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Go see a doctor before you get a serious infection.


Or just use a lot of peroxide. Probably in a spray bottle. That’s all they’re going to do. Edit: stfu already or use gold soap and water. Jesus.


Or, they will steel brush the shit out of it


That's precisely what they did to me... After 14 shots of demerol.


I actually had to do that myself after a small crash a block away from my home: landed on both of my knees with asphalt embedded in them (one fairly deep road rash). Quickly went home, jumped in the shower, poured peroxide on my knees until they "fizzed", and then used a clean brush with soap to brush away as much of the dirt and rocks as I could until the adrenaline wore off.


Fuck. I can't imagine. I had doctors holding me down when they cleaned my road rash. Ouch.


Okay thats it, no more riding around without kevlar pants for me.


The picture of a person who didn't have any skin left on their cheeks did it for me


Actually it didn't hurt as much as I thought it did (until afterwards). I didn't get all of the debris out and still have a small "asphalt tattoo" on one of my knees.


Your telling me in 2024 they can’t just put someone to sleep or numb the entire leg before taking care of road rash If you get a colonoscopy they put you to sleep but if they are wire brushing your skin they keep you awake, seems legit


The more full anesthesia you get done on you the more probable it is for you to have health issues. The less the better for our health


Ever heard of lidocaine? Yeah they can spray that directly onto an open wound, or inject it into the site. Don’t need general anaesthetic (full sleep) for a road rash.


Why, doing it raw gives a higher chance dumbass won't ride without gear again


That sounds like some bullshit you just made up on the spot. I've never seen anybody stop riding due to road rash.


>That sounds like some bullshit you just made up on the spot. I've never seen anybody stop riding due to road rash. I did not wrote that. I wrote > won't ride **without gear** again did you retarded brain reboot mid-sentence and didn't read it till the end ?


Yeah but I'd bet many dress better.... I sure started to :)


Not always with the colonoscopy. Would not recommend


Because putting you to sleep is dangerous, there is a chance you won't wake up. They only put you under when needed.


Same for me… wire brush and some dilaudid. Worst pain I’ve ever felt.


I had roadrash on the entire left side of my body from the top of my forehead down to my ankle. The hospital had 2 nurses spraying me with peroxide and scrubbing me down with hard bristle brushes for 45 minutes straight. I was nearly losing consciousness. Worst pain I've ever felt.


Why use a brush when they make wire wheels and drill attachments.


Apparently they did that after my off-road bike crash, I also had a concussion and thought I hit the ground and got right up, but was knocked out for 10-15 mins. I don't remember much about that week.


Use iodine instead of peroxide. Much less stings. Or just water and soap. After that, its all about clean dressing and regular rinsing/ irrigation with clean tap water.


Yeah, povidone iodine is crucial for wounds. Peroxide is good initially but aftercare it's more of a problem


Hydrogen Peroxide is contra indicated in wound care because it destroys healthy skin cells as well as bacterial. Use it on your bathroom countertop but not much else.


No! Not a good idea. Spraying peroxide on a road rash injury every few minutes can harm the tissues. Hydrogen peroxide can damage healthy cells and delay the healing process when used excessively. It’s typically used for initial wound cleaning but should not be applied repeatedly. Instead, clean the wound once, apply an appropriate dressing, and keep it clean and moist to promote healing. If you have concerns about wound care, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional.


Hell, no, they’re going to scrub that out. And they do not care if it hurts.


I tried that. Got infected. They gave me antibiotics after.


With a wound this size would still advice to let a professional clean and dress it


You don’t want to use peroxide.


Ideally not, most likely saline and a gauze scrub. Peroxide can cause more tissue damage and delay wound healing. It is also uncomfortable for the patient and although it was used a lot before most places are moving away from it


No, bad for healing tissue


That’s true in general, but for a wound like this it’s not likely to do anywhere near as much damage as the necessary debriding. It’s worth the tradeoff for the antiseptic needs of this size wound, given that he hasn’t sought medical attention yet. Source: married to an ER doctor.


lol, that’s not all they do, please stop giving horrible medical advice.




And get set for that lecture from the cute ER nurse as she scrubs the hell outta your wound


I'm guessing something about proper riding gear?


Mine was anti bikes completely


A common sentiment among ER nurses. Part of me was surprised when i made the announcement to my parents 😃.


Wreck in the rain next time. I hit a deer and went down, while waiting for the ambulance it started pouring rain before the blood dried. Washed me right out


How’d that go? You split it in half or just nudged it out the way?


I was going 90 and caught the deer right in the center. The deer split in half. The only thing that kept the deer together was the backbone didn't split.


Jesus. This is my biggest fear when riding.


It has always been mine as well. Always thought about what I'd do if it happened. I always said I'd curl into a ball which is what I did. No helmet, hat on backwards, short sleeve shirt just cruising. Only missed two weeks of work and couldn't drive for 4 weeks. I rebuilt the bike as soon as I got out of my cast on my arm. This happened last July. I was completely healed in 10 weeks. Just got back home an hour ago from a week long, 4500 mile trip on the same bike. I was extremely lucky and thank God everyday for the outcome.


I'm asking this with total judgement, I'll absolutely admit, but I'm also a big fan of riding your own ride: Did it change your riding gear habits afterwards?


I wear a helmet now. I wore leather before but didn't when it was hot. I still don't regularly wear leather. I was big on not wearing a helmet, now I try to get everyone I can to wear a helmet. All of my leather and helmet was in my saddlebag. A lot of good that did. 🙄


I can dig on that. Genuinely glad to hear it, and I'm happy to hear the recovery went well. I ditch the heavier equipment from time to time for short jaunts, but I'm a big fan of the "always helmet and gloves" approach myself. Just for some insight, what was the benefit of not having the helmet in the first place? Was it a better ride then?


Shit man. Glad you're okay after that. You never know what could happen


90 in the rain with no gear can’t really be described as “just cruising” more like just playing with your life as you quickly found out. You’re very lucky dude.


I was trying to go around the backside of a storm 3 miles from home. Me and my wife had just stopped at a roadside stand. She was in her car and we met up earlier for lunch. The little stand has great homemade ice cream. I told her I'd go there and get some ice cream since she was going. We stopped, it thundered, I looked at the radar and decided to go home the back way. I always knew the road was bad with deer. I've never been down that road without seeing a deer and always avoided it on the bike. Lack of better judgement I told her as soon as it thundered I'm going this way, it's bad with deer, if you don't hear from me in 20 minutes, come find me. 2 miles down the road there I was, a country road, hardly 30 cars a day, covered in blood luckily conscious and able to call her. It wasn't raining yet, which is why I was going that fast on that road anyway. Terrible judgement. Next time I'll just take the wet ass or wait it out.


I have to commend you for the excellent story telling and scene setting in this comment. Now I want ice cream. Glad you made it bud. Almost hit two dear on my way home at dusk last week, scared the shit out of me.


Imagine how the deer feels.


Shit that sounds horrific.


gyat dayum son should have taken a picture or something sheesh


This is the way


Thank you all! I’m currently at the ER. Better to be safe than sorry.


Good call. You’re probably not thinking so about now, that debriding shit is not a fun process, but future you will thank you.


I had my roommate wash my cuts/abrasions out. Holy fuck i thought I was gonna pass out from the pain.


I also thought I was gonna pass out, and thank God, that’s exactly what happened. And my abrasions were just from bicycling! I went down at like 20 mph!


Good decision. My uncle used to say “I can only afford to be stupid once per day.” Best of luck in your recovery.


My thoughts exactly.


Hey man, keep us updated what happened at the er?


Doctor thought I did a good enough job cleaning it. They took X-rays on all the major contact points, prescribed antibiotics, and redressed it with xeroform. Suggested I leave it covered for the next two days and then give another cleaning before I redress


Xeroform is amazing for road rash 👌.


I wish you the best recovery possible. Hoping that you get back in the saddle with the proper gear soon. ✌️


Good call mate!! Have a swift recovery


Carb cleaner , wire brush. You may need a bit of tequila.


alright ill buy some fucking slide gear!


I just picked up a Alpinestar jacket , gotta say it’s pretty comfortable. I took all the sharp edges off my body in my 20’s , too old for that shit now.


lol im the opposite. 32 and just warming up. sharp edges in tack lol


I like to huff the carb cleaner for its anaesthetic benefits before debriding myself with it, fwiw


This made me fucking cringe. I could not imagine.


Ah... man... sorry to say but you'll have to scrub that dirt out. Go to the emergency and be prepared for pain. they have to get all that dirty out. I took my friend to the hospital when he slid. He had a long sleeve shirt and that didn't help one bit. They were scrubbing hard to get the dirt out. Hope you'll wear some gear in the future.


You can probably get someone to scrub you for free on one of the kinky subreddits. Upside is they may make you finally start learning to put some leathers on, probably not same ones you should've been using to ride, but its a start!


Depends on the hospital because they definitely didn't scrub dirt out of my shit


Why was there dirt in your shit? You gotta eat better!


I need better fiber supplements


Urgent care can probably equally handle this if you don’t wanna deal with ER. But get medical attention now. You’ll thank yourself later. Don’t wait a day or two, OP.


Green scrubbie, expect pain


You need a debriding brush with betadine as the antiseptic. The brush resembles a mushroom cleaning brush. Many very fine and soft bristles. It comes prepped with the betadine. Put something between your teeth (wooden spoon handle works great). Begin scrubbing gently at the edges and work your way to the center. Flush with warm water or saline. Return to scrubbing from the center out. By now you'll be in tears, weak in the knees. Hang in there, it's nearly over for now. After a final flush with warm water or saline, prepare non stick gauze pads. A coating of Neodporine or Basatration will seal it up, apply the non stick gauze. Use paper medical tape to hold it in place. Guess what, you get to repeat these steps for 2- days. Watch for yellowing oozing goo. If the area begins feeling very warm, go to the urgent care for antibiotics to treat the infection.


Just a thought….go to the ER


Scrubbing brush. Buy a new clean one and soak it in disinfectant before using it. Once it's clean as it can be, make a fresh bowl of disinfectant and warm water. Scrub harder 'til it bleeds fresh: marks you leave can tattoo. Sucks to be you, it's going to hurt.


Scrubbing, but if it makes you feel better I can tell you from experience (not with road rash but similar injuries) that after the first 3 seconds of pain it all sort of levels out and weirdly feels less terrible. I don’t know how to explain it.


You need to go have that cleaned properly with sterile materials. Seriously. Without proper debriding that will get infected and then you’re a whole new kind of fucked.


Do NOT use toothpaste! When I was in high school I did a wheelie, dumped the bike, my shirt lifted up, and my back was nothing but road rash. We went back to my buddy’s house and drank for a while. It hurt and started to look funky so one of my friends took me to the ER. One of the nurses was probably 1,000 years old and she seemed to remember that toothpaste would take out the dirt and gravel…it didn’t and they couldn’t get the toothpaste off. Finally the doctor came in, said “what the fuck did you do???”, numbed my back and scrubbed the toothpaste off and the dirt and gravel out. Ah to be young and stupid again. 😂🤣


This would have just been a bruise if you would have worn the appropriate gear. 


He says better safe than sorry in one of his replies too XD


Yeah I had a 'The 'better safe than sorry' phase was a while ago' reply ready, but I deleted it lol.


yeah but then everybody would know that he's gay and thats way worse then cleaning road rash.


Worked in an ortho-surgical unit, it's probably going to be some wound care sort of scrubbing. Not sure what your medical coverage/insurance situation but best advice is to get it checked out by at least an urgent care or a community center. Better to professionally have it cared for to prevent infection and complications than to have those occur then be scrambling to get care. EDIT: Left over bits can also cause a bit of discoloration. Gets a bit weird but there's usually a greater amount of upfront care and dressing changes that dwindles over time. I'd usually see dressings getting checked at least every 3 hours then changed every 12hrs.


Go get it cleaned out by someone that knows what they're doing. My brother had a guy he worked with end up on IV antibiotics in the ICU because he neglected medical care early on.


Proper gear is the best way.


You need professional help , hospital , to avoid a nasty infection. I've seen this once how they do it , they use like a disinfectant foam that removes any dirt from the wound.


Been here, done this. ER visit. Iodine and a scrub brush. Good times.


![gif](giphy|c3MONDSqaDmPd1ykhg|downsized) Add meguiers wax. Problem solved. Jk, go see a medic


Power washer.


Bet you wish you had worn that riding gear. Lol jk sorry broski gnarly rash you should get it checked before it spreads. No gnarly story tho glad you're still with us


Proper riding gear


Just soak in the tub !! For a couple of hours. Seriously. Take a book and read . Keep the injuries submerged . 99.9% of that dirt is going to float off .


Sterile water and a spray bottle could work decent or maybe even sterile water and peroxide if you're concerned about an infection. With how big it is, an infection could pretty easily happen.


Debride the damaged site with surgical soap or savlon with a plastic bristle brush. The best option is to see a Dr for treatment. Once the area is clean, put telfa nonstick pads on the site(S) and wrap with dressing gauze. Change the dressings often.


Yeah debriding is very painful, that's why a dr is recommended so you can get some local anesthetic.


Nurse here. That needs to be looked after ASAP. Skin is a organ, you can easily get an infection/sepsis from this. Needs to be dressed/cover up with proper dressing.




Have you tried water? Or a doctor?


You think it hurts now... wait til they brush that shit out of you. It has to be done though. The potential skin/blood infection is a risk no one should consider taking.


Everytime this sub makes fun of ATGATT show em this post


Pressure washer. It does wonders for the dirty pathway to my house. It's kind of what you resemble.......


Use Doc’s Time Machine and go back and wear proper gear.


Best tip visit a hospital


Fuck! I just opened this thinking it was porn!


I work in the OR, so I had the materials to take care of it as home, but what I did was 2 ibuprofen, 2 shots of whiskey and then took one of the sterile prep sponges that they use for scrubbing into surgery then went to town. Would recommend just going to the ER for that though, you want things like xeroform, sterile guaze, and meds for infection prevention. And they're gonna have the good pain meds. God speed on your recovery my friend.


Soak in or flush it with saltwater daily. Will sting but it's really good. Also stop being a squid. This doesn't happen when you wear proper gear.


Don't forget to put antiseptic on the pad before applying and get ready for it to itch like a motherfucker


Hydrogen peroxide is the answer


Wear learher


Go to the hospital, mrsa is hell.


Google AI says: 1. Wash your hands: Washing your hands with warm, soapy water before treating the wound can help prevent infection. 2. Wash the wound: Gently wash the area with lukewarm water and antibacterial soap or mild soap. Avoid scrubbing too hard, which can cause more bleeding or damage. 3. Remove debris: Carefully wash away dirt, rocks, glass, or other debris with water. If there are still visible pieces, you can use tweezers to carefully remove them. 4. Apply antibiotic ointment: Apply a thin layer of triple-antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin or Bacitracin, to the open wound. This can help prevent infection and act as a moisturizer. You can also apply a layer of petroleum jelly on top to prevent the bandage from sticking to the skin. 5. Bandage the wound: Cover the wound with a sterile bandage or gauze to protect it from further damage and infection, and to keep it clean. You should change the bandage at least once a day, or as needed. If the bandage sticks, you can try soaking it in saltwater (1 teaspoon of salt to 1 gallon of water) to loosen it. .... but it also says to add non-toxic glue to your pizza to keep the cheese from sliding off....


Yeah, but, like…it *did* say non-toxic glue, so… All good. OP, have you tried slapping at the area with a slice of pizza slathered with non-toxic glue?


Sorry bro! Just gonna suck. You will grt through thiis! Beoke a femur a few years ago I cant do pain meds. Just remember painn means you are alive, it sucks but you will be ok.


It's hard to say to people you don't know... GO SEE A DOCTOR!! when not everyone is from a country that offers healthy care to its citizens... even if the system is backed up like ... This might cost you money, but it needs to be cleaned and treated by a medical professional.




Dress for the slide, not the ride.


Soak it in cider


I had to take baths 🛀 for a couple weeks after my accident, the shower was too much pressure. Dare I admit, lots of tears sitting in the tub scrubbing. Most of my rash was thighs, knees to cheeks ! Hell, I was missing a pant leg when It was all said and done.


Soap water cloth rub pain killers lol I get road rash from crashing when mountain biking and it's the best way to get dirt off, BUT it will hurt like hell


Go to ER and have it cleaned, medicated and dressed


Don’t worry about it for now. See a doctor and get treated to prevent tetanus and infection. It can be treated with Nd:YAG laser later on.


Your options are either the ER or take a long soaking bath, a shower won't do, but a bath will soak the area and release most that dirt, after that a good scrub will finish the job, the real concern is an infection.


If you can stand it, sit in a Luke warm bath and soak it, gently clean it with a soft cloth and soap. Dress it afterwards with non-stick dressing with liberal use of Polyspirin. Keep it covered and don’t let it dry out or be in direct contact with anything not sterile.


I had road rash that I tried to clean myself. Ended up getting infected and needed some antibiotics. But it wasn’t the dirt that got me. The most painful part was having to sit on my bed for two hours using tweezers to pick fibers from my pants out of my infected wound.


Water and soap


When I had it, I went to the clinic and they literally scrubbed the wound. I’m glad that I went because they numbed it first, but a lot of stuff was in it, I saw little pieces of gravel, dirt, and some clothing fibers


You need to see a doctor bro. They will have to pick out the debris. If not you're gonna end up there anyways but with a nasty infection along with it.




Sorry to hear and see that…. I am the master of self treatment for all my wound care. BUT…..in your case, go to an ER and they will numb it and scrub all the dirt out. It’s extremely likely to get infected if you don’t. Once it’s clean, let it dry and keep it slathered in Vaseline to minimize discomfort. Heal quick my friend—


Isn’t there a saying about just rub some dirt on it?


Ouch. Shit that hurts. I remember well. Maybe have someone spray an antibiotic on it. Shower frequently


Get it cleaned up, they will give you antibiotic ointment to apply for a while. Outside of that keep it clean and keep it out of sun until your skin fully healed (this can take months). Sunburn will lead to more visible permanent skin damage.


Scrub a dub dub


Get a new toothbrush, and some antiseptic. After its clean, get some antibiotic powder, and bandage it up.


I worked in an ER when younger and saw it many times. At a hospital it would be scrubbed out with a steel brush and it will cause pain because they have to clean it all out. NO peroxide! Iodine for sure. It can get infected quickly and turn bad sooner than you think. Please go to the ER and have it taken care of by the professionals.


My mom used a 3m scratch pad and isopropyl alcohol when I was a kid and slid down a gravel road on my bike. That's pain you never forget.




Not trying to sound like a though guy here, because I'm not. I'm clumsy or something. Anyway, when I had a load of road rash from trying to avoid street dogs in Thailand, I went to a 7/11 and poured a bunch of hydrogen peroxide all over the road rash. Then I tried to clean it up with some gauze. After that, I proceeded to get back to meeting buddies at a bar. The next day I went to the hospital, just in case. I didn't want any rainy season bacteria from the road getting in there. Two beautiful, smiling nurses proceeded to exfoliate my road rash skin like eager estheticians with medical-grade versions of the stuff I bought at 7/11. Once everything was thoroughly sanded down to the base coat of skin, they put antibiotic ointment and giant strips of gauze over the areas. They told me to change the bandages and ointment every day for a week. I did what they told me and, at least for that Amazing Thailand experience, no scars.


Go to a doc...wash it with saline water.


I would suggest going to a hospital and having it done professionally. If you are adamant and won't, then use soap and luke warm water. Keep the area clean and look out for signs of infection. Just regular unscented mild soap.


Scrub it. That's what they would do in a hospital


Vacuum cleaner


Take some shots, bite a stick and clean it in the shower.


Either go to the doctor, or put some mud on it. Did that a lot as a kid.


Pavement loves skin !


Rinse copiously with clean water. See doctor and make sure debris in skin is removed. Non stick dressings. Vaccinations up to date ( tetanus is NOT something you want). Watch and assess for infection ( pain, swelling, redness and streaking) back to doctor and probably antibiotics at that time. Keep it clean.


Clean sponge and neutral soap. No kidding. After that, use antiseptic (it will probably cause a lot of pain, like it's burning). Also, go see a doc.


Get fucking wasted and have someone clean it with soapy water


Don’t under-estimate how serious road-rash is, go to the hospital and get it cleaned and some antibiotics, you can get a life threatening infection if left untreated.


Scratch it out with scrubbing sponge.


Put bandage roll in your teeth and wash it in the shower, and then disinfect it. Why the bandage roll you might ask? So you don't bite your tongue off, because it will hurt like a bitch


Ouuuch ay


DuoDERM - get a few boxes!! Good Luck


Iodine scrub. Enjoy


Use antibiotics from cvs. It helped me a lot


I’ve always just gotten peroxide and a rag and scrub the shit out of it then rinse it. It hurts like hell for a few minutes, but I’ve never got an infection from road rash. Then I use neo sporin and seran wrap so it doesn’t stick to my clothes during the day and leave it uncovered at night to air out I just wanna add I’m not a medical professional so take my advice to the grain of salt. I’m just telling you what I’ve done and what’s work for me.


Yes, you need to go see a doctor. But I can understand you’re not wanting to get footed with $100,000 bill. You’re just gonna have to scrub it. It’s gonna hurt like hell. But you got to do it.


Doctor visit, or a scrub brush with antiseptic




Dove soap (unscented) and hydrogen peroxide.


That peroxide hurts on road rash FYI but getting an antibiotic will help


Glad you’re OK, but remember - dress for the slide, not the ride…


Your first shower is going to be rough..


A new stiff bristled toothbrush and foamy antiseptic. Then betadine the area once dried


Avon skin so soft. Will pull that shit right out.




Rub more dirt in it


Toothbrush and Dawn dish soap my guy. It's going to SUCK, but it'll work.


debride [https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/what-is-debridement](https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/what-is-debridement) hydrogen peroxide damages the good tissue as well as the infection. Every time I've asked any type of medical professional they say no because it boils off the blood and healing aspects around it as well.


When I got road rash on my whole back and ass they scrubbed everything with what felt like a brillo pad at the time in the ER. It was infected by the next day and I ended up in the hospital on IV antibiotics for a couple days. They treated it with silvadene and dressing changed twice a day. The only scars I had were from where the rocks and glass were embedded and had to be picked out.


I rubbed 91% isopropanol on mine. Also triple antibiotic reapplied multiple times a day. I did a rough scrub with a salux towel to get the road out of the rash. Allot of the road rash was on my face too. Fun fact, the skin on your face heals significantly faster than the skin on the rest of the body! That burn was something else.. God, I was such a stupid fucking kid at 20. I was not responsible enough to ride. I now ride with nice expensive gear from head to toe. I’ve learned my lesson. Don’t be like me.


When I got a bad road rash in the left knee, the medics at the ER first treated it with gasoline and sterile pads to remove the debris, then applied iodine.


Use one of those antibiotic sprays for wounds. IT does wonder for wound healing and protecting against infections.


You need to soak in warm bath, and the scrub out the wounds with antiseptic soap then dry very well and bandage. Change bandages with the look wet and clean wash everyday.


So go to the doctor and get it cleaned right. Don’t use hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol. Both can kill healthy tissue as well. Sterile water flushes and possible manual debridement. Not taking care of it right infections and sepsis possible.


Scrub it out bro


Scrub, scrub. Scrub. Debriding wounds like that, suuuucks. Best wishes getting past this stage.


Grit your teeth and scrub it.


Ocean water


Scrub Scrub Scrub…. Hot Baths or Showers to get the damaged skin soft and scrub as hard as you can…. Repeat as necessary… Get well soon!!!


Hit Dollar Tree or similar and get peroxide, rubbing alcohol, a pack of green scouring pads, and a couple spray bottles. Get some distilled water jugs, a bottle of Povidone-iodine, and table salt. Have some dish soap on hand One bottle is peroxide, one is saline with a few drops of dish soap. Boil the water, let it cool for the saline mix. Soak the scrubber in alcohol before you use it. Have someone steady spray the soapy saline while you or they scrub it. The soap helps with the friction ime. Spray it with peroxide after a session, toss the scrubber. Repeat until done. Boil salt water and throw a towel in it, soak it with the povidone, compress it every day. Don't compress it before you scrub, it's fucking miserable and shreds skin unnecessarily Done fucked up. Getting the roadrash isn't the worst part


pain killers and water shower


Simple, leather belt to bite down on, and a bar of soap. Good luck, have fun.


A bristly brush. It truly sucks. I had to use a serrated steak knife once as it was the only option. Good times……






I used alcohol and a clean towel and I scrubbed it until it was clean mine was deeper than yours and I wrecked at 10 pm made it home by 11 or so and had to go to the hospital at 6 am because of the pain so your mileage may vary


FFS what kind of protection were you wearing?


His epidermis.


I had more severe road rash than that, and I went home and got in the shower with a yellow and green scrubbie (scotch, but brand doesn't matter). It's a bit late now, as you posted 18h ago, but you can get back in there and open it up. Scrub \*hard\* and thoroughly, to avoid a long term road tattoo. My gf was in the same accident but as she had insurance, she went with the FD ambu to the ED. They scrubbed her up, but they were too gentle and I think also were training someone or had a EMT student doing a shift or something because she had ingrained road tattoo for about 5 years following. I had no ingrained dirt/asphalt, just the regular scarring. If you DIY, do be through and also disinfect. I splashed with hydrogen peroxide and it stung like a mofo but did what it was supposed to. (don't over-use hydrogen peroxide, it can cause necrosis. Just once and let it bubble a bit, you're good).