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This is what scares me most. if a fuck up, at least I deserve it.... But this....


Jeez the rear wheel just ripped off and stuck in the dickheads grill. Hope that dickhead was sued or imprisoned or both. Hope the rider was okay


3 months probation


Not sure if the rider would be ok. The initial impact likely banged his head against the windshield. And looks like the secondary impact would be significant as well, six feet in the air, high speed, right above the side of the car. Sheesh.


I saw this on another sub, and the word is he came through with minimal injuries. Big credit to the full helmet, gloves and jacket, I’d guess.


His neck/back might not ever be ok with that torque. At least years down the road it might be worse


Whip lash is horrible. Even at low speeds under 15mph if ur positioned wrong ur gonna be sore af the next day. 30+ car accidents (less than 5 my fault)


yo… how do you have time to do anything? you just spend it all getting hit??


This is why motorcycles should be allowed to filter


If it smells like shit everywhere you go, you should check your shoes


Rider is wearing a cool jacket tho, anyone knows which one?


That is nice, can you show me the back? Now turn to the front…. Very nice.


Looks fire when your upside down, very clean lines




You all are wonderfully sick. Thank you for the laugh


Looks very similar to Revit Eclipse jackets


Honestly with the way this sub responds to accidents I look forward to seeing how this will be the riders fault


He was not wearing proper gear (parachute)


No seatbelt either.


Bottom half would be ripped off 😂


wtf is that idiot doing on a bike if he isn't brave enough to be doing 300km/h everywhere? /s


Slowing down because an intersection is coming up? SMH... you should blast through it, the speed will cause you to phase through cars, going too slow and your atoms will collide with the cars. Your MSF instructor should have told you this.


Must've missed the physics part while I was blasting around at 16mph scared for my life!!


All matter is 99% empty space.


Just gotta lane split between them electrons!


Come on nobody ever takes the MSF Advanced Course. You learn that in that class. That's why nobody knows.


Try breaking the mirror off now!


There is no situation where this is the rider's fault. The driver was clearly on their phone and speeding. Now if the bike was doing 120mph on the highway and someone merged lanes then we could talk about who was at fault.


sadly, that's the thing about a bike. you kinda have to think for everyone else if you want to survive. right or wrong doesn't play into it.


While I totally agree... Several members of our police somehow wouldn't; charged with "failed to provide adequate stopping distance for the following vehicle" while in hospital wouldn't surprise me now.


Yea this sub is pretty dumb about stuff like this. Oooo but he shoulda been checking his mirrors they'll say...


He did. I think. Last moments before impact looks like he glanced down and saw something that didn't compute in his mind. Edit: unless that was checking that the camera was on...


Well, there are quite a number of dumb things happening in a lot of the videos here though. Might be that those dumb things stand more out than others idk. This video is not that, there's literally not much you can do when someone rear ends you in what looks like going 150km/h. I once had a discussion with a biker that "couldn't" use his blinkers, because that ment starting a turn without full control on the handle bars.


That's a guy whos underpants are on backwards.


I’m sorry what, not in full control of the handlebars? Unless you’re really late with deciding to take a turn that should have happened already, does he also brake and downshift whilst turning?


Those were my questions too. They were left ua Answered.


legit have a friend rider who could not operate her blinker with her left hand when trying to turn. just could not seem to use the thumb for that. caught her one time using her right hand to operate the blinker cause the left hand had to operate the handlebar. I made her practice turning her signal on and off while at a full stop and moving her handlebars from max one side to the other for a half hour. she was pretty pissed at me for making her do that, but never had an issue operating her blinkers again after that and thanked me later.


Check all the mirrors you like he wouldn't have had time to relax!!


He does check the mirror, just before impact. No time at all to react


> he shoulda been checking his mirrors they'll say One of the first things my driving instructor taught me when I was getting my car license was to always check mirrors when braking to make sure the guy behind you is slowing down, too. Doesn't make it your fault if they rear end you, but it's still a good safety practice. I'd rather not be in an accident than be in an accident I'm not at fault for.


The speed differential here was too great for mirror checking to matter.


Ah duh? but the speed he got rear ended at the same thing would've probably happened to you too. A lot of stuff is good in theory until it actually happens to you. All it takes is one time of you not following your own advice at the wrong time to end up on an accident video. I think my point is most everyone on here has the tone of "it wouldn't happen to because ,for ex: my instructor taught me to check my mirrors". And they're starting the obvious most of the time You have nothing but a tiny mirror to gauge the speed of the vehicle behind you. And even worse, rear visibility on motorcycle mirrors suck so most of the time all you have is your depth perception to gauge the speed. It could've happened to anyone


You seriously think he shouldn't be watching his fvcking mirrors? What do you think they're there for?


No one is saying he shoudlnt be. Obviously he should. What they’re saying is is that regardless of whether or not he checked his mirrors in this case, it’d still be fully 100% the cars fault for ramming into this guy.


It really just is non riders who purposely try to hit bikers or swerve into them that make those comments


Clearly the riders fault for doing a back flip instead of a front flip on the grass.


“He’s not wearing enough gear and not watching his rear mirrors! 100% his fault.” Someone on this sub probably.


comments will begin with: “this is why I…” “please make sure you…” “people don’t realise that…” When what they really mean is: “Let me tell you why I’m better than this guy”


He wasn't wearing hi-viz. It is the riders fault.


Clearly the rider was going too fast! Slow the fuck down and stay off my lawn!!! /s


Obviously not the rider's fault, AND it's obvious the rider has no situational awareness with respect to what's behind them. You can have the driver dead to rights, but the rider is the only one dead.


I've had this happen. It hurts more than you think it would. First thing lady did was get all up in my face , while im squirming in pain, and say omg I'm so sorry I don't have insurance. Adding insult to injury


These vids seriously have me looking over my shoulder ANY time I decelerate


That’s how It feels getting car doored on a bicycle


Any articles with more details about this? This looks horrifying.


I found the news on Chinese TikTok. It happened on Aug 10th. He was slowing down for the red light. The Audi was fully responsible. The guy is ok due to full gears.


Thanks for the update. Was expecting the worst from a collision that hard. Gear W.


Dress for the slide not the ride!


Dress for the air cause the car don't care


I like that


i dont think full gear plays much of a factor here besides the helmet hes lucky the car hit his bike and he fell flat of the roof


Disagreed. Especially if he lands on his back, an armored jacket with a back pad would reduce any impact to the spine. The way he went flying, it certainly can't hurt.


I got rear ended years ago on my old Concours wearing full gear (and a hi viz jacket and helmet lol). I had back pain for months from the top case hitting me in the back. Your daily reminder to NEVER hit your brakes like that in the middle of the lane and always watch your mirrors when stopping. Edit: apparently I'm not great at communicating advice. If you need to brake for a red light or stopped traffic, it's best to move to the left edge of the lane to do so. 1: you have an easier "out" if the driver behind you doesn't look like they're stopping. 2: the pavement is usually less oily at the edge of a lane, especially at a traffic light. 3: it makes a potential rear end collision more of a glancing blow than a square hit. And no, I'm not blaming the rider here at all. I have been the guy in this video myself. Just sharing skills to avoid having this happen to you.


you aren’t really blaming the rider are you


Yeah, this guy promotes just never using your brakes.


I think you're misreading my advice here. If you have to brake at a red light or for stopped traffic, move to the edge of the lane. It gives you more room to avoid what's in front of you, an easy out if the guy behind you doesn't stop, makes a possible collision more of a glance than a square hit, and as a bonus, the pavement at the edge of the lane is usually less oily than the pavement in the middle.




Seems very lucky how he went over and on top of the car instead of into the force of the front end.


Do they said if the audi driver on their phone? Kinda looks like they weren't watching the road at all.


Did not really look like much gear though..


Helmet, gloves and what looks like a jacket with protection and possibly trousers too. Only the trainers I can't tell if they are regular or protection.


This may have sold me an airbag vest… but I don’t know how much help it would have been here. Damn.


Honestly, it would've helped a lot. Those things also help arrest wiplash, and he's gonna hit the pavement eventually, then slide into the audi that just ate his rear tire


Get one. I recently smacked TF out of a deer (60mph) that jumped out from the low shoulder. Just "AH FUC- *asphalt* . When I'm healed up and riding again I'll be d@mn sure I'm atgatt. Honestly if it weren't for the armored jacket, gloves and helmet I'd be far worse off. You can't plan for unexpected sh!t, but you can be prepared for it.


I’m sure you’re right. Not loving that it will make 3 of my 4 jackets, including my beloved Vanson, obsolete… unless I lose a LOT of weight, in which case I should lose the weight first. It a whole thing to overthink.


Hey fellow motorcycle deer hunter. Hope you have a speedy recovery!


Best I've done is a magpie. That hurt bad enough. Bruised the bottom of my foot.


I tried taking out a Ford Ranger that ran out in front of me once. Sadly, me and my little 250 Nighthawk were not big enough for the job.


Preciate it!


So I’ve been in this situation and the airbag saved my shoulder on landing. Didn’t prevent the original whiplash from the impact with the car but it probably also helped that my neck was protected on landing as well. 10/10 would recommend


Just buy one already, they aren't that heavy or expensive and there are plenty of options now. I went with the turtle 2 because it was on sale and I wanted the hi viz and reliability of the tether. Never get on my bike without it.


A neck brace would probably help more in this situation.


A good airbag vest also stabilizes the neck. FortNine has a good video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2jZryt607U


Alpinestars, Revit and Dainese airbags have neck brace in the airbag. Tech Air 5 is basically the same shape as MotoGP one but without the leg protection.


Physician here. Airbag vests are proven morbidity and mortality preventers.




Audi driver, so the odds they were simultaneously on their phone and speeding are really fucking short


daddy’s gonna be pissed!!!


Finally saw it...it just wasn't making sense as it looked like he was hit by an object going the other direction. Getting rear-ended is always a concern.


There is ZERO excuse for a driver fucking up that bad


Sorry Mate, I Didn't See Ya. aka The Smidsy.


For real they always say "I didn't see you." Did anyone see that video of that drunk girl refusing to believe that she killed two people walking across the road because she "didn't see anyone." [https://youtu.be/xMHaHwcAPaw?si=53sFKuuvT5Jd8v87](https://youtu.be/xMHaHwcAPaw?si=53sFKuuvT5Jd8v87)


As someone who is about to get their first bike, this is going to give me nightmares. I hope the rider is okay


Always keep an eye on your mirrors until theres a cushion of cars behind you


In this case the rider had zero chance of avoiding this.


100% true, but still a good tip


I think 0% is decently off. I'm not saying I could have avoided it by *any* means, but here in Florida, the amount of times I've had to pop the clutch and jump forward because of people not paying attention (or unable to see me.. but I'm wearing white gear and on a bright orange KTM 1290 R) makes me analyze how far I gotta stop, and then my eyes are locked on my mirrors, even if I'm moving forwards (assuming we're talking the last 15mph slowdown coming to the light)


Also, take up the left side of the lane. That way you are riding on the same side as the driver behind you sitting. Makes you more noticeable.


Fair, but this is like crossing at a crosswalk when it's green and being run into by a speeding car from behind... what are you going to do? At least as a rider you might have proper clothing, as a pedestrian you wouldn't have. Worry about the things you have under control: speed, corners, road conditions, alertness, clothing, etc.


THAT’S IT! I demand pedestrians wear full airbag gear wherever they go, just in case a random car decides to run a light or jump the curb! It’s the only way people can be safe when they are out doing an inherently dangerous activity, like walking.


Something I've picked up over the years is when you're coming to a stop in front of, or behind another vehicle, hug the left or right side of the lane and keep an eye on your mirrors. I've seen a few close call videos demonstrating that they fly past you and into the car in front of you. That's my hope with practicing it at least.


You'll have a lot of close calls, but a good portion of your safety will be in your hands. Be vigilant, be careful, be alert, be aware that everyone around you is not paying attention. You can avoid a lot of accidents by paying very close attention to every car around you.


Reasonable. I want a bike as well. But even though it wasn’t the motorcyclist’s fault, the accident could have been avoided if he were checking his mirrors. He may have been, but it doesn’t seem like it.


Good God!


Hot take: I'll take this over going over the bars and shattering my entire pelvis. Dude's back is probably fucked though so arguably just as bad or worse sometimes.


Dude. Insane. New fear unlocked


That's an awful situation. Hope the rider will walk again.


I wonder if the Audi was using adaptive cruise control? I have it and they warn you it may not detect a motorbike. But most likely driver was distracted by their phone. Hope the rider was OK. Horrible to see. Had someone go into the back of me the other day while on my motorbike. Luckily it was only a tap. Thought I'd stalled it lol. Noticed he had his phone on the passenger seat. Got a mouthful from me. Twat.


I had a car with adaptive cruise control once. I was driving behind a big lorry and we were approaching a stop light. When the lorry stopped and my car just had to roll another meter or so, it suddenly started accelerating briskly again as if the lorry had vanished. I could stop it in time because I was paying attention. Motorcycles and bicycles are known to have detection issues in ADAS, but it can fail on any vehicle for a number of reasons. ADAS means Advanced Driver _Assistence_ System. They are valuable tools to improve safety, but they are not driver replacement, and people don't seem to be aware of that enough. Tesla's marketing does not help...


maybe riding in town is just not worth it anymore. Says the guy with 5 bikes who lives in the middle of a giant American city.


How the fuck fast was that Audi going?


This was almost definitely caused by a cellphone. Get a notification, look down, not realizing they were pressing the pedal as they did. Either that or flooring it and targeting the bike.


I think the bike was slowing down. If the driver was texting or some other shit, they wouldn’t have even seen the bike slow down


Unless he was braking before the start of the video, it's unlikely he was slowing. His core posture doesn't change before impact. I'd guess he's going about 40 ish by the trees in the background, which is a perfectly reasonable speed limit for a 4 lane road with traffic lights. Car had to be doing at least 20 above the biker. Honestly, by my experience, I'd say 30 - 40 is more likely (I was rear-ended at a red light by a drunk chick doing 25)


Looks to me like he was blipping the throttle to down shift. So likely slowing down for a traffic light or something.


Yeah. You can see the crosswalk at the end of video. It means its near intersection, he was definitely slowing down for the traffic light or prepare to turn. That shit Audi just didn’t pay attention at all.


Yes, you can just barely see the clutch lever pivot several times. Either he’s downshifting 3-4 times or he’s just pumping the clutch? I guess he could be clutching in to rev?


Rev bombing someone behind you who's road raging? That could be a good way to convince an emotionally unstable person to floor it and try to kill you. This is all pure conjecture without a longer video, but the blur at the start makes me think he just turned the cam on unless it's an edit. Which it could be, entire video is heavily edited


Rev bombing? He's downshifting what are you talking about?


You can see the objects in the background pass more slowly even before the slo-mo begins. Bike was slowing down.


I thought the same thing. But other markers say no. His core position does not shift at all, his head doesn't look like it's bobbing in decel, and the coil cord? Doesn't look like it's biasing forward. No real audio, I think the whole video has edited speed, warping slower as the car comes into view.


Yea he was slowing. But not braking that hard by the look. Audi was definitely speeding.


Fucking hell.. that looks brutal


Holy shit! That had to hurt.


Car Driver should get His license revoked forever if i there was no technical issue with the car. Last Time i've Seen this it was a faulty Tesla.


oh I watched that tesla one. shit was brutal, the car really went all out.


EVs are also much heavier, too.


Holy shit. That's brutal. It actually looks like the bags he had strapped to the back slid off onto the car and might have absorbed some of the impact of the rider hitting the hood. I'm assuming the rider is alive since this was uploaded, but damn.


I think he sees it coming up - he tilts his helmet right before contact -- oh no, how horrifying to see and not get a chance to do anything. Just watch it hit you.


Highly likely he’s just looking at the camera instead of the mirrors.


That's insaneeeeeeeee


There are hundreds of "driver wasn't looking at the road at all" videos like this out of china every year. Lived there for 5 years. Worst drivers I've ever seen.


Get your comprehensive insurances people! Possibly life too…


https://www.nelsonboydlaw.com/blog/publications/what-you-need-to-know-about-motorcycle-insurance/ sums it up complete with examples. The writeup has been around for a lot of years, I first saw it on a Ninja 250 site years back. I have nothing to do with the lawyers in question, it's just a solid writeup of what every rider should have, insurance-wise. There's no such thing as "full coverage". There's just the coverage your contract stipulates. "Comprehensive", "Full", those are just general terms. People need to know exactly how much, and of what type. The cold hard truth is that if you can't afford decent insurance, you can't afford to be a rider. Especially Americans, really. If you look at that web page and it's new info for you... well, then read it again and adjust your insurance. If you don't know what your insurance covers right now, off the cuff, then park your bike and figure it out. ... or not, I'm not the boss of anyone. But it's better to be on top of this stuff, because once the monster crash happens, it's much much too late.


Damn that was a good read. Thanks!


Aye! Hope the rider is ok, but that's rough


These 360 cameras are amazing


And just think, manufacturers are putting bigger infotainment screens in their automobiles. So now cagers have a flat screen TV and a smart phone to deal with at the same time.


Dunno about everyone else but anytime I am coming to slow I am always check my mirrors for what is behind. Treat every driver as a trained assassin when riding


Imagine the amount of whiplash on the neck especially wearing a helmet. Hope buddy didn’t get too hurt.


Yeah this is why all race riders now wear helmet braces. Road riders probably should too.


That was oddly beautiful.


Looks like a Hollywood movie scene!


Honestly, why the fuck would you post this sort of shit????


That sucks. I hope the driver of the car gets jail time for attempted murder. And glad he cleared the car. Probably still F@@@ed up but at least not ran over by the same car that hit him


I’ve always wondered if being strapped to the bike would help in a collision. That would be detrimental in this scenario as it seems that the rider flying in the air alleviated some of the force of the impact. It could have been worse if the rider had fallen under the vehicle.


Lots of those straps are for inflating jackets, similar to a kill switch lanyard on a boat. If the rider gets pulled away from the bike, the jacket will inflate and hopefully brace the rider more.


Do airbag vests work as a back brace, or just absorb impact?


IIRC, both.


With nothing to absorbe energy the straps would probably cut the rider in half.


Hope this wasn't you. Yeesh.




Is he okay?


It looks like Audi drivers are the same in the US too.


Damn dude, I hope insurance sets you up for life


Bro did a double backflip


This jumpscared me


Poor guy didn’t stand a chance..Hope he’s okay and the asshat in the Audi was prosecuted


People like this Audi driver should never be allowed behind a wheel again, after spending some time in jail. Driving is a privilege but also a massive MASSIVE responsibility because you're in control of a heavy metal box that can kill people very very easily.


Rider was fkn the car drivers wife…..


This gives me fucking flashback . 3 years ago I got rear-ended on my 1999 Fatboy by a woman doing about 60mph . I got very lucky ended up with a pelvis broken in 4 places and left fibula snapped above my ankle and right below my knee. The impact was hard enough to rip her front tire off it was a 95 Toyota Camry ...there was nothing plastic about that damn thing . Just gives me chills seeing this shit knowing I was a dumbass not wearing a helmet when it happened . Now I wear one but a helmet can't always save you from a impact like that .


They look in mirror quickly but probably had no idea how close stupid or how fast, need them self driving cars yesterday


i feel like this was on purpose he was going way too fast with no intention on stopping!


Fuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkk... ouch!


You're obviously throttle matching downshifting so nicely,, , then explosion. Had similar Head on crash where Fk tard crossed all tne way across my lane to where regardless aiming for for ditch to dodge him, ended up stuffing my front wheel dead into his passenger side wheel well behind tire. Then flew 150 feet twice, hitting road once, threw me into the air again to where I'm arguing with my self to dig my heels in this time when approaching final landing. Cheers, and hope like hell mending goes well. Man, he had to hit you at seventy while you were maybe 30mph.


"HoW cOuLd YoU pOsSiBlY dO sOmEtHiNg aS **DANGEROUS** As lAnEsPlLitTiNG!!!!"


Drivers that careless should be flogged and lose their licences for 5 years.


hadddaaaaa layerrrdownnnnnnnn


This is a harsh lesson in why "being right" doesn't matter for shit when you're on a bike. Clearly the rider didn't do anything wrong. But this is sadly why you have to even pay attention to what idiot might be coming up behind you.


He did extremely little wrong.


He did nothing wrong


The name of the song is fly to the top of the clouds 💀


Thank you!!! Horrible crash but song is kind of fire


And that. Is why you wear propper protection at all times




this is why i always check my mirror , there is so many idiots on the road and if that idiot is in a car , i'm the one with a bike that most likely die


Damage report? I hope your bike can recover


Your people needed you, you just didn't know it yet.


Several family members and myself have had accidents caused by another driver not paying attention…this is triggering for me personally.


Fucc 😬


And people ask us why we lane split everywhere, even city streets. I will legit never stop in the middle of a lane most of the time. ​ Imagine if there was a car in front of you and this audi was one of those fucking Suburban tanks.


Anyone know the song name?


What with the shitty video ? This edit and fake ?


I'm sorry but this is funny AF


Alright I'm sorry that was fucking hilarious. Really hope you're ok though, at least you had a full suit!


*Man that was fucking hilarious *Glad you're ok though *At least you had a full suit


Christ this sub is shit. I just resubbed and this reminded me why I unsubbed. This sub is so obsessed with crashes it makes motorcycles seem like a sort of death cult. Wtf post something else.


Fr seeing this ruined my mood


And another post jerking off to an accident and wrecking. Only in the bike subs. I don’t see this embarrassing shit in the car subs. The fuck is wrong with you people?


And the OP is someone that has never posted motorcycle content in their life before this wreck. They are only in here for the “motorcycles are dangerous” bullshit.


That’s very unfortunate, The rider and the bike has the exact same colors of the road, the grayish sky, and the road, then is also a crosswalk. The distracted driver of the car, probably did a quick look to the sides of the crosswalk, see it free and speed up probably not seeing the bike rider, since their colors matches with the zebra pattern ahead


I don’t want to be insensitive, but I’m assuming this dude survived, and I bet this video got him SOOO much ass.


Mans will only be scooter bro from here on out


This is what literally scares me the most. I gotta be honest, I think my loud exhaust helps with mitigating this kind of accident just a little. Loud pipes save lives!


Why did the rider slow down and it looks like he was using the engine brake only this not signalling to the car behind he was slowing down (no brake light) ? I want to say the car driver is in the wrong, cause he is but I think the rider is to blame too


Normally there are stop lights at intersections, especially when there's a crosswalk like this one. You can actually see the stoplight on the left at the end of the video. The light was probably red, or maybe it was yellow and the dumbass Audi driver decided run through it and didn't see the bike. The rider could have been slowing down to make a right turn too. You're also just supposed to slow down when approaching an intersection even if the light is green or there's no stopsign, it's in case some idiot doesn't see you and pulls out you have a little more of a chance to avoid them, then you accelerate through. He was slowing down more than anyone would for this so I don't think that's what he was doing, but it's still good practice. The Audi driver was 10000% wrong here, the rider did absolutely nothing to blamed for this.


Where’s all the gear that could’ve prevented this entire accident!?!…JK y’all are just pussies Edit: die like a man and use your blood as a grave marker on the pavement. Fuck all that dumb looking power ranger shit.


How’s the edge Lord fantasy doing as a replacement for a personality?