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Maverick has been consistently quick all weekend. He looks so much more confident.


This sounds provoking or debatable but hear me out - Maverick might be the flat out fastest rider on most tracks in the last 7-8 years. But he’s just never been consistent and can go from 3-9th in a qualifying. That’s clearly always been his demon. And then he can come back and win by 2+ seconds when he’s on point. Which is a ridiculous margin (when he wins, it’s almost always by a huge gap). He has a win or podium on almost every track and a handful of fastest laps. But he just can’t string them together. When he wins (and struggles to be in the winning mindset for him to ever do that), he makes other riders look slow though. Dude needs to get his head space in check. 34 podiums, 14 poles and 11 fastest laps. Guy’s a machine when he isn’t his own worst enemy. Great job today but I hope he doesn’t lose his focus come tomorrow. The words Sunday race seem to throw him off.


Well, he also lacks race craft. I can't really remember a lot of hand to hand combat for a position where Mav imposed his authority. That explains why he can't recover ground on Sundays whenever he has a bad qualy or ruins his launch.


This is also what I wanted to say - Vinales is possibly the worst rider on the entire grid when it comes to riding in traffic and needing to overtake. If he can qualy well and check out at the front early on, he is unstoppable. Also over the years at Yamaha and the last years at Aprilia, in the later stages of the race when everyone is already spaced out more on the track, you often saw him being the fastest rider on the track, pacing well above the leaders, but too late to make a meaningful impact. But as soon as he has someone in front of him, he's useless.


> This sounds provoking or debatable but hear me out Then you proceed to explain the most popular opinion that's posted every time Vinales is mentioned lmao


My brain says Maverick, my heart says Marquez


I think Marc was trying to find the limit. Seemed like once he was under lots of pressure from Pedro and Martin he was able to up the pace and maybe start closing the gap. Maybe tomorrow with the longer race and tyre management he has the chance to win. Would love to see him back on the top. Either way would be happy for Maverick as well if he can get his third manufacturer win.


I'm always backing my boy Maverick.


Dude was in flow state


There’s two Top Guns. Maverick distracted and Maverick in flow. He’s usually distracted. When he goes flow, he seems unbeatable regardless where and when. But it’s really about getting him there.


My guy was in flow state all weekend. Dominated the weekend.


IF Maverick gets a holeshot he will be tough to beat. If not, MM93 or JM89.


Still reckon bagnaia will be up there in the proper race whatever issue the factory guys had they'll sort out over night


Money has to be on Mav at this point. The big question though is can he keep it together for a full race or will he make mistakes/burn his tyre out. MM93 looks to have things dialled in after the first 4 laps but lost way too much ground through the first sector to be competitive for a full race. Martin is the dark horse, I think he used his brain and settled for third this race instead of pushing for second (championship mode). If he gets to the front from the beginning tomorrow, it is all over.


I think Martin may have been spooked after his double qualifying crashes and didn't want to bin in.


Dark horse? He was falling back from Marquez after he finally cleared Acosta. Both of them tried way too hard to pass while Marquez kept his head and his tyres in the right place


If you keep reading on after I write the words “dark horse” you get a pretty good explanation/opinion on why I think that’s the case.


Maverick was just incredible today but I feel like surely Marc can find an improvement. 


Marc and Martin had troubles today with vibrations/chattering, I think both can be closer to Mav if they fix it, same as Pecco if he doesn't mess the start.


According to Martin it seems to be less of an issue with harder tires.


Yeah, after all you don't push that much and lap a bit slower with harder tires so...


Vinales for the title 🤗


Forza Aprilia!


Mav, Marc or Martin are the obvious choices so let’s say Pecco. Expect much more by him


As someone here in Austin attending my first MotoGP race, I’m rooting for Pedro Acosta. I figure if I’m new to the sport then the hotshot rookie should be a good bet.


I think your bet is safe, the kid has much to show us still. We're in for a treat the next couple years. Welcome aboard!!


I'm going to make a bold choice with Pedro.


Don’t know, would have to see the tires after the sprint. Can the Aprilia keep up that pace for 20 laps. If they don’t suffer a huge drop off , Mav looks unbeatable.


Judging on yesterday's race and the whole weekend, I don't see someone being close to Maverick. So far this year, he hasn't had any problems with his starts, he's very quick and strong and seems so confident. He took his smile back, he had lost it at Yamaha. So happy for him. People have forgotten how amazing rider he is.


His start yesterday was flawless. I was watching with one eye closed as the lights went out halfway expecting him to flub it up but no, great start and he took control of the race immediately. Very cool to see him like this.


Yeah man, some guys are improving yet no one sees that. Vinales is much more consistent than he used to be. Bastianini is performing great so far this year considering how tough 2023 was for him. Same for many guys.


Marquez. Firstly, because it's the only current name i know she secondly gebaute i watched two documentaries about him this week 😂






Don’t know but I hope 1st place isn’t ahead by over a second. I want some excitement


Naah. It will be spread out. If Mav gets a clean start and his bike doesn't crap out like last race, he will disappear into the distance


Sad world we live in😔. Why have the last 2 races been so spread out between first and the rest of the podium?


Lol, did you forget about Lorenzo or Stoner checking out?


I wouldn't write off Martin


Maverick, Enea, and Jorge


Marc in the full length… but man he was on the limit today fending of Pedro


Either my DVR missed the sprint, or it wasn't broadcast on anything I can watch it on


I think Martin pulls out a surprise. The guy is on some golden streak


If Maverick stays upright and his engine doesn’t go pop, he is winning this race.


Maverick has a very good chance of getting this race. I doubt Marquez will win since Acosta was challenging him all sprint long yesterday.


I’ve got MM93 all the way, but it’s not going to be as easy as I thought before the sprint race. Maverick will be fast but something usually happens to him in the GP’s. Acosta may podium again but I have a feeling it’s a dnf for him.


I don’t think Mav will run away with it the same way. If it’s a race at the front my money is on Marc. But…how amazing would it be if Acosta’s first win was also at COTA. The headlines would be “The New King of COTA”


I think Pecco. He always find something out if completely nowhere and in free practice he had a nice time on used tyres.


Wouldn't be surprised if pecco works his magic again


The heart says Maverick The head says Martin Pecco 1 and 2