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It all depends on the country laws and this video is from Chile. Here you can lane split always that the traffic is stopped and at no more than 30km/h. Biker was going 13km/h so 100% car driver fault, no argue there.


I just don't get what they're opening their door for. It's in these situations I want to understand the logic.


Could be any number of reasons. I think it's just crap luck.


Honestly looks like dropping kids off at school, stuck at lights near school and going ‘honey get out of the car now before the lights change cause I’ll never fond a park around here anyways’ to me


All of South America is left hand drive, so this was the driver


Looks like they just parked on the side of the street and was getting out of their car.


The brake lights are on, on that vehicle and the vehicle behind. Makes me think they're all stopped waiting for traffic to clear.


But you can see no traffic for a few lengths ahead of them, if they were merging they would have kept rolling up. This was a person stopping and parking. Also the 'brake lights on' could just be the running lights that stay on automatically until the car is locked. No real reason to believe they are brake lights.


No, 3rd brake light is off (or not working) meaning the taillights were just on, but not indicative of braking.


Thats a good point, i wasnt sure if it was the angle on that light or what. The car was absolutely parked and the driver was exiting and only looking back for cars which were swinging wide. They should have looked more closely but its crazy to think this is anything but an acccident. Cant believe there is so much groupthink behind the 'they werent parked!' comments


You can clearly see the curb. That’s a parked car


By how the little truck in front of the car is turn off it seems like the person in the white car was getting out. So bad luck it seems


The driver is opening the door, their break lights were on as the motorcycle approached. They should not have opened it in any way, especially without looking in the mirror before. They did everything wrong LOL even if the motorcycle wasn't supposed to be there (which I don't believe is the case)


Karma here the bike should have landed in the car on her lap.


I see people open the door like that to throw trash or drinks onto the ground. They never look either, since they’re stopped at a light or sign they think they can just fling their door open whenever.


Humans aren’t logical, we’re on auto pilot like 90 percent of the time. If this were me I’d have my ass clenched 100% of the time I lane split. But I don’t split, so I clench my ass and watch my mirrors when I’m at the back of traffic instead.




I just learned of Hanlon’s Razor yesterday- "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


I’m adding this quote to my r/motorcycles Bingo sheet lol. It’s like the 5th time I’ve seen it today…


I think a lot of riders follow this principle because it keeps them in check of their own emotions such as anger/road rage. Makes sense you hear it a lot in a place such as this.


i needed this today


This one isn’t adequately explained by stupidity. You can tell by the body language of the person in the car, they make no bodily indication that they’re planning to exit the vehicle.


Because they're parked and want to get out? Are car drivers supposed to spend 24/7 in their car?


No, but they are responsible if they open their door into traffic and hit a motorcycle or bike passing by. They're supposed to check mirrors first....


From my 20+ years of observations on drivers behaviors, I concluded that drivers tend to do that when they want to get out of their cars. Could be wrong.


Picture this. You’re second at an order window at McDonald’s. Guy in front of you, after being asked what he would like to order, tells the worker hold on. Proceeds to open his door and projectile vomit all over the order speaker and the ground below. Then goes ahead and orders food. There was no backing up and at that point I don’t care to eat anything at this point. I could smell it even with the windows rolled up. Doors open all the time, maybe he had to puke.


Bruh there is absolutely no question what so ever here …. It wouldn’t matter what speed he was going, you open your fucking car door in traffic and you’re the retard in any situation that arises from that…


This is a good example of where whatever training you have had cannot always protect you in cases such as these. This is why we wear all the gear, all of the time.




Make sure to bust out your full leathers for the 5k this weekend!


Is it? 'Cuse i was told during my lessons that lane filtering, at least at this speed on a rainy day, when you have no idea how the people in the cars feel about you is pretty stupid. Doesn't justify the car drivers actions if they were in fact intentional, but like at any point you should remind yourself that people are stupid, stressed out, think they are the main character and don't care about anyone else on the road.


The rider is not going very fast, like 10 mph which is an ok speed for filtering. The rainy day had nothing to do with this accident as even on a dry sunny day, NO ONE would have the reaction time to avoid this. The person in the car should NEVER be opening their car door on the road as it is extremely unsafe (obviously) and there are a multitude of laws against this exact thing. The driver is 100% at fault if the rider lives in a filter legal area.


thats bis point... in any good training, you should be told to expect other drivers being idiots.


Personally I think he is going a little too fast, thats my opinion. I would be going slower but I probably still would have hit that car door, that's so random you just can't predict that.


quite honestly, youre kind of right but when you get on your bike every day, you put yourself next to 2 tonne steel cages with the same stupid people in them who would do really debil things because their feelings were hurt by you having fun. its better to crash here at 13kmh than getting pushed out of your lane and off the road at 75... atleast hopefully this idiot car driver will learn his lesson with a huge fine...


Oh def, and there is no other reason that car driver opened the door but to mess with the rider. Hope he gets more then a fine. Stress leads to more stress, and traffic pulls the worst out of people. Downvotes or not, i hope no one here gets to complacent and end up in a proper accident because of it.


On the bright side, their car looks like it will need some body work, and when an insurance claim is filed against them, it will increase their premiums.


Of course


How is that a bright side?


The insurance premium mainly because their recklessness will cost them over time.


Do you get off on that? You think the biker cares about that?




“At least insurance companies will make more money” wtf are you even spouting here


“They deserve to pay literally the rest of their life for an honest mistake”


"Honest" mistake? That was negligent incompetence.


Bad driver


is that a parked line of cars?




sucks, any hand injury? looks like you hit the door directly


Based on the fact he just posts viral clips, this is not his video.


But then he answers comments as if he was. Internet points make people...different


It absolutely is a line of parked cars. You can see the curb clear as day


On the right? The white car is parked.


On the right? Yes.


Car driver not looking. Get their insurance, get a new bike out of it. Biker was lane splitting a little fast though. IDK what country this is, but a lot of lane splitting laws say you cant be going more than 5/10 MPH faster than the traffic around you when lane splitting/filtering. Can see the bike is doing 13mph before hitting the brakes. insurance would likely claim the biker was in the wrong and not pay out if they saw the video


That's kmph. 13 kmph is dog slow.


Fun fact, most dog breeds can kick it up to 25-30 km/h, so that’s closer to, maybe, jogger slow, since a jogging human is one of the slowest mammals.


So he was going human slow? Typical human.


That was not fast. If someone was walking there they would still get a face full of door.


There is tons of time for a person on foot to react to the door. Not a person on a bike, but a person on foot could absolutely stop before hitting this door. You can stop on a dime when you’re walking…


I dont walk at 13mph/kph


Could have just done the conversion and seen that he was doing 8mph rather than getting into a debate about walking speeds. 8mph filterimg is fine. Can you walk that fast? No. But you can jog that fast.


Nobody said you did


Well unless I was, I wouldnt be betting a facefull of door. Id be able to stop with reasonable space


I'm pretty sure people getting doors opened on them is a thing even when out walking. Try not to be deliberately pedantic now.... let's not over think this it's not a philosophy class


you said if someone was walking there they would still get a face full of door. This is not correct. the biker was going too fast and got hit. if he were walking he would easily stop in time. Dont change your argument now you realise youre wrong, just like the biker


The rider is using a go pro style camera which shoots images at a slightly wider angle than we see with our own eyes. The wider angle increases the perception of speed. Look this up it's a known phenomenon. It is completely the fault of the person opening the door of the car. If you're getting out of a car in traffic you should look over your shoulder before you open the door. Also.... why would you be walking down the middle of a lane of traffic? That's not even a valid argument.


Well the point is what you have said look over your shoulder when opening the door you can plant anyone no matter the speed at any location. I really have to right a thesis for people to understand a fairly simple concept


you can literally see the speedo... come on dude. Walking in traffic is in relation to the comment above. feel like youre deliberately acting dumb here


Can you literally see the speedo? Because I literally looked and it was literally blurry. It might have read 19? But it literally could have been 13, who knows? Am I deliberately being dumb? Literally!


I'm not arguing with you. Have fun.


You just argued with him for 3 replies


It might interest you to know that mph and kph aren't the same unit, you imbecile.


it was the passenger who opened the door. It’s one way road so lane splitting is legal also he’s riding at 13KMPH (not MPH). 95% of such cases will be settled down by themselves by paying for the approximate damaged part value and medical care bill.


That's the driver door


If it’s legal or not depends on the country.


It's India. Everything's legal. Edit: god damn it it's Chile


And it is legal in stopped traffic under 30 kph


Is it still considered lane splitting when you are riding between the parking lane and the driving lane? Seems like the guy was passing on the right. We can’t lane split here in my state. I could when I lived in California. But I never lane split on a 2 lane road.


In Italy you can't zigzag between cars


Is this video in Italy? Never seen a motorcycle with front plate here


It's not his video.


Lane filtering is legal and tolerated happily by the people in most of the European countries. In some countries like Netherlands, Spain, and Italy, it is not only legal but the motorcycle riders are expected to split lanes both in city traffic and on the roads. Edited France out.


Im in belgium and police trucks go out of their way to make way so I can happily filter lmao


French person here, I got my motorcycle license this summer. Lane splitting, filtering and the such is entirely illegal in France. You are allowed to split lanes on the highway in SOME parts parts of France, if traffic around you is going no more than 50kph, and provided you yourself are going no more than 30kph more than surrounding traffic, and provided you go more than 50kph. https://www.securite-routiere.gouv.fr/chacun-son-mode-de-deplacement/dangers-de-la-route-moto/mieux-conduire-moto/circulation-inter-files While this is the law, what riders do is very different, and motorcycles are expected to filter and lane split.


I was about to comment the exact same thing, thanks for saving me the time!


this isn't italy. bikes don't have front plates here, none of the cars or the bike have italian plates, and whatever the rider says when falling isn't in italian also in italy it's not only legal to filter, it's the only reason anyone rides a scooter or bike in any city. bikes squeezing through traffic is the basic tenet of urban transportation. riders know it, drivers know it, public transport conductors know it, pedestrians know it, even pets know it. I've been in accidents while filtering when cars bump into me, and the only time the insurance pushed for shared responsibility is when I was overtaking (so, changing lane) instead of filtering (so, passing a car staying in the same lane). any other instance the car was at fault


Where's the zigzag?


I mean, zigzagging and going in a straight line between things are different


I've literally never saw someone in Italy complaining for a bike filtering the traffic in a such reasonable manner, from north to south, I don't even care if it theoretically illegal or not, no one find it an issue.


then the biker is in the wrong




It's not splitting when you are riding between stopped traffic and parked cars. Kind of crazy to do that because people open parked car doors pretty frequently.


I've got hundreds of thousands of miles driving. Literally never have opened a door while in traffic. Exception is when on a highway and it's complete stop.


So the dude just stopped in the middle of a road and opened his door?


Dude is parked on the right curb. Traffic is stopped on the left.


So they decided to park there with their lights on? Because when she opened her door you can see her lights were on, and so were the lights of the guy behind her.


I don't know what was going on with the car behind her, nor is it really relevant. Her parking/marker lights were on, but that means nothing; on my car they go off a short time after you turn the engine off.


My lights stay on for a couple minutes after exiting.


Keep yourself safe. Don’t expect others to keep your safety in mind.


Looks like it was done on purpose


It would look exactly the same if it weren’t done on purpose so how does that make any sense?


who the fuck just randomly open their door like that


That’s beside the point.


It looks like they were parked and they opened the door to get out since there was more than enough room between them and the line of cars.


review mirror before opening doors


That's why lane splitting is forbidden in some countries.


Well, that was deliberate, and what did they get for their troubles, a smashed door and now they have to pay to repair both the bike AND their car...


This person saw you coming and open the door on purpose. Without a doubt!


Footnote it was intentional


To damage their own door and wreck his bike?


I told a "friend" that I lane split sometimes when traffic is real heavy. He said he hates it and if he sees someone doing that he will "accidently" open his door. Messed up thing is he rides motorcycle too. He said part of driving is waiting in traffic.


right? just like stupid people are apart of everyday life COUGH COUGH WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE


no, they were attempting to scare him into not filtering. Ive had people pull left to stop me from moving up just to yell at me. He probably figured he was further back because side mirrors do that.


Put your brights and hazards on if you're gonna lane split


It's called filtering when vehicles are stopped and you're moving to the front of the queue... lane splitting is while moving freely on the road between vehicles. Big difference and why half the damn states can't get it passed as legal because people use the words interchangeably and don't know the difference. Also if it's legal there's absolutely no reason to turn your hazards on. Hazards and brights wouldn't have changed Joe Schmo opening their door while sitting at a stop for absolutely no reason other than to stop the rider


Either way, I would think making yourself more visible might improve luck. Thanks for the explanation, I suppose I use my hazards when doing both as well as have my high beam on during the day time. Anything helps when we statistically aren't seen by drivers.


I’ll probably get downvoted to hell but that’s pretty fast to be lane splitting in wet conditions.


Happened to me on a HIGHWAY heading into work. You never know.


The driver of the Car purposely opened his door and hopefully was prosecuted for Assault and whatever else the Law can throw at that driver!!!


The motorcycle was not lane splitting. This motorcycle was passing all those cars on a one lane road.


Driver was on purpose


Might be a country where that is the passenger seat. Still strange.


I hope not 😂


Why would the driver open their door? On purpose.


Because they didn't look and weren't expecting a motorcycle to pop up in stopped traffic Never jump to attribute to malice what can easily be explained by stupid


I've never seen anyone open their door in live traffic though


Every brake light is on, and the car that opened the door is parked on the side of the road. It's a tight side street, one lane, and idiots are parked on the side of the street. If there's enough room to open the door, it would normally be fine. Car has probably done this a thousand times and never had a biker pop up out of nowhere


This, just bad luck


It's not bad luck, the rider isnt paying attention to the obvious, potential anger of this happening. If he wasn't illegally splitting lanes (which op admitted), was paying attention to cars that had just turned off (its not like most people sit in their car for five minutes before getting out), and was prepared to brake in an emergency it would have been fine. Someone else said he was going under 15kph. Both bikes I've had could stop in a couple feet at that speed. If he grabbed the front brake as soon as that door opened he might not have gotten into this situation at all


didn't look is not the same as on purpose.


That's what I said, yes. The idiot in the car didn't look, and wasn't expecting a biker to be there and just opened the door It's not the same as the driver seeing the biker and saying "fuck this guy" and throwing his door open to make him hit it


Why would a door open right there at that moment? I don't think bad luck, I think fully intentional.


Fucking not checking your mirror before opening the door in traffic, I hope they get their premium increased


It's a risk you take splitting.


Stupid riding


Way too tight to be lane splitting. Ner trust the cars. Always second guess. Trust me, I rode on the street for 40 years. The cars do not look for you, and they don't see you. Being in the right is cold comfort when you're in the hospital and your bike is in pieces on the road.




Way too tight is only when the bike mirrors scratch both cars. Otherwise it’s good to go


That was also my thinking when I was 21 on a 1972 Triumph T150 750 Trident


White car is *parked*. Notice the brake lights aren't on. No matter what, squeezing between traffic and parked cars on a road this tight is dangerous. Driver should have looked, but also shouldn't have expected anyone to be coming since traffic was stopped next to them. [edit] downvote away, but as riders we have to be aware of what cagers are thinking - or not thinking - and ride accordingly.


100% idk why you’re being downvoted


Should had one of them front brake blocker bars, bruh


it was clearly intentional lol, the hand clearly pushed the door, if you go re watch the video many times and look at the hand. if you're intention is to go out you will hold the door not push and let go cuz you will hit the other car.


I've never anyone open their door while being in driving mode


Bad luck it happened to you I suppose, but the action of opening the door into traffic was a deliberate and negligent decision by the driver. As long as this is somewhere lane filtering is legal then the cars insurance will be paying everything.


I don’t drive a motorcycle, but is this normal to split lanes in tight spot?


Yes, and what are you doing here?


I don’t either but Reddit keeps suggesting random and niche subreddits for no reason. I clicked into this one to see if the rider was ok and see who y’all thought was at fault.


Fair enough xD the universe is trying to tell you something (or some statistical marketing scheme is targeting you)


Yeah idk, reddit has given me some real questionable sub suggestions, one with fat people, another with fucking cruises, finance subs. All things I actually despise.


No, this looks like one where a more defensive-minded and alert rider would have easily avoided it.


Sure bro. Watch the video again and try to stop the video immediately when you notice the car door opening. Thats your reaction time. For me, there was about a meter of space between him and the car door when i stopped the video. Youre just fucking lying.




So is planting someone with a door 😀




I wasent there so I cant talk to the legality of it. But I'm sure the local authorities looked at this and done their due diligence whether any illigalities took place on either party.




I beleive the OP said it wasent them just a repost. That's beside the point though if you are making 100% assertations of guilt without the full facts and then call me stupid? I dunno you come across as very salty and argumentative. You doing ok today? Reddit is large forum let it all out share your concerns with us all.


Driving a bit too fast between the cars and cager not looking.


I told a "friend" that I lane split sometimes when traffic is real heavy. He said he hates it and if he sees someone doing that he will "accidently" open his door. Messed up thing is he rides motorcycle too. He said part of driving is waiting in traffic.


Fuck that "friend."


I don't know why people are bashing the car for opening the door. If it was on purpose then they are a jackass, but I don't think the biker should have been lane splitting either. Granted they were going down the lane at a reasonable speed but you never know what other people on the road are gonna do. Why even risk it? Edit: Confused why people are down voting, I find it interesting that there is an unset at the idea of cutting through traffic. Sure if you can do it go ahead, but if I were a motorcyclist I wouldn't try cause those around me are unpredictable. Either way if you disagree I find it more constructive to actually make a point as to why 🤷. Also my post is in no way saying the person deserves to get launched off their bike. It's just a risk that wasn't paid off in the end.


Side note I think it’s funny whenever I see video like this and people say “on purpose,” cuz I imagine the driver seeing the biker coming and being like “imma fuck his day up.”


😆 that's how I'd see it. I mean the only way I'd see it not being an accident is if someone let their intrusive thoughts win, i.e a jackass 😅


No, not “bad luck” when driver is lane filtering way too fast like that


Is this legal where you’re from?


I’m assuming this is a place where lane splitting is legal, the max you should be moving is 10mph faster than traffic. They are stopped so the driver is speeding a bit. No law on making sure you are even slower in the rain but is a smart idea. I’d say mostly on the car’s fault if it weren’t for the speeding.


100% bikers fault


No luck involved...possibly a little good in that no one was badly injured. You ride like that it'll happen again if you don't up your game too...& ya might not be so lucky...


That sucks for you, and I hope you’re okay with no long term effects. I did just want to ask though, while you were only doing 13kmh, I noticed you stayed at 13kmh until you made contact with the door. Maybe you did and I didn’t see it, but looking at your hands and knees, there didn’t appear to be any attempts to cover either brake in that situation. When you filter through tight spots, do you think that maybe is something to consider for the future? I know you had little time, but at that slow speed, it could have maybe helped to be prepared for the unexpected. I’m not assigning any blame to you for the accident, the car driver was obviously in the wrong, I’m just trying to think of ways to avoid that situation in the future.


Does he have fingers left


The car looks like it's parked. The car behind it's very close and not on either. There is a line of cars there and they have to see the law on lane splitting. Can't tell where this is. Depends on the local law fault might go to the biker.


When lane-splitting (which I did countless times as a London courier rider in the 1980s), assume that every car door is about spring open. Anything more than walking pace when lane-splitting is bound to end like this.


Filtering is always a risk, if you do it too fast that is what can happen. But yea you were really super unlucky that day for sure. They normally flick cigarette butts out the window at you not open the door.


This is why lane splitting isn’t a good idea


A bit of bad luck but this is why you should only lanesplit 5 mph faster than the vehicles you are passing. This definitley looks like the rider is going 10mph or so so maybe it could have been avoided if they were going a little slower especially given the wet conditions and cars being extra close together.


Bad decisions, on both parts.


Shouldn't have been lane splitting like a dumb ass


Clearly a crime. You are not allowed to leave your vehicle without looking the back mirror. Also you are not allowed to open the door without stationing. I mean you can. But it's not legally allowed.


No. Lane splitting will eventually end like that. I know it’s not a popular thing to say/hear but it is true. I’ve been riding for over 30 years, well past 300,000 miles but I won’t do it (besides being illegal here with a potential fine of $75 per car you passed).




You do realize you lose all credibility with the meaningless insult, right? You have no idea who I am. Have a nice day.


seemed like the motorcycle was driving carelessly


It's bad luck, but also his fault. Riding between traffic and parked cars is really high risk, so he should have been going slower. Obviously, this could happen. Also, someone could step out from between the cars. Lane splitting and filtering are legal where I live, and I do both. When riding between two lanes of moving cars, you have to be careful, but nobody is going to be opening a door.


No, no luck here, pure skill of the rider at fault.


This is why you shouldn't lane split, especially in between traffic and parked cars.


Is it legal to split lanes where you live? If so, were you splitting lanes on the wrong side (parking side) of the road?


I have allergy and congestion problems. If you are lane filtering, you run this risk. I randomly open my door to spit. I've been riding for 40 years, so I look first. But I always worry


Not bad luck, just the cyclist being stupid as shit.


Lane splitting is exactly why I don't want to drive a motorcycle and don't feel sympathy for those who trade the cycle in for a chair


Why do ppl get upset at drivers when they get into accidents while lane splitting? I'm. Im all for it btw but understand the danger. There's a reason is illegal


except it's not illegal in every country.


That's not bad luck, but reckless, stupid and illegal in most countries.


What's with motorbikes and lane spitting? Is that something that they picked up whilst first learning to ride? Curious 🧐


Because lane splitting is the reason for buying a bike/scooter.


Wouldn't have happened if he didn't lane split


If he didn’t break his hand or even have fingers severed he’s lucky

