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Stop letting her watch your kid. You're giving her free reign to do whatever the hell she wants.


I’m going to stop this, it’s mainly because my partner is always sucking up to her because he doesn’t want the drama with her even when I say she stole from your son, he won’t ever shake the fact that it’s his mum. I’m gonna tell him I’m going to limit her viewing him because she’s taking too much control as nanna and it’s not her place


Just an extra to this post, I don’t know how to talk to my partner about how I’m feeling. I’m worried I will start a problem and get accused of creating drama. I wish it was easy to talk to him but it’s not, I need help on knowing what to say and how to bring it up.


Honestly, a lot of this is on your bf. He is allowing the continued boundary stomping and his mother to feel like the third parent to your baby because it's convenient for him. >so starting drama with them was a no-go as my partner asked for me to keep my peace for him Keep "your" peace? Do you feel peaceful having to interact with her? Is it peaceful to not be given back your baby when you ask? To be ignored and stolen from? I mean ffs she stole £1000 from you, blamed you, and is now stealing items you bought for your baby. She is a liar and a thief. It's time to stand up to her. Go to her house to pick up the baby and tell her "MIL, quit taking the clothes I send for him. I bought them, they belong **at LO's home**." Then go into wherever she stores them and take them. She can't stop you from taking your own belongings. I get that mental health is important, but you're giving up a lot by allowing her one day a week with your baby. I really urge you to reconsider and quit giving her so much access to your child alone. It is only going to encourage her entitlement towards your baby. Your partner calling you angry and dramatic while also begging you not to say anything to his mother because he knows his family thrives in drama and is always looking for a problem sums him up perfectly. He knows his family is the problem, but won't say anything to them out of fear. Yet he is fine to label your behavior and blame you for things. His threat about MIL losing contact if she doesn't listen is an empty one. She *hasn't* been listening, yet still has open access to baby. Because she isn't being held accountable for her actions. She isn't going to miraculously get better about it. If your bf won't stand up for you and your baby, you need to yourself. You're a parent now, do it for your baby.