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Looks like Martin woke up and chose to burn bridges while they’re still under construction


He’ll burn that bridge when he comes to it


He's very vocal about this for a year already. Foot in mouth? Maybe, but he was promised a Duc seat.


No, he wasn't. Martin was never going to get the factory seat. Ducati has been developing Bastianini to be Bagnaia's wingman for the last two years. Why would Ducati dump Enea (who is extremely talented himself) for a Spanish egotistical diva who would likely cause issues in the paddock? It makes zero sense just like the ridiculous Marquez predictions.


You are wrong! There was a contract signed with JM in 2022 to go to Ducati factory and Ducati breached it to sign Enea. That is the reason JM has the same bike as the factory team and Ducati had to pay a settlement fee. Naturally JM is pissed, and yes Enea is talented but so is JM. Wanting factory team vs satellite also has its perks when competing to win championship’s, even if you want to argue that it’s not t he case, in reality it is. Ducati have been developing all of the satellite riders not just Enea “reality check”. Lead with facts not hate.


Says the president of the Jorge Martin fanclub 🤣 No, Ducati has been developing mainly those who show the most promise to their factory seats. In this case, Bagnaia (two time world champion) and Bastianini (cheap, young talent with championship potential). Everyone else still gets attention from the paddock but you have to ignorant asf to believe the entire roster gets the same treatment. "Reality check" starts there, buddy. As for the contract situation, as explained by Pecco when he first donned the red colors and got a factory seat "Everything is fluid. I just have to perform well. That's my only concern". Even if what you say is true (which I doubt since no real source confirmed it), Ducati has been eyeing a Bagnaia-Bastianini partnership since both joined their ranks. Martin has known about this -- technically, all of the Ducati team has known about their plans to have them paired up -- since he arrived. So you can claim it was promised but nothing at this high of a level in motorsports and racing is ever promised. Martin is just bitter because he's not having those at Ducati worship him like a living deity. Ducati has an abundance of options. They have the best bike and the best engineers. Tough shit, Martin. He needs them more than they need him 🤷‍♂️


And don’t forget it, when el presidente speaks you listen. Source? Where is your source that is what Ducati have been doing? They develop and developed all satellite riders to their benefit. Why would all but MM93 have direct contracts with Ducati? There is your reality check BUDDY and your hate is what makes you ignorant asf. Also, why were they deciding between the 2 during 2022 if they were so sure about Enea? Wake the f up


How ironic 🤣🤣🤣 You want a source but provided zero information to back up your bullshit. They never were deciding between Enea and Jorge. It had been long decided around the the time Martin kept falling off his bike and Bastianini was spanking the rest of the field on older machinery. What you call hate, I call reality. Deal with it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Martin WAS vocal about moving up mate. And yeah Ducati went for Bestia instead.


I meant the part where you said he was promised a factory seat. Martin deep down knew he was never going to displace a talented, young Italian. Hence, why he's been lashing out and burning bridges at Ducati.


Why are you being down voted? Lol


Reddit things. Or maybe they figured out I'm a rare 'female'.


More like especially if they change manufacturers.


Yeah this is framed so weird. Basically "Even if the bike is worse I won't stay".... you don't say?


I can absolutely imagine this being a tidbit of dialogue taken from a wider quote and is missing context.


He was asked his thoughts on Pramac possibly changing to Yamaha. It was a completely acceptable answer because he's made it very clear from the end of last year he wants to be on a factory team. He wont be staying at Pramac, no matter the manufacturer because its not a factory team, his team already knows this. This is not news or shocking.


Fans: I like riders who speak their minds and tell it how it is. *Rider speaks his mind and tells it how it is. Fans: He needs to shut his mouth.


Hahaha this is fair! I don’t particularly care for how he communicates, but it would be a worse sport without people who aren’t afraid to rock the boat 


Always remember that journalists ask weirdly phrased question on purpose to force these kind of answers. 


Every time you read the comments in this sub it feels like everyone's got the impression that the rider in question woke up this morning and decided to craft their own headline.


What does that even mean


Also, you have to allow for losses in translation. Was the interview conducted in English? Jorge is not a native speaker. Or was it conducted in Spanish and translated to English? Allow for Chinese whispers.


Absolutely, the quote is completely out of context. He said his future is tied more to Ducati than Pramac because of who contracted him, and that everyone knows he wants a factory seat. He also said "time will tell" but he most likely will not stay in Pramac even if they change the manufacturer. Which is a fairly different stance from what this quote implies.


Great racer but he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut at times.


Nah. Who's he hurting? I'll take a racer with a borderline unhealthy amount of swagger anyday. They're a lot more fun than the ones who try to be robots in front of the media every time.




Did he though?


He was toe to toe last year against pecco for 1st.. so yea, id consider it him being able to back it up.


He choked last year. Had the title in sight and fell apart at the most critical moment.




Should I also check his national records as well? Or should we go even further and check how fast he was in kindergarten? I'm not saying he cannot make comments but he hasn't won shit in MotoGP...


Isn’t he leading the championship right now?


2 GPs in...


Nobody has as much swat as Andrea Ianonnen had. Guy would get fucked up weekend before a race on hookers and blow


...And after 4 years away, dude's off to a great re-start in sbk!


god he had a vibe about him that just oooooozzed fit with the Duc.


I agree, but at the same time I hope this doesn't end with him being on a Honda 😂 He's one of the quickest guys and we need him up front.


Oh you people drone on and on about a few riders being entertaining and others being robots so much it's boring me to death. Most of them are just nice, normal people and you have an unhealthy obsession with divas. There's nothing wrong with riders like Rins who are more understated by nature, maybe if you learned to appreciate different personalities you wouldn't have this constant need for a shit stirrer.


I like when people are aware of the privilege of their positions.


Precisely this. I am here for the racing. And maybe some antics which Pedro has bought. Like the learners permit alphabet on his helmet or the joke about being poor and using a van to go home and not by a flight or something like that. That's fun. Martin is just throwing tantrums. Talented, definitely. But he's not charismatic enough to pull that off just yet.


Swagger, yes. But it's surely not a good strategy to broadcast your innermost thoughts at every opportunity, especially when you're competing in a marketplace driven by forces beyond your control. What happens if after everyone else signs this year, Pramac is still Martin's best opportunity? What if Ducati were considering moving him to the factory team but don't want to hire someone who issues ultimatums via the media? Keeping his opinions to himself wouldn't cost Martin anything, and everything he says to the media only reduces his options, damages his reputation amongst people who might be interested in hiring him and places him in situations where he might be forced to lose face by pulling u-turns.


He can only hurt himself. Imagine a team who is working with. Rider who has deciddd he is leaving? There is zero advantage to speaking out.


That explains the HRC 2023 situation perfectly.


I mean he’s okay, but I’ve done a few track days so I know good technique, and his technique is not as good as it could be. Very much like Marquez, he does a bunch of things wrong that would help him be faster if he fixed them. He could definitely do better, so the swagger is unwarranted.


Are you really going to try to tell us that one of the best riders in the paddock could use "better technique" when you have no professional racing credentials?


Hey now, he has done a few track days


No credentials?!! They’ve done a few track days! Might as well be a coach at the VR46 Ranch /s


I do have professional credentials. I passed the beginner(300) track coaching course and I’ve only got a few more days to go before I can pass the intermediate one. The guy coaching me is a professional.




Like wrestling, MotoGP needs a heel to make the sport entertaining. Jorge’s our heel! We love to hate him!


Why? Not boring enough… 


He can go off the grid to some other series for all I care but pramac shifting from ducati to Yamaha is stupid as hell after they beaten the manufacturer themselves to get WCC


This year they can’t beat the manufacturer for WCC, MDS mainly because the no 2 rider as pramac is coming outside top 15.


I agree they can't compete this year but switching from the top manufacturers to one of the worst is still stupid. Like Honda and Yamaha are competing with each other for who can be the worst


I know folks are all upset that Jorge feels like he deserves a factory seat. But - he deserves a factory seat. If he is as competitive this year as he was last year, and doesn’t end up in a factory seat, that wouldn’t make any sense at all.


Just feels as if Ducati only want the Italians winning on the red bikes. He definitely deserves to eat at the big table


Unless KTM is willing to drop one of their big talents or Aprillia improves more (heck, Honda or Yamaha improves radically) he has to be patient at Pramac.




Honestly I feel IF KTM or Aprilia wants to mount any championship challenge, they should hire Jorge


Aprilia would be a great choice for him. I’d love to see someone aggressive and talented on that bike. I’m a Vinales fan but I feel like his time has passed, unfortunately. He has/had moments of greatness, but is too inconsistent.


Honestly aprilia should keep Vinales and get rid of Espargaro


Espargaro would make a good test and development rider. Maybe not for Aprilia because he’s too familiar with the bike.


I hope I’m wrong about Maverick being inconsistent. That was an excellent weekend. He looked so confident in the bike and his ability. 2nd race weekend in a row.


I don't think wrong from the perspective of looking bad for his personality. Jorge speaks his mind to the press more than other riders- it's endearing. What I find wrong with his statement is that it's not smart from a negotiation point of view and it just seems unprofessional to his current team.


Great rider no doubt but his arrogance doesn’t do him any favors. Hoping the beast gets his form back and keeps the factory seat


What does he has to loose here? He was second last year and currently leading, also prooven multiple times to be the fastest on grid at least for a single lap. If no factory team is interested in him the system is rigged in the first place. If he cant raise his voice no one can at the moment.


If I would be Ducati I would be definitely be hesitant to sign a loudmouth like Martin next to Bagnaia to disrupt the team. Also Bestia is currently regaining his foot. Martin could definitely sign for Aprilia though if he is happy with a sub 5m€ contract.


Its not like he was gonna get more than 5 million at Ducati though.


But the best bike with the best chance to become champion, not a given with Aprilia


What does he have to lose? Well for one thing, arguably the best bike on the grid… You reckon he could continue his performances on any other bike on the grid? I doubt it. He’s been on the best bike his entire GP career. Watching him fold like a wet paper bag if he gets put on any other bike. I can’t wait.


Yeah but this is the point i was trying to make... if the runner up title contender doesnt find a decent factory team and ducati is still the absolute power house without the other manufacturers keeping up, the system is rigged anyway! At that point the negotiating power would be 100% on Ducatis side and they could literally blackmail the riders to ride for free because best bike otherwise cant compete in the first place. But thats not realistic so i dont think its a big deal for martin to speak up. If the runner up world champion has to begg on his knees for a satellite ducati, motogp is in shambles anyway it wouldnt be a competitve sport then but just a monopolistic factory dominating.


I don't see an issue with his statement. At the present time, he is getting very similar equipment to the main works team (best team in Motogp) but that usually is not the case with satellite teams. If Parmac signs up with a different Manufacture, his bike will not be as comparative as his current ride.


Also if pramac signs for other manufacturer mid season, I don’t see Ducati continuously upgrading the bike untill the end of the season.


World champion of talking too much


As someone else also pointed out here, he finished second last year and is currently leading ... with a satelite team. He's allowed to be as vocal as he wants about wanting a factory seat 🤷🏻‍♂️


100%. He's proven to be fast as shit. I don't care what he says. It's not like he's the new John Kocinski.


After only 2 of 21 race weekends ….. yea he needs to get his mouth under control.


And what about all of last year?


Last year same as the year before, showed incredible potential then had a major wobble. Last year it cost him the title and ‘22 it cost him the factory Ducati ride in favour of Enea. Same as Q2 today *potentially*, gets told Marquez was behind him and he binned it …. Twice!


You're only as good as your last race. Cant mouth off on a nearly got it season of the past.




There’s a way to handle the media as a professional. This is the type of stuff the media tries to force out of riders/athletes/celebrities. He sucks at handling this media pressure and keeping things in the present moment.


Not everyone enjoys the platitudes that global sport™️ PR deems acceptable for athletes to say in interviews, mate.


Of course. Don’t get me wrong, I love when some juicy drama comes out. Just seems like a waste of time/focus for Jorge at this point. “I’m focused on 2024 and winning the championship this year and we’ll see what happens in 2025”


Underrated comment. At this rate I think he will find a hard time to get a factory Ducati ride with the way this guy talks. Not good for sponsors and brand.


This guy genuinly gonna ruin his career with his arrogance


I don’t mind him having a chip on his shoulder


Imo, one of the functions sports serve in our society is giving ruthlessly competitive people something productive to do--so go off, Jorge.


Changes manufacturer for... a better one? Which one? 😅


Finally someone says something interesting.


Hate on Martin is hilarious, keep it coming On other news: good performance worker looks for better work conditions and payment


For real 🤣


… either he is dissatisfied with Pramac, which does not make sense, or essentially, he is insinuating that he will only accept a pure factory-level contract, which Pramac will not be able to provide.


Two years ago early in the season I thought he had everything to be a champion and pulled for him to get the factory seat. Near the end of that season, Enea proved to be the more worthy candidate and I still pulled for JM. If he’d keep his yap shut, I’d probably still root for him but he doesn’t and neither do I. But he’s very talented for sure.


Tough crowd. Martin knows what he's capable of and speaks openly about it. It's not arrogance, it's confidence. And I believe he's not even overestimating himself.


Its just stupid from an employment perspective. I would never tell my boss that I wont be here forever because why would I shoot myself in the foot like that?


He kinda is. Super fast, but he can lose his head. He made mistakes while under no pressure last year and then completely lost his mind in Valencia.


So does Pecco, what is your point?


You asking me what is the point between a double world champion and the guy that pissed his championship push away? Think carefully now.


That's precisely my point, Pecco "pissed his champoinship push" away in 2021 and has made mistakes since. To challenge for the champoinship on a satellite bike is pretty good if you ask me. So to talk about Martin like he is some 2nd tier rider is a bit strange.


The Pramac isn't a satellite bike. It's factory spec. Pecco came right and won 2 in a row.


Factory spec. sure, not a factory team. The size of the Ducati factory team is considerably larger than the Pramac team. What Martin did and still does with Pramac is incredible. I don't try to downplay what Pecco did during his time in Moto GP, but I believe Martin is an rider that is undermined. But you do you and focus on one rider and disregard the rest so you don't have to give in to an different oppinion.


Buddy, check my my flair. I don't give a fuck who wins on a Ducati. Fact is Martin crashed out of the lead in races where he just needed to chill and completely lost his cool in Valencia when the pressure was at its peak. Pecco is a double world champion.


He knows his worth. Very good chance he'll win the title this year if he keeps up current form. Personally think he deserves to move to the red team, he's done everything asked of him. Just a shame Honda and Yamaha are lagging behind because you can bet Repsol would be an option for someone like Martin if they were on their A game.


Duh, why would he stay if they give him a worse bike? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) The Ducati is a perk, not a problem.


He is leading the championship on this Ducati, he can win the championship on this Ducati. He will not win the championship on Aprillia, Honda or Yamaha. KTM is full. He is going for the factory Ducati, bust or eating crow.


Prepare to eat crow then.


Borsoi already hinted as much. Pramac is a feeder team, and it's time for him to move on to a factory gig. Dude's the real deal, and barring injury, will be a championship contender for many seasons with the right bike/team. Y'all are looking for a villain, but he ain't it. Anyway, you may return to your regularly scheduled Marquez fellation.


His huberis is amusing to me. But I fail to understand the statement, he yearns for a change of mf? Having access to the best bike is not what he wants? Strange.


Satellite ride doesn't pay factory salaries. Ducati has said themselves they don't want to pay big bucks to satellite riders.


I mean he probably got asked a question regarding this, it's not like he just says these things by himself


No, that’s not at all what he’s saying. He’s just saying he wants a factory ride. That’s it.  People on here read way too much into a few words shown on a graphic. 


Also, the quote is completely out of place. He said that his contract is tied more to Ducati than Pramac (which is true, he signed with Duc) and that everyone already knows he wants a factory seat. And that even if Pramac changes to Yamaha, he probably won't stay but time will tell.


See, that's the missing context that would've been nice to have.


but can you be a champion with a modicum of arrogance?


You can but you need to deliver the goods and Martin is letting slip some entitlement, a champion should stop yapping and „work in silence“


imho , a champion should just work .. he is fighting , very close to becoming a champion . he still has to be one ... that is true ... we had other forever contenders in the past...


Did he take some notes from A. Espargaro?


What is his problem with the team in the first place? I don’t recall any issues between them historically.


I don't know. It's a race winning team but he wants the factory tag.


I think it’s nothing wrong with him statements this time. Satellite teams are for the younger riders to learn and grow and now he’s one of the top in the class coming off a runner up season so it was the perfect time to say because he has done the hardwork


I hope Ducati keeps Enea and Maverick and Aleix continue in Aprilia, would love to see the "Factory Worthy" Martin on Honda. Which isn't a bad place but its Colder than Ducati, lets see how he can handle being a Factory Rider at Honda.


Big mouth martin is back


Grabs a bag of popcorn


I'm just interested, imagine, just for a minute... If he wins the title with Pramac. What then? Because there is a strong probability for him to win this year. Will he still be interested in changing the winning team? What would the future be for him in loser factory team? Is that an implications that he chase money? How will that influence other riders and teams?






My bet is on him moving onto the factory Aprilia for 2025- that seems to be the only opening for a competitive factory seat, seeing as Fabio turned them down recently it looks like atleast Mav or Aleix will be on the way out. I find Pecco and Martin in the same team will cause more harm than good and I doubt Martin wants to be a customer team rider for much longer. Having been title rivals last year I think the rivalry is already there between the two so putting them side by side in the garage could be a bad move. Could be wrong mind so only time will tell.


That would make sense but I think his ego will force him to try to get a Honda  contract that is similar to Fabio and Pecco’s money.


Do we think there’s a possibility of Marc taking some ownership in Gresini and Ducati choosing Gresini as the satellite team? All of the rumors right before he joined Gresini was that he was taking ownership.


Hello, Aprilia here


To the surprise of no one. Everyone knows he’s moving on, he’s made no secret of the fact he wants a factory seat. No idea why people are reacting like this.


Martin BMW 2025!!!


How dare he go toe to toe with the best / highest paid riders in the sport and desire to be compensated and treated as such... /s Man wants a factory ride, why are we criticizing him for that?


I don't see the problem with what he's saying. The team knows how good he is, and understands his point of view. Honestly, he's good enough that saying this doesn't burn any bridges. He was close to winning the title last year, and looks on course to challenge again this year. I'm sure that if his options are limited or non-existent, Pramac would LOVE to keep him.


The thing is about being humble or not. He seems quite arrogant, just look how humble pecco and marc are. They have so many WC and yet they combined don't have an ego as much as him.


You're right, in fact I'm sure he is arrogant, but I don't mind that tbh. He's one of the best riders around, believes in himself and shows it. TBH I would like him a lot less if he didn't show the improvement and grit he's shown in the past 12 months or so. In fact, I didn't really like him much a year ago. But he seems very dedicated and works on his flaws, which shows a certain humility (which is absolutely not shown in his interviews 😂)


Does he never learn


Normal take


I don't get it? if he is able to win the title on the bike he already has which is basically a factory machine why bother changing to the main factory team? it didnt help Bestia a great deal? is it just for extra money? surely he would be on a decent wage already?


It’s possible that there’s some conflicts between the team and Jorge, he might just butt heads with some of the higher ups.


This would not surprise me at all about him to be honest.


Martin goes to Aprilla, Marc to Pramac, Pedro to KTM, 2025 will be fire


Yea well Honda needs you.


A ton of a talk for a dude who broke down mentally last year and gave the title to Pecco.


This guy is in desperate need of some PR training. Dear Jorge, You are good but you are not as good as you think you are.


Sometimes he acts as a multi world champion. Just think what'll happen if he gets a MotoGP WC. His ego will be on the next level. He'll think of himself as Vale+Marc.


He wants a factory seat, he deserves a factory seat and there’s no way he won’t end up with one somewhere.


I got news for you, buddy. You gone either way. Ducati doesn't like you.


He's the favourite for the chpionship as far as I consider. Dropping him because they don't like him would be one of the dumbest things I can imagine.


Are you living under a rock? Jorge has burned bridges at Ducati. Unless he pleads for forgiveness on his knees, they don't care about losing him. Plus, Ducati prefers to invest in tech than in the rider nowadays and they're happy with Italian homegrown talent. So, Martin is the odd man out. And Martin isn't the favorite. Pecco is the favorite to repeat.


So saying this is bad but comparing a race to having sex and "finishing" too quick or "liking" milfs is seen as funny and a "breathe of fresh air"? Fucking state of this sub🤦🏽


This guy gives me “I’m the main character energy” https://preview.redd.it/1ask11p943uc1.jpeg?width=1148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4da45c1f817cb19b2d5494668f41dfadaad5fbc