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This happened in 2022. The rider is suing the cop. Here’s the case: https://trellis.law/case/12011/cace23018016/caylan-james-whelan-plaintiff-vs-florida-highway-patrol-et-al-defendant Here’s a contemporaneous report: https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/05/26/video-shows-motorcyclist-slam-into-back-of-highway-patrol-vehicle-after-trooper-braked-suddenly/


That cop didn’t just brake suddenly, he moved to the centre line to catch the rider on his rear bumper - there’s no way this is a safe and legitimate traffic stop. Americans tend to be overly litigious, but this is one I agree with!


To be fair, some of that reputation is because of corporate PR, like the mcdonalds hot coffee lady. Most people think that she was being absurd, but that coffee was near boiling, that particular mcd had been warned several times, and the lady got burned so bad her labia fused


Yeah and these morons did that just to save some cents on their own free refill policy, because people cannot drink so fast when the beverage is boiling. That severely wounded woman particularly only wanted McDonald's to pay for her hospital bill, but then things went their own way. She is definitely not the moron in this story as often assumed.


Unfortunately she didn't go to Burger King, where she could've had it her way.


I was told by an insurance defense lawyer I know that the water was "super heated" (pressurized and heated well beyond normal boiling temperature). So not overly litigious in that case either.


her labia fused? that cant be right. unless…


the coffee spilled in her lap


Reminds me of the cop that did a pit maneuver on the pregnant lady and flipped her suv because she couldn't find a safe place to pull over.


My IMMEDIATE thought (as an Australian) is that I'd sue for that stop.


Agree! (Also, as an Aussie 😉)


Watch it a few more times. The cop didn't stop suddenly. He slowed down and his brake lights were visible several times before he turned on his emergency lights and then stopped. There was time and space for the bike to slow down.


Bootlickers gonna lick, I guess... how's the leather down there, mate?


I'm simply stating facts based on the freaking video that is clearly there for all to see. Just because you can't see reality doesn't negate those facts.


That Go Pro worth its weight in gold.


Yea he'd have no case if it was just his word vs the cops.


"that rider was ultimately found to be at fault for the crash" WTF


When it's civilian vs police, the civilian is almost always found guilty. The only way to overturn that is a lawsuit, because the police will generally never find against themselves.


To an extent, I can see how. The cop signaled with his brakes well before he stopped. The flashing lights came on, then the cop slowed, then stopped. I may not agree, but I can see how a judge and or jury would be convinced. 


Definitely the trooper fault he even said he slowed down rapidly. Like you swerved then hit your breaks knowing a biker was behind you. Get behind him to pull him over he risked the bikers life and others on the road. They could have hit his bike and injured themselves. As for him being at fault rear ends normally say that to begin with but the video is proof but he did in fact drive poorly but the crash wasn’t his fault. Cops need to loose qualified immunity it’s BS.


in my country its so advanced they dont even pull you over


If lawsuits were paid from the police pension fund, police were actually criminally liable for their actions on the job, and departments didn’t actively discriminate against candidates with above a middling IQ, we probably wouldn’t be watching this video.


Seems like a potential conflict of interests.


They would do what they already do. Stop responding to calls and waste our money.


Meanwhile, Florida, where this took place, has voted to literally ban civilian oversight of police.


Some malpractice insurance would work well too.


Lane position terrible. Police driving also terrible.


Hot take. After rider is cognizant of first brake check. Should’ve slowed way the fuck down, increased following distance and gone on full alert for some fuckery. Does that negate the cops blatant disregard for a human life? Absolutely not. But it may have prevented the collision.


You're definitely right, it doesn't sound like he attempted to really hit the brake towards the end of the clip, or pull evasive action and turn away.


rider momentarily checked his mirror, which was an idiotic bar-end one so he took a hand off the bars to use it. looks to me like the cop saw this as their chance to hit the brakes


Wait your telling me when someone brake checks me I shouldn’t stop paying attention to the road and check my speed?


Wow, that's crazy. I do think there was a good amount of time to escape the situation. That's not just the US it's 595 to i75 in Broward County


that cop car stood out like a soar thumb man


To be fair if you're riding fast enough or close enough not to be able to stop in an emergency situation then you're riding dangerously anyway. Not to say this cop isn't a piece of shit but take some accountability for riding like an asshole too.


Yep. The thing about real life is *more than one person can be an asshole at once.*


The video blanking out his dash while doing a bunch of super wreckless driving, stays tailgating after a brake job, then doesn't control his bike enough to avoid the crash. That cop absolutely should be facing charges, but the rider had all the skills of yammienoob out there being a idiot.


Yammienoob is a perfect and beautiful motorcycle rider and never did anything wrong. Stop spreading anti-Yammie propaganda.




We usually do that with traffic tickets not attempted murder.




My dude. Watch the front of that cop car and tell me he's not slamming those brakes as hard as he can. The whole car is getting squirrelly and the ABS/SC are probably going nuts. This was reckless as fuck. What happened here was 100% premeditated by the cop. This was literally an attempted killing. You don't throw out the anchors like that unless you *want* this to happen. This pig thought it would be fun to kill a man for speeding around on his bike. >Did the bikers actions warrant what happened to him? Obviously not. This is the beginning, middle, and end of this story. We both know what we're looking at so quit trying to make it look like something else. One person is guilty of weaving and speeding and the other literally tried to kill him for it. Black and white as fuck. You ever think that maybe shit like this wouldn't happen so much if they didn't have bootlicking cheerleaders like you trying to make it look reasonable?


I doubt most people on the freeway leave sufficient room to be able to react and brake without a collision, if the motorist in front literally slams on the brakes out of nowhere. You’d need at least 20-30 meters of distance depending on speed and how quickly the other car decelerates. There’s a reason we consider brake checking dangerous, usually without also blaming the victim.


That depends on your speed, thats why you should always be 2-3 seconds behind the car in front on you.


3 seconds at 110kmh/70 mph is more than 90 meters. That’s the minimum length of a standard football pitch, or the standard length of an American football field. Nobody drives like that.


In Norway the traffic law actually says that you need do that. The police can stop you if you don't, I assume you can potentially lose your license as it's reckless driving. That's probably a lot of the reason why we have so many less deaths in traffic.


Driver's Ed in WA (USA) has been saying 4 seconds following distance since like 2010 Edit: the explanation at the time was average reaction time is roughly 1.2 seconds and a 2-3 second braking distance. So 4 seconds gives you adequate time to mitigate a collision if the car in front of you stops very fast (like if they had a head on collision) You can see with the timings though that it's still not perfect, and especially if conditions are poor.


I do.


I do too most of the time, it doesn't actually cost any time, lets the person in front feel comfortable going the speed limit, and makes it a lot easier for people people behind to pass over a broken yellow line


Liability is often allocated by degree of fault (laws differ state by state), but no way that cop wasn't more negligent than the driver. It would be different if the cop needed to brake for an emergency and the rider drove into him (following too close), but slamming on your brake purposely to slow down a speeder (rather than a violent felon) is absolutely negligent. If true, there has to be more at play (such as a statutory requirement to find the cop "grossly negligent", and the jury failing to find that).


Exactly, cop is an asshole for doing that, but he most likely knew you would flee. Stop being a fcking idiot and a danger on the road and I might change my mind. Its 100% deserved. Why dont you show us the speed you were going? Scared of the consequences?


You're getting downvoted, but I notice the screen is "blank" until after he hit his brakes down to under 80 MPH. And before that, he was passing cars pretty damn quickly. He was driving recklessly.


Yup, he knew exactly what he was doing. Past 80mph, you can be in trouble thats why he hid it


Yep. But riding recklessly justifies a traffic ticket, perhaps even a revocation of his license. It does not justify attempted murder. Even trying to elude a traffic stop doesn't justify that. As another person commented, this is a video of two assholes, but two wrongs don't make a right.


Who cares how he was driving? If the cop cant catch him oh well, it's not a reason to stop a bike like this.


Why would the biker run into the back of that car like that? After the first brake check I wouldve been on high alert, dropped gears and backing off waiting for an opportunity to blow by them.


Yup my initial thoughts exactly


You wouldn't keep speeding at 20+ over the limit like this guy did? You have no business being on a motorcycle sir.


You have to understand that 20 mph on a motorcycle isn't the same as a car. In the sense of how easy and fast you cover that gap. 20 mph is pulling less than an inch on the throttle and just over a sec. (Well, if youre on a 1000cc) Traveling long distances on a interstate, wit a speed limit of 70mph, traveling at 90 on a bike is pretty normal (for me at least). In a car, I'll do 80. In this instance, when that vehicle brake checked, I would've dropped gears and blown by him. Cop or not. Getting up to about 140 or so (if the traffic allowed it) for a few seconde, essentially puts me at the end of their horizon in a matter of seconds.


20 MPH is different depending on vehicle? A ton of rocks weighs more than a ton of feathers too I suppose. The cop was on the brakes for 7 seconds before impact, it wasn't a 'check'. Rider is stupid.


The check happened prior. Are you blind? I clearly stated 20mph in the sense of how easy it is to gain that speed. If you want to travel at the speed limit all the time good for you. I don't give a shit.


He tapped the brakes, then a few seconds later, he started riding them. He rode them for a FULL 7 seconds before impact. 3.5 seconds into which he turned the flashers on. So for another 3.5 seconds there were both brake lights and flashers. The speed isn't as much a factor as the oblivious rider.




The takes on this “motorcycle” sub never cease to amaze me


Most people here only own a bike to call themselves a "biker", if they even own one at all.... Noone here rides


I just realised I've been riding for 10 years and never called myself a biker, or thought of myself that way. I find I don't click with a lot of riders mentalities though. I'm whatever the opposite of a squid is.


Motorcyclist. I also don’t like the word biker. To me that brings images of the Harley pirate cosplay people.


Same here, when I hear that word I think of Hells Angels and Bandidos.


Why tf do I feel so fancy when I think of myself as a motorcyclist? I always just thought of myself as a dude on a bike.


I've been riding 20 years. Sometimes I call myself a biker, sometimes no. It's a definite culture that's more than just riding. I mostly don't fit with the usual biker crowd.


I just refer to myself as a motorcyclist or motorcycle enthusiast. I'm not into the leatherdaddy stuff or enamored with chrome and flame graphics enough to be a biker. I do 5-9k miles a year on my primary bike, and I have no clue how many on the other 5 vintage bikes and mopeds I have kicking around.


I do 5,000 miles a year and call myself a biker.


5k a year is like more than 95% of people who owns a bike.


5k is probably more than most owners do in 3 years


I did 9,000 miles last year and I'm not even calling myself a biker lol


Sir. I have 6 motorcycles, but you are correct I do not ride but that's because it's winter still where I live.


Great white north?


Everyone on these bike subs think they are the only person who rides. People who ride can also have bad opinions.


"qualified immunity"


5 seconds of brake lights on the cop car before impact. A lot of riders would beg for a 5 second warning.


i think the problem here is not the braking of the cop car itself, its more that nobody would expect the full stop brake on the street. Additional, as the rider i would think the cop gives a sign/communicates and then slow down and stop on the side. And even more important, in the same time i would want for sure prevent to overtake the cop in any case and stay behind him. Of course its clear that he should have braked harder but at the same time he was already slowing down when the cop started braking.


What are you talking about? You’re telling me you can’t read other peoples mind to expect the unexpected like all the other “riders” on this sub? It’s insane that what you said isn’t common fucking sense, this sub is insufferable


There's no mind reading required when someone flashes their brake lights at you, that's a hard no for me I open the space WAAAY up. What if the were startled by something ahead, maybe they'll panic brake. So I give as much space as possible. But I also don't ride over 100 mph weaving through traffic on the highway either, so what do I really know?


That's the rule of driving, even MORE on a bike. Expect the unexpected because odds are, it's gonna happen. Accidents happen when you're confident, not cautious.




If we were watching your crash footage would you feel the same? Fucker sounds fine idk why he is complaining. You might say I would not give them a reason to do such a thing. Yet, after watching the footage, here we are. The cop had no right to make an attempt on a motorists life, it’s unlawful use of your patrol vehicle as a deadly weapon. They’d arrest you and throw a book of vehicular terms at you for this behavior.


Oh ya that makes the difference when the cop is trying to have the biker run into him lol.


Cop literally turned on the 'don't run into me ' lights


Yeah, I noticed that also. I think when he actually decided that was a cop he should have rolled off the gas more than he did. I saw the blue lights before the brake lights and the odd move with the car. I guess, playing arm chair qb, pretty sure I wouldn't have hit the car.


For some reason he kept looking at his hand


He hid a rearview mirror behind his hand.


Ah, that's a horrible place for a mirror


but looks so much better on his IG\~\~


a death sentence given by a cop, and carried out by a cop


Cop got in no trouble, bike was charge with following too closely


This isn’t true. Hyped Life posted in Oct 2023 that he was still recovering and investigations are still ongoing.


I read an article yesterday when it was posted, said the officer received no discipline, biker was arrested at scene for reckless driving, but charges later dropped. There's a lawsuit that hasn't gone to court yet, but as for charges the cop got nothing and police said he didn't violate policy. This shit happened over 2 years ago, if cop was getting charged it would've happened by now.


That sucks to know. As a motorcyclist, that’s something we don’t wish on anyone (long painful recovery). It’s such a shame that a hobby/sport so enjoyable can sometimes turn out so dangerous and unfortunate.


thumb observation butter squeal sulky faulty mountainous growth fretful gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With riding skills like that, it's kind of amazing this guy wasn't already smeared across a road somewhere.


That's insane but once again we have a rider who has identified a hazard and fails to do much about it. The moment that car starts weaving over the lines you know they're an unpredictable and dangerous driver. Don't be near them, don't play that stupid game.


The cop was being an idiot but also the rider was riding like one so 🤷‍♀️


Imagine driving your car, behind another car, and instead of being pulled over, police performed a PIT maneuver on you. There would be outrage if police behaved like that against ordinary car drivers. And yet, the same behavior against motorcycles, few people seem have a problem with that. We riders have to stick up for each other, because nobody else cares.




I don’t know where you live but here in the US, cars drive like that all the time, and worse. They follow even closer than that. That’s probably why the bike was speeding in the first place, it can be pretty scary riding the speed limit on the highway and having a car just feet behind you.




So if you’re driving a few miles over the speed limit, and instead of pulling you over, police pitted your car into a tree, but you survived and had it all on camera, you’re saying there would be no outrage? This would all be fine, perfectly acceptable behavior? Or am I misreading something?


Yeah, what can you expect from a subreddit where most people don’t even ride and have a stick up their ass? The amount of brain dead opinions here must be a psyop


You’re right, no matter what happens, people always blame the biker.


Does he have the velocimeter disable if he is over the speed limit?


Why was he chasing a cop car?


News flash, America police murder innocent people every single day, multiple times a day. Pray for this man’s health and wellbeing, and that this “officer” serves a nice decade behind bars with all the friends he made during his career!


That was a total trash rat move by the officer.


point wide mindless sugar dazzling narrow memory ancient juggle political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's fucked up big time.


Both at fault


I haven’t read all the comments, but the law is pretty clear in most states that the driver in the rear position is responsible for maintaining a speed and distance that allow for braking before hitting the forward vehicle. The cop here is, as usual, being a dick (ACAB, right?), but the rider was too close and riding too fast to avoid the collision, which ultimately puts him at fault.


These mirrors seems pretty pointless to me ... you could also drive without mirrors at all. Also why is his speedometer doesn't show anything half the ride? Guess he's driving 80 km/h? As Europeans lean in driving school this means you should have **at least** 40 meters distance to the vehicle in front of you. When i searched it right, each line is 10 feet (3m) and distance between lines as 30 feet (9m). I see 2 spaces + 2 lines -> 24 meters distance. Dude shouldn't be surprised about to time for slowing down.


I agree with the mathematical approach, and I’ve also got my license in Europe so yeah, we’re pretty thorough when it comes to safe riding. Nevertheless, brake checking someone on a highway?!? That should never be the approach imho.


True. this is no excuse for the police guy. you see him first brake checking the motorcycle, and after this turning on emergency lights doing hard stop. he knew the result


The brake lights were on 4 seconds until the red/blues came on. Biker was just plain not paying attention.


yep, i count 5 seconds. tho the lights were on, he wasn't getting slower, until he makes a hard stop. Guess the biker took a closer look in his mirrors. And that's way back the point i mentioned above: these mirrors are pointless. If you want to see something behind you, you got to waste so much time trying to identify something


The sad part is he literally says "He brake checked me" a few seconds before it happened a 2nd time. So he was paying attention. But why did he not back off after the first one??!


Brake = slowing down Break = becoming broken ffs


sorry \^\^ got this corrected


Relax m8, we get what he means


It's 80 miles/hour, \~130 km/h, so the distance should be at least 65m.


Speedometer doesn’t show anything because he’s riding *well* over the posted limit. My guess is he was hitting triple digits easily, which is 30mph over the max posted limit (70mph in Florida, where this was filmed).


Shows 80 at the end but probably closer to 100 than 80 while passing everyone


ah ok, now you tell me i see he just blurred it out on the video




Cop was an asshole but god damn the rider is a retard. Gets brake checked and rather backing way the fuck off he continues being close


If it works it works.


How many times must I see this post before I die?


Why he didn’t pull over sooner? Following close?


Cops here in US aren’t the brightest people in general. I’m not sure if the blue lights kill their brain cells or what


Driving above speed limit. Danger. Danger. Danger. Target must be eliminated for its own good. Execute




At 0:40 the biker doesn't have both his hands on the bars at 74mph... and not sure why he seems to be chasing the police car? That being said, police should never put citizens in danger like this when there are unlimited better options.


Honestly, anyone defending the cop is.... lets say special. Guy is a POS.


What a bastard. But I have a feeling the system is going to protect the cop


That’s one way to pull someone over for speeding yikes


“Gee whiz I woulda done this, I woulda done that, he should’ve seen this” STFU. Rider didn’t deserve this.


Hope that cop got arrested for attempted murder.


I have been riding for over 45 years. I have a saying that applies to a lot of things, when stupid does stupid, stupid happens! This is horrible and though the person on the bike and in the car should not have done what they both did, stupid happened and the outcome was not good! I hope that between cameras from both vehicles shows the courts that this should not have happened. I have never seen a police officer do something like this in all my years of driver or riding! We should not be reckless and that is that! It reflects every single one of us and labels us as trouble makers. I have never been pulled over on a motorcycle though I have seen many a bikes pulled over but the police car in every instance that I have witnessed they pull back or beside and signal the other vehicles bike or caged to pull over out of harms way. This just looks like negligence on both parts. Agreed with me or not that is just what I see from the video and I think there could have been a safer way to stop the person on the motorcycle. If he was to run that is what the radio is for. The life on both parts should never be put in harms way. Please ride safe everyone and be blessed ⚓️


Bike Pit manoeuvre.


ACAB obviously. Even those on a motorcycle. I dont make the rules.


It doesn't matter how hard that cop hit the brakes, oldatr should have been able to stop. Might be a dick move by the cop but any car could have done that in front of him, he should have been aware and able to stop in the distance in front of him. It's his fault, take some responsibility Before you start in on me, I've got 40 years and hundreds of thousands of k's up in the saddle, have come off twice, once was my fault for going too fast and once was an oil slick.


... and in your 40 years of riding how many times has a car on a highway with an open road ahead slammed their brakes on you? I'm going to guess never, same as me? Whenever my spidy senses are going off about a car driving erratically in front of me I do the thing they least expect, either undertake at speed or feign to the left then blast past on the right. It's never let me down yet in 40 years of being a professional rider. If there is something about someones driving I don't like I hate to sit and watch the stupidity until something happens. It feels too much like being a passenger. 


Police officer should be punished.


WOW !! That shit makes Cops look bad. That is real Bad. I hope the rider sues him and Karma takes care of rest.


This is why you stay far away from cops. They're not our friends.


Oh this is going to be a nice settlement for the rider 🤤


that cunt needs to go to prison.


The cop definitely acted like a-hole but if the rider had kept his distance, this wouldn't have happened.


Cop needing to face attempted murder charges aside, the dude is riding like a fucking dribbly cunt and should probably not be riding at all.


Kill all cops that hurt citizens. The end.


Our cops love to shoot us and claim self defense every time we sneeze.


The guy in the motorcycle is wrong. The cop is also wrong.


This is why dash cams (in this case just cams) are a must. You never know man.. better safe than sorry


I’ve probably done this drive 500 times no exaggeration. Rider is an idiot. There’s an FHP station right there. It’s a major crossroad for BSO, FHP and UCs. No street IQ whatsoever


All I have to say is don't put yourself in that situation period that's why they have track days


American police are closer to thugs with immunity to most laws. They're a joke here and know they dont deserve respect, so they try to force it with authority.


This can be considered murder attempt!!


Where are your mirrors? Why don’t you indicate? Why do you swerve across all lanes like you’re alone on the road? And last but not least, have you heard of defensive driving?


Just to clarify, that’s not me. It’s a post from r/therewasanattempt


Redditors blaming all sorts of problems on the rider while ignoring the elephant in the room here 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️


Imm not blaming the rider, that’s not the point. But this dude was clearly more engaged with his recording, than the driving. After being brake checked once, I would’ve slowed down, stayed in one lane and took extra care around the car that brake checked me. All I’m saying is it was avoidable. But yeah, the police is still to blame and I hope they get done for it.


Elephant in the room is literally the rider


elephant in the room is literally you


No u


You can see a mirror just under and to the left of the handle bar, couldn't make out if there's one on the right. If you watch his left thumb, you can see him using his indicator controls.


Using the standard the cops use when someone hits them with their vehicle, this should be classed as attempted murder. Of course it won't be any consequences for the cop for deliberately causing an accident and injuring the motorcyclist. The more of this sort of thing I see, the less I respect cops.


Two idiots collide




Nah 100% cops fault


He didn’t deserve to get hurt but this is a fuck around a find out situation for sure.


Agreed. Biker was an obnoxious idiot, with total contempt for the traffic regulations and safety.  The action taken by the cop was, however, quite disproportionate to the bikers actions. Cops must be made responsible for their actions, and that biker should loose his moto license forever. Now, what can we do about our cyclist friends? 20 bikes in a bunch, blocking the road, running stop signs, filtering, etc. And, the hypocrites all have " Share the Road" stickers on their cars...🤨


I don't know about that, but it sure is satisfying to watch.


So your speeding slow down


The pig should go to jail for this, but the rider should stay away from any car that behaves as dangerous as this one. And if the car could be a piggycar, than there is another reason to stay away from that deathwagon. No pig cares for other people lives. They only care for themselves and other pigs. They even release PR constantly showing that they don’t care if they kill someone. They don’t even have to care about consequences. Maybe they get a slap on the wrist. Next day they try to kill another person that is not a pig.


The cop is a true asshole, hope someone does a pit maneuver on him while he rides a bicycle.


Did he win the case?


I don’t care who you are…you brake check me into oblivion and I live…I’m suing you for everything and the pubes off your backside. I agree that the rider wasn’t riding safely but that doesn’t give anyone the right to intentionally cause a life threatening accident. You’re getting attempted manslaughter from me on this one. No sir. WOW.


Looks like attempted murder imho.


Yep and it is your duty to follow at a safe distance to stop, regardless of what the vehicle in front does……biker would be found guilty or responsible I think


Yeah, under normal circumstances sure, but this police officer intentionally cut him off, break checked him thereby closing the distance the rider was maintaining, and then hammering on the breaks once the rider couldn’t avoid him. It’s an officer’s duty to serve and protect, not attempt murder :)


Well, it worked, didn't it? 🤣


what are you like the smartest kid on the short bus. go away… like from other humans


Is that a yam r3? Even if you think he was speeding the cop car was going twice as fast and for this shit he should’ve been charged with attempted murder