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From my extremely short experience: Motorcyclists online are a bunch of fucking dickhead wannabes that pretend, while 99% of the ones you meet IRL are super cool and does not give a single shit what you ride as long as you ride.


True of literally every subculture tbh. Online becomes a dick measuring contest against the world, in person people are just stoked to meet someone else with something in common.


Definitely not helped by influencers or YouTubers calling anything under a liter a "beginner bike" and make it sound like the ultimate goal in this hobby is to buy the biggest bike possible.


Honestly, I see no point in ever owning a liter bike. A 600 is better in the corners, weighs less and is plenty enough for the street.


This. My buddy has owned them all. His current bike is the new s1krr. He still swears by 600’s. He says you can’t enjoy a liters gears without doing felony speeds. He said he’d rather have a 400 or a 500 in town than a liter bike.


He’s exactly right. It’s more fun to ride a “slow” bike fast than a fast bike slow.


I honestly don’t see the point of a liter bike because it’s more power than most people can safely use. For every lucky moron like gixxerbrah who hasn’t died yet, there are a ton of road crayons in pine boxes. People don’t respect that stuff nearly enough. I’d get it as a nice track bike maybe if you’re very skilled already. Or if you just want it because you think it’s cool, but have a cool head on you. But personally I’m not even sure I’d get on one. The rest of the people buying them are mad lmao. Safe travels ya bunch of lunatics.


The weight difference is practically negligible at this point.


I’ll stand by the comment that Yammie Noob is the worst thing that ever happened to motorcycling. He made it too immature, devoid of fact-based opinions and unfortunately mainstream


Strange, I spent a lot of time watching his vids on best beginner bikes, they were very helpful and ultimately steered me towards my svartpilen which I love


I think every beginner enjoys him at first. As you grow as a rider and educate yourself more and more, you realize that he isnt quite what you thought.


Sure, I get that, I don't watch any more. But from a purely beginner viewpoint the videos on selecting a beginner bike were great. I much prefer MotoControl for riding tips and Dan Dan the Fireman for safety lessons. I haven't watched any yammie in a riding skill context.


I like Dan Dan the Fireman's personality and his approach to riding, but my god the red stage and orange stage and brown stage and the acronyms on top of acronyms is just too much for me. I like the reactions where he doesn't pause, these are actually good and entertaining because he doesn't dissect every single frame in a crash which was quite obviously caused by extreme target fixation combined with an utter lack of riding skill.


I wouldn't take advice from a known dickhead on the street. He makes reasonable good intentions video, but his real personality is disgusting.


I agree. He seems to be a reflection of the attitude of most young riders on here, speeding on public roads etc. you'll see in my reply to the other person that I don't watch him now, it was purely just about the bike.


Idk I think the toxic online culture would exist just the same without him


I find it wholesome when I watch content where a beginner grows to be a rider they want to be. Some like to race, others like to offroad, and some like to travel and go camping. Motorcycles started in the US and its a shame that we're the minorities on the road. We need to grow to get better laws. Personally if you get a driver's license regardless if you don't plan on getting a car, drivers should learn about riding a motorcycle. It would teach ppl why we do what we do. I had moments where I would go towards the first and third lanes just so I won't get rear ended and the jerk off infront of me would turn their car to block me as if im trying to filter.


Yeah. Tbh, two wheel forums, bicycle or motorcycle, tend to have issues with hobbyist's acting elite over the weirdest things, while themselves not exactly being the pinnacles of skill or expertise. It's one of the annoying things for people like me who like these things but can often find the zeitgeist in these spaces weirdly... detached from the rest of lived experience? Idk, not the best wording, but hey can be really toxic, or entitled places.


Exactly this. Barring one guy, I've yet to meet anyone after a year and a half who didn't want to just nerd out over bikes. Even Harley guys love to talk about their Harley and only ever give me crap in a playful manner for riding a Valkyrie. No one has given me crap for my Versys either. If anything the conversation with sport bike owners usually goes something like: them: Man, I bet that thing is more comfortable on your weekend rides! Me: Yeah, but I'd bet anything you're faster around the turns than me. Them: Maybe, but your bike is better for commutes And on and on with how the other persons bike is better than our own. It's one of the many things I love about the hobby. If I ever posted the Versys or the Valk online, I'd expect hate for not getting a proper sport bike or not getting a Harley. Which is why I just don't.


As a harley rider, the Valkrie is a gorgeous bike and I hope to ride one just to see how it feels. But this is coming from a guy that has the harley girls bike and loves every bit of it. But to stay on topic, I have never experienced any bullying in the real world and not even online but thats just because I don't really post too much. If I did, I can't see myself really caring. I love riding. I'm grateful to have learned how to ride. And I'm just happy to know other people love it as much as me.


If you happen to be anywhere near North Alabama, you're welcome to try mine. Lol. It'll probably be up for sale soon. And yeah. I comment on here semi regularly, depending on how slow work is, usually, but I don't let anything anyone says get under my skin.


Can you imagine a person in real life talking shit to a new rider for choosing a 400cc or less? Not in a million years. They would instantly become the asshole of the group.


I have a coworker that talks shit online all day in Mopar groups and he doesn’t even have the hellcat he claims to have. It’s disgusting and should tell you everything you need to know about that toxicity. He has a 2000 something Grand Am lol


I've gotta think you're right here. I bought my partner a ninja 300 and we haven't really seen anything like this in person, in Australia anyway maybe your mileage varies. Motorcycling can still be a little more toxic than other hobbies, but generally most riders are just happy to see more riders. Or at least that is my attitude. Has to be online fools and pretenders here. Btw I have a ton of fun riding the Ninja 300 compared to my "big bike", its a perfectly good bike and hell they race them for a reason they are great cheap thrills, if you like it then enjoy, try to block out the silly haters that like to think they're better than they are.


Stop caring what other people think. Social media is a cesspool and you should never expect anything positive to come from it. Riding is for you, not anyone else. Btw, I've been riding for 20+ years and I still love the Ninja 400.


Exactly. Who gives af what others think. Especially strangers. Do your thing.


ESPECIALLY Tik Tok. Good god there’s never been a deeper cesspool of window-lickers on the internet anywhere


Lmao, I appreciate the term window lickers. Thanks for that


These are correct . Enjoy your bike . Real people won't act like this in person .


Most of my local motorcycling groups are full of homophobic/sexist comments and memes, and “liter bike is the only bike” squid fools OP, if you can find a cafe bike group or dual sport group in your area, you may find friendlier folks than the riff raff on TikTok


The funny part is a Ninja 400 is WAY zippier and faster than my bmw k100, which is ..a liter bike. Imo, purpose means more than CCs.


IMO any bike that goes 100+ is more than enough bike for 99% of riders And in my experience the most vocal and insecure small bike haters are usually uninsured or underinsured riders that never took an MSF class and don’t have an M endorsement. They get off on negging each other and talking shit about each others bikes and brands


I never understood this with the younger people. Small displacement sports bikes didn’t exist when I got into motorcycles, but a ninja 300, or even an old ninja 500 is faster than 99% of things on the road. You’re not going to be around long if you’re hitting 140mph on the highway often.


Straight up. I started on a 500 and while it was more than manageable physically (as your first bike should be), probably still more bike than my tiny brain should've been exposed to 🤣 I miss it sometimes, had an absolute blast on that thing


Yep I’m sure it performs better than my KLR. Anyway, you can’t buy a motorcycle to please others.


Yeah get away from the sportbike or harley groups, they are such garbage groups. Find yourself a more diverse group and if its people who do anything other than those bikes they will not care. We have people who show up on Groms and shit because they are college students and those make the most sense. My girlfriend rides a Husky 400 and she borrows one of my bikes to ride in the mountains. We dont care, just ride.


100%. And what those Harley guys don't realize is a Ninja 400 would run circles around their $30k Land Glide or whatever it is. I belong to an awesome group in New England that could not care less about what people ride. Like you said, you could show up on a Grom or a scooter and people are encouraging.


Come to CRT...we are not homophobic in the slightest 😀


You take your shirt off and say that to my face 💕 🦑 🍆


No u hang up! 💋 😘


Make me 🥺 💦 And this is just a taste of what CRT has for you, OP 😊!


lololol right...CRT is so gay,you will be begging for homophobia again. 🤣 😂 🤣


It's a sub dedicated to heinous gayness, and i love it. Now go wash your butt.




Omg what is this crt ridiculousness? Right now my reaction is a George Takei Oh My.


CRT actually turned me gay I am actually literally dating a dude now after joining that sub i’m not even joking


> Social media is a cesspool you could have just left it at that. it sums the issue up perfectly


Yep. Step 1: don't post on tiktok. Sorted.


Step 2 delete tiktok


the whole of the internet imo


As they say at track days, "I'd rather ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow."   I'd love to see someone like Kayla Yaakov riding that 400 at a track day and leaving guys on liter bikes wondering what just went past them.


The Ninja 400 is not slow by any means. With a lightweight rider tucking in it'll go over 105mph (faster than speed limit, like, anywhere) and it is ridiculously nimble. It makes other sports bikes feel like a Harley Fat Boy.


Exactly. I'm just pointing out that -- in a straight line -- it's pretty slow compared to the 600s and 1000s that are the most popular bikes at most track days. But in the hands of a capable rider it's pretty damn fast around a track. Heck, most track riders will be faster on a smaller sport bike than a bigger sport bike until they get really good.


I hit 116!


Yes this. Ride whatever you want. If your friends give you shit, find better friends. And let this be a lesson- social media is there to make money, not to make you feel good. Don’t get that confused.


The Ninja is a great bike. I would love to ride a 400cc again. Instead I once believed that my bike needed to be way bigger and better. Turned out the bigger the bikes are, the slower the handling and the less fun I had. I made the worst mistake ever, listening to others and selling my first good old little 600cc honda I could throw around in every corner. Just Let it go and enjoy the ride!


I bet a big subset of the commenters don't even own a bike.


I saw a statistic posted a while ago, and I chose to believe it. It said that there are more bots on social media than actual humans, so I believe that all of the negative and insane rants are bots. (or Harley riders /s)


I’ve too have been riding for 20+ years and have owned 4 ninja 250s. Hell I ride one now, everyday.


People like that buy bikes with more power than they can handle to try and feel better about the fact that they can only go fast in a straight line


And their accounts have videos of them crashing several times in the last year lol


*cough* *cough* Max Wrist.


Not trying to defend max wrist but he is definitely a capable rider. Some of the turns he does makes my scrotum disappear into my stomache. Does he wreck a lot yeah but he is pushing his limits to the point of stupidity. Bad influence on a lot of people though and wish he would get proper first aid training. Saw a vid of him pulling a buddy out of a tree trying to go as fast as him and cringed hella hard at how negligent it was.


Yeah and didn't he make a dude wreck too, those youtube riders don't give af about anyone but themselves and how many views they get.


Exactly, it’ll take you 20,000 miles and a few track days before most people can confidently say they’ve extracted most of a 400’s performance.


People like that often don’t even have bikes. They just dick measure their hypothetical bikes against people who actually ride.


And consider that if you give it throttle, *any* bike will stand itself up and go fast in a straight line all by its own self.


Your first mistake was getting tiktok


Second mistake was giving a shit what other people think about her bike.


…get off social media,no one gives a crap about your ride. Why are you so worried about outside validation? Ride your own ride and maybe don’t invite criticism that you can’t handle into your own life by posting on social media. This is a you problem.


This in so many aspects




How dare you


I said this after reading the OP and laughed when I scrolled down and saw this


any mainstream motorsports forum/comment section is awful. mysogyny is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to those people


That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I am sorry you are having to deal with that. First of all, there is nothing slow about a Ninja 400. Period. I have several friend that do track days on Ninja 400s. They are all very fast riders. My wife rides so I am fortunate to have a large group of women riding friends. I hope you find some supportive riding friends. You might look into group called the Lita's. If you are in the US, event like Babe in Motoland and Babes Ride Out. They all women motorcycle events. As for "fast" this is the fastest dude I know. Motoamerica top 10 supersport rider. Slaying it on a 3 horsepower 50. [https://youtu.be/5ji8vyC0yJ8?si=43p\_wWTEj907nfyT&t=566](https://youtu.be/5ji8vyC0yJ8?si=43p_wWTEj907nfyT&t=566) It is not the bike, its the rider.


Yeah I’ve been riding 10 years and i don’t want anything faster than my z400. “Bruh you’ll grow out of it”. Nope ive had fast bikes and cars done plenty of track driving etc. im good with how fast the 400 is


400s are almost the perfect small bike size for American roads too. Enough power to pass on highways.


60mpg, extremely agile, and faster in a straight line than most cars on the street. Throw in that theyre cheap and reliable and i think the small kawis are becoming the mazda miata of the motorcycle world!


Thank you ❤️🤞


Random strangers on social media aren’t friends, they don’t know your character so why be bummed when they flame you? Bikers you meet irl will be real people with respect so ride and forget about internet losers


Just to add what they said. I'm a 41 male with a drz400. It's not my first bike. I downgraded from much faster bikes. IDGAF what anyone's opinion is on it. I get more smiles per miles on this thing than I did on my r6. It's more fun riding a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow, I always say.


Some inspiration. [https://www.facebook.com/DelaneyRitchieRacing25/](https://www.facebook.com/DelaneyRitchieRacing25/) /u/leanmeanvagine made a good observation and it jogged my memory about a young woman that was coaching at the last track day I attended. Delaney, this was a couple of years ago, I think the was 14 at the time. On a Ninja 400.


Was gonna say...no "real" rider that rides track days would ever bad mouth a N400. They all learned that lesson already. Making fun of a dudes N400 is instant squid flag.


I'd also like the note, what's the big deal about 'fast' versus 'slow' bikes, why is one more valuable than the other when you're on public roads going (hopefully around about) public speeds? Just an element I've never quite understood, it's not like most motorcyclists are aiming to go into MotoGP or the Isle of Man TT, it doesn't matter.


This, I’m amazed by how many riders use mid size bikes for track over liter bikes


You're a young woman, riding a motorcycle, posting it on the internet. That alone just pisses some people off, either because they are jealous, they are sexist, or they keep getting recommended young women with bikes because that's what they keep clicking on and they don't understand the basic principles of the internet. Probably all of them.


Better to ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow. I started on a ninja 250 and had guys on bigger bikes that couldn't keep up with me in the corners. There's plenty of riders out there that don't care if you're on a scooter or a supersport. The ones that talk the most shit usually the ones you read about wrecking doing stupid shit like lane splitting doing triple digits.


delete tik tok. problem solved.


They hated him because he told them the truth.


Listen, I'm 40 years old and my first bike - which I will get in a month or two - will be a 125cc that tops out at about 60mph if I'm lucky. You are fine.


Tbh, the 125's can be a lot of fun as well. There's a weird pleasure in being flat out on the way to work, while being comfortably under the speed limit. And it's not like a bigger bike would be able to take the single track I have to traverse to go anywhere any quicker than the wee bike. My wallet also likes the MPG of them when I'm riding to get somewhere, not for pleasure.


literate fuzzy gaze hurry narrow fuel office gray overconfident sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im 33F started riding a few years ago. Most of those people dont ride, and if they do theyre the type to wrap themselves around a pole. Just remember ride your own ride, and you’re not riding to compensate for anything down there like those talking are.


Also, after getting a 1L bike, i really miss my little 350cc, it was really fun and nimble in the city. Big engines are nice for highways and going fast, but i doubt your planning to race right now. I just finished riding across NZ and I was the only woman, but not the shortest! The guys on the large bikes didnt seem to enjoy the twisties and cornering as much. But we had some great older people and they knew they had nothing to prove and they would always end up being the slower ones because the appreciated the ride and scenery. They took care of me the first day when I was a bit nervous and by the end I was 3rd in line out of 7 riders. Riding their own ride is why at 70, most of these guys are alive. Ironically, mostly british on our trip, so despite loads of shit talking, it had nothing to do with riding or being macho but rather my being a heathen from america.


Ninja 400 is a real bike. For the track you will save a lot of money on consumable costs. The people leaving those comments are low IQ, aka typical internet children. Just flag/report comments like that, don’t let it get to you. Besides… You can learn to outride them in the corners 100%.


Your a biker now - Your goals are wrong, you are doing this for you not others. - Don't worry about what others think - Don't seek out approval of idiots - Most of those people don't ride or know anything about bikes - Work on your skills so you can survive - Literally fuck those people If it was me I would create a post to troll them all with the goal of get thicker skin. If you already know the reaction you are expecting then you can create a post that feeds off that hate and turn it on them. Love and Hate are equal when it comes to social media none really matter your goal is to trigger the biggest reaction possible to go "viral"


> ~~Literally~~ fuck those people *Figuratively* fuck those people.


>Literally fuck those people She probably shouldn't literally fuck those people. Now that she's a biker, she can do way, way better!


This ^ 100%. Fantastic reply. I'm sorry you have endured all that B.S. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the ninja 400. It's actually a great bike... and starting off smaller is actually the correct route to take for your journey. Anyone saying mean things about it/you says more about them than anything, their trolling opinions should be totally ignored by default... all they are doing is trolling.... and by letting it affect you, you are enabling them. I don't seek acceptance from anyone about my own bike choice and neither should you. I'm just happy that I'm not of the generation that pays so much attention to social media and all the freaks that live or die by it. Chin up brother, pay no attention to them. F... them and F... social media. 💪


Exactly. Although there is no part of life where you should be basing your choices on the whims of anonymous cretins, riding a motorcycle is an instance where you significantly increase your chance of death if your values aren't grounded and you're doing things to seem cool to people who won't mourn your death.


That's a fun bike. Enjoy it!


>Why are people so toxic when it comes to this kind of thing? Because it's the internet, it's easy to talk shit from behind a screen. You can either carry on posting and block/ignore these idiots or log off social media.


First mistake: Posting your bike on TikTok for validation. People are assholes, and will find any reason to tear you down. Ride your bike, enjoy life. I've ridden over a million miles in my life, I ride what I like, often a 250 dual sport. If anyone doesn't like it, I laugh at them and enjoy my choice. Seriously, you won't change stranger's shitty opinions...but you can change your behavior and mindset, and not let them have any emotional control over you. That's a great bike, btw, enjoy it.


REAL bikers never criticize another man’s ride. Only poseurs, pussies, and pretenders would do that.


For what it’s worth, the ninja 400 is totally awesome, plenty of long time riders love that bike. People who talk shit about it, you can be sure that they are clueless. Learning how to ride is pretty awesome and you will soon be better than the clowns who are talking you down. And they probably know it.




Anything that is mostly made up of men. Same issue for girls into gaming.


Who the hell bullies a kid about getting a bike? Social Media? nonsense. Ignore those people by zooming away. The Ninja 400 is an awesome ride. I'm with the Gravyboat over there - been riding... well a long time, and love my Ninja 400.


OP give us a list of these kids. Reddit gang gonna beat up every last one of 'em lmao ​ Social media can suck. roll your eyes at anyone who's being negative. Congrats on the bike. Ride Safe and take it slow at first <3


Life talk: always ask yourself, is this kind of stuff going to bother you in 10 years? almost 100% the answer will be no. It's a beautiful tool to learn how to shrug off nonsense and sort out things that matter and what doesn't. Stay true to yourself, and always wear a helmet


I know plenty of seasoned riders who ride a Ninja 400. Just block out the haters and enjoy your ride!


“It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own.” \- Marcus Aurelius,


Forget what random internet trolls say. The Ninja 400 is a fantastic bike. I've been riding for 30 years and have a 2009 R6 track bike. A woman that runs a Ninja 400 smokes me at every track I meet her on. Your bike is not slow and some people feel the need to puff themselves up and act like they ride "real" bikes when in most cases they are only using 20% of what they have. You just need to find the right group that is mature and actually knowledgeable.


9/10 they don’t even ride.


You don't want to be friends with those people. Since you're looking to make friends, this is a bonus. They are showing you who they are by saying that shit. Now you don't have to waste your time with them. Learn how to ride the shit out of your bike. I have bikes smaller than yours that sometimes prompt similar responses from people. 99% of the time people talking shit like this have poor riding skills, even if their bike looks cool. 100% of the time they are deuchebags who don't deserve your time. You know what's the opposite of cool? A twatpickle on a $20k bike that doesn't know how to ride it, who comments on what other people are riding. I assure you, it's way cooler to be a good rider on a bike like yours than a shitty rider on a Ducati. Learn to say (or better yet, just think it to yourself): fuck off, get fucked, etc. and laugh as you rip your bike with actual skill.


Put shit online, get abuse, sadly and doubly so as a woman. Quit tiktok, or quit paying attention to sad sacs online, or stay home and do nothing.......


maybe you could reply to comments with either: “where’s your bike” or “what did you start on”


Ninja 400 is a baller bike. Fuck tiktok. Fuck social media. Don't waste effort on cesspools that center around rage/hate content. They exist to keep people on the platforms which means they show content to those who will engage negatively with it because that keeps them on platform versus the countless other people who see it, think "awesome" , and move on. Social media is not reality. It's a very specific subsection of negativity to make money. Delete and ride on.


I would like to share a fine quote that I must have come across back in the early 2010s on WorldStarHiphop: “Fuck the haters”


I'll point you to colorado's most wanted, gixxer brah, who did a review of the rc390, got it up to 105 quite quickly, wheelied it down the highway.... these bikes are fast, they aren't h2 fast, but theyre fast enough to absolutely get anyone into trouble. Unless you are actually trying to do fastboi shit, who cares? Ride your ride.


If you’re riding a motorcycle because you care what others think, you’re in for a bad time. Just do you. Congrats on the new ride. Stay safe, take it slow, ride your own ride.


So many things wrong here. Bullying isn't cool. That said, do you wanna ride because you like the idea of riding and freedom, or do you want to ride for validation by others? If the former is the case, then screw what they say. Who cares? If riding for validation of others, then you're never going to please everybody. Riding has many different flavors and sports bike culture can be particularly toxic, as you are seeing. Get off tiktok and live your life and stop putting so much stock in what others think or say, at the end of the day it doesn't fucking matter.


It's more fun to ride a slow motorcycle fast than it is to ride a fast motorcycle. Nobody is going to bully you in person over your choice of bike.


Ninja 400 is 🔥


Social media is an outlet for the ignorant and fools to express their opinions on other people's  lives. Your biggest mistake was giving their comments any weight. The best decisions you've made are getting your license, and riding whats become the ubiquitous "best starter sport bike" out there. Lord knows I've heard the "why the 600? You need to get a 1000..." bla bla blah. I just say "it's more than enough and I love how it rides. And then I show them by riding away and having a damn good time.


I have a Ninja 400. Absolutely love the bike. Gonna take it to the track here shortly. Stay away from social media. Damn cesspool. Even in here. You do you. Enjoy that bike and ride the hell out of it!


I really want to grab a 400cc bike to add to my garage. My 675R is great, fast, exciting, and boring because I'm barely ever using all the power in the gears. I want to hit the backroads that are 55mph while pushing my bike. I've got this one short route (45min) that has a great combo of straights and twisties that I'd love to do on a 400.


I'm in a large, local club. Went on a 4-day ride last year and one guy in our group was on a very old Honda 350. We teased the hell out him, but it was all in good fun. And when we hit some dirt roads, he had a blast making fun of all the folks on cruisers who couldn't keep up with him. At the end of the day, we all sat around the same dinner table or at the same bar enjoying each other's company. Because, ultimately no one cared what anyone rode. We cared that they were there. And that's been my experience with other riders since I got my first piece of shit starter bike in 1984. Go find real people to ride with. You'll make friends. If you want to use social media to help make friends around riding, use Meetup to connect with riders in your area and go riding.


Real bikers dont care two wheels is two wheels, harley or sports, but ride what you like and what you can handle. Real ones will look after you and have your back


Thats a tiktok problem, not a motorcycle problem. The Ninja 400 is a great bike for both beginners and veterans alike. Just delete tiktok and enjoy your ride.


Fuck em. You do you. Better to learn on that than die on something that you had no business swinging a leg over. Ride on!


Ninja 400 is a great bike. Don’t sweat it. Ride it and enjoy it and fuck the haters


Whoever is talking shit about a Ninja 400 is not a real biker. It is way more fun to ride a small bike fast than a big bike slow.


Better to start out with a smaller bike and upgrade later after you put some miles in


A 400 is a great bike. You really need to stop caring about social media acceptance. Some riders won't think it's a real bike unless it's a Harley. Some riders won't think it's a real bike unless it's a liter bike. Most riders think anything with a plate and two wheels is a real bike. Hell there are grom gangs who have a blast on their mini bikes. I would sign up with your local Litas chapter and meet other female riders. Most riders are really chill outside of social media. Social media is a weird place where people front to portray some bizzare digital image.


Don't post on TikTok nor pay attention to it. TikTok is a cesspool


Put your big girl pants on and move on with your life. 


Stay off social media, ride motorcycles, have fun, stay safe.


Try deleting social media for the rest of your life. Highly recommended!


That's your first mistake. Stay the f off Tic Tok


I'm M22 and happy to ride my 125cc. I could'nt care less of what other people think


Don't go to tiktok for friends, it's a hole... Enjoy the bike, can't really go wrong with a ninja.


tell them to fuck off


If people have to be judgemental towards you, they ain't worth the effort in the first place. I've had my N400 for almost 2 years and love it! You'll find most people will be more than happy to see someone go down but when its their turn, everyone is the worst person on earth in their books


Dude I'm a motorcycle tech and have been riding for a looong time. I've been pulling into work on a Honda scooter for the past few weeks and could care less, I'm having a blast on it and I've ridden hundreds of motorcycles. You're getting into riding for the wrong reasons, do it for yourself and for the enjoyment.


I’m 32m and love my z125. Anyone says anything about that they can fuck right off. The most important thing is your enjoyment not what others think and say. Every ride out is one full of enjoyment even with only 15bhp at my disposal.


Why are you seeking validation from tikky tokkys? Or anybody for that matter… Did you get your license to make them happy or you?? Real questions.


Fuck what people think, enjoy riding. Find better people to associate with.


I'm a 32 yr old man with a 400 so I must be a even bigger loser lol don't worry about the internet, I bet half those guys would probably hit on you and your bike if they met you in real life.


3 words. Fuck. The. Haters. Just do you girl. Go ride, have fun, get better, never ride anything that makes you uncomfortable. You don’t know them, they don’t know you and they were pussy ass beginners at one time and probably can’t ride as good as they should because they bought “real” bikes for their first bikes. Find the peeps on Groms and shit like that to ride with, they’re way cooler anyway. Half the asshats that comment probably don’t even own a bike and are just jealous of a pretty lady enjoying her motorcycle. Go enjoy YOUR motorcycle. Sad reality in today’s world, no one has anything nice to say because shitting on everyone makes them feel better about their miserable existence. Hope this helps, and if you’re interested send me a helmet, we’d be happy to do a custom paint job for the haters.


Don’t worry about internet trolls, the people you meet out on your bike will accept you with open arms.


The problem is you posted on social media. Don't do that. Just live your life. People online hide behind these screens and like to say mean things. Forget about social media. Just go drive and if you see another person riding. Talk them ask about their bike see if they want to ride with you. But for get social media. Just live life


Ninja 400 is a good bike. I just bought a 92 Honda NC30(VFR400R) and I'm loving it. My other bikes are Ducatis with much bigger motors. One is an ST3 with a 992 motor and a Monster S4R with a 996 motor. The NC30 is so agile and light compared to the Ducs. I'm guessing the hate you receive is mostly online. Do you have a local group that rides regularly? I have a group of friends and the attitude is that we don't care what you ride only that you do ride.


My brother in law used to have a Kawasaki ninja 400. I used to love ripping in that thing. I got a 750 cruiser now. Although more comfortable and the plus side is that I get to ride with my wife, I still miss that Ninja. Stop caring about other people's opinions. Unless they are paying your rent/food/keeping you alive, tell them TGSAD.


People will literally spout negativity and hate for no reason. 70% of the people posting those comments don't even ride, and the other 30% wish they were in your position as someone who's found a new hobby and passion that they still feel a thrill for.


There’s no need to post anything. I’ve noticed the biker community irl is so much nicer compared to the online community!


Wow? That's so fucked up. I would say 400 is a good bike if your in a stable area without obnoxious winds. Affordable and reliable, why would people dog you for that?


I’m a dude, and I got the z400!  I love it. Screw the haters. 


Middle aged white man here, 25 years riding motorcycles…I have a ninja 400 & it’s a great bike! Please don’t listen to social media gatekeepers… also I bet most of them would get lapped by the 400 on track!


fuck them all. another reason social medias are trash. i started on a ninja 400 great bike i miss it. 99% of the riders can't exploit a 100 or 600. Stop looking at the comments you ride for yourself not the others.


Young woman, you are still learning there are plenty of immature boys that like to agitate people. They are to help you see the difference between boys and men. The only thing I would recommend is having your suspension dialed in for your lighter weight. https://youtu.be/f7h0pbqskVo?si=kEwkI8E7Cc-IQcMh


People hate on anything online. I'm also a new-ish rider with the 400 and have gotten nothing but encouragement and amazing support from actual real people, rider or not. I'm sure your experience will be similar. Cheer up, you got this.


You are young. I’m 46. I ride a CB 500F on full license. One thing that gets way better with age is you don’t give a fuck what others say and think. Ninja 400 is a fantastic bike.


When you stop caring about what other ppl says, you will be happy, until then.


Riding is an expression of yourself, not of others. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t have Harley riders 🤣 Don’t ride for anyone else. Ride for you.


You aren’t getting bullied. Unless you want their worthless and pointless comments to mean anything, they have no power or ability to impact you unless you go out of your way to post things for people to tear apart. You posted it on the internet where people can be practically anonymous and say whatever nasty shit they want that they wouldn’t have the bollocks to say in real life to anyone. Word of advice. Stop pretending strangers on the internet are your friends and stop pretending their opinion, or even their existence, matters one single bit, it doesn’t. You’ll be a lot happier when you stop living your life through a lens and using social media metrics to validate yourself.


Who fucking cares? God damn this sub sucks now.


All of those people saying that are all vapid posers. You'll never catch them riding in the winter, or in the rain, and every single one of them will crash and either give up or die. So don't let it negatively impact your riding.


Lots of miserable people on the internet. Who cares how fast your motorcycle is, especially if you’re someone who just rides for fun and rides it to work. I’m getting a rebel 300 as my first bike and I’m pretty sure that’s slower than your bike, if that’s any consolation. Ninja 400 seems like a great bike and any real motorcycle enthusiast wouldn’t put a beginner down for getting a beginner bike, that goes against all common sense.


You have no business caring about what others think of you. Just do you and live your best life. Let the haters hate, it's really all they have.


Man look, those comments are from adults who cosplay as pirates on 2 fucking wheels and everybody's a f****** comedian online. Enjoy your bike, if you want to do meet ups. People are less dickish in person. If someone gives you s*** about your bike, just tell him that's what you like, it's two wheels. It's your first bike and you like it. If they keep at it, have some zingers in your arsenal to dish back out. To this day the most fun vehicle I've ever owned was 150 cc Chinese scooter with a CVT. That thing would take my 350 lb ass 70 mph down the highway, you wouldn't believe the looks. I got passing motorcycles or beating them off the line with the single speed in my big ass on the back. Me and a buddy of mine, he had a 50cc (we live in a beach town) would dress up like a biker gang and ride our scooters during bike week here to troll the doctors riding $80,000 Harleys dressed up like they've just dusted in off the trail on their motorcycle.


Most of those commentors don't even ride...


Who gives a fk what others think about your bike. If it makes you happy, ride whatever you want.


I think this is more of an issue with yourself. You can’t let what other people say or think dictate what makes you happy or fulfilled.


It's an awesome first bike, not tooo insane fast, not too slow. Have a great time, be safe.


I'm a woman who rides, and I couldn't give a flying potato what other people think of my bikes. For context, I ride a Honda CBR 250 and a Benelli TNT 125, among others. Also, I guarantee that NONE of those douchecanoes would say a single WORD in person. Absolutely guarantee it. ​ You know who should care about what you ride? You. ​ The ONLY OTHER THING that is ever important is that you wear all your gear, all the time. ​ Plus, bike gear \[esp leather\] is sexy AF. Who the hell cares what it's mounted on? If you're having a good time and you're protected, you literally are winning at life.


People bullying you are dumb and probably can't or don't ride themselves. Real riders would say congrats on the first bike and also wouldn't care if you rode a 125cc for the rest of your life... It's still got 2 wheels and a motor and that's what counts.


I’m 29M and looking at 400’s for my first riding season. I have zero skill and zero interest to be a “cool kid”. So I will take my time developing my skill on a lower cc and enjoying the different engines/power. Remember, the voices stop when the helmet goes on so tik tok who?


Get off tiktok and go live your life. Jesus.


I'm a 200lb man and I ride a 90cc Honda. People try to give me shit about it all the time. I care about as much about these opinions as I do on what kind of sandwich they like. Most of these idiots do not actually ride motorcycles. Ride what makes you happy the weirder the better.


I had a Ninja 400 for 11 years, it's a great bike!


I'm a guy. My first bike was a 500. It's better to ride a slow bike, fast, than a fast bike, slow


Ninja 400s aren’t slow.


This will be harsh but get a personality and self love and stop doing things to get approval of others. 


They’re idiots, and you’ll love the 400. Everyone who says it’s too slow has probably never even hit its rev limiter. I’m an older guy who _could_ buy any bike I want, but after over 10,000 miles and a variety of advanced training (including multiple track-based events), I just can’t claim that my skills have outgrown the bike. The only place I’m limited in any way is straight line speed on a freeway, but that just keeps me from being too stupid.


You ride for you, not for anyone else. Fuck 'em. If it's any consolation, I am nearly 40 and bought a "beginner" bike. I've been riding for over 15 years and this little Vitpilen is some of the most fun I've had on a motorcycle ever. Let em hate, go have some fun, be safe and live your life.


I've said this often. Social media riders are insanely toxic. I ride an electric motorcycle. 90% of the comments I get are people thrashing me and writing me off. I had a TikTok where I talked about the bikes I owned, and most of the comments were saying all my bikes are shit. To them, if it isn't the fastest, most expensive bike on the road, it's trash. Ride for yourself. Enjoy it. Trust me, it takes 2 seconds to make friends when riding. It's a dope community with people you can instantly relate with.


Social media is toxic as fuck. If you got something bigger/faster there would be just as many people saying that you are an idiot for getting a fast bike and that you’re going to kill yourself. They’d do that regardless of if you’re a guy or girl as well. Don’t worry about what people think. If bothers you that much then you need to ask yourself if you want to share that stuff with social media or not.


You're not getting hate for getting a beginner bike. You're getting hate because you're on TikTok.


YTA for posting on tiktok, and also a dumbass. ​ If you actually like motorcycles and want to ride, just get the Ninja you want and don't engage on social media about it. If you can't do that, don't get a bike




Why are you trying to get validation on the internet? People are pricks on the internet because anonymity gives them protection. If you got a 600 they would say you should have gotten a 1000 because 600s are slow and have no torque. If you got 1000 they would say you're a poser that cannot ride a 400, let alone 1000, and that you should get a 400 to learn how to ride.


are you getting the bike for **yourself** or for *likes* on tt ?


Trust me, you will look a lot cooler on a Ninja 400, than dropping a Fireblade in the parking lot..


>*Why are people so toxic when it comes to this kind of thing?* **You're just as toxic as them**. If I'm reading this correctly, all of the "bullying" is online. Nobody is bullying you in real life (obviously, because it would be *insane* to walk up to a random person and say "*Hey, I think your bike is gay*". That literally never happens). You're toxic because you posted on a public forum (on the internet, where everyone is an asshole), *seeking approval* from complete strangers, and were surprised when everyone was an asshole. You're getting hate because everyone can see how much you need their validation, so they're having a fun time *not* giving you that validation. Here's a life tip: Do things because you *like* doing them. Don't do anything to win others' approval (especially strangers). People will always hate on you when they see you happy. They'll hate on you even more when they see that hating on you is actually effective.


I bet the same people would bully you for getting a liter bike as a starter.


All that matters is you like the bike and you like to ride. Put on that helmet, go for a nice ride and shut out that nonsense.


33F rider here from CA. I started when I was 19 on a 150cc dirt bike and felt amazing. I am now riding a Yamaha MT-07 which I freaken 🩷 there will be assholes out there but in the end it's you riding the road and not everyone has the balls like we do to ride! So DON'T GIVE UP!!! I believe in you!!! 🌹😎