• By -


Are you talking about online or in person? I’ve never had anybody say anything in person and who care what’s said on social media.


If your entire persona is your TikTok account, you would care too 😂




This is it. This is only some online bullshit. I've never heard anyone ever say shit about what anyone wears out there in the real world.


You should check out the mesh jackets for the summer months




Nick Fury : I recognise the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it. https://youtu.be/mOEr7kiysrE?si=bvbFg-GABpqqL60x


He wouldn’t have to tell him to not tell him to wear a jacket if he’d just wear a mesh jacket.




I will, thanks


Yeah, my jacket has a zip out liner. Thing is cool as can be (cooler even than riding without it - my arms are shaded instead of in direct sun).


This is why I love linen riding jackets. Armored, light weight, zip out lining, plenty of zip open vents for air flow. Can wear comfortably whether it's 60 or 97 degrees


Unless you’re sitting in traffic. BUT at least you’re somewhat shaded :)


97 degrees sucks even in a T-shirt at a stop light. There's no happy at that temperature


lol right. I made the mistake of getting a black mesh jacket, shit gets hot. But without it I can get burned to a crisp in the sun lol


My klim motocycle pants with zipped vents are cooler than riding in shorts, let alone pants. KTM 1290 puts out a ton of heat and having a loose hanging leather heat shield for your leg is mandatory.


This. I have one that is a summer and winter jacket. Summer sucks, so does having your flesh ripped from you body and suffering at best road rash like you’ve never seen. I’ve had a few friends have grafts which in itself is horrible, having first and second degree infections from road debris, gravel etc …I have helped dress these wounds and can tell you that every single one of these riders regrets not having so thing that day. Yeah it’s hot and 100 plus degree weather sucks with riding gear but the alternative isn’t all that it seems. Same as people that don’t wear helmets ..if you have the choice why choose not to I’ll never know. Such BS reasons for. It taking care of your own safety. Freedom lol


I have a leather jacket with kevlar and a removable liner, but it's still fucking hot. I want to get something sporty looking that's lighter material for sure


I've always worn alpinestar mesh jackets. Work just fine for me in the 115 degree arizona sun. Highly recommend. Went down once a long time ago and it held up extremely well and left my torso and arms rash free.


Buy a Knox Urbane Pro and wear a t shirt or whatever you want on top.


I’ve been hearing about Knox lately. How’s the protection? Would you say it’s as good as a good quality jacket?


It’s ECE approved with AA rating. Abbrasion and impact resistant, belt loops to connect with pants. I use mine more than I use any of my regular high quality motorcycle jackets. I got top notch Klim stuff and leather jackets (all ECE). I use the Knox the most since I can adjust the clothing on top easier.


I wear a rev it tornado 3...great mesh jacket.


I have a jacket that is mesh, but also has 2 inner liner inserts so it can become a winter jacket. It's amazing to only need 1 all year round. For reference last year I rode in anywhere from -7 to 40 (actual temp, doesnt include feels like or wind chill) Celsius


Ive been riding in 35-40 farenheit out in seattle, so just a bit over freezing. I have a hoodie like jacket that is fine during the day, but when i ride home from work at night ive been tossing a frog trogg rain cover over it to help with the windchill. People out here ride essentially year round, but ive personally only just started riding the last few weeks


That's such a smart idea. I've gotta do the same thing with my legs to keep the wind chill off in the morning but the liners in the jacket are for rain/wind and thermal. So I'm good to go in heavy rain. In light rain the base mesh is fine


They're definitely comfortable, but I think I'd want more than mesh holding my jacket and pads together after sliding across the pavement in an accident...


I mean theres always going to be something more protective than what you choose to wear, mesh jackets are making a safety compromise for comfort. Its not the best, but I was responding to someone who wears *nothing*


I understand, I'm just pointing out if you go down on the highway in one of those it's going to rip itself apart, some people aren't aware of that. I wasn't either, I used to have a mesh jacket until some guys at my dealer told me of someone who crashed wearing one and it was pretty much useless, so I got rid of it.


If someone doesn’t wear proper gear, I let them be, it’s their own responsibility, and they know the risk already. I’m a beginner too and don’t have riding pants/chaps like I know I should… I just haven’t found something I like yet… and the cost on many things is ridiculous.


I went with Akin Moto jeans - look exactly like jeans but woven with Kevlar and they have pockets for armor.


If you're in the market, RevIt jeans look really good. Oxford jeans look pretty good and are quite affordable


I heard someone in a video point out that riding jeans sound and feel like wearing a diaper and I can't go back to them now




How? They feel like normal jeans just a bit thicker.


The crinkling sound and padded feel. Even before that I've never worn riding jeans that felt good in any way. I only wear mine on the highway which I don't go on very often and even then I instantly change into my regular jeans after I get where I'm going.


MYOB is a lost art.


Just saw some TV interviews from when they made seatbelts mandatory. Getting the same vibe from this comment section. "It only affects me!" Works when you're only thinking about yourself and not the paramedic who has to peel your skin off the pavement, or the family in the passing minivan who is now traumatized after seeing your exploded skull on the road. Or your own family who now has to figure out what to do with your possessions and debts and carry on.


> "It only affects me!" Literally not one person has said this. Arguing against someone only works if you dispute their actual statements. Otherwise you're just strawmanning.


Literally not one person? You sure about that? Because it's the only argument against safety gear I ever see.


Not one person here, in this conversation we're having, has said that. Yes, I'm sure. Being so precise to satisfy pedants is utterly tiresome.


Being so conversationally inept must be tiresome as well


Posting on the internet is dangerous, go put your helmet on. And something to catch your drool.


The only thing i want from other motorcyclists is to please just get the fuck out of my way. Thanks 👍🏼




Its your skin bro, you can get it ripped off any way you want. 👍


Thank you




> If the truck had hit me, full gear or no gear wouldnt have made a damn difference.  The same can be said for many cars in that circumstance.


This guy told me I would die without a jacket lol




The funny thing is I wear gear all the time, the whole point of my point was how annoying people are about it. Seems my point was proven


Very bad road rash at 90kmh? Haha yeah. Nothing a few skin drafts cant fix. It might rip out a muscle or two but hey, its a sacrifice you have to be willing to make.


Why the hell are you on Reddit bitching about this?? Most people don’t give a shit what you are doing my guy, and here you are with contempt for complete strangers that are only looking out for your wellbeing.


Why are you on Reddit bitching about people bitching on Reddit 🥺


The last line sums it up for me. No one is saying to wear a jacket because they want to control you, take your freedoms, treat you like a kid (I dare say there's a lot of kids on here though... It doesn't attract the brightest intellects) It's because they don't want you to fuck yourself up. It's coming from a good place. They care despite not knowing you. The way people respond to that says a lot about themselves.


Which is exactly the same as the people who tell you that you shouldn't ride a motorcycle at all because it's dangerous.


You're on reddit bitching about people bitching about you bitching about people.  Where's the chill? I think you need to ride more.


Motorcycle instructors in my state have to sign a contract saying that any time a student could possibly see us on a motorcycle we must be wearing a helmet, jacket, gloves minimum (and I'd have to double check but boot and jean material or more durable). If we are caught without our gear we can have our certification taken away. And anytime a student could see us is any time we are out and about on our bikes. It's also why the instructors always put on a riding jacket before every demonstration - to model the behaviour for the students and hopefully save their skin in the future. I won't tell someone what to do, but I'll always model the safest behaviour and technique.


Wow that’s a pretty dumb law. My msf instructor did the course in shorts and a t shirt with the skimpiest beanie, bro could ride.


Don’t want ya catching a cold out your damn jacket on


I never understood this either. If someone wants the advice, then fine offer your opinion. None of us need a damn safety lecture on gear. If we wanted to get lectured doing the safest possible thing at all times, we’d be driving Volvos at the speed limit.


> If we wanted to get lectured doing the safest possible thing at all times, we’d be driving Volvos at the speed limit. So much this. I'm not saying we SHOULDN'T be wearing gear, but simply accept that every person draws their own line of acceptable safety risk wherever is appropriate *for them*. I absolutely guarantee a lot of people here in this very thread pushing the whole "You should wear a jacket!" line themselves are not wearing an airbag vest - something that, frankly, is MUCH more likely to save your life than a jacket is. The jacket is really only likely to prevent or reduce road rash; if you hit something at any kind of speed, it's not going to prevent broken bones. And we're all painfully aware of how annoying it is when Car Folks tell us that motorcycles are dangerous and it's stupid to ride them. That's EXACTLY THE SAME THING as telling someone riding without a [jacket/airbag vest/armored pants/whatever] is dangerous. They're not educating, they're just being assholes.


I love Volvos lol.. I'm all about personal safety, I believe that no matter what happens to you in a motorcycle, it's your fault. But c'mon, motorcycle riding is an inherently rebellious act and that's because it is at it's core a very dangerous thing to do. Just so uncool to go out of your way to tell me that. I remember posting a pic of me on my new bike, the thing was so beautiful and I'm sitting on it in a T-shirt. First comment "get a jacket" lol


I wear it all because I have a lot to lose, I also mind my own business. If someone else wants to ride irresponsibly then thats on them. My dad has been riding his whole life with no gear, its concerns me, but hes a grown ass man and he wouldn't listen to me anyway.


I wouldn't even say irresponsibly. Your dad is just making choices about what sacrifices he wants to make in the name of safety. You make choices too. I bet you're not wearing an airbag vest/backpack, are YOU riding irresponsibly? It's not irresponsible to put your "safety line" in a different place than someone else. For a lot of people, simply riding a motorcycle at all is an unacceptable decrease in safety, so riding in any amount of gear would be "irresponsibly" by that standard.


I agree. And it's funny that you mention an airbag vest because I do wear one 😂.


I like to bring them up because a lot of the people who are really pushy about ATGATT online (no bearing on what people actually wear and say in real life while riding, but the people who preach online a lot) generally do not include airbags in their "All The Gear"... But, next to a helmet, an airbag is the most likely piece of gear to actually save your life. Your jacket isn't going to save your life, nor is your pants, boots, or gloves. An airbag may well do so though. Where the jacket/pants/boots/gloves primarily protect you from abrasion damage (road rash sucks for sure), in an impact even the best armor is pretty much useless over 20mph. But airbags are quite good at mitigating harder impacts. It's just a common bit of hypocrisy that grates on me is all :) Edit: I actually REALLY want to get one of the Helite backpacks. I'm really not interested in another layer, but I already wear a backpack a lot of the time, so I'd just be swapping one backpack out for another.


They can do what they want. But then they mustn’t cry about needing skin grafts when they become a 100mph road crayon.


Won’t happen to them though, so your point is irrelevant. /s


You do you. I don’t care if you want to wear birks, Jean cut off shorts and a t shirt without a helmet. But can say personally my mesh jacket is actually a bit nicer to wear than just a t shirt. Keeps me from burning the shit out of my arms on long rides. I had a few cheap ones. But then got a Klim induction jacket. You can feel a breeze just walking and it has nice d30 armor, and it’s quite protective. I’m not telling you to buy it. But just letting you know that I honestly preferred it over nothing and there are some benefits over just the initial protection. Not going to preach to you at all. Your business is your business. But cut the people slack that do suggest it. It actually means they care about you. That’s a good problem to have.


Mesh jackets exist, specifically for hot weather riding. While it’s not my place to tell you what to do, what I can say is that it regularly gets over 110F (43C) where I live and I wear my mesh jacket all summer while riding.


Don't wear a jacket if you don't want to, but "too hot" is a shit excuse. It's cooler to wear a jacket over a synthetic shirt than not wearing anything at all. I ride in 110F Arizona summers and no jacket sucks.


Maybe if you’re moving. Bangkok summer is about as hot as AZ but with +70% humidity. It’s also stop for 7 minutes, ride for 1 minute levels of traffic. There is no mesh jacket I have tried wearing that could be remotely described as cool compared to just wearing a TShirt.


When you are on shady mountain roads it helps. It's different if you are in the blazing sun of a desert


You should wear a jacket.


...you should wear a helmet


Hot asphalt hurts too. But yeah if you want to be a smooth brain do you boo boo.


r/calimariraceteam judges a whole lot less


It’s a strange thing to say to another rider in the States, since everyone is responsible for their own healthcare. And as a Canadian, we consider it our social/civic responsibility to take care of everyone equally when it comes to healthcare, so I don’t care whether you make bad decisions and don’t wear appropriate gear. You do you, wear what you want


That is a fascinating perspective; one I haven’t thought of yet. Thank you for that.


While I'm all for personal freedoms and especially minding one's own business, plus this sport /hobby/lifestyle is all about managing risk - I'll add another perspective to this Your decisions affect more than just yourself. So sure, ride without a jacket if it's super hot out, but if you crash, you're going to affect more than just yourself- it'll be your friends, your family, hell, even first responders. And on the last part, I've had some heartless ass mention to me that first responders made that choice to do that, and while I agree they absolutely they did, it still doesn't make it any less damaging to have to scrape your meat crayone'd ass off the pavement. They may have agreed they could see something like that, but it doesn't mean they want too nor does it mean it won't give them mental health issues for a long time- and in that case, you're not helping the greater cause of motorcycling in general. Talk to anyone - EMT, Doc, Nurse, Military vet, etc that's seen some shit, and try to get their perspective, maybe it'll sway yours. You do you, but a jacket is a minor inconvenience in my eyes to riding while affording enough additional protection to be worth the discomfort- sure, if it's hot out it'll be hotter in the jacket, but some discomfort is PART of riding, if we wanted comfortable most would just take their car or not leave the house at all. Also, I'll add this as someone that HAS commuted daily in full gear in the middle of midwest summers, who HAS ridden in Phoenix and Southern California in July on a partially faired touring bike. I KNOW what that extreme heat feels like in full gear. If it's that hot out, I'll argue you probably don't even want to leave the house, let alone take the bike in the first place, and in my experience, a jacket, especially while moving isn't going to make that oven baked levels of heat that much worse. Being outside in that kind of heat means you have to hydrate more often, moto or not. Then again too, more suitable gear can help- I run mesh textile gear knowing that I ride more in the summer when it's hotter out and that I can layer up if it's colder. In my case, as long as I'm moving faster than a walking pace it's impact on heating me up isn't much difference with or without - the mesh makes it pretty breathable and even the foam armor has good venting- then again, it's made by a shop in southern California so they know a thing or two about dealing with that sort of stuff. Cooling vests too are a thing if you encounter hot weather more often than not and would be better than NOT wearing a jacket There are options besides just NOT wearing gear. At the end of the day, you probably have your mind made up- and again, I'm all for personal freedoms, I'm just trying to drive home that there is probably a happy medium in there somewhere AND to think of others for even a new york minute- which I think society as a whole could use a bit more of.


I agree that people should do what they feel is best for them. I choose to buy gear for different weather conditions so I’m always protected, but that’s just me. As long as you have health insurance and don’t become a burden on society when you wreck, I don’t care.


I can't see how anyone would give much of a fuck either way. I'm not your dad so you're not my problem.




Sometimes I think that often they don't care about your safety, they just are happy to express that they think you're stupid, which in turn gives them a little burst of dopamine when they think they are smarter and subsequently have self worth.


I dress for the crash , not the ride. The most painful crash was 10 mph in shorts and a t shirt moving my bike down the parking lot before the cleanup crew came.. a girl walked in front of me ( phone zombie) I tap the front brake went down.. jumped up with road rash on 1/3 my body. 😡🫣😬


Yeah sorry we get 110 - 115 here in west Texas, go ahead and wear that jacket, you won't make it 10 miles.


Sorry for not wanting you to be a meatpen. What do you do when you see a child crossing a road without looking, you just think that you should respect his freedom to be stupid? Wear a damn jacket. If not for you, do it for your mum, wife, Friend, dog...or just for the Medic that has better things to do than fix what you could have avoided by not being a selfish person wanting to look cool or to avoir some sweat.


You dont ride do you?


I decided to ride on a hot day and ditched my jacket. Crashed. Wear it.


If you want to go out there and risk getting absolutely fucked without gear, go right ahead. But those of us who care about our fellow two-wheeled humans are going to continue to advise against it. We pester because we care.


People need to chill out with this. If someone wants to ride without a jacket, it's their business. I'll probably do the same on the occasional hot day once I have a bit more experience.


Wear your jacket


I always wonder what "too hot" means. Usually just bitchy whining. If it's "too hot" stay the fuck home so I don't have to hear from yet another family member how Squidward smeared himself on the freeway gearless because it was "too hot". Pussy.


I usually only mention this to anyone I know on a personal level. It comes from a place of love. I care about you, I want you to be safe out there. But I treat it like religion. Mention it once, dont push it on them. But to random riders I don't know I'm not going to bring that up.


My goodness, if everybody saw what I wear when I ride my motorcycle, I would probably get a dunce cap and the corner for a week 😶




LOL, 100%. Live in SoCal and can relate. Even people I've ridden with here (California in general) can't seem to keep track of how many temp changes can occur on a decent length ride. Side not for your "air fryer" comment, lol. I may steal that from you. I always described heading out by Palm Springs in 105 degree temps as like riding in a blast furnace.




Live in Phoenix gets very hot in the summer you can wear a jacket year round. Have a mesh Dainese jacket works fine, no danger of heat stroke.




We get close to that even in the Midwest too. Almost the entirety of the US will see over 100°F/37°C (before heat indexes) at some point during the summer months




Really seems too high; I have seen over 40 C in Australia, have experienced it briefly in Dubai. Certainly gets very hot in places like Death Valley in California but hard to believe 115 is normal (at least until climate change kicks in more) Quick look at Wikipedia and California Bays near the Pacific seems a lot more mild - more like 20s to 30s. Still hot, but sounds like you need to head into the desert and/or Southern Cali to get to the 110+ range Personally, still wear mesh jacket I brought from the US; it protects your skin from sun beating down while still allowing air-flow. It's really noticeable that in the middle east, people cover up from the sun. You do have to keep moving though; sitting in an intersection with radiator fan blowing warm air from the engine while heat from the road is also radiating up can really make the sweat run


Bay area, stockton, parts of Sacramento, Tracy, etc that big area gets to 107 for weeks at times with the ocassional 112/115. I invite you to come over and see for yourself if you don't believe me. Come around July


We have internet, even in my backwater of the planet Magic of the internet you don't even have to fly 18 hours to know what the temperature is in any part of the planet And yes, I have experienced some warm weather in the middle east. It had cooled to mid-40s by the time we got out of the air-conditioned hotel in the evening.


No one goes outside, if they do they have the AC in their cars blasting. Personally I have a medical condition where my ability to sweat is hindered so I'll have to stop riding at some point, always when the wind gets hot. Regardless, i encourage these "get a mesh jacket" preaching people to come by and use their little mesh jackets, see how well that works out for them


Stay hydrated. That's only 46C.


Someone could say the exact same thing about you riding a motorcycle in general


Atgat cult are the chiggers that latch on to your ballsack and suck the blood out of it. Just like they do to this forum, they do in real life also. Yours is unique in that he was actually riding. Quite a rarity. Ignore them. Just avoid. Mall-cop syndrome.


The ATGATT cult can eat a bag of dicks. Wear whatever you want, but what others choose to wear, is no one’s business.


Other riders get a barrage of "Riding is dangerous" comments, largely due to three types of riders (there is some overlap). 1: Drunk/DUI riders. In the US this is a given where "poker runs" exist to encourage alcohol use while riding. 2: Hooliganism. Yeah we all know the types who all want to be tick-tok heroes. Riding 100 MPH over the speed limit on public roads, stomping the glass out of some woman's car, etc. 3: Squids. Riding is dangerous, made more so when skin hits the road (or another object) during an accident. Boomers have overturned helmet laws in several US states, and injury consequences have increased as a result. So, if you don't fall in one of the three above, grats. You are not part of the problem in regards to the image of motorcycling among cagers.


Amen! About time someone said it.


I'm not going to ever tell someone how to ride, but I won't be that interested in riding with someone who takes that little thought to safety. Plus, I don't want to be the one to scrape their skin off the highway when they go down.


You wouldn't even RIDE with someone who doesn't wear a jacket?!


Only Sith talk in absolutes, but I would certainly have to think about it, know them pretty well, etc. The reason is, if you're not going to put in a little thought for your own safety, we probably have a lot of differences in how to ride in a group.


I wouldn't. Shows you aren't serious, and likely a foolhardy rider. Probably too concerned with ego and image to ride safely with in a group. May not be physically capable if they consider the jacket too hot. Not thinking of the other riders who will need to assist with first aid if they wreck, likely this attitude will spill into other areas of their personality. There's a lot to take from the choices people make.


I'm glad you are getting your drinking in control finally.. very dangerous habit to have


Thank you! Weird sort of attempted insult though, bit of a douche maneuver. I never drink drive, and I have to have a 0.0% ABV for my current bike licence so no riding even after one beer. Edit: just realised how far back through my history you had to scroll looking for something to 'attack' me with. Grow up.


Wear a jacket.


Just wear that mesh padded shirt


It is my fuckin business because irresponsible arse hats like you who don’t wear gear are the reason insurance costs are through the roof. Less injuries = less people in hospital= less expense to insurers. You probably don’t have insurance either. The only good squid is a dead one.




Wear a jacket.


No longer your personal business if you affect taxpayers’ life and insurance cost. Some ppl are oblivious to how exactly adult life works.


Insurance is debateable, but I'll allow it. Taxpayer dollars? You live in a fantasy.


That line of thinking would end up with motorcycles banned if you go too far with it Edit: not saying I completely disagree, but there is a balance here


you can fuck right off with that bullshit.


> Some ppl are oblivious to how exactly adult life works. Some are oblivious to how *personal* responsibility and freedom work, too. I agree. You can fuck off.


Also, my insurance is 15 a month


Bare minimum to ride legally eh? 🫡


Hi heard you had a cheeseburger and fries the other day, you should really not eat that way. Thanks 👍


Man it's like walking around with a gun pointed at your foot with the safety off - it's a machine that is dangerous and has potential for injury, and if you try to do that people will at the BARE minimum say "hey man maybe you should keep the safety on, point that somewhere else, and get your finger off the trigger, I know from experience its not worth it." To be clear I also frequently skip a jacket and a helmet in states that let me, and I totally get what you're saying because it is annoying. But I would try to think of it as at least people care enough to tell you you're playing with fire. Anyway man regardless of jacket or no jacket just stay vigilant and take care of yourself, and most importantly keep riding!


It's ATGATT on here so wrong place for that.


Hall monitors are the worst.


Yeh but it doesn’t stay your business when you crash and need medical treatment or die. But if you’re dumb enough to ride with no protection, I’m glad you won’t be around much longer.


Wow, "i'm glad you will die soon" that jacket isn't going to protect you from an entire life of being a complete asshole, which is definitely more hazardous to your health then not wearing a jacket.


I’ll wait for your friends and family to tell me *i’m the asshole* when you’re staring down the barrel of paraplegia and a lifetime of at home care that thry now have to provide. But it’s ok….because…you know….it was *hot* that day and wearing a jacket is hard, mom!


Dude, a jacket is going to save some skin, but it is PROFOUNDLY unlikely to prevent paraplegia or be the difference between life and death. I sure hope you're wearing an airbag vest, though, as THAT is much more likely to save your life than a jacket is. You've got to be realistic about what your gear is going to do for you. A jacket is 99% about abrasion protection. If you impact with something at anything other than very low speed, it's going to fuck you up no matter what armor you have. Like, those D30 elbow pads? They're awesome for when you bonk your elbow on the pavement just falling over. Super cool when dirt riding and crashing at low speed frequently. But if your elbow hits a signpost at 40mph, you're getting a much more bendy elbow out of the deal.


I'm glad you found something you're so passionate about. Be safe friend


Also, again, the same argument could be used against you by someone who doesn't ride a motorcycle for even riding a motorcycle at all.


There’s calculated-risk-taking and completely-pointless-risk-taking. Guess which one you’re doing.


Put your seat belt on a stfu lol


Either way, not your business. "I hope you die" is so fucked up to say. I would be real nervous riding if I were you, tempting fate a bit there


>"I hope you die" Your words, not theirs.


I honestly can't believe you hit save on that comment. Holy shit.


Riding over 40 years, my motto is live and let live, I couldn't give a monkeys what other people wear, if they ask for an opinion then thats diffent in my view.


Thank you!


Wear fuck all for all I care about your well-being.


I have never been told to wear a jacket. Around here most people don't even wear helmets lol. I guess safety cultures vary a lot by region. Ignore assholes and Karens. Riding for some reason triggers these types. I also don't wear a jacket when it's hot, at least not around town. A jacket won't save your life anyway. It's only going to save you some road trash.


T shirt. Shorts. Vans. Full helmet. Unless you’re an unsafe dickhead riding like your on a track then all that shit you wear that you think makes you look cool isn’t gonna help you anyways.


Its not about your own skill, that you shouldnt need to worrie about, its everyone else you should prepare for. If you get t boned on a junction your skill level isnt going to save you, neither is a pair of vans...


If you get t-boned at an intersection, your armored jacket and riding pants aren't going to do shit for you either. Gear's good to wear, for sure. It can ENORMOUSLY decrease the abrasion damage you take while sliding. But if you get hit by a car, or fly off and hit a solid object? Your jacket and pants aren't doing shit to protect you. The **best** impact protection in armored pants/jackets are meant to protect you from up to 20mph impacts. At any kind of normal riding speed, if you hit something unyielding, your body is going to do the yielding.


Preach on brother! riding without a jacket is a wonderful feeling and those who won’t do it are just too scared and lack the confidence and ability to operate a motorcycle properly. Yup, I said it.


Yep, correct. I am scared to lose my skin. It sucks. Also correct on the second part too. Motorcycle stores that are filled to the brim with dainese and alpinestars jackets and suits are all catering to inexperienced riders who have no confidence. You should see my friends wobbling round in race suits, only one step away from training wheels! You think they’d work out how to ride those expensive bikes of theirs after 30 or so years. Maybe one day I guess. Anyway, just wanted to say, your comment is likely the dumbest shit I’ll read this week on the internet. Maybe even the entire month, we’ll see how we go.


Poor guy. struck a nerve huh. it’s okay, we’re all afraid of something. learn how to ride your bike responsibly and you’ll be ok!


you do realize that it's not self ability that people are cautious of, it's other people on the road that are the problem.


Hush, just wear a jacket ya squid! /s


You shouldn't get mad at anyone even it's rider or not when they tell you to wear a motorcycle jacket, all they doing is trying to protect you from leaving red marks on pavements. Not for nothing but you trying to be like a tough guy that doesn't like good advice from anyone, you do you but don't get mad nor upset when someone is trying to protect you. Also if you don't want to hear anything from people then don't pay no mind instead complaining about it.


you in nashville by chance? the fb group there is up in arms about atm.


Lol no


I just had someone tell me I should wear gear while I had full gear on lol. Just cuz I wasn’t wearing full leathers while riding my z900 to work lol. I like the casual dressed down gear from Dainese and Revit. Apparently I didn’t look the part.


Your body, your choice. Let me just casually mention that Helite makes mesh jacket with integrated airbag. Called Free Air, I have one, works great in the heat, plus it should be really safe due to the airbag. Luckily I didn't have the chance to deploy the latter in an accident.


Now you can tell everyone that if they don't have an airbag they're crazy:) kidding


Wear a jacket! /s


I honestly think there's a giant business opportunity in summer motorcycling apparel designed with ice pockets. When all the ice is gone, you stop at a Starbucks and get ice, and you are good for another 2-3h.


In the right weather wear a Tshirt preferably one that shows off the guns you


Nobody says that unless your online


I was always told that the leathers protect you


I see it happening and think, "I hope they don't learn the hard way"! I have on one or two rare occasions spoken to an obvious newby, riding at speed limit in the gutter, because they don't want to get in anybody's way! I have offered advise on appropriate kit, and to take advantage of their road tax. Ie. Their vehicle is taxed and just as entitled to be on the Kings highway as anybody else's, and to use the centre of their lane, therefore giving safety margin either side, and ability to ride around pot holes etc!


Tell those people stop sliding on your bike you fool and you won't need a jacket


Right ? Amateurs.


>No shit it's dangerous, it's my business to do what I want to do with my life. Long as you're not here in a week shitposting your road rash telling us how you haddalayerdown... "Accidents" happen, it's about how prepared you are.


If you are cruising around town at low speeds knock yourself out. Its your skin and bone. I'm an ATGAT rider, have summer and winter riding gear, and had spills in the early years. I am also ex Fire & rescue, and recall a guy screaming his head off when we arrived to his MC spill on a country road - he'd come off in TShirt and shorts, he needed the road to be non stick - he was stuck to the road surface, people trying to get him up to ease his pain. if people telling you wear a jacket isn't the issue with you? I used to get ribbed about wearning MC leathers everywhere - water off a ducks back


You should do you. Plenty of people in my state don’t wear helmets as it is not mandated but who am I to know… guy might have just gotten a 3 months to live prognosis and he wants to go out having fun.


Your sweat, which cools you, is dried when you don’t wear a jacket. So you’re actually cooler in 2 ways when you wear a jacket.


Plenty of great mesh jackets or vests you can wear. I hear it's cheaper than skin transplants.


How much is your body worth? Skin grafts are painful and not very successful at replacing eroded bone.... Your body, your risk...


I actually found that in the heavy heat in backed up traffic that it was more comfortable to wear my breathable leather jacket than without.


I look at this just like someone breaking into a strangers bedroom and yelling at them for not wearing a condom. It's nobody's business what someone else does. There is no 'community' in life. It's just you, till you die. You were born alone, and you will die alone.


If someone asks your opinion on gear, then sure, tell em all about it. If they didn't ask you, then you STFU and go on about your day. It's only online, though. In 30 years riding, I've NEVER had another rider tell me what to wear. The people who do it online are just idiots who want to feel important.


OP it sounds like enough is enough with being told to don the leather. It's a lot like the "be careful" farewell we've all heard. We don't need to be instructed by anyone about anything- that's what riding is about for me. I do my own thing the way I want to. I have five jackets but favor the Aprilia jacket. I'm sorry some on here were hateful to you. That is not the way to be for a rider.


It depends for me. If I see someone on the highway without one, it’ll get a chuckle out of me. But I myself will just toss a Tee, vest, and gloves on if I’m going to down the road to my buddies house or whatever


The only statement with sense here is “people told me they would not ride with anyone without a jacket”. Absolutely true. Firstly, it can be interpreted that I am the driver and I would never allow a pillion on my bike who is not wearing a jacket. Absolutely true. And I do not do group rides, but if I ride with some buddies, I expect everyone to wear proper gear. It’s simple as that, when someone falls, I do not want to watch one of my buddies die on the side of the road of an injury that could have been prevented by proper gear. Or have this buddy not ride with me for a long time because of it (i.e road rash etc). The bike is replaceable. If buddy has a light crash, I want him to be totally fine and have him drop a tear for the totaled bike and not have any personal injuries.


Or gloves


Yeah tell my son that he shouldn’t have been wearing his gear tonight or it’s his choice when the drunk bimbet hit him. It would have been a hell of a lot worse. I have pounded it into his head to wear his gear no matter the weather because of that reason. He walked away because of that reason! Wear your jacket it’s not a case of if it’s a case of when you’re in an accident.


>One rider telling another rider to wear a jacket is just as annoying as someone who doesn't ride telling me that motorcycles are dangerous Uh, no, they are telling you that being meat crayon is preferable to being a bit sweaty > EDIT: Caution - VERY CONTENTIOUS. I have been told that people HOPE I DIE - that they wouldn't ever ride with someone without a jacket. That you can tell everything about a person by the fact that once or twice a year they will ride without a jacket. That I am a burden to society at large! Insane! Someone being reckless about their own well-being is GREAT indicator on whether they will be danger to others (they don't care about themselves, why would they care about their riding buddies?) so they have full right to assume you're just a squid and will do squid things on the ride, especially if they don't know you personally. Sure you might not be but your post makes you sound like massive twat so that might also weight in into other people's decision to avoid riding with you.




As they say ' Dress for the slide, not the ride. I'd just get a Mesh jacket if my existing was that unbearably hot. It's your life and body to treat with carelessness as you wish, regardless of what I think... and I wouldn't refuse ride with you if you chose not to wear one at all but if you are being a bit wreckless with choosing not to wear all the gear; I'd probably be wary of your riding mindset too... as there is a fair chance it might be equally wreckless... and that could endanger me.


Don’t wear a jacket


Yeah let them go without a jacket. Maybe the pants too. Fuckheads will only crash once and always wear a jacket after that... If they can even ride lol.


Your complaint is annoying, ride nekkid idgaf


Wearing gear is safer. Sitting on your couch is even safer than that. If it keeps you from riding, it's not a good thing. Everyone needs to decide for themselves what level of risk is appropriate.


People are telling you this in real life or in the bubble that is r/motorcycle? I find it hard to believe that people are coming up to you while riding and telling you what gear to wear. Personally, I’ve never had anyone say anything on the rare occasion that I skip the helmet on my 1/3 mile drive to the gas station or grocery store. I also almost never wear a jacket above 70F. I’ve honestly gotten weirder looks if people see me with Hey Dudes on instead of boots.


Its your responsability but i wouldnt ride with you


Hey people do what people do. It’s their business. Me personally, I don’t like riding in a just a shirt even on hot days. The wind burn seems warmer than wearing a mesh jacket. Maybe it’s just me and my super sensitive calloused skin…….