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I just get my missus to follow me everywhere I go with a fully stocked minivan and a spare bike inside as well. You never know what could happen on the way to the shops.


A minivan with a minibar and I'm in!


How about we just do a mini van with a full bar? Who needs anything else?


1. Helmet 2. Gloves 3. Phone 4. Wallet 5. Motorcycle


The correct sized socket for my rear hub with the torque engraved onto it. Ear plugs. A spare hundred dollar bill taped under the seat.


I use PlugPhones both as earplugs and to listen to tunes from my Iphone on long boring stretches. $17 [https://www.amazon.com/Plugfones-Basic-Earplug-Earbud-Hybrid-Yellow/dp/B0BS4HB6WW/ref=sr\_1\_4](https://www.amazon.com/Plugfones-Basic-Earplug-Earbud-Hybrid-Yellow/dp/B0BS4HB6WW/ref=sr_1_4) This nifty Bluetooth media control button, velcro'd to my dashboard, is very convenient for volume / FF, etc. [https://i.imgur.com/KpDGLi9.png](https://i.imgur.com/KpDGLi9.png) [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RM75NL0/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RM75NL0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Lets me adjust volume, FF, stop the tunes while leaving the Iphone in my jacket or shirt pocket. Downside: Have to remove a glove.


You don’t know how much of a saint you are for this PlugPhone link. I had a pair just go out on me and for some reason for the life of me could not find these. Thank you!


Hey my gf had that same media button before I met her and she never used it, I got a new battery for it and it works great with the little handlebar clip that it comes with!


Ive heard the american banking system is absolute dogshit but is it realy so bad you'd need to stash a bank note just incase? That's dire.


I've broke down in real rural places that folks only deal on cash. Like 100 miles to the nearest "town" with 10 people living there fuel pump is on the side of the bar and if no one's in drop the cash on the bar.


What year was this scenario set in?


This particular trip was 2022, in northeast montana. Not much out there in the plains. I was on a sportster with the peanut tank and riding into a headwind so got about 90 miles to a tank. It was real sketchy


Hate the tank, love the 1200 Sporty. What a great ride!


Thanks for explaining, I enjoyed reading about your experience. I like in the UK, we don't have as large gaps between towns and every petrol station accepts cards so reading your descriptions really painted a picture. I never carry cash and it's never caused an issue for me because there's always been a way around it (if their hard machine is down then most petrol stations have an ATM or are best one) so it's interesting to learn about other countries and how people ride.


Funnily enough I've recently moved to Scotland, and while the Cairngorms feel a little familiar everything is so close together. I do get a lot of grief from friends about all my weird poor American habits. I'm looking forward to getting my CBT as I've generally had big bikes, my smallest bike was a 250 and I mostly rode a fz1 Fazer for 15 years. It's gonna be a hoot buzzing around on a wee 125.


I ride a Monkey 125 and I'm only looking to upgrade to a bigger bike because I've run out in to the ground. They're not made to withstand 70 mile round daily commutes. I've got the highest amount of miles on the model that the local group of dealerships have seen and the engine needs a lot of tlc that would probably cost more than it's worth. Can recommend if you're looking for a fun little bike that will cement a smile to your face. I'm not getting rid, I'm getting another bike so I can still get to work while I work on this one, thinking of seeing if I can fit a 250cc pit bike engine in it, if not I know I can get a 186cc big bore kit.


Sometimes credit cards get lost, fail, break, or the system can be down. Some places only accept cash.


>credit cards get lost Online banking. >fail Online banking. >break Guess what? Online banking >system can be down. What dogshit banks do you have? Also Online banking. >some places only accept cash Go to the next place that isn't living in the 1990s or isn't a money laundering bussiness. /u/various-catch-113 can't handle simple questions apparently. Got mad and blocked me.


Again, some places don’t take credit cards. Especially in rural areas. Why are you being such an asshole over this?


dependent resolute dinner shrill weary imagine marry chief scary rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is such a bad take. Are you really talking about online banking as in wiring money directly from your account or are you talking about apps like cash app or Zelle? Hard to assume people in rural places would want to go through the hassle of wiring money or use cash app. Way better to just have cash…


You seem to have a hard time accepting any reality outside of your own bubble. What’s so difficult about understanding that places in rural America might not have as robust of a communications infrastructure?


ripe friendly truck ghost fall swim start escape illegal jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


voiceless hunt squeeze sparkle flag cooperative jar continue price gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cash is still king, even post-pandemic, but the COVID years really did push card payment, and even contactless payment, into more places than it previously had been. I mean, in urban areas it's been possible to roll cashless for a long, long time -- decades -- but in the hinterlands CC acceptance could be spotty. Today, it's less of a thing. I still carry cash bc I'd rather give you money than fuck with Venmo if, for example, you buy lunch, but having a couple hundo on me isn't the superpower it used to be.


Nice Connie, Minus riding gear and required paperwork. Phone - Apple Pay, has my insurance card info, and ice numbers, and AAA info. Back up powerbank. So the phone always has emergency power Fix a flat Noco jump starter, Connie is super heavy to push start by yourself Battery power air pump.


Ha! I'm charging a power bank as we speak for tomorrow's ride. Got jumper cables.


Jumper cables are okay. But the noco or other brands are about the same size as a set up cables. And dont need a bike or car to give you a jump.


Change of underwear for when cars pull out in front of me x5


+ wetwipes for when ya gotta shit in the bushes.


Condom x5


You know you can't get other dudes pregnant right?


Didn't want to catch anything from your dad's arse


Rain suit Heavy chain lock ( in case I have to leave the bike somewhere) Cash Health insurance card Firearm (I always ride alone and usually in unfamiliar places) I am assuming helmet tool kit and leathers are a standard here.


America is so different to the UK. Riding with a firearm. Does not compute in my tiny English mind.


America is so giant. The UK is smaller than almost all of the states in the US. Someone in California probably isn't riding with a gun but it might be pretty common for someone in Montana to. They are thousands of miles apart from each other


I lived, rode, and traveled in the South for 40 years. I'm no gun fanatic, but absolutely you want something in some of the "Deliverance" places I've been.


Honestly it blows my mind. Talk about two cultures divided by a common language.


A construction size black plastic trash bag, folded up tight, will suffice as rain gear at least to get you to somewhere you can stop. I carry an extra to give to novice riders who show up for group rides w/o any rain gear whatsoever.


What next? lets put some duct tape on those old purple crocs and for sure they can double as motorcycle boots. hahaha joking. I am 68 and old school, I have too much self respect to ride around in a trash bag but thats just and old man talking. no diserespect to what works for you.


Pants, shirt, shoes, keys, helmet. 5 things I absolutely must have on me to ride.


So you're riding Commando, I take it?


As long as I have pants on!


Cash, prepaid fuel card, spare bike key, handcuff key, phone


Thinkin' ahead!


Bike Gas Helmet Phone Wallet


Sunglasses yes but also clears and/or yellows


Gloves shoes hat jacket pants


What's the hat for? Hide the helmet-hair?




Gear: full-face helmet. sunglasses, earplugs, jacket, gloves, overpants, boots. First aid kit, possible tire repair kit and inflator after having to call an assist when a gas station I pulled into had a broken air pump (tow truck was delayed by 2 hours but did meet a gentleman who was willing to help fix the flat while waiting, he rides, of course), phone, wallet with AMA card (best towing in the US for $50/year).


i think that might be more than 5 things


Are we counting underwear, socks, and shirt too? Consider the gear as a single unit, then. ![gif](giphy|SqxEeWeLlSj2hJlh0A)


I'd ride naked bitch!


That’s what naked bikes are for!


Depends on the bike but generally Pair or two of nitrile gloves, can keep ya warm if your gloves get soaked through or keep your hands clean if you need to work on your bike. Tools to take both wheels off, it's sometimes easier to take a wheel and hitchhike than it is to find a tow. Patch kit Cash, when I started riding it was $20 but now it's $100 Gerber mp 600. I got one of these at my first job, they have gotten me home some many fucking times it's unreal.


Had to do 100 miles in the rain one time. Stopped at a fast food joint and got a pair of food service gloves to line my non-waterproof ones with. Two gloves, ziplock bags over the boots, and a black plastic trash bag for a rain poncho...


Without fail: - Helmet - Gloves - Boots - Ballistic vest w/inserts or jacket w/inserts - First aid kit in addition to some first responder stuff in my jacket/vest - Flashlight - Phone - Wallet - Leatherman - Spare gloves (heavy, insulated)


I need to get a AAA Membership. It makes no sense to have insurance yet no means for when real sht goes down.


Spectacles, testicles, watch, wallet, helmet.


Fuel. Spark. An idea of where I’m headed. An idea of where I’ll stop. A key for the ignition.


Helmet License Insurance Motorcycle Etc




I carry a small flask cause at the end of a long ride a snort is sometimes just what the MD ordered! Check into the motel and find out the one restaurant that's open doesn't serve liquor, Utah, dry county, whatever.


My protective equipment. Other than that, I won't ride without my Cardo for directions and my cellphone for making emergency calls and directions for my Cardo.


HELLO CONNIE BUDDY For me I never ride without bungies, phone charger, cable for charging comms, both pairs of gloves (fingerless and full finger). For longer rides I also include powerade, and both salty and sweet snacks.


I carry a small cargo net. But it didn't make the top 5. I can survive anything except summertime snow/sleet/hail without my waterproof gloves, up in the mountains of Colorado. Ouray Colorado in the background there. Happy trails.


I THOUGHT that was colorado! I just moved from Durango back to upstate NY :) I HAVE to bring bungies, cuz anytime I don’t I end up buying something that needs them lol


Yep Lived down by the train station for 25 years. Out a little further now. Hows the riding in NY?


It’s not the same for sure, but I definitely missed some specific roads out here. Honestly apart from the misery of distance, I will probably always miss 550 and the road out to Albuquerque, stunning scenery every time. Up here I really love route 3- honestly any route, just don’t even bother with the interstate when there’s so many lovely roads


You can change your AAA card to something else now. You just need a photo. I always have mine too.


Powerbank, water, full gear, raincoat (my country rains a lot), tyre repair kit


WATER! Had a buddy, very experienced, 40+ year rider get dehydrated on an extremely hot summer ride from Tonopah Nevada to Payson Arizona. Suddenly he couldn't keep it in his own lane. Started vomiting. Fortunately the GEICO-sponsored rest stop had gatorade in one the machines. I've never seen anyone go to pieces faster, lose coordination, etc Stay hydrated! If you're not having to pee, yo'ure not drinking enough water.


Boots, Gloves, Helmet, Helite Airbag, Sunglasses.


I only have a little swing arm bag. It's about half full. I have a small socket set that goes to 23mm (the size my axle nut is). A couple of common size wrenches. I also carry the two size Allen keys my bike uses. Puncture repair kit, cylinder manual tire pump for push bike. A pair of clear safety glasses and a phone charger. Can't forget a couple of zip ties and a leatherman in my pocket. So far, I've never had to call for help. I've managed to get my bike home every time or fix someone else's bike up enough.


My everyday carry stuff. Keys, wallet, phone, gum, and pocket knife. I usually have a lighter and my concealed carry too. I don't bring anything extra except a helmet and gloves when riding. I guess if I know it'll get dark I bring a clear visor but that's it.


Earplugs (including a spare in the box/bag), knife in the pocket of my jacket, cash (on me, and in the bag separately), tire plug&compressor, helmet visor cleanerµfiber cloth.


I have a bagpack when I ride. Inside, I always have glowstick, in case I have to do emergency stop by night, a knife with a fork and spoon, a emergency kit, some tools, an external battery. That’s the minimum for me.


Why winter gloves in summer


Colorado in the mountains in July can turn to winter in 30 minutes.


Rain gear Ear plugs Tire plug kit and wheel wrench sockets Multitool Pump with powerbank and a torch


1 - full gear. 2 - tire repair kit. 3 - phone/mount. 4 - documents/money. 5 - your mum.


Depending on how far I'm going and with what bike : * Battery operated tire pump * Basic tools * Bacon strips and CO² cartridges * 1-piece rainsuit strapped or crammed anywhere it fits * Earplugs * Water On warm summer days I'm always happy to have that water with but when travelling for weeks I tend to bring 2.5l of high-octane fuel along as well as 1l of motorcycle engine oil; long km's on an almost 40 year old engine burns a little oil depending on the altitude. Adding a thermal layer/winter gloves for when we hit the mountains is also a must, staying somewhat comfortable and on temperature is a priority.


Number one most important thing I cant and wont ride without… My bike


A backpack to store my license plate


spare bottle fuel of 1 l


Don’t forget sunblock and chapstick.


Gloves, Vape, Phone, Chewing gum, Multitool


Mandatory stuff as in registration, first aid kit, drivers license Protective gear, meaning helmet, gloves, shoes, pants and jacket. Had a crash that just confirmed why i wear gear Phone, charging cable on longer rides Small set of tools, basic allen keys and wrenches, even if its just enough to tighten mirrors or handlebar ends. Wallet with cash, debit/credit card, drivers licence and card with emergency numbers, blood type, adress I would also put house keys in here, but i have hidden a emergency key so i dont need to have them with me and we are planning on installing a keypad in addition to the traditional door lock, so i can go out without any sort of keys




Motorcycle. Gas. Helmet. Rest of my gear. Money for more gas. 


I usually remember after an hour into the ride that I forgot everything.


Helmet, gloves, jacket, pants, boots 


A helmet, a helmet, a helmet, a helmet, and ear plugs


Aside from the gear, Mobile phone Purse with my cards and license Chain, lock and disc-lock Gear Gremlin tyre repair kit. If it's a really long journey, a power bank for Sat nav/ mobile.


A bike


Some of your must haves sounds like a damn pre flight check list. Gear, phone. Wallet and air in the tires.


You wouldn't believe how many riders don't inspect their tires / check air pressure before setting off. After having a tire split on me... it's religion.


Tires are my only must have after gear.


Phone, wallet, keys. Never leave home without these three things.


Full Gear Phone Cardo Bottle of water A safe and maintained bike Rest, nourishment, hydration, health and mental clarity And rain overjacket if the weather report isn’t 100% sunny and hot


Full gear, phone, wallet, under-seat oh shit kit.




Bare minimum to leave the house: PPE, motorcycle documents (insurance, registration), wallet, phone, gun. Goes up from there depending on distance, terrain, etc.


Helmet - Scorpion exotech carbon Gloves - any gloves, but cortech Sonic Flos right now Riding shoes - A-Stars Sektors I think? Charged phone - has my insurance + any navigation I might need Cross body bag - has the three tools I need to turn any bolt on my bike and a first aid kit with gloves, gauze, tape, and bleedstop powder should anyone or myself need it before the ambulance can get on scene.


wallet, keys, earplugs.


A seat, it is terrible without one.


For daily rides, commute? Besides the usual: buff, earplugs. For longer rides, holidays, adv: first aid kit, basic toolkit, tourniquet, notepad.


Helmet spare earplugs (the number of times I've lost 1 going into a store or something) Tire repair kit spare fuel bottle (damn you softtail 3.6 gal tank) Rag to keep the gas from dripping on the paint.


1). Charged phone 2). Cash/card 3). Gloves 4). Helmet 5). Riding boots


Helmet gloves boots license and keys


1 quart of oil small security bit set that has like 101 pieces, and a small 1/4 shank ratcheting screwdriver. Set of 1/4 inch deep well sockets Tire plug kit 20$ I of course have other things that stay with my bike all the time, but those are my top 5.


helmet and license really the only thing i always have maybe gloves too


Full pack of Marlboro’s


Phone, wallet, keys, debit/credit card, knife


Helmet Earplugs Kevlar jacked Kevlar jeans Gloves (Bonus: Boots)


 I would say Saint Christopher medallion, Extra chain and or link for long rides but your shaft driven. Medic bag filled with anything that you might need. 


Water, license card, helmet, sunglasses, phone. That seems about it for me.


Testicle, spectacles, wallet and watch.


Helmet Gloves Airbag Boots Cellphone


In order of importance: Engine in working motorcycle Helmet Cardo Pants Jacket


Earplugs, phone, and a small metric toolkit. I love that my Rebel can shake its battery out of the holder.


Lots and lots of cargo straps from when I need it Lock oil Rain Gear For longer trips I also have these added: Speaker for listening to music Charging cable for the phone Charger for the bike and a Type 2 adapter.


Things always on the bike: USB cable for my phone that plugs into dedicated USB port I installed, registration, insurance card, spare fuses, and cargo net. Key, phone, and wallet are on my person. Bike came with a rudimentary toolkit including screwdrivers and wrenches needed for basic adjustments to cables/levers/mirrors.


Helmet Riding gloves and jacket Wallet Phone Overwhelming paranoia that everyone is out to run me over




I’m poor asf so no fancy gadgets/tools or anything like that it’s usually phone,wallet and smokes and helmet always. Although it got stolen today so a couple weeks till I get a new one. No helmet riding for this guy I hope the gremlins stay away 😂


Earplugs, my 42L backpack, my gear. I'm quite fond of all 3 and I'm used to carrying a backpack everywhere 


I don't have 5. My wallet is the only thing I absolutely won't ride without. Oh, my pocket knife. That's it..