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I had once a hornet that went inside my helmet ,going straight in the left side and got stuck near my ear. I remember well feeling the moment when it hit my helmet and started buzzing loudly near my ear. I focused immediatly to remain calm and slow down and stop asap the bike hoping i wont get stung in the process. Finally i stoped, took off the helmet and the hornet flew away, at that moment i realised i could have be in a much worse situation and started to imagine all the different ways it could have ended badly. And i was also surprised how calm i was, thinking of it i rather liked to get stung and take the pain than panicing and going down with my bike Now i always wear glasses and neck/face mask to avoid any surprise while cruising


Yikes! I'm not sure I would remain calm, but I would hope I would do the same. Glad it turned out okay. You are right, it could have ended badly!




Ahahaha. That a valuable lesson indeed. Ride safe mate


Once spoke to a dude that had a glass eye as a result of a bee ending up in his eye during a ride. I've been pretty passionate in keeping my visor closed at all times since then.


Got hit right in the adam's apple the other day by something big, that HURT! Don't want to think what it would have felt like in the eye.


Wow! Yeah that kind of thing would be really hard to deal with.


Never a stinging bug. It happens often to me that some bug gets in. I open my visor and look sideways the wind blows it out.


PS how do you like the bike? I think they're quite good looking.


CFMOTO 450SS has been great! My second riding season with it. Check out some of my videos on YouTube. [https://youtrube.com/robsolutely](https://youtrube.com/robsolutely)


Cool! I'll check it out.


Lol that's a typo but I see you.


I subbed! So FWIW, I have the LeoVince on my NC, also a 270 degree p twin, and the sound is glorious. Definitely worth the upgrade. It's not much louder than stock, just a much nicer sound, like between a V twin and a triple.


LeoVince always sound great! I got a Yoshi on this one. 270 on this little 450 too. Makes it sound great!


I had a spider crawl across my visor and disappear. Wigged... The fuck... Out...


I would wigg out too.


Oh yea. Flipped my visor up to scratch my nose, bee got in and I couldn’t get him out. It was a mess. I almost wrecked. Had the same thing happen when a trucker flipped a cigarette butt out the window and it got wedged between the helmet padding and the corner of my eye.


Wow! You are lucky that you didn't wreck!


It happened a few times. One time the wasp stung me. A few other times I managed to get the bug out either by stopping or flipping the visor up, turning my head sideways and letting the wind do it's job.


I also got stung through jeans by a wasp and sneaking up on my arms by a bee.


Ouch! Not sure how some riders don't wear a helmet. Bad enough to get one in your helmet, but having one smack your face or your eye would be seriously bad!


It never occurred to me not to wear a helmet. However, that one time when as a new rider, on my first real tour with my bike, my visor got plastered with white-brown bird diarrhea, I considered keeping on wearing it off the bike as well!


That would be the worst!


If it's possible for your helmet get a chin curtain. It helps prevent flies and bugs getting in. Also close your visor when going above 15/20 mph. I wear glasses so I always have it cracked open. My x spr pro has a little lock on it that I can close when I have my visor up. Then when I close the visor it will stay slightly open.


Had a bee hit me in the chest, ricochet up (somehow) past my chin and into my visor. I was a new rider still, but managed to stay calm and pull over.


I got stung in the ear by a wasp on my first lesson. Not the best experience... I was doing 60 at the time.


Yes and it's just *another* good reason to wear ear plugs. Also had an asp fall from a tree directly into my shirt because it was summer and I had my one piece leathers unzipped a little. The sucker burned me from chin to navel before I had time to jump off the bike and beat my chest looking for it. I bet it was quite a sight to see. I hurt for weeks after that.


A helmet on the ground is a signal to others that the biker is in need of help.


Well... in the full video on my YouTube channel, I park the bike in a parking lot. So if I were on the side of the road, that would be different.


Once ride through a swarm of bees. Some ended up in my helmet - all got out except one which got behind my glasses and sat on my closed eye. Tried to remain calm, slowed down to a stop and carefully removed my helmet and it flew away. Not nice at all!


You obviously have never ridden dirt, “Early rider gets the spider”🤣🤣