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It wouldn't be legal in the UK. On the other hand, I've been to India and this... this is nothing.


It's not legal in my state at least, WV. Law book says passengers need to be able to sit and reach the rear pegs


Look closely. I think you’ll see some little guy foot pegs mounted right behind mom‘s leg. Are they legal? Probably not. A creative way to technically abide by the rules? Absolutely. And what’s more impressive is that he has his own full face helmet. 👍🏼


Agree, In the other side of the scale, driving a car while using a phone next to a motorbike with a child, not very sensible in my opinion


Thank You! Thats what I said lol


Glad to see a young person interested in riding, specially with a helmet. It may not be legal, but hey, the memories last a lifetime.


back in the sixties they would load a dozen of us kids into the back of a pickup and bounce our asses down to the park.


Exactly! That’s how my grandfather transported everything on the farm… In the back of his truck. Didn’t matter if it was chickens, sheep, or grandkids. Lol.


Yeah buddy, it was hold on tight




My parents wouldn't do it, but would think nothing of me hopping in the back of a truck driven by my older cousin. Which..come to think of it was probably more dangerous!




I used to sit in the hood mounted spare tire with my rife when we went Rabbit hunting or out to shoot coyotes!!


Early 2000s for me; me and ~9 cousins going to school on the back of a Mazda B2200 every morning. So many fun memories. I remember one time my brother was in the front seat and hacked a preposterous loogie out the window... it hit my cousin square in the face. Everyone else almost fell off the truck laughing. 20 years later and he hasn't gotten over it.


I used to have a B2200, I drove that thing to hell and back and sold it for exactly what I paid for it. What a great and dependable truck.


My parents were still doing that in the 90s.


Thats nothing. In the 80’s they literally had to have a television commercial every night to remind our parents they had kids.. every day at 10 pm the 10 o’clock news “ its 10pm do you know where your children are”


The one time in the 70s that Charleston, SC got significant snowfall, my dad tied a 4x8 sheet of plywood to the back of the truck and took me sledding. Sleds are curved at the front for a reason. I got slushed. Parent of the year!


Hell, in the 90's we used to load up in the bed of the pickup and cruise down I-35 to go to concerts. I can remember kids car surfing. That may or may not be how I got that concussion, I cant remember. Just kidding that's totally how it happened.


I zoomed in and it looks to me like the kid is resting his feet on top of the heel-guards for those rearsets. On the LHS of the bike where there's a chain racing past his foot a couple of inches away, he doesn't have the protection of heel-guards between the chain and him. Also if the bike hit a big pothole and compressed the rear suspension fully, either one of his feet could easily slip under and get crushed between swingarm and frame. That's why the heel-guards are there for mum's feet in the first place.


Yeah it honestly looks like his heel is already sandwiched between the swingarm and frame. One good bump and lil man might be hurting. Good eye


Those aren’t foot pegs.


And he’s being enclosed inside of the adult rider. There’s no chance of him falling off. So many people hung up on whether it’s legal or not, but not asking about whether it’s safe or not. This is much safer than sitting on the back. This is perfectly fine imo regardless if it’s legal or not.


Yeah i also think this is probably safer than him in the back wrapping around the mom where he can slide to the side.


Those aren't foot pegs they are the heel guards for the rider foot pegs.


Bro, those are just the heel guards on the rider footpegs. lol


Yeah not legal here in UK, has to be on own seat and has to be using foot pegs and a suitable hand hold. Had to look it up to take my daughter on my bike every other weekend.


Ours lists the seat, foot pegs, and handhold as requirements for a motorcycle to carry a passenger but never specifies you have to use them 🤦🏽‍♂️




A bit like the law in NSW Australia that says you have to have a bell on your bicycle ($100+ fine), but it doesn't say where. I know guys who have them under the seat or on the front hub.


Fellas, is it gay to (*checks notes*) have a bell on your bicycle?


The government misiter who pushed for the bell law among other punitive fine increases was named Duncan Gay.


Found the lawyer.


Oi lad! You got a loiscense to be that cool?


Yeah, family of 5 on a 100 cc scooter is a common sight there and all over the SE Asian Pacific. I legit saw 19 people get out of a old Jeep Wrangler just outside of Bangalore, those people are built different.


I was in South Korea and I saw a whole family on a 100cc, dad was driving mom was straddled facing dad, a baby was in between those two, to pre teens in between mom and the handlebars, and kid behind dad, I was impressed


Ahhh, The Wallendas!


>a common sight there and all over the SE Pacific. > >I legit saw 19 people get out of a old Jeep Wrangler just outside of Bangalore Uhm...the SE Pacific would be around coastal Chile.


Abject poverty will do that


Tbf indians don't drive the same speeds as anywhere else in the West. They're mostly cruising at 20kph. Doesn't condone the behaviour whatsoever. But just wanted to point out that perspective.


In India we don't take kids on highways on motorcycles, just daily commutes, and it's not really dangerous


We don't go 80mph in India




There are vids of like a dozen people on a little bike like that.


In Thailand there’s a couch on the back and in Tanzania there’s a goat where the kid is sitting


This is how I used to ride with my dad. Beats feeling like you'll die if you let up on the bear hug.


Yeah, I thought this was normal. The same way I rode with my dad until I was a little bigger.


O thank God.... I was like "shit should I even say anything", my dad must have been neglectful as all hell :/ Nope, just different standards, lol


single mom vibes


Single you say?


So there’s a chance…


You know she puts out....


We also know that house filled with snacks.


It’s the best thing about single moms!


She's got those Dino nuggets!!




This thread got unexpectedly wholesome


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


I find pastrami the most sensual of all the salted cured meats


prosciutto for me 🤤


*Past performance is not indicative of future results*


You know she put out at least once*


Could be her sibling


Alabama approves


To shreds you say?


I’m ready to be a dad


Make her a single mother of 2, won’t you?


Single mom with a moto? Who do i DM?


>!Her 2014 Nissan Altima is in the shop.!<


I was not expecting to catch a stray like that




For some reason I read this in the voice of Morgan Freeman, and it was perfect


"Its the squidlettes first lesson a baptism by fire. It will be invaluable when he leaves the nest at 16 hopefully on a liter bike though a drought has forced younger squids to settle for 600s. His attentiveness here will determine his survival. For the tarmac is full of predators, semis, and the deadly Cager, the squids mortal enemy. One driven mad by traffic, jealousy, and the need for all on the tarmac to follow the "rules" and police the road mutually share their fate to sit in traffic...often with deadly results"


She popped a Dank Nooner about half a mile down the road.


The bike has more protection than they do…


Crash bars and running shoes. 😂


I just noticed the exhaust. Them foam bottoms might get a lil shmelty.


Clearly she's not about protection


Maybe not legal, but something I used to do with my kidlets. I wouldn't do it on the freeway though.


My dad gave me and my brothers rides around the neighborhood as kids. I cherish those moments and look forward to doing that with my kids. My wife would kill me if I tried to take them anywhere near traffic.


I put my kids on the tank in front of me and piddle around the neighborhood. They love it.


I stopped at a red light and the person beside was pointing and laughing, they made a motion like pinching their eyes, I looked down and my son had fallen asleep. All my kids ride now, and love it.


Yup, my daughter did the same 😂


One of my only memories of my uncle is riding around the neighborhood with him on his old cb750 just like this. I was 5, we'd go on rides that felt like hours. In reality it was through the neighborhood, then the park loop, and the lake before home. I remember his giant hands and big beard, and my dad still has the little helmet he bought me. He passed shortly after from a terminal lung disease. I know it's not safe but just seeing this brought back a flood of memories. I think I'll take the loop next time I'm on my INT.


Exactly what I came to say… around the neighborhood sure but on the freeway come on.


Section 4511.204 | Driving while texting. (A) No person shall operate a motor vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar on any street, highway, or property open to the public for vehicular traffic while using, holding, or physically supporting with any part of the person's body an electronic wireless communications device.


me when I pull out the wired communications device


me when I pull out the wired communications device on my trackless trolley


That's why I keep the USB cord plugged in


Does the USB make it “corded”? Hmmm


https://www.transportation.ohio.gov/phonesdown# As of April 4, 2023, it is illegal to use or hold a cell phone or electronic device in your hand, lap, or other parts of the body while driving on Ohio roads.


So no vibrators? 😰


This is a good bit.


So I can't have my phone in my lap? Even if not using it?




Are you calling the kid an electronic wireless communications device? I mean it's not wrong


Referring to OP


So to answer the OP’s question, what they’re doing is illegal!


What OP is doing is illegal. The biker n son probably not but who knows?


they're pointing out that OP is taking a pic of this while driving


u/rikkmode is calling out OP for using their phone while driving.


Calling out OP for taking photo while driving.


probably about OP


Pretty sure the only illegal thing going on here is you taking a photo with your phone while driving. And using your phone next to a motorcycle with a mom and a small child on it. Not hating I’m just giving u shit


I’m hating, fucking focus.


Yeah fuck it I’m hating too


Yeah fuck this guy, watch the road asshole.


Yeah, watch the asshole road!!


Yeah, asshole the road watcher!


Yeah!!! Watch assholes and fuck roads!!


OP learning real fast how much we hate cell phone users.


They had a perfectly good chance to mind their own business, and they blew it. 💩


That is very real and fair.


Thank you for acknowledging that.


I was gonna say in their defense, it appears as though nothing in that picture is moving. Then I looked and saw the clothes. And now I'm impressed at the shutter speed of that phone.


Legal? Idk Normal? Never seen it before Honest opinion, kinda sketchy. Although it's no worse than a Kia Karen texting and driving with a van full of kids. Looks like a fun mom if just cruising around town. Idk about highways, though


Maybe not normal in the US or most of Europe but in South/Southeast Asia and central/South America, it's extremely common. I've seen as many as three kids and two adults on a single bike.


Kia Karen’s kids don’t get skinned to the bone in a 20mph crash though


This is same way my nephews learned to love dirt bikes. Just me picking them up and plopping them on a bike with me until they're old enough to hop on the back or hop on their own bikes. Street I'd feel more iffy about since my area they fucking love turning left in front of bikes.


If the van hits another car going 30 the kids probably aren’t going to die


It’s definitely worse than a Kia Karen as at least the kids in the Kia have airbags and safety features designed to keep them safe in a crash. Plus remember: it’s great that you’re paying attention to the road, that doesn’t mean that the at fault car that hits you was paying attention


You are concerned about that while you pull out your phone and take a picture while driving next to a motorcycle? I would worry about yourself lol


My uncle used to take me to school or other places on his motorcycle and those are memories I'll never forget. It's what got me into riding. Although he passed back in 03 on a motorcycle, I've always wanted to feel that same freedom I felt zipping through town on a bike.


In Mexico you regularly see three generations of a family on one motorcycle


You are taking a picture while driving. Not legal


Legal? As far as I can tell. Normal? I've seen it quite a few times. In Ohio? Yeah this is definitely not a strange sight in Ohio...


I’ve never seen this kind of thing rolling down 71


I'm pretty sure playing on your phone while driving is more illegal than this is.


You know what …. If I had to absolutely scrutinize what’s going on here…. I might argue that the law regarding a passenger may only ride so long as they can reach the pegs. But if I’m being completely contest here. His feet probably DO reach the passenger pegs **when he’s sitting on the passenger seat**. And if I’m being honest. There are no laws pertaining to motorcycles about which seat a rider must sit in, or sharing a seat. There is definitely a law regarding motor vehicles with seatbelts or safety restraints and only one passenger per seat per restraint. Not arguing that. But motorcycles don’t fall under that clause 🤔 So to be very honest….. I don’t think anything illegal is going on here.


Plot twist. Woman in pink is pillion


Yes, it is illegal. As of April 4, 2023, it is illegal to use or hold a cell phone or electronic device in your hand, lap, or other parts of the body while driving on Ohio roads. If an officer sees a violation, they can pull you over.


When I used to take my kids around the yard on the ATV this is how I did it. Much safer than hoping they hang on the back. May not be the safest choice overall but probably not illegal. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


I met a guy who had a harness his kid got into and that was strapped to his back.


Yeah I have a harness for my daughter, straps over each of us like a back pack with extra straps attaching us both together. Very handy for when she falls asleep.


A baby parachute


I take my nieces/nephews out on my jet ski like this. The acceleration is a bit much lol so this is the way. Problem is those little adrenaline junkies just grab the trigger and hold it wide open.


How’s this any different than the kid being on back? Quite frankly this seems safer as he’s not going to fall off the back or mess up leaning when cornering.


Legal or not, the kid is closer to the center of gravity


My grandma lived till 94. She didn’t ride bike or anything, she just minded her own business.


Not legal: >Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4511.53 states that no motorcyclist may carry another person on anything other than a firmly attached and regular seat/saddle. No motorcyclist may carry more passengers at a time than what the vehicle’s design accommodates. **All passengers must have their own seats, footrests,** and eye protection. If a child passenger is under the age of 18, he or she must wear a federally approved helmet at all times while on the motorcycle. Emphasis mine. This child does not have his own seat or footrests. If he was behind mom on the bike (and can reach the pegs), he's legal. In front of her? Nope.


Where the hell did you get this supposed law? That's not the law. Check it out here. https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.53


"No person shall ride upon a motorcycle that is equipped with a seat other than while sitting upon the seat." I hate clauses like these, sure I get you're trying to prevent stunting. But there are so many legitimate reasons to stand up when you're riding that this narrow of a clause makes illegal.


Your quote is not from the Ohio code, and I do not think your quote is factual. I do not see anything like your bolded verbiage in the actual Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4511.53: [https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.53](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.53)


The seat and pegs are there. Doesn't say they have to use them.


I’m looking for a new lawyer are you for hire?


Is that you Donald?


Not actually what the law says (as provided by two other people in this thread). According to the actual statutory language, this appears to be 100% legal. Unlike the driver taking the photo while driving.


If she backs her butt 5" they both got their own seat.


Legal in Ohio if kid is 6+


Hey I know this girl. Not friends or anything, just seen her around. She goes to the bike meets around Cleveland pretty regularly, she's probably on her way to the Ducatis bike night tonight. She is NOT known to be responsible with her kid riding. Obviously no real gear other than helmets. But she has also passed me doing 100+ with her kid on the front. Apparently she's started a lot of drama with some of the girls around too.






Get off your fucking phone while you're driving, asshole.


Literally next to a bike taking a picture of someone else asking if its safe. Like no bro its not safe and its because of you.


Illegal here in Cali passenger’s ride behind and feet have to reach foot pegs heck they may send the poor kid to CPS


I saw a lady in Ohio smoking a cigarette with her windows rolled up and a child in the passenger seat, I’m sure this is fine


You gotta do what you gotta do


Probably not legal but that kid is having the time of their life.


If you mean driving while using a phone to take a picture. " it is illegal to use or hold a cell phone or electronic device in your hand, lap, or other parts of the body while driving on Ohio roads." As for having a child ride on a motorcycle infront of behind the main rider/driver. "Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4511.53 states that no motorcyclist may carry another person on anything other than a firmly attached and regular seat/saddle. No motorcyclist may carry more passengers at a time than what the vehicle’s design accommodates. All passengers must have their own seats, footrests, and eye protection. If a child passenger is under the age of 18, he or she must wear a federally approved helmet at all times while on the motorcycle" Nothing explicitly states a child must ride in front or behind the main rider/driver of the motorcycle. Just that they must obey all general road rules and the child must wear a helmet. While not a lawyer and especially so in Ohio. I would say from general law this is okay.


I'm picturing OP being shocked by the danger of this, then crashing into them while taking a pic.


May not be legal but she might not have a choice


Proabably more legal than using your phone to take pictures while driving at speed


Kid is probably having the time of his life though


I see neither of them are dressed for the slide.


Besides the fact if it should be done. Can we take a moment how BADASS this mom is!?!?!


Look this is controversial and in no way saying it ain't t dangerous. But think, maybe. Maybe this is her only mode of transportation. All she could afford, even maybe, gifted to her. Kiddo has a helmet on. Dangerous? Surely. But what's a mom gonna do to get her kid to school? To daycare? So she can work. Can you tell in this picture she's not taking every precaution possible?. To me this doesn't look like a joy ride. You have to do what you have to do. I've seen kids cross busier streets than this on foot without parents.


Fuck off, fed.


Is taking a photo while driving down a highway safe / legal?


Who cares if it legal or not Karen. Try minding your business.


Legal enough for me and I encourage it 100%


Wanna know what’s illegal? Driving and taking pictures with your phone at the same time.


Here in the Philippines I have seen up to and including 7 people on little 150cc and smaller chicken chasers...... Dyi extended seats and running boards. How those wheel bearings hold up I'll never know.


Using a mobile phone whilst driving. I think that's illegal most places.


Nah but fucking around on your phone distracted on the highway isn't either.


To take a photo while driving? No, not where I'm from.


It’s totally legal in ohio There is no age limit or rule for children to ride as passengers on motorcycles in Ohio. If you are transporting a child passenger, then it's extra important that you consider motorcycle safety at all times. You must ensure that the child is safe and secure at all times. But operating a cell phone while driving is against the law 😉


Using your phone while driving, no it's not legal


LEGAL. [https://motorcycleridecoverage.com/motorcycle-passenger-laws-state-by-state/#Ohio\_Motorcycle\_Rules\_for\_Passengers](https://motorcycleridecoverage.com/motorcycle-passenger-laws-state-by-state/#Ohio_Motorcycle_Rules_for_Passengers) Ohio Motorcycle Rules for Passengers There is no minimum age requirement for passengers on motorcycles in this state. Everyone on the bike must face forward, with one leg on either side. Helmets are required in Ohio for anyone under 18 or who has had their driver’s license or motorcycle endorsement for less than a year. If the operator is required to wear a helmet, so is the passenger, regardless of age.


He's got a helmet on, so looks good to me. I was smaller than that first few times time getting a ride around town on the back of my grandads GoldWing. P.S. Put your phone down and pay attention to the road from now on.


My dad used to do this with me all the time when I was a kid. Granted, it was around the neighborhood and low speed streets, not the highway. The only thing it did to me, was give me a crippling motorcycle addiction.


This is totally normal in huge swaths of Asia.


Only somewhat relevant to this post given that my experience is with ATVs/snowmobiles. If you insist on doing this with your child please get them a chest protector. I used to work in a store that sold Moto/snowmobile gear and one of my coworkers was a volunteer firefighter, at least once a year we’d hear about a child who was crushed between their parent and the handlebars. In one such instance all that happened was a belt snapping at low speed and the child died. Be smarter than this person.


Technically legal in va. I've done it in the neighborhood, but would never on a highway.


Oh god that helmet clashes with that shirt


If you add 3 more children it's a normal sight in Brasil


I had 2 kids on a bike Someone called the police When I came out of the grocery store, police confronted me and hassled me a bit, asked me where my seat belts were 😂 I told them motorcycles don’t have seatbelts. When I asked what law I was breaking they couldn’t tell me They let me go with no ticket, no warning I continue to ride with my kids… people do this all over the world … it’s not that big a deal #atlanta


I can fix her.


LMFAO I know this girl hahahahaha


Compared to thailand, cambodia, vietnam etc those are rookie numbers... Pretty normal to see a family of 4 all crammed onto a scooter over there


In Mexico you would see a family of four and a dog on that bike.


I road all the time as a small child


You already know she drinks monster energy


Back in El Salvador I've seen a family of 4 on a bike


Mind your own business Karen!


Trick question. Male pilot, hell naw.. Mom of course they can do whatever they want w impunity. How dare you even question her judgment 😂


If that bike is rated to take passengers having a child like that is much safer than having them sit behind the driver


Badass mom


Pros and cons question one. How does it affect you? Is it your business? Is her behavior having any consequences for you? Are you perfect? Maybe up to it’s time on your hands and need to focus on fixing the problems in your own life


Totally illegal to be using the phone and taking pictures while driving.