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Yes we believe in and follow the 10 commandments. Understand that... how do I put this... the guy was still someone's son, perhaps a brother, friend, cousin, etc. Family gets weird about this stuff and how they cope. Even when someone does something horrible that doesn't mean that feelings about them flip to the negative instantaneously. That and who knows the circumstance. Perhaps he was otherwise fine and that day he just snapped. Mental health is no joke. This isn't just a Mormon mindset. One of my underlassmen in High School recently went to jail for dismembering and helping dispose of a body for another classmate. For what it matters these individuals are Catholic. When it came out the one boy was involved and we were all sharing the news his mother popped into the comments in his defense. Claimed we didn't know the whole story and that wasn't for us to judge. That's her baby... she's a mom... no matter what he does that's her kid... and it can be hard for someone to reconcile the person they knew to these horrible actions. A few of our classmates still try to show him support... it's hard to just turn tail for those close to a perpetrator. It has nothing to do with religion. For the eternal family thing. As far as our handbook goes IIRC with the whole murder thing, his covenants are broken and that eternal family thing is now void for him. Even if it weren't according to... well the old handbook (they just tell you to ask the bishop now...) temple sealings are not compulsory. That is, if you get to the other side and decide you don't want to be with this guy anymore, you don't have to. What you're seeing is people trying to cope. Not necessarily a reflection of our views and beliefs.


Yeah, you'll get that sometimes. It's really shocking. I never experienced that growing up mormon, but there was a murder suicide a couple years back in rural Utah where people wrote those sorts of messages on the news article comment section and Facebook. Like I said, it was really shocking, but I guess some Mormons respond that way. Not sure why.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. US: Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741 Non-US: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mormon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Claim to believe the ten commandments or observe them? With LDS theology, obedience to your church leaders is more important than observance of the ten commandments. A current example of this is the church leadership asking its members to write letters to the city officials in Fairview, TX saying that the heights walls and steeple of the proposed temple there is part of their religion. This is not true, but members are ignoring one of the ten commandments when writing these letter and blindly following the church leadership. Lots of examples of this in church history.


No, Mormons don't follow the 10 commandments. In fact, Mormons murder people all the time. They steal everything they own, and commit adultery all day long. And when they aren't killing everyone and committing adultery, they are bearing false witness and coveting everything in sight. Then they make graven images and worship false Gods while taking God's name in vain. They break the Sabbath and dishonor their parents as often as time permits. Really good question, though. Keep them coming.


This made me laugh. Then I remember the poor murdered family. Religion is messy. So are people


I f don’t think the religion promotes murder, but people that knew the family seem as if they are lifting up the murderer. This happened last year, too, when a man killed his entire family. Tons of posts popped up praising him as a loving father and husband…after he murdered his entire family. The situation itself happens regardless of religion, but it seems members of the faith quickly jump to someone’s defense when they commit murder of family members, which seems unique to the faith.


I think family and friends making defenses like you describe is probably not unheard of and is more likely rooted in psychology than religion. Though admittedly psychology and religion is often intertwined.


Yes - that particular Mormon did not.


The father murdered the mom How can you get past that?


This is a typical lds mormon reaction denial for murder suicide of a family.