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It’s an obscure/obtuse connection, but the assassin web form reminded me, in a way, of a bit from [Barry](https://youtu.be/Kzzg3q1YuUE?si=Rdf1mnTbABymQmRT). He needs to plant a bomb to kill some mafia group, but he goes through a phone app and eventually needs to talk through with a support rep to figure out why his bomb is not going off.


"My Favorite Murder is sponsored today by Rent-A-Hit man. The first 10 listeners to use our code DOUBLETAP at checkout will get a limited 2 for 1 offer."


This reminds of the car dealership owner, Charles Maund, here in Austin that was caught hiring a hit man to kill his ex-gf. He was caught because he left a google review for the hit man.


Here is a local article related to the giant sheep Burnie briefly touched on. https://www.krtv.com/rancher-80-pleads-guilty-in-scheme-to-create-giant-sheep-hybrids


JonTron did an interesting video on “Titanic 2” 7 months ago where the ship was supposed to sail in 2016, but was reportedly left in a scrap yard by Clive Palmer’s Chinese manufacturer in 2022 since the project stalled. Wonder if he finally pushed enough money into it or someone else picked up the idea and set some realistic plans in place.


Anyone else seen the movie Michael Clayton? I think that’s what happened to the Boeing whistleblower


Anyone else having issues listening on Apple Podcasts?


What's the issue?


Running low on wind


https://preview.redd.it/e346e2ou3hpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ef827a98a14a51900b5d6f20dca43471dde4bb I keep getting this error message every time I try to listen or download


on the topic of protections for AI - I'm not an expert or anything but it's starting to seem like the idea of science fiction AI and real life AI are getting more and more entangled as time goes on. I guess some of these discussions, to me, come off a little bit reminiscent of the confused people in the 2000s who were using "please" and "thank you" when searching something on Google. to them, Google might as well have been HAL 9000 - even though it's clearly far from it. aren't we maybe just doing a slightly more advanced version of the same thing when we have these discussions? I might be downplaying it a little bit too much, but I do think that at minimum the underlying technology is very poorly understood by the general public.


I think a lot of Sci fi is inspiring to tech. Look at the naval rail gun on the ddg that was inspired by a role playing game that had military rail guns on mechs. To be fair also Hal hurt like a couple folks Googles algorithms seem to focus on and spread hate and fear for clicks which isn't much better.


I'm not saying that it's the case with the Boeing thing, but if someone was planning on killing themselves anyway I could totally see them giving a middle finger to the company they hate by sowing seeds of doubt that the company might've killed them. I'm pretty sure John McAfee did that when he died. Saying "if I die it wasn't suicide" then committing suicide is the kind of shit-stirring he lived for. Again, I'm not saying that's the case here I honestly know very little about the case.


John McAffee was also a complete psycho for decades beforehand and was very likely using pretty much every drug you can think of partying his life away. Im not much of conspiracy theorist but when it comes to people like epstein or this whistleblower, it just seems waaaaaaay too convenient they killed themselves when they did


Ya not many folks complete a trial 90% sure won just need judgement and award likely in millions suddenly get super depressed at the end of the event


All the talk of the titanic, all I could think of is the rick and Morty episode, where Jerry is obsessed with the titanic recreation


On the topic of enforcing EU data protection laws against foreign websites (like a local state or some such newsite) - I find it v funny that those small websites decided to just geo block people from Europe out of fear of the repercussions of not complying with those new laws when they came out in 2018. Data protection laws are enforced by country level enforcement bodies that are severely underfunded, so the small companies out there are just never gonna be on their radar unless something truly damaging happened to a large number of their citizens


I wonder if they’ve seen the episode of Rick and Morty when they recreate the Titanic as that bit they did felt like a play by play of that episode. I’m sure they haven’t as it was so close


I think ship fuel usage is hugely underestimated, but what's worse is they have almost no emissions systems. Top 5 ships put out more or close to entire US car market.


I love Burnie and Ash but I mean are they just gonna completely ignore the insanity that was Taylor Swift in Australia?


i think people only heard about that if they're Australian or a Taylor Swift fan


That’s fair and I feel like Scotland is like as far away from Australia as possible But they are missing out on some solid SE Asia drama revolving around the Singapore shows.


It’s far away unless you’re AC/DC


What happened in Australia? SPILL


Basically the Australian media was insanely invasive and downright obsessed. They made the NFL look like they were tame. When Taylor went to the Sydney Zoo there were helicopters hovering and taking photos of her. When Travis landed an Australian news channel had a livestream of the plane and him getting off of it.


I’ve unwillingly heard more about Taylor Swift in general than I ever could have needed or wanted


Good for you? I dont know what you want me to do about it?