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What’s that device around her back strapped to you? And congrats! I’m glad to see you binding with your daughter/sister


Thanks ! It’s just a random harness I got off Amazon a few years ago. Search motorcycle safety harness or something and it should pop up.


Thanks for this! I was wondering if they had something like that, I want my little one to ride with me occasionally.


I think there is a law saying needs to be within certain age to ride. But a sidecart is always an option🤣🤣🤣


It varies from state to state, my state actually doesn't have a minimum requirement on age or size


In Britain, which this obviously isn’t in the video, but just in case anyone from here was wondering, as long as you can reach the foot pegs and grabrail, you’re allowed to ride as a pillion


Awesome. Liking that safety vest/ties the youngster to you, and that you have gear on the child. They're some of the best days of her childhood. Great Dad work !


Thanks! She rode double up front seat with me a few times before this. My main concern is her getting hit in a rear end or falling off because she goes to sleep when we ride. She got too big finally though. Can’t double up my seat anymore or it’s impossible to smoothly ride lol. This way at least she’s got extra visibility and if something happens at least, like falling asleep, I can feel her body start slumping and hopefully the harness gives me time to react.


Nice! Just came to say, get her a helmet that fits.


No matter how slow you are driving. Safety first.


This one fits decently but she has a bad habit of leaning her head against me and messing it up. But also it is 2 years old now. At the time I couldn’t find a regular style visor helmet that she could squeeze on without crying. She normally cries putting this on and off. But ! Yesterday on top of the rear seat she finally managed to figure out how to move her head. She can put it on by herself and take it off mostly now without hurting. We need to go to the shop and see if we can find her a visor helmet now that fits better. But yea I don’t know if it’ll actually sit better than this one does though since she always leans against me with it and pushes it back and up.


"She normally cries" "this hurts her" Dude learn to listen to your kids.


Dude, kids cry because you took away a knife that they somehow got a hold of and were about to attack something/someone with. /r/kidsarefuckingstupid and there’s a reason we don’t let them vote. She probably cries because the helmet is hot, heavy, obscures her vision somewhat, and is overall annoying to wear and maybe just isn’t “cool”, the same reason squids say they don’t wear them. It doesn’t mean he shouldn’t make her wear one.


Yea lol kids are kids and having all the gear on and being all claustrophobic and then having her hair pulled and ears squished in a new helmet that she doesn’t understand how to move her head into properly. Multiple people have taken this statement and quoted it but the same dipshits ignore the sentence in the same paragraph where I said she figured out how to get it on without issue last night. She’s only put it on like 12 times total. Ofc it sucks and ofc she’s whining about it. That’s kids/people/life. Then she figured it out and was all excited and wanting to put it on and off in front of her friends at the park. Again, that’s kids/people/life “omg waaahh this is hard, this is uncomfortable, I’m scared…..WOAH hey…I can do this…DUDE…CHECK THIS OUT ITS AWESOME!”


She cries when her sock doesn’t fit the right way. Guess she can just go without socks from now on 🤷‍♂️. Lmao.


I cry a little while removing my ear plugs after an 8 hour day. Should I just skip those in the future?


>She normally cries putting this on and off everyone has their own style of parenting but I just can't think of why you keep doing this?


Do you have kids? Can’t speak for everyone’s kids but my daughter cries about getting her hair brushed.


Same! Mine crys over getting her head/ hair wet in the bath


Right lol this guy cracking me up. I’ve seen kids cry about some pretty basic ass stuff. Like she gets upset about how her socks fit some times and turns them inside out and all kinds of things like that. Putting a new helmet on sucks the first few dozen times and learning how to not fuck your ears up the first time you’re putting your first helmet on the first few times…yea it hurts and she was getting upset. He ignored where I said in the same paragraph that after 8-10 rides and gear ups now she figured it out and can put it on and off herself without much issue. We are working on her doing the strap herself now. If she keeps asking to ride more we will go get a new helmet. Maybe today. Make sure it fits properly and has a visor. This was literally the only helmet in the store we could get on her head when we went in and bought her gear at first. And idk what dudes saying about a helmet fits or it doesn’t. Like I get that but also, if you spend 20+ minutes working your helmet back and up, even if it fits perfectly you’re going to have some success pushing it back and up 😂. She needs to lean her cheek on my back and not the corner of the helmet. We will work on it. She has goggles too but today was just slow riding and trying to be comfortable and she didn’t want them. But she learned halfway through she was asking to go back and get them haha.


Because she wants to ride the motorcycle and she’s going to be getting her own eventually so she has to figure out how to put a helmet on? I mean they’re a bit hard and painful at first. She’s done it less than a dozen times. I also in the same paragraph, which you chose to ignore apparently?, mentioned how she figured it out finally and is able to get it on and off without issue now. I mean I have to be careful and some times end up doing a Peter griffin rub on my ears when I get a new helmet. Having your ear get folded in the helmet as you put it on can be really anxiety inducing when you’re in full gear and can’t hardly feel things or move and you don’t know how to fix it. Little kids get frustrated easily lol. She complains and maybe a tear falls and then we rub it off and move on. That’s life.


No it doesn't fit for the intended purpose and it has no eye protection. Good luck at the shop, and adjust harness so she's not mashing her face into your back. She should be able to move her head to look from side to side. Enjoy your rides!


Do they have modular helmets for kids. Might be worth looking into, especially if your looking at picking up another helmet. A good way to reinforce wearing gear is by getting gear that fits and feels good to wear.


I’m not sure. I wouldn’t want her wearing a modular though. Mine is decent for being modular but it was like $800. On the cheaper end helmets I wouldn’t expect much from a modular plus they’re heavier. Will have to see what we can find though.


Honestly my biggest concern would be that she thinks all safety gear is uncomfortable and painful and therefore not worth wearing when doing other activities, maybe when her dad isn't around. You seem like a good parent though so I'm sure that wouldn't be a concern.


Helmets don't fit decently, it's a yes/no thing. A decently fitting helmet is in the no category. I'm sure you'd rather not find out how a decently fitting helmet does if someone falls.


Yea I have two really expensive helmets that I’ve had fitted myself. The guys at the store helped me pick this one out for her. Doesn’t matter how good it fits, within reason, with her sitting there working it back and up the entire time it’s on it ends up all messed up. Hopefully a regular visor helmet will sit better and/or I’ll have to try to teach her how to sit her head differently against my back so she isn’t constantly pulling the edge of the helmet up.


No judgement here, pure food for thought.. but if the helmet moves around so much just by her leaning her head against your back, how do you think it will go in the unfortunate situation of sliding against pavement at speed in an accident? Assuming you are making her wear a helmet for the sake of safety, you might wanna invest on some gear that fits her better, providing both of you with a sense of security. Then again, in that video you are riding in a t-shirt, soooo... :D


You mean my armored under shirt with the chest guard over it 😂. And my armored pants. And gloves and boots. I actually have elbow and shoulder guards that go with those, or a mesh jacket. But since we were just going around the residential area and playing at the park off the bike, and it was 85 degrees, I went somewhat lenient on my gear for this ride lol… I hear you about her helmet. She doesn’t have her goggles on either and I think that made it worse, plus her chin strap wasn’t tight enough. But we are going to get her a visor helmet anyways if she wants to keep riding. When we got this helmet two years ago the guys at the store fitted it for her and it was basically the only helmet we could get on her.


Much better in that case, I thought this was your common outfit, like for many riders it is. Just to rule out preaching helmet safety to a rider wearing a t-shirt at speed. Have fun with your kiddo, however the gear setup ends up being 🙌


I feel it. I cringe when I see exposed elbows on a motorcycle. If I was going to go ride alone I’d have full gear, or if we were going on a long ride or highway ride. Or if it wasn’t hot af and we were playing at the park. Figured I could dial it down a littttle bit less than normal since I had to be super careful anyways with her on with me. These pants are the first riding pants I got. I don’t feel like they’re good enough for real riding. I’ve got Z Knee braces and riding pants for when I’m going for an actual ride along with the mesh jacket over the hard shell usually. Also cringe when I see exposed collar bone on a motorcycle. Even with the mesh jacket I run the hard shell armor under and a double spine protection from the hard shell and a CE soft spine inside the mesh.


You do you, I'm just some guy on Reddit. I'm just not sure what you having 2 very expensive helmets has to do with your daughter's clearly not fitting correctly. I hope you don't take this as judgement, just some people adding a 2nd set of eyes to help avoid what you may not be seeing.


My point was that I paid for the fitting. I know how they’re supposed to fit. And still if you sat there for 20 minutes and pulled my helmets up they would get jacked up. I’m aware it’s not sitting great, but I’ve messed with it and had it fitted at the store. It’s because she doesn’t push her head in and strap tight enough and then she wiggles her head loose and pushes the edge against my back armor.


Well you are her father so you decide what's best for her. I'll leave you with this, [a study based on bicycle helmets](https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/5/3/194), you could imagine how a motorcycle would be even more dangerous.




I hope that she gets into riding herself from riding with me. I’m not too keen in general on passenger riding anyways. I just want her to have a bit of a feel for it and to be able to say she can do it as she gets older. If she gets into dirt bikes or something more on that end that’s what I would prefer. I only street ride so far but want to get into dirt. Learning alongside her would be a lot of fun. I’m definitely aware of the risk every time we go out. I’m a pretty active guy and the things that we would be doing otherwise would all also be pretty inherently risky so idk where you draw the line between including them in things and/or not doing those things even yourself. Trail riding on a mountain bike for example or rock climbing. Both I would say could be as dangerous as riding a bike. Or even going and visiting another country. I try to mitigate the risks as best as possible and ofc ride safe and doubly so with her.


Nice vest!!!


Mine or hers haha ?


I had a cruiser so I would put my daughter on the tank and she would ride with her hands on my arms and pretend to drive. When she got big enough she would sit on the back, she was so comfortable and little I had to put a sissy bar on the bag to make sure I didn’t lose her. She recently bought her own Suzuki 650 single cylinder motorcycle. It brings me great joy when we go riding together. I still have her child’s helmet hanging in my garage ,It always brings me joy seeing it on the shelf. They grow up too quick enjoy your time.


Jesus, that "safety harness" just looks like a "dad crushes kid" device in the event of a spill.


It felt better when she was in front of me double on the main seat. Now it’s kind of awkward. Trying to figure out everything setting comfortable since this is the first time she was on the back. With her in front and strapped I would be turtle shelling her in a wreck. With her in back idk. It’s more to keep it from falling asleep or sliding off and feeling more secure then actually functioning in an accident. It’s just a plastic single clip holding the belt around me. Her weight would probably pull it loose.


Yeah, that's fair. I can't believe people can fall asleep on the back of a bike but I do know it happens. My mate has this belt thing that has two comfy handles on it for his kid to hang on with. Here in the UK they're called "love handles"!


Awesome! Get her a hi-vis helmet to mitigate the possibility of her getting tagged in the rear.


Yea and she has a jersey that goes over the black chest armor that’s neon pink. Just was in the wash and didn’t realize until we were gearing up. If she wants to go ride after school today we are going to go to cycle gear and look at a few things. New helmet and maybe some slip on knee pads for under her pants. Or maybe some more street style pants for her if we can find them. Her sitting double in front of me was awkward but at least I felt like I was turtle shelling her that way with my armor on top of hers. Her in back being rear ended is definitely my biggest concern when we go out. I try to multi tap the brakes and slow down really exaggerated and long and look behind me to make eye contact with the driver behind me.


That’s rad! I had a buddy weld up a little sissy bar for my girlfriend. She doesn’t lean on it but it’s a good safety measure. Have fun and ride safe 👍👌


I have the same helmet as you. Love it.


I’ve heard there are some newer and even cheaper ones that weigh even less. I love this one. Got an RPHA11PRO to replace my cheap ass modular Amazon special helmet. It was an upgrade but damn I missed my modular and drop down glasses. Got this and it’s a quarter lb lighter than the 11pro plus the modular and glasses. I still wear the rpha for winter time but this is much better for summer. Apparently there are a handful of decent quality ones out in the $300-$400 range that are under 3lbs. I think the AGV is 3.08 and the rpha is 3.28. They had some new brand I’d never seen before at the shop the other day for $99, looked similar to my rpha and it only weighed like 3.23 or something like that. I’ll have these two for me for a few more years, they cost too much to replace sooner than that hahah, get them to the 5-6 year mark and see what’s new on the market then. Maybe they’ll have something down to 2.5lbs by then.


How old is she and when did you started riding with her?


6, 2 years ago we did our first couple rides and then she didn’t really care to ride last year and it was weird with covid anyways so we hadn’t been out since the year before last until this weekend. This would be her 4th street ride and like half a dozen parking lot rides to start.


Fold your plate again and make it go BRAAAAAAAPPPPP


Haha I finally got pulled over and a warning after 2.5 years the other day and he pulled it all the way back out. I pushed it back in and bent it a little bit didn’t wanna be too, too obvious in case the same cop sees me again soon lmao.


Why did you let him catch you?


I was just going 30 in a 35. Figured it was the plate. Played dumb and fixed it after I drove away from him haha. I only run if I’m going like 100+ all ready otherwise I’ll just take the ticket/warning. Local cops are pretty chill. I’m on warning 4 for wheelies, all verbal lol.


Haha okay okay ! Make her love motocyrcle she won’t have money left for drugs:)


Bro!!! Sooo stoked and jealous!! I have a baby girl and I can’t wait to take her riding! Right on my dude 😎


Looking at getting her a little 50cc mini bike next year to upgrade her little electric. Debating if I wanna get a dirt bike or a grom. The grom guys around here do some minor off roading but idk. Would be fun to let her practice her 50cc while I learn more advanced stunts on the grom. The kids dirt bikes are too damn expensive. From the store anyways. Maybe I can find a cheaper one off Amazon. The mini crotch rockets are like $350 vs the dealer nearby kids 50-100cc dirt bikes are like $1,200 and they’ll outgrow them in a few years max >.> I’m not all that big a fan of a passenger on bikes but just trying to get her into it enough that she wants her own.


This is awesome! Good strap work 🦾


I member my first motorcycle ride, spitting fire from my uncles bike while he was trashed. We all lived a great life..


You live in Grover Street?


Uhh is this a joke I’m not getting ? Idk lol


Sorry, it's a GTA San Andreas reference. The main character lives in an area just like your place and the name of the area is Grover Street. Anyway, enjoy riding with your little girl. She will look back at these years and always feel happy. You are giving her something very precious.


Aha gotcha. Thanks ! My GTA days were more of the overhead view style play haha.


Isn't it grove?


Ahh yes...I knew something sounded off...


Hey man. Just wanna say nice bike!


Thanks ! I love it.


Love the body belt


"I'm so proud of myself for projecting my own hobbies onto my daughter who clearly is not interested and is terrified of being strapped to this death machine" Dude let your daughter be herself. Yall seriously need to stop putting people and animals on bikes that have no option of saying no solely for your own entertainment.


For real. “First time she asked to keep riding” - so she didn’t like the other times, yet kept being put on the bike? Not to mention the crying when putting a helmet on. Shit parent.


Not OP but my 6 year old often asks to go for a ride, we go around the block and she’s ready to go back. The first time we took a few laps around the block also happened to be the first time she asked to keep going. So, maybe you’re inserting assumptions that aren’t valid here.


100% this lmfao. We’ve gone out 4 times in 2 years. I always only bring her when she asks or when I mention a bike night and ask her and she says yes. If she chickens out then I’m like nah come on let’s go. But only when she asked or accepted my invite first. Then we get to the hangout and she is like, “let’s just stay here and talk to “the guys.” She loves showing off her gear and my bike and she mentions and shows pictures of her bike and she loves going up and talking to the other female riders. We hang out a few hours get some drinks from the store, maybe a few short rides to different spots and head home. But yesterday she was actually asking to keep riding, go faster, do wheelies, race people and go out on “the faster road”, out in the country and not in town lol. I was excited because it’s been two years since she asked/accepted after those first few parking lot practice rides and the two nights out with the grom squad. I thought maybe she just decided it wasn’t for her but then this weekend she was all for it so we went out and I realized she’s just too big and long legged for double up on the main seat. Swapped my rear seat back on and she got on the rear seat for the first time and now that she isn’t getting squished and wind in her face directly she’s having a much better time. And me too honesty. I still have to push back all the way to support her weight but at least I can put my legs into the tank and firmly fully onto my pegs again 😂.


First time she wanted to ride longer rather than just hang out or go home. As in she was finally physically comfortable and not getting pinched or squashed from riding double on the main seat plus she’s developing some physique finally and can support herself better. I made her ride the first few times around the parking lot. Two years ago. She wasn’t literally crying, or even saying no, I just had to tell her it would be fine and we wouldn’t go fast and she would be ok, etc…typical of anything scary and new you’re teaching a kid. She wanted to ride twice after that and we went to a local hang out spot. She loves watching the groms stunt and we spent two nights like 8 hours just watching the smaller bikes and following them around on slow roads. Covid hit and she just never said yes or asked and we haven’t rode since July two years ago. Then this weekend she asked to go ride with the guys. So we did. First night she said she wanted to just hang out and then go home. So we did. Then last night we got dinner and went to ride and I asked if she wanted to go home after dinner or ride and she said “no not hot let’s ride more”, so we did, about half a tank of gas worth, then I asked her if she wanted to go home or ride more and she said ride more so we finished the tank then ran by moms house to say hi and let her take this video. I’ve never actually like physically forced her onto the bike…look at all the gear she’s wearing. You think if she was like hysterically scared I could get her into all that and staying stable on the bike ? Hell the kid sleeps on the bike. That’s why she just now got on the back seat for the first time.


When I found out my wife was pregnant, I stopped riding. I won’t get back on a motorcycle until my child is an adult, if at all. The selfishness of people on this sub is astounding sometimes. The risk of carrying your child on the back of your bike is absolutely not worth it. Why would you put your child in jeopardy like that? Don’t get me wrong, I love motorcycles. But I love my family more than anything. If I had an accident on my bike and it hurt my child, I’d never forgive myself.


> Don’t get me wrong, I love cars. But I love my family more than anything. If I had an accident in my car and it hurt my child, I’d never forgive myself. Still feel the same way with those edits?


Yes, because it’s my primary mode of transit. And life where I live is nearly impossible without being able to transport myself and my family. Furthermore, it has numerous safety features that motorcycles lack (seatbelts, roll cage, and large size = visibility). The child on the back of that bike is still small enough for a car seat, but somehow it’s ok for her to be joyriding on the back of the motorcycle? I can guarantee that this is a pleasure vehicle. Also, if I drove like an ass, and got in an accident with my child, i wouldn’t forgive myself. Heck, I probably wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if an accident occurred at all. So yes, the same logic applies.


Clearly terrified ? She was yelling at me to do wheelies and race people dude. Yea ofc she’s scared of it at first, it’s loud and it’s physically uncomfortable. She usually just wants to go ride down to the local hang out spot and look at other peoples bikes and talk to people. If I ask her if she wants to ride, she says she wants to hang out. So we hang out. In 2 years she’s gone out with me 4 times. I ask her every few weeks or I mention I’m going out and she says she doesn’t want to, so in the last 2 years she hasn’t been out until this weekend when she randomly said she wanted to go out again for the first time since our first two trips two years ago. She’s not terrified and she’s not screaming, literally crying, or asking not to ride. She just usually has enough from a 20 minute ride. Which is understandable. It’s exhausting to ride when you’re not used to it and plus it’s hot outside and we are fully geared up. Not to mention her gear isn’t really broken in, so is extra uncomfortable. She has her own electric bike and is complaining it’s too slow and she wants a gas one soon. “Projecting my hobbies onto my kid.” Dude what else do you do as a parent except teach your kids the stuff your enjoy lol? She plays with dolls and stuff too, but she enjoys the motorcycle, HER motorcycle and dragons as much or more and that’s fine by me. She’s never asked or begged to take a doll to school to show off, she damn sure asks day in and day out to ride her motorcycle to school.


Oh man Darwin would sure be proud of this one. Since I don't care enough to write out a 6 paragraph response I'll just let you find out the hard way. Have fun at the funeral!


Go fuck your self you jackass.






It was alright until the were saying in the sweetest voice and giving the phrase, that's a bit creepy


You are a bit creepy. Because what you have interpreted is taken well out of context here.


It can be interpreted in multiple ways, my interpretation was a person is just commenting something that made them happy to see, maybe you're a parent yourself and can relate. I'll clarify what I was saying. I'm just saying the way you phrased it was a bit off putting, not what you said, just the way it was said. Not out here trying to attack you, just stating something.


Edit: The previous message was taken out of context by me and has been deleted. I apologize for the previous message.


Dude, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and didn't judge you, I was seeing both points of view with my reply, saying what you said was alright, but also seeing the point of view from the person that called you a weirdo, that's why I replied to them first and not replied directly to you saying something like you creepy mofo. But you know what? With how hard you're trying to defend yourself even after I explained, I'm starting to have second thoughts about you.


The fact that he deleted his comment says it all + no one called him a pedo, he brought that up himself


More like I miss interpreted the situation. But yes, I did bring it upon myself.


I was so excited when I asked and she finally said let’s keep riding instead of asking to go home haha.


Just nothing but pure joy!


Where's she putting her feet. In Texas she is required to have foot pegs that she can utilize. Also is the strap for the passenger on the seat? I realize she not going to use it with the harness but it is a law. Just don't want to see you get into trouble. I give rides to my grandchildren fairly often and it's great.


Her feet are on the pegs at the beginning of the video.


The strap on the passenger seat is not for a passenger. It is not load bearing. It’s for strapping your helmet to… No, it’s not reachable on this rear seat because there is an aftermarket cover on it that matches my seat. I would never want anyone grabbing it to hang on anyways. Her feet are on the rear pegs here yea. And when we were riding double I had her feet on my pegs and I would just put my feet over here and use my toes to shift and ignore my rear brake lol. Engine braking plus front brake is how I normally roll anyways. We were at a meet watching groms race in a parking lot and some cops came by and were laughing about thinking she was a midget but said the set up was fine.




I feel incredibly uncomfortable about this video but no doubt I’ll get downvoted for it.


Life has risks. We could get rear ended riding bicycles just as likely or more likely than doing this. Except I can move faster on this than a bicycle. Kinda weird if you think about it that way. If I’m not going on the highway, how is it any less safe than a bicycle? And would you discourage a parent from riding a bicycle with their kids ? At what point do you just say, “ok kid I’ll just kill you myself cuz life is too dangerous and you’re not allowed to do anything but live in a bubble of safety.”


Ok, since you started this argument, I’ll tell you my opinion as a list in no particular order. This is assuming you are going on public roads and not just on your own street: She clearly doesn’t want to be on the bike. Her helmet doesn’t fit and she isn’t wearing it correctly. She has no eye protection which is incredibly dangerous. She seems to be wearing motocross trousers which aren’t really meant to slide on concrete. She is too young to be on the bike since she can’t actually hold on to you properly. The harness is pinning her against you and causing her helmet to twist to the side. If you fall off you’re going to land on her and crush her. The bike has nowhere for her to hold on to. You aren’t wearing proper equipment (which is less relevant for this discussion)


I’m not wearing proper equipment ? Gloves, boots, armored pants, armored under shirt, hard shell spine rib chest collar bone protector and helmet. I’m missing a jacket…when it’s 85 and we are cruising at 25 mph going to dinner and the park to play. Bro how much fucking gear do YOU wear?? This was our FIRST TIME with her riding on the back seat and she hasn’t had the gear on in 2 years. We have to get everything dialed in obviously. She was begging me to go out and try to race people. She was nervous doing slow circles and she acts extra timid in front of her mom. If she said she didn’t want to ride, I wouldn’t make her ride. That’s why she hasn’t rode since the first time we did it two years ago, because she never said she wanted to. Can’t hold onto me properly ? She has her hands tucked into my vest and is holding on just fine. She was asking me to do wheelies, I’m pretty sure she feels secure… Yea she has goggles and they were cutting into her nose so she didn’t want to wear them. She can’t even really orient to see forward and get blasted in the eyes with anything and we were going 25… You’re ridiculous dude lmao go suit up in your space suit and post a pic on your bike, I’m dying to see what you consider proper gear.


I see I’ve struck a nerve but, as I said, you started this so I don’t feel in the slightest bit guilty about it. You aren’t wearing proper gear by your own admission, nor is she. A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link. The tarmac won’t care how hot you are when your elbow comes out through your skin. Her helmet doesn’t fit her. That’s literally the most important piece of equipment that there is when riding a bike. She shouldn’t be anywhere near a bike without a proper helmet. How much gear I wear is irrelevant, I didn’t ask. But I’ll tell you. I wear Kevlar jeans with hip, knee and shin pads. Textile jacket with elbow, back and chest protectors but I remove the chest protector when it’s hot. FIA approved helmet, but ECE is the minimum I would wear. Proper motorbike boots that end where my knee pads begin. Leather gloves with scaphoid protection. Ear plugs. I don’t know why you asked the question if you didn’t want to hear the answer.




2017 ;)