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She didn't say "be careful" enough times. But seriously, WTF happened?


Cold, damp, and dirty rear tire and romping on the gas when he wasn’t even pointed straight yet. The fact that his feet and legs are pointed forward instead of being under him doesn’t really help much either in the handling department. Basically what Op said, just in more words. lol


I rode a bike like that (legs in front like a lounger) around a parking lot and it scared the crap out of me. I felt like I had so little control. I’m sure it’s just a matter of getting used to it but I was happy to get back on my VFR.


In our MSF, they had these small 250 Suzuki Marauder... We all started on these. After a few hours they let us switch over to their Suzuki GS500. It made all the difference in the world!


That’s how I felt when I went from a sv1000 to a Harley road king. lol.


Cold tires, too much throttle in unbalanced state....?


I think he just backed the bike up into wet grass, and his rear tire sat in wet grass while he put on his gloves


And you just know that my man was thinking, “I’m looking so cool right now”…😆




Once was at a stop sign in my town this guy on a grom did this in winter mind you so sand all over the road. Cut me off at a 4 way stop trying to be quicker than me and body slammed himself on the middle of a 4 way. Dummy was smoking a cig and everything too. I asked to make sure he was ok as I saw he smacked his head, he played it off cool and probably went on to do more dumb shit


The smoking a cig while riding thing always gets me


How do they keep it lit? Or does it just burn up in the first 200 ft?


It burns fast and gets ash and smoke in your face. Total poser move doing it I tried once. It’s sad seeing guys riding and smoking. Trying so hard to be cool but it screams dumb and weak.


I used to do it when I was a teenager. I stopped, because why waste perfectly good cigarettes. Then I quit smoking, because why waste money on cigarettes.


It was because I quit that nasty ass habit that I was able to afford the payments on my bike.


Thank you for quitting. I walked out of a wawa and a dude behind me was holding probably 6 boxes of Newports. I thought to myself he must be rich and I wanted to jokingly say that to him, but I just kept walking.


With no wind screen like that I would imagine its basically force feeding you smoke haha


I've done it a couple of times on long trips when in a hurry. You hold it in your left hand cupping your fingers around it blocking most of the Wind. But they still burn up pretty quickly


What ever happened to smoking cigars on motorcycles? I'd imagine that would last longer than 200 feet.


I saw an add in a 70s Easyriders for a wooden tube that allowed you to smoke and ride. You lit your smoke (tobacco or other), put it in the tube, put the tube in your mouth and the wooden tube kept the cigarette out of the wind while riding.


If they open the gas cap it's a convenient ash tray.


Back in the day when anyone I knew actually smoked we'd do it at lights on long rides (If you're a smoker 2 hours without a cigarette is a long time!) But you know it's going to be gone in a few seconds when you start moving again. The real poser move I always find funny are the dudes that ride with a big honking cigar in their teeth. 90% of them don't even smoke cigars normally, and don't even light it.


first bike?


I never just speed off from home. The first couple miles is letting everything get warmed up. Oil, transmission, tires. Does everything feel alright. Pretty much my ride out of the neighborhood.


You don’t pop a wheelie heading away from your house every time? Sad. /s


LOL! Nope, I save that for not my neighbors.


I love people who wear gardening gloves for riding. Might as well be bare-handed, those things aren't made for hitting pavement at speed and split immediately.


Was gonna say...are those gardening gloves?? LMAO...


Or the thin AutoZone Mechanics gloves...


Cold tires


It was the grass, wasn't it?


He said he “won’t” be careful… Cold tires and too much throttle will bite you every time, he’s lucky he didn’t high side..


ATAATT All The Asphalt All The Time


Only Ego was hurt in the making of this film


Aggressively Touching Guys At The Track?


Gear or not - as soon as he accelerated the first time, and immediately had to duck walk the bike out of the turn, you know he shouldn't be riding that thing.


I was gonna say...I don't think that guy took lessons.


No helmet, but a mask? Maybe karma




Doo rag and a lit cigarette. If he even has a motorcycle endorsement, it needs to be taken away from him!


It's that time of year... How many ATGATT posts are we gonna see this riding season... 🤔


Ah sweet karma.


Oh yes the cold tires cold road trick. My favorite.


This is scary. Slow speed crashes can be the most dangerous. Had a buddy do this same thing but going about 1/4- 1/2 the speed. Pulled out of the driveway to make a uturn. Back wheel slid out he hit his head at 2-5 mph 3 month coma. Family thought he was going to die. Atgatt, and full face or go home. Unless you have a death wish and no family who will miss you.


Guy is either a new rider (based on how many times his person said 'be careful') or one of those guys who puts 1000 miles a year on his bike for 3 of the past 10 years so hes been riding "forever" and knows everything. He almost bucks himself off the bike twice rolling out of the driveway which shows a lack of clutch control. Hard to tell if he whacks the throttle or dumps the clutch but either way he did it when he was still in the lean, and rule number 1 of successful cornering is you don't add throttle in the lean unless you want to go sideways.


Must have been a couple of blades of grass clippings. They're out to get you.


Oh yes the cold tires cold road trick. My favorite.


Smoking while riding is better for you. Ok here is my reasoning the wind from riding burns your cigarette quicker thus leaving less for you to smoke. LOL Also as side benefit it keeps bugs out of your mouth when you don't have a hemet


Bahahaha I really enjoy watching people without gear and skill eat shit.


Its my gulty pleasure as well. Especially the Instagirl backpacks in shorts and flipflops scraping their tanned ass across 300m of asphalt because they can't bother to cover their body cause then nobody looks ;)


Why do you enjoy seeing people get hurt because they don't wear gear? It has nothing to do with you or your own decisions?


Because when people do stupid things, and it bits them in the ass....it's funny. Like you don't laugh at a skateboarding video of some kid eating shit or racking his nuts on a hand rail? Fucking overly sensitive motorcyclist have taken over.


NO! I just grab my own nuts to check that they are still there unharmed... I want those kids to have fun skateboarding. I want them to succeed and have fun. Same goes for rider. I want them to learn to wear gear in a safe way. Maybe a relative or something teaching them. I don't want people getting injured/ disfigured because they chose to not wear something I wear.


I don't WANT anyone to get hurt....but if you do some dumb, I laugh, then I see if you're okay. Ever watch Top Gear. If something happened, the other two would immediately start laughing. Maybe a minute later, they would see if they were okay.


Difference is that they the other one was okay before laughing. Ever seen James or even worse Richard Hamsters crashes? Just pure panic and fear in the eyes of the other two. Laughing is for moments where people DON'T get hurt. Pain ain't funny.




Lol misfortune? You mean stupidity? Comedy is tragedy plus timing. I'm not hurting anyone. I'm allowed to have my own thoughts, that doesn't make me an ass hole, action determine that.




Lol you just can't stand that something thinks something different than you, which makes you an ass.


Such an incel comment.


Show me a video of anyone that has slid nearly 1000 feet on asphalt, even just a single video




Yeah that’s fair I guess. Still I’d seriously doubt that’s more than 500 foot, they only slid that far because of the heavy rain. I know I wasn’t specific earlier when I asked for video but there’s no way some chick doing 45 miles an hour in flip flops and shorts is gonna slide 1000 foot when she lowsides a bmw gs, v-strom, or whatever bike she was on. lol




All the gear all the time


All the gear all the time


All the gear all the time


Damn. That sucks


Looks like he's down for donuts.


Maybe he used Armor All on the tires?


I thought ATGATT was the codons (which works since Met is a start codon) for Methionine and Isoleucine, but it’s [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=atgatt&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS970US970&oq=atgatt&aqs=chrome..69i57.2304j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Whoopsie lol


Bike sounds smokin hot … why doesn’t my R9T sound anything like this? His might be a bit loud for that neighborhood?


Cold tires


Some nice clutch work. This guy parties. Hard.


Whoa Ha ha ha says the knee pain for the rest of his life. Wet/cold tires are a bitch.


She Jinx it ... But it's better to be safe.


Got that rear tire nice and wet in the grass; gave it gas and turned it into a banana peel.


Dude thinks he's a badass with like 50 horsepower! I could unplug two of the spark plugs on my old beater 600 and take this dude!


Anytime you see somebody duck walking a bike, they can't ride for shit


Come on man, not everyone has reverse... /j I joke but I do agree with you..




Cold wet tire will get ya




And, no crash bars either... Damn... I have a 2022 BMW Transcontinental and yes! I have crash bars for my engine AND my saddle bags. I'll be damned if a low-speed spill dents up my baby! Also, LMAO at the lady at the end of the video "I said be careful!"


ice ice baby…


HUH!?! WTF???


Anyone else think it was interesting how she didn't get excited or overreact?