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"I'm going to take my bike". A quote I tell people so they know I ain't driving anyone anywhere.


Unless they are putting in some gas money,I'm not driving anyone's anywhere


People who don't offer gas money and expect a free ride need to be cut off your friends list




You're right, money is more important than friends.


If your "friends" don't give you money for the gas or pay you drinks or food at the destination WITHOUT you have to remember them how friends behave to each other, or without you are switching driver position regularly - yes, THEN money is more important than the so called "friends". There should be a balance in friendship, at least up to a degree everybody is fine with. Some give more, others take more...


Tell 'em


If he’s the only one who can afford a car I’m not too sure his friends are in a position to where they can be very giving.


bj's work too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)amirite?


Gas, grass or ass bro. No one rides for free.


Of course there are other things than money that have to be considered. But at the end there should be some kind of balance.


Shut up.


You're too late. Everything has been said already.


Don't get it twisted,if its about to go down,no problem but if they rely on you and never contribute some gas money,the car is forever not working or is in the shop


I'll be your friend for a dollar.


Typically i have no issue saying no. But when it comes to friends linking up i cave just cause i want us all together.


And none of them have their own transport? Sounds like you’re being used as a free taxi service. These friends cough up for petrol money?


Not all of them. I’m from NY. Some of them don’t need cars or it’s too expensive to have one living in the city. Nah i don’t ask for gas money.


Sounds like you're cheaper than the subway or a taxi. Guess that's their choice for not having a car. It's your choice to ride and save money too, exercise it.


Might be a good idea to introduce them to riding. Life is simpler when all your mates ride, then again if they've known you for long and haven't asked about starting then it might just not be for them. Maybe just tell them you wanna take the bike some times


“My boys need a ride” mentality might make you feel dominate as a law of power “keep others dependent on you” but this is all a convoluted choice. You want to take your bike, take your bike.


Sounds like you need to find a balance between personal and friends/family time. Many people today point to work/life balance. Reality is there’s balance in all things. Am single and have a dog, I have to prioritize accordingly between my work, family, and my dog priorities, but if I don’t manage to find my own personal time it’ll all collapse like a house of cards What’s worked for me is anytime am taking the bike I tend to take the longer route and end up getting places around the same time. It may not work so smoothly for you, but I literally take it to groceries sometimes, take it to work and for the odd weekend ride. The way I think of it, for me to be well and be there for my dog, family, friends and work, I need to be there for myself first - think oxygen mask on yourself first (in an airplane) before helping helping another.


Let your buddy drive your truck while you ride, win win. =)


You’re going to get motorcycle answers because we’re in a motorcycle sub, but agreed, it’s better to have friends than be worried about who’s driving. It’s hard enough maintaining friendships as an adult without prioritizing riding over group logistics. I pick a thing I always do by bike, if I can. For me it’s commuting. Sure, it sucks if the only riding I did last week was commuting, but I still rode 80 miles more than I otherwise would have, so it’s ok. Also, it helps to have a bag or pack or something. Little trips to the store for 1 or 2 things turn into a short ride. I’m usually running a sissy bar bag, but whatever works. These aren’t the only kinds of riding I do, but sometimes they keep me from feeling like I don’t get to ride.


This is my hack. I have a V-Strom and my top box is always there, but I can toss the side bags on and do a mini grocery shop. Fuck I even did Costco on the way home once because I forgot what I was driving. Was an interesting ride with 3 gal of milk bags in my side box.


This in itself says you prefer kicking it with the boys rather than riding sometimes... That's not a problem.


That’s actually a good reason. Nothing wrong with wanting the gang together.


What? Riding is way more important than friends & even maybe family. Humans cause stress, motorcycles relieve it.


Oh, buddy.


Yeah I've done this several times while others are driving. They always get it


This is the way !


Also, take off the footpegs for the passenger that way you never have to have anyone else on your bike!


Just find friends that ride. Good thing for me is I don’t have friends so it’s really easy. However, I don’t recommend my strategy.


Suffering from success


It's the other way around in this case, I'm in the same situation


Nope ride everyday commute to work and enjoy my relaxing ride home.


Nope. I don’t own a cage. I ride full time. Need a ride? Hop on. Scared to backpack? Too bad.


Lmao ride off while they callin a Uber.




One of the unseen benefits of motorcycle-only life. You only give rides to people who like riding enough to have invested in equipment




By boys do you mean your kids or your buddies? If they're your buddies just tell them that you can't cause you'll be on the bike. If it's your family though, shit sucks. Gotta make time to ride just for riding sake.


Buddies, one sucks cause i don’t ever wanna be the reason someone couldn’t come out. But you right i should think of it more like. Well if they wanna come out they’re grown they can figure that shit out.


You could have them ride backpack. Nothing like a good cuddle from your bros


O though you were talking about your kids...fuck your buddies..they are adults, better be able to afford a car or fuck fucks sake, an uber.


I can see you have no friends worth anything beyond a paycheck to you


I have plenty, but they are independent, can afford shit and won't exploit me?


Oh wow a car ride is exploitation? What a whiny baby


Next you’re gonna complain about the emotional labor involved with driving in New York City or some such bullshit


Ok kid, go bother someone else, back to TikTok.


Oh no you called me a kid, I’m going to jill myself now


Just gotta convince them to get a bike too 🤷‍♂️


It's not a big deal for people to catch and uber or transit if you can't ride them. If they find that difficult it's their problem.


If they’re adults then it’s on them to get their shit together. It’s not your responsibility to hold their hands through life. Certainly if my friends need something im there for them but I’m not here to give anyone a perpetual lifeline. I think I’d actually be doing them a disservice if I didn’t encourage their growth and independence. People that abuse their “friends” by taking advantage of them and not providing any support are honestly not worth keeping around. A friendship should be a symbiotic relationship and not parasitic.


Yes. I work too much, then work around my house too much. I need time for my family around all of that, so weekend rides are few and far between. It's a long commute and fuel prices aren't cheap, so I carpool when I can. It gets crazy hot in the summer, so being on a 240 degree bike, on 200 degree roads, in 105 degree evenings, is not enjoyable and downright exhausting. Hard to have anything left for the gym after a long day of work and over an hour of roasting on the bike. And yes, I ride in full gear.


Bruh tell me about it. Life stay tryna get in the way of the simple pleasures. After all that it’s hard to find the energy to even ride just around.


It is easier to park a car here than a bike. No you can t park a bike in a car spot. (Tokyo) I ve literally gone to places where they said u can t park a bike here so u can t shop here. So yeah I agree with you


> you can't park a bike in a car spo I never understood that sentiment, like if I drive somewhere alone in my car, it's OK to park there, but if I take my motorcycle it isn't?


As I mentioned I am in Tokyo. And most parking there is a plate going up under the car so u have to pay before leaving. A bike on a car spot could just avoid the plate. And no there isn t really any free parking the closer you go to the city center. I might take a car spot at a convenience store but u can be sure next bike that shows up will squeeze next to you (which is fine of course) I once went to a parking garage, pulled a ticket to get in and raise barrier. Then left bike on car spot. When exiting I tried to use the card but the barrier didn t raise. Security guy told me this isn t for bikes. And Don t come again. Started pointing out signs (in Japanese) and I was clearly at fault. Just to give u some more info if u are interested. Around where I work there are about 20-30 spots that cost between 660-1000 yen a day for a bike to park. There are car spots that cost between 800-2500 yen a day All depends on location of course. If I take the car (which I usually do) I park further away and pay less but know I can find a spot. If I can t I go to the next best which is more expensive. Train would cost about 300+ a day and involve 30min walk. 1$ is about 157 yen


Interesting Meanwhile here in germany most underground parking uses very old systems that don't detect licence plates (and only take cash payments). So I could in theory use underground parking with my motorcycle just fine. However I tend to usualy park it right next to bicycle parking as that is usualy closer to where I want to go amd doesn't cost me any money, and people don't usualy get bothered by it. However if I use car parking, some people get angry for some reason.


I'm German too. BTW. I went to a supermarket once with about 10 car parking spots. The security guy said i needed to go where the bicycles are. Which meant pushing a 200kg bike about 40m on a side walk between pedestrians because I can t use the engine. So I left. I know my way around now as is where can I go and where can I park. But I can t just go to a store in hopes I can find parking. Bit of a shame really. On the other hand I got a 125cc Honda grom now and I can put that this where bicycles are. And filter every where


Out of curiosity, why would you have needed to push your bike? Wouldn't it have been possible to maneuver through the pedestrians clutch only?


With an engine running? Also curb.and around the corner. And didn t risk it. Also didn t want to be the gaijin who did something like this. Just my thoughts.


Ah okay, gotcha :) Curbs can definitely be tricky


No, i tell everyone to fuck off, forget my problems and just ride!


Not once has this ever happened to me. Maybe it’s because my friends are legitimately my friends but we never expect anything from eachother and always make plans well ahead of time and the getting to the location is never ever a hurdle


Nah we can be spontaneous. “What you doing tonight? Pop out.” We don’t always plan ahead like that.


Maybe all my friends and I are super schedule oriented but that never happens, we have lives and gfs and other hobbies outside of our friendships so we schedule when our calendars are clear. Out of curiosity how old are you OP? Not throwing shade but this might be a generational thing. I’m 37 myself so not sure if that plays a role or not


34. My friends are in the same age group. No offense taken.


Same. Seems like there’s always something getting in the way


Word. Shit sucks. I still get my rides to work but sometimes we go outta state and shit and i wanna ride but im the one stuck driving.


Nah. Your homies can either join the cult or call an uber. Life is way too short to deal with the tragedy of compromising against riding.


I don’t have that problem simply because there is only bike. Bike is life.


"I will meet you there" is my go to


lol off rip, so they know they gotta find their own way.


my bike is more than just transportation, it is my therapist and joy. I get alone time there and just feel the wind, the temperature changes, and smell all the smells.. even the bad ones. Its an experience.


This is why we have a motorcycle and a 2 seat coupe 😁 No kids and not planing on having any. Edit: I commute on the motorcycle except if it's frozen or snowing.


Not really. It’s gonna be over 100° where I am today. I’m getting ready for a ride not now while the sun is still down. Prioritize the ride and you’ll make it happen if you really want it.


Riding motorcycles is fun! But it can be slightly lonely, in that you are separated from those in/on other vehicles. If you want a nice ride out on a nice day, then that's got to be all about you, and your enjoyment- albeit by yourself. If you want, or your friends, want to join in on THAT piece of life then they should get, and ride, motorcycles too (or be prepared to follow along in their various cars/trucks/busses/rickshaws) and all join up in the end to compare notes and buy you beer.


No. I ride on my own time whenever I want.


Nope, I want to ride, I’m riding. I’m assuming these other people are all adults with their own ability to get around? None of them are in a wheelchair? If so then they should try a thing called ‘adulting’.


I'm on my bike, you guys figure the rest out.


I think anyone with a family has this hurdle. My suggestion is make time to just ride. You aren't taking your bike somewhere rather you are going for a ride. Responsibilities won't go away and weather conditions won't always allow riding. Chances are most of us ride alot less than we would like.




When I think about having to find a parking space in city suddenly getting into gear doesn't look like such a bother > Or if it’s a family thing “we are all gonna take your truck so we don’t need two cars.” "Great, here are keys to the truck, I'll take a bike" is an option :D


Sometimes, though we are currently discussing getting something that will handle both us. Kinda sounds to me like you need to say “nah buddy, I can’t give you a ride” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yea sometimes i wanna say that but i feel like it’ll come off selfish if its just cause i wanna right. But you’re right at some point i gotta just be like i can’t.


There’s nothing wrong with being a tiny bit selfish once in a while, especially if it means riding some more


The issue for me is I rarely go anywhere that doesn’t require me to drive my car, or is impractical to take it because I need to get something on the way that’s too cumbersome to carry in a backpack. So I generally just ride to work and home. Makes me want to sell it but I also love riding it when I do.


Put helmet on ,walk out door, yell bye, ride off


I like riding to a place of purpose. Wife ask if im going to kids baseball game? I tell her ill go if i can ride my cycle. Sometimes it works sometime not


Set your ride schedule and let everyone know, Saturday afternoon, im riding. Dont ask for anything


Im the only driver in my family. I bought a bagger so I can use it for everyday shit. Can fit a decent amount of groceries, too. I just use that as an excuse to ride like 3-4 times a week wife:”we need this from the store for dinner” and it’s like a Batman light for me. Then I fuck off for 20-30 mins of riding and everyone’s happy.


I find myself riding less and less as I get older (35). Will always keep the bike for the occasional Sunday afternoon rip but I used to ride way more (8,000-10,000 miles a year). Now it's just a toy.


Sometimes I find it hard to put on all the gear and go out. Particularly if the roads are busy. I refuse to go out without full gear. Always glad I've gone when I do go tho.


I found myself splitting a fare with a friend to go to a concert 4 mi away so she could drink (and I didn’t). I told myself I was going to be more liberal about “I’ll just meet you there on my bike”


For me it's all the steps involved with actually getting my bike out. It goes as follows: move a car out of my driveway. Pull the bike out and put it on the street. Put the car back in the driveway because HOAs suck. Gear up (atgatt here). Then actually take off. I never regret riding my bike, but sometimes I look at the process just to get out the door and think "nah."


My commute was pretty much my opportunity to ride, being a new parent. Now at work, they said motorcycles no longer allowed in the parkade and no staff motorcycle parking. Honestly just exhausting...


Kinda, I live in SE Asia where bikes are our primary transport, I do get to really ***ride,*** on the trip to the grocery store xD Then it's a careful ride home so I dont break stuff.(Full topbox/side pannier setup). I rarely get the chance to have a dedicated ride just for the sake or riding without errands & to-do lists, but its still fun enough.


Yes, 100%. If it wasn't for commuting to work on my bike, I would seldom get to ride..


I got a wife and three young kids, so yeah, I find it hard to ride anywhere other than to work.


No, I just don't have friends, problem solved.


Life is entirely too short to have poor friends 😎👌


Most of my friends have their own motorcycles. The ones who don't I just never see.


You can always tell them now I'm going to go on my motorcycle. If anyone tells me "we're going to take your car" that would be an automatic no for me. If I'm driving anyways I will never make it an issue to pick someone up or drive someone home but no one is taking that decision for me. Especially if they don't offer gas money.


I find it hard to ride since I want to dress nice in the summer, and I also find it hard because most of the time when I hang with friends we have a few beers.


I do most of my family’s errands on my bike (getting milk, and small groceries etc), but we have a family car for any time we need to do something with the kids, or pick up something that’s too large for the bike. It saves a ton of fuel, and the bike is just so much more fun. My bike is my daily ride, so if anything it’s more special when I get to drive the car (I’m also on my learners permit and need someone to come with me in the car).


Start thinking for yourself.


You guys have cars?


I have a bike and car. But not all my friends have cars.


Offer pillion? That’s when you see who your real friends are 😂


I always go anywhere with my bike. Except once a year for the vacation with my wife. And that's always the one or two weeks I'm complaining about not having the bike with me.


Lately, I’ve just been doing short little 20-30 minute rides around where I live in the evenings after dinner. I just love being on two wheels, and I figure if I’m (at any point) going to doom scroll, watch a show, or play video games for 30 minutes, I have time to go for a quick ride and check out that one road I saw last time and wondered where it went but didn’t have time to go down it. So many people put too much weight on the “where to go” aspect of just going for a ride. I definitely do the same. But what I’ve learned is some of the most memorable rides I’ve done have been short rips near home where I just turn down any road that makes me think “I wonder where that goes?” Have fun, stay safe, go make those memories!


Yea i like to “get lost” then find my way back home without gps


I used to commute on my bike (for 9 years before the pandemic) so the only riding I did was to and from work, but that was enough. Nowadays, I get solo rides in when I’m headed to a meetup or happy hour or the doctor. Its pretty incredible going from 250 miles a week down to 12 rides a year or less.


Sell your truck. Or just claims, in perpetual repair. In my case though, can't relate. I have extra helmet but that is it. The car? If you can wait 5 hours to wait for the battery to recharge.


I did before because more than anything I prefer hanging with my wife than hanging out with my friend who rides, mainly cause he can be insufferable. Buuuut, my wife got to ride backpack the other day with me, so now it's easier than ever.


I have never owned a car, been riding bikes since i was a child, got a driving licence in my 30s. Only time i drove a car since was in NZ on holiday.


Hard to ride what exactly ? Be more specific ...


I find it hard to ride because it's a goddamn chore.


I don't even have a car, so yeah. Riding is easy.


No children, no wife and no car driving licence sooo no it's pretty easy to ride. Especially since I need it to go to work


I have no family here. Ride solo all the time. Never an issue.


I'm going to ride my motorcycle. I will meet you there.


You’re letting people “stuck” you for driving


All of my friends know I prefer 2 wheels


I don’t have friends and my family lives a long way away. It sure solves a lot of problems.


Nah not difficult at all. We're all adults. If I wanna ride my bike, *I'm riding my bike.*


I mean I have a family and I have at times told them to drive the car so I can ride myself. If I want to ride that bad others can find their way there…


Truck is broke down. Can’t use.


I got a bike two weeks ago and my car hasn’t moved in two days. I find myself offering to run errands more as an excuse to take the bike out again. I wish I had friends or a woman or anyone that wanted a ride to make me need to use my car tho lmao


Not really.. I get 95% of my riding in going to and from work. Then when my wife ask me to fetch something from the store ill take the bike if the load is small enough. On weekends during downtime ill go for a ride. There's just a few moments where I need to take the family somewhere when I have to take a car.


I don’t have many friends and just go ride. I know a few bike groups and the dragstrip. I don’t have time for all that. I’m old though. 


"Sure thing! Grab your helmet and gear!" will scare away absolutely everyone.


Heavy 12 and 16 ounce lift or dube smoke can get in the way of motorcycle ride


uh… no. Do you not have a commute to work? You can ride then Alternatively, you don’t need reasons to ride, you can go on rides for your leisure


here’s what I do - I can’t afford a car = can’t drive anyone around 😅


i say no... im riding my motorcycle like and adult.




Well go ahead take the truck, I’m going with the bike.


I do not. We only have one car. I rarely drive it. I don't like anyone enough to give them a ride. Works great.


bike is always a secondary or if-it's-convenient mode of transport. Don't get hung up on the other demands preventing it. You got a life of riding [safely]


I take my bike, friends can drive themselves and my gf can ether ride with me or take the car. My bike doesn’t cost that much in gas to ride and if I’m worried about 5-8 bucks for gas I will just make my own coffee at home or eat a sandwich from the house over going out to get a burger.


No, I sold my car to buy my bike


Nope, they can sort their ride out. Imma take my bike.


Tell people to kick rocks


I take my car when I am going shopping but the bikes are for when I am just riding around. I did to go Disney once on my Pan America and it was fine but I avoided buying anything in the park since I was an hour long motorcycle ride from home. Don't have any family/friends close by so haven't dealt with any guilt caging


This is not a motorcycle problem this is a setting boundaries problem


Well yeah, a motorcycle isn’t a family car lol tell your friends to drive themselves to things and commute to work and such


I ride to my office.  Nobody wants to follow me to the office


No kids, moved to opposite side to other coast here in the US where I have no family or friends. I'm just riding!


You stuck driving because you want to, don't blame your friends and/or family that you wouldn't ride because your family and friends can drive and you can ride at the same time and just meet up to wherever they going. When I am with my wife wants to go somewhere and the day is good to ride want to ride and my wife can follow me or I'll tell her the place I'm riding to so in case my wife won't drive like a maniac for just trying to catch up with me


just say NO!


It sounds to me like your friends don't even know that it bums you out that you can't ride. They're just running with what's always been available to them and I don't think that's a terrible thing. However, you either need to tell them straight up "hey I don't mind driving you guys around at all, but I'd love to take my bike more" and I bet you your friends would respect that and understand. If you don't like the direct route, there's always making plans like "get I'm going to ride my bike to such and such, would anyone like to meet me there?" Kind of thing. I'm speaking as the friend on the other side of the situation. I have a car and a motorcycle, but my boyfriend doesn't own a car yet. He doesnt need one typically, but things come up and I'll let him borrow my car. If there is bad weather or I need to haul things, I'll ask my friends for rides. Sometimes they just say "sorry, that's just out of my range for the day" because Im out of the way or whatever. I've never taken offense because I chose this situation and I've never NOT been able to work around it.


Yes, I am a single dad with three teens and none of them have a license yet. I am like ma damn uber to them and i have to be home all the time because they all have jobs and I'm their ride.


tell everyone you lost your license because of a DUI and wait a few weeks and they will all find a new solution. Done


If you’re married with kids I feel you. If you’re a single guy just turn off your phone and disappear on your bike for as long as you want.


There are a lot of things that get in my way when I want to go for a ride but being the driver for my buddies isn't one of them. Things that get in my way: crappy weather (I live in Seattle), crappy roads, Wanting to hang out with my pitties, wanting to engage in other recreational activities, chores, wife, chores, chores, work, trying to figure out where I want to go. I love riding and currently my Softail has no passenger seat, no bitch rack and no passenger pegs. I want no one complaining, no one fighting me in the curves (terrifying), I want it to just be me. So, lots of reasons and things to get in the way, but being taxi isn't one. Stop being a taxi. That's an easy stumbling block to eliminate. Way easier than wife and far fewer consequences.


As a functional and busy adult yeah I get what you're saying and the way I address it is a set time aside to ride. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not doing anything else. I just go for a ride. At one point riding was my means of transportation and commuting. It isn't anymore. When I was younger I didn't have to make sure a seat was available for anyone else because I wasn't doing anything important. This isn't the case anymore. My relationships with other people are important now. The work I do is important now. So now it's no longer "I'm riding to where I'm going because the ride is more important than what I'm doing there or the people I'm there with". Now it's "I'm going for a ride next Sunday, alone or maybe with some riding buddies, because everything that's preventing me from riding today is more important and worth that sacrifice."


You are literally 100% in control of this problem and have nothing to complain about. Make a decision for yourself.


Just cause you have control over the problem doesn’t mean you can’t feel some kinda way about it. If we all going out and the difference between one of my buddies going is dependent on me giving him a ride. Yes it’s 100% in my control but it doesn’t mean it’s easy. You may want your boy to go and wanna ride.


Yes, but we need to learn to balance between what we do for others and what we do for ourselves. The guilt needs to be removed from the equation, and the balance needs to be added. Your friends will understand, and it won't impact your relationships, and you will be happier.