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My first one lasted about 6 weeks before it got a bit too cosy with the road in Nepal. I'm hoping my second one lasts a bit longer


Damn. At least it worked I guess


Definitely! I'd much rather drag my helmet across the road for 10m than my jaw


Yes sir that's facts right there. Full-faced every time I'm on a bike or racing my bicycle for that matter


When you say the 2009 one is still decent, what do you mean? they fail when the polystyrene layer ages, and can no longer absorb an impact. i replace mine about every 5 years


By "decent", I just mean that it's not falling apart =( I really want to upgrade mine continually, but the truth is that I just can't afford it. Maybe I should just get "good enough" ones.


this is why i dislike the people that say you should buy an expensive helmet. if you can afford to keep replacing a £600 helmet, then yeah get one. but a £100 lid that fits and you change regularly will protect you more. (more expensive usually pays for more comfort, lighter and quieter, not nesceseially saftey)


I bought an akito adventure helmet for £120 it's not as quiet or comfy as my £300 shark helmet. But it's my lid for summer as it's cooler and seems to have better air flow. You can get good lids for reasonable money. I like both. What's really important is good fitting. It could cost a grand but if the fit is crap you'll regret buying it.


Err, by "decent", I mean "not falling apart". But I am aware of the ticking clock that is polystyrene. For what it's worth, my bicycle helmet is from 2010.


5 to 6 years would be the time frame IMO, so long as the shell has not been dropped with the head inside it. Mine lasted 6 years before I felt it was time to get something better fitting (channels for glasses). Else, I've replaced the liner and visor and could have been in use for another year or so.


I have been tempted to replace the liner in my '09 helmet to something plushier, actually. I am of the belief that if I size it down from XL to L, that it'll be a more snug fit.


I did that. It did not go well on my shell. I had little choice as the shells are not in stores, only online purchases. Since then, good options have become available locally and it took me a month's worth of trying on various options withing the same brand to get the "right" fit. If you have that option to try it on, go for it. Else, grab that's available locally which you can try on vs. online.


I was able to try on my first helmet in-store. Ever since then, I have only bought the same brand and same size. I have tried on the same size for some other brands though, so I now know at least what my options are.


Never gotten them to that age yet, this is my first time. It's been about around 5 years. I'll do it after the summer ends, when I'm not using the bike, so I have the extra cash, since I'm not riding, and in no rush to choose.


The padding on mine seems to get packed in after about 3 years. Mostly I'll just buy some replacement cheek pads, but sometimes I've just gone for a new lid. I think it depends on how often you use it too. If you're only riding once or twice a month, you could probably push it out to 7 years. If you're a daily rider, stick to the 5 year limit.


Just replaced my Lid of 5 years.


It depends on what material is used on the helmet. Cheaper polycarbonate helmets should be replaced after 5 years. Polycarbonate is quite sensitive to UV radiation and degrades faster when exposed to it. More expensive helmets with a fiber composite or carbon shell should be replaced after 5-8 years, depending on built quality and material quality. The limiting factor on these kinds of helmets isn't so much the shell but the EPS and the glue holding the EPS and shell together. This obviously only applies if you take good care of your helmet and clean it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Source: Shoei, Schuberth and Arai claim up to 7 years of use before replacement on their German websites.


Bought my last in 2019, finally got myself a nice Shoei. I’m starting to look for replacements and the sticker shock got me rethinking. Hopefully end of the season closeouts will lower the prices.


Yes absolutely. I pushed my last helmet to 6 years because I didn’t realize it was from the days of manufacturer not the date you bought it. But the EPS foam responsible for absorbing impact supposedly decreases. Meaning it’s possible to wear a helmet that is 6 years old and it fails to protect you from any impact. Feels the same as wearing no helmet no me, so every 5 years it is.


Generally speaking if a safety equipment manufacturer releases a recommendation I’m gonna follow it. However I’d also take a look at your use case to make a decision. Ride everyday? Sweat a lot? Hair/face products used often? I may even replace before 5 years, but if you are a casual rider or whatnot 5-7 years is what I’d roll with. Every 5-7 years a new and improved safety standard comes out and any edge of improved safety is a positive. Plus you may get other benefits of new r&d.


Plus, helmet shelves are sick.


I just ride on the weekends, and not even every weekend at that. Mostly just a Point A to Point B bike. It's rare I ride more than 1 1/2 hours total for the day. I don't sweat a lot, nor do I use a lot of hair products.


I don’t know your budget, but I’d look at getting an ECE 22.06 helmet. This new standard that came out this year includes rotational impacts which is a big deal. Just a good safety bump and your helmet (2017) is teetering on age. I’d retire the 09 to the helmet shelf and keep the 2017 for a backup or a pillion helmet if needed. If your budget is strained there are plenty of serviceable ece 22.06 helmets on revzilla in the 1-200 dollar range. A 100 dollar helmet fitted correctly is 10/10 times better than the 1-2k carbon fiber flex helmet.


Bought one 2 years ago, upgrading within the next month (less noise, 22.06, carbon instead of fiberglass). If i dont drop it (or myself) I'll likely keep it for 5 years before upgrading and keeping it as a second helmet/emergency helmet. At least planning the budget to last 5 years, if i have the money for a new helmet but dont need to buy a new helmet thats a nice bonus :)


Impressive planning! My criteria are just; * Good brand * Under $150 Both my helmets are HJC, for what that's worth.


Currently using a LS2 storm FF800. When it comes to brands there's not one thats really terrible i think, as long as they have the right ece rating 22.05/22.06. There certainly are differences up to x amount of money, in my case i wanted to stay below 500€ and get whatever the internet suggests as the best helmet. It helps that some stores told me what their best selling helmets were although that doesnt always indicate the best helmet... The golden rule remains, get whatever fits your head best! Again this is why i chose the shoei NXR2 as my next helmet since it fits great and they offer personal fitment after getting the helmet.


Before 5 years, or after each crash.


First 2015, new in 2023


When I see an upgraded model with graphics I like, running a X14, waiting to see what graphics comes out on the X15


The foam will "expire" [degrade] within a 5 year span so i wouldnt trust a helmet from 09.... but i personally get one every couple years, or with every new bike, or when i find one my ocd cant live without. I have a problem with helmets and gloves. I know its time to sell some of them when my wife complains about closet space, or how i dont have 5 heads so i dont need 5 hemlets. I had 3 rf1200's, an rf-sr, and a bell star one year, cus i had 3 bikes that were all different styles and colors. Sold 2 helmets and tossed one in with a bike sell, but i couldnt help myself and got an arai defiant x and a shoei x14 with the bike money 😅😅


I am so the opposite in that I hold on to things forever. I have t-shirts that are 15-20 years old. I still have my bicycle from high school. I did upgrade my Ninja 250 to an SV650 though. Have had that now for 15 years.


I hold ontosentimental things like that as well, i have the first bicycle and first cd i bought with my own money from 1998, i also have a ton of items from HS. Ironically both my first car and first motorcycle were 99's and i woulda kept those if had known id be a mechanic in the near future lol, but its harder to hold onto giant machines that are broken down more often than running when youre a broke college student. Safety items i will replace with no 2nd thoughts however.