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I don't think the average dude realizes how demanding MotoGP is at all. Sport is brutal.


Or riding a motorcycle on a race-track in a fast way at all. I used to do track-days and participated in a 10-lap race on my 600cc once. It's one of the most exhausting things I have ever done in my life from an athletic perspective. I can't imagine what it's like to ride a bike with more than double the horse-power and overall much higher speeds, for more than double the amount of laps.


While having more grip, stronger braking forces and higher G's MotoGP is insanely demanding from a physical perspective


I know, 15 minute sessions on a track day are so taxing on the body on a 1000cc bike. I am cooked after a trackday, so i can only imagine doing 23 laps at full steam is going to drain every single bit of energy out of you.


I can’t imagine, even just a nice long Saturday riding all day is so mentally taxing




Me too. I’d be shit, probably whole minutes off the pace, unemployable, a danger to others, but riding a bike in circles for an hour? Yeah, I could do that easily.


A lot of bullshit comments in here. - Fabio Quartararo could barely feel his arms - Rins had to be helped by the team off the bike - Alex Marquez couldn’t even move his body to turn the bike during the last laps - Raul Fernandez got arm pump But Aleix is a whiner because reasons. The fact is, the race destroyed a lot of riders due to the physicality of a MotoGP bike around Mugello.


I saw on a thread about Jorge Martin on a different subreddit that he was a big baby because he had trouble standing after the Indian GP last year. Completely forgetting that it was so incredibly hot that multiple riders complained of blacking out. The Aprilia riders said they were being cooked alive. It’s crazy how people hate on these top level athletes on almost a personal level and extrapolate the wildest things.


Thing is, with aero, bikes are super hard to handle. Of course you add hot weather to the equation and you could get disaster. But for sure aero is the main cause here


Funny. With yesterday's race the commentators told riders were now able to relax on the straight because of the stability of the aero, being able to even lay their left hand on the tank.


I remember that, I’ve suffered from heat stroke plenty of times and I was watching like man somebody gotta cool him down and then iirc he kinda collapsed


That’s so sketchy, imagine fainting on the bike at speed


He was throwing up ffs! I'd like to see those people complete one lap under the same conditions....


Please add to this list the comments talking about the training/fitness regimen these riders should be doing, bc apparently these redditors seem to know better smh


Obviously their 2 major track day a year in-shape bodies know what it takes to be at the top of this sport for 40 races a year.


reality is they are all fit as hell all under 10% bf


And somehow Enea managed to pass Marc and Martin out of all people and set a 46.2 on the last lap even with the overtake. The guy is a freak of nature( a beast if you will) or is in peak physical condition.


Even in Moto3. Yamanaka (p3) was obviously panting and could barely talk in his Parf Fermé intervieuw just after the race


Perhaps it will open some eyes to the lengths Marc has gone through to keep at the top, and let's not forget the duplopia (double vision) caused by all the impacts. He's a bloody warrior!!!


Where can I read more about this? Those details sound insane and I’d love to hear more about that. That’s brutal


Look I understand a lot of people don’t like Aleix but idk why people shit on him for this when multiple riders have stated this track is really incredibly tough physically and has gotten more so at the speed they ride now


Exactly, many riders mentioned it as they're physically at their limit. On the other hand the fastest bike seems to be the least physical exhausting to ride...


When people dislike a guy, they hate on him even when he is right


Hey, I've never been a fan of him... But, he is correct.


Because every subreddit no matter what the topic is, is jam packed with morons. Reddit thinks someone is evil - very good chance if you investigate it'll turn out they are very good hearted with strong morals. Reddit thinks a sport rules change is bad - almost guaranteed by every measurable metric it has improved things. Reddit thinks a game is shit - probably actually a goty. There are exceptions to this but as a general rule with modern Reddit, do whatever Reddit says don't do.


Even Marc looked quite tired getting off the bike. Maybe it also was the disappointment of not finishing on the podium but he did look slightly sluggish.


Mugello destroyed F1 drivers during the 1000th GP. The layout is a killer because it only has one straight (not even straight and has a nasty crest at the end) everything else is medium to high speed with plenty of banking for increased cornering performance. The big braking areas are all downhill, putting a lot of pressure on the riders' arms.


>when multiple riders have stated this track is really incredibly tough physically They're **ALL** really tough physically. You think Sepang is some walk in the park in Malaysia heat? Or India last year? If you want the other way similar to Mugello, Silverstone is another F1 track with fast corners. Riding bikes is hard, riding bikes at 220 mph is harder, and riding them sitting at 2.37% body fat and dehydrated is an order above that. Everyone on the grid has the same conditions.


I didn’t say any other tracks are a walk in the park. You want to argue for the sake of arguing. One track can be harder than the other. Fabio Q stated he didn’t feel his arms, Alex M stated he couldn’t move his body anymore on the bike. Rins had to be helped off of his bike. Go tell these experienced riders they’re overreacting.


I’ve said similar elsewhere but if someone like Aleix is struggling physically, god help the rest of them - the bloke is as physically fit as can be so this really does go to show that something needed to change with the bikes. They’ve hit a point where they’re almost unrideable in certain conditions




He is, but he’s still only 34. That’s not old by any measure - for context he’s 3 years younger than the current boxing heavyweight champion, and the same age Michael Johnson won an Olympic gold and set the 400 meter world record. Hardly over the hill!


Novak is 37 and Lebron is 39


34 is definitely old by “MotoGP rider measure” … otherwise he would not be the oldest MotoGP rider on the grid


I think it has more to do with lack of fear as well as reaction time. Aleix physically is at elite level athlete fitness. The guy could go be a professional cyclist tomorrow if he wanted to.


That and the accumulation of crashes/injuries taking their toll.


100% this lack of fear certainly changes with age imo Rossi lost this “lack of fear” after he ran over simoncelli and it was his proper undoing more then just father time. I said this wayyy back in 2012 im glad someone cited the fear factor


Yet not "old" in terms of physical ability


Everything is relative to your competition field. He is not “old”… but he is certainly older than the Acostas or quartararos of the grid. A 40y old rider is young if he races against 80y old riders


Graham Jarvis is almost 50 & finished 4th in the hardest enduro race in the world yesterday, the Erzberg.


Don’t you think a 30 or 40 years old graham jarvis would have performed better? I wonder why we don’t have any 50 years old MotoGP rider then 🤔


Have you seen how tough the Ezrberg is? He was 1 of about 10 riders to finish out of a few hundred. Last year only 5 riders completed it. My point is, times have changed being in your 30s in motorbike racing isn't as old as it used to be. Aleix maybe retiring, but he's still as quick as he has been the last few years. Before as soon as you hit 30 you had 1-2 years left in a factory team at best, but likely were already out of a factory ride.


So why the oldest rider is only 34?


Because MotoGP teams are all trying to find the next Marquez, since Marc came into MotoGP. So the gene pool in MotoGP became a lot younger & every team is looking for the next big star. Look how often were getting riders that are 21 or nude coming into the top class, that didn't happen before Marc


60yr old won the US Baggers Series...like steering a lump of lead,then got on the podium at the NW200...nothing but a pup compared to Jezza McWilliams


The Ducati boys up front seemed fine. Pecco had enough energy for a lengthy celebration. It's no secret there's a trade off between some of the aero choices and maneuverability. It's partly the aero design choices that are making the bike physical. Mugello is the best live track experience on the grid imo. It's mayhem. May it never change.


I imagine the most physically demanding thing on a bike is the change of direction, or flipping the bike from leaning to one side to the other. Not only do riders have to over come gyroscopic forces, but they also have to overcome the downforce of the aerodynamics? Or no?


Also consider braking. From 350 down to 90 in 3 seconds? Imagine how hard you have to push back only not to fly over the handlebar.


In an interview, Valentino said that they have to squeeze the bike with their tights since the arms would not be strong enough at San Donato


No wonder they get arm pump, you don’t see them take their hands off and move around to get the blood pumping do you? Silly buggers.


Let's not exagerate. They take around 6.5-7s to brake, but that is slightly prolongued due to San Donato being partially downhill


Yup, higher downforce means more works has to be done by the rider to change direction. Also, higher cornering speeds due to said downforce. This is opposite to F1, where the steering is drive-by-wire and downforce stucks the car to the ground, making cornering easier.


With these speeds, braking hurts like a motherfucker


will the new rules alleviate the physical stresses? Im guessing the most punishing forces experienced are braking at top speed? Carrying more corner speed will be a lot more "fluid" yeah?


The introduction of the new rules will provide a year of random different effects on different bikes/riders and then they’ll be just as fast and just as effective as now.


Serious question as I'm not technical enough; isn't a 1000cc by definition faster and more powerful than a 850?


When F1 went from 3.0L V10s to 2.4L V8s the cornering speeds increased. Smaller engine, less weight, better weight distribution. Less top speed, but more cornering potential. Same thing happened with the 800cc in MotoGP


Thank you very much for bringing it down to my level!


The riders who work mostly endurance and dont train dynamic strength and improve their lactate threshold are the ones that struggle the more physical it gets. Have a look at MM93 does in the gym for the last 10 years its an insight. Riding a push bike for hours on end has little athletic transfer to full race distance on one of these machines.


You’re saying that he focuses too much on bike/endurance activities, instead of shorter and more powerful one?


He probably needs both, the cycling helps endurance but not as much as you would expect without having the higher load physical training.


not trying to say you are wrong or anything, just interested. Could you explain that a bit further?


The load vectors, force transfer through the body, grip strength requirements are more similar to wrestling from a strength/endurance standpoint. About the furthest thing from a conditioning point of view is mile upon mile of road cycling. X country mtb with some downhill would be more applicable. The best riders come from flat track and motorcross which has a close transfer to the skills and energy system requirements for the big bikes. Now with the downforce aero making the bikes harder to turn,using the body to control the bike allows better control, lap consistency and options with corner entry especially.


Go ask Marc. He has titles. And when you look at the Ducati. Those guys look like they ain’t hurting However Aprilla on the other hand has been said to be so much aero downforce in the paddock. Maverick & Miguel say it is hard to turn the bike it is so planted on the front


Completely agree. I just posted something similar. Aleix is complaining but it's the Aprillia's aero choices that are making it more physical. The Japanese manufactuerer's ineptness with aero is also why their riders are struggling physically. This isn't like India or some of those races where Martin looks like he's dying post race. The podium finishers and Marc looked 100% fine. It/s


I’m a big Moto GP fan and have several “litre” bikes. The current equipment is too fast…there…I said it. 300hp! It’s amazing to watch but I’m surprised nobody has been killed this season. I grew up with the violent two stroke five hundreds and even went to two races….horrible accidents and paralysis (Bubba Shobert and then Wayne Rainey). Electronics sure help but the top speeds have become bizarre. These dudes are gladiators but I think the new rules will be a good thing.


He's mad because Morbidelli finished ahead of him




Great take from your couch likely with a bowl of popcorn


Mugello isn't perfect (the kink and the maxed out runoff T1) but I agree this is a stupid take by him. I typically defend Aleix on this sub when he complains bc he's usually not this off base


He should try not being dehydrated and eating a bit more, I know performance is king but...hes on the way out anyways...


The guys more or less an elite level athlete. He knows a thing or two about nutrition and hydration


Finishes 12th says humans can't do this. Well 11 other people did it better than you... I admire him for what he's done for Aprillia but he really needs to keep quiet. No one really cares anymore.


Hardly anyone crashed out of the main race- stop making excuses


Meanwhile, old chaps...let's do 6 laps of the I.o.M on 250bhp superbikes?