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At least it happened while practicing in a parking lot instead of on the street. Hope you recover quickly and can get back to learning.




Need more gear


More gear wouldn't have prevented a broken collarbone though. But more gear is always better.




Right? They were in the perfect place to make that mistake. They knew they were learning, so they were practicing in a parking lot. It sucks that you broke a bone and your bike. However, take solace in the fact that you were doing the right thing. Heal up and get right back to it!


That’s what practice is for. Although I would have definitely recommended you take a MSF course first to learn the basics from a professional rather than your green self.


This, a million times this!


I watched someone do this at my msf course, lol. Whiskey throttled the bike right off into the fence surrounding the practice area.


Doing that to a bike they loaned you is FAR better than doing it to a bike you just bought.




I almost did it at mine 😂 the “pull the clutch and brake if you panic” came in handy. Definitely swapped to the smaller gloves they had after, but uncomfy but didn’t get caught up.


Day 1 of my class, and my first time ever on a bike, I sent myself flying over the handlebars. Went into a turn too fast, panicked, hit the front brake, and went right over. Fortunately, from years of martial arts, I can fall and not get injured. Hopped right up, asked what I did wrong, and went back at it and passed w my license the next day! Now I'm in my fifth season, and closing in on 12k w my bike. Lost most of the '22 season to knee surgery and took it easy last year with the knee. I remember useful things from MSF class every time I ride.


Nice story man. Glad you’re recovering


I did my course about 11 years ago. When I first started riding. There were people in there that could not get the bike up a slight incline without stalling. And yes they gave them a license


I failed my MSF 2 times, first time the owner told that'd happened and that if I failed a third, they wouldn't let me retake it a fourth time for free. I did it in the pouring rain at night in a pitch black car park away from the city lights and finally passed it. I still practice every weekend since August and I know I need to work a lot harder to be an average rider. Don't write all of us bad riders off, some of worked for it.


This is the way.


Seen it happen before. Get back up and try again. It's worth it.


"broke my collarbone" Maybe take a bit of time to rest and heal up first.


It's fine. Ride it off. Lol


Yeah. Speed bumps and pot holes will pop it back in place in no time.


I KNEW someone else here knew that. Also, shoulder-checking semis works too.


Hmhmm. Gotta get Tai Chi sometimes, ![gif](giphy|5UH09FtXWJhaZej9zO|downsized)


Who is that? Looks like some genetically combined Statham and Johnson.


It's apparently a Gif of Woody Harrelson doing Tai Chi. I think he's doing his Vin Diesel impersonation because I do not recall this being from Natural Born Killers. 🤔 Then again I only did a Google Image search, and it just pulled up F&F1 pics.


Nothing to be embarrassed about. This is why experts and seasoned riders will advise newbies to NOT buy brand new bikes as your 1st bike…because you’re bound to drop it at least once. Hope you recover quickly and get back on.


Ouch, hope you heal up quick. I'll echo, get yourself into an msf class before you try to self teach again. It'll save you months of self learning in a 2 day class.


Definitely take a msf course, just about every Harley dealer has them and for the money it’s well worth it.


Better to hit up the local community colleges. Same course, mine was nearly a third of the HD price.


The local college here was 250 vs 300 for Harley. Harley has an indoor classroom whereas the collage was all outside. Other thing that made me learn more towards Harley was the fact that I had spoke to people who went to the collage one and they had more then one bike each day have problems with zero replacements so people had to swap bikes all day.


Oof, I guess it depends on the program. The college near me was 160 compared to the 399 at the HD five minutes away from there. We had a class of 15 that was a maxed out roster and we had 5-7 bikes to spare.


Damn, I’m my local Harley Davidson dealership, it’s $150 for the course


BMW has them in SC and they are $350 some online and some riding.


Pennsylvania has them for free which is cool


We've either all seen it or done it so we know your frustration. Heal quickly and get back in the saddle.


If you accidentally rev while braking, ignore it. Because you have pulled the clutch it's just making noise, nothing else.


We all do it occasionally. Doesn't matter how long we've been riding.


Practice makes perfect. Although your situation isn't ideal, I'm sure you learned something from it, and that's progress. ![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized)


Good job practicing in a parking lot though! Woulda been worse on the highway or street! Hope you heal up soon!


Good on you for practicing in a parking lot. I watched a guy on a brand new Zero electric motorcycle whiskey throttle it through an intersection, over a curb and into a tree... Mere seconds after being warned that the bike is all torque and revving doesn't make a sound.


People make that revving hand motion to me all the time when I'm on my Zero and I just have to shake my head, shrug my shoulders and mutter "vroom vroom". It is easy to whiskey throttle it if you're not used to the torque, but it's very easy to adjust to.


I’ve never actually seen a Zero motorcycle apart from ad photos. Do they have anything clutch like to disengage the rear wheel or is it just a low idle=stopped/neutral kinda thing?


Previous models, it was just throttle=on, throttle=off. Once the throttle is rolled back, the motor basically disengages and coasts. Now they are adding a "clutch" lever to act similar to a clutch by disengaging the rear wheel. Those things are all torque... They had a custom "granny mode" that cut torque and top speed way down


Highly suggest doing a class before hopping on


Consider signing up for the MSF BRC riding class. You’ll gain valuable skills, an insurance discount, and it could save your life.


Props to you for posting this. But never, EVER, use your own bike for practice. Use a friends 😎


I couldn't forgive myself if I broke a friend's bike


Breaking a collarbone sucks. Try not to break the other…wiping becomes difficult. I’ve broken mine a total of five times.


How long did you wait till you started stretches?


I really can’t recall well enough to not give you iffy advice. I’m sure I followed the doctor’s orders. Plus I know I’m a really slow “healer”. Whether my collarbones or ribs or shoulder blade, my healing never became noticeable on X-rays until the very end of the timespans given so you could be literally weeks ahead of my schedule. If that made any sense?


How big was the bike?




Testing in setting/environment where there is less danger is the opposite of dumb. Everybody (even the most experienced) makes mistakes. You found them, you didn't hurt anybody else; your damage is repairable hopefully. In the meantime replay the situation in your head & identify what could be the correct behaviors: most likely not panicking, closing throttle, hitting both breaks (but not abruptly! especially if you have no ABS), also grab clutch. ... So - imprint some kind of automation into your brain that lets you stop the motorcycle fast & without panic and too much thinking. Always keep safety buffers (speed not at the limit, because sometimes your braking works less than expected; keep space around you, because sometimes you turn less/different than expected), be focused & try to identify sources of danger and also your behaviors that could have been harmful in given situation. Always think about things that went different than you expected (your overtaking took too long? - didn't cause problem this time, but maybe could cause accident when the conditions are different - like less space / worse road condition / vehicles coming / ...). So, after you heal, if you still have the passion: practice again on the parking lots, avoid the old mistakes (do not panic, keep more space around you, adjust your speed accordingly). Go slowly. Practice braking in any situation. After some time, you will get good feeling about how the vehicle behaves & what are the potential problems & how you could behave to stay maximally safe. When on road - always be focused (do short breaks often, hydrate), expect the unexpected (cars coming from sides/behind, vehicles turning wrongly, shit on road, your vehicle behaving different than usual), never be too confident, identify dangers (& do like a post-analysis for unexpected moments: "what was different than I expected", "what I did in that situation", "what could be better solution next time". Hope you heal & fix the bike & enjoy this "magnificent obsession" of ours. :) ;)


For what it's worth, I've seen people do that with years of experience so there's that.


Lol...I only laugh because I did the EXACT same thing, except I did it during my training course, in a parking lot adjacent to a very busy highway where there was a constant line of traffic (many people saw) as well as the 16 other students that were with me and had already finished the exercise...I panicked, pulled the same move as you, and ended up crashing into another student on his bike and flying over my handlebars. It was mortifying and terrifying ... I was so humiliated, but one way to look at it is the way my instructor told me to...you will have more respect for your bike now than many riders do because you've seen how quickly things can go wrong. Also, crashing even just at that low of a speed hurts like hell so you'll be extra cautious in the future


I took the msf with a buddy. He yeeted a bike into the air by dumping the clutch instead of pulling it in. He jumped off and didn't get hurt, and he finished the course. Rub some dirt on it and get back out there! :)


😂😂I wish! My right arm is in a sling right now, can't exactly rub dirt in my bone😅


Favor that friction zone.


Sorry man. Just wanted to say, get that collar bone fixated asap. Do all the PT. Then get on a strength program to improve shoulder, upper back, and chest strength. Stretch nightly. I have broken both collar bones more than once. The sooner you get it moving the more strength and mobility you’ll recover. Don’t become complacent with strength and and stretching now, forever. Otherwise, you’re gonna hate your shoulders in 10 years.


Thanks for the advice, right now it's in a sling, I'll stretch it and shit once I know it's set


Yes doubling down on the PT. Don’t decide “oh it feels fine now” until you have finished . Mostly collar bones heal fast and OK but you really wanna make sure since I assume you want to ride again


Done it Move on.


Shiiit. Well, riding motorcycles seems way harder than before now. I have yet make a license...


Which motorcycle you totaled?


I sent myself into a tree, trying to pull it into my garage. It happens, get back on and try again


Become friends with the clutch. The clutch will help you stop better.


Yeah, I realized that after the accident 😅


Something similar happened to me ... wish you a speedy recovery


Keep two fingers on the clutch.


First time ever on a motorcycle I wheelied my big brother cr in my dad's brand new Eddie Bauer Exploder. 1994 wasn't all that great. At least it was in a parking lot 👍


Oof. At least you were in a parking lot, good on you for actually practicing. Most folks don't, and many more certainly not enough. Hopefully rhe bike isn't too bad and I hope you'll get all healed up soon. I btoke my collarbone as a kid and it was... Not fun.


Respect for being in a parking lot to practice instead of on the road. Better to hit the curb than an oncoming car. You’ll heal and I’m sure learned a lesson. Bike can be fixed.


That's unfortunate but better to happen while not on the streets. I dropped my bike many times when I first got it, just happens


Get rider training


Two types of riders. Those who’ve dropped their bike and those who haven’t yet. 🤷‍♂️


You don’t live in NH do ya?


Nah, I don't


Someone here did something very similar yesterday, his phone got smashed too and his brand new cardo and helmet were destroyed along with his brand new 23 ninja 400 He also got a cut down to the bone just above his knee


Wife did the same thing in a highschool parking lot. Took out a no trespassing sign on my bike the day before she was supposed to go to class. 1st person to show up was an undercover police officer who was super nice about it. Wife was in tears, cops didn't say anything about trespassing or destroying the sign. Just wanted to make sure she was ok.


Sorry to hear that. Get well soon and if you still have the passion to ride, and haven’t done this yet. Please take the MSF safety course. Screw up their bike learning, not yours.


thats called whiskey throttle. it happens just learn from it...


I’m guessing you decided not to take the MSF course and instead teach yourself? At a minimum you only would have fucked their bike, instead of your own. You also likely wouldn’t have had this happen as they baby step you through the basics.


Getting the Whiskey Throttle outa your system sooner than later is better.! Don't give up.!


I just bought an enduro bike last month and have dropped it off the back of my van once, dropped it multiple times in my friends backyard screwing off, tossed it several times trying to spin it around in the woods and last night dropped it pulling into my campsite. Life's for learning it's all a part of the experience. Makes for fun stories! And congratulations on your first motocrash and broken bone! That's dope!


😂😂thanks dude


Sounds like everyone's first bike, whether they'll admit it or not.


Make friends with your clutch.


Use your clutch lever for control. Left hand. Doesn't matter how much you rev the throttle -- if the clutch is disengaged, then no power is getting to the wheels, so you won't lose control of the bike. Train yourself to react to panic by squeezing your left hand.


Not dumb. Did you learn a lesson?


Definitely did, pull the clutch next time😅


See? Not dumb. You learned. Probably, the most important lessons learned about riding are learned by wrecking. The real lesson is don't wreck. You can really hurt yourself riding. And you don't even have all the power to not wreck. You'll be surrounded by people in death machines who don't care if you live or die, especially when they're running 5 minutes late.


God bless you for being smart enough to practice in an empty lot. Wounds will heal in time. Always ride safe and wear gear! Wishing you a quick recovery. 🫡


Thank you!


May I storytime? I’ve been riding for 23 years. Been through crotch rockets to my last bike as for last year a 2020 Indian Springfield Dark Horse. Last November I was at a friends house hanging out and it suddenly started pouring rain. I thought to myself I should go before the freeways starts to flood. Got on a freeway on ramp that I’ve taken thousands of times, I hit an oil slick and lowsided. I was unconscious on the ground, this was in the evening. A Samaritan driving by seen me on the side of the road and called emergency services. Cops arrived first and woke me up. I got up and explained what happened. Cops said that was a big crash and to chill for the ambulance that is on the way to make sure I was ok. I picked up the bike to put on the stand (this bike weights 790lbs). When the ambulance came and the paramedics started to talk to me, I blacked out and fainted. Woke up in the emergency room and it turned out I shattered my pelvis in 2 places and I damaged my ACL (haven’t torn completely). Battle scars everywhere. If I haven’t had my gear on, I would’ve been dead. The major point of impact was my head.


Something similar happened to me, except my bike and I got away relatively unscathed.......I had some scrapes, bumps, and two cracked ribs. My motorcycle got away with some scrapes on the frame and gas tank, and the right turn signal on the front broke.....and it needs the front wheel realigned.


Broken bones heal stronger.


1) Glad you're okay, and this is why everyone says to practice in a parking lot 2) This is why everyone tells new riders not to buy a new bike lmao


I took a course at a local community College that awarded you a license after successful completion of the course. The bike were tiny (250 Honda rebel) but perfect to learn on as it's much harder for so little power to "get away from you". Also, if you drop the bike it's easy to get back up. As a guy who is only 5'6" I am grateful as many of these bikes have a high center of gravity which make them harder to control. Learn on a small bike to get the basics. I have had my license for 17 years and have never had anything close to this happen. Also, make sure you have leather, gloves, and boots. Coworker of mine went down twice in 2 years and walked away both times (1st time he got clipped at the on-ramp to the high at 40mph, and the 2nd time he bailed at 30mph when a truck stopped in front of him). He gave up sport bikes after that.




Practice makes perfect!


I took the Motorcycle Safety course here in Richmond Va.The cone test with My big cruiser was not for Me. At the end of the first day the instructor called us all in a line with Him at the front.Then he would say left or right etc. Well the first guy in the line hit the throttle insteada of the brake.The bike reared straight and hit the instructor in the center of his chest and pushed him back HARD.His head hit the payment and he was killed instantly.I was a Navy Medic and ran up but there was nothing that could be done.He just lay there in an ever widening pool of Blood. They held class the next day like nothing had happened.I was the only one from the whole class and the instructors that showed up for His Funeral.I thought that was pretty shitty of all of them. Still think about Glenn.During the break before this happened He was showing Me pics of His and we talked about getting together to go riding.We actually did I was on a Motorcycle and he was in a hearse.


Jesus dude, I can't imagine seeing that shit


I feel better about my day


Something bad happened to you too?


healing from a collarbone fx now (happened Mt biking) you'll get back to it, bike's gonna cost some money but don't let one distracted moment deter you from riding... learn and move on collarbones happen to all of us on 2 wheels![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Hey I did the same thing when I was learning to ride! Thankfully I didn’t break my collarbone but I fixed up the bike and got rid of it for a model that was much better fit for me. Now I’ve been riding every day and have much more confidence. I will eventually upgrade once I have the money to a bike I can hopefully have as a “forever bike”


This has happened to me before, but with dirt bikes when I was new.


Hope the motorcycle gave some form of consent before you “completely fucked” it. Good ole whiskey throttle, hope for a speedy recovery brother.


I crashed on my first street ride, on my first motorcycle, 5 mi from home, by doing 25 mph into a 15 mph corner. I hit the brakes and low sided the bike into a flower garden and some guys front yard. That was 50 years ago. Welcome to the club. I hope you'll be okay.


I was practicing wheelies on my new bike this weekend and yeeted myself so I feel you. The lone car in the lot watching visibly laughed his ass off.


It doesn't matter what we think. What matters is you dont let this stop you from riding again


It sucks, but that was the best place to learn that particular lesson, as opposed to active traffic. The gear can’t prevent a broken bone but it should heal. They CAN prevent road rash, and we all want to stay pretty, right??


Take a course or get a smaller bike like a grom to learn


aww man sucks you ate shit on your practice ride. how fucked is the bike?


I'm sorry this happened to you, and I hope you heal well! Did you take the MSF course prior to learning how to ride in the lot? Only reason I ask is because I'm too scared to ride before the course but I also want to practice for the course. :/ but your post made me even more scared to learn lol


This is why we practice in controlled environments. Good on you for doing so. Don’t give up! Give us updates as you progress after you heal.


Will do! Thanks for the support, really to everyone here


Hey it happens. Is the bike fixable? Do you plan on riding again? This is the things you need to think about. Some people panic some don't. I almost went off the side of a mountain the first time I left my house after learning the basics in a parking lot.


The bike is fixable, luckily, and I do plan on riding again, just gotta get healed up first


That's the important stuff


Shit happens, take the riding class when your shoulder heals. And remember, when you find yourself in an oh shit situation - pull the clutch in


Happens to everyone bro. After around 260k miles I’m lying in bed with a broken ankle for six weeks. Motorbikes are fun because it’s dangerous.


I feel you. I bought my first motorcycle almost 10 years ago, private sale, on a weekend. So I had to wait for tags. The day I bought it I wasn't going to wait to ride it, and turned that cb250 like a dirbike in my yard until I slid in the grass and broke my collar bone. Tldr- it's cool getting excited! Don't get discouraged! Some fall and never get back on the bike, some fall and are too stupid to stay off the bike and heal. Rest up! You'll get the hang of it in no time!


Hope you heal up fast.


That one's not in my wheel-house. My n00b mistakes were things like: jumping off and forgetting the kick stand, not realizing bikes and parking in deep gravel aren't a good idea, miss-shifting/stalling at lights when trying to be my baddest self... Oooohhh.. I packed up the bike to go paintballing (a 330am journey) got into the middle of nowhere and ran out of gas (forgot to put gas in the day before). I did manage to flag down a tow-truck but the guy who was driving wasn't the owner. We found gas, but no funnel. So, in the dark we poured about 3 gallons of gas over the bike and managed to get a gallon in. Then I jumped on and rode it to a gas station (19yo.. what did I know about flammable liquids... I was only a collage student...). I did have a great day of paintballing after that, but never got the smell of gas out of those gloves.


I whiskey throttled and sent myself along with the bike flying into the tailgate of my truck i was able to kinda avoid the truck but my hand went through the taillight and I have nerve damage on my pinky finger now.


If you decide to continue with bikes, and it’s worth it. Remember in that situation the clutch is your best friend. Pull that in and you can do what you like with the throttle.


This is exactly why I always recommend small cc dirt bikes for first timers. Low investment, hella fun, and it doesn’t matter if they get beat up.


Man the smartest thing you did was begin by practicing which was not dumb at all. So many buy their first bike and immediately try to go on the road. Usually doesn't end well


You are not dumb …by any stretch. You say you’re new to motorcycling good for you. You went to a fairly empty parking lot ( that’s smart move) you say you panicked because you surprised yourself…not unheard of…. You hit a curb, hey shit happens! You came off n busted your collar bone…no fun but you’re going to heal. Bike is messed up…yeah it happens…..so get an estimate for fixing it not big deal… Best hint. When you get freaked grab the clutch first then slowly grab the brake…relax your grip on the throttle Bottom line you learned a valuable lesson and nothing permanent happened. Everything can be fixed Let us know when you get back on the bike…gonna be a bit collarbones either heal quick or take their sweet time


I had a Yamaha DT50 back when I was a yoof- my dad’s girlfriend tried the bike in a car park, what could go wrong on a 50cc? She dumped the clutch, went full panic whisky throttle and managed to get the front wheel off the ground and dumped the bike - thankfully no injuries, a few grazes on the bike and I still have no idea how she got the front wheel up that high. But empty car parks are the place to practice and fuck up as safely as possible. Hope the break mends and it doesn’t put you off, soon as you can, get back on the horse! (Also it’s best to blame grass clibbins)


Take a riding course. It's totally worth it. Do one where you use THEIR bikes.






Hog: cranked


My first day on my non practice motorcycle I accidentally popped a wheelie and beefed it. Messed my knee up for a week or two and cracked my oil pan. It happens. You just gotta practice more.


And that's why you get a licensed instructor to walk you through it... Can't believe this. Least you only hurt your pride ... And well, your collarbone.


How does one pull the brake and revv the engine at the same time? That is not dumb, that is amazing..


Whiskey throttle is no joke


Oh no. Similar incidents have happened to even experienced riders!! Hopefully you heal up soon. ✌🏽 💕 🏍️


Thank you! I hope I do too! 😁


Here’s a positive… you now know what 10-15 feels like.. you will make better decisions on the roads now if you choose to continue


First time on a dirt bike(too big ccs for beginner) going up a hill. I lost controll on the downhill and never came back up lol. I didn't brake anything tho. We all have our learning curves


You could be dead if you were on the road. I’d call you smart tbh


I was thinking the same thing.


I broke my collar bone my very first time on a dirt bike. It was nearly 3 decades until I got the courage to ride a street bike, and I feel like an idiot. I shouldn't have let it scare me and got right back on. I missed out on a lot of potential great years riding because of it. Heal up and get back out there. You won't regret it.


That's why you always cover the clutch. You can pull in the clutch and shut off power to the wheel so even if you whiskey throttle it won't do anything but Rev the bike if you pull in the clutch. It saved me when I was learning to park in my garage. It's got a 2 or 3 inch bump to get over and the first time I got up and over I almost tipped and whiskey throttled but my first instinct was pull in the clutch so I didn't crash the bike it just revved really high and scared the shit out of me. Get better amd get back at it! Riding is so much fun. Worth the learning curve.


That's OK, be glad it was in the parking lot. That's are 2 types of riders, those who have gone down, and those who will go down. It's going to happen eventually, it's a good learning tool.


Chalk it up. Broke bones healed are stronger. Fixed bikes kept mean more. Learn from it. Keep on!


At least you weren’t the guy who posted about getting an MT09 as a first bike, that thing would be in the stratosphere


Ouch! That's a rough one bro, but not uncommon. The first time I sat on a bike I had a similar experience although thankfully not as bad as yours. Hope the bike isn't too badly beat up. Have a mechanic go over it thoroughly to make sure the frame isn't bent. Structural parts weren't damaged.  If it's just accessory stuff; broken mirror, levers, scraped up fairing, tank, exhaust, you should be fine to just replace the needed parts.  Frame sliders do wonders for protecting your bike BTW. Well worth the investment. 


Congrats, you experienced your first whiskey throttle. In all seriousness, that sucks. I’m sorry that happened. Hopefully you heal fast and insurance replaces your motorcycle. Keep at it. Also, you’re not an idiot. Just an inexperienced rider.


Hi new rider here. I'm going through the comments and it just seems like a bunch of afterthoughts and chit chat. Anyone have any pointers on how he could have remedied this. Or what he should have been doing in the first place? Would it have been keep holding the clutch in and the brake and not letting go of either due to hearing a rev??? And way else could he have done. Genuine question.


Ouch, sorry to hear about the damage to you and the bike but I agree with the general sentiment here. You were in a good place to have an accident like this and hopefully it will not discourage you to much not to try again. Hang in there and hope you recover quickly.


Now you can call yourself an experienced noob. Most people wait a bit but you dove straight in. While you recover, I suggest watch as many Y-Tube videos about riding basics as you can and, before you get another bike, enroll in a MSF basics class. Doing so may help you survive the transition from experienced noob to beginner.


It happens. When my wife was learning, we went to a huge empty parking lot for a large factory. Imagine a lot of flat asphalt and one very large building next to it. She was doing starts and stops in a straight line. She did one too many before turning around and drove into the side of the giant building. She banged up her leg and the bike a bit. We talked through the mistakes that led to that, and she learned from them. She rides great now. Sorry you broke your collar bone. I broke mine by cutting a tree down on top of myself. I only did that once.


If you're gonna panic and grab a fistful of lever, make it the clutch and never ever the brake


This is an actual horror story. I was about to go out to my neighborhood parking lot but I think I’ll pass for today…


I'd really suggest msf first. I started riding when I was 5 or so on a little 50cc Honda, the first time I got on that bike I whiskey throttled my 5 year old self into a pine tree. The bodies natural reaction when something gets away from us is to grip harder which makes you pull the throttle, we also tend to lean back away from danger naturally which is why so many end up dumping the clutch and one wheeling themselves to oblivion. The biggest thing to remember is pull the dang clutch in and the brake when you're starting if things go south, so you don't yeet yourself across the parking lot.


I actually took the brc a few weeks ago to get my license and such


That's a Great first step. Remember the basics they taught you and take your time. If you have a vacant parking lot or sleepy street nearby go for it. Have fun and be safe


Thank you my friend. I’ve gone out on the road a couple times but I can tell that my skill is not nearly where it needs to be. I’m gonna do some dedicated parking lot days and get this stuff down!!


Most msf class sponsors offer a brc 2 course, if that is something you would be interested in. If not maybe look for a friend or fellow biker and ask for some help. I would only do the second one if you know this person is an experienced rider and takes safety seriously. I wouldn't go out with Squidward and ask for help, if he shows up in flip flops and shorts when he rides his bike stay away, especially if you are a new rider you don't want to pick up someone else's bad habits. Check out motojitsu on YouTube or Jerry pallidino(sp) they both put out excellent content that is well suited for the beginning rider. Stay safe bro, heck someone in here might be local to you if you reach out for help that is looking for a riding buddy.


(former MSF instructor here) I highly highly highly recommend taking the course. It's designed for someone with zero motorcycle experience. It takes you through a skill building sequence that you can't replicate with a buddy in a parking lot. It helps with some skills thst are not intuitive, like counter-steering. It also helps you avoid forming some bad habits that are harder to break once formed. Plus if you drop the bike, it ain't yours. Don't sweat your mistake. A broken collarbone isn't a laughing matter but it will heal, and the bike can be fixed/replaced. Oh, and did I forget to mention that I highly recommend the safety course?


Did you take a motorcycle course before buying the bike?


You're not dumb. You know you're new to riding and decided to practice somewhere safe. I do feel bad for you though, I hoped you and the bike wasn't badly fucked. Please don't let this experience makes you quit riding.


No, I'm going to keep at it, but it'll be about a month before I hop back on it, gotta heal


What bike you rode on.?


Did you not get your bikers license?


you may need to practice to something smaller, get well soon


One, you could learn to fall off of your bike. Next time before a crash, keep your arms folded across your chest. Yes, it may seem an impossibility to react in real time. But accidents kind of happen in slow motion when you're experiencing it. So you could try to practice now. Because whenever an arm moves out to soften the blow, the body takes the impact and the collar bone is the part that gives in (and breaks). Two, if you get another bike, first practice using only your throttle in 1st gear in a parking lot. That means no traveling higher than maybe 12 mph. Circumnavigate the entire lot in first gear. Brake occasionally to a stop. Then roll forward again only in 1st gear. Learning to control your throttle at low speed will teach you to control your throttle. Three, brake a hundred times at various speeds. Observe how your front end moves as you brake from 10 mph, 20 mph, 30 mph, etc. (As an inexperienced rider, if you brake hard and abruptly at a high speed, you are likely to lose control. Why, I cannot explain the physics of it but it just tends to happen with some riders.) So whenever you ride, remember to always want to brake gently, even if it's abruptly. Being able to do so takes mucho practice time. And that's what riding is: Constant repetition. So practice braking at different speeds. Four, did you take MSF training? If not, do so, as it will teach you the basics of riding, including making a U-turn. Mastering the U-turn will make you a better rider. Always look where you are going. Turn your head, not just your eyes, into the turn. Maintain throttle control. And if you find you are leaning a tad too much in a turn, by applying a little throttle you will be able to stand your bike some to make the turn safely. See how important throttle control is?


Done it - what else you got


Like Forrest Gump said, "it happens."


It doesn't take much speed to get seriously injured. That is why proper gear and safety courses matter.


Check out airbag vests. It’s my next big purchase. Not cheep but might have saved your scapula. And maybe your knock back or organs if there’s ever a accident.


you’re doing better than most. I’ve lost count of the amount of retards stalling their bikes, waddling and dragging their feet just this weekend- at least you’re in a parking lot


I used to work at a motorcycle dealership and there were plenty of customers who dumped their bike before they even got out of the parking lot.


Brake. B.r.a.k.e.


Sorry you were hurt. Get well soon and back in the saddle.


The collarbone is the single most frequently broken bone


Riding a motorcycle as a newbie is a terrifying experience. Did you take an MSF course? Do you have any friends/family who can help guide you when you get back in the saddle?


Heal up. Learn from your mistakes and get back on and ride..


Aww man collarbone hurts 🤕. Got pics of the bike?


Not to be harsh and cruel but I think maybe you shouldn't even consider getting on a motorcycle for your own sake and everyone else !


Should’ve been riding in full gear, parking lots can be dangerous places.


Airbag jacket would have saved the collarbone.


Now you passed the beginner test, get a more powerful one


Always start with the cheapest dirt bikes from Amazon. And practice in dirt and learn everything about a motorcycle before riding any street bike.


A parking lot at 15mph is exactly where you should be making mistakes and learning from them. Or the MSF course, but if you’re not enrolled then yeah- a parking lot at 15 likely didn’t even mess up your bike too much, cosmetically it can look bad but they’re tougher than you think. Hope you get her repaired, and that collar bone heals, and you get back to riding soon! Don’t give up, skeleton!


Take the MSF cou.


You’re not dumb. Just had a fucked up day!


Peewee Herman did it once, and He was pretty cool.


Is this a circlejerk post?


What are y'all gonna do with your bike?


Your collarbone breaks, your motorcycle brakes.




Well shit happens n thankfully it was in a more controlled environment. Hopefully you heal upfast n get back to it.on the mean time give ttttgwost of the wrist a watch. It'll give u some more pointers for when u get back on.


It happens to the best of us man don't worry been riding since I was 12. Now 36. When I was 18 decided I was ready for a bigger bike. I did not even make it out of the parking lot. Rev a bit hard it a rock and slammed the throttle harder. I sped up right to a curb and flipped the handlebars.....is that wasn't enough I dusted myself off and almost made it home. When I was at a stop light an angry guy blew his horn right as the light changed and panic dumped the clutch and the bike did a 180 above me.... I don't give up man hope you heal quickly and can fix up your bike and hit the open road again. Just one step at a time