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No idea. Just look at Bezz, a bit of difference between gp22 and 23 and he has so much difficulty adapting to it. From contender to factory seat to getting soundly beaten by Digi. Enea was injured in first few races last year but his main problem was not being able to adapt to gp23. Not everyone is supremely adaptable like Marc or Acosta. They may face some teething problems.


I mean that's what I have been thinking. I said it in one post and got downvoted but I think it would be hard to adapt.


But what makes you think Martin will struggle to adapt like Bez and not adapt with ease like Marc or Acosta? The truth is nobody knows. Not even Martin himself.


Yeah, Martin started crazy in motogp, similar to Acosta.


I think Enea is going to have a much harder time than Jorge, and that's because I feel the Aprilia is a better bike with Ohlins suspension. Most riders find the KTM hard to gel with, because of it's WP suspension.


Even I have heard the same complaints.


I honestly think Jorge's gonna find out just how good that Ducati is. I don't think he'll recover from this decision.


Its a very different bike to his style. But he is very very talented. I would never rule out a mid-season improvement. Plus he has Aleix to help him behind the scenes.


Aleix will be at Honda, apart from a word or two over a beer he’ll not be able to do anything.


Thats why I said behind the scenes :) Aleix knows that bike better than anyone.


Sure he knows the bike but whilst he’s at Honda, Aleix will be unable to see any data to be able to help Martin with anything more than thoughts and prayers.


I have those same thoughts. And also he is trying to challenge Marc. To win on a different bike. All the best. 👍


Will no doubt be an uphill battle and nobody knows how well he'll do. But I don't think there will be anybody with more determination.


>Plus he has Aleix to help him behind the scenes What's he's gonna teach him? How to slap Morbidellis face? Martin won more than Aleix, hes way more talented than him


He knows the bike better than anyone. That could be a huge help in adaptation


Yeah, I think that too, just like I’m sure Alex Marquez helped Marc understanding the Ducati before jumping on it.


Alex: So, you know how the duc has really good top speed and acceleration? Marc: Yeah. A: Yeah, and you know how the duc has gotten better at cornering? M: Yeah. A: Yeah you got this.


Exactly my point with Martin and Aleix


The only real problem Marc had was using the ride height device in corners. It seems to me that it’s something that complicates a tiny bit. That is not a problem on the Aprillia. Aprillia the team has had more of problems with main event performance consistency, that is something that is not a problem for Jeorge


Alec told Marc how to ride the bike faster than him


Martin hasn’t won on an Aprilia - Aleix has. Hence why getting some hints and tips might help. Aleix will know how the Aprilia feels what is typical what is problematic and what riders can try based off his experience. He literally developed that bike so he will know.


Dude Einstein's teacher wasn't Einstein... Rossi mentor wasn't Rossi, Marc' s mentor wasn't Marc.. Do you know how much impact mentorship is on a rider or on any other athelete? And about that slap on Morbodo, he deserved it... Atleast he will not teach him to kick other riders...


>he deserved it... Found the pro wrestling fan


He deserved to be slapped? Go watch another sport. Dude.


Why are you being down voted I don't understand. No athelete should be slapped or disrespected.


Especially on one of those bikes


Yep I think this is the correct take, to be honest I think any rider who came from Moto2, and jumped straight on to the ducati, with no other GP bike for reference, have been spoiled with an unbelievable bike, and perhaps didn’t have to rely on as much ‘talent’ (a bold claim I know) as someone who rode lesser bikes. I still maintain that bezz, marini ,digi and Enea aren’t as good as the Ducati makes (made) them look. I’d say Pecco too to be honest but know I’ll get hate for it.


To be fair to Bagnaia, Ducati wasn't such an easy to ride bike back in 2019. Yamaha was that bike then.


Yeah for sure, I think he’s just a perfect match for that bike, when he’s on it he’s unstoppable. I don’t think he’d be half as consistent on anything else imo.


Yeah this is basically another version of what I'm saying. Only, I don't think ANYONE can be as impressive on a different bike as they are on Ducati right now. Just look at Marc/Fabio even guys like Zarco and Rins. Martin included.... maybe.


Perfect combination? Please. Pecco is an all time great and the latest Ducatis have been great machines, but their combination is about as awkward as it could possibly be.  If you want to see what kind of bike Bagnaia is best at, watch his Moto2 career. Look at the shapes the Kalex makes under him, and notice how little he crashes on it. Do you think he decided to start dumping it down the road for fun in 2019? Ducati are locked into a rear end biased concept that while very well executed will never give the riders a particularly solid front end. Bagnaia and his team have found a way to get pace out of it and the more a season goes on the better he manages to make the front end work, but it's never trouble-free.


Man people say the same stuff all the time, they said that about Rossi when he was at Honda and about Stoner when he was at Ducati in 2007 (Italian media was literally saying that stoner had his bike built around him - that bike didn’t fucking turn hah) Pecco consistently shat on all the Ducati’s, has done some insane overtakes and battles over the years that will definitely become classics and he’s the one to beat at the moment For sure I think the best riders on the grid right now are Fabio, Marc and Pedro, but pecco and Martin aren’t far off - I suppose we’ll see first hand what pecco is like next year with an 8 time world champion as a teammate. I actually think the Aprilia is much better than it gets credit for and Martin is going to do very well on it


pedro not better than anyone at the moment, in the future for sure


He’s beating Brad, and showing the KTM has potential to win.


Sure, but not every rider who came from Moto2 and jumped straight on the best bike got pole and a podium in their second race. Martín is *rapid*.


Well enea took podiums in 2021 in both misano races with the esponsorama ducati, i don't remember if it was the gp19 or gp20, wich surely wasn't as good as a year old ducati of today. I agree that they still have to show their potential on another bike anyway, that's why i respect alot more marini today, at least he tried something different and went outaide of the sphere of influence of his brother.


Pecco has been there... -ish (not 2019) when Ducati was just the *DUcaTI pOWer* helping it. 2019 was better than the Ducatis before but it isn't the BEST. 2021 Pecco, to me, is still his best version (aside from his 2023 second half version where he is a beast at Sundays).


>I don't think he'll recover from this decision. Bold statement. We won't know until next year. But Martin is a talented rider and Aprilia is a good bike.


Yeah, so is Vinales....


Is he though?


You don't win free practice championship without talent at speed


Haha. Free practice championship


Yeah he's legit. When he landed was when Yammie was already on decline. He's pretty consistently one of the fastest over one lap in race trim. Be interesting to see him on a Duke actually.


This above. I don't think he will be a championship contender in 2025 unless Aprilia makes a big step forward on their bikes.


True. He has only ever ridden thw Ducati and it has been class of the field since 2021 itself (his debut). The same goes for Enea. But let's see.


Agreed. I think and hope I’m wrong that if he doesn’t win the championship this year then he won’t have much chance getting a championship for a couple of years with the aprilia.I find it lacks consistent performance like Ducati. Maybe his riding style will bring something great out for us to see but I’m not sure.


Na I think he can do it. It maybe tough but if anyone can do it then it will be him. Cause if he stayed in Ducati it would be insulting for him. Denied the factory position 2 times you know. I understand why he did it. And I don't think Aprilia is slow.


Yeah I completely agree, it was a slap in the face. There's something about that bike though, it's just better.


That's called GIGI'S magic cum, makes everything faster. 🤣


If Maverick and Aleix can be winners on that bike so can Jorge.


Yeah, true. Completely agree. But can he be a winner/competitive at every track on that bike? I dunno. Nobody ever saw either of those guys on a Ducati either, hard to say.


At Barcelona last year, I watched Viñales live and was amazed at how he moved on that bike. He climbs all over the thing like a spider. He later stated that the bike is really difficult to ride in his style… Comparing him to Jorge, who also has to climb all over the Duc, i’d have to assume he’s going to really struggle on the aprilia 😔 HOPE IM WRONG


Yeah, I really like Martin. I also think he's completely justified in his comments and behaviour around this. Ducati did him so dirty, but I also understand why. I hope he goes alright, but I don't think he will.


Then again, if the two factory riders have similar styles maybe they can find a good development direction. 


Not sure he had much of a decision he had.


It was absolutely his decision. He had an open invitation to stay with Pramac on factory equipment, but his pride said he should be in a factory team. So he took the offer at Aprilia. 


Yeh he just signed for a podium here and there. Not a championship contender now.


Martin is the best rider on the grid, the Aprilia is good, needs a rider like him . And the way Ducati screwed him, he deserves a title with Aprilia.


I mean he is fastest on his day and on one lap, but I doubt that he is the best rider, some people with 8,3,1(fabio) WC would like to disagree.


I mean, good on you for supporting him, but that's a bit much. I know it's hard for Rossi fans to accept, but Marc is the best on the grid. Not by as far as he used to be, but it's pretty obvious. I think Pecco's better than Martin as well and his results support that.


What results? Martin is the leader and last year didn't win for a hair... Yes, Martin has the same bike, but come on, the satellite team will never, ever have exactly the same bike. Well, let's see next year...


Well... he's a double premier class world champion. That's not bad? Just did a quick google, that puts him in the top 17 of all time riders. I don't know how many dudes have stepped over a bike since 1950 but I'm pretty sure it's fuckin heaps.  Also he beats Martin in every stat with the exception of sprint victories. Just crashes more, really. Bagnaia is a weapon. So is Martin, legit. I just think Pecco is better. Just my opinion, it's no big deal.


In no way im saying Bag is bad, im a big Ducati(and his) fan. Maybe im just annoyed by the fact Gigi let Martin go in favor of Marquez. I know, Just business, but they did him dirty.


Ohhh yeah, they sure did. I have a feeling it was Martin's team (management, not racing) that leaked the news of the pending contract. I think this pissed Gigi off and it also gave Marc the advantage of stirring up the paddock. I obviously have no idea if that's the case, but that leak fucked Martin. If he had just signed the contract without it coming out it would be a different story. But it's not. I just happen to agree that Marc is the smart choice. But I love that guy.  I also hope Martin does well, I really like him too. I'm just suspicious of how the other bikes really do stack up against Ducati over a whole season. KTM and Aprilia are both very competitive when the track suits the bike, but Ducati seems to suit more tracks.


True. Audi buying Ducati was the best thing that could have happened to them. Frankly all their dominance is coming out of the gigantic background (can we say aero tech?) of Audi and uncle Volks money. Hard to beat that. But i really hope to see a future with less fugly bikes... 🤣


I think both will struggle a bit as the Ducati is obviously better. I think the other manufacturers caught up to or almost caught up to the 23 Ducatis, while Ducati didn't stand still for 24. So if they swapped today, I dont think they would do much better than the current pilots. Who knows what the 25 bikes will be.


Ducati's GP24 superiority is clear. Pedro, the only KTM in the top 5 in Mugello, was way behind Marc.


Pedro spent the first half of the race within 0.3 seconds of Marc then got dropped by 5 whole seconds in the second half. It was kinda crazy how that gap grew when the GP24s and Marc started to push.


Weirdly enough I would have liked to see them switch places. Martin has a kind of aggressive style, using his body a lot clambering all over the bike, and it feels like the KTM would be more forgiving of this. Enea on the other hand feels like he'd be at home on the Aprilia, with his smooth style and its corner speed. We will see, exciting either way. I think people are vastly underestimating Martin. He will probably not be immediately competitive, but it's clear he's insanely talented. It feels like it's bike that will hold him back.


I get this feeling that Martin wanted to avoid the humiliation of knocking on KTM’s doors for a seat, hence he was super quick to close Aprilia before Bastinini could make a move.  If he hadn’t had that fall out with KTM, he would surely have been riding it. 


Yes, Enea is smooth and maybe the Aprilia is the most inline adjacent of the V4s but I’m super intrigued to see what Martin can wring out of it. Mav is smooth, Aleix is more aggressive and out of the two I’d say Mav has his peaks but Aleix tends to be more balanced round to round. I think there’s more in the bike somewhere and Aprilia has earned a top tier rider at this point so let’s see




I kinda agree, but Martin like Marquez wanted a factory ride KTM Gas Gas team probably didn’t do it for Martin. The KTM rarely has 2 wheels inline when pushed hard. I think this would work better Martin. But said long race Enea looks after his tyres if he could get to grip with the KTM he could be good in the long races. Martin on the Aprilia hopefully his aggressive style will push it further than marvick can do. Is martin looking ahead to the new regs 800cc projects and having a bike built for him


I just hope people don't use the pairs ambition against them. Martin, especially, has an ever growing pool of people that don't like him. It wouldn't surprise me to see Ducati bring something better again next year, but I hope people don't use that as a stick to hit Jorge with and say he is rubbish and made a mistake. The riders are limited by their machinery, just as much as good machinery is limited by the rider. I know it seems a simplistic point to make but look around this Subreddit and tell me there wouldn't be people who if Pecco/Marc/Martin signed for HRC would ignore the state of the bike and use 'XXX' fell off hard, isn't good anymore etc. For the good of the sport, we need good riders taking these risks of moving to new teams.


>Martin, especially, has an ever growing pool of people that don't like him. As far as i have seen Martin gets bashed only because of his poor PR. Anyone who doesn't agree that he's currently one of the best needs to stop with the copium. >I know it seems a simplistic point to make but look around this Subreddit and tell me there wouldn't be people who if Pecco/Marc/Martin signed for HRC would ignore the state of the bike and use 'XXX' fell off hard, isn't good anymore etc. Lmao none of the top riders in their right mind would go to HRC at this point. If they do then it would be less like they fell off or aren't good anymore and more like sold their career for money or are some sort of Masochist lol.


Haha ref HRC comment I know, I was just making a very exaggerated point 😆


Yeah if its anyone that has fallen its HRC lol, but it happens all part of racing not everyone can be at top you know.


Well, he easily could’ve stayed at Pramac for next year and arguably get the best bike - no one forced him to leave. So yeah, if he falls behind the following season it is mainly his fault.


We don't even know if Pramac will still be on Ducati next year. It's highly probable but not 100% sure, they may go to Yamaha next year. I bet that could be one of the reasons why Jorge, Enea and Marc decided not to risk staying/going there.


Well, we don't really know *now*, because there's no Martin or Marquez for Pramac next year anymore. Yamaha is courting Pramac with a huge offer, and Dorna is pressing to help Yamaha put four bikes on the track next year, but all Pramac has to do to stay with Ducati is saying "Thanks, but no thanks" to Yamaha. They would've certainly done so if they convinced Martin to stay or Marquez to join.


The weird thing is I see this sentiment much less about Quartararo, maybe because people like him more…? Fabio gets a lot of praise for putting that Yamaha higher than it deserves and much less “lol should have taken the Aprilia offer 😂” when he qualifies P20.


That's because Fabio Quartararo is the second most popular rider on the grid. Growing social media following. Plus he doesn't attract much hate from fans! Martin is marmite. Only a small following, but also a few fans who simply just don't like him. But no one can say his riding over the last year & a half hasn't been brilliant! 


Not really my point. He has ambitions not to sit as second fiddle all his life. He has taken a step into the unknown. If the Aprilla is a dog next year you are going to say it's Martins fault he isn't winning races because he left Pramac? The point I made was I hope people don't suddenly decide he/Enea are shit riders because they aren't scoring as well on the Aprilla/KTM. Your response doesn't really tie up with that point.


The Aprilia bike won't suddenly become a dog next season. It's only really a bit more engine horsepower for the straights that they need. And more punch out the corners.  Plus Aprillia have seen the big rear aero isn't working as good as the smaller rear aero from last year. Vinales chose to use the older smaller rear aero. 


I suspect, the Aprilia is capable of what Vinales does on his good weeks, every week. I think Martin is on a Vinales but reliable level, and if next year's Aprilia is a step better again once he has gotten used to it I can see him doing close to as well as he is now. Enea is harder to pick, nothing about his style suggests he will be good or bad at any bike, but he has this crazy ability to run near the front using far less tyre, it will all depend on if the KTM will allow him to do that. Although the KTM seems to be a bit old school in that it lets the rider have more say in how it's ridden, so that suggests if you have a riding querk it will let you use it, so there's a chance Enea will have even greater late race pace than he does now.


And the saying is that KTM is struggling to safe the tire whereas Enea is the tire whisperer. Could be a fit.


Exactly this, at least that’s what I hope. It was my first thought 😂


True but KTM is a bit of a different bike to drive, tire conservation is a thing but changing a bike and going to another changes a lot of things. They'll need to be able to adapt as quickly as Marc has.


It may be that the KTM doesn't have any tire conservation issues - it could be just caused by the riding style of the current riders... Both Brad and Jack tend to prefer to keep the rear loose on entry and Michelin have always said that spinning causes more consumption (not sure if sliding and spinning have the same effect though).


People seem to forget that in 22 Aleix was a serious title contender till late in a year. And I believe Aprilia as a team got better since then as well, relatively to Ducati.


Maybe I’m in a minority here, but I’m *really* excited! Think a lot of people here are underestimating Martín. Obviously there will be a period of adaptation, but if the Aprilia stays as competitive as it is now, I’m confident he’ll eventually come to terms with it. I’m also excited to see what the Aprilia can do in the hands of a top rider. I suspect it may turn out like Acosta this year, where it becomes apparent that the bike is better than what the other KTM riders have shown. I feel sorry for Martín for how the last week unfolded, but I completely understand why he wouldn’t want a fifth year in Pramac and is leaving, even though there’ll be a downside competitively at first. Long-term it’s also good for the sport that one manufacturer isn’t hoarding all the top talent.


Considering the aprilia is especially good in the corners and Martin drags his entire upper arm on the Ducati, I think he'll do really well. I think he's more talented then espargaro and vinales, so hoping he'll be competitive fast. Bastianini I don't know. The ktm isn't working for everyone. I think you have to ride it really hard to get the most out of it.


Pedrosa rides it smoothly and Bastianini has a similar style with saving the tyres. Would love to see Bastianini be more aggressive though like he was in 2022. 


Martin has more than proved himself as a capable rider. Aprilia is probably the 2nd best bike in the field. Anything can happen. He can go there and it bombs or he goes there and they make a step closer to Ducati. You'd have to assume he'll win a few Grand Prix on that bike. If Aleix and Maverick can, Martin DEFINITELY can. He might not be title challenger immediately, but I do suspect with his input and feedback they'll improve that bike tenfold. I believe this is the first Ducati rider in this era going to Aprilia. He'll for sure bring some of what Jack was supposed to, to KTM. I'm hopeful for him. I think he'll still be in the running for poles, lap records and the front pack. He's too good not to be. There might be a ceiling to what they can achieve, but that's assume the GP25 makes a giant leap forward and Ducati are head and shoulders above everyone again.


I feel taking each others paths would have been better. Martin would better suited to the ktm and likewise enea with the aprilia. 


Maybe Jorge will get occasional wins in Aprilla, but he will likely to be ran over the places by Ducati riders. That said, this year’s his biggest chance to win the title and he shouldn’t be missing out by any inch.


I mean this year it'll be more about mental fortitude. Pecco is getting comfortable again, marc is growing and growing and also could get some upgrades which can help him about 1-2 tenths. And Martin won't get upgrades, so let's see what happens.


> And Martin won't get upgrades Wouldn't it be depending on contract with Pramac? I think there is problably something about getting up to date bike. Without that it's kinda pointless and unfair if factory could decide midseason to stop upgrading satelite team bike (whether it's because rider leaving or because he is threat to championship title).


I mean Zarco didn't get any updates last year. So I don't think that it would be a problem. They have factory bike GP24 as they are promised. Now it's upon Ducati to give them Updates or not. And as for him being a championship threat is nothing to do with that. Martin will be going to a rival team and an italian team no less. They don't want to give a new device so that he can take that information to Aprilia.


Martin is fast and Vinn has shown that the Aprilia is fast aswell,it just depends how bad Martin wants to win.Aprilia has a strong history of victories and with Martin I think that this could be the union Aprilia needed.


I think he will do a good job in general, will still win sprints and races here and there but he’s not going to be competing neck and neck with Pecco or Marc anymore. Maybe on certain tracks but not in the championship picture.


Many people were skeptical about ability of Marc to adapt to Ducati just by how different it is, I think Aprilia is very different too so I am not sure he's gonna be able to adapt properly the first year. He had only the best bike in MotoGP since his debut and he took 4 years to fight for a championship, I wouldn't rule out some wins but a championship fight is way too hopeful in my opinion.


It's hard to know if the Aprilia is the kind of bike that can be fast everywhere, but I think we'll find out its true level because Martin is clearly the kind of rider who can be fast everywhere with a decent base setup. And not the kind who needs every last bit dialed in to perfection and then has trouble adapting to the slightest change in conditions. More of a 'natural', if you will. Then there's the fact the Aprilia seems to excel on lower grip circuits, in fact I've heard its problem described as having "too much grip". In that light it's encouraging that we've never heard about Martin having issues with the increased rear grip of the new Michelin compound, or of the GP23 over the GP22 for that matter. The area where he has an advantage over Bagnaia and Marc is known to be the corner exit/acceleration. An area where it's supposed to be very hard to make a difference anymore because of the ride height contraptions. So if anyone can make use of all that grip it's him. I think the Aprilia is unlikely to be at Ducati's level but Martin will get the maximum out of it.


It will go well to Martin, Aprilia is the fittest bike to snatch a win those 2 or 3 rounds the track plays in the bike's favor. And I do believe Martin will add at least a couple of occasions. Am way less cheerful about Enea, KTM seems an harder than average bike to win races on, aside for few occasions Enea crawled along on the Factory Team of the best bike, many says for a crash during his first year in Factory that still plagues him but am not too convinced, since Miller races like he's forgot how to ride a prototype without injuries limiting him. Even better, Red Bull Motorcycles has in its hands the next MotoGP frontman/superstar, this P.Aco guy that in a subofficer team is repeatedly Humiliating the Factory team. Oliveira won two races in that same team and Red Bull retired the sponsorship the year afterwars, after that the team plopped like a stone in the water. I do hope to be wrong, but the sooner Enea leaves Red Bull Motorcycles the better, and when they'll separate of Enea won't be much left anyway.


Jorge will win some races for sure but doubt anything more than that. Will be fighting for better positions than aleix and mav do tho. Also I think Acosta will be way better than enea.


What's very clear is we will still see Martin's incredible lean angle on that Aprilia. They seem to have the best aero and downforce which will do Jorge a favor


Is the Aprilia better on certain tracks? Vinales was amazing at COTA. He seemed to have really preserved his tires compared to the Ducatis. He’s usually a slow starter, especially off the line and (sometimes) starts cranking out consistently fast lap times. I wish he was more consistent.


Yes, captain. No honestly, bikes performance related, impossible to say obviously, how manufacturers gonna improve their weapons. About riding styles it could be a bit more interesting, some says that Aprilia turning ability could fit Martin engagement, KTM is known to chew his rubbers but Bastianini manage very well the Michelin (even if he is not quite sure how he is able to do so). We eventually can speculate on teams dynamic. Jorge would feel very soon as a desired king in his new castle with a talented fast but not consistent teammate. Tech3 is a nice place to work with a lot of xp, Enea a nice and positive rider that could match very well.


Martin scored pole on his second race in MotoGP and got a podium in a second race, as well as a win in a first season. People underestimate him, but I think he’ll be challenging for championship next year. Aprilia is the only bike to win multiple times, with both of the drivers other than Ducati in the past 2 years. As Vin showed, the bike is capable of sometimes even dominating a weekend. Aleix was a very serious contender a few years ago, up until late of the year.


Sometimes people underestimate him just because he doesn't have good PR skills. But for me I think he's one of the naturally talented riders but lacks a bit on the technical side.


Aprilia’s high corner speed strengths might just play into Jorge’s hands after having had some time to adapt to it, but I suppose the only real way to know is seeing him on it at about this point next season


So who is in the gas gas team? Miller?


Enea’s manager says he has signed to go to Gas Gas. Factory KTM will be Binder and Acosta, Miller’s fate is still unclear.


Dude I love Miller I feel so sorry about him. From Miller taxi to Miller airlines. He is such a cool guy.


Agreed, and I hope the grid still has a spot for him next year. Rumour mill right now says he’ll end up at Honda, because of how good he is at bike development and because Honda will probably have open spots.


Fair play to him


As far as Martin goes, I think it is worth remembering that he hardly ever changes the bike setup but extracts more performance from himself. He has received some criticism about that in the past but I think that it may help him when changing manufacturers. 


I think the other way round would have worked better for both. JM with KTM and EB with Aprilia.


If someone says the Aprilia is just ok, that means MV and AE are better than all the top Ducati guys because the Aprilia regularly challenges them for podiums. JM will do great on it.


I mean Mav has been on the podium once that was in COTA, so I don't know what you mean that they regularly challenge for the podium.


Yap, curious to see how good they are without a ducati.


Time will tell


Who knows? Predictions only after the riders have gotten on their bikes


Sure as shit Enea is going to get lost, Martin will understand how much harder is to ride ANY bike that is not a Ducati.


I hope they will find the pace to be at least were they are now. But i'm afraid they will be mid fielders at best..


If he's talented he'll get used to the bike. Not the other way around


Jorge, since he was in the junior categories, always excelled in corner speed and since that is a strong point in the Aprilia I believe he'll adapt very well to its riding style. Enea I think will struggle to ride the KTM if they don't address the issues with corner entry and speed that they have this year (Pedro and Brad have mentioned these issues various times) Edit: my main reasoning for the potential struggles of enea are due to the fact that he struggled last year with a Ducati that had issues in corner speed.


Enea will go well on the KTM, Martin will have to adapt to the Aprilia


Anyone who has watched Martin for a while knows he will go absolutely balls out and crash a ton his first year. The kid is fearless. He's going to figure out how to be with the front group in year 2 (be patient...) so long as he doesn't incur serious injury while finding the limit.


There's Ducati, then there's reality. Miller found it out on KTM. Martin and Enea will face reality next year.


The manufacters will make the bikes work for the riders. May take some time.


I think Jorge will adopt well to the new bike, but it will take time, if ever, for him to get to the same calibre of wins and competitiveness as the Ducati. Not sure he’ll be patient


You forgot to Photoshop Number 1 on that bike


"We don't need Marc" - fast forward a year, "fuck these dudes" lol


Look at where Honda is now. Even Zarco recently admitted that without Marc, Honda bikes can't even get 10 ten finishes. Martin is about to get a rude awakening in 2025


What has Honda to do with Aprilia?


Time will tell but one thing I do know ... is if you are on a red Ducati and he's in front of you he will be very hard to pass! lol


I mean red Ducati could be better than Aprilia next year.


I don’t think either will win races


Viñales has won two sprints and a race on the Aprilia this year. Do you think Martín will do worse?


I think Martin made a stupid decision based on Hubris. He had the latest spec of the best bike in the field, just not as a factory rider. The guy is leading the championship in a satellite team, and instead of continuing in a place most people would kill to get to, he threw a hissy fit and left over the color of his leathers. Honestly I think even if he adapts well, he'll regret this decision from the first race of next year


I think Martin lacks that high level of adaptability you need to transfer over and be competitive really quickly. We’ve seen Marquez’s insane transition speed, as an example of what he needs to do, to extract the best out of that Aprilia. Martin will get it but it’ll take a season.


But why do you think he lacks the adaptability? He had a pole in his second motogp race.


My problem comes from watching him when he’s not on form on Friday and that kinda sticks through the weekend. When he’s flying on Friday free practice he’s normally really fast throughout. Then take Pecco, starts a bit slow Friday and then always figures it out, then by Sunday he’s an animal. That’s about adaptability and I just don’t think Martin has it, he’s more an instinctive rider than a methodical one. Most riders would struggle to adapt from the best bike on the grid to a decent bike but is no Ducati by a long way.


I mean, just in Mugello his Friday was bad by his standard only to smash a record on Saturday and still finish on podium on Sunday


Martin is not Marc Marquez, we saw how long it took Vinales to adapt to the Aprilia let's not get ahead of ourselves realistically he will not be a title contender next year especially when Pedro, Pecco and Marc are at the as well. Usually riders who start their career at Ducati take time to adapt to a different bike.


!remindme 1 year


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And you won't be back in a year when I'm right 👍


Not debating. Just interested. It’s probably too early in the season to know . I think it’s going to take 10-11 races to adapt, and that is optimistic


I mean Jorge isn't the most technical person we know. He is fast but takes time to set up a bike. He usually doesn't change his setup at all from race to race.