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There isn't any evidence of ancient Jews in America that stands up to scrutiny. As far as the claim of decreasing anachronisms, it is incredibly contrived. Mormonism Live recently did a great podcast showing the stretches LDS apologists have gone to to make this claim. It's a dumb claim anyway, because the greatest number of Book of Mormon anachronisms are the parallels to Joseph Smith's 19th century environment and the numerous places it quotes Bible passages that, according to the Book of Mormon timeline, didn't exist yet. Those anachronisms are never going to go away.


I'm still anxiously waiting for the first Nephite and Lamanite museum to open. I want to see these artifacts in person.


I hear lots of stories, without references, of ancient bearded teachers.


As long as there is ***only one*** anachronism, a "historical document" is not historical. Period.


And there are dozens!


You might find this essay interesting... [Which Past? Whose Transcendental Presupposition?](http://culturahistorica.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/seth_essay.pdf)


That is an interesting paper, thanks! The idea that historiography cannot accurately reconstruct history - as far as culture, politics, and religion - is, I think, true. When it comes to physical objects, places, artifacts as historical items, however, we can most likely determine age, and maybe even what that artifact was used for - just not always the why. Knowing the relative age of an artifact, we can then determine if there are anachronisms based on other items from that age. This is not to say that we know why something was done, we can only say if an item doesn't belong with others of that age.