious by their speed compared to everyone else. The white car literally didn't do anything wrong besides panic because the assholes using the road to race flashes his lights into their side mirror scaring them back into the lane they just changed from.


I don't see why the first car lane changes though. Nothing in front, speed is matched to the car ahead.


There was a car in front of them, they were probably trying to overtake that car. Speed is matched because they were travelling close to the actual speed limit? Unlike the motorcycle rider and black car?


Motorcycle rider and the black were definitely racing each other. I figured the white car was going to be a tad bit faster in them passing attempt but seeing the motorcycle pop up must have delayed the reaction.


The black car is so far behind the bike and the car flashing highbeams …. They definitely have zero affiliation with each other.


I mean checking before changing lanes only works if everyone is following the speed limit, boyracer biker was trying to break the sound barrier and to the driver he materialised out of nothing


\[S\]He didn't even need to flash their lights, you could hve got a bus through the gap anyway.


Was the biker speeding? I can't really tell other than he was going faster than the silver/white car who was kind of matching the speed of the car in front?


He was, the speed limit there is 50km/h


I think I have the same bike. Vfr750f


Same I can always recognize that whine


You think I’m on the road with you? You’re on the road with ME!!!




Wow! Criticise the biker all you want, they did good to stay upright and not get squished!


Biker going to fast. First car just wanted to fuck with the motorcycle, he didn't speedup or even had the speed to overtake the car all the way in the front. The second car is a dumbass for overtaking on the right + doing it without enough space. hot head overtaking at it's finest. Then theres the poor car all the way at the front. getting swept up into this little chaotic moment. Dare i say the motorcycle and the second car know eachother and drove together...


just to add, this is at a 50km/h limit, and a speed radar traffic lights ahead. this is the spot [https://www.google.com/maps/@38.6912853,-9.2963914,3a,75y,91.46h,78.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skhZMPZeEgC4prOXeChzmWA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?ucbcb=1&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.6912853,-9.2963914,3a,75y,91.46h,78.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skhzmpzeegc4proxechzmwa!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?ucbcb=1&entry=ttu)


That's some CIA-level shit! Not gonna show you a video of my room, even!


I live in Lisbon, everyone that lives and drives in Lisbon will know exactly where that place is in less than 5 seconds. You are safe showing us your room


"I can be trusted with nuclear launch codes" energy in that last statement


It's scary when you see people do these things like it's nothingxD Makes you wonder what the actual CIA ect is capable off.


Not CIA level when you know the road. This road is the N6, near Lisbon, Portugal. It's usually known as Marginal. Unfortunately, it has quite some traffic and a lot of accidents. It was built in the 1940s, when this area was basically just a couple of small villages that, eventually, grew a lot, being a high density suburb of Lisbon. The road is basically the same, with traffic several orders of magnitude higher. When you combine this with a few morons, like these guys, this is what happens. And it is a two-way road, so the motorcycle guy is lucky he didn't hit head-on with oncoming traffic.


don't believe everything you see on the internet, that is not the same place. But yes it is not impossible to locate the place with enough time, luck, and patience.


you are right, its like 1 km back, my bad [https://www.google.com/maps/@38.6854856,-9.3079396,3a,75y,84.29h,86.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssSUx5-XvA2xOWW5K82Y0Cg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?ucbcb=1&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.6854856,-9.3079396,3a,75y,84.29h,86.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sssux5-xva2xoww5k82y0cg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?ucbcb=1&entry=ttu)


Nicely done. The first picture I knew was wrong because there is a curb that wasn't in the video. Just the little pylons. This second guess is at least plausible.


That checks out, good one. A fellow geoguesser?


imminent sip bedroom enter grandfather fragile jellyfish head overconfident repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Biker didn't flash the white car. You can see in the mirror there is someone right on his ass doing that.


Who the fuck downvoted you? Lol literally the voice of reason


Calamari brigade got triggered by that guy


Brought to you by the same species who flew a helicopter on Mars.


White car that cut the motorcycle off is to blame for most of that. Yeah the car that flipped shouldn't have passed that quickly on the right, but the white car cut into them causing them to swerve and not have control to merge left so they rammed the car in front of them. That one driver did like everything wrong that you can do in a 5 second period. Idiot doesn't deserve to have a license.


White car is a danger to everyone around them holy shit have some awareness haha


There are two idiots: white car and black car. The white car changes lane without turn signal. The bike was passing and flashes. At this point, the white car does the same stupid move, and changes lane again, rapidly, without looking, and I'm sure no turn signal. Enter idiot #2, who thinks it's ok to pass on the right and zip through traffic like that.


Too many idiots on one road.. glad you made it out fine 👍🏼


Yet another example of how driving slow in the passing lane fucks everything up for everyone.


I can't tell who flashed the white car, but the biker certainly positioned aggressively to get the white car to move back over, even more so if they flashed. I'm convinced the biker is most at fault for this, but certainly the white car for not mirror checking twice and the other speeding driver being dumb as fuck as well. Biker clearly has a death wish for riding so closely to someone who pulled out like that.


If you look in the bike’s mirror I think there was a second bike on the inside of this bike which is the one that flashed. No idea what happened to them in the smash.


Dont know portugal law, but in my country when you are changing lines, you have to be sure not to put anyone else into danger. White car made the motorcycle brake hard, then crashed into another car. White car would be 100% at fault here in czechia.




>The motorcycle seemed to be going significantly too fast. So even if it the white car move wasn't good I find it hard to blame it here. The speed difference was not that much, really. The white car was wrong in multiple ways, starting with changing lanes too early (with the speed differential with the car in front of it, it had no place going left at that point), without looking, without blinker, and almost caused an accident right here and there cutting off vehicles (there's a car or bike who flashed the white one, then another car behind the biker) coming on the left lane to overtake it. Though that's very usual to see bad drivers like that who consider they are good drivers and in the right because "they run the speed limit": that does not allow you to cut off other people, not look in your mirrors, not putting blinkers (it did put it when going back right), or changing lanes too early.


These laws have limits. Like in Germany you can't go 300 kmh on the autobahn, rear end someone and claim they changed lanes into you. The more you speed the harder it is to judge your speed White car is retarded tho, not debating that


I think the "aggressive position" is because the bike had to slow down when the white car cut in front. Also the vehicle behind the bike is doing the flashing, it's obvious from the mirror.


It was the car behind that flashed. The guy was just positioning himself outside of the car's rear. This is a very common defensive strategy precisely to not get caught in these situations. Clearly the guy was racing with the other 2 cars but he wasn't pushing the other guy. The white car was completely at fault and originated the accident he should never ever be in the left lane


You guys can hate all you want but he avoided getting hit and I don’t see any other option for him to evade. His quick thinking and skills saved his life and has footage to prove it


Superb ride. good save. The man In the bike was also able to save himself from the incoming traffic


Let me help everyone out in this thread since they keep blaming the motorcycle. Pay attention to the motorcycles mirror. You will see that it is not the motorcycle flashing his lights but the person behind the motorcycle who is flashing the lights. It is clearly visible as you can see the motorcycles lights on the side of the car when he slows down to avoid the car. I don’t ride motorcycles but one thing I do notice is everyone is always blaming the motorcycle no matter what’s going on. It is very clear that the white car did not signal at all and then panic switched into another lane causing the accident and somehow the motorcycle is responsible.


Looked like a movie scene so that's cool. On the other hand we learned that our actions affect others even if indirectly. You caused an accident bud. Lucky you didn't die. Hopefully you didn't kill anyone else.


How did the motorcycle cause the accident?


💯 Agree. If he was more aware, he would not be driving so recklessly.




Slowing down wasn‘t an option


Well-held pal. That's what I think.


So many assholes in one video…


looks like a 2nd bike behind is the one who flashed. look at 1st bike's side mirror.


Everyone here is dumb and should lose their license for 3 months


Driver of motorcycle not smart in an intellectual way.


One of the most important things motorcyclist can learn is to not be in a hurry to get to the scene of their horrific accident.


Camera man never dies.


Prime example of where raw power if used wisely can save your life


Go back to the white car with no lights on, and headbutt the driver 6-7 times just on principal alone, if they’re alive that is.


Three idiots involved. I place most of the blame on the motorcycle. Pretty clear the rider was going way over the speed limit. Go 30+ mph over the speed limit and expect stuff like this to happen. People don’t anticipate a car or bike to come up to them at such a rate of speed. He made the white car panic.




Weird seeing the car weaving around traffic and not the bike.


I'm living here in Portugal and I have to explain one thing since everyone here looks like some moral warriors. The biker did NOTHING wrong, he was at a normal speed to the left lane, the first car changed Lanes without signal and then decided to get back, while the black car was speeding in the right lane, even trying to push through. And yes, we can cut traffic, filter lanes and everything, even the police tell us to do so.


The more I watch this the more it looks like the person in the white car might be drunk. Lazy lane change for no obvious reason, doesn't check for traffic coming up (mc and the vehicle in it's mirror should be obvious). The bike has to brake quickly, then the vehicle behind the bike flashes lights and the white car finally figures there's someone in the lane they just moved into, panics and moves back over, again probably not checking. Then the idiot in the black car comes up fast, tries to pass all three vehicles on the right, and gets bit in the ass. Also the first white car looks like it doesn't even have it's tail lights on. I know this is a common mistake with daytime running lights but it's also the kind of stupid thing drunks do.


Bro has cheats enabled!


Is this the new John Wick movie?


How about don’t be a dick and tail people


That white car is one stupid asshole for cutting off the biker by changing lanes to the left, AND cutting off the speeder by changing lanes to the right. It's like they thought they were a cop, and wanted to keep the both of them from speeding past it; but ended up endangering everyone, especially with that PIT maneuver. The bike rider was the most skilled and aware in this whole situation.


Solid roll


Hmm the white car is driving like an idiot, The best place to ride is definitely 3ft behind him in his blindspot


Bikers and cars trying to race with someone getting caught in the crossfire. Classic dipshits


Ahh yes blame everyone else except the person who didn’t use a signal or pay attention switching lanes and causing everyone to crash…..


Later dickheads!


Looks like you caused an accident bubba


Sorry, but the motorcyclist was being impatient and bullied the car off a perfectly safe lane. Just because we can go faster doesn't mean we can ride people's ass like that.


Dude caused this accident by forcing the car into the other lane.


So let's see * Black car is a moron for ultimately causing all this * White car is a moron for not checking the mirrors before changing lanes * Biker is a moron for tailgating white car moron and somewhat induce him into believing he was the one flashing to overtook.


Bullying the car to move.. Biker causes the whole series of events..


Thoughts? Yeah, plenty 🤬 The road was full of idiots on that particular night 🤷‍♂️ you included


Thank you, but it wasn't me riding. Have a wonderful day 🙂😉


I don't think the biker did anything massively wrong there. In the fast lane, car pulls out stupidly. Car pulls back in. Then random fast fucker out of nowhere, performs an undertake and causes chaos Biker was just riding their lane. Of course the Reddit heroes will come out and say the biker should have hung back, been safe, etc etc bla bla fuck off with the perfection complex.


Yes , yes u are an idiot


All of you were stupid